Aphmau Crew builds the PERFECT SLEEPOVER | NOOB vs PRO

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the aphmau crew is getting cozy as we build the best sleepover from Secret Minecart rides to traveling across Dimensions we have just 30 minutes to build will this challenge item be a flop or the life of the party that's for you to decide in this episode of new first pro build the best sleepover must use chest items [Music] we got to do this 30 minutes let's get started let's say go okay um we have to build uh the best sleepover and we have to use cobwebs okay let me think let me think well okay a sleepover obviously starts in a house so we can at least have that I want something cute and fun okay so let's build a house first uh so we can just like build it like here and like deal with it later that's me's Pig you're in my way get out of here bro we don't want to build too big of a house because the house isn't what is important it's the sleepover wait we could totally out of singer guys because having a sacred Fort is like the best part of a sleepover in my opinion it doesn't necessarily have to be a secret base but like you know that area where you're like come on Mom stop we're playing and uh you're building um like a like a fort out of the couch cushions did you ever do that you you build the fort out of the couch cushions and you put blankies over it no just me okay anyways well that's what I did when I was a kid so uh that's what we're gonna do here I think that would be really fun this is gonna be the floor I don't even care that it's floating you know what maybe we'll just no you know what I don't care I don't care I don't care it doesn't bother me at all yeah it doesn't bother me it doesn't bother me it doesn't bother me 12 seconds later why does it actually bother me okay here we'll go like this we'll go like this we fixed it I told you I told you it would be fine and it is now let's finish the floor like this and then maybe we'll have like a button that leads us to like a really cool area or we could take a page out of Shadow's book and have a minecart ride um even though I've never actually done that before and I don't know how hard it is to do so I don't know we'll think about that later that's future me's problem here I'm gonna actually you know what we're gonna start we're building walls it's not that exciting so you're not missing anything Montage starting now all right so we're finishing up the roof here I have already thought in my head that I made this house way too big um because I really just need a little area for a sleepover so maybe the house itself is a sleepover house so it's not our parents house the whole house is the sleepover I still want to have a secret base area so we're hoping that we have time to do that so uh but just based on how hard it is to build a stupid Roof oh my goodness just how hard it is to do this I have already decided that the house is too big so you know sometimes when a house is too big or maybe it's too wide I don't it's too something is what it is I guess it's what the house looks like okay let me finish up this roof and then we'll be like a ta-da you'll see you'll see we'll go Tada in three two see I told you we we did the roof so now we just need to add the little finishing embellishments to make it pretty because I don't like the way the roofs just sit all one blocky back we got 20 minutes 20 minutes you see it like that I don't know what you're talking about I'm talking like a completely normal person I feel like you're a grumpy person that well you said you haven't slept I feel like okay I'm finishing up my house so um are you very proud of you are you building a house for your sleepover I'm building a house for my sleepover you're you're really being good little grumpsters aren't you I don't know what you're talking about this is my new voice that I'm using for YouTube okay okay Shadow there there we'll we'll see you later buddy Shadow he's so silly okay anyways we can't let him distract us from what's important our house maybe we do like a whole window like that could that be cool or weird I think it's kind of cool so this is the outside of the house I don't like what's happening here so maybe we'll go like that perfect 20 minutes to build the perfect bestest the most amazing is sleepover you've ever seen so I think the first thing about a sleepover is beds we'll keep this cobweb to remind us that we need to use it for our problems I like the cyan I like the purple we like the orange so let's see do we have like the whole house just be beds let's start with like other things and not worry about the bed situation um I think we need a TV so let's do black concrete uh we'll do some bookshelves the actually instead of beds let's do carpet so that way it's like what's imma call it you know what I mean like sleeping bags we'll do that all right let's do a TV on this wall this seems like a good TV wall something like that and then all we need I'm getting ahead of myself I want a couch so maybe this is like the couch area maybe the like again this is our sleepover house it's all we do in this house is sleep over there's no there's no room for other activities except the the sleeping over laughs okay there's one bed here let's actually do white for a pillow so maybe it's like is that enough space there's one one two how many colors do we have we do something like this no we ran out of space oh well we're all like facing the TV yeah that looks cool I think and then let's do I don't know a crafting table oh we also need like a night light let's do what other lantern we could do this you know this is a little secret that we can do for light in here even though so it's bright but it doesn't show that is bright you know what I'm saying all right so we can put like a crafting table here and then we'll need like a cauldron this is just so we can craft snacks you know there are there has to be room for snacks but how are we gonna get to our like secret base area you know let me think about this where is the secret base drop down going to be something that doesn't look like it is what it is but that's what it is you know what I want I want trap doors okay and then we'll do I don't know what's pretty maybe something like this where is Shadow going shadow wait wait yes back what are you doing buddy I I don't know what you're talking about what's happening with you I'm building myself a very nice uh very practical sleepover space uh-huh um okay I just wanted to see and make sure that you were okay a sauce ever buttered you know what I I realized that it was acting a little bit strange earlier back and I just want to apologize for that oh okay you know I've just been going through a lot of stress at work lately and I just I I feel like I was taking that on you so I I I I want to say that I'm having just actually a really calm quiet ASMR like time for the rest of this recording you are is that is that uh mood Gonna Change erratically because you're actually really tired I I don't know what you're talking about I'm feeling great okay well um it's sleep over time so how much time I guess do we do we almost you're welcome done building my house is your house built yep it's built I'm just now decorating it I knew the I see I knew your Vibes were gonna change buddy I knew it nah nah everything's everything's exactly the same as it was 30 seconds ago Max I don't like I do not know what you're talking about being irrational Shadow stop being irrational sorry sorry sorry that was that was a little unfair shadow I need some to sleep I think now we need to figure out where the sleepover Shenanigans are actually what if it's just like down here and then we put this button there and then can we do this kind of a trapdoor yeah I think that's good and then we'll just go all the way down like this actually let's do some sea lanterns because they're pretty uh we need to figure out we need a safe way to like jump down unless we just do slime which actually could work okay so let's go this way okay so this is where the real fun is gonna happen this way well actually I really kind of want to do like a weird rail system like Shadow does because he wouldn't expect it from me he would be like what Mac it doesn't do rail systems so let's just like go this way foreign I'm hearing uh noises um yeah it sounds like um you're you're going to the end what no I don't know what you're talking about Shadow are you making your sleepover guess fight the Ender Dragon what I I know what the other track it is uh you're making up stuff back I I don't know what you're saying uh-huh anyway uh we got about another five minutes or so by the way back oh no no no no you know what sorry eight minutes sorry I did my math wrong um bro I okay I I uh oh oh dear okay I gotta go I gotta go I've spent way too much time doing something that doesn't matter okay oh my goodness this is really bad also where is this what is what is that okay I like quartz or secret hideout areas let's just make this whole room chords I can't believe we have like eight minutes now I understand why Shadow when he builds these rails is always like oh yeah this is the end I didn't I ran out of time I don't even know if it's going to physically work this is the first time that this has escaped me fully I hope I have a fun sleepover I just wanted to have a fort a pouch Fort that's all I wanted okay uh Shadow just fell out of the world I don't know what to do with my spider web maybe it's like an accent wall or something I also feel like a secret face needs like some sort of like lava layer you know like lava where your mom is like hey love is dangerous you shouldn't be playing with lava and you're like shut up mom I know what I'm doing and then uh turns out she was right the whole time you know I feel like we need some something like that what is happening here want the lava in the wall I want a lava wall is it just like to what does it like to do maybe we go like this oh okay that's kind of cool I guess all right so that's our lava wall and then maybe we have a cool couch let's do some stairs and so we need to do I don't know like a cool hangout like that we need like I don't know a flat screen TV so I was gonna type flat screen TV in but that's not a thing so here let's make this the TV back we got five minutes left five minutes five minutes okay I'm building a massive flat screen TV okay so that's that'd be really nice yeah I feel like that would be really fun having a sleepover you know what I'm saying so 100 yeah absolutely I I put pick it up what you're throwing down yeah uh what are you building a house a house okay nothing nothing else what Mac I'm trying to have a very nice sleepover where we get some rest uh and and everybody has a wonderful time but everybody goes to bed properly at nine PM because we have it's a school 9pm who's going to bed at 9pm I help me okay I'm sorry back the the fun energy start to wear off I I thought I had it in me I thought I had this this unlimited power that I could just have fun all day long but it turns out if babies start to dwindle I may not Mac I I have I have a confession to make okay I might not be Invincible what I I'm started to think that maybe I am just a human being I don't think that's true I I know I know I know if I take some some time to think about it really is a little Shadow and I'm starting to get all nervous about it well um okay I was not expecting for him okay I gotta go bye okay bye okay we need to make this cooler and like Mom can't hang out here Vibes so I'm adding diamonds because like Mom these are my diamonds you can't have them we need to oh here you know what we could do a cart a mine cart take us to this side [Music] oh whoops okay well out happened darn it get out of this stupid cart okay I'm in the cart maybe we can do like a button launcher is that a thing that or does it arms away go okay you know what stupid just wee we we we had to do it the old-fashioned way the wee way way this is totally cool and no oh [Music] anything else in our house that we're missing Oops why am I going button crazy maybe we can oh you know what bushes back we got two minutes left minutes before I don't know I don't know I wasn't ready I feel like your base is gonna be heard uh not the base um sleepover is it gonna be quiet sleepover why why did you say it like that your sleepover Shadow is going to be cooler than my sleepover and what makes you think that mac and cheese please um well because you went to another dimension and I don't have my guests going to another dimension I I do not know what you're talking about this is Blasphemous we all saw we all saw it Shadow you you can't you can't pretend like we didn't see it I can and I will and I have I heard it we heard the sounds I don't know what you're talking about shoot shoot house can I make my sleepover super cool um okay let me think I just had TV time and forts I just had forts okay um let's see maybe in the secret base we can do something really cool there's got to be something awesome besides a super cool flat screen TV and diamonds a cool lavalier this is the hangout pad all right maybe we can do and one and that's that's game that's game Shadow yeah yeah me too up front all right let's do it anyway all right Shadow show me your best sleepover okay we're presenting the ultimate sleepover space where we have a house that has beds and books the ultimate sleepover beds and books where we go to bed probably at 9pm after read quietly reading some wonderful young adult novels about the struggles of Youth we then hang out up on the on the rooftop little uh little little space with the campfires we we sing songs and then we go to bed at right at 9 00 p.m I know you Shadow and I know when there's picture frames involved that there's probably something but I know there's something behind one of these oh I knew it what does this button do I don't know what is that what oh my gosh okay this actually worked okay cool right of course it works why would it work this is where we hang out this is the new sleepover space this is definitely it there's nothing else here nope there's totally a portal here there's more come on there's nothing here see oh yeah welcome to uh my secondary sleeping my not sleeping space because of course it's incredibly dark yeah it's correctly dark and also bright because of all the lava and you're hanging out here and the glowstone will prevent you from ever sleep because you can't sleep on glowstone because if you slip out of bed that glowed you would never be able to sleep so everything's good there and that's our that's the final hangout space yeah there's another portal here there's another portal what are you talking about oh yeah there's another portal okay but just in case you get too comfortable here you need to stay up Locker because you never sleep in a sleepover back you got to make sure you always stay awake and so if this starts getting a little too wide you know dizzy and you decide to fall asleep hey you just come in here hey you go over here you got it everything's great and you come over here and welcome to uh The Edge where you this is where you absolutely will die for sleep it can't you just can't it won't work also there's a sheep here see perfectly safe Mr sheep are you feeling safe right now oh in conclusion this is the ultimate sleepover between uh different spaces and I need a nap all right well let's come into my sleepover a week ago Mimi's okay cool great fantastic okay that's fine anyway this is yours okay here's my little sleepover house oh that looks really nice yeah I like the idea of coming in and not people oh there's a button there's a button yeah secret because this is just a sleepover house this is what it is so like no parents allowed sleepover house we got all the sleeping bags lying in front of the TV so you could watch scary movies all night and make like uh you know out of pillows and of the couch and blankies and stuff hey what's this here how did you know about this I just saw a trapdoor so I just hit it he's gonna come down here I'm just gonna is this the nope just gotta grab this um I feel like you're sleepwalking why no no no what what where am I hi whoa whoa whoa oh I see what you got going on here yeah it's looking pretty hot back God about you well because parents are always like don't you [Music] tell so I'm like in your show mommy don't do that don't do that okay okay yeah it's dangerous Shadow it's dangerous oh dear you sound like my mom Mac well you know what oh wait ah how did you use your spider webs huh uh they they they they they they they're in the cave did you not use your spider web Shadow I'm sure if we went back to the cave down in the the first layer of my of my tri-layer system that there was probably some spider webs down there natural spider webs ah it's a waterfall on base you've done fantastically you're back today uh I'm just gonna come on [Laughter] [Music] anyway so he's friends thank you all for watching I hope this has been a wonderful experience for all of you uh you should definitely be sure to like comment subscribe alright let us know who you thought what this particular build uh was it by uh endless nightmare Zone where you can never sleep or was it Max uh where's the thing sir I'm chasing or was it Max Fantastical lovely but blue home that you can also have a secret hangout space in so be sure to let us know and also tell us what sort of new videos we should make because they're great hey I'm so tired and create it back there's no way you can catch me it's okay and it's gonna I'm just gonna go [Music] let's go see you next time bye
Channel: MacNcheeseP1z
Views: 59,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau Crew builds the PERFECT SLEEPOVER | NOOB vs PRO, aphmau crew noob vs pro, aphmau crew, aphmau crew sleepover, the perfect sleepover in minecraft, noob vs pro, macncheesep1z, macncheesep1z noob vs pro, macncheesep1z minecraft, macncheeselz noob vs pro, macncheeseplz, macandcheeseplease, mac and cheese please, mac from aphmau, macncheesep1z from aphmau, pierce, mac and pierce noob vs pro, minecraft build battle, minecraft challenge build, minecraft build, shado and mac, mac
Id: PLnSYv2ZyV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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