Big Colourful Summertime Family Home Build in The Sims 4 // Sims 4 House Build in Real Time // NO CC

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hi friends welcome back to another sims 4 video my name is zid and we do find sims 4 things on this channel all the time today i feel like chillin and building we're going to be building a sims 4 family house today but i want to make it bright i want to make it colorful i'm in an exceptionally good mood today so let's make a happy family home shall we so we're gonna start off building a shell i want this to be not the perfect family home i do have like a build series where we'll go in and try and build like the most perfect family home what we can or whatever but today in the family that i'm picturing living here we're gonna have a few kids there's a few new sims 4 packs that have come out that have a lot of really cute items for kids in the sims 4 and i find what i'm just regularly building kids kind of get the short end of the stick in my builds a lot of the time so i want to focus a lot on like the kid-friendly options here today we're going to have like a big full backyard where there's going to be lots to do in there kids bedrooms and stuff it'll be a fairly big house i'm thinking like three bedrooms two floors but the main focus today is i want there to be a lot to do for kids it's gonna be a really kid-friendly sims 4 house so i think i'm happy with this is my shelf for now we're gonna go ahead and get some wallpaper and i told you guys i want this to be a really bright and colorful build that we're gonna do today so i'm thinking we do like an orange for the outside we're like a pink like summertime vibes i want to do like sunflowers on the outside here i think could be really pretty so we'll do that pink and what if we did like another color on the outside like what if the garage is orange like sorbet dreamhouse like that with the blue lake in the background we can go really crazy with like the landscaping and pull it all together i think i'm gonna go for it let's do the roofing i think the roofing is gonna be kind of fun for this one because we have a lot of bump out so i'm gonna start off with a gabled roof piece i like to do my roofing in real time with you guys on these videos because i know some people struggle a lot with roofing in the sims floor it can be really difficult so i kind of like to slow it down a little bit just show what i'm doing i'm covering this entire piece here with a hipped roof and then we're going to go in and get some gabled roof pieces to add a little bit of flare to the roof i think for the shape of this my roofing is looking a little steep so i'm just gonna bring it down by a couple of ticks i'm gonna delete these and replace them with this one that i just adjusted so everything has the same angle i'm gonna cover the obvious parts first so i'm going in with my roofing and just bringing that same exact piece that i've got copying and pasting it all on these bump outs so one there we're gonna put another one here and pull it out and then i'm looking at the front of this thing the top part is really boring right now i'm going to take this and copy it i'm going to bring it all the way to the edge here so that it kind of lines up with that roofing that i've got already and from here we can play around i think i'm going to add another one to this side like bring it out so that there's a little bit of separation there and maybe for a little bit of extra flare we can bring one over to this side and maybe leave it like that i think i like how that looks for our roofing we're gonna go in with i think a brown today i'm gonna use this scalloped roofing from base game i'm gonna get my roof trim and i think for the top i'm gonna use a different wallpaper for like some detail i love adding the sims for cats and dogs to my roofing and then for this part in the back i think i'm gonna bring the roofing back here that i had in the front and i'm gonna copy and paste one down below and just add it in there on this particular build i'm loving how the white looks like the white trim so i'm gonna go in with my columns here these are from the sims 4 get together i feel like this is like adding a highlight to a build is that weird it's like really just adding like the whites bringing in the extra contrast i guess it's totally giving sorbet this is gonna be like the perfect summertime house in the sims 4. that's gonna be our new goal okay we're gonna go in with some platforms i'm not gonna raise it up on a foundation for my entryway i think i'm just gonna use a platform here bring it out and then i'm gonna raise this up by like three ticks then we can do a stairway entrance using our platform so i'm just gonna make sure it's like one below so that our sims can still use this and then now that i've done that we're gonna have to go in on the inside and make sure that everything in here is reaching that height so my door isn't all like weird and off so i'm gonna hold a control on my keyboard and i'm just gonna delete all the indoor walls for now obviously we're gonna replace these later on when we go in and do our layout the only one i might keep actually is in my garage so garage i'm gonna pull all the way across i'm gonna leave that one on the floor level so that i can add like cars in there and stuff and then i won't have to figure out how to do the ramp to get the cars in there so i'm just gonna click and raise that up so that it's perfect and i can even check to see if it is by deleting that wall see how what i did that you can see the difference i'm just gonna undo and then raise it up by one more tick oh i always forget to do my columns afterwards because then they're gonna then they're gonna raise up learn from my mistakes okay okay let's get some windows on here i know i want my windows to be white so i'm gonna get my white color filter on i don't know i want i think like a longer one what if we use these ones here from get together i don't want it to be like a modern build really i think i could go in and add some blinds onto these just to get more of like a homey feel i don't know what it is i feel like that just helps so i'm gonna be using these here these are base game blinds this is a little trick that i've seen before and done before here on this channel it makes it look like those are shutters on the window so i like to go in and add those wherever if i have like a window that i think needs it i think that's going to look pretty cool then for my other windows i'm gonna have a different variation going along the top but something similar something similar in shape let's try these a three panel window these are from base game up on the top floor we're gonna have like bedrooms and stuff so i feel like these are a good fit i'm gonna be using these cats and dogs windows just as like roofing features and i think i'm gonna use a cat from dog's door as well it totally gives that family house vibe that can be my front door and then this over here is going to be the garage and i think i'm gonna get either the sims 4 snowy escape or there's an industrial loft kit door that we could use as well but this one is what i was thinking for my garage door i want to use two here and then we could do like a garage feature a driveway i think that would look really pretty and then along the back i'm planning on doing a big deck back here but this is gonna be a wide open window space i think that looks really nice and i've added an extra door in the back here so this is how the back is turned out now for the fun part we're gonna start to add some details and like i said i want this to be bright fun so we're gonna have a lot going on in our yard outside let's first lay out where we want our landscaping to be so i'm gonna go in with a terrain paint and i'm going to just kind of roughly lay out where i want it to go so i know i'm gonna do a garden here maybe like along the stairs we can do another one this way along that i'll probably have it go around the whole side of the house too so i'll just kind of go like this and back here i'm actually gonna use my platforms again to build a deck so we have this back door where you're gonna come out and i think i'm gonna wrap it all the way around this way this could be like barbecue area i could even add some pergolas hanging over like this could be really pretty maybe if i shrink it and it comes right off the top there we can also make like a little dining table under there or something okay i'm gonna shrink this back to size and i think i'm gonna shift gears a little bit and do the backyard so i'm gonna start to lay out the areas that i want i really wanna have one of those backyard projection kits this came with the new sims 4 little campers kit and i haven't really gotten to play around with this kit that much but i really like the items in this this inspired me to want to do like kid friendly build it came with this really cute outdoor lawn blanket which i'm gonna put right in front i also love these here they're like crates with blankets on them i think those are really sweet then we've got these pillows which i've been adding these on to like couches and stuff they have fun little patterns on them just everything you need with this kit to make such a cute little backyard also another one of my favorite items that came with it is this swing set which i've also been dying to use with those little lights on there i think i'm gonna bring that maybe over to this side that can be another feature over here we can do like a sandpit and everything i'm gonna start to carve out some of the areas with some terrain paint so maybe this here can be like a dining we could do a big pretty umbrella with some of those like diy chairs like these i think the colors on these are really cute very summery i must say good timing with this kit i think also on the summery theme i'm gonna try and go and get a toddler pool this one is summertime palms kiddie pool perfect for our house here i literally bought one of these for my dogs and i've been sitting in it it's even smaller it's just like a big circle but they love it and i love it we could add these out here too so there's something for like parents to do and they're still really colorful i believe these are from city living debug this is gonna be our sandpit which kids can play in there which is so cute another added element for like things to do for them this looks really weird right now because i'm laying out all my areas without the landscaping and it just looks so sad this is how i used to build in the sims 4 i think no landscaping just items everywhere but now that i have the items that i want i can start building like pathways and different like rooms for outside in a way i used to struggle with backyards and i feel like this really helped me so now that everything out here is laid out the way i want it now i can go in with things like fencing which i like to not do a perfect square for my fencing i like to do a little bit of a different pattern with it so this one i can probably bring in some of my items a little more so that it's not as big but we'll bring this out on a diagonal and i think that's about it for like the shape that i'm gonna do for it obviously we'll bring it to the front when we do like the front landscaping now i'm gonna start to add my landscaping the greenery we're gonna pull this thing all together in the backyard with some of these i feel like these are great to start like carving out an area i think i'm gonna bring these all the way back around like this i'm also gonna add some in here and then with that i'm gonna match the colors that we have like on the outside of the house and everything we'll get some pink flowers some yellow we could do like some of these in here i even like to use these here from island living to like fill in the space we'll get some trees back here i am building in bridleton bay which comes with the sims 4 cats and dogs so i'm gonna be adding in some cats and dogs trees and landscaping just to match the surrounding area like this one can probably go up front we can even add some smaller ones in there like this one i'm gonna do some rock landscaping over here so i'm to fill in the area for my garden with these and then i think i do want to do like a stone path of some kind leading back here and then my fence can actually probably stop here so we could do the gate and then i can section it off on the opposite side with the garage we'll add our gate and then i'm gonna get my debug on so we're gonna do live edit objects i'm gonna type stone into my search bar and here we'll find all of those debug like garden stones that i love to use i love to make paths with these so i'm basically just going to be following the terrain paint that i used adding these stones big throwback to the new crest build series that we've got the stone path neighborhood so with all our landscaping in the front and the back everything is complete on the exterior here this is our big colorful sims 4 house made for families and particularly summertime fun so this is what it's looking like i freaking love the little sunflowers that are out here i use the colorful mailbox from nifty knitting up there we've got our yellow car here from the cottage living debug menu i also added a bicycle i think it's gonna be really fun to do the garage and add a bunch of those like eco lifestyle debug bikes we've got our trash hiding back there so this is our landscaping here i added another bike right there our stone path leading it to the back here then through the back gate i thought this little garden section here looked so pretty with the path going through so this is leading to the backyard where we have our swing set looking really pretty i also added a toy box there so kids could play with them in the sand going over this way we have our umbrella a dining area where people could have food we also have this little section back here with the pool on the deck i added a small dining room table in there as well as our barbecue in the back leaning back here we've got a small garden section right there where we can plant something we have our huge projector in the backyard with all these little essentials i added a s'mores station which came with that new kit our pillows this guy which i love this guy what's his name again bigfoot stuffy okay we have our jungle gym over here with our like monkey bars i had to add the froggy chair i just had to do it so i added the froggy chair with a different one and i didn't realize they have little feet that's so cute so yeah this is what our fun-filled backyard ended up looking like we're gonna go inside i think and start to do the layout so in we go i think i'm gonna start with the top floor first thing we have to do as always is add our stairs so i think i'm gonna want the stairs to be somewhere around the middle right here and we can do bedrooms on the right bedroom on the left and actually that's gonna line up perfectly with where my entryway is so if i add these here maybe move them back a little bit then we can section this entire part off and that's pretty big i could probably do a bathroom over here too so we'll have bedroom there that's probably gonna be like the parents bedroom and i have this window otherwise i would go straight back there so maybe we'll go like this then this here could be another bathroom like this could be the bathroom for like the rest of the house and then here i do want to do two bedrooms so maybe i'll split it down the middle like that we can do one older kid's bedroom to the left and then this one over here could maybe be like a toddler slash like nursery maybe so we'll fence that off and then downstairs i kind of want to bring the walls in so that they're enclosing my stairs so maybe i'll bring this out we'll bring that all the way over like that or maybe out even a tad more like that then here we can bring this back and maybe put this wall on an angle extend that outwards and then we're gonna have an entire another room there so we have left there maybe for a living room right could be kitchen and dining and then for a bathroom i was thinking originally that the bathroom could go here and then obviously we'll have a door there leading to the garage for flooring i think it would be nice if we did maybe some cottage living wood maybe i'll put that all along the bottom floor actually i think i could probably bring that up into these rooms too i plan on using a lot of rugs and carpets for like play areas and stuff so i think using the same flooring won't be too bad other than of course for the bathrooms we'll change that into some kind of tile and then for our wallpaper like i said i want to keep this really colorful i'm gonna do maybe we'll have to play it by room but i know eco lifestyle has some really pretty paint shades that we could use like these we could do a blue bedroom maybe we could do more of like a salmon color bedroom i don't know it's gonna be bright but let's start off doing the kids bedrooms i really wanna start here i'm gonna get my doors which i don't know which ones we're gonna use maybe like strangerville i haven't used these in a while and i really like the knob that they have on them it's like this like blue diamond knob i think that's gonna be the main kind of door that i use for my house then downstairs obviously we're gonna open this up maybe i'll use columns and spandrels to open that up so it's open concept but still separated by like these spandrels here okay kids room number one let's do this one here i think this is gonna be like the older kids room so first thing we're gonna get is our bed i wanna see what the swatches are for this year i'm gonna put our bed maybe right here the blue is pretty but i want to go a little brighter with that maybe like a purple do you have a purple swatch oh yes okay maybe we can put this guy let's put him in the corner along with this car crafting table i love it i love the like diy style of this stuff like if you zoom into these items it really looks like just a cardboard box that they've turned into something i kind of i love that idea i think i also want to see what werewolves has to offer the sims 4 werewolves is the newest pack that we've got and they have fun like bedroom items i think one of them yeah has this trunk here we could use that's super pretty i want to get the moonlight like the lamp and put that on top this here is one of my favorite new items along with that lamp too this is kind of matching that diy style so maybe if i can get a matching swatch in here that'll work i want to use some pillows so i'm going to get these like blue and purple ones here i'll put them just around the bed just for like some coziness oh what about the dollhouse this one here is really fun again with that like diy style i like the lights on there swatches i don't know if i'm gonna find one that matches i mean that one's kind of good we're gonna get a big fluffy rug this one is from the industrial loft kit and now we clutter i'm gonna put fairy lights along here because i think they're gonna add a really cute vibe i think i'm gonna put these into the other room too i love those face pictures they're hanging they look like they were just drawn up if we add this right above this guy he's gonna look like he's got a little plum bob let's do jungle adventure mirror here and i'm gonna find a few more things to put on my wall we'll have uni in the corner and i think i'm gonna grab also a like chair these ones i love these ones from base game i'm gonna put one of those over there that actually might be kind of creepy right next to the bed instead we're gonna use this one here and we're gonna do the strawberry one i think there's a purple strawberry yeah there we go so this is our first kid's bedroom this is how it turned out there's tons of clutter in here cute lighting i made it a little bit dimmer we've got all our toys to hang out with let's move on to the next kid's room i really want to use one of the new sims 4 werewolves like bassinet i think they're so pretty even though there's like scratches on the side i love the sheep hanging from it and like the moon and the stars it looks cozy in there so we're gonna have that but i think they're gonna share a room with one of the other kids so i think i'm gonna grab the same bed but in a different swatch for here and maybe this is a recently aged up like toddler but i do throughout this whole house want to have like toddler items for the baby that's going to age up soon so even though i'm putting a kid's bed in here it's going to be kid and baby soon to be toddler we're gonna use this pretty colorful version of that quilt matching dresser i think i want to use this one here maybe we can do the yellow swatch from the inside then on this side i want to do a desk like a homework area maybe this sim enjoys like being on the computer reading staying in the room a little more unfortunately they're the youngest so they have the baby bassinet and they're with them but i feel like that means that this kid is gonna be really close with their like sibling when they grow up so i'm gonna add a desk in here i wanted to have like the crafting stuff in there i think that's kind of cute we'll add a computer and i'm gonna put some dream home decorator shelving above this reminds me very much of like ikea sort of furniture inside like shelving units from ikea you know we'll bring in the fairy lights i'm going to add a snowy escape rug over here for a little more coziness like i said i want to do like the stacked rugs everywhere imagine plot twist this baby is a werewolf somehow that could be an interesting dynamic for curtains i'm using these ones here from the movie stuff pack i love the colorful like textures on here we're going super bold with this bedroom so may as well go all out and on this side i'm going to do some toys over here i think i'm going to get maybe like a mirror like that stand-up mirror with the lights on it this one here from parenthood maybe i'll put that on this side and i can get like a bookshelf right there we'll do the colorful version of this one here hey they're labeled actually that's so cute i need that and then on top of there we're gonna add the smaller bookshelves like this i'll raise this up we can add some of these kids paintings right on top of here and this is what our second kid's bedroom looks like slash nursery we've got all of our essentials in here i also added the defender light which i totally forgot about that's gonna protect your sims against those horrible nightmares we've got our desk here a bunch of toys that i added in the shelves and look how cute this little area is i love it so colorful so bright we are gonna move on to our next area which is gonna be at the play room this is gonna be our last like super kid-friendly focused area but this is where i wanna put every other toy that i couldn't fit so i'm gonna get my rug i wanna get a couple chairs out here i wanna see what other swatches we have for the froggy chair so maybe we'll do like there's so many cute ones the dog is so cute the cat there's little bears oh my god i love that one that looks like my dog let's do the little bear i think that's cute let's put the bear right here maybe i'll do two chairs we'll put those there this can just be like a cute hangout area let's get a plant in the corner and then i think i might do some tvs if that's possible like the get to work wall mounted ones are really small so maybe i could put them right here i want to do the rocket lamp i think i might just like size one up and then put another one beside it let's do over to this side another one of those like crafting tables with maybe the kitty tunes radio maybe i can raise that up and put it on one of the chairs i'm going to add these really sheer blue curtains from parenthood we'll do another plant on this side to even it out make sure that the kids can still get back there and then for wall decor i'm thinking these skateboards here also from parenthood with like a cork board maybe in the middle there and i'm thinking some like posters or something to this side very cute oh also from this kit we got some new fairy lights right here i'm gonna raise these up and put them underneath my window because these are so cute they're gonna be so versatile in like backyards and stuff they also size up really well so i kind of like that they made them smaller like that so it's still going to be functional when you do raise them up and on this side i'm thinking an ottoman could fit like the laundry day sort of diy style looks good we'll do a toy box here and maybe like a big plant in the corner so this is what our hallway is looking like our play area over here so cute then on the other side i added some backpack clutter tiny little toys and of course our bigfoot stuffy we do have a bathroom to do on this floor so i'm gonna add a bathtub i wanna make sure we have everything for our toddlers needs once they do a job so we're going to need a bathtub in here we're definitely going to need a potty so i'm going to put a tiny one right next to our other toilet which is going to be to the right of the bathtub here and now all we need is a sink over to this side so with all our decor this is what our bathroom is looking like a very patterned we're using a sims 4 decor to the max wallpaper some hanging plants in there and of course their little potty and then for this room this is going to be the paris room so i'm going to go in i think with a yellow bed using tons of yellow today very summer themed on the inside as well let's use maybe a patterned stripe yellow rug some parenthood end tables near the bed let's also get that mood light ever since i discovered this light here from base game i've been using it constantly i love the warm glow that it gives off we'll grab some kind of picture on my wall here i'm thinking this one from dream home decorator then i could probably fit a desk over here so that if they do feel like doing some work or hanging out on the computer they have a little bit of privacy to do that in their bedroom so let's use this one here from dream home decorator i'm going to add a computer probably like a yellow chair so this area is starting to come together i think i need to flip around and do a dresser somewhere we still have this whole corner here so i could probably add like a pretty big mirror maybe with these lining the sides here so i'm gonna add these from dream home decorator and in there i can put like shoes clutter even makeup do just like a small little bench in there and i think i want to add pets into this i think i want to have like a cat and a dog so i'm going to add a bed for either one in here maybe i'll have two beds we could do like one there and one here maybe they're like both small so they get along and they like to sleep next to each other but in separate beds one can be the egg then on this side we could do probably like a parenthood dresser the cats and dogs one could also be cute i love how you can see all the folded things in there i'm gonna use that one instead for the final touches in here i'm going to be replacing some of my saucer lights with these wall lights just to give it more of a warm glow i like to do this with my bedrooms i feel like it gives it much more of a cozy vibe maybe we can even have like a lamp over here or something cute so this is how our closet area turned out our like open closet on this side we have our bedroom with our mood lighting some cozy clutter our pet beds right beside the bed and then for my bathroom the bathroom is gonna be pretty simple i think i think i might put a shower in this one more for like a quick time getting ready if they want to like get ready without the kids or something real quick so we'll do shower our toilet here and then on the other side i think i'm gonna add some counters like some dream home decorator counters to match that wallpaper that i picked we can do a double sink moment very helpful with some tiny living mirrors and then i'll pull it together my accents it's pretty neutral in here but with the accents we can add in some color maybe a pink flower here from cottage living and maybe some pink towels and this tiny living bathroom thing which also has a pink swatch okay that's very cute i like this top floor i feel like it's very cozy let's bring that element downstairs we're gonna go and do the rest of the house i think we're gonna start off with the living room which is gonna be this room over here so let's first get our tv i think i'm gonna put it along this wall here so tv there i want to bring in the patterns and the cozy warm lighting that we had from the upstairs so for our rug let's use cottage living we're gonna use cottage living in like a pink swatch we're gonna get some yellow sectionals here along this way there's our cozy lighting and then underneath i wanna do like a different kind of tv unit what about paranormal we've got some pretty crazy patterns going on in here if we could pull this off that would be really cool let's get a lamp over to this side and then i do want to bring in more like toys and kid-friendly items in here so i'm gonna move all of this back a little bit and then behind we could do another area with like bigger items like we could do the cardboard dollhouse back here i could even add another desk for like homework or something maybe if everyone wanted to be in the same room altogether so computer there i'm gonna get a matching yellow chair with like a mirror over top we can add some plants on those walls and i'm gonna do a big bookshelf over in this corner i've got a little more space so i'm gonna start filling it up with some other items maybe we can do a mirror over there coffee table in the middle that coffee table is freaking massive i'm gonna add some of these over near the mirror there just as like some things that you could pull out and add to like the coffee table if you're doing crafts or something so this is how our living room turned out nice and cozy in here i added this little s'mores station maybe for like movie night or something i think could be fun we've got some more toys in here our bookshelves with some more books for the kids we also have a study area slash dollhouse area i've started to add a few things to my hallway but we're gonna move over and do the kitchen next and for the kitchen i'm picturing a big long dining table like right down the middle right here so i think i'm gonna use this one here from base game but we're gonna put that right there some pink chairs i've used some cottage living wallpaper which i really hope i don't regret in here we're gonna have a high chair at the ready because we do have our baby which is gonna grow up soon obviously since they have other kids they probably had a high chair anyway so put that in the corner i could see this family being very close and having like dinner all together pretty often so i like that we're leaving a big space for them and that i need to do like a pet corner we need to make sure our dog and our cat have our food so we're gonna add that there i also need to put like a toy box somewhere for them maybe i could put that in this little area in the hallway and then on this side we could do like cat corner i could put all the cat stuff on this side so they're separated but just a little bit okay back to the kitchen we're gonna do i think our appliances on this side so i want to use these ones here from the country kitchen kit i'm gonna be probably matching my appliances to that as well we could do like a pink fridge i think i'm destined to one day have my own pink fridge i always put pink fridges in my builds i've never seen one in real life though that'd be pretty cool though so if you got a pink fridge or know someone who does let me know up top we can also add some of the matching cabinets we'll do our sink here i want to add like a dishwasher to help out with some of the chores maybe a microwave for those quick meals then i still have a lot of space i could totally do an island in the middle here so i think i'm gonna do two regular counters on this side with like the island pieces here our trash can over to the side there we'll do the automatic one and i think i'm gonna do some yellow bar stools there then on this side i like to add coffee corners sometimes so i think i'm gonna do a coffee corner over here we'll get our coffee maker to go on there we could add some like storage clutter maybe like these have like coffee in there this one actually has a coffee bean picture on it so that's definitely going to go there let's get something fun in here let's add like a fish tank like a big one the kids would probably have a blast playing around with that and then we could do a fishbowl like on here very pet-friendly area in here we've got cats dogs fish maybe i'll add like a turtle or something so this is what our kitchen is looking like we've got our chairs in here we have tons of appliances to choose from our coffee area we also have our fish tank and pet area over to this side i've also added hallway features this is the back door here i've got that thing there from cottage living we've got some storage containers some cute chairs maybe extra chairs to like bring outside for dining or something i finished my cat corner we've got the cat like scratchy things or some toys there the dog and cat living in harmony i finished the bathroom on this floor which was pretty similar to the one upstairs so i just did that one off camera but we've got our bathtub downstairs double sink moment again tons of bathrooms in here so that no one has to like overlap on each other which happens a lot with family gameplay in the sims 4. i added another bookshelf over here and two little things for our dog two toy boxes the final room we have to do is our garage which i did say i wanted to add some more bicycles so we're gonna get some eco lifestyle bikes i want to put a few in here like the whole fam has a few to choose from and the patterns are so cute they have like little flowers we've got this one with like bubbles or something i think there's like yeah that one is really pretty i also want to get a car in here so we're gonna have two cars not that they work maybe we'll put like a truck in here we'll get some barrels some extra storage going on i think i want to add like a woodworking table over to the side we can put that right there maybe like a floral arranging table too just for like extra skills and things to do just your typical like garage stuff going in here and i think it would be really fun since this is supposed to be like a summer sims 4 house i think what i want to do is add some like storage boxes from seasons and those are going to contain like the christmas decorations or the holiday decorations that we've got so we'll put those like here your typical garage like storage stuff off season like supplies we can even put some towels back here if we're gonna go swimming in the little kiddie pool like our reindeer decoration can go there and maybe on the off season we hang our christmas lights in the garage hence why we've got all these little fairy lights not just for aesthetic and there we go we've got our garage we have some skill items in here some trash and some off-season supplies we've got our bicycles which you can use and our extra car so that has been our sims 4 house build i hope you guys enjoyed it this is our family home inspired by summertime tons of stuff to do here i will put it on the gallery under cindy macarena if you guys want to download it and let me know if you guys have any build suggestions or ideas you want to see me do in the comment section down below thank you guys so much for watching and i will see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Syd Mac ♡
Views: 118,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims 4, sims 4 challenge, sims 4 challenges, sims 4 build challenges, sims 4 build challenge, sydney macoretta, sims 4 builds, sims builds, sims 4 house building, syd mac, sydmac, the sims 4, the sims, sims 4 youtube, sims 4 youtubers, sims 4 2022, the sims 4 2022, the sims 2022, simulation games, simulation gaming, sims 4 build, house building, sims 4 house, no cc, sims 4 no cc build, sims 4 family home, sims 4 family home build, sims 4 family house, sims 4 no cc
Id: br4x40ykihU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 46sec (1846 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 12 2022
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