MASSIVE Steam Locomotive VS TSUNAMI! - Stormworks Gameplay

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alrighty hello guys welcome you faces back to another stormworks build and rescue video today we've got this massive prrt1 steam locomotive with the actual steam engine inside of it so what we're going to do today is we're actually going to get this thing moving uh we're gonna take it down the tracks and uh hopefully in the end um i don't know we'll have a good time so let's go ahead and get inside this thing and get going [Music] all right so we're gonna go ahead and open up this door right here we're then gonna grab this handle and we're gonna get inside there we go awesome we're gonna go ahead and close the door uh we do need some lights in here that would be awesome uh if we had some lights i don't know what our bus is uh light override okay sync mode interesting fr light let's just put all the lights on uh and do all of this stuff i don't know what it is but there you go key let's go and turn everything on awesome uh and we are ready to go i think okay so i think it's worth mentioning uh i've never actually tried this before but essentially we're going to go ahead and grab the coal from there and we're going to put it inside of here and that's how it's gonna work i'm not entirely sure how we go though how do we ignite the boiler i have no idea i really don't know but we'll put more than one piece of colon there we go in fact we'll put a few here we go put some more in put some more in there we go all right there we go and then how do i ignite it so key how do i ignite this thing i'm not sure wait there's stuff coming out the top already i'm i'm not sure how this works but i don't know can we go can we go control is oh here we go oh no turn the control back on is the is the fire ignited oh there we go all right cool let's actually shove a little bit more coal in here so we can actually see it piling up there we go uh and yeah we'll be ready to go in any time in fact are we moving we're not moving yet very soon though we will get going forwards uh and this light should be pretty cool all right here we go it's in the seat and off we go we're moving and off we go i don't know why it's quite so quiet because it's very very very quiet right now uh i'm not sure why that is the case but anyway uh the firebox temperature is 212 that's pretty hot our acceleration is at one our speed is 155 kilometers an hour so far uh and our water oh this is something we need to fill up on um if we want to continue with this with the steam um but that's pretty cool all right yeah no this is good we got our coal level right here as well so as it decreases uh we will have to put more coal in so let's wait for it to get to three uh and then we'll start putting more in there we go it actually dropped to three that's awesome so if i put another one of these in presumably that goes back up to four oh nice i don't know how many of these we can actually fit in here but i'm gonna go ahead and shove a load of coal in here uh and it's gonna be amazing right i think maybe possibly what number are we up to ten i think that's all it can actually store is ten yeah and you can take it out of there that's weird all right cool let's go and sit inside uh and we'll keep going all right okay so we're not actually going to the isle of dunk we are going to saw isles which is uh around here although actually we can go to the arctic if we go left here but i think we'll be staying on the right so that's all right we're going to be going right off we go all the way to soya islands i i think anyway um right okay cool oh we got a little bit of wheel spin going on not sure why why have we got wheel spin happening why has that just happened i'm confused i don't know i decided to slow down quite a lot so that it stopped uh and then we can go again all right nice yeah no this is working all right is there wheel spinning happening no we're still good all right accelerate even more yep keep it going i think what happened was we went round a corner quite quickly uh and it started losing grip as if it went around the corner that makes sense alright so one thing that nobody has actually done yet or at least i don't think anyone's done yet is actually put steam locomotive up against a tsunami yeah i don't think anyone's done that yet so that is something we are just about to do alrighty we got the wind we got the waves we've got the tsunami on its way which is actually over there as you guys can see uh and yeah i have put up some some trains against tsunamis before but this one is actually a steam locomotive and i really want to see how this works also we can't actually close the hoppers so i'm not sure if like i don't know let's say some water goes inside the coal hopper if that causes any damage or not i'm going to assume it doesn't but i really don't know all right wait how many do we have we've got three left we need to keep it going we need to keep it going come up keep piling them in all right we need at least 10 in here we need to keep it going come on come on come on all right so what are we at we're at seven three more all right there's one there's two there's three all right cool we're still at ten that is awesome also as you guys will notice this actually opens up when we get closer to it how cool is that that's that's really nice anyway tsunami is about here so let's see how this goes i did kind of want to be going into the tsunami as this happened but never mind we can't we can't actually change that just keep going i i mean this could be the point where i actually die because it hits us but um let's see how this goes come on come on it's it's testing it's important it's very very it might not be is it important yes all right here we go all right we stopped oh but we haven't quite stopped we're still going i am currently dying but that's all right uh as long as the train survives which i think it's about to oh god i might die though i'm gonna die but the train's gonna survive i died rip all right we're back at the steam locomotive and uh it is actually moving so i'm not sure what happened here but let's get inside oh there's alarms going off and everything but i i think we're okay all right silence the alarms turn this off all right there we go um okay the uh the firebox is regaining its heat okay the acceleration is still zero but that's all right all right if we do this we should start moving again uh i think yeah we are we're moving nice no it didn't actually really affect it at all uh how much coal have we got in we still got six oh we are good we're good to go uh oh i forgot to restock it my bad all right hold on wait wait wait there we go put the coal back in the fire oh my jesus okay so this is of course the downside of having a steam locomotive over i don't know let's say a diesel um you end up you end up having to restock the the coal fire uh because that's how it works but anyway let's go ahead and put these in awesome stay in this little seat and uh wait for it to go again i actually kind of want to see how fast we can actually get this thing going so the minute we're at 174 uh we are fully stocked with coal oh wait hold on add another coal here we go i don't think the fire actually goes any higher than 222 so uh this might be our max speed actually it might actually be our max speed also i don't know how much water it uses but it seems to be using quite a lot actually it seems to be using a lot of water can we go out here can i actually like oh no there's no way of me getting around uh but that's this is cool i like it you know i actually figured i would actually really really like this update but actually it turns out that i don't know like picking something up from here and putting it in here is um it's really boring actually after a little while but anyway uh we're gonna continue uh and we're gonna just go as fast as we can all the way there and uh i don't know we'll see what happens when we get there well this is creepy isn't it this is really creepy this is with fog all the way up rain all the way up and also the uh whoa the wind all the way up as well uh so we are actually going a lot slower we need to decrease this by a lot uh in order to actually stop the wheel spin uh and then we can get it going again all right yeah no this is perfect this is perfect uh i mean i don't know what tsunami is on my head there's a tsunami on my head and i'm gonna die again oh i didn't die i didn't die but everything's in black and white which makes sense because you know i'm gonna steam locomotive also we it slowed us down but it didn't stop us we're still going that's amazing all right cool we'll be our destination in no time let's go all right i see another train track over there i'm not entirely sure where we actually are uh and i'm not like a big fan of actually looking at maps so let's have a look at that outside make sure we're not wheel spinning make sure this is a full 100 uh our coal is actually out so we need to we need to restock the coal engine come on keep it going get it fired up get it fired up again come up come on we really need it to actually light itself up otherwise we're gonna go slower and slower and slower until we die but anyway let's keep it going there we go keep it filled up keep it filled up uh what are we at we're 116. nice all right cool oh it looks like we're actually maybe here so that's good we should decelerate okay we should slow it down or should we just not oh god wait does it not oh we are slowing down okay awesome now let's speed up let's speed up come on we got this yes speed power speed and power go go go i don't actually know how the brakes work but here we go here we go we're here we're gonna crunch we're gonna crunch oh it wasn't even that bad it wasn't actually that bad let me out oh god all right there we go nice all right we made it perfect that is actually so much less damage than i thought there would be i'm not gonna lie that is a lot less damage than i thought there would be but um yeah that was that was it that was pretty cool uh next time i think what we'll do is we'll end up actually attaching something to the back of one of these uh and actually transporting something because that makes a lot of sense but anyway i'm gonna go and end this video here for now if you guys want to check out this awesome awesome locomotive uh it will be linked down below uh and you guys can check it out for yourselves anyway thank you for watching see you in the next one goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Frantic
Views: 6,620
Rating: 4.9581881 out of 5
Keywords: Stormworks
Id: n8WRDg2-Uws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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