BUILDING GROW EFFECT - Davinci Resolve Fusion Tutorial

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you guys are gonna love this new effect I'm gonna show you how to do so just a few things before we get started that are really important you will need a video that is perfectly still or else you won't be able to properly do the masking and it will get kind of frustrating in my case I live in the mountains so I had to kind of get like a low angle and try to keep the mountains out from where I would want to mask you should pretty much find a building that is kind of stand-alone where there's nothing on the sides because when you do do the masking it will look like a straight edge it won't look so good and it'll kind of take away from the effect of the building growing also make sure to properly expose for the building if you blow out the sky it's okay because we're gonna replace it anyways so without further ado let's open up DaVinci Resolve and get started [Music] here's the clip that we're going to do the effect on so you'll also need a video or a picture of a sky so you can put it in replacement of the sky that we're going to take out and what we're going to want to do is actually put the building clip on top of the sky and make sure that the sky photo or video in my case it's a video I want to make sure they're both the same length we're gonna highlight both those clips we're gonna right-click and create a new fusion clip make sure the playhead is over the clip and then come down and click on fusion if you've seen in previous tutorials you know I like to label my nodes so I'm gonna push F to type sky then for this one building next we're going to come down to the building know to click on that note hold down shift press space bar and type in luma come up to the inspector and click on invert and what we're gonna want to do is bring up the low luminance of this lumic here to the point where the building is not keyed out and then we're going to want to bring down the high to the point where the sky is pretty much out all the way turn up the blur a tiny bit that'll help with our masking process and also we're going to turn up the contract and expand all the way so as you can see the windows are actually being keyed out now when you play this back so in order to only have the luma keyer affect the sky we want to select the luma keyer and click on the polygon tool and we're just going to draw a quick mask like this around the windows that are being affected and then to the mountain and then here you may have a clip where this doesn't happen but for this one specifically this is what I had to do now once you have that selected you're actually going to want to click on the invert button that way now the luma is only happening on the selected part that we want next we want to click on our building node and click on the polygon tool again click on invert over here on the inspector and this is where we're going to do the majority of our masking we're going to take out the biggest chunk we're gonna take out pretty much the entire portion of what we're gonna want to then further rebuild in the next steps so what I like to do is start here and remember how I said in the beginning of the video where it's best to not have trees or anything on the sides of the building well now you know why because if I were to mask straight down it would just be a straight cut off edge and it would give away the fact that there is a building there so what I like to do in this case is just come to this point just go right above the trees and then come straight over and then we're gonna come down here and I'm gonna mask out the whole bottom part of this building I'm gonna come to this point here before the trees come up to this straight edge to that corner and then for this portion above on the top portion where the sky is being replaced here I can just kind of do a quick mask like that now you're probably thinking whoa what is going on so in order to fix that we want to click on our building node I'm going to bring the luma keyer and that polygon down a little bit we're gonna click on that building node we're gonna bring that back on top of our merge node and that will kind of layer itself on top of itself with the luma keyer which is really cool and nice you can see here that the mask it needs to be a little further out here so I'm just going to click here and do that so now we have the main portion of our building selected masked out and the next thing we want to do is now we want to start rebuilding the building back in pieces I'm going to move the median out over here and then I'm going to select the building and copy it by holding down command C and then coming over here to click here where I want the node doing command V I'm on a Mac then what I want to do is bring in a merge node so I'm going to come up here to the merge icon here or you can push shift spacebar type in merge and bring that down to this line here I'm holding down shift that will automatically connect the merge node in between these two nodes next I want to attach the building note to that merge node and I'm going to want to now mask out something new so I want to come back up to the polygon tool and I kind of know what the building looks like here because it's pretty geometrically even I got right in the middle of the shot so I'm gonna start the mask here I'm actually going to go a little bit over the previous mask come up to about here and if you want to see what's underneath you can also come over here and just click on the invert button that way you can see the lines and where you want to mask out specifically and get super detailed if you like so I'm going to select that come back over and click on the invert buttons so now we have a specific piece masked out next we want to click on our building node 1 here and hold down shift press space bar type in transform and what we're gonna want to do is basically you know you can have this pretty much go any direction from the bottom up so the only thing is is now we have this layer but it's in front of the building so what we want to do is actually come down back to this polygon node here we're gonna copy it paste it and we're gonna attach it to the transform node so now when we do our movement it is behind the building but there's a quick little issue here when you move the original piece of the building you can see this outline so in order to fix that you can come down to this specific mask polygon node and just move it a little bit up and out of the way so now when you move that piece there's no edges showing so to get that transform building grow effect what we can do is I'm gonna set this back to its defaults by typing in 0.5 0.5 and we're gonna come to like I don't know a few seconds into the clip and I'm gonna come up here to the inspector and pull down on the y-axis for the center and I'm gonna set a keyframe right here that's a keyframe button and I'm gonna let it play a little bit I'm going to scroll to about right here and then I'm gonna click on the keyframe button again and type this back to 0.5 which is the default and now from the beginning of our keyframe to the final keyframe that we set the building piece is now coming up into itself it's basically kind of growing so the next thing I like to do and you can get creative with the type of transform it's kind of doing you don't have to just go from the bottom you could set you know you can come up here to the keyframes go to the first keyframe by clicking on that arrow you can actually change the x-axis by putting it like over here you can just click and drag on this right here this is the final spot of where it's going to be so you can drag this around to the point where you want it to you know what looks good to you you can go anywhere from you know basically what you've masked previously so if you want to come from the corner and come up put it here and now since you've keyframed it will come from the corner up so there's a few adjustments that we you can do that make this look so much better so make sure you stick to the end because it's very crucial that you do these things I'm going to do one more quick example of another piece I'm not going to do the whole building but I'll show you how to for example do another piece so I'm going to copy the building one note here that we have in this first piece of the building paste it over here I'm also going to copy the merge node and put it here attach it just basically repeat that exact process but this time when I attach the polygon tool I'm going to move on and continue with the middle portion of the building so it's really important to mask over the previous mask because you will maybe get a gap of some sort [Music] okay so that looks good again I'm gonna copy that first polygon mask that we just created paste it I'm gonna click on the building node and hold down shift spacebar type in transform attach that polygon to the transform and now when I transform it it will be behind the building instead of in front of it so I actually used a monopod so I don't think it was perfectly still to be honest with you so I will have to adjust both of these masks so I highly recommend shooting on a tripod when accomplishing this so now for example if I want it to come from a different spot you know I'll bring this up and then when it gets to that point I can maybe have it come from you know different angles so when it gets to the top I'm gonna drag these over here so they don't get confusing so again so I'm going to do the exact same thing I did over here just for a different time in our timeline here this is the timeline here so when he gets to that point keyframe make sure all these are all default before you keyframe if you move it just a little bit it's gonna be off make sure these are all 0.5 I'm gonna keyframe that again or actually maybe I'll go different direction this time I'll go from the left to the right and then make that kind of a quick 10.5 up there so now we have this kind of it comes from the side and then it come in opens it's kind of choppy playback but you're getting the idea so one really cool adjustment that I highly suggest you do is you click on one of the transform nodes and you click on the spline option here and you come down and you want to make sure that you select the transform node of whatever piece of the building you're trying to affect so for example this case it's the transform one you scroll over to the point where it's actually moving and it'll show you on this graph here let me make this bigger and you can zoom in and out with the sliders here if you need to if your mouse doesn't work and what's really neat is you can click on those points of when the keyframes are and when you click on it it creates this shorter line that turns green and you can click on this little white indicator here you can drag it and do like a curve adjustment so if you want it to be really quick at first you could do something like that you can also move the keyframes along the timeline that's really cool to do too so for example if I wanted it to be super quick at first and then have it slowed down towards the end of its travel path you could do something like that you can make a little bit quicker really crank this guy up so that's how you can kind of adjust the movement of each individual piece of the building and I highly suggest you kind of keeping all these curves the same that way the building kind of has like a uniform look to it when it's kind of growing itself the last and final thing which is something you should do last once you've done all of the pieces of the building the one thing you should do last is motion blur you can accomplish motion blur by selecting the merge node that is attached to a piece of the building for example this first piece here will add some motion blur so click on that merge node come up to the third icon here in the inspector and you'll see an option for motion blur which is right here and as you can see it's this part of the clip is moving quite quickly so there's a lot of motion blur there but then once it slows down it kind of doesn't show as much and what's cool is you can come in here and fine-tune the motion blur you can turn the quality up so pretty much creates more layers and then you can also do a sample speed which kind of blends them and that's the cherry on the top to kind of combine everything to make it look like a nice smooth composite building grow effect so I hope you guys like this tutorial and I'll see you in the next one thanks [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Jamie Fenn
Views: 58,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci, resolve, effects, tutorial, davinci resolve building grow effect, benn tk transitions tutorial, benn tk building, benn tk building effect, davinci resolve, davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve tutorial, jamie fenn, jamie fenn tutorial, modern filmmaker davinci resolve, visual effects davinci resolve 16, how to add visual effects in davinci resolve, fusion visual effects with davinci resolve, davinci resolve fusion tutorial, davinci resolve fusion effects, Benn TK
Id: dgWibA61Zp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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