Adding doors! - Stormworks Boeing 747 build (#9)

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hey yo what is going on guys welcome back to another video in today's video what we're going to be doing is well we're going to be working on our buying 7.47 so with that said let's go ahead get right into the video so guys in this video i what we're gonna do is we're going to add doors and all that hopefully we can get doors set apart and yeah that's the main goal for this episode alone last episode we finished the cockpit well mostly um but yeah so in this episode we're gonna try and fit all the doors with all the sides well all the doors necessary for the sides i should say um so in between this episode and the last episode what i did was i actually basically added two blocks to the fuselage right here added two blocks of height so this part right here oh actually two blocks up here but one down here so the fuselage is now one block taller on the bottom part and the gear now has a locking mechanism so that it doesn't have like a death wobble on the ground so basically as soon as the gear goes down and compresses all the way it attaches to right here and it also um yeah it also just attaches to it to be more stable when we're on the ground so we can actually handle heavier loads so i also made the frontline gear functional last time it wasn't oh that was a lot of zone um last time it wasn't actually functional so this time it is so as soon as i press play it's going to fold up just like that and that yeah um i retract my statement on it being functional uh that's odd i didn't change much no yeah i totally forgot to fix this a little bit right here so yeah basically i completely redid the bottom of the fuselage so i forgot to re-merge the doors to the proper placing so yeah let me do that really quick okay now it's fixed okay so now it's just gonna fold away just like that perfecto wow that's um that worked just fine okay so yeah that's all that's all for the gear um actually it looks really pretty awesome i really like that um okay so this episode we're actually gonna do the doors let me double check yeah that's all good that that's kind of messy but yeah we'll also have to fix these few blocks here later on but uh the main priority for this episode is going to be doors i know i've said that like five times now that now that it's been like three or four minutes into the episode um now let's get started okay so we're gonna do a the first door about eleven windows back so one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven so the first door is going to be right here already made a marker since you know why not i was bored trying to figure out what's due for this episode so yeah the first door is going to be right here it's going to be seven blocks tall so we need to make a seven block hole just like that okay then the next one oh boy this one's going to be a little bit further back okay instead of counting the actual windows i think i'm just going to do it immediately right in front of the wing so right here and here is going to be the next one so let's go ahead delete that then right here we'll just make a three by seven a little bit of a whole three by seven hole okay then the next one is going to be a emergency exit right here this will be for emergencies only so we're going to save ourselves a little bit of time and just add a basic track connector right here so this will be the emergency door release so yeah we'll just place this here just like that okay it's going to be black at the moment well actually we can't really change the colors can be a dark gray which is roughly 87 87 87 for the rgb now we need to do another door so we're going to add a door probably i want to say right here but it's kind of odd placement i think we'll actually oh you know what we could do we could just move these uh wedges up to be a little bit further forward so yeah let's just um so actually i think we could just simply just drag it just like that i didn't really change much did it um actually these don't even have to be that type of wedge it could be this type right here and it wouldn't really matter too much so yeah that's going to be that now we have now we'll have space for a door we'll add a door right here [Music] um yeah so this will be the rear door so it's going to be from right here so this will be a by seven block door and yeah we'll just place the floor a little bit right here now there's gonna be a bunch of galleys right here for the passenger variant of it um is this three by seven yeah that's three by seven okay just double checking okay so now that we have most of the bottom floors we're also going to add one just about right here so this will be i would say right here this is where the door is going to be so we need to make a little bit of a hole and also we need to fill this in i totally forgot to do that so this is seven blocks yes okay that's seven blocks right there those are our bottom doors now we need to add one top door which will be about halfway back or just just below just before halfway so right about here so let's go ahead delete these this is going to be um i don't think i don't think it's going to be a emergency exit just really quick i want to go ahead and clear this top area up a little bit so yeah let's just simply delete that actually those don't need to be deleted right there we'll delete this right here all the way just like that okay then from the sides actually so we're gonna delete this right here all the way till here there we go and then we'll just place a wall right here okay so that is a wall well yes it is a wall but this is going to be the cabin area for the top you guys already know this um so the door is going to be seven blocks tall so the seventh block will be right here so i think i think this is seven blocks right here let me double check um yep seven block hook okay so actually i think if i move it up a block it'll be less blocks um interfered so i think all we all will have to do is just place a little stair right here this right here will be seven blocks so yeah all i have to move is just these wedges right here i feel like it's um i feel like i'm not really making sense but this this is the only set of wedges that will have to move so it's only going to have to be three wedges three well two bigger wedges and one smaller wedge so the door is going to swing forward so let's go ahead grab a robotic pivot and we'll go ahead and place the pivot along all the doors so let's go ahead and grab the pivot and just place it right here for the other doors so yeah let's do that really quickly this will be here as well i'll have to place it for this one as well same with right here okay so that's going to be it for the doors now we're going to grab a light color of gray and we'll just place it around the framing of the actual doors so yeah we're just going to paint around the frame just like this and the inside frame as well just like that okay that is one door i think we'll actually do the interior as well just like that so that'll be fine right there we're gonna do the next frame so yeah let's just paint around just like this let's paint the interior as well just like that okay oh i painted the engine a little bit let's go ahead and now paint the exterior so it matches the interior and we'll just paint down around just like that all right so that's two we need two more oh three more actually well technically four more but that one's a emergency exit so yeah we'll just go ahead and simply paint just like this just around the frame just like that okay let's paint this little bit right here as well we'll paint that and let's do the final one the back one actually not the final one we still have one more which is the top and then a emergency exit so yeah let's just paint around just like that i think this is almost good we just got to paint this a little bit right here i think the um the mirrored wedges little bug is still active and so we'll have to go to the other side and yeah it's still there so let's fix that right there okay so now let's go to the top just right here and now let's paint this this is going to be a little bit more paint than the other ones so we'll just start painting just like this we'll paint like that just around the frame and the edges so yeah we'll just paint paint paint and paint okay so let's go ahead and paint this inner frame as well just like that okay and let's grab a stair this one right here the stair top and we'll just place it right here okay let's paint the inner part of this gray as well just like that and yeah then we'll be good um now we need to do the emergency exit which will be just a light gray frame around it so let's do that really quick yep okay let's just paint just like that and that should be fine so now let's actually add the doors so actually what we need to do for this emergency exit we actually need to rotate it slightly 90 degrees to the right and we'll do the same on the other side so let's just go ahead cut it and paste it just like that 90 degrees okay now we're going to place a couple regular blocks right here actually we need a window here um so this right here for our emergency exit we'll just go ahead and cut this and we'll paste it just like that so let's go ahead actually and add a handle uh handle this one right here and we'll just place it right here okay let's go ahead and copy this actually let's go ahead grab this little bit now we'll copy it because we need the handle itself too and we'll just paste it and we don't merge that to anything it'll grab oh actually you know what speaking of which i need to actually have a connector a track connector a sliding track grip connector is the official name um i need to place it on here so it can actually connect to the magnets so it's not you know broken so it doesn't just hang loose so now what we'll do is we'll just simply add doors so let me add a toggle button right here a double sided toggle button and then a one by one window which is right here just like that and maybe a handle so i'll add the handle on the inner side just like that okay now i will go ahead and grab this little bit right here i'll go over to the other side i'll go over the door and i think yeah i got it okay so we're just going to simply move it up to here and we'll paste it then we'll go back to the other doors in the back and we'll just simply paste it as well and then right here we will paste it as well okay so let's simply merge these just like that okay let's do the same over here okay then up here those are merged already because those were the original doors right here we'll just merge these and these okay so oh right i forgot we got to do the top door really quick so let's do that really quick um let's go ahead and grab this little bit of wedge right here okay we also need this 1x2 edge we'll just place that there and then we'll place this right here and this wedge right here okay then we'll add a simple uh one by one window for looking out we'll just place it here let's grab a toggle button this one right here okay let's grab a compact numerical switch box which if you guys don't know is a micro my it's a custom microcontroller that i have that is basically a numerical switch box and a toggle button and a constant one that's all it is so let's go ahead and connect it to the door really quickly just like this and then we'll connect the door to the toggle button same with right here we'll just do that and that's one door and a few more to go actually we've got to finish painting it okay so for this door we're going gonna go to right below it and we're going to have this little compact numerical switch box and yeah we'll just connect the logic up just like that um okay that's so that's the front door let's do a few more doors so yeah let's just put this right here connect that to that this to that and then same with the other side we'll connect this to here and then this to here okay we have two more doors to go so we'll just place this here and here then i'll do the logic on one go so yeah let's just connect this to here this here this to here as well as this right here to there now we need to connect this to there and that there then finally we need to connect this to here then this to here um i think yeah that's it so now what we need to do is we need to save this as boeing 747 um yt renewed or we'll do we'll just do yt new 2021 doors okay let's save it and let's spawn it in and test it out see if all the doors work if they don't work then that is a problem that we'll have to fix but if they do all work and they're all merged properly that'll be great and that'll probably be the end of the episode yep so that's a problem um okay so i think that's just a hitbox problem so we'll have to figure that out in a second so let's open this one yeah that's also a hitbox problem just checking if the problem is constant which it is um i like the view that's pretty cool okay let's open this check okay that's good actually let's leave it open let's open all the doors to see if they all work we're not gonna be checking the emergency exits exit doors because you know um we don't have all the logic connected connected for that because we need to the we need to do the cockpit um to actually enable that to work so um all the doors look like they're working yes that is all right okay that's true let's go ahead and start on fixing the upper doors so this is going to go to here i have a solution i think if we just place this here and place this merged with this it'll rotate on its hinges and potentially it won't get caught on the hitboxes but we'll have to double check um okay so i think if this doesn't work i actually have another solution i just thought of so this doesn't work i have a solution so let's go back to the workbench um okay so let's go ahead and actually i think if we load the other uh save file um it'll undo our step what we just did yes it did okay so now the solution is very simple all we're going to do is we're just going to move this over a block and we'll just simply merge this with this and that with that okay then we'll re-add the frame right here and we'll paint this little pivot back to the original color that it was before and so the thinking process behind this little bit is if this pivot if the pivot point of the door is right here this right here is going to be caught right here now since this is a block forward the rotating point will be further away from here this is going to swing wider this is going to swing and this theoretically should be equivalent to right here or sorry right here one of these two blocks when it's opened so yeah let's go ahead and save it actually let's not save it yet just in case it doesn't work um so yeah we'll just spawn it in and theoretically it should work so now that it's spawned in let's go to the top deck and yes i was right the pivot point is further out and so since uh since the pivot point is further out this is further up fell since the pivot points further out it's going to swing wider and this is going to swing further out when it does actually rotate and yeah it's a swung if that's even word um i swung further than the actual hitboxes that it was merging with originally so that is good very good so i actually want to see what this looks like with the door with everything closed and all that um with this door closed as well um yeah so let's see what it looks like oh wow that that is looking absolutely fabulous ah wow this is this is gorgeous i'm i'm actually really impressed with this i really like this this is looking great so far so um yeah what i think i'm gonna do now is i think i'm gonna end the episode here so um i think next episode i'll either get started with cockpit or i'll probably do that in between episodes um so next episode i think we're gonna actually start with getting well actually episode the next episode we'll probably just do like lighting and all that lighting for navigation taxiing strobes beacons um interior lights i think we'll do as well so yeah we'll do interior lights next episode as well as all the lighting systems um i think yeah we'll probably do that then the next episode after that which we probably might do electrical or we'll just get started with the logic in general so yeah what i'm going to do now is i'm going to end the episode here so thank you guys all so much for watching don't forget to like subscribe and join the discord it'll be linked down below and while you're at it you might as well turn on notifications so you're notified every single time i upload so with that said i will see you guys in the next episode so yeah bye for now
Channel: Josh J Gaming
Views: 654
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Keywords: boeing 747, boeing, 747, stormworks, stormworks boeing 747, stormworks b 747, stormworks 747, stormworks build, stormworks building, stormworks build and rescue boeing 747, building, building landing gear, building landing gear in stormworks, building in stormworks, building in stormworks build and rescue, stormworks plane, stormworks airplane, stormworks airliner, flaps, spoilers, aviation, airplane
Id: Zar2rkm7UpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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