Building for Our CRUSHES in Minecraft!!! Aphmau Noob Vs Pro Episode 5

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hey folks welcome to another new versus pro where she is the pro and i'm the noob and we're building something really cool today uh to celebrate you know we just get a little lovey-dovey here uh as we get ourselves into that february month so we're gonna have ourselves a good time with this build let's see what we got in store today okay so it says build a tribute to your sweetheart oh that's nice okay yeah yeah yeah yeah so both of us got someone special in our lives and i think it would be fun maybe if we were to build something that would you know just just celebrate that person and also here's a little extra bonus i'm gonna throw on are you ready for this okay how about instead of us like judging each other's stuff to see who who we thought was the best build what if we bring them in in order to figure out who had the better build okay so i bring drew on and you bring marissa on and then they get to say who did it best that's exactly right so make sure you stick around to the end of the video to see how our yeah how marissa and drew thought we thought we did in this one right this is the adventure okay and as always this is a timed effort right yep we got 30 minutes on the clock [Music] go 30 minutes okay there we go okay uh so first off marissa right uh she is by by my wife to be uh we're actually getting married this year and i figured it'd be kind of cute if i did like a little tribute to her during this build right so she plays the flute a lot although i think building a flute would in minecraft would be a little bit beyond my own abilities and reach but like a piano would be like a different story i think i think i could probably pull off like a piano house and just kind of see where that goes so i'm gonna get some let's see you're like maybe like some white concrete and maybe some that's white concrete powder i just want white concrete there we go and black concrete because like you know the keyboard's got like all those different pieces there we get it together we make it happen right all right uh and it will be like i start off with oh boy what does the piano look like it's fine okay we're good i'm just gonna go ahead and build a key like this you know the l ebony and ivory coming together to make some piano keys now we just do like this let's let's see how this looks i'm curious if this is gonna look okay so we got that and then like i do this she's gonna immediately know what's up as soon as i like i built this and she's like okay but why but why but but why is this in the wrong order i'll be like ah quote me quality like when we do this video earlier or later i like well beyond like she should be like that those keys are in the right position they're like oh so yeah uh we got ourselves the three three black keys here and then i think it is two white keys in between and then three our two black keys uh set up and then rinse and repeat for a little bit here and then we do uh this and we just you know shadow how you doing how are you gonna uh tribute to uh marissa i i think i'm doing okay so far i i'm building up uh i'm building up the front wall of the place that i'm building uh it's taking time but i'm getting there you know step by step how's yours going pretty good i was wanting to do what i'm doing a little bit bigger but then i realized i only have 30 minutes which by the way how much time is on the clock right now oh we still got just over 20 minutes left wait what it's been 10 minutes specifically we got 23 minutes left okay so i was as i was building this this piano up uh i was thinking other things that versa loves to you know there's there's one thing more that she loves more than anything else in the world even more than me if i'm being perfectly honest and that is and i i know this sounds weird now i think about it she loves mac and cheese and not not like not like that back over there that no no no not not that specifically but like she is a ride-or-die mac and cheese just wonderkid she just wants to eat mac and cheese for every single meal she can help it so i feel like i need to include mac and cheese in some way but like how how do you include mac and cheese in minecraft like uh i'll keep thinking about it i just want to build at least maybe a little bit more keyboard first here and then we'll go we'll move on to that part that i mean that feels like a keyboard right like a like a piano keyboard you could play you could tickle those ivories all right and you you feel like you're in there you know i gotta figure out how to get in uh you know like it looks pretty cool as is but but uh and also gonna put like a black top on it because right now it just kind of looks a little silly by itself uh put this up here maybe frame that up nicely and done yeah okay now that i got the frame on it i'm feeling pretty pretty good about this to be perfectly honest i am however gonna build a bit of a deck on the top of this thing because i think uh she would be a little annoyed if it was just a black box otherwise uh now marissa does like the color blue quite a bit uh so i'm gonna i'm gonna put some uh maybe some warp blanks up here yeah i think that looks kind of fun all right let's uh let's just but we will just build like a black wall on the back side because you know we run it out of time already and i got a lot of things i gotta do i gotta put mac and cheese in there i gotta put a zombie in there somewhere i don't know where the zombie is gonna fit but uh we're gonna try we're gonna do our best we're gonna make this i'm kind of thinking what if the zombie was like a chef like chef zombie who's working on it working in the kitchen making making any kind of food that she wants can't this is so dark i cannot see where i'm building like can you see the edges on this right here i can't oh you know what i should also include oh boy now that i really think about it so we we uh burst and i have a lovely mini australian shepherd named bento here's a picture of him yeah real cute right best uh he is he's the love of our lives uh and he should be included in this build somewhere but i don't know how well you know what i can just put doggy i could just put a regular old minecraft doggy in there call him bento i mean uh hey just letting you know we got about 15 minutes left for this build just so you know 15 minutes 15 minutes what's that twin since about 15 minutes ago what lies nope sorry well i mean you're 15 minutes anyway yeah i got 15 minutes let's put the doorway right here yeah and just build that up like this okay i like the idea that the the like the piano can be seen on the front side here i think that adds a lot uh i don't know if i could put like white glass or something like that you know like the white frosted glass to make it uh make it you so you can visit you know view outside of the piano without it just looking really awful but uh do one step at a time uh and then i just need to fill this in as well so cue phil montage this is a really slow montage [Music] we're gonna we're gonna put some skylights in here you know just build a nice little bit of skylighting i like because you know she she likes natural light i like natural light i think it's i think it's just best if we get some good natural light up in here and people can still stand on top of this and see down below in the area and i think that's pretty fun just so you know we've got nine minutes left nine minutes nine minutes all right i'm adding decorative features um well you're already on the decorating part oh no okay now we gotta chop out the grass in here because i mean we can have the grass on the floor here at this point because we're running out of time but we could at the very least make this an even playing field you know what i mean just clear this out because i still want a kitchen i still want a staircase up to the top so you can hang out and take a look at it from there we're gonna build stairs and it's gonna be good we're gonna build stairs and it's gonna be good okay staircase is done fantastic okay now on the other side here i do want my my zombie chef uh working on zombie foods just gotta figure out what to do about that uh i also boy five minutes okay so to make sure that zombie chef can't get out of his little zombie space because i want to make sure that he you know he is a zombie and he just stays around uh first i need to put an anvil i need to put the name tag on the anvil uh a name tag is going to be um clyde his name is now officially clyde i just put a zombie here we're gonna put uh some light blue stained glass along here uh color aesthetics not the most pleasing in this particular build but that's okay there we go clyde is sealed in and clyde i first off your name shall be clyde because i have decided it there we go we got four minutes left four minutes okay i'm adding my lighting elements now uh doors doors would be good at least on the very least on this thing uh let's put some of these doors on here because i think they kind of pop against the black kind of nicely and then uh like a music box what is it uh there it is yes and we're gonna put some uh so we're gonna put some jukeboxes along here uh glow item frame i kind of like the sound of that it sounds pretty cool some various records up here okay this is probably the most incomplete thing that i've ever built in this space we got uh 90 seconds i'm not gonna be able to build a floor in time so i'm just gonna go uh torches we probably need some torches in here there's there's a bench there uh here's a bench over here uh some torches please and we got ourselves 30 seconds dude i forgot zombies burn in the sun oh no and speed which got 15 14 13. you got it three two all right that's it that's that's all i got all right it's been a couple days since we last actually checked out each other's builds but i think it was only appropriate that instead of just mac and i looking at these things that of course letting you guys judge that we bring in the people that we actually built these for so with me i've got my dear sweet darling fiance at the time of recording uh marissa who's here wow that sounds very ominous [Laughter] in that that status hopefully will change at some point and not necessarily just like but yeah oh my gosh and we have my boyfriend drew [Music] okay so i figured we would just walk through each person's stuff and then our our respective significant others can then go ahead and decide which one was the superior build of course they're going to be very subjective about it right they're going to have no biased opinions biased opinions very subjective like you can just try it out straight up say yeah that sucked if that's how you feel all right all right don't we go ahead let's go with shadows first yeah let's go take a look all right so this again was built uh because it's in honor of you marissa okay wow wow you ready i'm ready and three two one wow it's a piano it is a piano cause you're the music lady why does it start on f she's gonna immediately know what's up as soon as i like i built this and she's like okay but why but why but why is this in the wrong order i'll be like ah not all right right oh there's there's more going on in there for sure oh yeah absolutely yeah so the the exterior is definitely the main focus because we only had 30 minutes to build this just to prep you for the interior wow the grass flooring [Laughter] you definitely placed all those flowers in the grass right yes definitely didn't leave them from the bed from just outside i did leave you a little music area a little music station play music wall you're also hanging out uh you got a couch oh okay that's it uh over here is uh clyde the the bartender slash mac and cheese deliverer there's a bar in here this is the bar but this is the cafeteria lady worker man where's the bartender he's also okay it's like a day and night kind of thing yeah yeah by day he just never sleeps by day he serves back in cheese and by night he's the bartender poor clyde also bento bento our puppies right and then up here is the top not too far okay ready yeah let's go check out yours back okay tell me when tell me when when when oh i can't wait what is that is that a hot tub oh my god with diving boards with diving boards why are there there's zombies in my hot tub they're my best friends i love how i don't have any real friends they're all they're all just you're like i created your friends for you okay okay you guys ready you guys ready let's see let's see i want to see this dive because best friends will bite so drew uh he loves hot tubs and when we do videos he's always making them and then 360 into them mid activity even though we're like building a really nice house like i haven't seen drew in a little bit where is he and he's that's exactly what he's doing yeah oh what we can do we can go over to marissa's we can go order some stuff from clyde and then come back here and hang out with my best friends oh that's a great idea okay guys it's the moment of truth yeah be totally honest uh and you each can go who did you feel did the best job representating their significant other clyde he's dying what is he dying how can i not love a hot tub that's built for 360 into that's filled with all of my own personal best friends but i do i do really appreciate given the time that y'all had just the the amount and just size of the piano are you gonna try to go for something large you could play something on that i'm gonna so just for the just for the sake of picking i'm gonna i'm gonna say that i like the hot tub the best and marisa [Music] in the comments down below yeah tell us what you think because apparently we can't decide but thank you for joining us yeah thank you guys until next time
Channel: Shado_Temple
Views: 28,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft noob, shado_temple minecraft, shado_temple pierce, shado_temple face reveal, shado_temple minecraft with friends, macncheesep1z minecraft, shado temple, aphmau, aphmau minecraft, shadow temple, minecraft house, minecraft house ideas, aphmau crew noob vs pro, pierce from aphmau, noob vs pro, aphmau crew, mac from aphmau, macncheesep1z, shado_temple, minecraft noob vs pro, minecraft build battle, minecraft funny, family friendly, minecraft love story, valentines day
Id: GHS7zJIrxs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 18 2022
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