@COOP3RDRUMM3R Vs @Cobus: Epic Drum Battle

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Well that was incredible

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HRCcantmeltdankmemes πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] after weeks of online feuding tonight we settle the score once and for all heavyweight youtube drummers casey cooper and quivis are set to square off here at sweetwater studios in fort wayne indiana tonight's main event features three rounds of unique challenges designed to keep both drummers on their toes as they battle it out beat by beat tonight's main event is brought to you by drum month at sweetwater where you can find unbeatable deals on the hottest brands all month long learn more at sweetwater.com that's good stuff tonight's challenge will be refereed by nick d virgilio ref nick has an impressive pedigree in the world of percussion and more importantly he's been casting judgment on youtube drummers for years making him the perfect pick to ensure a fair fight tonight i really got to do this you're getting paid right shut up and do your job all right thank you we caught up earlier with our contenders to get a better understanding of what brought them here tonight let's hear what they had to say uh quibbus kobus quibbous i mean imagine having like your mortal enemy show up at your house and that's what it feels like for him to be here at sweetwater i've always wished that they would never do anything with him because honestly it's gonna like anti-sell gear it's it's just like trash drumming okay see like i hear he's on on campus all the time does stuff with street water i just feel like like how how many videos is he gonna do you know like it's like it's kind of a punk like a talentless punk like a like a flailing talentless bieber wannabe symbol kraken punk you know so like i feel like they just need a bit more diversity somebody with an accent you know i mean obviously like the the hair the hair care i mean he's good at that like he could probably sell hair products um i would buy like hair gel hair cream from him who gives him a signature snare you know what i'm saying probably sounds like it's definitely it's there's a it absolutely sounds like like absolute poop definitely like everything casey does but yeah i mean junk snare he's not a good person he's he's he's bad hi i would like to buy this very quickly please yeah super quick it looks like our challengers are making their way to the ring now with a 14-year pedigree posting some of youtube's best drum covers including classics like who let the dogs out in the blue corner playing on a pdp concept maple drum kit it's [Music] [Applause] this his flaming drumsticks video set the internet and his knuckle hair ablaze weighing in at over 2.5 million subscribers in the red corner playing on a pearl decade maple drum kit it's the ferocious fireball aka the pearl pyromaniac aka cooper drummer it's casey goodbye [Applause] ladies and gentlemen and now for the main event of the evening [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i want a good clean fight from youtube got it no metronomes no quantization allowed if you break a stick you lose a point if you break ahead you're disqualified you're getting out of here hear me you hear me i'm not a good clean fight it's time to get started go ahead and click your sticks and get to your drum kits we're just moments away from what's shaping up to be an incredible night of drumming in this round one challenge the drummers will have to copy each other's grooves at the risk of getting a letter first drummer to spell the word drum loses the round [Applause] all right quibbes going to start you off with an easy one because i know you need [Music] it [Music] all right all right okay let's step it up [Music] yeah okay so if you if you recognize this one okay might sound a little familiar all right [Music] i've seen that one before you got the day you got the day all right all right i mean you added some flourishes is it close enough it's close enough okay yeah that's it all right let's see if you recognize this one [Music] i don't think i can play that i haven't played that a lot okay [Music] close enough no no that's the r i played all i played all the right now isn't the kick drum shuffle obviously you haven't listened to van halen i have not i have not i haven't i'll spend some time with it i'm gonna get you i'm gonna get you [Music] no i know you don't want to touch that symbol because it's so shiny that's what's going to get you i'm over you're too afraid touch these symbols no all right all right no that was it no you messed up the end what i think we did in the judges call uh you didn't do it correctly you for cooper oh you're not going to give me a little bit i'm going to try to try try and give me a little well let's see what you can do with some singles on the kick drum maybe don't do that no i'm going to do it no do something else i have five very bad singles yes i've got to match the tempo right yes no no no no you can't talk all that smack on the internet and then slow it down [Music] i can't do singles casey but you could probably do that with one foot right i could do it with doubles try it try it with the double the one foot i can't just too slow it's too slow i just really got that letter dang it okay dru yep dru yeah lost later last letter let's spice it up no you're definitely gonna lose let's spice it up though let's uh there's no gaps there's no thinking okay we just keep playing and every time you add a little something the other person doesn't have to copy it they can't if they want to yeah it's not good enough but also they don't have to but we just keep spicing it up a little bit all right until somebody falls off okay rifnik okay sound good let's see what happens should i start yeah kick it off okay mr m [Music] so [Music] [Music] koopa gets the m the round goes to quimbus yeah the double kick man quivers drums up a big win and takes the round that's gotta be eye opening for cooper drummer he's gonna need to come out on top for the next round if he wants to take home the victory tonight's second round is a fun one it's the sabotage round both drummers will attempt to play a drum beat to a different genre of music however their opponent will try to sabotage the performance by selecting a modifier to hamper their playing [Applause] fellas you ready for round number two ready all right we got a funk track mr cooper you're first to play quivers pick your weapon do we have a blindfold do we have a blindfold do we have one we're at sweetwater we got everything yes on that new setup no i don't know what this is standard setup here i know it's gonna be hard all right let me see here yeah it's working it's working yeah okay here we go cue the funk track [Music] so [Music] hey that was good okay you go hit me give me something the giant pro mark sticks that you are a promo guy oh this is i mean since i'm vic first i don't have to worry about that but you got to play with those bad boys that is exceedingly heavy are we doing this straight up do i get to practice i just have to do it oh you have to do it yeah no practice oh my gosh cool hit me literally [Music] hey [Music] that is so hard oh man i don't think i did that great riff nick well i must say it's quite impressive you held those sticks and you played your drum kit but not impressive enough point to mr cooper yeah i agree with that i'll take it dang it all right fellas on to the next track we've got a metal track oh you ready yeah you're ready all right yeah quivers what's it gonna be how crazy can we go here can i like remove his throne no can we do that sounds good to me how am i supposed to play double bass with no you're not that's the that's the point hey pick something else no no no that's it that's what i pick gotta be it good luck with double kick on this one okay cue track [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my calf muscles are exploding how are you doing this i think i want my throne back please this is mine so then mr cooper what are you going to pick for quibbes hmm you removed my throne how about i remove one of your hands let's get some handcuffs over here thank you are they metal like actual handcuffs yeah i think well they're pretty lightweight they're they're they're jingling like metal you're going like all the way underneath the thing that's as far as it's gotta go dude i should have put my hand through my legs because now well i'm not reaching down there okay okay hippie hit me with that track [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] can i be free can i be freed please i would like to leave the prison yes you can you can get out but i have to say uh you did a great job thank you but i'm gonna have to dock you a little bit no double bass during a heavy metal song what i so i couldn't if i left it on my left leg i was gonna fall off and lean to the left whatever with that being said mr cooper gets the point here yeah okay please can i be free please the sweetwater campus is buzzing as these two youtube legends dig in it's hard to imagine how this round could wait wait wait a second wait a second and it just gets crazier here folks let's see how cooper drummer adapts [Music] so all right [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] you are disqualified what casey cooper gets around you guys are taking so long i got places to go people to see this take us so long i've even lost my accent give me my drum kit wow a disqualification quimbus was clearly not prepared for the consequences of his interference and ref nick asking for his kit this is truly a one of a kind evening folks for the third and final round quibbes and cooper will leave it all in the ring the kits have been stripped down to their bare necessities and the trick here is to impress ref nick and that won't be easy the drummers are all tied so this round will decide tonight's winner all right fellas you ready to go you ready to do this let's do it [Music] hey [Music] look at this [Music] i like it [Music] crazy [Music] [Music] not bad not bad that thing you did with the i don't know what you did but anyway that's not bad i need a little we need a little tang tang right a little quick one come on you know you got it follow me [Music] i'm changing up the field a little i see [Music] pretty good let's see how this feels ready one two one two three four [Music] [Music] casey [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] dang i don't think we're done quite yet though uh-huh ready we need a little flourish we have fun here ready let's go let's see what you guys got one two three four [Music] incredible you know who really showed off some amazing chops just now ref nick there's something about that guy's playing that really resonates with me that was all right i'm gonna go back and deliberate see who won this thing you guys go towel off these are these are not particularly clean towels i don't know if i want this on my face or my hair yeah i mean such a clean drummer i don't think you should play with a dirty towel i mean you just it's just fantastic how clean you were oh thank you so much have you been practicing a little bit mostly the jazz that's it yeah all the time yeah just trying to get on your jazz level you know yeah yeah my channel was phenomenal the most rock sounding jazz i've ever heard yeah thank you and that's a compliment yeah oh me for sure yeah coming from you so i appreciate how many symbols do you go through okay because uh it seems like you might crack a few every now and then you know yeah well it's important i mean because of the subscriber count i'm able to go through more symbols i know that you have to keep your costs down yeah yeah okay do that subscribe account yeah what i do is i actually i just melt down my gold play button and i've formatted symbols that's fine yeah i think i need to leave and i think that maybe your hair is uh messed up a little bit no it's not ladies and gentlemen it's time to announce the winner of tonight's main event drum roll please and the winner is yes that's so great it looks amazing never seen this before this is brand new quibbes has come out on top ladies and gentlemen you have witnessed two of the best youtube drummers duking out here tonight but only one could leave with the victory will this be the last we see of these two warriors or will there be a rematch on the horizon like comment and subscribe below to weigh in on who you thought fared the best tonight and of course don't miss out on all the great deals on drums and percussion all month long at sweetwater including amazing products from pearl dw zilgen and sabian from cooper drummer quibbes nick d virgilio times 3 and of course all of us here at sweetwater thank you and good night bro it's fine casey no no it's okay it's it's fine 15 years of watching you online you have a lot of subscribers 15 years you're taller than me we both win you want to hug it out buddy please don't get out buddy right man you want to go get i'll get you a coffee you want to get a coffee yeah you want a snack yes i need one let me get you a snack buddy i got you next time [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Sweetwater
Views: 637,396
Rating: 4.9049735 out of 5
Keywords: Sweetwater
Id: mH0ksSkYad8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 14sec (1814 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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