Benn TK Building Grow Effect | DaVinci Resolve 16 Tutorial

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do you like that building grow effect like you've seen in been TK's videos let's do it in resolved [Music] okay so the first thing you need to know for the building object grow effect is you want to make sure that the background in this case the sky is uniform or you know just like a single color single tone and so forth in this case you see there's some blue there's some clouds and there's different levels to that so what I'm gonna do real quickly is show you how to handle that now in most cases you just need to do a sky replacement so ideally you look for a image that has a blown-out sky that way you don't have to deal with that but I will leave a link up above to the tutorial for a sky replacement if you choose to go down that path another option is to just do a quick edit where you can blow out the sky and I'm gonna make some modifications for the purposes of this tutorial just to make it easier to demonstrate the effect all right that looks good and one of the things I did do beforehand is I did come in here and stabilize it it didn't really have much motion to begin with but I went ahead and did a camera lock that way I don't have to get into any tracking again that's a whole other process if you have to track in addition to the tutorial okay so the next thing we want to do is go into color and I've already pre created this blown out sky so I'm just going to enable it real quick here just I'm just going to talk through adverse going through it into demonstration so all I did here was use the freeform mask tool to outline the sky and then I simply cranked up the gain and then I adjusted the gamma just to kind of get this tower back in ideally if I wasn't in a rush I'd go around the tower but for the purpose of this tutorial it's good enough and so that's how you would blow out a sky if you needed to do that okay alright so let's go into the main part of the tutorial so we're going to now come in here and set up a mask around our tower so I'm going to zoom in here and what I want to do is I'm actually going to leave this little base part in the image I think it just has a different look to it now that's just that's just how I'm going to do it here all right so now that we have that we want to add an alpha output so right click there we're going to drag it in okay and so we have just the tower I've shown if I go back to the edit we can see that that's what we have so we're gonna make a copy of this clip and what I want to do is actually go back in the color for this one we're gonna invert the mask go back to we're gonna put that on top I'm gonna actually put it up here at number five only because we're gonna do some others later to enhance it but now what we need to do here is we want to we can either come in here and transform so I'm gonna go i put markers in here for where i wanted to start and in the effects you just right click here and just say add marker and that's all I did so I'm gonna select the bottom clip and I could either come here into the transform and then drag it down but it's much more accurate if I just come in here I'm gonna do a keyframe first and rather than click transform and drag it down I'm just going to adjust the Y position I'm gonna go down about minus five something okay if i zoom out actually if I move this out the way you can kind of see it it's much lower okay alright alright so we have this below the main image and then we have this obviously we've got this this big hole here black hole alright so in order for us to correct for that we're going to want to go into the generator and we're just going to take a solid color I'm just going to drag this down and actually put this at the bottom so there's a reason to my spacing here for the different clips and I'm gonna select the actually I'm gonna move this over here that way I can see it so now let me turn off the transform so now I want to select the color by picking the screen so before I do that I need to highlight this now when I do it color pick screen I can just pick anywhere in here all right that's good all right so now when I put it there it matches the screen for I play through this because it's actually not going to do anything I forgot to complete my keyframe so at this point I did minus 5 5 3 and at this point we basically want to go back to where it was which was 77 okay so now when I played through that we can see the building grow effect now you notice there was some portions here where it was covered and you just need to adjust the the mask tool to correct for that okay no big deal okay so that's the basic effect now what if you want to do the building grow in phases for instance I want to have this first section then another section and in a you know a third section or something so that's why I have these have it spaced here because we're gonna add the other sections in here so that we can break this apart so I'm gonna make a copy right click copy this first clip we're gonna paste it and now what I want to do is actually go back into color and we're gonna adjust the mask so for this one I'm gonna have this portion up to up to this part of the tower so I'm just gonna shrink this just a just a bit just gonna rough it here okay all right so we're gonna leave that like that we're gonna put it right here I'm gonna come back to that later I'm gonna make another copy of the original clip and for this one we're going to we're going to do just the base so let me move it here and so I'm going to do the base up about years okay so we're gonna put this one in here now if you look at it it's probably not gonna work the way you want it to work right you only see the original clip alright so what we have to do here is we need to adjust the position of all of these okay so I'm going to click this button here which allows me to see the position of the transform for the Y position effect alright so now what I want to do is I need to stagger all of these so I'm just going to create a couple markers here just for my purposes so that I know where I'm gonna stagger each ones so I start at the top one the top one we want at the first marker so I've got that the next one we wanted to end at the next marker and then the one below it we want it to start right before that marker so let's say there so I move it about here and then we want this one to end so I should have probably actually put a marker here and then let's say we want it to end right about here okay and so for this last one we're gonna probably just go here start about there and what ended where it currently is so now let's play through that all there we go so you can obviously if you toggle this you can kind of see that it's these positions actually has a label there so you know it's a position but let's say that you wanted to change the acceleration you could obviously come in here and click here and then you can adjust you know the slope and so forth and how fast it ramps up that's something you can consider if you want to get into that but that's all there is to this effect if you got any questions please leave those in the comments below otherwise please like and subscribe and I'll see you in the next tutorial ease [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Waa Productions
Views: 8,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: growing building, how to, building grow effect, how to create building grow effect, davinci resolve 16 tutorial, davinci resolve 16 transitions, davinci resolve 16 tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve 16 editing tutorial, davinci resolve 16 effects, ryan nangle, benn tk transitions, benn tk eiffel tower, benn tk europe transition, benn tk effects tutorial
Id: 4W5ph3GacBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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