Building an OBSTACLE COURSE | BOY vs GIRL Build Battle

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this is Boy verse girl build battle where my boyfriend and I compete to see who can build the better obstacle course with just 30 minutes on the clock whose obstacle course will stump the other player that's for you to decide in this episode of boy versus girl build battle oh and don't forget to like And subscribe build an obstacle course oh boy wait I'm in trouble you're in trouble uh no I am the obstacle course Master are you though yep I'm gonna be like yay I just bounced right back because and you don't even know how because I'm that amazing all right well for that amazing we have 30 minutes to build the most epic epil course ever and uh the time starts right now okay bye okay we have to build the most epic obstacle course and if Drew really thinks that he's that good at obstacle courses then we're gonna add some challenges so he won't be able to do them so easily let's see I want it to be Purdy so let's use some wall blocks for coloring and then we want some ice blocks because that's fun to see people slip and slide on um and then I kind of want to do something with doors that could be really really fun let's actually let's get one more material I keep thinking I'm done and then I'm not let's grab some jungle and make a little bit of a jumpy path out so we're just gonna come out like here he's gonna have to jump here one two jump to that one and then maybe he comes out this way so let's see I'm pretty sure I can do this one two ah I could do it I could do it in this way by the way Drew I didn't state it earlier but we're gonna be like playing each other's obstacle courses so it has to be physically possible just so you know physically impossible got it no big deal we'll make it physically impossible to no thank you you heard me you heard me physically impossible got it stinker duly noted all right what a little stinkers okay so what we're gonna do here is build a platform and this is where our doors are gonna be so let's actually here let's make it not that wide I was thinking I wanted it that wide but let's have it start here okay so then we're gonna do what's behind door number okay what's behind door number one and then we'll do a door this way and then maybe a door ear probably and then maybe it's like this and then oh this isn't as pretty as I was thinking it would be maybe we need to make this platform wider yeah let's make it wider okay so this is gonna be no break okay apparently I'm throwing a bunch so we're gonna do this um in in a montage you're gonna see a montage foreign Hold On Let's do let's do some of this action this is just for decoration purposes okay that's looking good it's our secret privacy screen so that way he can't see what's going on so we go like this and then we go like this and then we go like this and then you have to pick what your door the door number one door number two or door number three and so we're gonna make different paths and some paths are gonna lead to nowhere and then some paths will be the way but you don't know which way and then we'll put a sign or something there and then let's have another one here then how is he gonna know which way you know we need it to be another door area we're gonna okay I have an idea well I have to figure that out a little later so we're just gonna come here like I guess we're gonna come this way like this you know what we should do probably put this here so we can't be a Peter Peter wait a cheater cheater Pumpkin Eater Not a Peter Peter Pumpkin I don't even know what that would have been okay there we go no cheater cheater pumpkin eatering aloud we're gonna have him come this no okay okay I just need a break real quick all right so we have these little doors here so he's not gonna know which one's actually the right one to come out of I know that's really naughty okay I know that that's naughty but I think it's kind of funny so it'll be fine probably I'm just trying to make it so does it matter which story comes out of he's not gonna know which way to go and he may or may have to go back and do it over again so that's the goal and then let's actually spice this up a little bit so we can do uh oh okay we'll do this real quick like that all right so that's the first obstacle we have a lot of time left and we need to get to the other side oh speaking of time we should give drew a Time cue oh Drew we have like 20 minutes left okay you doing good you're doing fine I don't know we'll see we'll see I'm proud of you thanks I'm working on it we'll see if if you can do it it's gonna be really hard wow okay I'm just saying it's gonna be really hard well I've got some tricks that my sleeves sir you do yep you're it's why did that happen uh sorry I was concentrating no no prob I better be to distract all right talk to you later okay talk to you later alligator after a while crocodile that's a part I say uh see you later alligator only for a while crocodile oh my God I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm now now I'm concentrating okay all right well I'll see you soon only if you're the big spoon no I'm sorry okay bye bye-bye okay I was thinking here we're gonna make an ice parkour so he's gonna have to go like this and then it's gonna be slippy and slidy here let me just make it a line and then we'll figure out what the Cadence of it is we could do something like this I also want to make sure he can't jump from that side to this side because that's something stinking Shadow would do we still have a good amount of time left I feel like this didn't take very long what else can we do let's see what another obstacle can be if we do something with lava oh we can do ladders too maybe the ladder action is like over here or no it would be like one back right I'll be nice and give like one little bit oh you know what and I'll be nice nice and make a checkpoint okay so we'll put a bed here there we go checkpoint achieved now on to our ladder Biz which is gonna be a little something like this I'm not very good at these I don't like making them hard so I don't think I will I think I'm just gonna do what I would to have fun doing you know so something like that there's only one way to do it oh and then Shadow he was a butt head and I know Drew's not Shadow but I have been scorned okay I know that if there's an opportunity to cheat someone's gonna cheat so I gotta make this proof so from here oh you know what they should have a platform okay and maybe a checkpoint because I'm nice don't say I never did anything for you these and now for lava we'll make a lava maze maybe something like this put in something like this okay getting closer getting closer I need to bring this down like this it doesn't need to be super big it just needs to be where I'm gonna put the lava okay looking pretty good so now we need to make like an edge should be enough this is for the lava to like fall in or something so that way it doesn't mess up the water down below Drew I'm really really bad at giving you time stamps my friend it's okay we've got like 12-ish minutes give or take uh that sounds fine are you sure no I'm just trying to like think of some cool things to do like aesthetic you know yeah I would say that I'm not anywhere near halfway done though I'm about halfway right now a lot of my stuff is like really long that way it takes up more space I'm gonna have to do something like that soon yeah you got a lot of Mazes Drew I'm sorry everything is amazing these are fine mazes are fine yours is uh well I'm not gonna tell you okay fine there's some cool Parts though I think it's gonna be pretty fun I'm excited I feel like my girl obstacle course is gonna be better than your stinking stupid boy obstacle course uh questionable I don't know boys are stinky I think it's gonna smell bad we'll see we'll see I don't know I think I know what did you gasp [Music] oh you almost I did I did I did I'm working on a lava wall what I'd even think about using lava you did anything about using lava that's like the coolest part of obstacle courses is it I don't know I feel like it is I'm currently uh building a Fail-Safe so you don't cheat on a part that's how yeah I've tried to fail safe most of it except there's one spot where I'm like he's gonna cheat he's gonna cheat no I'm not gonna cheat yeah yeah no cheating because then it makes it so it's not fun true yeah well I'll I'll get this figured out and then you are gonna get your butt kicked I don't know not if you but stinky gets burned on my lava course no way your buttskin like maybe 30 seconds or something all right whatever whatever I'll give it to you let's say we'll call it even and say there's 10 minutes left okay all right talk to you soon all right talk to you soon all right 10 minutes they'll have plenty of time I kind of want this lava to be at different heights though I feel like that's not very hard I'm just trying my best to contain it I know this doesn't look very hard how do we get like how do we make this harder I kind of wanted to do like a whole lava curtain you know but I don't know how to do that so it's just like we like this not very hard maybe he has to do a jump on a diagonal what if he has to get here or no even further from here and there's lava right here all right let me fix this up a little bit all right I want to do something with slime but I'm so bad at it let's see if we get a running jump we I don't think I did that right you know maybe ditch the Slime I don't know if I have time to fiddle with it like the way I want to work with it I honestly don't know if Drew knows how to do slime jumps either so I'm gonna be nice I'm gonna be a nice person and just not do it um but what else should we do we're always spider web okay how do we do this though do we do it on both sides and then yeah we just can stay oh no yeah just you can't you have to stay even otherwise you slow down so what if we did it with iron [Music] like that oh does that even I guess it's not as bad as I thought oh no it kind of is you have to stay right on it or what if we had to do like a jump I don't know we'll Workshop it how do we get from here to there oh gosh we don't have a lot of time left how did I waste all that time what was I doing what was I wasting it on oh my gosh okay you know what I'm just gonna oh you know what you could do that couldn't you [Music] hard I'm I'm over jumping okay yeah there we go let's do one more because I'm evil are we it's like undeniable that you have to get here oh what if we did this is that possible though or will you get stuck oh no I'm stuck okay it'll be fun or funny I don't know you either one honestly Drew I think we have about five-ish seven six five four three two one minutes left okay how far are you are you no I'm not I'm not fine with it but I'm just pretending like I'm keeping my cool over here because everything is totally fine I've completely lost vision of what I was doing I haven't tested mine yet so I could probably come into problems and it might not work but I'm hoping that it does gonna work great [Music] great mind yet either there's one thing that I thought was going to be awesome but now I realized that it's not but that's okay we'll get there I bet it's awesome uh well I mean it is it is awesome but there were some things that like you'll see I'll tell you about it okay well I can't wait to see what you came up with I just wanted to let you know about the time constraints and that I'll see you shortly but not right now good luck okay thanks bye bye okay with only like five minutes left I should really concentrate on what I'm doing over here and so you'll see the rest of it when Drew does and pray for me because I literally have no idea what I'm doing and I don't know what Drew's doing and and it's just a whole lot of not knowing stuff and I don't like it so uh see you in a little bit all right Drew we had 30 minutes to build an obstacle course how do you think you did oh it's kind of cool I don't know I I mean it's cool it's kind of cool it it's got a lot of jumps and stuff in it all right do you care if I do it in Creative but don't fly or do you want me to do it into rival oh you gotta do it in survival come on okay okay okay you got a TP to be you to me to you to if I if I fall in the water or something's okay all right um oops [Laughter] it first jumps the hardest one yeah with Sprint at it yep I just really suck at parkour okay I did it there you go nice job oh I'm starting from right there okay okay oh no okay there you go nice it's not in here and there's some harder Parts here yours is way harder than mine okay perfect where do I go now where do you go uh-huh I messed up didn't I you sure did all right [Laughter] yeah see there we go okay I'm gonna pretend I was you okay oh there's a water block yep there you go World small is hot tub yep you stinker oh my goodness so comfortable checkpoint checkpoint checkpoint checkpoint check check point okay okay okay got it got it okay whoa this is cool you ain't going a little boat Journey I'm in a boat Journey oh it's a maze it's a boat Journey it's not a maze all right I'm gonna say that's not the one I wanted to go in I want to go this way all right not this way but I guess I'm going this way now I wanted to go the other way he actually went the right way so that's not the way I wanted to go it wasn't the way we had to go didn't even get tricked once not even once oh there's an accident down here don't mind that accident oh no it looks pretty at least now what I don't know oh I didn't even think about you being able to do that wait how are you supposed to do it you're supposed to jump from the ladder over oh that's okay oh you did it first try I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying okay you're to the top okay checkpoint checkpoint no Drew yep you're oh your Mangrove game nice yeah nice yeah nice nice very nice what does this one say bonus hot tub e oh my goodness you little butt but if there ever was a butt [Music] I don't think I could do that in survival however it was really fun I liked that yeah yeah you hated it but it's okay great I just I'm really bad at stinking jumps okay all right are you ready Drew of course the best obstacle course in the world holy moly are you kidding me all right I'm gonna watch survival oh you want to survival there's checkpoints that one oh this is a long jump uh-huh we got that one okay let's see door number three two we're going with one oh boy oh boy okay uh let's see here across here go across there turn left turn right turn left this is cool left and then we got her right and bring it oh failure oh you hate to see it except that doesn't kill you so let me TP to me all right okay so I wasn't doing number one let's go with door number two door number two [Music] this jumped over here it's over it did I do it oh I didn't do it okay nope uh can I skip over to the other side maybe oh you did you did okay okay here we go here we go oh there's fire everywhere oh yeah oh boy oh there's ice on the ice slippery oh yeah it is oh goodness I have to concentrate really hard concentrate concentrate nice we got through the ice got that one ice is done and now I've gotta climb the ladder maze thing ladder maze okay oh yeah I hate to see it okay here we go I gotta go over gotta keep going over over okay there we go checkpoint all right all right all right and now I gotta not get hit by the lava no Lava it's a stinking lava maze this is so stinking cool checkpoint all right here we go oh we got spider webs that's Spidey webs and then we're gonna okay we gotta do this numbers we're gonna do this numbers and then what oh it's slime okay no I mean you could yeah oh oh all right that worked it's okay oh shoot okay uh oh what hold on nickel you skipped apart but it's I did what did I skip those three little bars okay hold on hold on I got you I see what you wanted me to do okay here we go I believe oh he didn't do it all right oh [Music] see I don't know how to climb that stuff uh you just gotta go up oh that's what I was doing uh do it better all right here we go you ready all right yep there we go okay takes a little bit of Finessin not climbing the thing climbing I think yours is harder than mine yes you got that really hard time to begin oh oh I ripped at least you have a checkpoint I do have checkpoint yeah I did mine first try wow okay oh I hate to see it you hate to see it I did mine in phases I don't think [Laughter] who got this Drew just concentrate I'm constipated oh no no [Laughter] this part again yeah sorry [Music] you can do it you can do it [Laughter] speed running it [Laughter] what's happening I'm trying to go fast [Laughter] I'm gonna die up top the latter parts are easy you think so I hate ladders like Puzzles those suck oh my goodness I keep falling down do you want to know a secret they're just one jump apart so you don't even have to like double jump or anything it's just I'm not double jumping I'm just jumping oh see the thing is is that you scooch up just a little bit on each one so you have to realign it okay okay so now I'm climbing oh we're going excuse me oh oh okay okay all right that works I burned my stinking tushy where's your tushy congrats you did it oh yeah you got diamonds yeah [Music] all right guys that concludes the Obstacle of course let us know which one you like better do you like my girl obstacle course or do you like juice boy obstacle course let us know in the comments down below until next time bye friends are you really in the stinking hot tub of course uh boys Yee
Channel: MacNcheeseP1z
Views: 10,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Building an OBSTACLE COURSE | BOY vs GIRL Build Battle, Building an OBSTACLE COURSE, BOY vs GIRL Build Battle, Macncheesep1z boy vs girl build battle, macncheesep1z noob vs pro, macncheesep1z minecraft, macncheesep1z aphmau crew smp, macncheesep1z builds, macncheesep1z obstacle course, boy vs girl obstacle course build, mac from aphmau, macncheesep1z from aphmau, mac and drew minecraft, mac and drew build battle, minecraft parkour ideas, minecraft parkour builds, aphmau crew
Id: 1MJ6uxcTklI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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