Building a Lead Capture Chatbot With Voiceflow LIVE

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welcome back to the channel in today's video we're gonna be deep diving into a new bot platform that I've been using for the last few weeks called voice flow Now voice flow is not a new company they've been around for a very long time and they serve some of the biggest companies in the world with AI chat Bots and Solutions in that field so what I want to do today is go over and give you a breakdown video of a bot that I've built for a potential client in our AI automation agency and basically show you how you can do the same as well as highlighting some of the features that voiceload has as well as the features that I'm really liking hopefully giving you another option of an online bot Builder that you can use within your own agency so without further Ado let's hop into our computer and start going over that today so as we can see we are on the Voice flow website and we can see a huge list of names that they have been working with and have worked with in the past so what's really cool about voice flow is they actually have these case studies as well so we can see here BMW reduced in-car assistant prototyping Time by 50 the faster we design test and deploy new voice applications the faster our customers get to enjoy them we've got a case study here from Home Depot we've got a case study here from Woolworths group rocket companies JP Morgan and what I like about these case studies is it should give you guys a little bit of an idea of how you could be helping these businesses you know it's not going to be on the same scale as JP Morgan or McDonald's or Vodafone but it gives you an idea and at least a talking point with a company when you're going into your sales schools to say hey look this is what happened when this company integrated this chat bot into what they were doing they automated this process they save time here they save money there and I think that's really good and could be beneficial for you guys to just take your time research and just learn more about how these chat Bots are working for some of the biggest companies in the world now when it comes to pricing on voice flow you are gonna have to pay 40 dollars per month for the pro version but that does give you everything you need to get started and actually start running a bot so when it comes to usage it's pretty straightforward would if he was to serve this to a client what we would do is we charge a monthly retainer and we include usage in our plans that means that the client knows what they're paying every single month they're not going to get any shocks when their usage spikes or drops it stays consistent we help manage and maintain that bot and we also cover the usage for them so they do not have to worry now what I want to do is jump into this specific bot build that I built over the last few days now for the example of this bot I actually used this website called the quarters now the quarters essentially has lots of different accommodation in London they own these big commercial units and then they rent out individual rooms for short-term stays and short-term leases so it's kind of like Airbnb on steroids except they own the entire Hotel slash apartment block so they have four locations in London they have Croydon Kilburn Swiss Cottage and Watford they currently don't have any chat bot on the website that helps them to take inquiries so what you have to do to go to make an inquiry and you have to email them or phone them up you can click through and see examples of what the different sites look like you can hit make inquiry but it just takes you to this tab where you have to phone them or email them so what I wanted to do was just put together an example bot where instead of that we could have a bot on the website that takes the data and takes the information from that potential customer and then it stores that data inside of a spreadsheet and then the sales team can then follow up and confirm the booking with them so they can go through the bot they can confirm where they want to book they can ask questions and find out more information about the specific location they want to book as well and then once they've done that all their information their phone number their email their name is going to be stored inside of Google spreadsheets using a zapier integration so we're going to be showing you all of that today in today's video it will be a fairly long one so I do highly recommend you get your notepad and pen out and you can even go to Voice flow and build it along with me and you'll be left with this exact example so we can see here we started this conversation and I just want to give you a quick rundown of how this works so here are locations we have available for booking now what I've asked to say is you are a booking bot list the locations we have and ask them what location they want to book so we've said hey look here are the locations we have available for booking Croydon Kilburn Swiss Cottage Watford which location would you like to book so right here we have some choices now I'm going to say I want to book in Croydon that bot's now going to come back and it should confirm the location based on where the user wants to book so excellent choice Croydon is a great location with fantastic amenities to proceed with your booking please provide your full name and contact number so here you go that's come from me basically saying let the user know you need to click name and numbers for the next steps what's your full name we're now going to capture that full name Liam Evans say thank you to name the last step is phone number so thanks Liam Evans proceed with your booking please provide your phone number it's one two three four five six seven eight nine so it's now going to capture the phone number and store that data it confirms my location it confirms my phone number and now it lets me know that a member of the team will contact me to help me with my booking now do I have any further questions yes I do what did you want to know how big are the Croydon apartments and you can see it's giving me information about the Croydon Apartments I have more questions how much does it cost to book per night and then it's going to give me information about the pricing of the Croydon location so no I'm done thank you what's now going to happen is all of that data is going to be pushed into this web hook which is sent as APR put into my spreadsheet and now it has closed the chat so very very simple bot not complex at all and what I like about voice flow is the fact that it's very kind of loose it uses AI in its responses it uses AI to actually come up with the questions that it's going to ask someone you know instead of me having to type out exactly what I want the bot to say I can just say hey let's say thanks to uh name and then confirm their phone number with them and location of their booking and what it would do is it would create variations it won't say the same thing over and over again it will actually follow what I've told it to do but it will make it customized to that person so really easy to use really simple I like the UI of voice flow a lot and yeah super easy to set up I'm going to go through that right now so we're going to reverse engineer this I'll show you how we do it and I'll also walk you through the steps of these different cards and the different features that are in voiceload before we do that you're probably wondering how the hell did it know all about these locations and this is another feature that I like about voiceload the website knowledge base is very very good so all I did for that knowledge base all I did for this bot to be able to understand where to pull information from and to learn about the croodin location or the Kilburn location was I went onto their website I copy and pasted different links and then I just pasted them into this knowledge base and it did all the heavy lifting for me so again a very very robust knowledge based system really easy to use usually I like to use documents but in this case I could actually just build this entire bot just using website so that is a massive bonus for me let's go ahead let's start building this spot together and I'll show you how it's done so I'm going to come up here and I'm going to click new assistant now for this example I'm going to call it Test YouTube build an AI assistant so you can see there's Integrations with WhatsApp Microsoft teams twilio Alexa web chat what voice flow used to be they would work on voice platforms the likes of Alexa right so this is what they were predominantly used for but now they have moved into more just like AI assistants and chat bots so that hence the voice flow the channel we want to build it on is going to be web chat and the language is going to be English so you can obviously select different languages here as well which I know a lot of you guys have questions about I see some of you saying hey I'm from France can we do a chatbot in French absolutely you can you just need to select your language and make the knowledge base in French cool so we're going to continue there we're going to create the assistant now what I want to do is I want to do the same thing I want to build a similar bot to what we had already built and I would do that with a brand new website so you can see exactly how we do it from scratch so the website I'm going to use is our very own website where we work with businesses building them chatbots so I'm going to want to build an AI chat bot that teaches people about the AI chat Bots that we build sound good you still with me good so our website isn't huge we have two free pages so I'm now going to copy our domain and I'm going to come on over to voice flow and start adding our knowledge base now for those of you who don't know what knowledge base is a knowledge base is essentially the brain of our bot this is where the AI is going to pull data from this is how the AI understands what to even talk about I've actually made a video on how to build a crazy powerful knowledge base I'll leave the link Down Below in the description highly recommend you checking that video out after watching this and that should help you master your knowledge based game and give you a little bit more insight in terms of what's actually possible so in this case we're going to click add data source now you can add URLs sitemap text PDF docs we're just going to add URLs for this example and I can just come through and I can copy and paste all of these different URLs for these different pages so like I said this is not a big website but it will do for now so add URLs there we go they're populating and then that is now going to be uploading to our knowledge base so we can now click back into designer and we can start our bot so we have like a start module here obviously there's nothing here right now so that's not going to do anything but what we want to do is welcome someone who is just starting the conversation with our bot so I'm going to add a text card here and with a text card it's a little bit more rigid rather than just leaving it up to AI to ask questions that first initial contact I want it to be rigid I want to understand who we are and what to expect so I'm going to say hi we are on Orthodox we help businesses reclaim back their time and money with the help of AI Solutions so there you go that's my intro message now what I can do is if I do want it to you know vary its message at the beginning I can actually come down to this AI Tab and click generate five variants now what this is going to do is going to AI to generate five different examples of this intro text that can then be randomized when people engage with this bot so hello this is unorthodox we assist organizations to save their time and money through AI Solutions I'm going to change that to save them time and money that's fine unorthodox AI is here to support businesses to save both their time and money with the help of AI Solutions if you're looking to save both time and money lit on Orthodox AI help you with our AI Solutions cool that is looking good so we have our variations there we have our text and what we can do is we can drag our start box to this block so when we come to our chatbot as soon as it starts we will get that message saying on Orthodox AI is here to help now what I want to do now is ask the person who's just started this chat whether they're interested in AI chat Bots AI automations or AI custom platforms so let's get that set up what we're going to need to do is ask them another question so I'm going to add another text here and say what AI are you currently looking to integrate into your business I'm going to generate free variations of that now obviously you can take your time and go through all of these and double check and you can write new ones but these look pretty good to me they're fine they will do and then what I want is to give them the free options so I'm going to add buttons here now these buttons will be AI chat Bots I want AI automations and then I want custom platforms now I did say custom platforms but I'm actually going to change that to an AI audit so we're going to give them the option to inquire about an AI audit where we step into their company give them a breakdown of what they could be doing what Solutions exist and how they can integrate them into their business now this is where it gets smart so what I want to also do is when someone clicks one of these buttons I want to be able to store that data and understand what they have actually clicked that's going to make sense a little bit later and I'll explain why but for now what we're going to do is Click actions on all of these and we're going to set variables so we're going to create a new variable and it's going to be called solution and we're going to enter the value the value of the AI chatbot one is going to be AI chatbot and you need to put these little dashes after the end I'm not too sure what they're called cool so now we're going to do that for the next one set variable and again this is going to be a variable for solution I'm going to call this one AI Automation and final one is the AI audit so we set an action set variable select our solution as the variable and then that is going to be a I ordered so now what's going to happen is when someone submits and clicks one of these buttons we actually save the information we understand that they're looking for AI automation now that allows our bot to just get smarter it allows our bot to give custom responses and actually helps us when we come to store that data later on because we've collected every single data point inside of this chatbot now we have this set up with our variables for the different services that people are going to choose we now want to essentially confirm that that is what they're looking for and then move on to our next step so I'm going to add another text box and I'm going to say hey great to hear you are looking for bowl and then I'm going to do this little bracket click the solution we want to confirm the solution and then let them know that we need a few more details before we can move forward I need a few details from you before we move forward and we can generate some variations three variants so what we can now do is drag that up to here connect our bot up to this block and we can run this test and it should confirm the solution that they pick so here we go aeon Orthodox is here to sport fantastic that you're looking for AI chat Bots I'll need to get some more information from you before we can progress now obviously you can take your time and really make these messages perfect but in this video I just want to show you how voiceload works and how you can structure a chat bot for this so next step is we're going to want to take their name their number their email because this is going to be a lead generation bot for unorthodox so what I'm going to put is another text box that says what is your full name a couple of variations then I'm going to use one of these listen cards here to capture their full name I'm going to drag that out until I use reply and it's called a last alternate so their response is called a last utterance and we're going to use that to then respond to them with AI at a later date so what we want to do is change our variable from last utterance to name once we've made that variable and then when the user responds that data is going to be saved under the name variable which we can then use to export the data later on I know it gets confusing keep up now we're going to want to add another text card essentially thanks and we'll mention their name here so we use that variable that we just collected thanks name could you please let me know the best email to reach you on a couple of variations lovely um and we're going to drag that connect that to this box and then we're just going to copy and paste this because we are just collecting another variable which in this case is going to be email collection now we're going to one hop in change the variable again so we're going to create I've already created email there you can just go ahead and create a new variable and then that will be then saved as email when someone fills it out so what we can now do is grab this box paste it up here for this example I'm just going to click phone number and email address and we can come up here and say thanks name just to confirm your best email is firm their email and I'm going to generate some responses there free variants what I also want to do is add some buttons just to confirm whether it is correct so I will come back to this and say yes that is correct I'm also going to add a button that says no the email is wrong so what I can now do is get them to actually verify their information on the chatbot so if they did enter the email wrong I could then bring them back to this card where it says cool could you please let me know the best email to reach you on and then it captures that email again and it's going to go through and confirm whether it's right now if it is right I want to now ask them if they have any questions about the services or the solution that they've picked so I'm going to type in questions and I'm going to put did you have any questions about and I'm going to add that solution variable and then add a question mark let's create some variants and I'm going to drag yes that is correct to this tab so now if we go to the beginning and we hit play we'll see that we start to store this information so AI chat Bots great it's going to confirm that solution can you tell me your name Robert Evans there you go thanks for Evans could you please let me know the best email to reach you on Robert on there you go that's my fault I didn't drag the email up to that cool so let's start and test this bot AI chat Bots I need some additional details what is your full name Liam Evans thanks what's the best email Liam on your best email is Liam oh no the email is actually wrong okay so what is your email it's liam.evans on all4dogs dot digital thanks Liam just to confirm your best email is Liam yes that is correct okay great did you was that all you needed to know about AI chatbots this is where it gets interesting this is where we can start using some AI to answer questions using our knowledge base that we provided on that URL so let's get that set up what we're going to want to do is essentially get them to click yes I have more questions or no I don't have more questions so we can come down again to listen and click buttons and we're going to say yes I have some questions and we'll and then we're also going to say no I want to schedule a call with the team no I'm good thanks of course we've got free Solutions here the first one is yes I have some questions so what we're now going to want to do is set up a card where we can get them to actually ask a question so I'm going to come up here and type in text and I'm going to say great let me know what questions you had so we're going to change this to what would you like to know what questions do you have what inquiries do you have I'm going to remove these ones then we're going to come to the listen section again we're going to capture their question and we're going to create that card so in this instance we're not collecting name or emails so this is just going to be a last utterance so that is going to be the variable now you could select this to questions and then you could save that question in zapier and put put it into you know a spreadsheet or a database afterwards but for this instance for this bot we're not going to do that we're just going to have it as last utterance so I'm going to drag yes I have some questions up here going to connect that there because this is a capture box it only moves to the next step once someone's typed in something so we've already asked them what questions they had so at this point they should just type in their questions about the services that they've picked so what we can now do is come to Ai and response and we're going to give them a response based on the question that they've filled in here so I'm going to come here I'm going to select our knowledge base because we want it to answer from our website and I'm going to say respond to last utterance which is that question be short and Punchy keep it under three lines so yeah that's great what we can now do is run back to the beginning test this out start from this solution that we're collecting and then we'll be able to see if it can answer some questions so AI chat Bots thank you yes the email is correct yes I have some questions great what would you like to know who is the team behind on Orthodox now what should happen it should pull that information from our contact page here we go onwards is founded by Liam Evans and Mark Wilson two entrepreneurs of extensive experience in Building Solutions for business owners across a wide scope of Industries both Liam and Mark are extremely active inside our Orthodox driving the Creative Solutions on Orthodox brings their clients now what we want to do is create a question Loop so I want to now say do you have any questions or did you want to book a call with the team so what we can actually do we can just select another text box and we can say did you have any other questions generate some variants and we can add another button here to allow them to say yes I do or no I don't now if they do have questions we can just bring them back up to this box where it says great let me know what questions you had and then it goes through that same process again where then bring them back down to this point where it says yes I have more questions or no I don't and it will keep answering questions based on the knowledge to base that we've given it so in this case it's just our website but if they say no I don't then I want them to get pushed into a point where they can book a call with us so same here where it says I want to schedule a call with a team that's what we're going to build out now so I'm just going to create a text box call this book a call and say great the team would love to chat with you about we're going to select the solution they've picked now I'm going to keep this super super basic I'm basically just going to let them click our calendly link so I'm just going to add a text box here for the link and I'm going to say you can book a call with the unorthodox team here and they will be able to assist you give it some variations free variants and that is essentially all we're going to do for our cool scheduling so we're going to drag the I want to schedule a call with the team and then we're also going to say no I don't have any other questions and what I'm going to do is I'm going to drag them to not this card but I'm going to drag them to this box here so it's going to ask them instead of saying great did you have any other questions again it's saying do you have questions I want to schedule a call with the team no I'm good thanks and then what I'm going to do with the no I don't is I'm going to create a new text box that says did you want to schedule a call with a team generate some variants I can add another choice so I'll come to listen buttons and type yes please I would and I'm going to add also no thanks I'm done there we go cool so the esps I would I'm going to take them to this book a cool tab that we just made and then the no thanks I'm done we're just going to come to logic we're going to come to end and we're just going to end that conversation now what you could do is you could put another box in there that says one of the team will be in contact with you via now and you don't even give them the option to choose whether they want to schedule a call or not because you can just reach out to these leads and start pushing them through your sales process because you've collected data from your website they've shown an interest in a certain service you've collected all that data you know what they're interested in you can go to them and you can try to schedule a call through your email cool so the assistant ends in current state so the next step is to just send them to another text card here that confirms was that anything else I can help you with today free variants again we're going to use buttons love buttons mate no thanks if you want we can let them ask more questions so once they've got that link it's going to come to this box if they've said no thanks we're just going to say no problem we look forward to speaking with you soon free variants there you go no thanks and if they did have more questions instead of taking them back up to these questions I actually just want to make a mini questions tab down here so that we can just bring them back into this Loop so I'm going to copy and paste that paste this into here great what questions did you have there we go we add another last utterance capture card there we've dragged that in there we copy this respond to last utterance keep it under three lines do you have any other questions no I don't great we send them to the end yes I do we just bring it back up to this one now all I'm doing there is just isolating this section because they've already gone past the book of cool tab there is another way of doing this but for beginners this is probably the easiest way and then you can just keep the the loop of questions this side of the book a cool tab if that makes sense so that is all done no problem we look forward to speaking to you soon that is when we end the conversation what and I want to do is instead of just letting them go I want to bring them up to this tab that says did you want to schedule a call with the team so I'll connect that and we now have a fully functioning bot that is taking bookings by calendly so if we go through this from the beginning yes I'm looking at AI chat Bots great to hear what is your full name Liam Evans blah blah blah yes that is the correct email I have some questions does unorthodox offer AI chat Bots yes unorthodox offers AI chat Bots starting at three thousand dollars for build and set up with ongoing training and seamless integration do you have any other questions no I don't I messed up I didn't connect it damn it okay so I didn't connect that so I'm going to drag no I don't to did you want to schedule a call and then if you do have more questions I'm going to drag them back up to this box here so that was the problem I didn't connect that no I don't I'm going to skip through to the point of uh where we just were so you'd have to watch me fill this in again cool so here we are again do you have any questions no I don't great would you like to arrange a call with the team yes please I would team is eager to conversate with you about your AI chat bots on your call because here we are pulling that solution again if you have any questions you can book a call with the animal Orthodox team here now before we get going what we can actually do is we can get a bit smart with this so instead of actually having that candy link I'm gonna say you can book a call with the unorthodox team here I'm going to add that hyperlink in so there we go and I'm going to delete these variations we'll just keep it the same let's run a test let's see if it all works we've got everything connected it should be all working and good to go so an orthodox is here to help AI chat Bots fantastic what's your full name Liam Evans what is the best email to contact you on Liam Evans Liam Evans media there you go thanks Lee members just confirm your best emails Liam Evans media yes that's correct great do you have any questions about the AI chatbots yes I have some questions how much does unorthodox charge cool so that's going to say unorthodox chatbot package starts at 3K however all packages are subject to a discovery call with a team to identify if they can help with the project do you have any other questions no I don't thank you very much cool that brings me to here would you like to arrange a call with the team yes please I would great the team is thrilled to talk to you about your AI chatbot you can book a call with the unorthodox team here we hit that that will take us to our Canon D Link where we can book a call was there anything else I can help you with today uh yeah I have more questions does unorthodox offer AI automations capturing that last question it's gonna then respond to it here say yes on Orthodox offers AI automations do you have any other questions no I don't Perfect session ended now what would have been nice is maybe I did a text box there that said thanks for your time today it's great to speak to you you know whether your books are cool or not we're going to have a chat we'll go through everything together but that is essentially it that is the chat bot as a whole and you can see it's pretty simple to do it's a really nice UI really easy to use and it does exactly what we need it to do and it captures the data now for those super nerds that are still watching this you want to know how to actually store that data right so we're going to go and create a web Hook from zapier and actually be able to store the data that we've collected from this website so let's hop on over to zapier and we're going to come up to create a news app here and we're going to use our web hooks which is a premium feature on zapier and we're going to catch a web hook so I'm going to hit continue I'm going to continue again and it's going to give us this address now what we're going to do is we're going to come back on over to voice flow and we're going to add a Dev box here so this is going to be an API box and what we're going to want to set this to is a post we're going to want this to be a post by default it's going to be on get so select post and then we're going to come up to our zapier we're going to copy our web hook and we are going to come down to here and copy and paste that in now the only thing that we need to change here is going to be the body now we just want to add in the variables that we actually want to collect we're going to start with full name and that variation was name we're going to add another one here by clicking this plus and it's going to be solution and that variation was solution then we're going to add another one and it's going to be email there and that is literally all we need so if we hit post and just put test what we're now going to need to do is once we have this set up we need to be able to connect our bot to this right so instead of the conversation just ending we're going to want to send all of the data that's collected into this sapier now if you wanted to start storing the data before you even get to this point of the bot you would just add it up here so let's do that right now because I think that is probably a better option so we've collected at this point everything this is the point where everything's done we can store all that information and we can send it over to this so instead of it going straight to questions I'm going to delete this I'm going to say yes that is correct and I'm going to send it to our web hook now what this is going to do it's going to trigger the web hook it's going to save that data then it's going to push them onto the next step of this chatbot so if all worked it's going to say great and then even if it does fail I'm just going to send it to questions as well so let's test this out let's run a through this really quickly let's publish this and we'll see if it works I'm just going to run through this bot so you don't have to watch me fill it all in foreign [Music] that bot up it's all finished let's see if it captured our test data through that web hook and it did full name Liam Evans solution AI chatbot the email is Liam Evans on so continue what we're now going to do is choose where we save this information now I'm not going to go through this and set it all up but depending on what CRM you're on maybe you're on HubSpot maybe you're on Zoho maybe you're just storing them in Google Sheets you can start putting all of this information into these different crms which is going to help you save this data and essentially put your sales team to then go and speak to these different leads that you're bringing in through your website guys that is it I know it's a bit of a long video but unfortunately these videos do need to be this long because there is a lot of information that goes into them and I know this is going to help so many people start making money whether that's through their own business or through an AI automation where they then sell this service onto clients if you did find any value in this video at all smash a like on the video subscribe to the channel we have a news are down below where we will show you guys how you can be integrating AI into your business and give you further advice and solutions of what again you could be using for your own company or maybe selling to other companies so make sure you subscribe down below that is an unorthodox newsletter we have a free Discord where you can join where we have master classes inside of our Discord and all of that good stuff so if you made it this far through the video You're a legend good luck out there good luck making your Bot I hope you kill it re-watch this video 10 times if you need to take notes go slow Master this craft because this is going to be a game changer for so many companies that are looking to generate leads provide customer support all of that good stuff guys see you soon thanks for watching bye-bye
Channel: Liam Evans
Views: 5,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai chatbot, ai knowledge base, ai knowledge based agent, ai automation agency, liam evans, Building chatbots for clients, ai optimization agency, ai agency, aaa agency, smma agency, ai agency business, ai agency ideas, ai clients, cchatgpt, how to make money, iman gadzhi, charlie morgan, ai automation, ai automation business, ai automation course, ai automation ideas, agency, how to start an agency, finding agency clients, knowledge base, voiceflow, zapier, botpress
Id: MCu2vpAZN5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 26sec (1826 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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