the sims got a HUGE swatch update for create-a-sim

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It's been a pretty big  couple of days for Sims news. We just got the new road map yesterday,  which teased the next three packs coming   to The Sims 4 including a new  romance themed expansion pack. I just made a whole video talking about  that road map, so I'll link that down below   for you if you haven't seen it, and just now I  opened up my game and I got this Sims delivery   incoming notification, which means that there's  some sort of new content being added today. I think this Sims delivery stuff is  still kind of confusing to people,   so basically when they do these  SDX drops it's like a mini update. They typically have a real full patch  about once a month for the game,   but then they'll also do these SDX drops in  between patches, and this is just a nice way   to quickly get out free content for us, so there  won't be any bug fixes or anything like that. This is literally just going to  be a tiny drop of new content. In the past, it's been like one new hairstyle,   or like a couple of new hair swatches,  maybe a couple of furniture items,   so it's never a huge drop, but it is free  and it's always fun to get new free stuff. Oh, and The Sims just posted about it. Okay, so make a splash with  today's free Sims Delivery Express. Dive into new swimsuit swatches  perfect for your hot Sims summer. Available now in the base  game, and we have a video. Let's see what they're getting for us. So it looks like they've just recolored a lot of  the base game swimsuits, but even stuff for kids. We haven't gotten more swimsuit swatches in the  base game since the original swimsuit update. Like, this one that she's wearing  -- this is the patterned one. I never even use that one because  I don't love the patterns on it,   so it's really fun to have more colors, and it's  great to have more stuff for the little kids too. Oh my gosh, they're even showing  it paired with some T-shirts. Do you think they recolored the t-shirts too? Oh my gosh, this is a great idea. Swatch updates are such a way  to please The Sims community. I've been trying to tell them this. I've been begging for more  swatch updates for so long. Obviously it's nice to get brand new  swimwear altogether, but like going back   and just adding a few more colors to the  existing ones completely refreshes them. They've done a couple of pretty  big swatch updates in the past. We got that big window swatch update. They did some new swatches on the wedding  dresses when the wedding pack came out. A lot of the base game furniture  got some new wood colors recently,   and we got a bunch of new stuff on the  bathroom clutter objects recently too,   but it's rare that we get CAS swatch  updates, so I'm really excited about this. This is actually really funny because in that  teaser yesterday, they said priming for passion   polished my look for a sultry splash, so we kind  of knew it would be a swimsuit sort of thing,   and they had the swimsuit emoji in the  tweet, but I did not expect it to be today. I thought we'd have to wait a little bit  more than 24 hours to get the update. Okay, I'm going to restart the game now  so we can go take a look at this stuff. Okay, I think I might actually start  with the little ones first because I   think I'm most curious about what they have. So in the base game, we have this little one piece  swimsuit and some really cute stripey swatches. Oh, look! They've got Voidcritters too. Oh my god, that's actually really adorable. Look at this one with like the  pineapples and the freezer bunnies. We've got a little gnome swatch. Oh, so that kind of matches  the one from the swimwear kit. The swimwear kit didn't have  anything for toddlers I don't think,   but now we have this in the  base game for the little ones. We also have this little gnome swatch too. And then this swimsuit -- I don't  think that these swatches are new. I feel like we had all of these already, but I  also don't ever use this, so I could be wrong. And then we also have this  little tank top version as well,   which looks like it matches  the full body outfit version. It's the same colors, it's just cut off. Oh my god, look, there's matching shorts too. Oh, that's so cute. That is really cute. And you know what? These are like obviously   meant to be swimwear, but I feel like you could  super easily use this as just like a regular   tank top or a regular pair of shorts for your  toddler, especially in some of these swatches   like these little stripey ones -- you could  use that as a normal pair of pants easily. And there's some plain solid color versions too. This is really nice to have. I didn't really consider this also just  being a nice like plain pair of shorts   recolored for toddlers, but this is  actually useful for more than one purpose. So that's all the stuff for  toddlers, and then for children -- Am I wrong in saying that this one piece  swimsuit looks like it's completely new? Because I recognize these two, but  I don't think we ever had this one. I'm second guessing myself right now, but I am  fairly certain that this one is completely new,   and it looks like it matches the toddler  one, so we've got all of those same swatches. This is so cute! I really like how they put the Voidcritters on it.  That is just adorable, and it's nice nice  to have some simple swatches as well. I think that this top might also be new. I swear I've never seen this before, so I  think we have a new simple top, and then we   also have a matching top that matches the one  piece and all of those same swatches again. I don't think any of these have new swatches. These are the same as before. And we did also get a new pair of matching shorts,   so we have the same ones that  toddlers got in all those same colors. This is really nice, and same thing -- this could   totally be used as a normal pair  of shorts and normal tank top. I sort of expected to get some sort  of swimsuit update because of what   the teaser said, but I didn't think  there would be anything for kids. I was sort of thinking that maybe if we're  lucky we'll get like one new bikini for adults,   and even then I wasn't sure if the  swimsuit was supposed to be like   underwear because they were making all  these jokes about woohoo in that post,   so I didn't know if I was misreading it, so I'm  really glad that it actually is a swimsuit update. I don't think that infants got anything because  there's not a swimwear category for infants,   so I feel like we probably didn't get anything  new for them -- these are all the same as before. But for young adults, oh my god, did  they add more swatches to all of this? Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on. I think that this is like eight new swimsuit   tops because previously we just  had these four in this category. We had like the bodysuit, we had the bikini top,   we had this bikini top, and  then this patterned one. This is so much more than I  was expecting them to add. Okay, let me look through all these. And there's more bottoms too. We  have like a new high-waisted version. I think this one's completely new. It's not really high-waisted, it's just  higher-waisted than the other ones were,   but this looks like it's going to come  in like all the same matching swatches. Let's leave it in black and  just look at all the tops first. So this is the same triangle bikini top,   but in a few new colors it looks  like, a few new plain ones. This one I always perceived as being  like a kind of fancy plain strapless top. I feel like I need to go and find  the original version of this. Yeah, look, this is what the  original version of this thing was. It has like the stripe down the middle. I never ever ever have my Sims wear this, and I've  never thought about it being swimwear, but they   added a second variant and then put a ton of extra  colors on it so we can use this as a swimsuit top. That's so nice. It's nice to have like more coverage as well,   and then you can kind of mix  and match it with the bottoms. And this one is also just a shirt,   so you could use this for anything,  it doesn't have to be for swimwear. Same with this tank top -- this is just a  regular plain tank top from the base game,   but they've added a second version of it  and put all of these same swatches on it,   so we just have some nice new  color variants that you can use. This shirt I never ever use. This is like the Eliza Pancakes shirt. You know what I'm talking about. She wears this version of it,   but they took this tank top and they recolored  it in all those same matching swatches as well. I still think this tank top is kind of ugly,  but I actually like it better in solid colors,   and I'm not mad about having more variants of it. It's always nice to have more  stuff like this in the base game. It looks like we got that other strapless  top from the base game recolored too. I usually use this one for formal wear. I never really considered using it as a  swimsuit top, but that actually is really nice. This is that version, and normally  it only has four swatches,   so I don't really ever think about this shirt. I'm kind of confused why we still have  the original variant and this one now,   but I think it's just easier for us to  see all the new versions like this anyway. And you could totally match this  with like a pretty skirt or like a   nice pair of pants and use it for a formal outfit. I'm so glad to have more colors.  I was just not expecting this  much stuff in the update. Then we have this swimsuit  top, and I never use this one. This is the original version. I hate this version. This is like my least used swimsuit. I just don't like the colors, the  texture, the pattern, I don't know. Not really my vibe, but this is just a nice  plain recolor of it with some solid colors. It seems so simple, but this  is such a nice thing to have. We also got this new swimsuit top,  which is a recolor of this one. Same thing, I don't really use this one  because I don't like the patterns that much. I like the patterns sometimes,  but most most often I want plain,   so we have this new plain version and  it looks like a completely new swimsuit. I really really really like this version. This is my favorite one out of all of them  now, and I like the colors they picked. They're all the same colors because you can mix  and match them, but I like this purple one a lot. And then last, we have one more tank top. Same thing, just those same swatch  colors, but it's a nice plain tank top. Weirdly, it looks like they did not recolor  any of the one piece swimsuits for adults. It's just a whole bunch of new tops  and then also a bunch of new bottoms. So we looked at this one earlier, we have  this completely new bottom it looks like,   and then we have a recolor of this  version to match the like triangle bikini. This one will match the bandeau style strapless   bikini, and then this one has that  little buckle to match this bikini. It looks like we also got a set  of recolors of these swim shorts,   so we have like a million new variants of  this pair of shorts, which is super nice. I've never noticed how bad the texture on that  little string looks, but now I can't unsee it. I hate that. But these come in some pretty simple  colors, and it also comes with white   and black each of them, so you can kind  of mix and match these however you want. And these could also probably work as  just like a plain simple pair of shorts. I think that this pair is completely new. I don't know if I've seen these before,  but I could be wrong about that. The texture on these is not great either. You can tell that it's painted on, so it doesn't  really look like the best, but it's still not   a bad thing to have more colors even if the  colors aren't really the best versions of them. Oh no. I'm not obsessed with this one, okay? A couple of them just look kind of weird. The texture is just kind of strange. Obviously you can wear the same stuff across  both masculine and feminine frame Sims,   but for masculine Sims we did  get this tank top recolor. I really like this sort of periwinkle  color. I think that's nice. And this one of course comes in all  of the same colors because then you   can swap and like mix and match  the different pieces if you want. And then for these Sims, we have those two  pairs of shorts that we just looked at. I'm being dramatic I think. I don't really think that  these shorts look that bad. You know what it is? I think it's the lines on the side. When you look at them straight on, the side is  like having a weird visual glitch where it's kind   of shiny or something, but it's not actually  bad, it's just like a visual thing where it   looks weird to have it traced in white on the  edges, but it only looks weird from the front. I'm being so dramatic. These shorts are fine. I'm  sorry about my complaining. I don't hate them anymore. So these are all of those colors  again just in case you missed them,   and I don't think I'm missing anything else. I feel like that was everything. I wonder if they made any new styled looks. Oh, they didn't. Okay, I've been playing around a little bit. I have uncovered some issues. First of all, this tank top  does not work with these shorts. You can see it has like a  weird visual bug right there. You can use the other tank top, but not this one. I think it's because this  one is supposed to tuck in,   but these shorts don't let you, so  it has like a weird glitch happening. I also think that this color is  my favorite of the new swatches. I really like this kind of purpley blue color. I did also uncover one other issue where for  some reason the teal swatch of these bottoms   has a blue trim, but the teal swatch of the top  has a white trim, so they don't match each other. I'm sure there might be a couple other  mistakes like that somewhere in this. I feel like it's bound to happen because they  made so many swatches, but it is kind of sad   because I like that teal color and now I feel like  I can't use it because it doesn't actually match. But overall, I am extremely  excited about this update. I know it seems like kind of a small  thing because it's just new swatches   and like a couple of new swimsuit pieces,  but I'm going to use these all the time. This is so useful to have the  swimsuits more built out in the game,   especially since so much of it is kind  of multi-purpose and not just swimwear. The base game could always use more swatches,   so I am never going to complain  about any swatch update they give us. Sims Team, if you're listening to this, can  we please have some more swatch updates? My number one request for a swatch update  right now is some of the base game beds. I think we could really benefit from  some new bedspread type swatches. But if you are taking requests, the  base game beds, the kitchen cabinets,   the couches, and also the rugs I think could  really benefit from some more color variation. When you're trying to make a starter home,  you end up using the same swatches on the   cheapest base game bed every single time,  so I'd really like some more colors to use. I'd be curious to know in the comments what you   all think would be the best  to update in the base game. If they were to go back and add more swatches  to one item, which one would you pick? For me honestly, it would just  be the cheapest base game bed. That is my number one request for more swatches. I think that's everything in the SDX drop,   but there actually is one other  huge free thing right now. They're giving out the Blooming  Rooms kit for free starting today. Unfortunately, I think it's only free on  PC and Mac and not on console this time. They told us they were going to do this a  while back because they're trying to give   it out for free as like an apology about the EA  app officially being forced upon everyone now. Because for a while there, only PC had  the EA app and Mac still had Origin,   but they've officially rolled out the EA app  everywhere, so this I think is like a gift to   the community because of the switch over, so  I think that might be why it's not on console,   but I know that's really annoying  and I'm really sorry about that. But if you do play on PC and you don't have  this kit, make sure you go and grab it. You can just buy it for 0  dollars on the EA app right now. And honestly even if you do play on console,   I would still see if you could try to make an EA  account somehow because then you can claim this. Even if you can't download it right now,   if you can still claim it then  you'll have it in the future. Because you never know, you might get a computer  someday and then play The Sims on it then,   and at least this way you'll have  claimed this now when it's free. I'll probably make an entire video playing with  this kit this week just to like really show   it off and make sure you don't forget that  it's free, but go and grab this right now. I don't know how long it's going to be  free for, and I don't want you to miss it. Free stuff is always good, but I think on that  note I'm going to wrap this video up right here. If you missed my video  yesterday on the new road map,   I'll link that down below so  you can go back and watch it,   and if you want to come hang out I'm live every  single day over on my Twitch channel this month. We're actually doing a huge fundraiser  for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital,   and today I am letting my Twitch chat decide  what I build, so wish me luck and I will see   you over there, and make sure you subscribed  here to my YouTube channel because I make   videos like this every single time there's  a big Sims update or any sort of Sims news,   and you don't want to miss Sims  news about free stuff, right? So make sure you're subscribed, and  I will catch you all tomorrow, okay? Bye everybody. I'm serious though, we are getting like  dangerously close to 2 million subscribers,   so please subscribe to my YouTube channel. [JAZZY OUTRO MUSIC]
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 368,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly
Id: aedjgBSSun4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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