Building a Dam - Ice Age Adventures || Ep2

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hello I'm a game people look we have rewards every day so we can say 15 we get 10 Wow okay I don't even know a diesel we got got something so I have no idea what what we did last time oh we got more berries so now we get a thousand and we got more shells and I won't get 2000 and we could upgrade them again we don't know much and there's the Beaver Dam so the beaver beaver can go yeah I think he's the adult yeah oh he loves it good um adult renovate renovate cost 500 we could feed Oh so they get a max we can feed them with seventy five so there you go have a carrot yum-yum's they're nice oh we can get decorations as well interesting um I said in the last video that this is very like Jurassic Park builder and I'm not saying the Jurassic Park builder was the first one to come up with it because by George it wasn't um the the first real sort of thing like this was farmville and then okay let's see one get a baby can we get a baby yeah awesome we get a baby so let's do this party all the babies come from little mini games like this and the adults come from the candy crush mini-games one two one two one two Oh jump one two jump one Oh God okay okay I'm sorry I didn't realize that I was gonna stop me okay uh let's try not to do that again I'm gonna void that there's a baby we have the baby okay let's do this Oh God I don't like it I don't like the fact that I die oh no oh my god okay son sod this woo don't like it okay they'll do whoa Oh God well at least we got the kitty I used like so many acorns we just need one more one more adults collect them on sale home okay so uh does this home need to be renovated renovate for 300 okay so let's get back on the boat then like a tree Oh Ryan there we go have to wait two minutes which isn't too long but there might be the final one in there it's what else do we have oh this is ready whatever this is oh it's a bridge let's go across and I realize now that varies or sort of like energy and in order to excavate it costs berries so if you have no berries you can't you can't do this and you can't get shells so that's quite interesting whoa let's get Manny Manny you're coming with me oh okay so we have to do a candy crush to get him and you've got heroes you got villains and you've got things to save so let's get money today um what do we need we need hearts right okay so we'll do we'll do what will we do we do that and we'll do that how Oh God what we really need oh nice and then we can hold on down we do that oh that oh just want everything but what I needed okay um ooh can we not move that now the hot stuff move together um this is tricky cuz I want I want these down but there's nothing down here uh how about to do that and then we do this and then do this and then this then this damn I'm hoping for a rock to fall that's what I'm wanting I want to rock oh oh here we go this life this good yes we got to oh no we don't ah none we need we need that mushroom out of the way I will get a mushroom out of the way we need to bring some mushrooms down oh we can get a rock could get a rock um mmm using that rock there that's not gonna be good enough ah more money can leave us that's fine I do that you would do this but I want to do but I'll do a fine let's see what it does hoping this will bring something down let's bring a log down oh here we go no no that was my chance to destroy the budget ah ah oh no there we go why come okay now we've got to look at which one's gonna be easiest to get down it looks like this heart is yeah there we go we did it we did it yeah there we go oh we finally got there but jeez we found you Manny we found you we have an extra hero oh we got an extra two acorns I guess that reimburses right yes nice work said um can we get this big shell what's a big shell oh nice more energy let's do and we'll need to renovate its home before we can save it oh we can let's run a bed at home this is seaworthy ah renovate are the beaver sleepy wake up mr. beaver Oh to feed them they need to wait you need to wait till you can feed them again so that every time you feed them they get more stuff okay so let's run Ave which cost 300 oh one minute wait yeah that's okay okay right um so let's sail like we sail - oh these are rewards you won't believe all that ah there were dramatic trials well okay I chopped down some trees but they were traumatic for me yeah that's fair I heard an animal crying not far from here come on we need to save the animal basically but what's this great job night room is the swing yeah an extra hundred of those play the scrap minigame one time uh get all four white tigers renovate the white tiger home we've always done that they'll be done by the time we get back oh no it's gonna be done now how much is 1200 1200 so far I haven't really maxed anything so I don't need to do that um the deer cost 600 so we'll have to wait for him come on come on renovate one second yeah so there we go we have three of them now and they're all unhappy they love it I would I would renovate the beaver but um but but the beaver we got we need to find another beaver okay is it so there's something else oh yes we could do this again get an acorn damn shells well I could be worse I suppose um is there anything else here let's have a look I don't oh there's another one we might get a baby oh we're gonna get a baby yes okay now just try not to hit anything just try happy anything this one James don't try go for the berries just sweep to the left okay okay okay okay good good good oh no I have to jump no I knew it oh damn it like it doesn't work if it was a touchscreen I wouldn't have a problem but I don't like the fact that I can't do it there it is there it is okay oh oh okay oh huh huh screw that I'm not Google at 15 we got little Starbucks jr. oh wow Starbucks jr. looks like I need some help oh there we go sail ho said where is it we haven't uh what so she's out there peaches who's peaches there's always peaches daughter that's right so we have two ways you can upgrade the nursery but how much is it to build a home 600 600 okay we're gonna need to go out somewhere um oh yeah here we go this is cool that you got Triceratops pterodactyls at t-rex Troodon so it's gonna be pretty awesome when we get to get up those those are levels um social friends inbox join send each other gifts Syd you did good yay I did good okay right back at you pal okay so are we gonna go now let's just say worthy so we got an extra 20 of those um right why are we going to a now what we need we need to do this but I thought we had 200 - so much three meteorites in turn everything into hole hurts pits Oh ice cubes interesting oh I see only one move oh it wanted oh wow so it wanted me to do this so many hot light everyone how many we got yes 50 out of two I think we won that one ah now so that's it we got all of the Tigers home did we I got this there we go so we did it that's great which means we can get this achievement right oh god what's happening what's happening let me click stuff yes I keep tapping you can we not click oh my god is it broke Oh No why is there very in the sand okay uh I can't click anything can I do this no I can't do that I could do that though what what settings you can do that read it up check into that I can do that there we go for some one reason it just wasn't letting me click so we need 600 so in another 200 of those let's check the map oh wow so we've done all these we've done that doughnut done that so now we're onto this thing it costs 600 berries really let's do this okay let's sail it sails to the new land okay please more beavers I one more perish oh come on who's Sonia cords and we have to get the shells well we need 600 to get a new home um oh oh I see do we need to wait to unlock it who's got it hold on oh right okay you have to sell there we go to the new land please Newberry's oh thank god like us 13 there is another creature there but uh but we're gonna stick we're gonna stick oh god I am losing uh oh you need more berries 85 to continue oh no I'm all right now I'm all right oh wow we have completely run out of berries we can't explore anymore until we have berries is that the Sami we're going to end whoa look at that white wolf cub thing and and a terrible oh that's cool we were terrible we have oh this place is big prove another Bambi thing there beaver beaver baby's dead and this looks like a villain our first ever villain down some trees to make a path okay so we'll sail home we'll see if we can get any uh any berries we have to wait for him to be done I see so if you feed them they can't gather anything so we'll make a home for the gazelle which means we have to wait uh we gotta find graybeard here at home what is this epic official trailer Ice Age village official trailer is this this is all it is it's a cinema it's a cinema to watch move okay interesting axis all the magic and mystery of the Ice Age wonders you'll need to expand your village towards them okay so we have two Oh God t-rex yeah oh that's awesome I want to get over there but I'm guessing we have to do all the Ice Age stuff first so if we go on here we go snow and there we go these are all the snow things that we have yet to get there's quite a few dodo is the last one and then you've got achievements for when you get them all ah and then I think with we have tropical we've limited items and done exactly with heroes we have heard so we've got Eddie peaches Ellie granny which I can't barely remember villains decorations and trophies so villains the final villain is Cretaceous which is that like indominus rex looking thing what indominus rex looks like so is there anything this way just lots of birdies flying away so it looks like a create quite big Oh what is that it's like a scratch zone awesome oh my god and then look here we go these these are the tropical creatures so that what's the last one the last one has Cretaceous their granny a wee little birdie the second last one has a li ah is it le I think it's a li there we have oh no that's a li suddenly whoa who's that that's a li look that peaches I think those peaches I don't even know it's been ages since half like avoids the I haven't watched the last one yeah what'd you call it oh no there it is so nuts indominus wrecking looking thing so this must be the bad guy from the new movie which is like the Pirates thing which I didn't watch I didn't watch that pirate movie I know those nine and there's sixteen I tell you what we'll have a quick go would love a look to see if we couldn't do anything but I doubt it okay tree oh can we do anything Oh clown clown help us give us berries John rope oh what a shame this means I'm gonna have to uh oh nice we can repair the bridge it's gonna take 19 minutes though uh how about you I don't work for peanuts berry buffet you need new more berries one we need one more berry to continue you serious one more very Oh can you give us a berry 11 tons of happy or they give us 400 an hour and he gives us 69 so they're really really good looks like I'm just gonna for grinding on my own I'll just get like about a thousand berries and then I'll probably do a ooh the high rocks has made a very thing oh we have 20 let's go let's go we have 20 berries could be destroy that rock yeah ah there we go any 93 to destroy that one so don't even like this video if you have leave a like and I hope to see in the next video if you've enjoyed this this little video yeah now I'm glad because I did leave a little while just to see what the consensus was on am you guys watching miss this sort of series but it seems like a lot of you quite liked it and the first video is popular got like nineteen thousand views now so hell I'm enjoying it let's keep doing it so total XL I'll see you later what
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 307,214
Rating: 4.9173455 out of 5
Keywords: ice age adventures, ice age app game, thegamingbeaver, agamingbeaver, rescue, full walkthrough, glacier, prehistoric animals, dinosaurs, ice age, lets play, guide, easy, hack, cheat
Id: l7JczUzZb0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2015
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