The Recreation Centre | The Sims 4 Speed Build

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foreign [Music] [Music] well hello there my cheeky cheeky Darlings and welcome to a speed build on a Friday and welcome to a 64 by 64 Recreation Center in the new world of San Sequoia look at me did I get it right I think I might have got it right this time but it has been a labor of love this whole build um I think some of you guys who watch my let's build the world's videos will know that I had trouble with this lot because I lost well I over ripped the save file and I completely lost most of this built and I had to rebuild it using the footage that I have already got in my well that I'd actually recorded So I just couldn't believe that I had to do this but I did I did and it's here and I'm not gonna lie to you it's probably my favorite Community lot I've ever made in the Sims it just works so well in my bloody opinion and I I will talk more about that as it goes on it just really really comes together it really does so a recreation lot a recreation lot is a place where the community can come and hang out they can use the gym and I've also added in like a cafe a yoga studio these are all like under in the basement level I will show you once we get there I'm actually working on some wheelchair and pushchair ramps that you can see going in now and I really wanted to make this kind of like accessible for anybody that wanted to come and enjoy the festivities that this has got it's got an art studio it's got a music room it's got a library it's got a child a children's play area it's got two parks one for toddlers one for kids it's got a splash pad for your Sims to come and get splashy with um it's got a lot of things it's got many toilets it's got bathrooms it's got showers it's got a lot of things loves and I just really loved playing around with it I really did but here I am working on some train paint at the minute it was really important for me to blend this lot into the world around it and I really wanted it up on top of an elevated level so you obviously saw me playing around with the platforms I played around with some platform stairs in front of it they do change slightly as we progress into the build I really wanted this like diagonal moment coming up to the main kind of like platform area and that is what I went and did but anyway you need to strap on in my darlings because this is a very long Speed Build today I'm going to be wiffling and waffling on for about 40 minutes and chatting probably utter complete as I normally do uh but I yeah I I had so much fun building this I say that every time ignore what I'm doing here as well I use these but this orientation where I wanted to put like a bike park um is it just wasn't right for me I wanted to flow through and this having them this kind of like uh orientation just really stopped the flow through so what I did is put them the other way around I made it almost like a tunnel where you could kind of like cycle into put your bikes down and you're able to then walk up the ramps or this is also a good place for Access for uh Wheelchairs and push chairs and very nice indeed very nice indeed came out very swell yes it did one of the best things about this build for me when I had to go back and do it ignore these Planters by the way we don't end up using um is the fact that the actual main structure the building looked so much better when I rethought the process the second time around because I didn't really like the main structure of the building when I first did it but when I went back to it and I had a fresh new eye uh I made many changes and it looked it just looked good it looked good in my opinion and I was very much very much fortunate so this diagonal moment in the front here was very important to me for some reason it just really helped out the flow and the look of this place so I really wanted to accentuate that um accentuate that sorry with um flooring with the angle of the stairs and that's what you're going to go and see me doing now um but yeah I I tell you what I just had so much fun this and that is why I wasn't too annoyed about having to go and rebuild it because I had so much fun the first time so going back and rebuilding it once again was it was fine by main loves it was absolutely fine but may I had an absolute blast really wanted to make this place very green as well it's a very modern looking lot I really wanted that to come through Modern and contemporary so freshly built for the community using M funding I would imagine maybe not Government funding because governments are whatever country we live in um so I don't know maybe some kind of community-led project LED this being built that's what we're going to say yes we are indeed so yeah again with these stairs I'm angling off all of these stairs now because that just that diagonal moment just really made it for me and um I was very happy with how it came out very happy indeed but what else can I say well we'll waffle on a bit more um once we get into the build a little bit further on so accessibility was very important for me for this I know how many of you out there who watch my videos are um a unable to get around without wheelchairs or whatnot all without difficulty so this was very important for me for this community a lot to be able to kind of like do that like I did of my in my my shoe my Moma my myshuno Modern Art yeah that's a tongue twister right there let's um yeah I really wanted to portray that across here as well so that is why I really wanted accessible areas uh everywhere there is the elevators little lifts as I called them in the UK all throughout this lot so I end up um putting them all the way down to the basement level which is a big community space that is kind of like open plan but not I separate it off I'll show you a little bit more that is where I put in down like the Community Cafe uh the gym the rock climbing walls the yoga studio and the showers and change rooms are all down on that level and they're kind of like semi-open to the elements they're covered so it would be kind of chilly down there so I would reckon this would probably have to be in a bit more of a warmer climate this architectural piece that I come with like that I come to you with on a Friday um but in my eyes I just really wanted that kind of vibe to come through so that's what I did yes I bloody did indeed I did access off of this side because this is where I was thinking right I do want to put like two parks and also like a little mini kind of like Splash area where the kids can go and like play around in the fountains and whatnot so access down onto this side was important but this is all on street level so uh there was no reason for me to put any kind of ramps or anything here either because you can access them over from the other side as well which just didn't make sense over this side so that's what I went and that went and bloody went and did so like's probably gonna get Tongue Tied today as well because um I'm tired I'm tired what's new with me saying that I'm tired but I am I'm absolutely tired and I'm gonna have a nice relaxing weekend uh so very much looking forward to it ignore all the placements and stuff that I'm uh with the chairs and benches down there they actually do change them around and there'll probably be a few differences when you go and download this into your game like all of these lights going down on this point here this was something that I changed um when I went back in with fresh eyes and had to rebuild the whole thing again from scratch I was just like uh do you know what I think we've got the point now that this is like a diagonal moment we don't need to add lights down there either I did add lights on there just not a main kind of like catwalk kind of like area if you know what I mean um but yeah very nice and you can see I've orientated orientated orientated no idea we've already did the um bike shed or the bike kind of like canopies the other way around now so it kind of flows a little bit better you'll see more of that once we get into well right here you can see them right there but also into the video tour I've put a nice big long video tour at the end as well my loves so this is where I was thinking like the Planters just weren't working for me they just weren't working for me so I ended up just using like terrain tools and all the train paints and I end up just making my own little mini Planters and instead it just it flowed a little bit better for me and I'm using this wonderful little brick separating things um on the edges that come with get together those things have came in so handy over the years um and I think that was probably one of the last handy things that the Sims ever made to be honest with you I'm joking I'm joking I'm just being but yeah very nice you'll have to let me know down below what you think of the build as always yes you will so this is where I was putting like uh borders in when using this other really uh useful thing I can't remember where that comes from is that from Jungle Adventure it's from Jungle Adventure did you find that in the live edit and they just act as really good borders I wish there was a wall like this I know there's a similar one but it just doesn't look very nice um and I did I I built all up all of these borders and I was like oh down they haven't got any kind of like access point into the parks that I want to make so I end up having to go through and just reshuffling these around a little bit and putting access into either side but you will see that in a minute once we do get to actually making the little park areas um had so much fun had an absolute blast of building this I did it took me hours upon hours to complete and finish this and play a test uh I play a tested everything so your Sims can get everywhere there was only one thing that wasn't working somebody told me about a cheat where you can like sort of put a lift or an elevator into a room and then you can copy and paste it but when you go to leave the lot it says you can't leave the lot because this lot has more than one elevator on it I was just like what so I had to get rid of one of the elevators and just do put in some glass sliding doors and make them look like lifts instead uh that's what I went and did and yeah very nice very nice very happy um it just I don't know it kind of the time went fast when I was building this because of how much I was actually enjoying building it and that's very um not that I don't enjoy building with the Sims um like in-game stuff but I much prefer doing modern and contemporary builds with custom content because custom content is a thousand times better than anything else in the game and I will say and I will always vouch for it that way um but yeah I still had fun with it anyway and I still think that the final outcome was something that I was very proud of so I hope you like it so this is another uh wheelchair access point up and to up to the main building itself the main building is kind of risen what this is is a big platform it's a big platform and what I'm doing is building down into the basement level with the very the tallest Wall height you can see there and this is where the big kind of like community space goes down into and I wanted these like big concrete pillars to make it look like it was holding this whole structure up because it would just look weird if it didn't you know so um yes that's what we did and that whole area downstairs or in the basement is not open plan as I said it's it's it's all open space but I do separate every different area off using platforms dividers all of this kind of good stuff but you'll see that a bit more when we get down into the actual basement area itself um but yeah anyway on to the Box onto the box I think do we end up keeping these fences we do I use the new fence from the new pack um for the park areas I went to use it for the child's like the crash I don't know what you would call it they're kind of like children's play area inside but I didn't like the look of them with the interior so I end up changing them up for the glass ones and they don't really act I couldn't lock the gate that I'd use for like children not to like get through and stuff and I'm not too bothered about it I was more interested in the Aesthetics rather than the actual sort of like playability so you can always go and change that out once you like if when you put your children into the child area inside oh my God that sentence was disgusting I'm so sorry um but for me I was more interested in Aesthetics for this place so that's what I went ahead and did now this park is probably going to look a little bit different to the one that you've got in game as well because I'm using original uh footage for the park building I do change these parks around ever so slightly including like placements of trees and stuff like I just didn't like the placements of trees and stuff in there when I went back with fresh eyes um but yeah very nice very nice and I'll make sure to put out lots of benches and stuff where the parents can hang out I also did some picnic benches and barbecues down on this level too plus an outdoor toilet down on this way as well so it was important it was important for me for Sims who hanging around in the park and whatnot to be able to go for a wheel or a poo when they're in the park you know there's nothing like a weirapoo in the park so thanks um I told you I'm going to be waffling on about grabsolute crap and I absolutely meant it but this is kind of like the children's um playground I do a separate one for toddlers over at the other side of the walkway you'll see that in just a second um but yeah also something really awful happened with this build as well where I came back into it and all my terrain paints had disappeared that fun bug that is seems to like just be a permanent fixture in The Sims 4 um decided to happen for this so I had to go around and repaint everything oh my God I don't know if you can hear it but it's absolutely passing down the frame where I am at the minute and um yeah now I don't think you will be able to hear that but yes this is the toddler Park so the toddler Park is just I've put in that like whole kind of like play area for the toddlers uh ignore where I'm putting the benches here I think I actually changed that it just wasn't working for me there I um didn't like it didn't like it and removed it onto something a little bit different and I put in some nice picnic benches as well but I think we only go for two in the final outcome this was this just looked a little bit too crowded for me like three of them yeah just looked a bit too crowded so end up moving them uh a little bit I end up getting rid of one and moving them a little bit closer together and it seems to have worked quite nicely using street lights everywhere here as well is important for lighting for this place um especially the main building as well made sure the lighting looks really kind of fancy at night time so make sure well I'm sure you will win gameplay and what not to check it out at night time as well because I was you'll see in the video tour as well but I really played around with the lighting on the exterior um at night time just to like light the place up and give it its moment you know so the main structure of the building that we are starting now I wanted to do this like main Pillar Point that kind of looks like it threads all the way through the build itself so that was the first little square that I played around with doing there and it seemed to have worked it seemed to have worked and I very much controlled it yes I did so there's only two levels up here oops downstairs is a very open plan children's play area library and games area we have two toilets downstairs I think a reception and also a lift and then that will take you down as the basement area which I was talking to about the communal kind of space and then upstairs is two more toilets uh an elevator a lift and um an art room and also a music room as well it was important for me to add those in because that is a necessity for the recreation center it's a fun lot it really really is it almost kind of makes a few of the other other lots a little bit boring I've always been not hated the boothiums or the libraries but I've always found them a bit crap you know whereas you could have a recreation center with a museum and a library in it if you wanted to a library would probably make a bit more sense but yes I thought um the gameplay with this was just really interesting seeing how many Sims turn up to there's lots and stuff and played around with all the instruments and they were in the art rooms and stuff and down doing yoga you kind of hire in a yoga instructor and people were like Joy it was just fun it was really really fun I I had an absolute blast now this build as I said I did want it to look very contemporary so with the roof line here I wanted this almost like big winged out moment to kind of spread all over this side of the build and then kind of look like it's being held up by like lit up pillars you'll see that in a second when we get to it and then this area over here I put in two like differing levels of um half walls just to make it look a little bit more interesting a little bit more contemporary and it kind of came together really nicely uh these are the pillars that I end up using the ones from are they from get famous I can't remember what they're from I can't see what I'm looking at here is that getting married nope is that City living one of them no idea what one is from but I end up using that one um all the way along just to kind of look like it's holding up the roof piece and yeah I I just vibed with it I was vibing with this build very much it's kind of inspired me to play around with a few more contemporary Community Lots so I'm definitely going to be getting a few more speed builds out uh I'm really having fun speed building lately I've got a couple out in the last couple weeks um so next week is going to be another speed we'll definitely come into the channel I I'm I've got my eye on an Art Deco Hotel I'm going to be building an Art Deco Hotel so keep your eyes out for it my darlings I know we're not hotels aren't a thing in The Sims 4 yet I reckon that might come one day I'm gonna say it now but oh there's this picture that I found this reference image of this Art Deco Hotel that I'm in love with so I'm gonna build it in The Sims next week and I've not tried play around with the curved walls much if not at all in the game so that could be my yeah my first one um and I really wanted this look I didn't want a solid wall up here so you can see I use those like wall pieces and wrapped them around the build and it almost makes this build look like it's kind of sheltered the balcony area is kind of sheltered from the elements but it still gives this feeling that gives the feeling of like a nice sort of sound structure and it's very much for it and I do these little cutout points on each of the side of the actual main structure itself just for a little bit of architectural detail Darlings um a little bit of modern no no no too um yeah very nice indeed now with this here this was this was where I had to change things off of camera I love these little flat bits that I put out over the top here again for some architectural detail do it on each of them and I tried to size down those skylights that came with uh Island living you know when you can size them down you have to go back and press them to make them go shorter when you come back into game they just end up leeching out and getting rid of flooring in places so yeah I am I I had to skip over that idea which was a shame because it looked really nice but hey ho you you win some you lose some you know now this is the wallpapers that I haven't ended up choosing this brick I can't remember where this brick is from but I love it I've I've never really used it but this is kind of the main wallpaper throughout the whole of this build I use it on the exterior and also into the Interiors itself um I just really really like it I just can't remember where it's from I'm so sorry I'm trying to look to see where it's from and you can obviously see by my menu that we can see I just yet um because yeah because they're and this um brick is from the high school pack I think from the high school pack I just wanted three main wallpapers in this build to just kind of well three or four I think I used oh maybe five I've just remembered the concrete one I used as well so maybe five but it came together rather delicious Luna's very happy with it in the end just for us but this brick is what I use on like the main walls like building up into and I think I put it down here quite a bit as well into the basement level um but yeah and I also go around I wanted some contrast so I contrasted a lot of black with this build and I do some architectural details on the front of the buildings using some wall panels and stuff just to bring a bit more of that dark the white was just kind of like bleeding out and looking a little bit Bland and I thought just adding a little bit of depth in with the black windows and stuff it just it really helped it really really helped having a little bit of contrast with this place whilst still keeping it kind of like molten modern fluid beautiful cover girl you know and I wanted a little bit of detail up here again getting a bit of contrast in so I end up using those curtain rails from um the desert Luxe pack these come in so handy it they come in handy inside and outside just to add a little bit of texture or a little bit of and how many times am I gonna say architectural detail probably about 20. um but yeah again another little bit of architectural detail up there uh very nice indeed now this is what I was on about with those skylights while in living you kind of like have to tap them twice when you size them down and they sort themselves out but when you load back into the lot they just bleach out again and end up having the kind of like four tiles um kind of bleeding into the top the re the way I noticed this is when I was going into the Interiors I was like why is my floor missing on this level here that I'm working on now I was like why the hell is my full Flawless missing and it was like a quarter tile missing I was like what the hell's going on um and it was these it was these I had to get rid of them but I still keep that look by use of a fence and I just end up hammering out in between them all so they're still squares but they're just not glass which is a shame because I thought the like glass like look just looked really nice but you know you can't tell that much unless you're really close up and it still gives the same effect that I wanted anyway so I was absolutely fine so we got some pla we got some tree planters going out the front here seating lots of seating in this place you watch all the people in the comments absolutely but in my my channel um my Museum of Modern Art the amount of people that are in the comments themselves about I mean how much seating I put in there it's just like don't you have anything else to say you know get yourself get your coat and go home as far as I'm concerned darling if I want to put 20 000 seats in a in a museum that I myself built I'm gonna do that and if you don't like it then you can go and watch something else my darling thank you um I ended up just like replying back to one person and just ignoring the rest happy I can't be bothered be bothered with humans sometimes I really can't especially when that's their only comment you know what I mean and probably and some of them were that was their first comment just like no not on my watch now this is me playing around with a bit more lighting so I use those LED strips that came with the high school years as well I think these are really good for exterior if you want to add a little bit of brightness to your modern exteriors you can add these on trims you can put them in quite a few places as well and if you've got the patience you could go around and change the color to them I didn't have the patience nor did I want them to be different colors so I didn't end up doing that now this is up on top of the roof we end up using some solar panels up here I put some venting up here as well but I also do a skylight down into the art room itself I actually put a nice big sky like using these all the way down into the art room and yeah I thought it looked rather delicious rather delicious indeed um but yeah just trying to make it look realistic with vents and things on top of the ceiling or not anyway into the Interiors so this is the main interior as you come in to the main entrance this is what you're going to be seeing you're going to be seeing a reception desk uh open plan but still again kind of separated off with those dividers from City living um and these are the things that I decided to use I used some carpets in this lot it was a community lot so carpets was important to me to use in this place especially up in like the reading areas like up here with the library and also I put in lots of light desks with computers and stuff into the library too and I also use carpet up in the music room as well for Acoustics uh but I with the art room itself I end up just going for the tile just because if like paint and stuff got on the floor yeah not a good look but I still still wanted this to be a very modern contemporary looking place but I still wanted to add in color so color was important for me in this and I pop in some of the color using the new chairs and um various other pieces as well I don't like those chairs at all I really don't like personally but I think they look okay for a community kind of like lots so I end up using them I think they look nice in a community a lot not okay I think they look nice but for me these chairs plus I actually use the new desks as well I don't like them either but they just really matched in well with this vibe that I was going for in here that's what I did that is what I did indeed we end up moving the uh bookcase you saw me put in the dark black bookcase to separate off this area but I ended up using this these ones instead and so it's still separating off areas but I still wanted it to feel a little bit open having those black bookcases there in that orientation just kind of shut that area off a little bit too much for me so I end up yeah I end up uh doing this instead and this is those desks that I was on about those like color desk I don't like them I think once again The Sims team go for this like really over the top cartoonist look and that's just not my vibe um but I think they work well in this space so I was more than happy to use them for this particular lot itself yes I was indeed and I'm just playing around with colors I really wanted to still have that shock as black mixed in with it um so you'll see me use a few like accents of black here and there using various different things and very much for it and then I wanted a little reading Nook over on this area here I forget where those sofas came from I think they're from discover University I think they could be um but I cannot quite remember cannot quite remember at all but um very nice I was very happy with how this came out towards the end very much wasn't it some vending machines but these vending machines beyond the reception area I wanted this reception area to be open so you can kind of Imagine like staff being there kind of keeping an eye on children or directing people to like look after children and whatnot but they're in the center of this room so everybody can access them from each point and yeah very much for it um what else do I do well I'm safety was important for me so I'll make sure to put lots of fire extinguishers around this lot including smoke alarms um I end up changing around this area that area was looking a little bit too cluttered for me there so I put the um sprinkler system over by the stairs instead and yeah it just made a little bit more sense me putting it there rather than here for some reason it just looked a bit messy there for me too messy and I was not full of it no I was not into it um but yeah coming together nicely now storage was important here as well imagine kids would have lots of coats maybe pack lunches and stuff so I put in some storage cupboards that you just saw me putting there before I went to work on the little children's play area or toddlers I put sleeping bags and at this point as well um I can imagine Toddlers and stuff get tired so they might need a little nap and if there was a crush or something here I think they would have sleeping bags and stuff what their parents are playing I don't know whatever that game's called in the Sim the new game that came with the new expansion and I put changing tables as well in most of the toilets and but I also wanted to put one in the actual children's play area as well it itself just so you've got access there just in case you have an accident you know um and yeah very happy with how they started to come out really really was uh but I did not Player test this with um with infants because I played with infants for about two hours no not even that long about an hour and a half doing stream and I was over it I was over it but I've actually built this lot in my legacy save file um so I will be playing around a little bit more because I do have some infants in my legacy save file anyway so we're down into the basement level now so this is the changing rooms so this is right off by the gym the yoga studio the cafe and also the rock climbing wall um but yeah it was important for me to have this The Sims were down here showering and whatnot after the gym um and I just like the layout layout of it down here really really like the layout of the whole area down here it just flows really nicely and it's just an interesting concept of it being kind of like inside outside I just liked that Vibe I think it would be a great place to hang out with your friends in like the summer and stuff and do a bit of yoga um and visit the gym quite nice indeed do you know what I'm trying to do here I think I end up moving this this looks a bit cluttered for me yes I do end up moving it because in my head I was like well we need to think about wheelchair users in this space as well so that was just a little bit too crowded for me excuse me I need to clear my throat um but yeah these in my head are always hand dryers so I end up pretending that they're hand dryers instead and if we do three showers we do three showers and I actually put a toilet in with these showers as well um again lots of toilets in this place I can't remember I can't even remember how many toilets from this place I think there's definitely over ten so your sim and they're up on each level as well so your Sims are not gonna have any trouble going to the toilet loves they're going to be absolutely fine um so very nice indeed I do like how this all came out I do like how this little area did come out very very pleased with it I am very pleased with it and I know I've said it but let me know down below what you think and I'm going to be getting this in the game um as soon as it's up on YouTube including my Museum of Modern Art I've not got that up on the gallery as we speak just yet but it probably will be by time that you go and get it um this one off the gallery so yes stunning stunning gorgeous things very very happy can we move on this toilet is getting a bit boring Aiden can we can we move on now yep you're putting towels up that's lovely they probably bring their own while you put them up on the wall do you know what I mean so moving on anyway so into the gym into the gym area I don't know why I decided to build this area at night but that's I did um so we're in here the gym areas itself is raised up on top of the platform I just want it as I said to kind of separate this area off without separating this area off structurally you can imagine these big concrete pillars kind of like being all underneath the main building above um but I still wanted some level of like separation so platforms dividers all of that good stuff and it really worked out really nicely I think I end up changing quite a lot of the wallpaper down here I think we end up going for quite a bit the concrete instead I could be wrong but yeah I think I did um this area here this is where the yoga studio and the rock climbing wall goes um I think what I end up doing is um do I get the dividers in first I'm trying to work out what I'm trying to do here I think I'm looking for the instructor Matt I am so ignore the orientation of this until I get the dividers in because I change my mind about the orientation of everything and once I get the dividers out it all changes so you can just plainly ignore what I'm doing now because it doesn't matter because it will change um but I get out these rock climbing Wars is what I thought this was a fun Community thing to do and they fit down in that little space perfectly so that's what I ended up doing that is why I ended up doing I like the animations with that rock climbing wall I don't tend to use it much because I don't tend to build many gyms or whatnot and so this was a nice chance to be able to use them because I just think the animations on them are great and yeah very happy very happy and these are the dividers that I'm going on about where it just separates off each area I end up I end up separating off the front of this yogurt area a little bit more just for some privacy in case you know people are down here sweating their tits off and they don't want to be seen sweating that it's off I put into more yoga mats as well but I think I might do that off camera I can't remember or was this me doing it now I don't know okay anyway we're off to putting some more of these decals the new decals from the new pack I really like these these look really cool in community spaces and and I ended up putting them all down here as well so and you can just see I'll change the wallpapers out for the concrete instead down here it just made a little bit more sense being concrete um down on this level like on the walls and compared to like the fancy tiles and whatnot um structurally sound Darlings but we still keep the tiles in the yoga area and stuff but yeah anyway did I not show me decorating the cafe and whatnot oh no oh why did that not why I don't know I had so much trouble with this you'll see it in the video tour anyway I did do a cafe area downstairs but we are up in the top level on the music room now we're on the music room so again I still want I wanted a very contemporary vibe in here so I use a lot of contemporary pieces and I think it Blends through rather nicely I put some laptops up here I do a music mixing station a DJ booth um pianos violins guitars all of that good stuff and I do like a little communal spot in the middle with some books where you can sit down and learn about music you can see I've pulled out all the books off to the left there I put that on top of the coffee table um and use the new um kind of like uh modular bookcase that came in the new pack too um do like it I do actually really like that bookcase I'm probably going to be using that quite a lot get rid of the other piano as well I feel like if there was two pianos nearly be pissed off if someone was next to you playing another piano which didn't make sense to me so got rid of it and it was very I was very very happy about it and JoJo said it wasn't dude um did Bob up a nice big mural into here as well again I wanted to bring a little hint of color up into these rooms well while still keeping this place kind of contemporary if I kept this all very monochrome I had a feeling it would have looked a little bit too clinical and not kind of like a nice sort of like colorful um community space so and I'll get rid of that and then I put all the books down on these tape on this coffee table here and which is rather boring to watch but we're gonna watch me do it anyway and I put beanbag chairs all around this table as well so they've got so much nice to sit down and read a nice book or maybe sit down with a guitar I know that Sims can't do that and that always annoys me like um my dad used to play the guitar for years so my memory of him was he was always sat down playing his guitar and he was really good he was okay he would I don't know if he still plays this guitar I think he's just got the mounted on the wall now I would imagine that he does um but um I've never used to enjoy getting woken up by my dad playing the guitar especially when I was about 7 a vile hangover and yes I might have been underage drinking at the time anyway so we're into the art studio now are we what is where's this why oh no there is this this is the art studio I I was I got confused by the kind of lockers there I've put them out just just trying to act as somewhere where you could like stall um you know all of the things that an art studio would need paint brushes canvases all of that kind of good stuff um so that's what I did and this room looks really nice as well because it's got that big Skylight above it I do enjoy it anyway I'm gonna stop waffling on now because I have waffled on for a whole two well for far too long I hope you all have the most marvelous weekends my darlings um I will be back on Tuesday with some more of let's build the worlds and a new family to introduce you to um but that's it you're gonna go and watch a video tour and I'll see you all soon goodbye all right [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Devon Bumpkin
Views: 33,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims 4, devonbumpkin, lets build the worlds, lets build, the sims, the sims 4, the sims 4 house build, the sims 4 build, the sims 4 gameplay, the sims 4 house building, the sims 4 speed build, speed build
Id: 9qX1VmarwcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 2sec (2462 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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