How to Build a House in The Sims 4 (Builder's Bible: Building Tutorial)

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and boom blue suburban hi everybody it's Kayla and welcome back to these sims for builders Bible my comprehensive guide to building given to you by a small child who is not that good at building but I'm gonna try because I posted one of these like two years ago it did really well people seemed really liked it they asked me for updates on it all the time and I've gotten a lot better at building since then and I think it is about time that I finally come on and give you a better and updated builders Bible for the sims 4 so today I'm gonna teach you guys how to build a house in the Sims and give you all of my tips and tricks and like kind of my thought process for building a house because I think seeing how I do it might help you I don't know I've got like cheat codes and things to show you I've got to show you like just how I get started because that's the hardest part isn't it and also give you some roofing tips because listen we all know the hardest part of building a house in the Sims is the roof I'm gonna start off by showing you guys what I call the art of the fancy box now what does that mean I'll explain every single house that I build starts off as a box that I then make fancy and by that I mean that I build a box and then I add on various bump outs and things on to that box to then make it fancy and sort of make it have a little bit more interest make it maybe a little bit better whatever that might mean and so we're gonna do that right now we're gonna go in and we're gonna create ourselves a fancy box I'm gonna make a two-story house to show you guys how I do that and I'll show you how to do the floor plan and the roof and all these things just that you can kind of get an idea of how I build all of my houses but look I had just the one little box and I've now gone in and I've added all of this additional stuff onto the outside of it just to try and make it slightly more interesting I even put like a big old porch in the back of the house kind of I've done these fancy box additions onto the outside it sort of builds the floorplan itself at least you'll see that hopefully in a bit when I when I finish up the build but all these little boxes kind of help you since like envision a floor plan as you're building them at least in my mind and then it kind of helps me with the finished product when I'm done because then I already know like what I was aiming for and like what it's going to look like when it's finished and so it is not as difficult to complete the build now I understand it looks a little bit weird right now but that's the whole first floor and then the second floor I start off again like taking that same first fancy box that I had originally which you know looks a little bit ridiculous now I I know and then you go in and you just you add on to it and you maybe extend some parts of it you might add like a chimney chimneys make everything look better trust me I learned this the hard way and then it sort of helps you kind of see the house come together right again it looks really weird right now because it's this whole weird build with all these random bump outs and things like that but you'll see one for the roof on that it's kind of come together into a whole house I liked it a second floor smaller than the first floor it just makes more sense to have it kind of sitting on like smaller area of the house and then I also like to keep everything kind of fairly symmetrical not completely they'll you can see there's bump outs on either side but one's a little bit smaller one of the chimney and so it's symmetrical to an extent but not perfectly I think it's really hard to do photo prints when it's so symmetrical completely because it doesn't really split up very well like one big giant box is really hard to break up into a floor plan of like if there's like two stories especially like how do you make that into a floor plan like it's just it's very difficult but when you have this weird shaped house it kind of justifies weird shaped floor plans for one and for two again it kind of like gives you a guide to where to draw the walls I think I put it up on a foundation also because foundations make everything look more finished in my experience and then we're gonna go ahead and attempt to do the roofing now the roofing is oftentimes the hardest part I can assure you of this however in my experience having like the fancy box you've done it kind of gives you a guideline for where to put the roof and again we're gonna go back to our original fancy box the original wall the original empty box was right here and we're gonna roof that part first okay because it's that's the original like you see how the whole house is kind of based on that box you can see easier on the first floor because there's still stuff there but we roof that part first that's the beginning part and you then go on to roof all the biggest parts first after that so I'll put like a gabled roof right here and the biggest part at the back of the house if you want to kind of if it's clipping like this in a weird way you can hold shift and then drag that part back and then it leaves like a overhang on this side but not on this side so it meshes together really well do the same thing in the front with the biggest part just like that I'm gonna have to obviously scoop that back one so it meshes really well and then you go ahead and it gets easier once you've done more of the build to like see where it all goes but I put caleb roofs up on top always and if you're seeing it look kind of boring or flat you might want to go ahead and add in some more like fancy bump outs and like dormers and stuff too to add some interest so you'll just put like another roof bit right there maybe I'll put another one right here kind of drag it across so it goes on to the other side we finish up the chimney so it goes to the second floor and then put a little half wall up there on top so it looks all finished off and I even put like a real chimney object in there so it looks more realistic and then to kind of finish off the rest of these kind of weird bits I'll use these half gabled roofs and I'll drag them all the way across look at that look at that and then you kind of lower it down and I like to pull it back and then tuck it into the roofs behind it so it kind of disappears back there a lot of times for things like this where it looks kind of weird how it's like that I might put up like more second floor so it tucks into something or here's where it gets a little bit tricky you can put a roof until right here you see how it's kind of it's not quite tucked in there but like it's and then you duplicate it this is its so it's kind of finicky to do this but then you duplicate it and then you make sure it's tucked in at the top and then you can move that part back and then you'll see oops gotta pull that part back there but then you can kind of hide it that way by using two different roof pieces to make it look like run one roof piece it's a little bit complicated and not that important but you can always do that if you want to and then all the roof bits are all tucked in and hidden away doesn't it look good might put another one of these like this I also think that a key to doing this and making it look good is having them all be all the different pieces and they still different matching pieces or at the same angle so you can see all of these gabled roof bits they're all at the same angle and all of these half ones with the same angle it just makes the house look more uniform oh that's clipping make sure we hide that one away and then I just kind of go in and make everything match on all this to the build so again it's pretty symmetrical looking and I think that it's really pretty I'm a little bit biased but like I love this house already and I've I built it in what like ten minutes and it's like your classic suburban house and this is like the most typical stims ability lever find and you go and grab some roof trim maybe some shingles paint the house and then boom you've got a blue suburban a lot of times with these bills I'd like to put columns on each of the corners I'll use this get-together call them and put on every corner so that it looks more finished and then boom you've got an actually finished house as far as windows go I think people have a tendency to over place windows trust me I did the same thing but I'm going to show you guys how I would place photos in this house and you can kind of maybe gauge how to do it based on that but I like to say that less is more when it comes to windows so I probably place them like this kind of casual stuff get a pretty front door in there maybe even like oh I don't know a fancy bay window up there on the second floor for some added interest couple windows there a couple windows there it's really up to you where you want to place them I think this is almost too many windows in this area but when we do the flow plan we can kind of change our minds and decide a lot of times I will have entire sides of houses that have no windows and it really depends like I might not put any up on the sides of the house upstairs on any of the sides it depends on the floor plan looks but I think that works better we can decide when we actually place the rooms and stuff that is very typical of me to not have any windows on the sides of the house maybe a little back door over there onto the little patio area and we can do some finishing touches like add in some columns and and fences and things to the porch I just play some more of the corners of the rest of the house are so you can see like in line with this and in line with this part get a little fence in there maybe a staircase and boom blue suburban okay now on to the interior floor plans and roofing are like the hardest parts of building a house in the Sims trust me I know but we're gonna make this work okay we're gonna use all of our existing weird bump outs and stuff kind of as a base to draw it as well that makes everything a lot easier trust me also the staircase gives you a great guide it kind of creates a line that helps break things up because the whole upstairs is kind of based like around the stairs you know and so once you have the stairs place you can kind of figure out where everything else goes I'm gonna place a bedroom like right here I think I can put a bath on this side a bedroom right here okay bathroom right there we can get a bedroom here and a bedroom here okay team I think we did it I'm gonna make this bathroom a tiny bit bigger just because of the fact that it's the master bathroom but we have a hall bath we have a kid's room we have a kid's room we have a kid's room and a master bedroom I also really enjoy how weird the shapes of these rooms all are I might even make this a tiny bit weirder because they're gonna be a door better to that room but I like how we're the shapes all are and I like how there's access to bathrooms and stuff from all the rooms but you'll see that there isn't a window in this bathroom or in this bedroom and that's really inconvenient because obviously uh you should have a window on your bedroom so we're gonna place one right here it's kind of a weird spot but it is on the side of the house so doesn't really matter if you look at real houses the windows are in the weirdest spots on the side of the house like just look at our real house for a second and think about how ugly it would be in the sense like even like your house even probably where you live like just think about it in the Sims and you'll be like oh like the way that we place windows in real life it's so weird I hate I hate how it looks but it's fine I'm gonna leave that like that just place some doors around the place and boom the entire upstairs floor plan is done I'm gonna block it off a little bit and make this into a tiny sitting area I think I'm gonna block this off and let it be like a study slash office area and then I'm gonna put a weird bathroom right there okay it makes for a little hallway that kind of separates I'll put the kitchen kind of right here and then like a dining table in here we have a hallway study some more seating and stuff and then we have the bathroom and then it kind of breaks everything up and creates you know a nice open ish floor plan put some doors in to block off the rooms and archways to open the rest of them because archways make everything feel better you know this hallway area is kind of weird but it's so realistic and I kind of like it so I'm gonna keep it just to kind of show you guys how I've split it up I'll put a hardwood floor like everywhere just so it kind of helps us see what we've got going on here I'll play some lights dude us to give us an idea of how things are gonna get place hang on guys give me a second I put in like some railings on the stairs and some lights around the place and just to kind of show you guys again I'm gonna play some like temp furniture just to show you how the layouts would work in my mind actually you know what forget this weird study thing you could have like a formal dining room right in here if you wanted to you could even kind of close off the room a bit more just you have like a separated kitchen area and then have a dining table in here but I like never mind the master has made a mistake again I'm keeping it this way maybe was an art white wait a concept I based a lot of the sizing of my rooms this is kind of weird on where I can place rugs and this is like my favorite sized rug so if I can place this rug down in a room you see how it fits perfectly in there then it's the right size room so that's for the dining room table you can put that same rug in the living room right there obviously I place them like better-looking furniture but this is kind of how I imagined the living room would be shaped and laid out so you can kind of see how we have this maybe like a chair in the corner here I'm gonna put a bookshelf on that wall bookshelves are great for filling up space I picture maybe a desk right here again obviously colors are not great in this but like you're kind of seeing how I would lay out furniture perfect size for a dining table put six chairs around it I'm upsetting myself with my furniture choices it's so ugly but like you get the vibe that I'm going for right I put counters like around that area and maybe even like a little breakfast nook back here and that's kind of how I lay out the house I put more furniture in and stuff but cut these are kind of like the big things like the big-ticket items that I would place down and that's how I would do it so that's the house that I have built you guys that's how I build my houses and kind of the mindset that I have in doing them i'ma show you guys quickly though some little tips and tricks that I have as far as like building and decorating and other little cheat codes that you can use because these are where they get you okay I get asked all the time how I delete more than one wall at once if I was gonna be like hey you know what actually I want this all be one big room and I just delete all those walls at once if you hold ctrl and draw the wall again it deletes it otherwise you'd have to like individually bulldoze each wall but if you hold ctrl and draw over it you can delete it all at once that is a lifesaver say I wanted to put like maybe some sort of I don't know maybe I wanted carpet in my dining room area right and I had this weird like where does the dining room end and I want to put some diagonal tile right there if you hold ctrl and s you can get a diagonal tile floor tile and then you can do like that we also used a little like carrot arrow keys to rotate your wood floors if you wanted to go like this instead like I put horizontal flooring on this porch and vertical in here use the little carrot keys to rotate the floorboards and you can kind of have it go in different directions say you wanted to for some reason freely rotate this table if you want it to be at like this ever so slight astanga l-- okay if you have the sims 3 camera on you press this button for the sims 3 camera and you hold alt you can freely rotate things instead of just being on the grid you can sort of rotate freely by holding alt now it works well for like placing like a plant nicely in the corner or maybe if you wanted to have like a nice chair kind of off in a corner and just have it feel like slightly rotated hold alt lifesaver you'll see I'm kind of moving things around randomly placing them I have a cheat called BB dot move objects on on right now without it I can't place things wherever I want them to but if you type BB dot move objects on I can place things wherever I want them like I want in the middle of this couch I can have it there you can also raise and lower objects so say I wanted to place like this plant on this shelf but it won't place there if I hold ctrl + 9 I can raise the plant up and then I can put it on the shelf myself get it if I wanted a really big plant I could like size it up by using the right bracket key if I wanted a really tiny tiny plant I can set it down with the left bracket key which works great for making things that don't necessarily fit places work better like say I wanted to use this plant on this shelf it's kind of big but if I size it down one and then raise it up it fits really well on the Shelf like that see or you could have like I don't know a tiny toilet or something if you have like either weight left bracket key for that it works good for paintings too because say you wanted to use like this painting but it's kind of small make it bigger fills the wall so much more nicely or if it's too big you can kind of size it down because some paintings are enormous like this one is kind of big size it down one fits better I have one more tip that's kind of a weird one but is a lifesaver that I recently learned about so I'm gonna explain it to you it's about trim again but like oh boy it's it's very helpful one anything you want to do to just one side of a wall and this if you wanted to just say like use one side of this side to go back instead of this one if you just regularly hold it it moves them both out but you just if you hold shift it only drags out the one side right same thing goes for placing trim okay because if I wanted a place like this trim like over here you see how it it kind of puts it like it has like a weird room system where it puts it like all over the place say I wanted it only on the inside only on those two walls without it getting over here if you hold shift you can place it by individual wall and so instead of it going around everywhere it places just on that wall there and so it doesn't like get everywhere and ruin your build and look ugly and stuff so that's holding shift it's a godsend some quick little cheats that I showed you guys BB dot show hidden objects there's also BB dot ignore gameplay unlocks entitlement this one's kind of wild but this one makes it so that any objects that are career locked so for example this thing I couldn't usually grab this object but I have that cheat on so now I can place it here there's other things too like random lights and stuff anything with this weird like fancy spirally border is locked when you don't have that cheat on but then you can access anything in the build catalog that way and speaking of things in the build catalog this one's kind of wild BB dots show hidden objects this one allows you to access everything that they'll catalog it opens up a ton of things that are hidden like locked behind that wall so for example I could grab like just a full-on Apple feed this way look at this I've got access to all these at like just apples in general I have actual apples I've got an apple tree like you can get all these things that way so if you search in this menu if you search debug you're gonna find a ton of stuff like I'm talking a ton I'm gonna show you at all but like you can grab like anything your Sims have access to you can grab this way the fish the books the elements like the collectables all these things you can make plant wise like all the little decorations that your Sims can make like anything your simpsons access to it's in debug it's just kind of hard to like scroll through and find stuff but it is there and last but not least say your Bob pancakes and you're like going over to Nancy land grabs house Here I am chilling with the land grabs and I'm like you know what I really want to have a knight statue that I can steal and you're like oh no wait they don't have a knight statue what I'm gonna do well BB dot enable free build lets you build on any lot you can see now I can press a little bit like on and then I can place whatever I want I can infest the land grab house with lamps if I wanted to or I could just bulldoze it you want a house too bad Nancy so those my friends are my best and most important tips and tricks for you for building in the sims 4 as a quick little recap I don't tell you guys build a fancy box roof the largest area first build small and make it bigger it's always easier to make a house that small look good big houses are really hard to decorate and make them look nice make it small and then add on if you need it and also less is always more same thing it's so much easier to make a small house in a big house trust me I've learned this from experience why do I build one-story suburban homes because big houses are impossible but again you guys I'm no expert I just build a lot so I have some advice that I can give you if you liked my builds hey go ahead and subscribe I make speed builds every single week I post two a week Wednesday and Sunday so if you want to check out any that several links them down below also link my last but let's fireball down below I also have a few like more specialized ones on just roofing and floor plans and stuff so I'll link those I've just got a ton of stuff going on but thank you for watching make sure to go ahead and leave a like and comment and subscribe and do all 32 things and in case you guys didn't know I post new videos every single day and so I will see you all tomorrow bye everybody the last thing I'm a one of these I got called a narcissist so hopefully I don't get that again but hey um you're not wrong [Music] [Music]
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 1,130,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly, builder's bible, building tutorial, house build, let's build, sims 4 buildling, how to build, how to build in the sims 4, roofing tutorial, roof, floorplan, how to roof, how to floorplan, how to, tutorial
Id: -4h8DICJuzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 24 2018
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