building a *renovated* factory in the sims

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I have very conflicting feelings about  this neighborhood in San Sequoia because  I love this lot, I think that this lot might  be one of my favorite lots in the entire game. I really like how it's right  up against the water like this,   it's got some concrete on two sides so  it's a good area for community lots. The views of the water are amazing, I like  how there's some cool walkways kind of nearby,   this is just a really prime location for  building restaurants and stuff like that. The only problem is that this neighborhood is  so big it feels almost impossible to play in. I think this has been a problem in a  lot of the more recent packs and the   more recent worlds where they're making  these big vast spread out areas and that   seems like a good thing because we have  more places to walk around, but there's   a lot of places to walk around and nothing to  actually do when you're walking around them. And there's also no Sims here. This is supposed to   be a subway station so Sims  spawn here in this area. And that seems really cool in theory  except it's like three Sims spawning there. And I just, I wish that it was more of like  a bustling busy area of town and not like a   vast spread out, maybe you see one or  two other Sims kind of area of town. If it were all in a tighter square, it  would be smaller which isn't as good,   but at least it seems more lively so I don't know,   I just I feel weird about this part  of town, but I still adore this lot. And I've pretty much only built  community lots here so far,   I've not tried to build a real  house or anything on this lot yet. The last time I built here I  made a giant set of townhouses   with three different stores on the bottom floor. And that was really fun, but also a  ginormous undertaking and not really   functional because you can't use community  lots and residential lots at the same time. So I was thinking that today we should try and  do something different and maybe something a   little bit more useful and try to build  an actual house for your Sims to live in. But, and kind of keeping with this  community lot theme, I was thinking   that we could build something that's been  converted from a community lot into a home. So here's the vision: I'm thinking it's some  sort of old factory that's been purchased,   renovated, and converted  into a single family home. I was trying to think of like a funny backstory   for this and I came up with  converted cupcake factory. You know that giant cupcake machine?  This place made those cupcake machines. It's a cupcake factory, cupcake factory. So  that's kind of the story I was trying to tell. It's obviously no longer a cupcake machine  factory, it's just a house, a family lives here. Don't worry it's not like apartments or  townhouses or anything, it's literally   just a house, it's a regular single  family residential lot in The Sims 4. It actually looks a lot bigger than it really is,   it's only a 30 x 20 lot, it seems like  it's some sort of ginormous building,   but there's a lot of open space in here too  because I've got the second floor kind of lofted. So in total it becomes a three bedroom,   two bathroom house and it's got a  really cool art studio on the roof. I was kind of picturing that an artist lived here,   so I thought maybe they bought it, they moved  in, they renovated it all by themselves,   and then built themselves like a really  nice fancy studio to go along with it. And then I wasn't super sure about  what the other bedroom should be,   there was some talk about roommates  and like some ideas like that,   but I kind of tried to decorate the other  two bedrooms as belonging to teenagers. I thought maybe it's like a  single parent and their like   older kids that are maybe like 17, 18 years old. I'm probably overthinking this because it's  just a game and these are like pretend Sims,   I didn't make any Sims, I just had like a  vision in my head of who might live here,   but if you wanted to play in this  house you could just, you know,   update the bedrooms a tiny bit,  they'd kind of work for anybody. Adults could live in those rooms very  easily, they're not like full of toys. One of them is kind of sports themed and then the   other one is like kind of,  I don't know, pink themed. That's kind of a weird way of describing it, but. And you know what, speaking of sports, I  didn't intend to post this video on Super   Bowl Sunday when I built it, but it is in fact  Super Bowl Sunday so I have accidentally made   a sports themed room for the sports themed  day, and that is all I will say on the matter,   don't worry, I'm not going to sit  here and talk about football to you. You can kind of see the shape  coming together a little bit   more on the rest of the factory and  what you're going to notice is that   I spent so long trying to figure  out the roof of this building. I was trying out a ton of different  options, I was looking at things like   maybe doing some sort of gabled roof, I was  trying flat roofs, I was trying platforms. I literally tried a million things, I  did not know how I wanted to do the roof. I think in the end it kind of worked out, but  it was definitely a trust the process sort of   moment because it took me a long time to get  to a point where I thought it made sense. One of my favorite parts is the really  cool fire escape that goes up to the roof. So there's kind of like a set of metal  stairs and then also a ladder so you   can access the roof from the bottom  floor or from inside the bedroom. I put like a door from the primary bedroom onto  the fire escape so it's kind of like a balcony,   but it's also access to the rooftop art studio  which you can see coming along right now,   that weird small building on  the roof becomes the art studio. And I ended up making that completely  glass, it's all glass walls and a glass   roof on top of this weird little like  glass box greenhouse looking thing. It would probably be kind of hot in there which  would would in turn be a little bit unpleasant,   but also it's a solid glass room with like  360 degree views of this, and I don't think   anybody's going to complain about that, they've  got AC, they're fine, okay? They'll get over it. It's also again, The Sims, so  nobody actually cares about that. Glass roofs don't make the place  hotter, it doesn't make a difference. Now as far as windows go, I used  the Mosquito Stuff pack windows. It's actually called Moschino, Moschino,   I don't really know or care, it's  like a high-end fashion brand. I call it Mosquito on purpose, if you  ever heard me say that, it's intentional. Mosquito like the bug I think is better. The Mosquito pack, she's controversial, but  you gotta admit the windows are kind of cool,   they are actually kind of good so they  worked really well for this purpose. I really wanted to use stuff from the  Industrial Loft kit in here because   I was kind of inspired by that kit  just generally for the whole build. The problem is the Industrial Loft kit  only has one window and one archway and   so it's not really that good for doing a full  building like this because not much matches it,   and it doesn't really have the greatest texture  either because it's very metal and like almost   a little bit rusty looking, so when you try  and match that to a different black swatch on   something else, nothing else has that rusty  color to it so it just doesn't really work. There's not enough variety so  I had a hard time using those. I did use the Mosquito windows and then  the arched ones are actually base game. There's drama about this. So listen to this,  okay, when the Industrial Loft kit came out,   they teased it with this  like cover photo of a window. The picture had an arched window  and like some furniture in it. That arched window was this one that I'm using   here that kind of matches  the Mosquito Stuff items. Then the pack comes out and the  arched window that's in the pack   is not the arched window from the teaser photos. It is not the same thing. it's a different --  it's still an arched window, it's still big,   but it's got different textures, it's got  different like paneling in the middle. It's a completely different window and  so everybody's like whoa, wait a minute,   now hold on. That's not what you advertised and  you've given me the wrong window in the pack. So then The Sims team had to be like like  oopsies, we're so sorry everybody, don't worry! And then they went and made this  arched window and added it to the   base game for everybody as like an  apology for the false advertising. I don't think they intended  to false advertise the item. I think there must have been like,   some sort of oversight or something,  I don't really know what happened. Like maybe they tried to make  this window and then changed it   last minute to a different one and it wasn't  communicated to the team that made the cover? I have no clue how this could  have happened, I don't get it. I'm not trying to justify it, but I don't think  they like tried to intentionally lie to us,   I think it was an accident, I just don't  understand how they had an accident like this. But anyway, that base game arched window stems  from drama. It's always fun for me to like go   back and talk about the Sims drama of years  past because I know a lot of you are maybe   sort of new to The Sims community, maybe you  didn't watch a lot of Sims content back then,   maybe you didn't follow the kits  because who cares about kits so you   might not have known about that,  but I find it all very exciting. Now speaking of things that some of you  might find very exciting, I have big news. So I've been talking a little bit about this,  but me and Dan are planning a wedding right now. Yes, technically we are already married. Not -- we literally are already married,  we got married like 2 years ago,   but because of the whole Visa process and COVID  we didn't have like a wedding-wedding, okay? We want to have a wedding-wedding  so we're planning that now,   we've like booked a venue, we've  booked a date, all this stuff. It's not until next year so don't get too excited,  but I'm going wedding dress shopping this weekend. I guess by the time that you see this video, I  will have already been wedding dress shopping. I don't know, I don't really know what to expect,  I don't think I'm going to -- I don't know. I'm not sure if I'm going  to buy a dress this weekend,   I just am looking I guess,  but I'm really scared of it. I know some people get excited about this  kind of thing, it's not exciting to me,   it's really nerve-wracking and like stressful and   I think I'm going to be like sad  and feel ugly when I try them on. I know that sounds so bad, but I just, I'm really  scared of it, um, hopefully it goes well though. I don't know if I'll like show you anything. I've seen people on TikTok  make videos that are like oh,   these are the ones that I didn't  buy, but it like depends how I'm   going to feel in the dresses that I  don't buy so I don't know, we'll see. We'll see if I show anything to you this weekend  and I'll let you know if I end up buying one. I think it might be like a a few attempts, this  process, of trying to find one, but we'll see. I know the kind of things that I like, but it's  hard to know until you've actually tried it on,   you know? If you actually are going  to like it when you're wearing it. I just get quite self-conscious when  I'm shopping for clothes and I feel   like going to a place like this with this big  outing and stuff is going to be even worse. So I'm I'm feeling quite nervous and not really  excited about the dress shopping in particular,   but again, I'll let you know how it goes. That's my wedding planning update for the week. I also ordered all of our save the  dates which I won't show you either   because I think that leaking the day  of the event is probably a bad idea. I'll probably keep that a secret  until next year when it happens,   but I bought all the save the  dates because it is next year,   but I want to send them out soon because a lot  of our family is coming from from like, far away,   like Dan's family lives in England so it's kind  of a huge deal to come to Florida for a wedding,   so I want to give ample time for that so we  we're going to try and send them out soon. Wow, I suck right now. I'm like  here's these two big updates,   but no, I won't be showing  them to you, that's terrible. I will eventually, I just don't think it's  a good idea to show it right now, you know? I probably shouldn't like talk  about it or share it too much yet. We did do an engagement photoshoot which again, is  so silly because we've been married for two years,   but we never took like actually engagement  photos with a photographer, we didn't take   any wedding photos with a photographer when we  actually had the ceremony like at the courthouse. So we didn't have any like real photos by  a photographer, we had like phone photos by   my sister, which are still nice, but  I wanted to have like photo-photos. Plus like for the save the dates and stuff,   people put photos on them so  we took some photos this week. That's a lie, it was like three weeks ago. I posted them on Instagram this week, so  if you want to see a couple of them I did   post them on Instagram, my name  is just lilsimsie on Instagram. I'm trying to be brave and  like post more on Instagram,   but I don't get out much so I don't  take that many photos which is bad   because I'm supposed to be like an internet  person, but I'm not good at photo posting. That's just not me. I'll post  every day on YouTube, every day,   and that's like not a big deal to me, but when it  comes to posting like one picture on Instagram,   it's really nerve-wracking and I don't know why. Because I would argue that posting on  YouTube to like a way bigger following   and a video is a way bigger deal, but this  just seems normal to me, I'm used to this. I'm not used to the Instagram posts. But back to the build for a second,  we're working on the floor plan right   now so you can kind of see how  I'm trying to lay everything out. There's basically a huge lofted  space in the middle and that's   going to be like a two-story living room in here. And then by this weird arched window  which actually looks really good I think,   I'm going to have the kitchen  and dining room in that area. I want to have the dining table like  laid out right in front of that giant   arched window and the kitchen  right in the front entryway. And then we've got space for two bedrooms and   a shared bathroom downstairs,  like a Jack and Jill bathroom. Upstairs there's one bedroom and an en  suite bathroom for the primary bedroom. And then on the third floor is the  art studio. The biggest issue with   this floor plan is that I don't have a  like hall bathroom for guests to access. All of the bathroom doors are through bedrooms. And that's my own fault, I could have  had a bathroom door like outside of it,   but I have this weird thing about putting  bathroom doors in like one tile wide corners. I like to have any door be centered between  two tiles, or at least like not only in a one   tile space because I hate how it kind of like  clips off the corner of the door that way. So even though there was one tile for  me to put a bathroom in the hallway,   I had the only doors through the bedroom. Which is not very smart, it's not very logical.  In real life that would be super annoying if   you had to have your guests like go into  your bedroom to get to the only bathroom. And that does happen, like it's not uncommon  in real life, but it's just not ideal. And considering this house, at least in  our story, was like completely renovated   from scratch, it was like a big empty shell  of a factory and we built the whole thing,   it makes no sense that they wouldn't  have a proper like hall bathroom added   in because they're building the whole  thing themselves, but it's too late. I already made the call, I decided it  was better this way and so here we are. Now this house took me so long to make and  we also had a couple of problems during. I've been having some weird PC  issues recently, it's not always,   but twice last week and once this  week my entire PC has just died. One of the times I was just  sat here making the PowerPoint,   the Google Slides that I used for  that daycare pack video I made. I wasn't even like doing anything  intensive, I wasn't recording,   wasn't streaming, didn't have any games  open, I was just in Google Slides. And the other two times I was streaming and  it was this day, at this point of the video. So what you're seeing right now is  my game crashed because my whole   PC died and I had to redo a lot of the kitchen. And I was so mad about it that I like,  refused to record it a second time. So you might have just seen like a lot of it skip  ahead furniture wise and you're like not seeing   all of the furnishings being added in, yeah,  that's because I was in a bad mood and when I   redid it for the second time, I didn't want to  record it twice and then like the footage got   lost because of the PC dying, it just -- agh, I'm  so sorry, it's very frustrating to me as well. I will show you a tour of the  full living room, kitchen,   dining area in detail so you can see everything  because it kind of cut off some of the decor. The vibes that I was going for, and  this is going to sound kind of weird,   but I was entirely inspired by the blue base game  chairs that I used as the dining table chairs. I wanted the place to be very dark with a  lot of like black and brick accents so we   have like the black tile floor, we have the  black windows and the black doors, but I also   wanted to have some really vibrant pops of color  because the Sim who lives here is an artist. So I was trying to focus on where I could find  those colors and like where I could add them in. One of the other things that was  just so beyond frustrating while I   was working on this is I was having  some sort of weird platform bug. I'll show you better and like up close  in the tour at the end of the video,   but there was this weird visual glitch  where when I was on the second floor,   like in the loft area looking down, half  the time everything would disappear. It was just visual, it wasn't  like actually gone or deleting,   but it was looking so weird and it was making  me so mad because I tried so hard to make this   place look cool and I had this vision of a  loft and then it just wasn't working right. And this doesn't always happen, I don't  know if it's because of the platforms,   I think it might be because the whole house  is technically on like a four high platform. If I had used a foundation instead of a platform,  this wouldn't be happening, but it's too late. It's fine. Platforms in The Sims, it's  such a shame because they're so cool. Like what you can do with platforms with  the split leveling and I like how I'm   able to use them to raise the house  up on a foundation, but not have to   use the foundation trims because none  of the foundations match this brick. That was the main problem is I wanted  to have brick on the whole exterior,   but no foundations were this color brick. Nothing matches the metal on like the kitchen  side either, so I didn't want a foundation. So I used the platforms and  it's so fun, it looks so good,   but then like there's all these  visual glitches on the interior. Nothing gamebreaking, it just looks kind  of annoying. Like realistically it's not   a huge deal that you can't see the first floor  from the second floor because like, whatever,   you're on the second floor anyway, but it looks  so cool when you can, and you just, you can't. So I was again, I was quite sad. We did actually add a couple  other kind of exciting details,   I used a lot of that Industrial Loft  kit for like pipes and duct work and   things like that to add in to  try and fit that factory vibe. Those ducts from the Industrial  Loft kit, they're really cool. They do cause some problems at times, they're  not causing any issues here in this house. When you use them on short wall height,   I think your Sims get confused and can't  walk under them so just bear that in mind. This is a medium wall height so we're fine  there, but they're also just visually quite uh,   distracting, because there's like  a huge pipe just blocking the view. So I tried to focus them in areas that weren't  that big of a deal like in the hallway and maybe   like above a bed because the bed is big so  you're not really distracted too much by it. And when your Sims are in the bed,   you don't need to watch them that  closely because they're just sleeping. Or like woohooing, but still --  since I was a child, when my Sims   woohoo in beds sometimes I  like turn the camera away. I don't know why because I don't really  feel weird about it now as an adult,   it's just like a habit from when I was a kid. Because you know when you're young and  you're like you know, what if your parents   walk into the room so you're like, turn the  camera so they can't see that, you know? I still have that habit in  my mind a lot of the time,   even though there's no need, there's no need. I'm 24 years old, like we're all  adults here and yet I still do it. Not always, other times I think that we end  up watching like a little bit too intently. I just made a whole video where I ranked  every single woohoo spot in The Sims 4. It took me like ages to record and  it's like 45 minutes long or something,   but if you want to watch that, um,  that's the opposite of looking away. We stared at every single one of  those woohoo types, every single one. I'll put it on the end card at  the end of the video for you. But anyway, back to the build for a second. Upstairs in this hallway we have kind of like a   small lofted hallway space and then  access to the bedroom from up here. I thought about having the bedroom just be  open, like one big open area, completely a loft. Then I figured like realistically for privacy  purposes because quite a few Sims live here, they   probably would prefer to have a separate bedroom  instead of just an open area so I built walls in. And then in front of the walls in the small  lofted area, there's like a small corner. I put a desk nook over there  so we've got a computer,   it's a very expensive computer which  you probably don't want, but it's there. And there's also a staircase up to the third  floor so you can access the inside of the   third floor on the rooftop, like interior  art studio, from the inside of the house,   but you can also access the rooftop, like general  rooftop outdoor area, from the fire escape. I'll kind of explain more why once we're up  there because you'll see it once we get there,   it has to do with platforms, the access is  weird because of the different wall heights. But right now we are decorating  the primary bedroom and I really,   really loved the color scheme in here. I used that kind of like sunset-y  themed rug for from the Horse Ranch   pack and I used that as the main color  inspiration, and then I paired it with   a Movie Hangout painting and like  some dark blue wallpaper everywhere. We've got like a cute orange bed  and like some other little purple   details and I really liked  how this worked together. I've never really used those colors  together anywhere, I even found like   a clothing rack that had the exact right  color scheme so I used that in there too. I don't ever use the clothing rack item either,   but I used it in two places in this house  because I felt like the metal was kind of   a nice touch and the clothes were really pretty  and colorful so they kind of worked nicely too. And then for the bed, I tried to  make almost like a custom headboard. And so I put cabinets back there  and then scooted the bed into them   a little bit so it's kind of like a double  wide headboard, but it's nice for storage. Again, it's The Sims, there is  no storage, but you can pretend. And then it's also like a nice wide  table nightstand so you can kind   of customize the stuff that's going  on it and really decorate in there. And then I also use a sort of weird  maybe concrete wall in most places. I built this live on my Twitch stream and that  concrete wall was kind of a controversial idea. I really liked it because it felt like  it fit this kind of industrial vibe. A lot of other people thought the build looked  unfinished and like I didn't paint the walls   because there's like the base game concrete wall,\  that's like the default wallpaper and then there's   this one from the Desert Luxe kit and the one  that I use is from the kit so it's different. It's like a fancy concrete wall except it does  look a little bit like the default base game one. This one's nicer, but I can  see why you would think the   walls look unpainted in a couple  areas, but I kind of liked it. So if you hate it, I'm sorry. And now we have finally, finally  moved up to the third floor to work   on the art studio and this is like  my favorite part of the whole house. I think the windows all the  way around it are so cool. And then up here I tried to put access to  just pretty much every craft that we have. We've got an easel, we've got a bunch of canvases,   there's stuff for knitting up  here in case you want to do that. And I tried to put a lot of like crafty decor  too so like a lot of the Nifty Knitting clutter,   they have like cute cabinets with  a bunch of like craft supplies,   there's paint stuff on a rack on the wall, all  those kind of things I was putting in here. I ended up deleting windows on one  of the walls on this top floor,   just to have space for that  like cute little paint rack. And then because we had the space and because my   chat kept saying it's going to be  so hot in there, it's all glass,   I was like fine, I'll add an AC unit so I  put an air conditioning unit up there too. Which I think kind of fits the vibes  though, like I think it kind of works   for this industrial thing that we're  going for and it's just fun to have. Those AC units and the radiators from the  rent pack actually both work by the way,   if you've got Seasons you can  turn them on to like sync with   the thermostat and then the AC unit  will turn on when it's hot outside. It's just visual, it doesn't actually  do anything. The thermostat is what   does things with Seasons, but it is kind  of fun to have the detail of the like,   fan spinning when it's hot outside,  I don't know, I kind of like it. We are moving back downstairs now to finally  work on the other two bedrooms and there   was a lot of like back and forth for me at  least with these two bedrooms because again,   I was talking a lot about like should  it be for roommates that are adults?   Should it be for kids? Should it  be for like our teenage children? Because however I did it, it really changed the  vibes of what I was going to furnish them with. But I settled on teens and  then went for like some kind   of teenage-like decor with posters  and stuff in each of these rooms. But it just took me a second to get there. And I also really wanted to have it not be blue   and to try and use some swatches  that I don't normally go for. I was really digging around looking at different  rugs that I could try and I knew that we had to   use the Industrial Loft kit bed, like you  cannot build a whole house inspired by a   factory and not use the Industrial Loft kit  furniture so I used the yellow version of it. And this one was tough for me because  I wanted it to be a teen's room,   but it was looking kind of like a  guest room for a while so it took   me a bit of time to find like the  creative cutesiness that it needed. Right now with this base  game rug, it's not working,   but I ended up going back in instead and  using a rug from Get Famous that has some   like blue and yellow like triangles on it,  and that kind of worked out quite nicely. I also put the duct work in here and again,   it's a little distracting on the ceiling,  but it looks good still so it's worth it. This room in particular is probably the greatest  failure of the build, at least right now   because I knew I wanted to have some vibrant  colors, I was trying like the pop art stuff,   it just -- nothing was working, so again, trust  the process, I swear we'll come back and fix it. It just took me some time to get there. Oh, that reminds me, one of the  other things that people in my   Twitch chat kind of didn't love  were the doors that I was using. These are just base game doors, I  picked them for a couple reasons. Number one, they're really tall. They're  taller than like the average base game   door height because they like a transom window at   the top and so they fit a bit better  on the taller walls in this house. And I kind of just liked the texture and the gold  doorknobs on them so I wanted to use them in here. And I also felt like the  transom wasn't even that weird,   it's not that common these days I don't think  to build new places with the transom windows,   but a lot of old places have a lot of transom  windows in their doors so maybe we can just   pretend that those are like, original  doors from the factory and they like,   took them out, carefully restored them, and then  reinstalled them for for all of the new bedrooms? I kind of like the vibes of that, I know it's just  pretend, like it doesn't actually mean anything,   but I always kind of have fun pretending with that  sort of thing and like pretending that it's real. One thing that I thought helped a  lot in this bedroom was when I went   in and added some extra windows behind the bed. And shockingly, I used the  greenhouse kit windows for this. So we have a mix of three different  kinds of windows in this house:   we've got the Mosquito Stuff  ones, the base game arches,   and then the Greenhouse kit windows and  the door that I used for the balcony. And I thought it was perfect, the Greenhouse  kit ones almost match identically. Even when they're open, it kind of has a  similar vibe to it so that worked quite well,   it was helpful to have another size variation. I always complain about this with builds,  but half the problem with using a lot   of these new packs for builds is  there's just not enough windows. We only get like a couple new windows,  like with the Industrial Loft kit,   and so it's so hard to do an entire  build because you need different sizes   and different places so having the access  to those kit ones were pretty helpful. The Greenhouse kit has really come in clutch a lot  of times, those windows are really, really nice. I didn't really think that the  Greenhouse kit would become my   most used kit because I knew that  I liked it, I thought it was fun,   but I didn't realize just how often  I would use those Greenhouse windows. I think as far as kits go, Pastel  Pop, Book Nook, Greenhouse kit,   and maybe like the Everyday Clutter  kits are probably my favorite ones. The Bathroom Clutter kit has a toilet  paper holder that's really nice,   but that's a silly reason to like a pack. You can't go around saying your favorite kit  is because it has a toilet paper holder in it,   that's just, that's ridiculous Kayla, so. I like the other ones though  a lot, they're pretty good. If you're going to buy a kit,  I would recommend any of those. It's hard with the kits because it's so personal,  like what I prefer in kits might be the exact   opposite of what you would want and that's totally  fine, like all of the kits, they're all decent. Like size-wise compared to each other and so,  whatever you think is best is what's best for you. I don't think any of the kits are  objectively worse than the other ones,   if that makes sense, but anyway, we're  doing the teenagers bedroom downstairs,   that's like a little bit  more vibrant in color scheme. I based this whole thing around  the rug from Jungle Adventure. It's rare that I use this rug  because it is really, really busy,   which is fun especially for a place like  this, I just don't use it that often in   my regular builds so I was excited  to have a place to use it in here. We also put in like some pride flags and some  pretty decor. Right now I'm trying to figure   out the desk and it looks a mess, but placing  things and placing objects requires sometimes   filling in all the slots, and then going back  and adding to it so just ignore that, okay? I did also put one of the clothing racks  down here because it kind of matched the   whole space and then I wanted to put a  hamper and then I realized no, no hampers. If you put a hamper, they're gonna  have to do laundry and that is bad,   we do not want laundry in this house,  so I did not put a hamper in here. At this point I had already done the bathrooms so   I didn't want to go back and add  in laundry like after the fact. And I know myself, I never  ever have my Sims do laundry. I hate doing laundry. In real life, you guys, I've got laundry sitting  in the dryer right now from yesterday afternoon. I need to -- I need to put it away today, I  will. I'll be brave, but I'm just -- I don't,   laundry does not excite me in the slightest  so I try to avoid it in my Sims houses. But that's most of this room done, I'm just  going in and adding some last minute details,   things like glowing mirrors and fairy lights,   we've got you know a dresser and  some various things like that. But after I had finished this bedroom and like  found the vibes that I was going for in here,   it made it a lot easier to go  back to the other bedroom and   like update it and add some clutter and  like kind of fit it together a bit more. I just had to find that spark of inspiration  and the spark was unfortunately sports. So I used like the yoga mat, the sports  floor clutter, there's like a basketball   and a hat on the wall from the clutter kit  which reminds me, this build? Million packs. Oh my god, this is one of the worst  ones so far as far as pack content goes,   this is not a limited pack build. I promise, I'll do another one this week,  I'll make you like a a base game and one   pack sort of build this week to make up for  it, but this one? Oh, she has all the packs. I would bet -- at least almost  all of them. They're everywhere. But anyway, moving on now to the last part  of the build, some of the exterior spaces. Possibly the most exciting part of this build  is the rooftop so we've got this access from the   fire escape and I wanted to put a couple cute  like cozy things up here for your Sims to use. I found some kind of cool  vines, I got some lounge chairs. I thought about adding a hot tub, but I just, I  felt like it didn't fit up there because there's   like not a wall on the roof and there's all these  ducts up here and stuff so it didn't really work   that nicely with the hot tub but I did end up  putting some lounge chairs and some plants. I got some fairy lights up here, I  think I put a game table as well. I love those game tables especially now that we  have puzzles. The puzzles are so fun because your   Sims can use them to like actually play  games -- oh, never mind, no game table. I told a lie. Okay, I thought about it, but  I did end up deleting it, that's my bad. I didn't know how much to put up here, I  was worried about doing it too much so I   was trying to be careful, but if you  play here you could totally add more. There is also downstairs on the back patio,   there's like a grill and a bar and  some seating and stuff so we've got   all the bases covered pretty much and that my  friends is the full renovated factory build. I want to pop back in into the real game for a  second to give you a tour of the finished product. So just to remind you, we're on this  Manzanita Terrace lot in San Sequoia,   and on the gallery it's called  the Converted Cupcake Factory,   it costs like 145,000 simoleons and  as I warned you, uses so many packs. This is so bad. I promise, I'll  get you a limited pack build,   I swear. I'll make a good one for you, but  I'll place it real quick so we can look around. I had a lot of fun doing the outside, I  went through and added some things like this   mural on the floor, your Sims can actually  paint this so they can make a mural there. They can also paint a mural over  here on the side of the wall. Back on this side, I kind of  put like a little half wall   and some trash cans here before the fire escape. Some people in my chat  wanted me to add a dumpster,   but I felt like because it's a residential  building and like a private family home,   they probably wouldn't have a dumpster,  it would be like just regular trash cans. When you come around the backside, there's  just some plain landscaping and some lights. I do have things like the fire alarm system. I love this bar and grill area, we've got the bar,   we've got a pizza oven, all this stuff  right here, you can sit here and eat. I put an extra easel downstairs by the water  so your Sim can like stand out here and paint. And around the side, this garage door is also  a mural so your Sims can paint on this too. So generally quite a few options for  painting skill building over here. Um, this is the kind of finished  product on the exterior. I'll get upstairs last, but we'll kind of  start right here through the front door. So when you first walk in, we've got as you  can see, a very cool skylight in this area,   but you walk right in through a small  entryway with just like a table,   there's some cat statues, we've got  like our keys and the mail up there. I did put a full length mirror so you can  look at how you look before you go out. And then this is the kitchen, I thought  that the kitchen looked so good. I loved the dark wall accent with  the cool shelves and all the clutter,   I think the wood colors look kind of nice too. This is just a base game cabinet, but it  does have some Cool Kitchen Stuff appliances. These are from the Industrial Loft kit and  then over here, this is the dining room. This is what I was most excited about because I  loved the table being centered with these windows. We've got this really cool dining  table, I've got some art canvases   just leaned against the wall  to bring in the color scheme. And I tried to find a sort of neutral rug  that also tied in the colors and I loved   this because it had that like darkish blue  color, a light blue, it has that kind of   like reddish brown orangey color that matches  the brick so I thought it worked pretty well. And then you come this way and this  takes you into the living room. So I've got a bunch more canvas type stuff,   we've got all kinds of like pipes  on the wall and things like that. I thought about doing built-ins  all here underneath these windows,   but it didn't really fit so I  settled for this record player,   but we do have a really nice huge  TV in front of the staircase. Don't worry, you've got pet  bowls so you can feed the cats. And then through this door on the right,  we've got that first teenager's bedroom. They've got like a very pink and blue and orange   color scheme going on in here so I've  got all kinds of decor to fit that. I think I like this room the best. In between their rooms they've got  a small Jack and Jill bathroom,   this is what I was talking about. I didn't want to put the bathroom door  like right there so I just didn't,   and I put it in between their rooms instead. But it's nice, it's functional, it's  got some cute colors going on in it. And then this is that other teen room  with the kind of like sports theme. They've got a very yellow and  blue color scheme going on. When you come back out this way,  you can go up the stairs right   here and this is what I mean with  the weird glitch, do you see this? Like how I move the camera and the  stuff just like comes and goes? This is so annoying. When I tell you I almost cried about this,   I actually almost cried about  this, I was so frustrated. Like, look at that, isn't that so weird?  But I think it's because of the platforms. Ignore it. Up here we've got a small desk nook. We've got this kind of cool  plant area and like some pipes. You can come into the primary bedroom this  way and they have an actual balcony in the   front and they've also got a door to  the fire escape through their bedroom. They've got like some wardrobe doors right  here, a dresser, we've got a clothing rack,   I just think the colors in here look so good. And they have their own primary en suite bathroom. This has a huge tub, it's got like a double sink. I made a custom shower right here as well, I put  like windows to make a walk-in shower like this. And then you can come back  out here up these stairs to   the third floor where I have the art studio. The lighting in here I just think looks so  cool because of all the windows, but they've   got kind of like a painting corner over here,  they've got a desk so they can draw or whatever. I mean you can't draw in The  Sims 4, but you can pretend. It looks like an artist is using this. They've  got storage for their supplies over this way,   we've got stuff to knit, there's places to  sit, I mean you've got all the things in here. And it's completely made out of glass, it's  got like the glass roof, the glass windows. If you want to access the actual rooftop,   there's not a door here because this is  actually technically sunken, if you can tell. So there couldn't be a door, it wouldn't really  fit, but you can get up the fire escape to use   these lounge chairs, I put a telescope,  there's some planter boxes and a yoga mat. I felt like that was kind of nice because the  yoga mat's not too intrusive from the outside,   but it's still useful for your Sims. There's basically two death traps up here,   you've got this so you can get struck by  meteors and you also have this because I   don't know about you, but my Sims nonstop try  to autonomously do yoga, even in the winter. So they'll like walk up here  and then take their clothes off,   put on their athletic wear, and  start doing yoga in a snowstorm. So I have had Sims come dangerously close  to freezing to death because of this thing,   but I usually catch it in time. But that is there for you. And then if you come back downstairs,  through this living room door you can   access the back patio and that  is the fully finished product. We've got everything going on over here. I quite liked this build, I'm  kind of excited about the idea   of playing with an artist here, I  think it's kind of a cool shape. I think it would also make a  kind of cool community lot,   if you switch this into like I don't know,  this could be a cool karaoke bar, a cool café,   it might be a really cool arts center instead,  I really am proud of the exterior of this. It's not really my personal style, but I think   it came together quite nicely so  hopefully you enjoyed this one. If you liked this video, I do build  stuff all the time here on my YouTube   channel and I also stream Sims building  like pretty much every day on Twitch. So if you want to see the slow, long term,  multi-day process of actually building this live,   you can watch my Twitch streams and make sure  you're subscribed here to not miss my next video. Thank you for watching, and I'm going  to catch you all tomorrow, okay? Bye everybody. Oh my goodness, I keep making these  ridiculously long speed build videos. Hopefully you like them, this  is like the sixth one in a row. [ JAZZY OUTRO MUSIC ]
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 310,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly
Id: QibM_QNwZtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 15sec (2115 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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