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every single just about every single one I have like a lot of memories of making videos yeah this is really ridiculous this is like my jam room where you make all your jams and jellies yes where I make my jams and jellies anyway hey everybody this video is one that I knew we could film while we're staying at home so I've been doing this channel now 14 years and throughout it I've acquired instruments for different videos being fortunate enough to where companies want to send me stuff for like endorsement deals or different products that I was making with companies I actually don't know what the count is but I have a lot of instruments but I do think in my particular situation the gear acquisition syndrome is justified because it is my job or I just built the job around just having a lot of instruments I do want to say it first particularly if the like younger viewers watching or people are just getting into music you don't need a lot of expensive fancy gear to make music you just don't make music with whatever you have available ultimately it comes down to your skill and ability and what you want to express with music not how fancy your gear is so I did want to start with this one this guitar is what I started this channel with this is what I wrote summer on [Music] when I was a kid it was a thing for me and my friends would just go to music stores and try out stuff that we couldn't afford and I found this at a Sam Ash in Buffalo Grove Illinois for 50 bucks when I first started trying to make music we certainly weren't in a position where I could just buy instruments it ended up being bought by my friend's dad for me mr. litski thank you couldn't spring for an a string though no well the a string is just broken on the fret board is nasty I've been in a lot of hours into this guitar more recently it was using getting delay without effects Dave dropped it so I wanted to start with that I love this thing all the first videos were done on this sophomore year in high school is when I when I started the channel before that I was like 2 years of just trying to like pursue my space yeah yeah my space days that's when I started so when I first started really getting into music I wanted to play bass like Les Claypool and I bought this bass used for a hundred bucks this is the first instrument that I ever bought this is what I really learned how to play on Primus sticker obviously Abe Lincoln is on there it was great to learn on it doesn't sound very good sending in stems to fluff he would get so mad at this being the bass track the last video I really did with this was Sandman backwards that's okay then this is the first electric guitar I bought this is a tradition it was at a music store El Rey music in Arlington Heights Illinois and it was a story I would like hang out in and they gave me a discount on this because it was hanging on the wall for a long time I've taken the neck off of it I put different pickups in it it was also used as a shovel so I had to clean off a good amount of dirt some of these instruments go through a lot of abuse first electric guitar oh I forgot about the bells yeah can I get the whole set of all about extended range this is all just from For Whom the Bell Tolls on bells back when I was doing Metallica probably dad and me every instruments on [Music] these were the real star bear bells I love that you animated the mouth at the end of the video you I am a bear forgot I had these bunch of strings from clear tone it is signature set with them I'm really proud of so I use these unlike everything whoa I forgot that I had this someone found this in a thrift store and was like you should have this so this is just kind of in a category that's like I'll make a video with it eventually this is hilarious this was the end of the desert gent game if you found the secret video one of my friends in high school made this input is here the electronics are all taped on she's just a high school project there's this big dangerous screw pickup is a single coil and it's really far away from this huge string the jet stick the Chapman ghost fret this is one of the first guitars that Chapman guitars ever sent me and it's beautiful the two first videos I use it for that every fret song [Music] and the one fret song it's just a phenomenal guitar neck through a cap on it it's beautiful that's a common theme if the chavín guitarist has given me a lot of guitars my brother was in a few hardcore bands in high school this is the guitar that he got and then when he moved out of the house he just didn't take it so thanks John most notably for me is what I did the rain music video in Washburn this one is crazy the double-sided guitar I was just looking through reverb calm one day and I typed in weird because I saw Andrews weird gear series I saw it it was broken the neck was off when I got it includ and screwed the neck back on we got some EQ here or down on both sides oh you know the pickups are pretty cheap I remember recording with this was really difficult and at the time Mary spender and I wanted to do something let's do the double-sided guitar covers that'll be fun I came up with an original tune on it [Music] double-sided acoustic a lot of times in acquiring instruments it's one thing will lead to another so we did this video and then the company that made this saw it and they're like that was cool would you like some other instruments yes this is a bass and a guitar and the neck is ridiculous when you're playing the guitar your thumb is on the bass and vice first set it's pretty crazy they gave one for me and one for Mary eventually these will make it into videos mo1 Pro that you haven't guitars sent me and I just haven't used it negative and this is 12 string acoustic my brother got and then also just gave to me at some point will be fine what's on this [Music] I believe that's the only time I've used this one in a video right when I started I was doing like YouTube videos and singer-songwriter albums and I use this a ton on those first albums so when in the double-decker my friend Ken bought this I just asked him if I could buy it because I knew I could do some videos with it I did how about 10 strings [Music] it barely works she's fighting with electronics all the time this is another one a friend saw at a thrift store and felt I should have haven't you Z yep got about this what it's like a MIDI guitar controller holy cow dude that I had this room it's a prototype that the company sent me I couldn't really get it to work it also better send a perspective just how long I've been doing this if I get a new instrument I have like some new videos to do like a big part of the channel is like learning new instruments after doing it for so long you just send up a lot okay let's go to the rest of the house this is a ukulele that my mother-in-law bought bound her to the thrift store it's broken this is the beat bender I love how at the front it just looks like a regular guitar except there's this and then what's that oh God Bob Claggett from I like to make stuff turned it into a B bender where if you pull on the strap pulls up the bead [Music] Bob and I still want to get back into the studio and finish that song we did with it about 2013 maybe right when I went full time with you two but we were helping a friend move as we're bringing stuff into the car there is this cello call yeah I tried to pick up cello a while ago and it just didn't work out do you want it I was like yeah so I got this and started doing like some cello covers I made the purple cello EP where I recorded some of my songs on it so electrical tape I put on some a guitar player to help me record and know where I'm at something for other musicians maybe to keep in mind is that if you're making something interesting with a piece of gear the company the people that are making it would probably love to see it if you're showing off their equipment in some way it just makes sense to send of an email and you know not even asking for an endorsement or anything just showing hey here's this cool thing I made with the thing that you made and I reached out to the company cecelio that makes this that was my way of getting into the NAMM show at first the NAMM show is industry only you have to be like an endorsed artist or something I mean there's a lot of ways to get in but I couldn't afford my way out to the NAMM show so I needed to find some way to get endorse to have some company fly me out there have me perform at their booth or something and this was my way to do it cecelio knew about these videos that I made assented to them and then they invited me out for namso my first time the way I got it to NAMM was on a cello endorsement I had scheduled a 45-minute performance as a cello player for this company and I do not play cello holy cow yeah so I came up with this 40-minute set where I like kind of played in different ways I play a kind of slap a little bit differently because I did not have the time to really learn the bow at least not enough to like go on stage as an endorsed jealous and show that I don't know how to use a bow at all my plan was is I'm gonna go out there and use a lot of what I know about bass and guitar play it on cello and hopefully people will see my performance and think wow he's been playing cello so long that he's gotten bored with you doing the normal techniques and is not doing this but that's how I got to NAMM first time when I was my first instrument endorsement after getting the cello endorsement with cecelio they sent me a few things one was a guitar I used it in half hour of acoustic guitar [Music] the other one with this I think this is a beautiful cello I really don't like out sounds gonna be totally honest it's really the electronics on it it looks great I used it in that system of a down cover I believe I did chop suey maybe a few others that I use this in that was the first time I got an instrument sent to me for free from a company and so I was very excited about it after doing a few videos with the cellos that they sent me they said go on our website and see anything you want and we'll send it to you it's like okay then I think I got this thing I love this thing and I remember getting it in the mail to the delivery guy was pulling this out of the truck and he just left it in the middle of the street and drove off it was like I'm not dealing with this kid you can deal with this something that shows us off the most probably is that the pulling teeth cover I did the Cliff Burton bass solo but I've used this in countless videos any of the banjo videos it's always in the background [Music] I've had a bottle smashed against it yeah and jazz it's great visually to have in a video getting this downstairs it's gonna be it's actually not that bad this one came about because of Davey 504 Davey was working with this company Choni we decided on we wanted to do a video where we have a bass battle and we passed the bass off the company sent the same base that he had it's just really pretty it's one of the only acoustic electrics that I have then this came a bit later Davey came out with a signature bass and so Johnny sent me an email and asked if I wanted wanted to do some videos with and of course I said yeah so this is the DB 504 signature bass probably most notably for this this is the first first of October album [Music] I use this bass and a bunch of other stuff too you collapse playthrough [Music] trumpet in the wind oh yeah I forgot about the trumpet my friend codex gave me this as well just like the purple cello this one was just a Christmas present I haven't used it for anything oh it's a jazz yeah this I love the Chapman Flying V dude this guitar is absolutely beautiful it's huge I've been playing this thing like crazy I don't know if I've used it in any videos yeah first of October playthroughs on the second channel so it starts on four goes down to three yeah I think that's the only thing I've used it for us so far and then its neck through just absolutely gorgeous guitar thick cap on top and at the purple when Rob showed me this he was joking that this is something you would slay a dragon with so this is my spyro and sparks setup got the purple guitar nice yellow pick they gave me this in the bass for Christmas those are all my purple instruments yeah thanks for shopping at art I decided to wear this today too because it's gonna be a running thing that like a lot of these were just given to me by travelling Qataris and I got that and the bass just in the mail one day for Christmas that was a pretty cool thing to get in the mail I've used this a ton I love this bass probably most notably the last first of October album [Music] ravioli Dave signature I love the curve the back - I love the gold hardware sounds great and this wood in front is just so beautiful this one only makes a few sounds kind of Vance or me is a pretty good one does it come in any of colors no just this one okay yeah this one came about from a partnership with reverb calm they're awesome to work with and they came to me with this idea of showing off some weird gear that's on their site so this is a guitar that's also functioning game console I did a few like game theme songs particularly doing the mario theme [Music] which i think is the hardest guitar playing i've had to do in the last even harder than tetris hyper tapping [Music] yeah definitely Wow you wouldn't expect it but the Mario theme and doing the bass line while also doing the lead and it's just like really weird cords they gave me the guitar and part of it was we're gonna give it away before we gave it away I just set it up in our living room and got used to playing dr. Mario so after we gave it away I reached out to the guy who made it was like yeah I'm gonna need one this one I bought two 12-string the reverb dot-com app is a dangerous thing to have 12 strings are just so cool this one just bought I just think it's beautiful and this most notably on the last first of October album I think that's the only thing that I've really used it on I like having my instruments hung up I don't like having them in cases I don't like having them on stands I like having them hung up and displayed because of that I end up playing them a lot more - and given that this one is just right in the living room I play a lot its acoustic guitar my parents bought for me when I moved out of the house like get out of here it was definitely in getting delay without effects [Music] just lovely guitar now on to the banjo and high school one of my main musical projects was playing drums in a metal band called gas masks catalog and we were recording our first EP and there was a music store nearby and I went in and saw this for a hundred bucks it was kind of beat-up store owner kind of warned me about it you're gonna need to put some work into it I knew it would lead to some interesting videos first like viral videos I had was playing a slayer song on ukulele and then I did raining blood and started doing the banjo metal stuff that's when the channel really started to grow around 2013 was when I just quit my day job went after doing YouTube full-time was maybe the first year or so that it wasn't really working out yet and that was already like seven years into doing YouTube every month I wasn't making enough money thankfully when the ukulele and banjo metal stuff started working was when it was finally got to the point where like alright I could make a living with this so this one is really important to me and the banjo metal stuff is just so fun I have two banjo metal covers that I just haven't come out yet just cuz it's not really what's on the channel right now right when the banjo and ukulele cover started like really doing well Dean guitars reached out to me because they had a ukulele that would really work for those types of videos and so they offer they're like why don't we hook you up with a new banjo and ukulele for you to make those videos but so they sent me that ukulele and this banjo this one is now what I use for recordings so this is the one that will stay in the studio this is the one that goes into the video so they kind of have two different functions it's just a higher quality instrument and then this is what I put in danger during the film shoots this one is new I haven't done the video yet but this was a situation where you can get pianos in the same way to where eventually someone who has an old piano or organ is moving and they don't want to deal with moving it and they said hey if anyone wants to deal with moving this thing they can have it that was me this is a two string bass thanks so much to Samberg for sending me this someone sent me a video of one of these two string basses and I reached out and asked if they wanted some videos made with them and maybe if I could have one I did a video just called two strings they do custom you know paint jobs on their insurance as well everything with this is custom had this painting that my aunt gave me of Chicago and it's painted on the window on the other side so I asked if they would recreate it on that it's absolutely beautiful instrument the little guitar there's this awesome Instagram page where this guy makes miniatures of different people signature models are just different guitars he made the H string in the six I asked if I could buy them and then when the seven string 2 was announced I asked for one of those as well so I have these hung and then the real ones are hung up on the stairs these signature models are all from the first run of each one so those are the first model I got in the stores and though those are the instruments that I'm most proud of is the signature guitars really yeah that's weird getting the 7 string to hang in there that was tough this is a very first prototype for my signature model guitar so this one is particularly special it's been on tour when I went on swear with incurring the perfect strangers the first prototype we didn't quite get the color right this came off during touring at some point it's been through a good amount of abuse this one has been in quite a few videos right when I got it [Music] at the time I went to Chapman guitars I wanted to do a guitar endorsement but do a signature model and do a signature model eight string main goal with this was to make an eighth string that isn't just for metal and can play a lot of different things and in the way it looks in how it sounds have pickups at splits you got humbucker single coil just has like everything I would want in a guitar very very proud of this one and there's the anchor on there yeah yeah anchors on the pickups and on the back of the headstock so this is the current version of this the signature model because it has the ebony fretboard on it and I absolutely love it I adore this guitar and of course I've used this in countless videos this is my favorite guitar this is the six string signature model after creating the eight we just took two strings off of it you know brought the scale length down a bit this is from the first one that had the rosewood on it before we went to ebony I also like to that with the natural woods each one is a little bit different we made the first one we have them in matte black and in the natural woods I wanted to be clear that the H string was for more than just metal so I didn't go with the matte black look but now we're coming out with those soon and I'm so excited about it I think the sixth string in particular matte black was really cool and then this one it's my styrofoam signature model and this was made to film metal and very inappropriate places because I wanted to do a shot where I was in a boat and I'm rocking out so hard that I fall into a lake that was made just for that one shot with the prototype since I get a lot of urges those same one often give them away you've given away a lot of the issues in the contest and then this is from the first run that went into stores have two of these well three if you count prototype yeah three eight strings I have two of the seven string this one is most like the one that's going to make it into stores and then I wanted to try out a few things with this one but we're pretty much going back to this I think that's all the signature models might be guitars and here's the studio kind of in recording booth this is where I do my recording there's another guitar there so the Chapman white dived beautiful we use it in the steff lin shoots I use it very briefly in that video about making beautiful music with the shovel in the puddle board that's the first time I use it right it's just this beautiful guitar it looks beautiful it sounds beautiful and we won't be using it because we're going to be using a shovel today we have plans to another more affordable line of my signature models that had a few similarities to this one made in a different way with bolt on so they wanted me to try it out and see how I like it the cord is really cool so up until two years ago until buying this place I had very specific times that I needed to record living in the city you can hear everyone around you and you don't want to be that neighbor that's always being really annoying and now I can record at any time which is incredible and I don't need to worry about outside noise or bothering anyone who's a drunk it brew city guitar sent me this thank you Joe I just play it for fun I haven't recorded with it in a while the song in our stuff I would use it whatever a piano where I used it to control like piano sounds this is from the Sweetwater deal I'm doing the world's largest paddleboard of Sweetwater oh very cool these are cool is one of like a hundred thousand is when I really felt like this is this is real now it's actually my job yeah and then so these are from the second generation I actually like the first generation plaques more but I couldn't get the million in time and now the third generation of them are totally different these are definitely special to me for sure paddle board that's from Temple audio that's an awesome and almost all of those pedals just come from the worlds are just paddle board video I did with sweet water they gave me a bunch of the pedals in one of the boards so that's where like most of those pedals come from a few of them I bought growing up this amp my friend Nick Daniels had that one and I wrote rain on that at his house and then released a video with it borrowing his amp and so I knew I had to have that same amp you know it's not a particularly fancy amp at all but it has a ton of effects on it and it was just like the perfect thing for me at the time so I was able to save up and move back and now I have my pedal board plugged into two crates and then I have some like really awesome amps like that victory amp they work with Chapman so at NAMM one year they offered to give me one and it's like yeah totally luck was working with Panama for a while and so they offered to give me some hands like that one was in gas masks catalog I remember it looked really cool because it matched the guitar my friend codex also gave me that gym bag this is taking quite a while every video kind of leads to another video this is just the end result of doing it for you know 14 years or so this is a Schecter omen 8 I got this it was just from a comment on YouTube you should try and eat string guitar and I used to say this on stage you should try an 8 string guitar that's like going 8 string that sounds really confusing so I bought one and I bought it thinking like this would be a cool novelty like I'll get a few videos out of it and then I'll sell it but I got the 8 string and just fell in love with it like I got this plugged it in and then pretty much immediately wrote anchor [Music] I was just so inspired by having all this new range this has been on tour with me it's been in a bunch of videos and then I got an email from Schecter I forget who is the artist relations at the time but every email was in all caps hey I saw you've been using this dark omen hey that's cool do you want to be in do you want to be in a Dorcas TARDIS yeah yeah totally the first thing I asked for I was like I would love to get a nine string and make some videos with the nine string the hell raiser massive fretboard blood looking design it has oh I put Rickerson at the bottom I needed to use a bass string this thing's awesome it's pretty much as soon as I got i wrote NV it's like the first thing I did with it goes down the C sharp I remember doing a zero zero zero zero with this as well [Music] that was my first proper guitar endorsement where I got a guitar from a company I remember going out to NAMM to and performing Envy on Schechter's stage that was really cool this string swing too I had to bend so that the neck would stay they don't make those wide enough for the ninth string after I've made some videos at the 9th string they asked there's anything else that I would one I I didn't have a nice bass at the time so they sent me this the five string this thing is awesome especially from doing so many recordings that this guy every bass track and just about anything I've done all the metal stuff this is the bass I love the design on the back to you and it sounds incredible this is the second base I ever bought this thing it's so warped look up high the strings are and that's after readjusting the truss rod so many times me and my brother went in on this together with fretless bass Jam was maybe the first time I used it and I was also using this a lot when I played in a local band I was using this through the crate we're going to venues the person running sound like that come on really but that's what I could use at the time and I got a lot a lot of use out of it never before every show I would crank the truss rod to get it back and then it would just always have to be the ukulele metal stuff started to get popular Dean reached out and asked if I wanted one of these or maybe I reached out to them I don't really remember and this one has like quite a few chips in it particularly from doing the Cowboys from Hell music video I remember dropping it in that and just really being crazy with it there's also a good amount of fake blood on it from Dell yeah on the inside there's blood all over the fretboard there was no way to clean all the blood off after this Sunday this is not the one I used in the recordings but I would use it in the video because it has a cool shape to it a fan made this and I saw on Instagram and I asked if I could buy it when the ukulele stuff started really getting popular I used some collie ukuleles I was using one of the more affordable models that I sent them an email and they're like let's send you some like really nice stuff and so they sent me some other ukuleles and they're beautiful like this one sounds incredible and they also send me this as their you bass is frantic disembowelment Cannibal Corpse cover sets up but this one has the same range as a regular bass they like kind of rubbery strings and they even have a five string - so this is like EAD G like just like that one or any of these other bases kind of sounds like a Fender P bass if you roll the tone knob off and they have been over gear here yeah and then they also send me this one it's absolutely lovely ukulele Paulo sent me this thanks to them these are absolutely beautiful ukuleles this sitar I wanted to use sitar metal so this one I bought getting this thing in tune is pretty tough yeah it hasn't been in tune for a little while there is it I got it mainly to do sitar metal [Music] and I did a few other videos of that sitar Jam [Music] the sitar is just a really beautiful instrument it was the harp for me to do a harp metal video [Music] I bought that I reached out to the company parent company that makes that makes a lot of these instruments I sent them that and they responded back in the email they're like when you like to try a balalaika it's a Russian folk instruments and absolutely so I got those one guy looks like a Dorito and I did the balalaika Chan which i think is my favorite of these and I shot that with reverb calm and I also did follow like a medal with this [Music] my friend Simon use this as a weapon yeah you have two strings here tuned to the same pitch but they're spaced and then you have one steel string which is a bit different and gives it a unique sound the company was named Bruce Beck they have all the line of a lot of different instruments and I met max whose family owned that Max for a little while was like my go-to guy next time I talk to him like have you heard of the birimbau [Music] I'm part way it just looks like stick with a gourd on it and the shaker that you can also use I did berimbau metal and Andrew made a dubstep song using sounds from it see how hard this drop [Music] video pans after the sitar the balalaika the harp he offered to give me four of these to make videos with their like hand pan drums but there are magnets on the bottom so you can actually tune in the different pitches they have four of them it's currently holding this baseball that was the I threw the first pitch everybody feel that was really cool I don't think I've used any of that footage yet but no so I did hanpan jam explaining there is that everything here yeah it's Amanda Lynn I got in a music store I believe in Lombard I just walked in and was like I'm gonna use that for something someday and I got it recently I haven't use it for anything yet this is a collaboration quite a while ago with Bob cliath am I like to make stuff he also made that beat bender recently we started were gonna do a collaboration where he makes the instrument then I make a video or two with it I can't believe how much do you say I got none of it it's really rusty so you want to be careful playing it make sure you got your tetanus shot there's a whole video of him making on his channel and then just string it up like a normal guitar even though it's a shovel originally was just for shovel metal but I've used it in a ton of substance [Music] surprisingly useful part of what makes it a not high quality instrument is also what gives it a lot of unique character this neck of course was not meant to be an instrument it's not very stable so it kind of wobbles in and out of tuning and also it not having frets so when you distort it and you play the same thing twice like you would you know a rock mix there's like one shovel here one shovel here and the waviness between notes gives it this like drunken stumble like belligerent angry sound [Music] and so it actually works really well because of oh and then here's to you please this is the first ukulele that I bought this is one of college more affordable models this is what I did want Amba with after those got really popular they sent me that lovely Eagle a new bass and also this guitar lately it's a mix between a guitar and a ukulele also we used it in Sunday you group so there's blood on I really love this instrument it's normally tuned just like a regular guitar but of course smaller and it goes a to a so it's like playing a classical guitar that's smaller with the capo on the fifth fret it's just a really lovely instrument it's one of the first guitars that Chapman sent me this is a Chapman hot rod one coil split a little pickup it's got floyd on it awesome mean andrew made the guitar insanity and guitar impossible videos with this where we just got a bunch of sounds with a guitar hanging on a wall and then andrew turn it into music [Music] and then that was right before I went on my first tour with anchoring the perfect strangers Angie played guitar on that band I play drums and I remember particularly having a lot of fun with the whammy bar and few songs and really going crazy with it I normally don't get rid of instruments but since he used it on that tour it would make sense for him to have it gonna trade in this guitar for all the pedals he got from the Sweetwater oh so andrew offers still on the table this is actually what inspired the Guitar Center video we did where I saw my signature models there was really cool I didn't think they had the age ding-dang that's awesome because I happen to be back in my hometown and I liked in Hyatts and I went into the Guitar Center I'd spent so much time there as a kid like going there and playing instruments with my friends but never leaving with one and I went in and saw this on the wall and I was like oh that's awesome that looks really fun I'm glad kind of ridiculous and I realize like oh I could buy that I could go into the store and I could leave with that guitar I liked so I bought it and then I have a smaller version this again goes back to being a musician and having the reverb app on your phone is really dangerous for that same thing in yellow [Music] [Applause] it's just really fun to have this little ukulele science instrument that's shaped like this and his yellow it sounds like that this one's currently in my possession but it's not one that I own this is a 10 string whoa Andrew bana reached out to me and he told me this concept where he bought this ten string guitar is just having it go around and bounce the different youtubers a youtuber musician will use it that's their name into the back move it along I just thought that was a really cool concept so it's like yeah count me in I just haven't got around to making a video with it sorry Andrew but I will the theremin video we did with Karolina Ike I think is one of the coolest things we've done recently [Music] I just pointed to another dimension they're an instrument you play by not touching it we took quite a few videos with this it was one of the goals on patreon once I got to a certain thing I would need to buy a theremin and make a video with it and I also totally forgot in this box I have an accordion someone wanted to get rid of it and asked if I wanted an accordion of course I said yeah we'll find an expert and I'll get an accordion lesson on camera I just haven't done yet I don't know how to play this I totally forgot okay being in this room filled with instruments does make me feel a little bit insane just a little though not a whole lot here's everything here's pretty much every instrument I've ever made a video it this looks amazing when I pan around yeah the weird thing too is that every single just about every single one I have like a lot of memories so we try to count them so upstairs there's still the organ the drums agat endo which I didn't want to take out of the TV 73 God you don't think I counted this one I don't know a lot well this has been fun everyone this is Rob from the future I'm just rambling into the laptop but the video originally ended with me thanking everyone - getting the channel to 2 million subscribers and this was going to be a 2 million subscriber special though going through it now the channel isn't quite there yet but I wanted to get this out anyway I don't really think that exact number is all that important and I still wanted to end the video by saying thanks making music and making videos this is this is exactly what I want to be doing it's not lost on me how cool and fortunate it is that this gets to be my job and has been my job for so long and me and the team really appreciate all your support we're really thankful to have this cool community around us making these cool videos about music so we got a lot more coming and thanks so much for being here hope you're all doing well wish you all the best thank you
Channel: Rob Scallon
Views: 1,556,815
Rating: 4.9592881 out of 5
Keywords: Rob Scallon, music, musician, guitar, guitarist, instrument collection, chapman guitars, cello metal, banjo metal, instrument tour, my instrument collection, my guitar collection, bass, harp, theremin, drums, acoustic, 8 string, youtube, channel, subscribers, song, instruments, guitar collection, rare guitars, youtuber, 2 million, bass guitar, banjo, upright bass, guitendo, 9 string, chapman, balalaika, ukulele, uke, 12 string, 2 string, every instrument, musical adventures, signature guitar
Id: qgCsDPNG7mM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 31sec (2311 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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