Building a Coal Powered Steam Boat!!!! - Stormworks

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hello everyone and welcome back to another stormwix video now with the recent edition of coal nuclear and steam we've done quite a few videos already covering on how to build some examples whether it's a test bench whether it's a train uh so i thought why not let's go ahead and build a fully working coal-powered steamboat gearing game now we built a train already so i thought it'd be a great time to build a boat i've got just a little bit of an example of a hull here i've used this for a few videos already i think i've used it for the stabilization video and a few other things so it's going to repurpose this hull this video is not going to be how to build a hull or how to build the ship it's going to focus on mainly how to get a whole boiler and coal system in your boat and actually up and running for the first time so we're not going to focus on the aesthetics and how the boat is actually built but more on the actual engine and how we're going to control that engine how we're going to use it to make our boats actually move and go around the world stormworks so that's it let's jump straight into the workbench and let's get started so the first thing you need of course if you are going to try and do this you will need a boat with a hull and some way of controlling it so what we're going to do is we're actually going to go into the interior of the hole the actual l itself and we're going to start building from there so the first thing we're going to need is we're going to need a firebox the firebox is what we're going to use to actually heat up some coal now you can either go with a large one or you can go with a normal sized one just remember the higher you burn this it's going to use more coal so just be aware of that i like to use small ones but once again it's up to you let's go and put one maybe let's go and stick one just over here why not so now that we've got our firebox on we want some way of getting some coal in there so you can use hoppers you can use pretty much whatever you want to do okay there is tons of different coal storages that you can use here for our example let's just use some ducts so we're going to go and put let's do a duct there or duct there let's try and put one on top there and we'll just try and make it that we have a few of them on our creation just in case okay so there we go we've got a few okay nice and simple very easy you can make that look much better let's just be doing that for our example okay cool uh once we have a coal we have a firebox we'll need some way of turning that on so i'm going to use a simple push button okay so just a simple little push button let's just put it on the floor here and that's going to allow us to turn our firebox uh on of course if you want to turn your firebox off what you could do is you could have a key switch or flip toggle whatever you want i connect it so actually let's do that let's use a key switch and we're going to stick it here on the floor and we're going to say that that is going to be for our air valve okay so just over there and what you can do now is when you go to the back and you need to connect your air so i'm just going to put some remote off when you connect your ear here you can go and add a valve on there such a simple on off i just make sure it's got the right rotation they do have in and out to them so just make sure you have it on the right one and we're going to connect that over to some air so up to you and where you want to put this i'm just going to literally just bring it straight up as i said earlier this video is not meant to be to make a boat look good it's meant to make your boat functional so cool we've got that and now what you can do is that key switch can get connected to that valve so when you want air you can always turn the key switch on when you don't want air which therapy will kill your firebox you can turn it off so a nice little feature just going to connect our push button to our firebox to turn it on those two things will require some electricity so we're going to add a battery on just a small medium whatever battery you want i'm just going to put it over there and let's get some electricity on both those buttons or key switches and the valve there cool once we have that uh we will need some exhaust okay so i'm actually going to stick the exhaust inside the actual exhaust uh let's do it we could do it here we could make one oh yeah it's up to you on the way you want to do it let's just add one over here so i'm going to get some image mode back on let's do a small little exhaust over here nothing special as i said this video is not meant to be for looks it's meant to be just for function so we're just going to get that in there like that get a simple fluid board we could have put an exhaust here it's up to you and that means we've done our air and we've done our exhaust the next thing we're going to do is we have of course our coolant so i couldn't needs to go into our actual boiler itself so we're going to grab a boiler and we're going to place that down somewhere on our creation up to you on where you want to put this i'm just going to go and put it over here make sure i've actually got it facing the right way okay so we got that on uh now we just need to connect up our actual coolant and coolant there so it doesn't matter which one you're connected to these do have in and out whereas your actual boiler doesn't it just has a a and b so it doesn't matter where you connect it to so i'm going to get symmetric back on we are going to go up i'm going to go down from here and then we're just going to get disconnected very simple just like that no pumps required no voles required nothing else very very easy now we have steam out and we also have our water in okay so water in up to you on how you want to do that it does need fresh water so we're going to get a tank as i said in a lot of previous videos is the amount of fluid you give your boiler will depend on how much steam you can produce so please just keep that in mind i have explained that in previous videos uh so if you want more detail about that go and check out my other builds okay uh cool so we've got that we could also add a tea piece here so that we could get more fluid in later on if we want to make sure you set this to fresh water it needs fresh water to operate cool so now that we've got that we of course have got steam coming out of here we're going to put that into a small little turbine so we're going to get a turbine and we can put that somewhere else on our creation so up to you once again i'm going to stick it over here for purpose of this video make sure i've got enough space there we go and that's done now what we need to do is we need to connect the alts actual torque from the turbine into our propeller which is just over there so i'm just going to go and connect those up once again very straightforward we can add some gearboxes at a later stage if we want to once again up to us it's our creation we can do what we want to and if we're going too fast or too slow we can play around with gearboxes cool so now that we have that the next thing we need to do is when we connect our steam from our actual boiler into our turbine so you can see here i've got the steam coming out so we're going to go pretty much just out of here now we can connect that directly up onto our steam in here if you wanted to the only thing you need to keep remember is that as soon as you start producing any pressure in your boiler what's going to happen is that steam is going to go directly into our turbine and it's going to directly stop powering our creation now that's fine but however if you want some way of controlling how much throttle you're letting out through to propeller you could use another valve here okay so you want to get a fluid variable valve here and make sure once again you connect it in the right direction it does have it in and out to it okay now what you can also do is we could add another valve on here and this could be a pressure release valve okay so pressure default will allow you to actually discharge any of your extra um steam that you're producing in here so if it goes like let's say if it goes over nine you can say oh we'll release some of the steam once again up to you i recommend you do use something like this uh this way you don't end up obviously getting your whole boiler exploding now to control that you just use a simple threshold great gate stick it on your creation somewhere and say hey you know what if our pressure of our boiler is anywhere from let's say 9.5 to 99999 then please go and open this valve which will release steam out of our system otherwise keep it there and then go into our actual turbine here okay once it goes in our turbine we can then bring it across and it goes out and that's where we're gonna go and send it into a condenser okay so we're gonna grab a condenser up to you and where you want to place this we could place it here at the back if we wanted to uh let's go and place it here at the back why not okay and now what we need to do is you can see it's got steaming so we're gonna go from here into our condenser let's go up one block across like so and we're just gonna get that connected great so that means your steam is coming out of your turbine into your condenser it's getting converted into liquid and it's coming out as water okay so we can now go and connect that water valve or water over back to the extra t piece i left on my fluid tank from earlier okay so we're gonna get disconnected over here like that we're going to bring that pipe all the way across to there and we're going to connect it over to that t piece that means that anything any steam that's converted back into fluid or back into water is going to end up back in our boiler so that we can use it at a later point uh the only thing that we have left now is to cool our condenser now we could add a radiator in here or we could cool it by seawater it's up to you there's a lot of different ways you can cool this i'm actually just going to use a simple three by three radiator to be honest uh nice and simple very nice and easy just place it there on a piece corner piece and we want some way of turning that on i'm gonna say hey you know if my air is coming through into my firebox then i want my radiator to be on up to you and how you want to control that uh cool now that we've got that let's connect some electricity so we do need some electricity for our extra valves that we have connected radiator that we connected we will need one later on for our rudder that we're controlling uh now we can just go in here let's add a throttle lever in at the same time so we're gonna add a throttle lever that will allow us to control how much we're going forwards and backwards so we're going to get that connected we're going to get that over to our valve here perfect we're going to need some steering at some point so up to you on how you want to do the steering to be honest uh we could add a seat in once again guys this is not for looks or anything this is purely just for function uh for us just to do testing and make sure this all works so ideally we would have put all those controls up in the wheel house or up in the bridge and that's how we would have been controlling it but as i said earlier on this is purely just for the purposes of testing and building up a fully working actual little steam engine cool now that we've got all that that's pretty much about it really i don't think we need anything else we could monitor our temperatures and things like that but i don't think we really need to worry about that too much i am going to add a few dials i'll add a few dials here just for our temperature of maybe like our boiler and maybe the amount of pressure that we have sure why not okay so let's say that this is our pressure and this is our boiler temp okay don't need to change anything else i just connect that pressure over to the pressure over there and connect the body temp over to the temperature there and in theory we should be all set and ready to go uh let's make sure my steering is connected is great battery is all connected it is make sure i connect those to my dials don't really need them but that's fine uh let's go into once and let's see if this is actually going to work okay it hasn't sunk so that's a good sign to start off with cool let's go inside our creation i don't actually have any proper entrance way so we're just going to go and directly teleport in here uh cool let's get this all started so we're going to open up our air valve we're going to then turn our firebox on which should start producing some heat it is which is perfect okay and then once it starts producing heat it should also then start actually eating up a boiler and our heater and our boiler once it starts heating up will start producing pressure okay so let's monitor that i also want to just double check while we're here our rudder is working it is you can see there it is perfectly working so that's good we are getting our big funnel there at the back there with all of our exhaust coming out from our firebox that's perfectly fine uh temperature of our boiler is going up so that's good we can watch our pressure here and now we can actually control our throttle lever if we want to so if i wanted to go forward once we have pressure we can just use the throttle lever to go forwards if we wanted to so body's going up once it hits 100 degrees it will start producing pressure okay now there's a couple different things you could do to make the system a little better and i'll talk about those now while we're waiting for this to happen if you want to use less coal control the temperature of your actual firebox if you want to not waste fluid or water control the temperature of your boiler okay so if you keep this at around like 105 degrees okay you're not going to use too much of your fluid and that way you can control your pressure a little bit easier at the moment for me i'm just using a blow valve or release valve so it's going to literally build up as much pressure as it wants and then start releasing it until it sits at around 9.5 okay so you can see here it's building up its pressure it's using its fluid and now it's letting it go as much as it wants let's go forwards and we're going forwards just like that we have a fully working steamboat not the quickest not the slowest either but there we go nice and working there's our pressure 9.4 9.2 temperature is going up still yeah as i said you can control this okay i recommend you do control that a little bit more detail but uh yeah fully working what i would probably do actually right now is i'll probably go and add some gearboxes onto our output here so if we were to go let's do one there one there let's grab a gearbox we're going to face it towards our engine and towards our engine and we're going to let's max that out to 3.1 and max this one out to 3.1 perfect another thing i would also like to do is i'm going to show you a little trick what you can do is control how much water is going between your firebox and your actual boiler and i'm going to be using a pid for that everyone's like oh no he's using a pid well just use some simple settings like zero point this is zero point one zero zero max value one just like that don't worry about it don't don't bother too much on details connect that over to the key switch we're using for our air valve the process variable will be our temperature the set point let's just use a simple number actually let's use the keypad i'll show you guys how to man you can manually control that i keep that over here and we're going to go keypad into our setpoint make sure you give the you give the keypad some electricity so you can actually use it and now what we're going to do is we're going to come underneath here and we're going to actually add a valve on here okay so if we go make sure we've got the out we do cool i'm going to add a simple variable valve make sure it's on the right directions out great and now we're going to go back into our actual little boiler over here so now what we can do is we can control that depending on how much temperature we want in our boiler okay remember the more temperature you have in the water the more pressure you're going to build up and obviously how it uses more fluid etc etc etc okay so the last little cheap little quick system over there connect that up to the pid which is over there and nice and easy gear boxes are all set up make sure they have got electricity also we could change the gear settings if we wanted to to go forwards and backwards that could also be another cool thing you could do so you could set these to reverse if you wanted them on a reverse also and then go to your seats and say hey if you press one this is going to be reverse that could be another cool way you could do something else connect that over to our gear boxes uh cool let's go and spawn then let's go and see if we get a little bit more power out of that now that we've added the gearboxes and let's also see if that extra little pid system will maintain my temperature that i want so we're going to first off open the key switch turn our boiler on or fire box on sorry i'll go to here say let's see how much max temperature of our boiler should be 110 okay max temperature of our boiler is going to be 110 so now we can keep an eye on this and that little pid system should be regulating palm open this is okay as you can see currently it's open at eight uh maximum variable is actually one but uh let's keep an eye on that so we're gonna wait for it just to build up here for a bit and then we'll head off in a few seconds okay so our temperature is going up to about 90 degrees now and you can see it's actually starting to slow down a little bit uh that's because of the valve here we've set it to 110 so it's starting starting to get to 110 so it's slowing down how much actual temperature it's going from the firebox to the boiler and you can see how much slower that is we should slowly start producing pressure now we can actually go and increase our throttle here a bit and we should start moving forwards okay and we are definitely moving forwards now you can see we've got quite a bit of power behind us because we've changed the gearbox settings now we could obviously play with the gearbox settings even more even more and even more to either make it quicker or slower with the gearbox settings you can actually see that's a little bit too slow for my liking so i'll probably play with those a bit more it's not giving us the best amount well actually the pressure is quite low so maybe our temperature no that's good let's wait for our pressure to go up a little bit more temperatures 105 on our boiler which is great we could make that higher if we wanted to so we could set this to like 120 and you'll notice the temperature goes up pressure goes up at the same time up to you on how you want to play with these settings you can also check out reverse in a few minutes see if that's working pressure's going up pressure is going up cool happy days we should be getting a lot more power out of this boat we are indeed getting a lot more power not bad not bad for a little quick setup i said you can play with the gearbox settings 9.2 temperatures 115 happy days uh let's trick out the reverse so we're going to put it in zero throttle okay so that should not be allowing any pressure now through the system which is great uh let's put it in reverse and let's put our throttle up again and we should be going backwards and we are look at that moving backwards now not a bad speed either so i definitely think playing around with the gearbox settings will help us a bit i said it's just about testing what works for you what size boat you have how heavy it is how light it is we could add more boilers to get more obviously more temperature i would add more turbines get a little more power out of this boat up to you completely up to you on how you want to use this okay if we wanted to stop just go down to zero take reverse off if we want to kill the firebox close the air valve that will now turn everything off in theory and you'll notice our temperature is starting to drop 180 170 160 etc oh i need it back on open the air valve again temperature starting to climb up you'll notice our temperature here is going slightly down not too much pressure is still 9.3 i want to go forwards okay give it a few seconds and now we're moving forwards it's a very very clean easy to use system i'm not saying this is the best system with only system this is just the way i've done it and how i do it here in stomachs you can make so many different controllers and little logics to make this work even better for you you can add some more valves here up to you once again as long as for me as long as this works this is the main thing uh i don't actually want to check what our temperatures are on our condenser not bad 58 yeah and it's dropping so that's good so the condenser with this little radiator is doing a fantastic job uh yeah looks like we've got more than enough fluid in there it's fluid here is on zero which is fine as long as it's got fluid in one of the tanks it's perfectly fine and now we have enough pressure which we do right so guys that's just a quick little video on how to build a coal powered steamboat here in stormwix uh many different ways you can do it hopefully you guys have learned something or this has been somewhat helpful so if you have enjoyed it don't forget to hit that like button and a little subscribe button until the next one we will see you then you
Channel: MrNJersey
Views: 5,728
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Stormworks, update, news, major, next, island, map, area, snow, mountain, land, friday, improvements, thumbnail, screens, monitors, radio, camera, lua, code, script, laser, distance, shark, megalodon, attack, bug, electric, battery, winch, cable, fuel, space, space engineers, seats, car, racing, pipes, rails, sonar, radar, new, audio, link, BASE, spawn, new game, game, wedges, slope, winches, connector, rope, logic, node, version 1, first look, exclusive, final, full, release, beta
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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