Building a Drum Set from Scratch (with no experience)

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ska taylor guitars is back last time we did the shark one our guitar model oh wow so the guitar market we have covered so now i think we need to move on to the next market which is drums easy this one doesn't really have strings right or tuning or electronics we don't have to make a neck yeah so how hot so how hard would making a drum set be we have until 8 00 p.m today and then whatever drum set we have i'm bringing it to a studio and we're going to mic it up and see how we can get it to see how many pieces does this trump say yeah okay so i guess i should show you i i'm borrowing symbols i just have some of the hardware and it was already like 800 bucks so this is going to be a very expensive drum kit there's a few ways we can go about actually making the drums they're really just cylinders with drum heads on it and then you need some way to tighten the drum heads optimally tune them i mean traditionally they were also animal skits i have drum hats oh okay yeah you're better about this already yeah so here's like the drum right we're already drum heads i'm thinking for the bass drum we get just like a big trash can open it up we can make a circle we can yeah oh awesome really i thought that we wouldn't be able to you could make a circle to go around this yeah we should maybe get a trash can just in case though and i have lugs this is on the barrel part yeah with the trash can when we tighten it it's going to bend yeah are we making a snare yes okay so how many and so the wire thinking though you still haven't told me okay so uh the pedal okay to the bass drum you're making the pedal yeah i have the pedal for us to look at and then model it after uh so maybe we should start writing this down because we should go in and get some stuff most important yeah bass drum snare drum one symbol are you going to make a hi-hat that's what i'm asking yeah okay i don't really know how you feeling simon this is ambitious there's a lot to do there's a lot look at our list garbage can plywood springs hinges rods for stands rope wire wire and buckets just a lot of buckets yeah and we know our sizes 385.78 where's rob it's getting another bucket apparently you can't buy these separate oh you have to buy the cans for them as well yeah so he bought another can because he wants the ride symbol [Music] well i guess we have three options here for the bass drum hey rob [Music] i'm excited to see this uh play out yeah we kind of figure like they're just cylinders with drumheads on it yeah on the plus side guys today no soldering yeah oh god no electronics there's no like really needing to be in tune we just got to hit stuff with different sounds right huh nice drums are simple like this is pretty much as far back as instruments go other than your voice so i imagine this is going to be easy let's get an update simon on the shark one i've sanded it down giving it a new finish i didn't de-sharpen these or anything they're still just as sharp made sure that you know the head stock would stay on and then i screwed in the back to make sure that the neck doesn't come off sure added a back plate so you don't get electrocuted oh very nice all right i screwed in this part so it's not all dangly so for this one we'll actually be able to hear this like fully up to two and e to e where do we start if the only thing we do is bass drum snare hi-hat then we're good and i really would love one drum to just be a box right well sorry there we go it's a good splash and we don't even need this this whole system piece of wood piece of wood and a hinge this on top attached to that springs at the bottom yeah i like it i like that that's good so this is how the drums work here's the drum poop here's a drum head put this on the drum put that there and then tighten all these down and then that tightens this on the top just gonna throw this away here's drums so easy it we can make a loop yeah we could make one oh yeah okay okay done all right there it is that's incredible okay how many drum sets are we making i think that absolutely put these on the bottom of that drums drums are so easy bass drum and i only have one drum head for the well it's because we're going 80s style right exactly wow drum set wow okay like here hold on hold on there you go cut off the end right yeah yeah we want to have like a wooden ring throw a blanket in it yep yep okay i get it project jump shot 14 inch snare yep bass drum 22 inches okay 12 tom bones tom and then a 16 floor tongue and then we need a high hat ride china shine triangle okay china triangle cool we need a crash that's a drumstick okay so because i would like one of these drums to be just a box like this that could even literally take 20 minutes i mean we could have a ton of drums we could there's no limit it's not like a guitar that's an entire set we're getting a little album and day around here let's just yeah yeah well let's start with the essentials what time is it it's 11. so we have nine hours should we go till night last time it was an energy problem it was yeah but i think we'll be okay this time okay so at least i'm up for it eleven to nine that's ten hours okay starting now where are the biscuits okay okay is that a good size that's a 12-inch box it would need to be smaller because it would need to fit in here like a 10-inch box boom 10-inch box nice that's just about right put exactly the same thing on the other side but wires on it somewhere all done if we do a real deal circle snare it has a much better chance of really sounding like a snare it sure does yeah so the floor time will be the box that's new technology we don't really know what the box is gonna sound like so maybe we don't do it on a snare the floor tom we use the 16s because i have two of them have a resonator head at the bottom one at the top big box and then clamp them together stand floor tom for the two times at the top and we can just have them like this yeah and put like spikes on them and then we do for the snare like this tall actual circle wood real deal circle snare two toms these are buckets spike buckets spike bucket and then hi-hat we'll figure that stuff out later okay i will try and make a circle i want you to start cutting those palms okay this will kind of be like bart simpson's head whoa we are just drunk it looks so funny i didn't realize that it was so easy to make a circle bam yeah that's awesome i don't actually know what thickness i've seen snares that are this thick before is that good yeah yeah we'll start here i mean this is great what's it going to stand on i don't know i'm debating with myself now to have them different spike levels [Laughter] almost there that looks so good there you go that's awesome yeah that's a drum that's actually that's that's a drum that's like every that looks like a drum to me it's not hard not at all wow hey everyone taking a quick break to say thank you to our sponsor raycon everyday true wireless earbuds raycons have been 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yeah yeah yeah that's a consideration yeah are we doing a top and a bottom yes okay solve that in a store you'd be like yeah it's a drug yeah totally that's what we do here is make instruments this guy goes through here and then this attaches to the drum then you can fine-tune all the positions let's get this thing glued up go in the glue [Music] and i need to fit inside the drum right when i get glue all over it that's why i'm covering it with tape so that it actually dries in the shape of the drum that's the goal also i can't tune a drum normally swing so i've never tuned it so let's tune it sweet i didn't have the 22 inch hoops for the bass drum so we need to make our own hoop to go around this okay so we're going to cut the circles with this whoa like that's just a really dangerous compass put the router in there you just want to spin it wow i'll make a perfect circle i'm so amazed by circles today we'll start like for your first one i can't hear you perfect remember last time we did this it was like 68 degrees yeah it was kind of cold yeah it was so nice circle check our size see where we're at so we got to do that all over again totally wrong awesome wait oh no so this is the circle you were doing you were measuring yeah you're right yeah yeah yeah no it's not wrong it's just now we've made it impossible to cut yeah you could just make it you can make it a square it'll stand on its own you won't even need a stand if it's square yeah why hasn't why haven't other companies done this all those drummers out there spending thousands of dollars on their kits when they could spend thousands of dollars on the individual parts and put it together idiots basically a big problem here is just this is super flimsy well it's all ribbed and stuff kind of screwed it up by having the spikes so we need to make a frame yes all right let's see if it fits yep does you play uh 22 no i play a 32 gallon kick drum the volume is insane you get so much volume out of this i love that their square goes in between oh i see like that no obviously it needs to be secure it does look like some huge explosion went off the bottom so cross brace cross brace how do we do that the spikes are stabbing me a bit that's what you get yep i set sides on that's right dude that's not going anywhere yeah that's awesome now we just need to figure out a way to tighten these yeah i don't know how we're gonna tune it i'm gonna have to wash your drummer there might have been a little bit of glue oh no i don't have another drum head i'm gonna wash that it's water soluble so i'm just gonna wash it out way way way way it's not tight enough not nearly yeah try to pull these through how does it sound it just doesn't hold that shape yeah maybe we clamp this what are we doing [Laughter] i wish we could stand it off but because of the spikes you know we'll just keep clamping it leave your garbage cans but it's under a lot of tension on the bottom i think i overdid it i'm like bending the wood yeah that piece of wood getting this like truly tight without lugs is kind of it's just not going to happen we just have four clamps on the side and that's it i think that's a great idea you'll have four less clamps for a little while how big do we want this floor for tom uh about this tall a little bit less than that okay with legs on yes okay [Music] [Applause] honestly doing nothing to just the garbage can sounds so much better like this is actually a pretty good bass drum i didn't do anything but just put a kick bottle in front of it now listen to our over engineered bass drum that's so bad that's our bass drum yeah that's great this should be part of the kick but this is like a separate accent and there's even garbage in it and it sounds better way easier than that thing we did [Applause] oh we're back to square one i think it's a cop-out to use a pre-made drum thread so there we go that already sounds better than what we're working with so far yeah the squares tom you've ever seen hold on the legs too yep awesome that doesn't sound too bad now hold it down a lot more now let go yeah you do get a little bit more yeah we need a little bit of tension there you go all right well this is dry enough or you can at least do stuff with it shall we get four lugs in here if we do every single one then we're looking at 16 to install 16 yeah because for both that's a lot yeah i guess we should try bass drum oh yeah you already crossed it off bam no big deal floor tom bam no big deal snare big deal maybe a stand for the snare is going to be really hard obviously you don't want to have pressure on the drum so the stands are like that they hold it yeah yeah they have to hold it inside okay so this goes on here with the drum this goes there it tightens into that and then this is how you can tune it so we want it pretty high up because we're going to stack them uh well you can just do that of course you can do that [Laughter] how do we go about it do we measure them all four out and then five and a half hours five and a half hours left yep okay wow i guess it's just like the last build i'm like wow we have a lot to do yeah we sure do the main thing that we need right now snare kick pedal hi-hat i think we're really putting all our eggs into the snare basket sure or we already got a kick pedal and high hats aren't something that a you know drum company makes on their own or even just ride anyway we're doing great [Music] the snare is very flexible it sure is and it's kind of crooked this is a disaster i don't know i don't know yeah this drum set was ambitious i mean that's on there that's straight right straight to me okay but uh i've been wrong before it looks straighter on that side nice okay get one in or the other not both what you're gonna need to drill this one lower just a tad [Music] there we go two down all right we're making progress double basin well it just sounded so good i figured you must have been drumming your whole life that's super crooked if we can get this in then it doesn't matter [Music] dang dude [Music] that's a drum that tightened up okay you can see the inside yeah that is cool why don't we just do all of them now actually building something again i'm i have this feeling like oh we're running to a lot more problems than last time last time was so smooth but my memory of it is the video you know we got here and then 39 minutes later it was just done those are hard hard ciders five percent yeah oh my god that's why they taste like that okay i did not realize there was alcohol in it that's a good excuse for all my shoddy uh craftsmanship here it doesn't look like there's alcohol in it except yeah i just picked it up out of the fridge yeah wow okay that's deceiving all right well i'm gonna need like some coffee or something soon we have the full every single lug and it's really sounding like a snare dude it really is wait can't believe these are twenty dollars each they're out of like i broke one of my lugs on my drum kit can i get one replacement and they didn't give you a deal on them you're getting like 400 of them no you make a chest that i made wrap my wife and i like to play chess but we have the tiniest little board okay hold on i'm glad you brought that up because i already paid him to make you a chess set no yeah yeah i did no you did it because you made me one and i was like you need to make one for jacob oh my god and it's already paid for so you didn't have to do that man deal with it i made your chest up oh it's beautiful it is a little better than the one you made it's huge it's pretty nice it's the perks of working with ska taylor guitar yeah you got a taylor custom [Laughter] look at this this looks like a drum so you're just cutting the screws smaller pile the edge down so it's not sharp for the shark you know what it would have made a lot of sense you had this here the whole time it wouldn't have taken a long time to just go over every fret i cut myself three times yeah i cut myself twice finishing it yeah oh yeah there's the saddest that's awesome damn look at this look at them that's how many lugs are on this thing usually like you can turn on and off the snare like there's a little lever you don't have the lever no i could have bought one well but i didn't wow number one remove old snare wires done invent snare drum i told you i could make a circle yeah whoa look at all the yeah we gotta get the dust out for sure so that's fine nice got it you could just drill that in screw it down and then you tighten it on the other side you can't just put a screw through there no it'll rip oh guaranteed ultimately i'm gonna leave this one up to you well this this goes on first this is why i have you guys doesn't sound amazing but it does sound like a snare often times you'll mute it too like do you have a wallet hell yeah that's a snare okay how do we make this stand okay so i'm sorry we want to take a quick like 15 minute break that sounds like a drunk kit okay this needs a stance yes how high does this need to be ideally it would be adjustable but um you kind of want it like here snare drum yeah [Music] wait i mean whoa whoa whoa here's the stand the snare is actually pretty good you made that yeah wow that's cool bent the wood and everything yeah wow yes just a little bit i guess that's that's something it totally works because it's tilted yeah it's way higher than i would want it to be but i love how it's all just like self-contained uh-huh put them on the trash ride that's a thing that drummers do you get a sizzle how do we make stands can i drill into metal yes whoa whoa that's looking pretty good yeah that's fine there's your bell i am making the stand for the ride like that made it off center because that's who i am but you know part of the design without proper hardware it's going to be hard for this to like really resonate so i figure the best thing to do is just hang it from a string yep and it's fun yeah okay that's good then we just need to hang this from something [Applause] i was thinking maybe like the hi-hat is attached right here yeah that could also be like coming off of here you know it's just stick that's going to this i love that the bass drum is becoming like this stand that's going to be hard it's got to be higher yeah it's got to be way well [Music] you go through a little bit yeah so there's going to be a lot of sharp edges on this one too [Applause] i love it it should be like right here though [Music] and then i need a kick over here how will the hi-hat attach that's a good question we could maybe use the brass thing oh yeah yeah yeah and just drill that into here place that in maybe with some glue and then you just put the hi-hat on top yeah just closed yeah and that's that and it's just always closed not necessarily it can be closed and you can pull off the top one and just stick part of an apple in there yeah part of an apple [Music] simon if usually there's some wobble to it [Music] [Applause] nice all right so we need a pedal trash ride but i think the next thing is getting the hi-hat on yeah there it is just like that let me put the hi-hats on there hey you've got an eye gouger right now cool [Music] we could even just put something heavy that would work to close it more like an apple um yeah again i'm not sure you cut this off yeah yeah maybe we don't cut it off yeah you're right why would we cut that off why would we do that there you go i've got the knot oh yeah yeah yeah that is so gnarly looking dude pedal pedal so that'll hinge like that yeah i think that's the one we want how do you figure out how to keep this in there about it yeah that that's a great design i think i need to add some guides yeah maybe so that's not like this just the same as this [Laughter] [Music] hahahahaha here we don't even bother trying to put tension on it this is never gonna sound like anything other than yep and how would we hold it up cool that's staying on there yeah i'm gonna duct tape the other side we could get another china which would just be the same exact thing you just did just another stand perfect perfect yeah yeah imagine getting on stage and getting behind this thing all we need is the kick pedal so yeah that's probably the build once we have the kick pedal on there i'm still a little surprised that we did it yeah dude simon continuing the pointy uh oh my god those are literal weapons this is a thing that drummers do that actually could be useful oh and you hung up the saw blade yeah i'm just waiting for the glue to dry here as soon as we have the kick pedal i think that's i mean i think that's it because it's getting like so late in the day like i'm kind of feeling just like duct taping this but we need ourselves yeah maybe i need another seltzer wow that's surprising it feels like a like a rock band controller you know it has that type of action to it i mean you already hit the drums with a drumstick you put a drumstick on it [Music] this is literally try it try it we put another piece of wood here and then drill into that sure [Music] so we'll just glue this down clamp it wait for this to dry you're good give it like 15 minutes just really proud of our snare drum it's beautiful dude look at that thing actual wood yeah this really is just a real deal in here [Music] all right nine minutes remain rob you wanna try try something on this [Laughter] [Music] [Music] yes i did perfect it went into my hand yeah why did i do that awesome job guys i hear that bass drum all right and there's been a drill bit in the cymbal the whole time [Laughter] now we got to get it in the studio yeah all right so okay you actually we'll get to that later but what what are these those are the symbols fans [Laughter] yes all right symbols fell off on the way over wait what but it fell in the trash cans oh okay so we're good this one's gonna be hard to get because it's also just like it's square and it's just put together with clamps it looks like it should breathe fire yeah holy crap wait come on yeah you made that you built yeah mostly simon but yes but oh look he did bend the wood oh yeah this is awesome if you're done with this you can use these from you know vampires yeah yeah the pole for it is so high but the kick drum honestly like that's like a european swedish [Applause] okay so roots is this a fairly standard drum mic job that you got going on here well i didn't plan on two kick drums but neither did they there's a lot more space for miking in this type of setup yeah actually yeah yeah yeah cause real drum sets get in between stands and stuff there's actually a lot more space yeah yeah okay that was intentional yeah hold on a second yeah oh sorry rob that's all right it's not nearly as loud as a real kit what do you mean real what do you say real hold on what do you mean i mean it's not as loud as a conventional drum kit thank you this is unconventional give me the kick drum please the garbage can one sounds like a kid i like it give me the pointy one oh my god back and forth [Music] great [Music] dad the the spring came off it's all good we sampled every part of the kit and so i'm gonna reach out to andrew and see if he wants to use it or put it in his flip sampler so people could use the kit it's quality stuff all right i just need to come up with a minute or so performance [Music] final review we'll start with the snare because this i'm super proud of me and simon mostly simon did an incredible job on the snare like if i came into the studio saw this snare didn't look too closely at it and just played it that's just a snare drum it's like a little bit deeper the wood kind of hugs the snare head at the top but mostly when i see a snare drum it has a ring on top of it or some type of dampener so the sound you get is not uncommon at all you can't not dampen it the wires at the bottom you can't adjust so there's no way around that but yeah this is a really solid snare drum for the rest of the kit uh it's it's just garbage especially with these drumsticks a few times when playing the back of this would then kind of go into my arm it is extremely uncomfortable to play anytime i play this kick drum the spring is probably going to come off things are just in a strange position this chair is horrible stuff is always falling apart and moving it's just extremely uncomfortable but it does work kind of the kick which is again just a garbage can kind of sounds like a metal clicky kick drum sound then the symbols given that they are just symbols sound about right except with some weirdness they kind of jangle around they don't ring out as much as they can because of how we have them secured can't close or unclose the hi-hat and they're always just in this weird on top of each other thing i do like the rattle of this but it just always moves i'm actually pretty surprised with the square tom like it doesn't sound that bad this is dangerous but really kick snare ride cymbals like sounds pretty usable all right i am full in with ska taylor guitars i'm giving away my instruments next week and just going to be playing this new line so me and jessica are going into the studio with the drums and guitar to make some music and start a band the week after you can consider your subscription an investment in ska taylor guitars it's a sound investment i'm sure they should be in every major retailer soon once they call me back which can be any day now um and thanks so much for being along for the ride thanks so much for watching we really appreciate you see you next week and i mean it this time
Channel: Rob Scallon
Views: 335,439
Rating: 4.9519601 out of 5
Keywords: Rob Scallon, music, musician, guitar, guitarist, drumset, drum set, flip sampler, cymbal, build, woodworking, instrument build, crazy drumkit, drum, drums, drummer, crazy, huge, biggest drum set, largest drums, biggest drum
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 32sec (2312 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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