Building a House but Every Room is a Different Holiday | Sims 4

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hello my beautiful noodles it's me Nikki AKA Nikki Noodle and can I just say a very happy Fourth of July to all of my American noodles who celebrate and arguably more important at least in my opinion is Happy speak now Taylor's version release week I'm wearing my speak now shirt to celebrate and that's the theme of this whole video is celebrating and holidays so I thought since it was 4th of July when this video is coming out we needed to do something holiday related I could do a full Fourth of July video but I'm not feeling it to be quite honest with you all so we're gonna make a house in The Sims 4 where every room is a different holiday I'm sure other simmers have done this I know for a fact I'm not the first one but I'm really excited so let's jump into it alright so here is the shell of the house I went ahead and did it off camera because it takes me a really long time um and I figured you wouldn't want to see that so here it is I went with a very colonial style house since this is our fourth of July video and then inside we've got um this is gonna be like the main bedroom main bathroom and they have a little balcony and then this long hallway here goes into like a study area this will be a bathroom and then this is like a kids or a teens room here and then downstairs we have the kitchen and dining room here this is like a sun room I might put in like activities or something depending on what holiday we get there and then bathroom here and then this will be just like I guess a really big living room and then like the little entryway here so we've got like I think it's 11 rooms total that we're gonna be doing including the outside and I built this before I realized that there's not really that many holidays um there's like really I could only come up with like eight major holidays that would make sense for this video so this is the wheel I did add in a few little random holidays kind of um I added in Flag Day just because I know we've got some Flags in the games that might be easy and then I also added in pride month I know pride month is over but since I was gone for like the entire month of June I kind of still wanted to celebrate it and I feel like pride month did not it was not a pride month thing this year like it has before um so that's one and then I just added in all four seasons to try to fill out the wheel so we'll go ahead and spin for our first one and I think I'm going to start with the exterior here um so we'll spin it and see what we're gonna be doing okay it's gonna be a New Year's Eve themed exterior all right so I honestly don't even really know how to do a New Year's Eve themed exterior um I guess we can just do like a brick on the outside which is kind of nice but maybe I'll do like a is there like a fancy colored brick or maybe a white brick why are there no white bricks okay this is kind of like a brick I guess I'll just do that it's kind of boring but I guess it makes sense because it's like you can be like snowy New Year's Eve is such a hard theme because it's like what does that even mean let's do these like balcony floors maybe one of these fancy like marbly things this one could be good good we'll go with that it looks ridiculous but I think it's okay for the roof we'll just do like a dark color I think that'll be fine we'll add in some flower boxes and I'm gonna do like like a bright color maybe like this blue New Year's Eve always feels like blue to me okay well I had like a little walkway of some kind maybe like that and then I also think I'm going to add in the like animal topiaries I just feel like New Year's Eve just feels very like Grand like like Great Gatsby kind of and I feel like that is what these topiaries give me too so we'll just make it really fancy and then we'll need like a big fancy fence of some kind this one tall I want one that's really tall that could work is there a better color though let's make this very nice and fancy what else can we do out here to make it seem like it's a fancy place where it screams New Year's Eve aren't there any like um maybe like these fancy trees those are nice oh I know what I wanted to do um hold up I want to add these like lights around somewhere maybe I'll make a little area over here under the tree where let's see here maybe like blue let's see let's get like a seating area first and then we can like build it up around that it's like that maybe these are better and then it kind of looks like it connects in the tree that's not horrible it's not looking how I envisioned it but it's fine I guess maybe I'll add some of these lights to like the walkway here I really don't know what else to add because I mean the main thing is like fireworks but they just have like the little firecrackers in this game and that's not even like really that wouldn't work um maybe like this plant looks like a firework you can do that do a few of them I wanted to put Plants up here anyway because it's looking uh pretty bare up there right now we'll do like some different colors and then maybe like a fountain somewhere could be cool like a pond that's pretty um extravagant and then maybe an ice skating rink back here because it's uh winter yeah [Music] I mean it doesn't look great but I really don't know what else to do with this I think I'm just gonna call it there I know it's not very uh good but I don't know what else to do with it so that'll be it all right next I'm gonna just go ahead and put some lights in here really fast next why don't we tackle like the entryway and the living room we'll do this big massive spot let's see what our entryway and living room is going to be all right it's gonna be winter themed okay so a winter themed living room but not Christmas so I'm not gonna be doing like the Winterfest tree or anything we're just gonna be doing winter so what I'm thinking is lots of white um and quite honestly I don't know how I'm going to break up in this room it's just like huge I guess we could put like a couch there and have this be like the main like living area and then I'm actually thinking of putting like a fireplace over here and maybe doing like a seating area I'm trying to think of where it would be in terms of the chimney um but it's just it's not gonna be accurate so I'm not gonna worry too much about that we'll just do like this one maybe this be like a little reading Nook with like bookshelves or something maybe I could use okay maybe I can use bookshelves as like a room divider here I guess I could also just add in like a wall just not all the way across just something like this just something to make it seem like the bookshelves are secure I don't know I guess that's fine and then maybe we'll do like a deep Brown we'll do deep Brown like wood tones throughout should I add this like more like that and yeah I think so and then we'll have a like formal seating area over here let's see like that we're gonna do the TV up here something like this could be cool it kind of looks like a pile of snow or something oh a snowflake perfect oh a snowman that works I don't think that's too like Christmas specific so you build snowmen all winter for plants I am thinking of these Twigs they kind of look too they're more like Cherry blossomy but they remind me of the things you can buy that have like they're literally like little things of like cotton buds that's what it reminds me of so we're gonna go with that and just pretend that's what it is that are just like straight up sticks let's get a snowy little rug in here the one from Snowy Escape is perfect and then over here in the little fireplace area um I'm thinking like these little with these little guys they can look like little snowballs let's do some white flooring carpet would be good in here yeah we'll do some carpet for walls um what I'm actually thinking of is at least somewhere I want this uh like foresty looking wall maybe in here with the fireplace like a wintry Forest I think that's good and then maybe we'll do just white everywhere else I feel like we've got most of like the furniture stuff um I am just gonna change those stairs so I changed them to like a darker wood match with the bookshelf um and put some railings on there too there's that if I am remembering correctly there are like snowflake decals to put on the walls aren't there yeah here they are we might do some of these guys around maybe around the TV like that and then there's also the yes this painting is perfect and is there another like wintry one in there yeah this one is also perfect um you can put that oh where can we put that we actually don't have a whole lot of room on the walls um we might have to choose one or the other I think I like that one more we'll do that one these BC ones might work because he's got like a little scarf that's cute let's go ahead and get the entryway stuff done okay I think that's pretty good though maybe add in like these guys they've got little pine trees and some snow in there I think that's pretty good for a winter room so next we'll go on to we'll do this little bathroom back here okay I'm having so many issues with screen recording the wheel so I'm just going to spin it and then show you the result because it is failing like every time to save um so spinning for our bathroom it's going to be it's going to be Thanksgiving theme I guess we'll do lots of like fall colors like orange brown and then we will try to do some thanksgivingy stuff this is actually giving me very Thanksgiving Vibes and then actually I was thinking where is that fancy I know this is like a peacock but we can pretend it's a turkey and then that's like perfect we'll probably just do like a just normal toilet let's see we'll give them some toilet paper and a mirror maybe like this one will work I think that's fine this is giving me like a cornucopia type of Vibes like just the Wicker texture of it they're like little paintings of like a pear and apple yeah these guys that's perfect maybe we'll just add like a little plant somewhere oh this is perfect we gotta have that in there [Music] I think that's good for this one I think that's fine okay next we'll go to we'll do the dining room next the dining room is going to be it's Flag Day so for a Flag Day dining room I guess we'll do it like honestly this is kind of perfect because it's like kind of like red white and blue and I'm gonna be honest I don't know if other countries have flag day as well or if that's a us thing or if it's for All Flags I am going to be doing this for like all flags of all countries for this sake um but I will probably primarily be doing like red white and blue just because that's how it is celebrated here I'm gonna add some curtains I'm gonna do let's do like red over there and then blue over here it is kind of just looking like a overly patriotic dining room right now um but I will add some Flags don't you worry oh I'm gonna use this is custom content but come on that's perfect I think there's chairs that match it too there we go wow that is quite a sight to see all right now I know we have all those flags for fried I was thinking there were also like country flags are there not maybe there's not I'm sure we can find something this is a flag there there's a flag [Music] there's a flag um there is a flag let's see what else we can do maybe like some of these guys and some of these guys I fully for some reason thought that here's some Flags The Sims had like flags for a whole bunch of countries I don't know why I thought that um but that's literally why I like added this to the list of holidays because I was like oh that'd be easy to have all these flags and apparently they do not that's pretty good I think it's it's got flags and what more could you ask for for a Flag Day dining room so I'm calling it there and we're gonna move on to the kitchen now honestly the best case scenario would be if the kitchen is Fourth of July and we can just continue that theme okay it's summer it's not a horrible situation honestly I think we can keep this tile throughout that'll be fine and then honestly I'm gonna use this same wallpaper but in a different Swatch that might make it look absolutely horrible next to each other but this is just so like Sun City and oof oh no oh it looks bad next to each other oh well that's like summery to me okay as for counters we'll probably just use these guys and then oh maybe like this light blue color okay do that like that I don't know where to put this stove I guess we'll have to put it over here and use one of these in there so we're really just using nice pretty like summery colors we'll use this cork board um these custom content postcards are nice and summery looking there's that I mean we'll add some like barbecue sauce over here for summer barbecues add in a fruit bowl maybe we do need to add in a trash can still this cute little kitty cat one and see some plants here this one with the oranges works this is a nice summery pattern let's see maybe they can add these like butterflies in in some nice bright colors okay these like neon signs will be perfect in here um and then where is the the like flip-flop hanging lights flip-flop wall lights haha I knew I did not make them up okay which colors do we want let's just do the multi-colored it's unfortunate that they don't fit perfectly unless we do them just like over the windows [Music] and then I could move these other the neon lights over here I don't love it but it's all right all right I think I think that's good that's nice and summery I think okay let's move on to the sun room now okay the sun room is going to be ah it's bright mine that's actually very exciting I think this is gonna turn out so good okay we're going ham with this okay I don't care here's red we're gonna do rainbow ready orange actually I want this watch now obviously is the time for all the flags perfect okay and then we'll put them on this wall too I got room for one more there we go okay cool cool we'll just do like I guess like the most colorful plants we can possibly find all right pretty we've got a rainbow of plants in here now that was super fun and I love it it's actually so cute like you can see the rainbows so well next let's move upstairs we'll do this like walkway and the study area here all right this one is going to be [Music] can you see it it's Halloween all right this is super exciting because I love Halloween it is my favorite holiday and I was really worried we were gonna get Halloween for like a tiny bathroom or something and I would have been so sad but we got it for this room which is perfect we'll do this wallpaper yeah we can do those just like some nice Orange in there let's also do the ghost couch perfect let's get a new desk we'll see which one screams Halloween to me I mean probably the Paranormal one right or the realm of magic one would be good too because it's got like the orb we'll do that one it's kind of a tight squeeze there but I think that's okay you will be perfect I do like these little end tables here put some stuff on there the cow plant can go there pumpkin can go there oh yeah we can get these creepy portraits up yeah you can go there that picture oh yeah let's get like a spider in here and then also the spider webs and what else can go in here this bear cute oh the little ghosties we need to put those in here because they're so adorable I think that might be good I think that one turned out really well all right next we'll move over to this bathroom over here no hey this one is Christmas which is unfortunate because that means we won't really be able to put the like Winterfest Tree in here we'll just go very like red and green theme I think um because this is a very small bathroom it's not like we've got a lot to work with here we'll go with this red tile and maybe we could do like a green one looks nice and Christmassy let's see maybe we can do a green rug oh no we'll do this one it's got snowflakes that's perfect this one's got like a red towel and then maybe we can just switch this to Green okay and then I think I'm just gonna try to find oh some of the little Christmas wall decorations here's a Snowman we can put a reindeer in there too we also got this guy that we can put there we've got a wreath we can put up maybe beside the door on these guys there I think that's pretty Christmassy all right we'll come to this bedroom this one is going to be fall themed we've only got two ribs left and we have not gotten Fourth of July which is ironic something like this is giving me like fall vibes we'll go with that and then just some wood floor to match oh this one is good we'll do that one just like any bedside table would probably work something like this is kind of fun like nice and rustic honestly something like that like candles would be good these are good let's do that fall painting this one okay and then we'll need like a dresser or something something like this one would be good it's a very awkward um size and shape for this but there you go like that [Music] I didn't even know about these things they're perfect honestly something like that I think is good and then I think that's pretty good let me see if there's any like little plants or anything I can put on here put pumpkins in there I might just throw some books up on that thing just so it's not so bigger all right and then I think that's pretty good for a fall room all right next we will come over here to the main bedroom and if we do not get Fourth of July for either of these rooms I'll go ahead and do the main bathroom in Fourth of July things just since today is Fourth of July I feel like we need to do at least one of them oh my gosh just barely just barely it landed on spring so we'll do spring here and then we'll do Fourth of July for the main bathroom those are the flags coming up through it oh well I'm not fixing it we're gonna do foreign y wallpaper we'll just do like a carpet I think in here will be fine just singing like very pastels like that is fine and Flowery let's see we'll do it this one pastel pop kit is going to be our best friend uh this one is the spring one I guess go ahead and do that we'll get some flowers on this side tables tulips are very springy and we'll do some of these pretty flowers I'm thinking the seasons one would be good maybe with just the light wood and we'll do like a little chair in the corner maybe like a mushroom that's cute just lots of flowers I think could be good for this uh maybe a bunny rabbit about a gnome over here or maybe do like a little Gallery wall over here with just some springy stuff and we'll put some curtains up too what if we did the the leafy ones huge I think that's good there's our spring bedroom and then now our final bathroom we're gonna do Fourth of July themed since today is Fourth of July and nothing has been Fourth of July yet let's get some red white and blue walls up in here there's red there's blue there's white there that works okay perfect oh These are nice and bright [Music] yeah we'll do that oh here we go perfect not really hitty showers that I like for this we'll just do that oh there's a nice bright red rug blue blue town we'll do are there red robes we'll do a red robe we want that obnoxious one where is it where is the round lit up one yes you [Music] perfect is there any that are already like oh yes we need these somewhere if I put them over the door can they still walk in you know what nobody's gonna be playing in this house so I don't care about functionality oh we can like layer them oh yeah except now it needs to be like that yeah there's some Stars we love that are any that are just red and white yeah of course there are [Music] make them even smaller oh yes we need these bows duh red white [Music] blue perfect do some of these guys [Music] blue doesn't really match whatever that should be sufficiently obnoxious enough I think there's our fourth of July bathroom I think it's perfectly annoyingly patriotic um so that is the [Music] that's the holiday house not the holiday house that I love that belongs to Taylor Swift of course I believe we are now finished so that is all I have for you all today I hope you enjoyed it if you did let me know what is your favorite holiday and which of these rooms do you think best represents their holiday if you are celebrating today I hope you have a fantastic and safe Fourth of July if you want to join our community of noodles consider subscribing and if you are subscribed consider clicking the Bell icon so you know every time my videos go live I'm trying really hard to get on a set schedule but we all know how I am and I can't promise that that's gonna happen if you want to find me anywhere else on the internet all of my socials will be in the description box below with all that being said I hope you have a fantastic day or week ahead of you wherever you are in the world I love you all so much and I'll see you next time bye guys foreign
Channel: Nikki Noodle Gaming
Views: 204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims 4, sims build
Id: zQbihsDN7go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 29sec (2189 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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