I Tested 10 Of The WORST Minecraft DEATHS!

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today i'm going to show you guys the craziest ways to die in minecraft oh no no no no no no no no no you know what you guys get it let's roll the clips and let's get into today's video no signal hello hi why are you guys all looking at me follow me why why why why why would i follow you your trades are terrible you never have the items i want now you're just gonna nod your head at me i'm stuck in this room all you guys are looking at me i'm really uncomfortable and um yeah i'm just gonna just gonna follow you hey buddy where are you where are you going okay just following you right just following oh what the flip is going on here hello subject unspeakable welcome to stupid ways to die if you're ready you can start the test i'm ready i'm i'm not ready actually uh good thing i got infinite lives of minecraft but i also hate you guys all right i'm ready nice then we can get started level one cake eat a cake i don't want to eat the cake order a cake oh come on this is gonna be like a poisonous cake or something what's going on in this kitchen let me see what's going on in here you guys got a conveyor belt going on there's some fire is my cake gonna be on fire is that oh look i am the cake i am the cake eggs um sugar dough all right all right fine fine fine i'll order a cake okay we need some milk first yes yes good point good point okay there's the milk right there it's going down the conveyor belt line there we go now it's gonna go into that big steam thing oh it's adding some flour and sugar what the heck is that oh oh it's getting pushed in there now it's cooking time ah that doesn't look like a cake to me it's being cooked through the oven that was me a second ago i was being cooked through the oven let's go oh snap it's an actual cake yeah wait okay wait strawberries i mean some cakes do but i don't really i don't want strawberries on my cake i like a good chocolate cake all right let me go ahead and eat my cake oh of course it poisons me might as well finish it okay well i'm gonna go puke now and i died level two chicken stop stop flashing huh eat a cooked chicken oh well i guess i'm really hungry and i'm actually dying okay okay i'll eat a chicken i'll eat a chicken chicken fried chicken should i should i eat more than one chicken more than one chicken come here chickens there we go i'm gonna go ahead and cook these chickens oh i don't have anything to cook the chickens with that's not good that's really not good what am i supposed to cook them with what the flip okay okay okay i can't i can't break any of these trees as you can see here how am i supposed to eat the chicken if i can't cook it all right fine i guess i'm eating raw chicken it is what it is all right we're gonna eat some chicken some raw chicken oh that was not the best thing to do my stomach doesn't feel so good well at least i'm not dying because i'm hungry anymore now i'm just dying because i'm sick of the food i ate because i was hungry come here chicken stop running around what if i just throw it on the grill oh what the flip i don't i randomly just thought of that because i was like hmm there's smoke coming out of there what if i just throw it on top okay well that's one way to cook chickens i guess i don't know how to use those things oh whoa the flip level three trade with villagers ah i know where this one's going if i'm gonna trade with you noobs you better give me three diamonds for one emerald let's see let's see who's gonna who's gonna will oh you don't even wanna trade with me oh none of you oh none of you guys wanna trade with me hey what the heck is this oh you want to try 64 emeralds for a what are you crazy what do you want what are you looking at what about you what do you want pal oh is there anyone better in here that wants to trade yeah you guys don't even have anything in your chest to give me anything in here nothing nothing nothing i think i would rather jump off the roof of this house and take fall damage and die from that than trade with you for a piece of dirt but you know what just because i'm gonna do it trade more with us all right well if i got dirt might as well get a hoe to till the dirt there we go trade more with us bro i can't i don't have any more m-roads i said trade more with us i i don't have any more emeralds i can't trade with you guys you don't have more emeralds since the payouts are pretty low i guess you're done i mean this is this is the villagers talking what the flip you will be dead what are you hey hey wait where'd my stuff go you gotta be flippy kidding me i'm gonna wreck all you dudes i'm gonna come back with netherride armor and all you do you're gonna be dead what's up guys hold on hold on real quick do you think my videos are too long they're annoying i won't stop talking well if you're one of those people i have a solution for you i have made a short channel for gaming content if you guys want to go check it out check out the link in the top in the description go to it right now we're posting videos every single day shorts videos and they are going to be epically awesome now let's get back to the video level four is a lake yay i know exactly how to die on this one i'm not trading with you guys um i'm probably just gonna drown i think that would make the most sense i'm just gonna chill in the water and drown that's how you die on this level why are you all looking at me what is she doing okay first off what you this is disgusting what are you doing where are they going this is really disgusting i'm leaving all the villagers left what do you mean what's so gross oh what the what oh wait why did i respawn here what did i do what did i do oh no i have let me say why is the rain poisonous this is not supposed to happen in minecraft let that flip get under a tree huh okay the tree's not helping all right well i guess umbrellas do not exist or work okay and i'm dead level five oxalots hello my friends i thought you guys were really nice are you guys not nice yeah you guys are nice you're not gonna eat me or anything yeah look at all the hearts above them ew are you peeing in the pool i did not pee i did not pee in the pool i did not pee in the pool no no i did not pee in the pool don't look at me like that oh oh what the [ __ ] oh no oh man i'm being alive the flip okay well that's why you don't pee in the pool in minecraft didn't really know that was the thing but okay all right now you want me to mine some copper how is that gonna kill me okay well well it is raining outside so i'm gonna run inside this mine before i die from the rain again and oh there's some copper right there looks easy enough we're just gonna pick up some of this copper melt the copper in your hand and make a lightning rod how do you melt it is that a thing that is not a thing you can't melt copper in your hand what am i lightning mcqueen or thor some red hot dude i what am i supposed to hold it oh what if i get struck by lightning ah i see where they're going with this since i'm holding copper and it's raining maybe i'll get struck by lightning i just gotta give it a second i'm i'm holding what if i what if i put it in both hands yeah there we go now we're increasing my chance of getting struck by lightning yeah come on bring it out bring it out lightning i don't think it's gonna do anything well it is raw copper what if i transform it into normal copper maybe i have a higher chance of getting struck then strike me track me i'm holding copper standing in a rainstorm not my smartest idea okay it's been almost a full minute and i haven't been struck by lightning i guess it's kind of rare to get struck by lightning in minecraft i'm up a little higher now strike me strike me maybe maybe i gotta go up to that tree up there yeah i gotta get really high up here okay here we go here we go strike me strike me thunderstorm i'm gonna craft a lightning rod maybe this will help a little bit and i'll hold the lightning rod hey by the way did you know that copper conducts electricity well yes science is sometimes useful oh there it is there it is okay so the lightning rod is a lot more effective than just holding the rock copper and i'm dead that's one way to die in minecraft level seven iron golem hello what's going on in this village i'm kind of scared i hate being around villagers hi how you guys doing hey buddy what you got trading today uh you know that's not that bad i mean it's better it's not good by any means what do you what do you got trained today one emerald for six what ah bro get out of here get out of here that's disgusting i'm just gonna tower over this iron golem here and i'm just gonna slap him in the face yeah what are you gonna do about it bro what are you gonna do about it bro you can't do nothing you can't do nothing about it actually yeah what are you gonna do what are you gonna do what the flip whoa whoa whoa whoa okay chill chill chill oh they're taking my blocks don't don't you dare take that final block don't you dare take that final block don't even think about it oh oh no no no no no no no i can't move i can't move i can't move um where did you get enderman friends i would like enderman friends okay okay i just died by an iron golem that wasn't very fun we have some bees in this world and i think it wants me to chop their tree down because it gave me an axe however i don't really feel comfortable doing that these bees were really really nice they haven't done anything to me and there's actually more of them spawning oh look at this this is just wonderful oh why do i have a bad feeling about this okay well guys don't mind me i'm just gonna cut down this tree all your beehives are around the tree so i don't think anything should go wrong i'm just gonna take one okay everyone all right everyone's good okay we're all good we're all good i'm just gonna take one more block okay everyone's good everyone's okay yeah you guys are good okay we're all good everyone sees what i'm doing here just gonna cut down just a little bit more okay ah oh oh what the flip why did you cut down our tree oh my god where did this i just got stung to death that is not the way to go out in minecraft level 9 another cake prepare my birthday cake oh come on i have been down this route i don't want to do this again no making a cake in minecraft is honestly pretty simple we need to start off with getting some iron for those buckets hello what's going on in here big boys we got some furnaces a candle i don't really know if i need a candle right now i really need some iron ah wait i found some buckets i guess i do not need any iron hello mr cows there we go we got our three buckets right there pretty simple everyone knows how to make a cake in minecraft bro this is not old news gonna get some wheats right here that's more than enough then we're gonna go ahead and grab one of the eggs from the chickens and then we just need some sugar which is from the beautiful sugar cane thank you very much go ahead and throw that in there and boom we got sugar easy easy let's go ahead and craft this bad boy so you have your milk buckets just like so you have your wheat just like so you have your sugar on the sides and your egg in the middle and boom we have a cake it's my birthday it's my birthday and i got a cake let's go we're gonna put the cake right there and oh wait i need a candle of course that's what the candle's for i forgot it's my birthday oh geez i'm gonna put the candle right on top of the cake there we're gonna go ahead and light that candle and here we go i'm gonna blow out the candle oh three two one oh i'll flip oh flip oh no no no no no no no what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] no no put it out put up on the fire put on fire oh this is not the woman okay we're good we're going to get the fires out but i'm still on fire oh flip you got gotta be kidding me bro you gotta be kidding me this is not the way to celebrate your birthday now we're just mining bro vicky what are you guys doing down here what the heck are you guys doing all right so we're really i'm really trying to find some gold that's the big focus today why is oh there's a pig spawner in here what in the world i don't think i've ever seen a pig spawner in a cave system oh what the heck's going on here hey how's it going boys don't mind me just gonna grab some gold here there we go beautiful what the flip okay all right everyone needs to take a chill pill right now oh no no no no no no no no no no no they're mad they're mad they're about that all right ladies and gentlemen well that was the end of this video i don't know where i am right now but if you guys want to see more ways to die in minecraft all i need you guys to do is leave a like on this video if you ever want some merch we just dropped these brand new awesome unspeakable shirts and these hats that i'm wearing if you want some go check out www.speakable.com but be sure to click that subscribe button so you don't miss next week's videos because they are epic till then i'll see you guys next time [Music] peace
Channel: UnspeakableReacts
Views: 1,048,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp, top 10, weird, stupid, unlucky, dumb way to die, minecraft fail
Id: JhXFcuTYjig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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