Building a REAL Steam Train!!!! - Stormworks

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome back to another stormworks video in this video we're going to be using some of the new components that we just got with the last major update we're going to be using those to build a steam locomotive here in game something really cool so with that all said let's get straight into the workbench and let's get started now for this little video we're just going to be building a very very simple train it's not going to look absolutely amazing we're not gonna be doing any detailing however we're going to go through all the different components how you can get it all piped up how you can do all the logic and then hopefully by the end you'll have a working steam locomotive here in game so the first thing we want to do is we want to start off by getting our symmetry mode on that allows us to build on both sides of our train now the next thing i'm going to do is i'm actually just going to build a little bit of a base you guys don't have to follow along and build exactly the same bases i'm doing i'm just building a very very basic base here so we can add our components on top of that so now that i've got a little long piece here i'm going to go underneath i'm going to add some actual trained wheels very simple make sure the arrow is pointing forwards because obviously that's the direction that we're going for this video i'm just gonna add three once again you don't have to add three you could add one you could add two it's completely up to you once you've got that i'm actually going to just go and lower this ever so slightly by one block just over there and now that we've got that we can actually decide where we want our base to be where we're going to be driving the train from and i'm going to be doing it from the back here so let's just go and make a little bit of a platform just over here we can get rid of these extra blocks at the back that we no longer need once we've got that i'm going to be adding on a furnace or a firebox so we can go and get it we can use either a large one or a small one up to you i'm just going to be using the small one for this video so we're going to add that on let's say just over here nice right in the center once we got that on we can also add some tanks uh the tanks will provide fluid now we've spoken about this a few times in the last couple videos you don't have to use a tank and also you can use any size tank depending on how much fluid you give your boiler will depend on how much pressure it creates now you can give it unlimited amount of fluid which means that your pressure will continue to rise because it continues to generate steam that means you need to have some way to get rid of your excess fluid excess steam and that will use a blow valve or release valve for uh something i usually recommend when you're building with steam and also with coal you're in game now we're going to for the purpose of this video let's use two medium-sized tanks and we can just slot them in somewhere where we'll have access to them so somewhere nice and easy for example let's do just over here hopefully out of the way a little bit so that works for me perfectly fine once we've got that on we can add some more components on so for example we are going to need a boiler at some stage so i'm going to add a boiler in right now now where you want to place this once again is completely up to you i'm gonna try and place it over here we'll see how much space we have we have water in which is perfect uh we have our what do we have here top coolant okay that's perfectly fine too and then we should have our steam out just over here i would probably recommend when you're placing this down to maybe rotate the ports to the bottom that way you can come underneath here and you actually have access to those ports but once again up to you this is not meant to be for style it's meant to be completely full function now that we have our steam boiler we're actually going to go and get a turbine that's how we can convert our steam into actually torque that we can use in our train wheels so once again i'm going to place it over here i'm going to rotate it so that it faces the pipes downwards so if we go underneath here now you should be able to see that we have our pipes just over there i want to check i've got talk there i also have talk over there now along with that we will need some way of converting our actual excess steam back into liquid so that we can do a loop system so we don't run out of fluid at some stage so for that we're going to use a condenser so grab a condenser once again place it down wherever you want in your creation we could face it down like this up to you on how you want to work with this i'm going to delete a couple of these blocks and let's place it just over here okay so you can see now we've got our firebox we have our boiler we have our turbine and we have a little condenser okay now we need to do is we can start actually getting a little bit of a system running so we can control all of this so i'm just going to go and build a couple blocks over here and that way i can go and put some buttons and some brothel levers and a few other things like that so we're going to have access to that next thing we're going to need some coal now you don't have to put a little box on top of this you could have some boxes here at the back that way you can manually do it so for the purpose of this video let's add some boxes at the back uh that way we can manually shovel coal into the firebox which is pretty cool i think so let's go and add that on we can use some ducks we could use some hoppers completely up to us let's add on three hoppers here at the back okay and that will allow us to manually go and hopefully go and put them inside there i'm also just building up my little cabin here a little bit just to give it a little bit more detailing cool so now that we've got that on we can continue working everything let's get the piping done next so the first thing we want to do is we're going to do our exhaust and our air for our actual firebox now the air is really simple you can just go here and put a simple fluid port on that now if you wanted to stop your firebox from actually burning you could cut the air supply off and that should then stop your firebox from burning so that's another way you could do it uh exhaust let's go and do the exhaust part of this so i'm actually just going to run the exhaust straight across here and then possibly up here in the front so we've got our exhaust coming at the front of our train so to do that i'm just gonna go and use some pipes and i'll meet you guys back when i've got the pipes up great so i've just finished doing the pipes you can see it just comes directly from the fire box all the way through here and then i'm just going to go and put a simple alt on top of that you could use an exhaust instead um once again completely up to you on how you want to do that exhaust i'm doing at the front just to make it look cool uh once we've got that on we actually have our coolant okay so we've got coolant in we've got coolant out that's what's actually going to be heating up our boiler okay so what we're going to do is we need to connect it over to these pieces over here and that's where we need to connect that up so once again i'm actually going to be turning symmetry mode on i'm going to come out of my actual fire box i'm going to come along here i'm going to come across and then we're going to go straight like that and then eventually down into our little boiler that we have over here so i'm just going to connect that all up so we're just going to use some straight pieces just like that and i'm going to turn symmetry mode off i'm going to connect this one i'm going to turn this one turn this one here and simply just go and get that connected one in and one out very simple like that so now we've got the coolant done we've got the exhaust done and we've got the air done the next thing we're going to do is we're going to do our water in okay so that's coming from our fluid tanks that are over here now we could actually not put them here and that way we could make use of the in and out or both ports on them once again up to you if you want to make use of both ports uh for this video let's just make use of one of those ports okay so we're going to put some trimmer back on i'm going to bring it up to here i'm going to add a t piece for our condenser for later on and over here i'm just going to go and bring it in like this and add another t piece just over here okay so that's coming from our tanks which make sure they are set to fresh water okay and that's going to go into our boiler our boiler is getting actually heated up by our fire box and it's going to come through here and we now have steam so with the steam we can go down into our little turbine so we can go down like this all the way until we get our steam in now you can see the steaming is on that side so what i can do is i can actually just grab this i can click on cut and i can rotate that round to make sure that i've got my ports on the right side of where i actually want them it's going to put a block here and make sure to merge those two things together just like that cool so now we can go and connect these pipes so steam in coming from our little boiler that we have over here connect this all together like so and grab a little corner pipe there and that's connected now we have got our talk that comes out of here now either comes out of there or it comes out of here it's up to you and where it comes out you can use both you can actually use it for a generator system completely up to you for the purpose of this video i'm just going to be taking it out of this back one just over here i'm going to go down i recommend maybe using some gear boxes that would be a very useful idea here uh once again up to you on how many you need depending on how big your train is or how much low you're planning on carrying with it once again completely up to you we're going to get that connected let's bring this all the way across and we're going to go and put it into this little train piece over here now let's go and add a gearbox we're just going to add one gearbox facing towards our actual turbine so just like that make sure i click on it and i'm just going to go and change my ratio just over here that should give us a little bit more talk out of our boiler and also the train should hopefully go a little quicker once we've got that we now have actually got our steam out that we need to deal with now we could as i've spoken about already we could add a simple steam port here or food ports that gets rid of all the steam but we want to use it again to carry on heating up our boiler okay so we're going to come out of here and we're going to go into our little condenser which is over here so i'm going to go and connect these pipes together simply by using some corner pieces some stray pieces once again as i said earlier guys this is not meant to look the prettiest this is mostly only for function not for detailing so we're going to connect that all up there connect that there and we're going to connect all this over here really nice and simple so far great so now that we've got that connected we now have got our actual fluid out okay or water out that we want to get back into our tanks over here and that's why i made this little t piece just over here so we're going to go and connect that up once again just putting some simple pipes here connecting it all the way and we're going to connect it over to that little fluid port or water port that we have from our condenser okay so we're going to get that connected just like that and there we go the last thing we need to do is we need to have some cooling for our condenser so i think the cooling is underneath so we're going to go and get that done you can see here we've got these ports up to you on how you want to get this connected for the purpose of this video i'm just going to add a simple little heat radiator and i'm going to put it over here rotate it and there we go that should now be connected to our condenser nothing special very straightforward so now that we have all of this we need some way of actually operating it now of course when we light our actual little fire box we don't want straight away just go forwards we want some way of controlling our throttle now there's a couple different ways you can do this way i like to do it is i like to go and add a throttle lever like i'm doing right now adding a simple throttle lever just over here or above the fire box up to you and where you want to add it and what we're going to be doing is we're going to using a valve on our actual steam that's coming out of our boiler okay so the steam that's coming out of here we're going to go and put a simple valve over here and that should now allow us to go and control how much steam is going into our turbine make sure when you place this down you do have the correct in and out ports on it okay it does have a way that you have to put it okay so make sure you have it in the right direction now all we have to do is connect that little throttle lever over into our little valve over here okay that will now allow us to control how much steam we're letting from the boiler into our turbine now the problem is that our pressure might stop building up in our actual boiler here so what we want to do is we want to have a release valve now i've spoken about this before and we're going to simply just go and get a simple on off valve once again placing it down like here and make sure you've got it in the right direction and we're going to go and add a simple little art port we could face this up if we wanted to actually i think that's probably a better idea let's face it up make it look a little better so we're going to go up like this we're going to go and get that valve again place it on here make sure it's in the right direction that's out yes it is and we're just going to angle it up like this and we're going to add a fluid port at the top there now we need some way of obviously controlling that valve and that's we're going to use a threshold gate for simple threshold gate you can place it anywhere on your creation that you want and what we're going to do is we're going to connect the pressure from our boiler over into it click on the threshold gate and say hey if my pressure is let's say above 8 and anywhere to 999 then this sends an on signal and please release some pressure from our system which is releasing steam from our system okay so that's that's one way of how you control it i said you can add as many tanks as you want and theory as it starts building up pressure will start releasing the steam out which is a nice cool way cool so now we've got that we also need some way of turning our steam box on and off so for that we're just gonna grab a simple push button add that on our creation and that will allow us to turn it on and off okay so you can go here and say this is start firebox perfect as i said if you want a way to turn your firebox on and off you can add another one of these valves over onto the airport and you can then stop or allow air to come in or out okay so for example i can go and add that here add a fluid port there okay and this way we can grab a toggle now for example and put this on and we could say okay stop or allow air allow air into fire box perfect and make sure that gets connected over to our control valve over here the push button can connect it over to the ignition of the firebox very very simple if you want to change the throttle sensitivity you can do that too so let's put like 15 and that's just going to be our simple throttle over here i would also recommend adding another throttle lever possibly for your brakes of your train okay so if you go over here you can say hey start at one please uh sensitivity like 50 and this is going to be our breaks of our train you can connect those over to the simple brakes on your actual assemblies of your train wheels very once again very straightforward there and you can add some more features if you wanted to onto this so some more dials to check what your pressure is uh maybe check how much fluid you have left you can add quite a few of these dials you can even add something for your speed if you wanted to completely up to you so let's go and add a few of these let's say this one is for coal tell us how much coal we have maybe this one is for pressure great maybe this one let's see what else can we add we could maybe add up the boiler temp and maybe the fire box temp perfect okay so we've got four different things that we can get connected so pressure goes up to the pressure our coal goes over to the coal level temperature of the boiler goes up to temperature and five bucks goes up to five bucks so really straight forwards there uh what else do we need well we need a battery for all those levers and things so you can go and add a battery somewhere on your creation i'm gonna add one right over there don't need a big one small one should be more than enough make sure you get everything connected to the electricity i'm quickly doing this by holding down control make sure your valves have got electricity too and your little gearbox there in the front you could add lights on this as i said you could add a generator over here very simply by taking a generator and adding it just over there okay very easy to go and do that and that's pretty much all you need for a very very simple little train build let's go and spawn this in and let's see if it's actually going to work so spawning it in doesn't look too bad with a little bit of detailing a little bit of cleaning up of the pipes and things this could look like a really cool train so we're going to go and get in now currently we don't actually have a way to get in without any ladders we don't have any seats in here so another cool thing you could do is just go and add like two little seats here so seats and padded seats over here another one over there that way you can actually sit down and you can see your train while you're moving along which is quite nice so let's go and get inside here we can use our seat now to get in like this and we're now inside we can see our pressure our coal our boiler temperature and our firebox temperature now if we try to light this up it won't actually turn on because there's no coal in here so we go to the coal we press e and we start putting some coal inside of our firebox this is what i think is really cool is manually being able to do this you can now see our call levels five if we press this it will go and get started okay very simply like that but hold on have a look it's actually dying it won't start that's because remember we haven't toggled our little valve here to allow air into this fire box so we're going to activate that then we can turn it on and now this should maintain its heat as you can see it's doing okay cool brakes are on throttle is at zero in theory this should now start heating up and it should start producing some actual steam okay any excess steam should go out of that little valve or little food port that we have just above the boiler so you can see we've got exhaust coming from our fire box which is perfect we're going to wait for our temperature to go up to 100 once it goes up to 100 uh inside of our boiler then we start producing pressure in our system okay so i'm gonna wait for it to go up to 100 degrees and i'll meet you guys back once that's done all right so our boiler temperature is just about to get up to 100 degrees and as soon as it does it should start producing pressure now we can actually keep an eye on the pressure and hopefully if that goes or exceeds over our threshold which we set on our actual train early on it should start releasing any excess steam that it doesn't need from its system so watch the pressure if it starts shooting up and it goes way too high we should see a little bit of actual steam coming out of our fluid port just over here so let's keep an eye on that versus building up four five six seven eight and have a look eight and now it's releasing its pressure because there's too much in there and that's how we're losing fluid now so as i said you could use as much fluid as you want and then anything that's excess it's actually going to get rid of it now that it's let all that excess out we're good to go it's going to maintain that nice steady pressure around 7.8 as you can see over here we're pretty much all good to go all we need to do is get rid of our brakes we can actually sit down if we want to and we can start increasing our throttle and we should start moving forwards as soon as we increase that look at that we're moving forwards our pressure is staying more or less the same you can see it's going down a little bit but it should start going back up in a few minutes we can start moving forwards once again keep on moving forwards increase throttle even more and more and we're going to go quicker and quicker and quicker pressure 7.47 happy days and now we're moving forwards there's a little steam train okay just like that really really simple very easy we got obviously all of our coal exhaust coming out we're doing a really good speed actually now we could play around with those gear boxes get more speed get less b we could add another boiler we could add another turbine up to you on how big you want your train this is i would probably say about a medium-sized train not too large not too small either um but hopefully very very simple make sure you obviously keep an eye on your coal level we've already used three coal so to get everything started so make sure that you are loading in some coal into this to make sure that boiler and the fire box continues to run okay you can see it's actually going down and going down and going down now we could let's imagine we we stopped over now and we put the brakes on and let's imagine we don't need the call box or the fire box anymore we could stop the air into it and that should not actually start dropping its temperature in a few seconds yeah have a look at that it's starting to die because we've stopped the air and the temperature is dropping down now so that's a quick way how to turn this on and turn the system off so guys that's pretty much about it for this little video i hope you have enjoyed this and a lot of you guys have been asking me about uh the train that we did for the update video and this is pretty much it uh i said go and try and do this yourself and then maybe play around with the detailing add some cool little detailing a little roof on here maybe enclose this play around with pipes uh maybe add a little carriage here for all your extra coal uh but yeah have fun with it and i think this is really fun to have a real working steam train here in game so if you have enjoyed it smash that like button if you don't miss any of my future content make sure you hit the subscribe button and if you want to get notified as soon as i release my videos make sure you click the little bell icon and until next one we will see you then [Music] you
Channel: MrNJersey
Views: 20,084
Rating: 4.9519649 out of 5
Keywords: Stormworks, update, news, major, next, island, map, area, snow, mountain, land, friday, improvements, thumbnail, screens, monitors, radio, camera, lua, code, script, laser, distance, shark, megalodon, attack, bug, electric, battery, winch, cable, fuel, space, space engineers, seats, car, racing, pipes, rails, sonar, radar, new, audio, link, BASE, spawn, new game, game, wedges, slope, winches, connector, rope, logic, node, version 1, first look, exclusive, final, full, release, beta
Id: DYkijG4dYz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 5sec (1385 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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