How To Build an AI Chatbot For Your AIAA Clients

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yes people so welcome back to the channel in today's video we're gonna be going over how you can build a bot using bot press for your AI automation agency now we use Bots a lot to get in the door of these companies and we also sell them into these companies as well and this is exactly what I'm going to show you today now not only am I going to break down exactly how you do this step by step I'm also going to give you a simple blueprint that you can replicate over and over again for so many different businesses it's going to make your life a lot easier and I'm also just going to give you away the template so you don't even have to build it if you don't want to but I do recommend you learn how to build it so that you do become an expert at this when you are sending it to clients as you already know I love a good bloody presentation me and I have another one for you just quickly before we get into this bot build which is going to really break down the reason why we've built the bot this way and who we're building it for so we're going to be building it in bot press and as you can see there is a picture here of some crying accountants now these accountants are probably crying because their marketing sucks they have no idea how to get leads and their business is just failing so this is where we're going to step in and help now of course now of course I'm using an accountant as just an example this could work for so many different businesses and I'm actually going to be creating different examples of different businesses you can build these Bots for and I'm going to be showing you different types of bots that you can build over the next couple of weeks but this time we're starting with accountants and instead of making accountants cry through their lack of marketing we're now going to be making accountants cry because they're getting fired for their jobs because they're no longer needed because our chatbot's going to take over everything obviously that was a joke please don't take it serious but let's jump into wire accountants so accountants are a support heavy industry they get a shitload of messages and a shitload of people wasting their time sending them messages asking them when is my vat due or when do I have to file my accounts like this is all stuff that they could find online this is all stuff that could connect to the accountants database for that independent client and it could all talk to one another and that just saves the accountant time it means they no longer have to jump on a call with these people and have to answer these questions so they usually have poor marketing efforts now this is just generalization but a lot of account accountants that I've seen are very archaic they get left behind their websites are outdated their methods of business are outdated they barely run any Facebook ads and just for some reason they haven't got the grip of online digital marketing so I guess they're caught up in the numbers which is good for us because we can step in and actually help them with this so they also have a wide pool of potential clients which means they have a massive opportunity when it comes to marketing because their Niche are business owners now I mentioned there's different types of bots that we could be building and I'm going to show you some examples now you can build Bots that specifically are there to collect data and generate leads you can collect Bots that answer questions and act as like a resource for clients you could build a bot that supports products and gives recommendations on e-commerce stores maybe you could even build a bot that does onboarding so it's an internal bot that helps onboard clients into the business whether that's a B2B service maybe you run a marketing agency and this bot is now being built to onboard your new clients and get all of the information you need from them just by using the bot that means you no longer have to send out emails you no longer have to hand hold or jump on onboarding calls all done with a chat bot then of course there is training Bots which is similar but maybe you load it up with company information or training manuals and then you hand them to your staff members to use on a day-to-day basis whenever they get stuck but the question is what bot are we going to be building today well we are specifically going to be building a bot that collects data and it collects leads now how are we going to do this well we're going to have a bot press bot that is then going to collect the data obviously we're then going to use zapier to send a web hook and send the data that's collected from this bot to a spreadsheet or a CRM and that sounds sheet and CRM is going to be accessed by the sales team of the accountants who will then turn them into paying clients this is a very very simple process your job is just to help gather that data and put it into a place that the accountants can then go over review it and start doing their business now the bot we're going to be building today is going to be beginner friendly we are only going to be using a knowledge based bot for me the reason why I like using knowledge base Bots is is like when you go bowling you put the guard rails up and you're terrible at bowling you bowl it down and it bounces off of the guardrails and you still end up getting a strike this is exactly what knowledge base Bots are to me no matter how bad you are at building a bot if it's only trained on the knowledge and it's only trained on the stuff that you put into it it all leads to the same place you know we're never going to be building a bot for an accountant that's going to go on a tangent and start talking about the Ocean Gate submarine do you know what I mean like we're building something that has a strict guideline of what it can talk about and what it should be talking about and that is the key here this is also the super easy beginner friendly way as well because it doesn't involve any Integrations from stack Ai and you don't really need to get any devs involved because it's relatively simple and easy to follow along so I've done this weird diagram here and the way I see these Bots is if you imagine a human body the knowledge base is the brain of this human right the bot the questions and all the flows the entire setup of Bot press is the skeleton that's what holds it all together and then the zapier and web hooks are like the organs these are the things that keep the thing moving they take good stuff Outlet the body and they bring good stuff into the body as well I don't know where I'm going with this but you understand what I mean so we have the knowledge base which is the brain the bot setup which is the entire structure and then we have those API web hooks to help us manage these leads and send the data to different places now I know a lot of you have questions on about how to actually build a solid knowledge base and I am making a full video on that coming this week so make sure you subscribe to the channel leave a like on this as well and let me know in the comments if that's something you need to learn but essentially just to give you a quick overview how you're going to build a good knowledge base is you're going to copy the knowledge from the website of your potential client you can even ask chat GPT you know going into chat gbt and saying hey give me information on this website there's plugins now that you can use to scrape different websites you can scrape YouTube videos and you can get a lot of information using GPT then of course you can add a website as well so you can actually just manually add the URL of their website and that will also act as a knowledge base and you can use that you can use and upload documents so what we like to do is we just like to load up a word doc and then upload it to our bot and we find that the easiest way to really set a strict structure of that knowledge base and on the other hand if you're working with accountants in the UK for example maybe you can go out to the UK tax Authority and start downloading all of these relevant tax documents that you can then upload into the bot because then all of a sudden this bot is now a tax expert not only is it an expert on your client's business but it is a tax expert that can then give accurate and up-to-date advice based on tax questions so another way is you can just ask your client to fill this in you can just ask them for a list of FAQs that they get a lot of and then they will be able to provide you with that knowledge base so this is it we want to be building up a very strong knowledge base that acts as our brain for our bot that carries this forward in this video like I mentioned we're going to be going over these two aspects we're going to be setting up that bot so we're going to be building that skeleton and then we are going to be setting up that zapier web hook showing you how you can then integrate that into a Google sheet or even a CRM whatever your client has about this is what we're going to be focusing on in today's video the main goal is we're going to have an intro sequence we're going to collect data name email number some other bits as well we're then going to allow the user to ask questions and we're going to open up a constant feedback loop of questions here until they're done and then we feed them into a CTA which in our case lct8 is going to be book a call we want them to leave their information so one of the accountants can call them up and that is the sales process for these new leads like I said I am going to be giving you the templates to this bot the resources link is down below in the description of this video make sure you do that and whilst you're down there join our Discord Community we have a massive AMA tomorrow with Brett milanowski we'd love to see you guys over there that is free to join you can come and ask some questions we have so much going on and I would love to see you in there now let's get started building this bot and this is our bot press and this is the bot that we're gonna be building in this video so as you can see it may look confusing but it is a relatively simple bar now if we click here and go into our knowledge base we can see there is a document and this is what the document looks like it's a simple knowledge base and in order for us to make our bot as good as possible we need to keep add into this knowledge base so let's quickly take a look at this structure so there's an intro we collect data we then ask them if they want more information we then ask what questions they have they ask their questions if we don't know the answer we send them to this where we say hey we don't know the answer because we haven't been trained in that yet and then we send them back up to their questions if they get the right question they come here they then ask if they want to book a Consulting call in the back of their questions we then send them up to this we then collect their name and their number and then we use zapier to send that information over to a spreadsheet just like this and as you can see we collect all of this data so we have their first name the last name the email the phone number the business name the turnover after that once we've scheduled a call with them we then ask them do you want to ask any more questions if they say yes we send them through the same process they ask their questions if they say no we go to end of workflow it's as simple as that now this is a really really basic bot this isn't anything crazy we're not using any third-party plugins here this is all within bot press and everything that bot press is capable of there is a bot press link link Down Below in the description of this video feel free to go and start an account there it is an affiliate link so that would be helping me supporting this channel your Bot with a knowledge base attached to it is only as good as the knowledge base you upload to it if you go half asked on the data and you don't fill it up with those potential FAQs that are commonly asked you're going to come into the problem of the bot not being able to answer as much as you would like now obviously we can get around this by integrating chat GPT but we can do it all internally inside of Bot press which is super beginner friendly and something I'd much rather prefer that you learn and start doing because this is going to allow you to get started straight away so we can come and test our bot and you can see it's asking to ask us some questions yes I'm ready what is the name of your business we are called the AI bot boys what is the best image contact you on oh I have bot boys101 what is the estimated revenue for 2023 1 million dollars there you go yes I would like to see what you offer yes I want general tax advice what would you like to know how much does Finsbury charge for a tax return now I'm just using this business as an example of course yours is going to look different but I have used the information from this accountant's website so if Lindsay Robinson charges different prices for tax returns depending on the type of client the prices start from 60 pound per month including vat for individuals blah blah blah yes I have more questions what services does Finsbury offer and then it's going to give a list of services that Finsbury offers as well so again we Loop IT background saying do you have any other questions but in this case I actually want to book a free Consulting call because this price aligns with what I want so I do that so it's now asking what is my name AI Boyer what is the best phone number to contact you one one two three four five six seven eight nine good try great a member of the team will be in touch with you soon did you have any more questions yes I do actually I've just realized I want to know how did the Ocean Gate sub sync and you can see the Bots come back and says I don't know the answers to that question do you have another question so we we set it so it has them bowling alley rows up it's not going to go off topic and start talking about the creatures of the oceans and how the dinosaurs weren't even real it's not going to start doing that it's going to stick with our script so no I don't have any more questions thank you that is now the end of it we've scheduled our call the accountant now has that information because we use zapier here to send through all of the information and the variables that we collected the name the phone number the email the name of the business all of that good stuff so let's do the fun part let's get to building this from scratch let's show you exactly how you can do it so you're going to come to your Bot press account you just come up and click create a chat bot and then we're just going to jump in and click edit cool so the first thing we want to do we now have a blank template we're going to come up to this agents Tab and we're going to hit acknowledge agent and remove that tick where it says answer on start node and then click save and we can now begin so we're going to right click click standard node and we're now going to want to rebuild our bot basically in our last one we made a section where it was an intro and we just introde the business given some short information about what to expect and then we move them through the process so we're going to come up here we're going to click add card and that is going to be a text card so our text is going to be welcome to this accountancy we're here to help you find the answers to the questions you have about our services cool so we can now set it optional to whether or not we want someone to be able to click a button to go to the next step or we can set out to be automatically now in this case I'm just going to do it so we get them to click a button just so you get used to doing that so we're going to click single Choice here and we're then going to come up here and say are you okay if we ask you some questions first and then we're going to add this little plus button here which is going to give us some choices now I would just put a yes I do not mind because then it just pushes them through the funnel rather than getting stuck there thinking no I don't want to give any data over and then they just don't ever get past the first step so if you just leave that there we can then come and add an expression and what we're going to do here is turn off the AI section and just type in true now what this means is if this first selection has been selected which means it's true we can now move on to the next sequence so the next node we're going to create is going to be one where we collect their business name so whenever you want to collect information from someone now unless it's a preset input like email address phone number full address name that kind of thing we're going to want to use raw input now this is for like custom stuff so in this case we want to ask the name of their business so what is the name of your business then we can come down to here and we can see these variables now what variables are is it allows you to save the responses that you receive as certain things now this is great because when it comes to building the bot later on if we want to reference those variables in potentially an input into some AI or some questions we can do that with our variables and when we come to exporting this data inside a zapier we also are going to use those variables to know what this data is so let's set this variable as business name now again we're going to come down and we're going to press expression and we're going to type true so when someone fills that in it will move forward to the next section so now I want to collect an email now instead of going through that process of right clicking and clicking standard node again we can actually just come and click copy and then we can click paste now we do have to be careful with this because we will have to make sure we change everything properly but what is the best email to contact you on question mark and then we can change the name of this to email one thing we need to remember is changing that variable so this time the variable is an email when it comes to connecting these up we've got free already now so we can now click the start is going to go to our intro and then the next step away from intro is going to be business name and then from business name we're going to go to email and you can see we can start to stitch these bot pieces together to build our megabot now the next question we asked was turnover so again we can just paste our node in here and we can change this one to turnover and change this to what is your or estimated turnover for 2023 and our variable is going to be turnover we now have that and if we now click test and type in higher we can see that it comes to our intro yes I do not mind then comes to our business name what is your business name business one then it's going to come to what is the best email business one email and then what is your estimated turnover for 2023 10K there you go that is the end of the sequence so far so everything is working the way it should be all clean all simple now this next step we're going to be lining up the user to come into some questions and to start asking us things we've collected some data now so we're going to thank them for that data so next steps let's say thank you for thanks for that we'd love to know how we could help you today now of course all of this is custom you can put whatever you want in these text boxes the only thing you don't want to be changing up is all of these variables and getting messy with those but these text boxes are relatively simple they're almost unbreakable where it doesn't really matter what you put in there because it all relies on the stuff that comes after so we are now going to say yep thanks for that we'd love to know how we could help you today and then we're going to get them to do a choice in this case what would you like help with today now we're going to put taxes v80 and then we're just going to put general information now we're going to want to turn these off because regardless of what they choose they're just going to get sent to the same sequence anyway now what these actually do though this is where it gets interesting is if you wanted to create an entire new bot for just talking about taxes or an entire new bot that's just trained on vat or just general tax information you can start dragging these off to brand new nodules and they won't merge with one another so this is something you can do for the purpose of this video we want to keep it simple so we're not going to do that and we're just going to keep it so it goes to the same sequence so we have our key points that people will want to know about we're now going to come and connect our last sequence up so it's all tied in together and we are now going to ask them what questions they want to know we're going to call this one questions we're going to add a card and we are going to ask our first question so again we're going to do raw input because we want them to input the information and we're going to ask what would you like to know cool and this variable is going to be a question now before we do that we've quickly come back to next steps and add our true so this means once someone has selected one of these choices they're now going to get brought down to this section we're now going to click this tab here where we're asking the question and we're going to turn on our knowledge base now I did say I've been making a full new video about how to build out killer knowledge bases that is going to be coming very very soon but for now I'm just going to upload a document that I scraped off of the website very very quickly off of this company and I'm going to upload it to our bot now you can see I've got some information about their services I've got some information about general tax stuff and then I've also got some information on their prices and their location so that will be enough for this example but like I said the bigger the knowledge base the smarter the bot so remember that once we turn on Lodge base on we're going to see this little book icon here the next step is we're going to set up something that allows this bot to base basically if it doesn't know the answer to something it's not going to make an error it's just going to send them to a different tab now I'm going to make a new node I'm going to call it no answer and then I'm going to add a quick text card saying hey I'm sorry I don't know the answer to this question and then I'm going to add another one that basically says would you like to ask another question yes I would I'm also going to add no I wouldn't so that is that we can now drag this no I wouldn't to the end we can just get rid of them and the part where we said do you want to ask another question I'm just going to drag that back up to our questions box now before we move on we have to add something a little bit custom here this bit could get tricky so make sure you follow this bit closely we are going to add an expression and we are going to copy and paste this in now I'm going to leave this in a document this is essentially going to acknowledge if the knowledge base can't respond to a certain question it's going to acknowledge that and send them to a certain sequence based on that result so in our case we're going to send them to the no answer if that knowledge base can't be answered and this triggers it they are then going to get sent there now alternatively we also have to have a sequence that if we can't answer the questions so in this case we're just going to create a standard node purpose of this node is to essentially allow them to ask another question if they want or we can send them to the next sequence which is booking a call with our accountant so we're going to add a card and we're going to have it as a single choice and we're going to say did you have any more questions our choices are going to be yes I have more questions I'm also going to add another which will be book a free Consulting call now on this one you can see that I haven't deselected these parts this is because we actually want to use logic here to send them to the next sequence depending on what answer they come back with so if they said yes I have more questions all we're going to do is we're going to send them back to these questions tabs if they say no I don't have any more questions we're then going to a completely different node taking them out of this question Loop and sending them to the next step in our process so before we're done we're now going to come to our question Tab and we're just going to set up our our expression so if this bot answers this question no problem we are going to put true we're then going to send our user to that next step that we just built that says cool do you have any more questions or basically do you want to book a call with us so now we've got the main bulk of this bot actually built and put together you can see it didn't take very long at all and we've now got the sequence in for the data we want to collect and we now have that infinite question Loop set up and enabled on knowledge base we now need to go and add our knowledge base so we're now going to come on over here and click quick start knowledge now make sure this is the only knowledge base that you have in there if there's another one just click delete there may be one that says small talk and then we're going to want to upload our documents now you can add plain text documents and a website as well what I like to do is I basically just like to build these word docs fill them with information that I collect through chat GPT scrape from their website manually and it's just a really really fast and efficient way to get all the information that I need onto there now this document is not big at all this is just for the purpose of this video but I do recommend you fill the this out as much as you can you know spend some time on this really work with your client to identify what are their key FAQs that they get all the time what are the key questions that people come into them and ask about and how can you provide an answer using this chatbot like I said before this is the brain of your chatbot so this is the part that we need to be working extremely well for this chatbot to even be good so you're just going to upload your word doc in documents and you should be good to go once we now have our knowledge base up we have the bare bone of this entire bot ready we just now need to test it and see if it can actually start answering questions that we've inputted into our knowledge base so we can come and test that by typing in higher here and that activates our bot it's then going to go through our sequence yes I do not mind what is your name you can put anything here just to skip through this a turnover yep general information please and then I want to know what services do you offer cool and it's come back with a massive list of what this accountancy offers now you can really really refine this when it comes to building your knowledge base you can literally break it down so question one answer two and you can label it so it's super super easy for this knowledge base to work properly I've kind of just dumped everything in it for the sample of this video because you're going to be using your own knowledge base anyway it's mainly the structure that you guys need of this bot but you can see here it pulls directly from that document that we've uploaded and it uses the information that we've trained it on so we can even ask it a few more questions here so I've done how much do you charge for a tax return the fees for tax returns are fixed and competitive they are quoted for an agreed in advance with the clients this allows of easy budgeting and cash flow projection with money payment terms yes I have one more question where is finji Robinson located and it's now given me the address for Finsbury Robinson cool so no I actually don't have any more questions but I would now like to book a Consulting call and this brings us up to our next step which is this node right here which we have yet to fill out this is the next part and this is what we're gonna be doing now so firstly we're going to want to start collecting more information so we're going to put a text box here that says we would love to find out how we could help you more please provide us with a few more details so we're now going to add a card and what we want to collect is their name so again we're going to come to Raw input and just type in what is your name our variable here is going to be name obviously and then we're going to add a new card and say what is the best phone number to contact you on so what is the best number to contact you on a variable again is going to be phone create that there we go and now what we need to do is we need to integrate our zapier into this pot because this is the data that we want to collect this is where we send this information to a CRM or a spreadsheet for our accountancy that we're working with so we're going to want to come on over to Google Sheets and in this case you can actually copy this it's super super simple we're going to have first name last name email phone business and turnover you can go ahead and you can set that up you can pause this video copy this out super super easy just name it accountant bot leads or something like that and then we're going to come up to zapier and we're going to create this zap so what you're going to do is you're going to to select webhooks by zapier now you do need to be a premium user to do this so if you haven't got a client yet you know you don't need to go and buy a zapier to do this you can wait until you've signed someone before you do all the connections but this is essentially how you're going to do it it's going to be catch hook click continue continue again and you can see we now have a web hook URL so you're going to click copy there and we're going to go on over to our bot press we're going to add a card and this is going to be an execute code card now this is the part where bot press gets a little bit confusing because I personally do not have any coding experience I've found this just through trial and error and this is what works for me I don't know if it's the right way or the best way of doing it we have devs to do the more complex stuff so if it works for me it should work for you what we're essentially going to tell this code to do is to send all of the variables that we've collected so far to that zapier web hook so we are just sending the variables that we've already collected so in our case it's send variables business name email turnover name phone to zapier web hook we've got our web Hook from that zapier and we've just pasted into here and you can see that execute code has gone ahead and it's made this really simple code for us to now use and we've now collected that information so we can now come up with that and now what we're going to want to do just let our user know that that has been successful but rather than it just being a text I want to now send them back to ask any questions they may have just in case they have more and they want to keep asking the bot questions so we're going to create that new node we're going to add the new card which is going to be a multiple choice and we're going to say great a member of the team will be in touch shortly now after this we can say before we go did you have any more questions now our choices one is yes I have more questions you can add that and then we can also add no I'm good thanks now again we've left these little nodules on because we want to send them to different places based on their answers so in the case of them saying no we're good thanks we're just going to send them to n we're now going to set up an expression here to say that all of this has been filled out which means that is true so that we can always send them to this last confirmation step now the only thing we now need to do is we now need to add our new questions in here again we need to copy our infinite question Loop here and then just plug it in so that people can go back and keep asking questions but this side of the bot if you like so the way that we're going to do that is we're just going to click copy on this questions we're going to paste it here and I'm going to call it questions two super simple I know and again what would you like to know that's all good our knowledge if it can't be answered is going to go somewhere else and if it can it's going to go to the next step so again I'm going to copy this no answer I'm going to paste that here I'm going to call this no answer to and I'm also going to copy this one and call it more questions too so you can see once you've built it once you can kind of copy and paste it as long as there's not any variables that are going to change inside of that that's how you can end up tripping over yourself but this is essentially working for me right now and this is a nice simple example we're not going too detailed or too crazy with this bot so we can do this yes I have more questions it's going to bring us down to this question tab no the bot doesn't know the answer is going to take it to no answer yes it has the answer it's going to ask it again do you have more questions but instead on this do you have more questions are we going to ask them to book a free Consulting call we can just say no I'm done thank you so I do have more questions we can re-loop them background to our questions and if they don't we can send them to the end now originally they were going back up now originally they were getting pushed to book a call but now because they've already done that we just want to take them to the end and finish the conversation and again when we can't answer we ask them would you like to ask another question yes I would we take a background to questions no I wouldn't we just take them straight to end that bit looks confusing but it's really not that complicated it's just logic based and it's super simple to follow if you go slow but look Let's test out our bot because we are essentially done now we have built this make sure our zapier integration is working make sure it's answering questions making sure it's sending people through to the right sequences and that is the easy part so let's jump into it well actually I say this is the easy part this is the part where you usually bump into loads of issues and you sit there scratching your head for 30 minutes to realize that it was a super simple issue that you had because you hadn't actually dragged one of these to the right sequence or something like that so if you're struggling to find out what's wrong take it slow take a breath go grab a coffee and then come back to it cool so we're going to test this here and type in higher and you can see we're going to start going through this entire sequence I'm ready what is the name of your business the name of the business is Liam's AI Bots what is the best email to contact you on Liam at AI now the reason why I'm filling this in properly is because I want to send the data up to zapier after this as a test as well so I want to make sure everything's working with just one attempt what is your estimate Revenue 950k yes I would like some help v80 returns please cool what would you like to know what is the vat rate in the UK the standard vat rate in the UK is 20 which is correct I want to book a free Consulting call first we need some more information for you what is your name my name is Liam Evans what is the best phone number put in whatever number we want do you have any more questions yes I do so let's test and make sure this back end question sequence is working as well what would you like to know what services does Finsbury offer so that is working we're getting Services coming back now what I want to do is make sure this no answer is working as well so I'm going to say I have more questions and then ask what color is a pig it's a weird question I don't know why that's the first thing that came to my head but let's see if we can trip this bot up and get it to send to an answer I don't have the answer to this question do you have another question so it worked so the next step is to make sure our zapier integration is working now what we're going to want to do is come on over to zapier and we would have already set up that web hook because we pasted it into our execute code card on bot press uh we're going to click continue and then we're going to find our new request here we go this is our new one Liam at AI Bots Liam AI Bots 950k yep that's the one we just did and that is the one we're going to select so we're now going to come on over to Sheets click Google Sheets now of course you can use whatever you want you can use a CRM you can use Salesforce you can use HubSpot whatever your client has you can enter integrate into it but in the example of this video we're going to do something very very basic and that's just Google Sheets everyone knows how to use it it's really easy to use and you can just get set up straight away so we're going to create a spreadsheet row we're going to hit continue we're then going to go through and choose our account and get all that connected up we're then going to choose the spreadsheet that we just made earlier and then choose our worksheet and then we're going to fill in all the details that we started to collect so we have first name we have our last name we have our email we have our phone number as well we also have the business name which is Liam's AI Bots and then we have our turnover number as well so if we now click continue and we click Test action we should now get that information that's come from that bot straight into our zapier spreadsheet which we have right here now this would be the same if it was a HubSpot it would have gone straight into that but we can now give our client an opportunity to track the leads that that bot is generating so we're now going to publish this and we're going to run one more test through it we can now come to our bot and we hit publish now to edit your Bot we're going to go back to dashboard and we're going to come on over to integration Now by default web chat is connected now webchat allows you to change the name of all of these fields you can remove different things you can add delete clear conversation on exit you can add a bot description you can send this to your clients so they can embed it into their website as like a chat widget but for now all we're going to do is just use the default template that's given us and we're just going to be running a test through this to see if our zapier connection fully Works automatically without us having to do anything now remember guys the keeping here is knowledge base so the more knowledge you have on this bot the better it's going to be I cannot stress that enough so let's get started I'm going to whiz through this right to the end of this box so you can see the final part where we check this APR cool so I've done that bot now I've gone through all the information I've filled it in and now let's see if zapier has sent that lead through to our spreadsheet and it has Billy Auto blah blah blah it's now filled in that information and done that now obviously you can customize these fields completely you can put first name you can break up in the last name put an email phone business turnover whatever questions you have maybe you want to put budget or you want to put Services they're interested in and then you change the variable of something that they select like that vat question that we put in to be an actual answer to what they need help with and we can put that information here we just have to edit it in that execute code section on our bot press bot that we set up here where we send the different variables over this bot is not that advanced it is relatively simple and straightforward this is definitely a beginner's bot and it's why I wanted to make this video I'm not a technical guy I'm not someone who knows how to write code I'm not someone who can read these different languages and you know edit things and make my own stuff up to be honest we don't need that chat GPT can now do that for us and we have platforms like bot press that can create code from prompts just like this so definitely get stuck into bot press make sure you fatten that knowledge base out as much as you can that is literally the lifeblood of these entire Bots especially when you're not you know using external things like chat gbt to help answer any logic based question guys if you did find Value in this video please smash the like on the video subscribe to the channel let me know Down Below in the comments what Niche do you want me to build a bot for next I would love to see it and I would love to make one for you live again so I can help you guys out as much as I can like I said there's going to be a resources tab down below where you can download this bot and you can also join my free telegram we'll give you the daily behind the scenes action of what I get up to inside of my agency guys if you made it this far you're all legends I appreciate you so so much and I wish you the best of luck in building your own AI automation agency I'll catch you in the next video catch you soon bye-bye
Channel: Liam Evans
Views: 15,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai automation agency, ai automation, automation agency, how to start an ai automation agency, how to automate businesses with ai, ai business automation, automation, how to make money with ai, best ai business model, best ai business ideas, how to start an ai business, how to make money with chatgpt, online business ideas, best online business for beginners, how to make money selling ai chatbots, how to build ai chatbots, ai agency, liam evans
Id: I6DjjNVag84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 26sec (2006 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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