i built an ENTIRE STREET of shops in the sims

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Unfortunately what we're going to  build today doesn't actually work   and even with the apartment pack, it still  wouldn't technically be functional in game. So we're going to have to do a little  bit of pretending today because even   though it doesn't really work how you  think it should, it still looks cool. So with that disclaimer out of the  way, today we're going to build a   row of three townhouses with some shops  on the bottom and some apartments on top. So now hopefully things are making a little bit  more sense, that's why I keep talking about how   this lot isn't technically functional because  in The Sims 4 you can't have multi-purpose lots. If you want to have a community lot,  it has to be just a community lot. You can't even really have multiple community lots  on one lot, it kind of has to be just the one. And if you really want to you can pretend to  have extra community lots on the same lot,   but as far as the game is concerned  it's just the one type of lot. So if you want to have a café and a bookstore,   you have to choose are you going to class  the lot as a café or as a retail lot? And in the same way if you want to have a  residential lot, you have to just have a   residential lot and as a right now you  have to have just one residential lot. Obviously when the new For Rent pack comes out,  we're going to be able to make multi-family   lots and like, set different units and stuff  like that, but we can't do that right now. And even with that pack, we can't  have multi-purpose lots like this. We still can't have both a residential  and a community lot on the same building. I'm hopeful that maybe in the future that'll  come out, especially now that we have some   foundations for it, but as of right now we must  still play pretend so what I'm building here is   this little row of townhouses and you saw that I  started out with like, basically a building shell. I actually built this as a shell  challenge over on my Twitch streams. So my Twitch community and I all  had the same shell to start with,   I built like a random set of three  buildings and put it on the gallery   so a lot of us in our community  are building this shell right now. If you want to play, you're welcome to do it,   it's #SimsieTownhouseShell on the gallery so  you can start with the same boxes that I did. I attached mine all together,  on the gallery they're like,   three separate buildings and you can  kind of do whatever you want with them. And then what I chose to do storyline  wise is to have the these three units   and then have like a store downstairs and then  an apartment for the store's owner up above it. So in a row on the left, the first building  is a little café, in the middle we're going   to have like a flower shop plant store, and then  on the far right we're going to have a bookstore. And this lot is quite big so I was able  to add in a lot of outdoor spaces too,   we have kind of like some outdoor seating for  the café outside on the right side, we have   like a parking lot which actually is also pretend  because we don't have cars in this game either. It's okay, deep down almost everything in  The Sims 4 require some playing pretend. It's just that some things require a little   bit more pretending than others  and this is one of those days. This is one of those times where  like, everything is playing pretend. But I had a lot of fun with this building, I don't  really very often build retail lots in the game,   it's rare that I'll make a store or even  pretend to make a store so decorating this   was really fun for me and like, decorating  the plant shop and then decorating for the   person who lives above the plant shop,  like I just really enjoyed the pretending   and the storytelling in my brain that  was happening when I was making this. And on the gallery I actually  uploaded this as a café lot type,   I went back and forth a lot  about how I should upload it. I was trying to decide what made the most sense. I kind of felt like a retail lot isn't  really all that useful for your Sims. The retail lots are fun if you  want to run a store and like,   sell stuff from your store if you have  Get to Work, but I never have my Sims go   shopping at retail lots so I didn't  want to class this as one of those. Plus it would be kind of weird because  there's like, all the upstairs space and   stuff like that so I actually put it on the  gallery as a café because that way you can   use the café stuff in the left building and  then kind of pretend to browse the other two. I just felt like I would get  more use out of that with my   Sims in my own gameplay so that's  how I put it up on the gallery. I did consider putting it up as a  residential lot and I also thought   about waiting until the new pack comes out and  then uploading it as a residential lot then. Because with the new pack, you could class  all three of the units upstairs as like,   residentials and then maybe class the  downstairs ones as like, shared spaces? So I guess the game would see it as like,  almost like a lobby or something for the   apartments above and then you would just  pretend that other people come here even   though in reality it's just you and your  neighbors that use these three stores. Again, lots of pretending happening here. So we'll have to experiment with that once the  new pack comes out and like, download it and   re-change the lot type and stuff to see how it  works, but for now it's on the gallery is a café. I'm not really selling this right now,   but cafés are such a fun lot type in theory and  then I don't really ever have my Sims use them. I really don't come to them that often,   I don't get that much use out of them,  they're just not really my thing. I don't know why I guess it's  because they're kind of annoying. All of those lot types where your Sims have  to go up and like, order something at the bar,   so like regular bars, the cafés, even  the new boba shop with High school Years,   they're kind of glitchy because like, your Sims  will try an order and then it takes ages or like,   the staff member will just leave and  not be standing there operating it. Or like, someone else will steal your food before  you get a chance to grab it or like, worst case   scenario for them, I steal their food before  they grab it, which actually does work a lot. Because when they're making the  food, they'll just kind of put   it out especially in the thrift and  boba tea shop from High School Years. When they're making the drinks,   they just set them down and usually you  can get them quicker than the Sims can. So if you're trying to get a free drink in there,  just grab it before the other Sims can get to it. That's probably not good advice, but you  know, stealing is okay sometimes in The Sims. Okay, but anyway, I'm working  on the exteriors right now. I spent a lot of time on the outsides of  this lot because I really wanted to have   each of these three buildings  have a lot of personality. I wanted them to look very, very different.  Specifically the flower store which you'll   probably notice very quickly is by far  my favorite part of this whole building. I really, really enjoyed decorating it. I went all out with the outside,  I was going through like,   everything I could find that  was even remotely related. There's actually a large amount of flowery signs  and stuff, I used one of those signs from Cats   and Dogs, it's just like a plain sign base  that you can usually slot little decals onto. It's meant to be like a  logo for your vet's office,   but I used some of the decals from Seasons. Annoyingly they don't slot to it so you can't  like, automatically place the decals there,   you have to kind of mess around and alt  place them and stuff, but there's like a   little flower Freezer Bunny and some plain  flower decals from Seasons, so I sort of   stacked those together and then put it on that  sign so it looked like a logo for the building. All three stores have little signs  hanging on the wall in there and   then I've got a lot of cute stuff like,  tables and flowers and there's like a   little library cart and stuff like that  kind of outside to help really sell it. And then as far as the layout of this building  goes, it might be looking a little bit weird   to you at first, but basically what I did is  have the shops downstairs be really small. So I kind of cut back in like, three  tiles and then drew a wall there. And then I've got the entrances to all  the apartments on the back side of this,   so the whole front of this building is  like, the front doors of the stores and   then around the back is the front doors of all  the apartments and so each apartment has like,   a small entryway hallway with a staircase,  and the rest of the apartment is upstairs. And it's nice because that way each apartment kind   of has like a room downstairs that  I used as an office space sort of. And then it made it so we could maximize  the space upstairs to fit in like,   a full bedroom and kitchen area because  really these apartments aren't that big. They're really small up there, they're  all only one bedroom, one bathroom. This is only a 30 x 20 lot so trying to fit  basically six units here is kind of a lot. And speaking of which, this is the 30 x 20 lot  in San Sequoia so that's the world that comes   with Growing Together and this is usually  an empty lot in the world, it's this really   nice lot area kind of across the street from the  movie theater if you're familiar with the pack. And by default it comes empty and it's  next door to where that big 50 x 40 lot is,   but it's actually really nice for community lots   because it's got this like kind  of cute plaza sort of vibe to it. Especially with the flowers in front of it,  this is like very suitable for this kind of lot. I can picture myself building some more  apartments here once the pack comes out,   but I need to hold off because I keep making  these things and the pack's not even out yet. Now there is one slightly weird thing that I   did because on the far side of  this lot, I put a parking lot. Which I think is kind of a  strange choice given that   this really seems like, a very pedestrian area. Obviously also cars are not real  in this game, it's all pretend. There is a lot of car stuff in the debug cheats. If you've never seen this before,  this might seem very alarming to you. I am so sorry to break the  news, these aren't real. Debug is basically a cheat level  that you can access that has all   of the stuff from the environment, so even  the landscaping that you're seeing like,   out around the lot, you can access those  plants in debug and it's kind of a nice   feature because you can get access to a lot of  stuff that we just don't have in build mode. Like those cages that I put around the  trees right there, that's base game debug. The little like, parking stops that I'm using,  those are actually from the Strangerville debug. And the cars are in a lot of packs'  debug and that's because the packs,   a lot of times in the worlds they'll just have  cars sort of driving around in the environment. Even like in Willow Creek if you stand in  front of like, the Goth family's house,   you'll see trams come by, you'll  see trucks come by and cars come by. You can't do anything with them, you can't  even click on them. They'll drive right   through your Sim with no hesitation, but it's  just visual, it's just like a visual thing. There's no actual gameplay function to it so  the same goes with these cars, you can't click   on them, you can't do anything with them, they  just exist, but they're also free out of debug. So if you're building like a cheap starter  home and you want to have some cute stuff to   fill in the lot, honestly the debug cars  are kind of fun, plus you can make like,   fake garages and fake parking lots for  your community lots so it helps with   the realism even if in reality  in game they don't do anything. I know a lot of people really, really  want cars in The Sims 4 and I have kind of   conflicted opinions on this because I really  like the idea of cars for stuff like this,   like the storytelling aspect of putting parking  lots and putting garages and like, having that   there so the builds look more realistic,  that's what's exciting to me about cars. I don't really care about much gameplay  with cars. I like the idea of like,   teaching my Sims to drive when they're  teens, and doing that sort of thing,   but I don't care so much about like,  actually having my Sims drive around. I don't really know if it's even like,  feasible in The Sims 4 if I'm being honest. The Sims 4 is not built for cars, like  all of the worlds that we have so far,   not a single one is equipped for cars. Even if you think it is, like Willow  Creek if you think oh, there's roads,   like cars drive on them, they're not real  roads so they would have to go back and   fix and change literally everything in  the whole game to make cars function. Most of the lots aren't even attached to a road,   like The Sims 4 is very pedestrian in  nature just because there is no cars. So there's a lot of lots that are like,   way up a windy wavy hill in the Cottage  Living world that there's like, literally   no way a car could ever get up because the  entire world design just isn't made for it. So I have no idea how they would  be able to do that. In The Sims 2,   your Sims didn't like, actually drive the  cars around really because The Sims 2 was   a little bit more similar to The Sims 4 with  the loading screen system how you had to like,   loading screen in between lots and stuff,  but when you put a driveway down or like,   a car down, it would adjust the map  tile to like, connect up to the road. Which when I say out loud sounds very  strange, but like, basically they had   a system in place and The Sims 2 was like,  more flat and all the streets were connected   to a road and it was just built from  scratch to make more sense with cars. My fear is that it's too late for cars in The  Sims 4, at least for cars that can actually   drive around because the game is just not  made for that, like it just wouldn't work. The cars would have to be like bikes or horses  how they kind of like, walk around the little   pathways, you know? So I just don't think  they could make us functional driving cars. We probably could get cars as like  almost like a decorative thing,   like if you could like, work on a car  to repair it, maybe it's like an old   car and you're trying to fix it up and it  won't ever actually drive or something. But I just don't know if they would ever  actually do that because if they gave us   nonfunctional cars, people would be so mad. I don't think I would be that mad because I want  to have a garage, I want to have a garage door. I don't even care about the cars,   I just want like a garage door so I  can make real looking Sims houses. We have some small garage doors  and like, some fake garage doors. I want a real big like, functional  like rolls up sort of garage door,   but if they gave that,  people would be so offended. If they made that and then didn't give  us cars, but I just don't... I don't   think that they would do cars, I don't  see how it could work in The Sims 4. And I know I said that before  about like infants and stuff,   but the infant update was hard, but doable. The cars thing? I just don't see  how it could work in The Sims 4,   which I know sucks, but I think it's too far gone. I think it was too far gone when the base game  came out, but even now like -- think about it,   like when you think about all these worlds  that we have, cars just don't fit into them. I'm sorry, we can stop talking about that  now. We can stop talking about sad things. I am actually starting to  furnish this house finally,   so we're working on the inside  of the first community lot,   this is the café area and once I actually got in  here I realized just how small these things were. I kind of didn't really think about it until I was   actually trying to furnish it and I  was like, oh no, this is really tiny. I can fit like, two chairs. Because I was trying to be careful to make  sure I still had enough space for Sims to   walk in and order and like, kind of queue up  to order, and so I realized that if I did that,   there was no room for much else, but I  think that's okay because there's a lot   of outdoor seating so I'm trying to push  the Sims to sit outside instead anyway. And then we move straight on to  next door which is the flower shop. So it kind of started out as a flower  store, I was picturing them selling like,   bouquets of flowers and then it quickly  turned into like, a plant store. So these Sims sell like potted plants, they sell  pots, they sell seeds, they also sell bouquets,   so kind of all of your floral and plant  needs, you can find them here in this store. So that's kind of what I was going for with this. On the left side I kind of put like, some rows of  shelves with potted plants because I was picturing   that your Sims could like, come in and buy some  house decor in here, and then on the right side   there was like, the bouquets of flowers, the  wedding bouquets that come with the wedding pack. We have like two sets of flower bouquets in this  game, there's the ones that your Sims can make if   you've got the flower arranging table from Seasons  and then there's the ones that you can buy in   Tartosa, and I used the ones that you can buy in  Tartosa in here because they look a little better. The crafted ones are kind of strange  looking at times, they're pretty,   but they're they're a little weird. Plus the ones that you can buy your Sims  can actually hold because they're smaller   as opposed to like the ones that you can make,  they're more of a table decor sort of item. And then in the middle is where I  have a lot of the like, supplies,   so there's seeds in the middle,  there's like, pots in the middle,   I think I put some like little sapling  type stuff on this table as well. It was really annoying to place  all those seeds because for some   reason I used the tables that come  with the Blooming Rooms kit and you   would think that there'd be a  lot of slots on there, right? No, the top only has one slot. So I put one seed packet there  and then it said it was full,   like it wouldn't let me place anything else. So I had to individually alt place  every single one of those seed packets,   which is just really annoying. You would think it would have at least like, four  or five slots for a tiny item, but no, just one. A lot of the items in this game have  sort of strange slotting on them,   like in ways that you wouldn't expect. A lot of times like stuff that should fit there  doesn't and there's just a lot of weird settings   there with the slots which makes it very annoying  because you have to like, custom place stuff. And then there's some weird bugs  where when you place wallpaper,   sometimes stuff that you have custom placed  with move objects cheats just deletes itself. So you'll see, watch out for when I start  doing wallpaper in here because when I   place the wallpaper, one of the seed packets  and two of the items from the shelf deleted. I don't know why it was just those,   but one seed pack and two shelf items  deleted just when I placed the wallpaper. Really strange because it's in the middle of the  room, but I don't know, that's always happened. That's been a very common issue  in this game for years and years. I'd actually argue that it's gotten  better over time because it used to   be a little bit worse with the deleting of items,   but I don't understand the connection of  like, the wallpaper to objects deleting. The other bug and I know I talk about this  every single time we make a speed build,   but the other bug is the  weird stair railing glitch. And you'll be so pleased to know that it  happened to me three times in this build   and the glitch is where when you try to  place a stair railing, you can't see it. It places it, you can see the pillar at like,   the bottom of the stairs and  then nothing in the middle. It's like a visual glitch where you can't see  the stair railing and this happened with the   last expansion pack update because they tried  to fix the stair railings like, clipping into   the wall and somehow they overcorrected and so now  you can't see the stair railing at all sometimes. It mostly happens when there's like, a wall  touching the stair railing in some way. Or not so much the wall,  but like the edge of a room. I had stairs outside recently on like the edge of  a foundation, you couldn't see the railing there. So it's just really, really irritating.  In this case I had sort of built the   downstairs bathrooms around the  staircases a little bit just to   maximize space and because I did that there  was like, more walls touching the stairs,   they weren't completely clear and then  therefore you couldn't see the railing at all. So then I had to overcompensate and I just  put walls completely across the stairs,   it's really annoying because obviously  you don't need stair railings in The Sims,   but it just looks really strange when you have  a giant tall staircase and no railing there. First of all, that is not up to code. Second of  all, that's not safe so it just really is kind   of jarring to look at so I've been complaining  about it a lot, I'm sorry, I know I keep talking   about it, but it happened in like, every  build recently so it comes up pretty often. Now you can already tell that I have spent  significantly longer on the interior of this   plant room than I did on the café, and granted  there's more going on in here, I had to like,   individually place more stuff, but just in  general I was more excited about it so you   can see I just finished placing a bunch of  like, taller plants and some hanging plants. So I wanted to have a big variety of like,  many, many, many plant options for sale in here. I tried to do some fun feature  wall stuff in here too. I was thinking originally about using  that like, plant leaf wallpaper,   but I decided against it because  it was like, a little bit too much. And then I used this kind of cool floral  wall piece, it's like a whole feature wall   item from Eco Lifestyle and I used that  on the wall behind the flower arranging   table so it looked pretty cool there, it  kind of made sense too with it being like,   a flower arranging table to have all  the floral stuff on the wall there. Warning you now, I actually cut out the  renovating of the upstairs apartments   from this speed build just because it was so long. It was going to be an hour long,  the footage sped up and I was like,   you know what, this is maybe too far. This is maybe a little bit too much. So what I'll do is I'll show you a tour of  those apartments upstairs after I'm finished   with the build and I'll try and do it quite  in depth so that way you can see everything. I just -- there's like a line for how long is  too long and I think that the hour was too much. I've been posting a lot of really  long speed builds recently because   I've been doing a lot of really big  builds over on my Twitch channel,   which by the way if you want to come follow  me over there, this is not on purpose,   but I am wearing a Twitch hoodie and I  realize this is like -- it seems like   it's a very long sneaky secret plug, but I do  stream on my Twitch channel every single day. And most of the time we do builds,  for example this build took me two   days to finish, but it's kind of fun,  we have a lot of good times over there. And also I mentioned this is a part of a  shell challenge that we're doing over on   Twitch and again, a shell challenge is where  I post like, a big empty box on the gallery   and then have people in the community  take it and then turn it into something. And it's kind of a fun concept because like,   what I might make will be  completely different from yours. Usually they're smaller than this because this  one is like a townhouse inspired by the new pack,   most often it's like a smaller singular unit  building and like, I might make a house,   you might make a restaurant, and it's  just kind of cool because we all have   the same starting point, but it  becomes so many different things. And we're going to do tours of  these shell challenges on stream,   so if you want to build something  for it, it's #SimsieTownhouseShell,   make sure you get the shell off my gallery and  then upload the finished one with that hashtag. I might be able to tour yours  on stream so it's kind of cool,   we get a chance to look at a lot of them. Obviously there is usually like, a  thousand entries in the tour requests,   and obviously I cannot tour  all 1,000 live on Twitch. I do my best, but that's a little  higher than I'm capable of. So anyway, I'll just, I'll link  my Twitch channel down below in   case you want to come hang out with us and  then I'll stop talking about it, I swear. Now at this point in the build though,  I was just putting back all those items   that got deleted because of the  weird wallpaper glitch and we   are officially moving on to the final  unit in this building, the bookstore. I think the bookstore and the café have quite  similar vibes, I feel like in my story that's   in my head both of them are kind of older  parts of this building and then maybe the   flower shop is a bit newer, but in here I put  some like, really old fancy style bookshelves. I also added in some like  custom placed books and stuff. There's big tall bookshelves on the sides and   then some shorter ones in the  middle to kind of make aisles. We've got like a little desk space where you  can pay for your book and check out in the back. And that's the thing, that's  kind of another place where   this becomes non-functional because I  didn't put real retail desks in here. There is obviously like a real  retail system from Get to Work,   but instead I just put some computers back here. I kind of didn't really want  to bother with the retail desk,   they're also kind of ugly so  I just put some computers. If anything, this has more  library vibes as far as the   game is concerned because you can just  like, get books and read them in here. Oh, also, oh my goodness,  that computer? Not functional. I put -- so the computer is on a bar,   like a bar height counter, and then I  put a chair instead of a bar stool there. So people actually can't access it. I did that  on purpose because I like how the chair looked   better, um, but yeah, you can add that to the list  of things that aren't functional in this build. I'm sorry, it's supposed to be for the  vibes, we're playing pretend, okay? It's like my little pretend dollhouse and it's  okay if it doesn't work because it's just cute,   but I'm really not helping myself here. I'm just adding to the list of things  that are fake in this building. Okay, but one of the coolest parts of  this little bookstore is that I wanted   to add in some things that actually  looked like books that were for sale. And in debug there's actually  some pretty interesting like,   little stacks of books that look very  clearly like items that you are selling. And so I got a bunch of  those and I put them around. I was kind of picturing them being like,  maybe like the bestsellers table or like,   maybe like a new releases section so they've  got them kind of stacked up all cute. And then by the front door I also put  the same thing, but with kids books   and they're kind of like, lower on the  wall so they're easy access for the kids. We've got some magazine racks so I was  just trying to make sure we had a large   variety of things in here because I liked the  vibes, I thought it kind of told a cute story. Shockingly I also had to hand place each  of these individually, but that's okay,   it ends up being worth it because  they look pretty cute on the table. This is one of those fun items from debug  that you might totally not ever realize   exists. If you don't dig around in debug very  often, you've probably never seen that before,   but there's a lot of cool  stuff in those debug cheats. But we are now putting up some of those  final last minute touches here in this room,   one of the last things that I did  in this bookstore that was maybe a   little bit out there, but I decided  to add in some cat stuff in here. I was kind of picturing that this vision of like,   maybe the owner of the bookstore has a cat and  it comes down to work with them so I put like,   a little scratching post and there's a cat bed  and there's like, some cat food bowls in here. And I really liked the story  of that, I thought it was kind   of cute thinking about the resident  cat who hangs out in the bookstore. And then I put more cat stuff like  litter boxes and things upstairs. I did for a while consider putting the  litter box in the bathroom of the bookstore,   but then I was like, is that weird to have  a litter box in like a public bathroom? I don't know, I don't have a lot  of experience with cats that like,   live in public spaces, so I don't really  know, but it's okay, the cat has a litter   box upstairs in its home because the owner  of the bookstore lives above this shop. I added in some other like, little  posters and cute book things from   the Book Nook kit and then that,  my friends, is the fully finished,   three shop townhouse building with three  apartments above it that I haven't shown you yet. So I'm going to go pop into the game and give you  like, a fully finished tour of the whole building. So like I was saying, I built this in  San Sequoia up here on this 30 x 20 lot. You'll see I gave it a couple lot traits, it's cat  friendly, a cat hangout, and has fast internet. And the area around it is so cool,   I really think that this lot is perfect  for building community lots like this. But this is what it looks like from the outside so   you can see a full overview  of all three units here. I think my favorite part is over  here with the parking spaces,   we've got this kind of cute mural on the  side of the building and some windows. On the roof I tried to make all three very  different, I also put like some solar panels   on the plant store, there's like AC  vents and some more vents over here. Starting on the far left this is the café   and I used a lot of stuff from  the university pack out here. Obviously you can see I've got quite a few tables   kind of set up in the front  and down the side this way. They've got like a little sign selling stuff,  they've got a horse logo apparently and then   on the inside when you first come  in there's a spot to get some books. We've got a very small, small,  small indoor seating area. I'm trying to push them to stand outside  because there's not a lot of room in here. And then back this way, this is where the actual  café stuff is so a Sim will be working here. I think they can get in there, but I'm not sure. Again, not sure and not making any claims  about functionality here of this building,   but a Sim will be working here. And I tried to put some cute  clutter like some more coffee stuff,   we've got like some tea packets,  there's some bakery case items. And then around the way back  over here in this tiny hallway   there is a bathroom so your Sims have  access to a toilet from this building. That is pretty much it inside for the café though,   there's a couple weird things like  this door technically is too big. I don't know if you can tell, but if you look  closely you can see the door is clipping. I tried to put a column there to help hide  it a little bit, but the door is wider than   the doorway is, but because I was doing a  shell challenge, I couldn't change that. This is what the shell looks like and  the idea of these shell challenges is   that you can't change the exterior walls,  you have have to keep them all the same. And so I couldn't make it wider or anything.  Why is the Bell family here like, six times? What's going on with that? Anyway, moving  on from that next door is the plant store   and I went all out with the exterior here,  they've got like a really pretty flower box,   they've got some more plants in the front,  pretty signs, they've got this cute wagon,   I got more pots in the front, we got  hanging plants and wreaths and stuff. And then when you come inside to the plant store,   when you first walk in on the right side this is  that wall of bouquets that I was talking about. So these items are the bouquets  that you can buy if you've got   Wedding Stories and I kind of put  them up on these shelves here. In the middle we've got a bunch  of seed packets, a whole bunch   of different varieties and  some like, pots underneath. And these are like, little  seedlings and they've got some   more supplies underneath that you can purchase. To the left side, these are a  whole bunch of little potted   plants that you can buy so I figured  you could get some cute pots in here. I liked the idea of this place being a  nice gift store, like this is the kind   of item that would be so cute to give  to someone as like a housewarming gift. So I was trying to pick some fun  colored pots and things like that. I used this cute neon sign and  then in the way back over here,   this is like the main employee area,  they've got their desk obviously and   this one is functional because it has a  barstool so they can use that computer. And then I put some tables for them  to work on flower arranging and stuff,   this one is functional too so you can make the  real flower arrangements with this thing and   they've got that cute flower accent wall  and then down this way, I've got like,   some taller plants and also some  hanging plants that you can buy. And then they have a small  bathroom downstairs as well. All three of these places have some music,  I put in like some sort of speaker for them   and then on the far right, this is  the last store, it's the bookstore. So when you first walk up to this I've got  a sign, there's like a little library cart. I even have a book sign on the wall  and then when you come in here,   first things first, you walk in and we've  got the little kids section right here,   I tried to keep it slightly lower so it's  at least somewhat accessible for the kids,   but that is kind of like, adult eye  level to be honest, so sorry about that. And then they have a cute  little window seat over here,   I bet the cat probably likes that area a lot. We have a magazine section and there's a lot of  really old like, big bookcases everywhere in here. In the middle I've got some smaller  ones, another little book cart. Towards the back, this is like the employee  area obviously, they've got some cat treats   that you can give to the cat, they've got  their desk space that is not functional. And then we have over here some more  of the books and like some more cat   things in the corner and they also have  a small bathroom for the guests to use. And that is the interiors of all three of the  stores, and then if you come around the back,   way back this way, I pictured the  back being the front doors for all   of the apartments so they each kind of have  their own little front door space over here,   they're kind of all different, but  still matching the fronts a little bit. So starting with the bookstore,  when you first come in here you   can see that they've got like a small desk  office area, their cats litter boxes here,   and you can kind of walk around this  weird windy hallway to get upstairs. I had to do that, this is what I was talking  about. Uh-oh, it deleted some of my stuff,   but I had to do that because  this is the railing glitch. Do you see how it doesn't place  the railing? It placed this part,   but there's no like, visible railing  and that's because of this wall. If I scoot this back, the railing  comes back so just really annoying,   very annoying situation there,  but I can't do anything about   it so we're just going to put a wall  and pretend that it's not happening. And then when you go upstairs, we've got a really  small kitchen when you first walk up the stairs   over here, and then to the right they've got  a living room and like a small dining table. I like the color scheme in here with this like,   sort of teal and reddish color, I  based it all on this rug actually. And then they have a very small bathroom and then  their bedroom with a lot of cat stuff in here too. So that is the apartment for the bookstore owner. If you look next door, the plant store owner  has a similar vibe with like, a small office,   there's is probably the best layout  down here because if I wanted to   you could probably make this into an extra  bedroom, like really easily, but I didn't. They kind of have a proper office down  here too and then when you go upstairs,   they've got a really weird layout up here because  you have to walk down a very skinny hallway, but   down the skinny hallway we've got a big open floor  plan, like kitchen, living room, dining room, they   also have a cat or potentially the same cat just  kind of like, befriended everybody, I'm not sure. But they've got some cat stuff too and then this   is their bedroom and then they  have a small en suite bathroom. I like the color scheme in here a lot, but I think  that this is my least favorite of the apartments. My favorite store, but least favorite apartment. And then on the far right, the café, they've got  also a small office space, shocker, downstairs,   and their door is also clipping a little bit, you  can kind of see it a bit better on the inside,   in here it looks kind of weird, but I  did what I could with the shell shape. And then you go upstairs again and they've got a  small kitchen and living room kind of over here,   one bathroom and then kind  of a cute cozy bedroom area. I didn't realize that I gave them two computers. Well I guess maybe two Sims live here,   one of them works in here and then one  of them works down there, there you go. But that is the whole building finally, we've  got this ginormous six unit place for you. Hopefully you enjoyed it because  I had a lot of fun building this,   I think it was really, really cool. Stay tuned because very soon I'm going to be   able to start posting some early  access content with the new pack. Obviously this one is minus the  pack, but in the future, very,   very near future, we can start posting  some stuff actually using the new pack. So make sure you're subscribed so you  don't miss that and then on that note,   I'm going to end this video right here and I  will catch you all tomorrow, okay? Bye everybody. I'm curious to hear in the comments,   which of these three is your favorite?  Which store do you like the most? I have a feeling that most people  are going to be team flower shop,   but like a bookstore is always a win,  so I'm curious to hear your thoughts. [ JAZZY OUTRO MUSIC ]
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 344,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly
Id: WCA3yZe_0pM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 15sec (1815 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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