How I afforded A $5,000 Setup at 14 Years Old

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welcome back everyone and in this video I'm going to be showing y'all how I afforded my whole setup by myself at 14 years old hopefully I'll find some stuff I say in this video useful and maybe it will help you in your setup Journey or even just saving up for anything you are interested in now first off I want to clarify this my parents are not the type of parents that just go out and buy me free things I mean yes obviously they give me food to eat clothes everything like that but if I want something I really have to earn it and find ways to get my own money to pay for whatever it is I want to earn so I'm always having to find ways to get money on my own now hopefully this video clears up some of your assumptions but anyways this process of saving up has taken about 3 years now and to start we're going have to take it all the way back until when I was in fifth grade now back then I was really into trampolines and flipping and I think this was a time when Co was uh a big thing in the US so yeah I was always outside and saw these videos of trampolines and me and my friends were always trying to do new flips and everything like that so I really wanted this nice trampoline and uh I eventually just started to save up for it but this wasn't just any trampoline it was an acon now most of you probably aren't into trampolines and all that but if you are y'all probably know that acons are pretty nice trampolines and the Springs are like this long so yeah it's pretty crazy so I saved up for about half a year just from birthdays Christmases stuff like that that you usually get money from now after I finally had enough money I was searching forever trying to find this trampoline and this trampoline was selling for like $1,000 so I knew I wasn't really going to find good deals in like Facebook and all that and one day I just logged on to Craigslist to see if there was any deal deals and there wasn't any trampoline deals that I knew of at that time and I was searching for a while but then luckily I was like with my family and I searched up a trampol acon trampoline on Craigslist and to my surprise and luckiness there was one for sale by where I live for $800 now right when I saw that you know I like immediately had to tell the person that was selling it that I wanted to get that trampoline so yes I did get the trampoline and I got it all set up I had so much fun with that thing and used it for so long I think had had a year straight that I just was on that trampoline every day now fast forward after I was using the trampoline for about a year now it still wasn't that long since I actually bought it but I think it was a year but after that year I had uh heard the news I had to move houses and at that time I was watching Tech Source so much and just Tech Source really and I really wanted to build a PC so bad I didn't even know what I was going to use it for just like games I didn't even I just knew I wanted to build one but keep in mind I was only like 11 at that point and in fifth grade so backtrack like I said we were moving and my dad convinced me to sell that trampoline now he wanted me to sell it because uh we were when in the moving process we would have had to take it all down and then found a way to transport it rebuilding it and so it would have just been a hassle so I hopped on this idea and I sold the trampoline for about $750 right before we moved now I was 11 so that was a lot of money I just had hanging around in my pocket and so immediately after I sold it and had that much money I was looking for PC parts and I was living with my Grandma at that time while we were in the process of moving and I found all the parts I wanted to build a PC it came came out to be like $830 I believe and I did build the PC but I was still my grandparents and didn't have anywhere to hook it up to so it was kind of just sitting there for the next month until I did eventually move but when I did finally move into my new house I had like $200 saved up from when I uh was at my grandparents and it was almost Christmas at that point and so I wanted to go all out with my gaming setup and so I had the PC I said and I bought a desk and I think a mouse pad and then after Christmas time uh I got a monitor from my aunt I believe a monitor from my aunt it was that actually that uh vertical one right there I got that monitor and that was my first ever real monitor PC that I just had built it did not work and I was so angry cuz like I built I had been trying to get that PC forever and I sold my trampoline for it and I was like I regretted this decision but then again fast forward another year my like the beginning of my seventh grade year of school I finally got that PC to work after just sitting under my desk and at that point I just used my Xbox but I finally got it to work problem was that my HDMI cable was of course plugged into my motherboard and not into my GPU so that was a very beginner mistake but yeah so I did get the PC up and running and decided to go all in for my setup cuz I was so excited that I had that PC going but yeah it was a beginning of 7eventh grade year so like the end of summer and I had uh I'll try to find a picture and put it up right here on the screen but I had this wooden desk my PC and a monitor for that Christmas I was saving up money plus asking my parents for for things for the setup and I asked them for an Ikea desk and then like two little shelves but yeah that Christmas came along and I woke up and I got that desk and I was so excited cuz it it was obviously like a Ikea desk and so I thought I was the man with that desk so immediately I started to build the setup with my new desk and that's when Tik Tok started to come around so I recorded myself on my phone just like putting together that setup and eventually I just kept putting it together and it came out to look really good and it wasn't even expensive you would have think by the pictures I'll show right here that it was expensive but it I mean I had it on a budget but it was still looking very nice but yeah I started to make the videos and I started to blow up I had a video get like 5 million views and this was crazy and I had like 100k followers on Tik Tok at that point and I started to get so many sponsors and that's what eventually got me to where I am today those sponsors would sit in products and so I was so excited and I would use most of the products I got I actually used and put back into my setup now after a little while maybe like a couple months they were actually starting to pay me a little bit of money probably like $50 per video and then it went up to 200 so yeah after all the sponsors been uh started to come in I was getting like a lot of money and I knew I wanted to invest it back into the setup but yeah I saved up money and then I bought those IKEA Lack shelves now for that Christmas the the only other thing I can think of that uh was gifted to me was my wall panels my aunt gave me those for uh Christmas so thank you my other aunt and yeah so at that point I have another picture up here this was kind of another stopping point and the setup was looking really good and most of it was for me besides like I said the wall panels so yeah that kind of wraps up that stage of my setup and that's how I gained all the money and stuff I could to build that one at this point now let's talk about how uh we got to the stage where I'm at currently right now and how it's looking So eventually I got more spawn on and they were starting to save me more money upwards of over $200 per video so yeah I was saving up this money and then I got this new pc built I was very lucky to have uh some great sponsors send me out PC parts so about half of my PC was actually sponsored I had the aiio the GPU the ram all sponsored to me so then I had to spend about like $700 more dollars for the rest of the PC think about it that would only take 200 300 like four videos to get to $800 so yeah I got to that point and I spent the rest of that money on that uh PC right there so the full total uh I think it came out to $2,200 is now so I went over uh the PC and how I got that the only other thing I can really think of is the two monitors so that one monitor that's at the top currently I traded uh I forgot what I traded for my friend Lucas he actually traded with me and so yeah that was free I probably traded a sponsor thing I don't remember so then I had the triple monitor setup going i s my old first uh original monitor 60 HZ and then I got another sponsor from a monitor brand and they sent out that uh current main monitor I am using it's the pixio 259 uh Prime and so yeah that's how I got all the monitors and then oh yeah and then also the microphone was sponsored the boom arm was sponsored the chair was sponsored that that pixu display you see up there that was also sponsored but taking that all in that kind of just shows you that mostly everything was sponsored and uh speaking of sponsors actually I have this chair that I need to review and so that kind of just puts in perspective on how much stuff I'm getting and that all the stuff you see is sponsored and so that kind of comes to the conclusion of this video how did I for my setup from sponsors and I guess a little bit of YouTube cuz I'm making a little bit of Revenue off of YouTube which is really nice but all of it has came from sponsors now what really started my journey to being able to have all this is buying and reselling now at the beginning you do have to save up even like $100 you can just keep buying reselling stuff anyone can do it you just need to put your mind to it I mean I'm I'm not anybody crazy I just luckily sold my trampoline and then built a PC posted it on Tik Tok and got sponsors so yeah I'm truly blessed if I wouldn't have any of this if it wasn't for you guys I'm not saying that just to try to make y'all feel I mean hopefully y feel good from that but really if y'all didn't watch any of my videos I wouldn't have any of this now I think that's going to be the end of this video I hope this sums up everything for you guys that trampoline is what started it all so comment trampoline in the comments maybe some people be confused but I'll know that y'all see the very end which is a w so thank you for that anyways again thank you thank you thank you for watching uh if you want to subscribe like whatever you want to do it doesn't m i mean it could help me but it doesn't really matter to you here's like another video right here subscribe if you haven't already and I want to thank youall for all the support on my last few videos I two videos actually I posted they've done pretty good in the past couple days so yeah I'm going to try to keep uploading on the same kind of schedule but yeah thank you for watching I will see yall in the next [Music] one
Channel: gtpcs
Views: 170,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4l3MnZkxDqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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