Hauling Coal With a Steam Locomotive!! - Stormworks

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome back to another stormworks video in this video we're going to be checking out a whole bunch of creations and we're going to be hauling some coal from the north terminal over to one of the north or the east islands here in stormworks now we're going to be looking at these creations now some of them had a look at the meridian some of them are brand new to me and they look absolutely incredible some of these creations now we're going to be using the enhanced resource training that we have look at in the top five this is adds uh some buildings and some just a better feel to the whole coal mechanics here in stormworks in terms of resource now we also have some hoppers we're going to be loading up and we've got a beautiful steam locomotive that i found over on the workshop uh along with that we've also got a little bit of a uh transporter so we can actually head up to the mine if we need to to get some more coal just in case and then we could bring it and we could dump it over here uh using our little truck it's actually got a little bit of a flatbed at the back so let me show you guys what how this one works so at the back you'll load the coal through the hoppers there and you can actually raise the spot up and it drops it at the back it's so cool i really really cool design on that one okay so we actually don't need this right now so what we're going to do is we're going to start by getting the steam locomotive up and running and then we can start after that is start loading our coal into the hoppers now we should be able to start loading the first one so i'm actually going to head over there right now and while we get our steam train going we'll start loading so let's just head over here uh let's do the funnel now if we were in career mode we would have to pay for this but because we're not we don't have to so i'm going to do two plus so that should start loading it quite quickly and we're going to head to the slogan better now this thing looks absolutely gorgeous the crate has done a fantastic job with this open up the front here beautiful just nice and clean so good already knows the devs out of some new wheels for us or some new bogeys okay so we're going to jump inside now if i'm correct this one is manual loading so you actually have to load the call from that into the firebox uh similar to my examples which is pretty cool so you can see we get that we can load load load and we can just keep on loading that's all manual we should be enough with that much there uh what else do we have okay so we've got a ignite steam valve heat control regulator brakes we'll get the brakes on regulator will be forwards and backwards heat control how much heat goes from the fire box i'm guessing to the boiler i've also got steam valve so we'll get those things open up just now everything else looks good heat control let's set that to like 0.3 reverser water intake emergency release lights we've got 175 at the moment now i think we can load extra water yeah we can at the back and the cool thing about the enhanced resource training is you'll see there is actually some area here for us to grab some more water or fluid if we need to cool so this thing is still looks like it's still loading up with coal it's almost about there i would say i don't have any way to tell now these hoppers are also really nice okay i think we're at the i think we've got too much in there now so let's turn these off these are also cool because they have like little shoots here on the side that go from here down through the shoots which is nice they've got buttons over here that you can toggle once they're connected in a line i will be leaving links by the way to all these creations in the video description so if you want to check them out definitely go and do that some of these things look really cool okay so first hopper is loaded our steam locomotive is currently starting up so let's see what's going on in here so five bucks temp is a hundred well the temp is 23 so let's open up our heat for the boiler that should mean start actually producing some steam and some pressure you can see that's going up now now we can keep an eye on our pressure we don't want that to go over 9 or 10 30 10 is the explosion as i'm going to keep an eye on my heat control here i'm also going to get my steam valve open and now that way i hopefully i can control this temperature and also regulate this together and hopefully also not lose too much steam don't want to lose too much steam okay cool so that's going that temperature's going up this thing looks so cool you can see out there horn i'm sure there was a horn somewhere that you could pull lights pressure release their horn on the side no maybe not maybe there's no horn that's disappointing i would love to see i'd love to see something it looks so cool really really nice okay let's see what else we have so jump back inside using the seat here and let's go up and into that seat i'm guessing this is the main control seat whereas this is like a passenger one uh temperature is going up which is good pressure is still zero we slowly bring that temperature up using this heat control we could bring it higher if we wanted to so if you put it back to one you would see that temperature goes way up much quicker because i'll actually fire boxes at a much higher temp so you can see that's going up now let's just bring that back down to like 0.4 i think it's good remember every time we release pressure using the emergency valve we're losing fluid in our system which means we're in the future we can't get that much more pressure again uh so we need to get more fluid so we need to keep an eye on that stuff okay so you can see the temperature is not going up so heat control is actually working really well so let's get our temp up cool once we get up to 100 we'll start producing some pressure yep there we go let's get this back down now to like 0.7 don't want our pressure to go too high cool and i guess we can start moving at the same time so let's get our regulator let's get our brakes off you can see we are definitely moving get our temp down a bit that looks perfect for temp there pressure is still going up we are moving forwards look at that going really quick actually we don't have any load on so it's fine okay so we're going to head off here that looks beautiful head off we'll go through the different tracks and then we'll do reverse and we'll go pick up those hoppers now pressure is still going up which is fine temperature is more or less fine still i'm actually pretty happy with all of that at the moment we can probably start slowing down in a few seconds because we're going to start reversing so let's get our regulator down pressure is still building let me get our temperature down a bit here okay we're going past the last track here and we can probably get our brakes on reverser on keep an eye on the pressure regulator brakes let's go in reverse now hey we should be going backwards now we are perfect look at that so cool and you can see the little steam coming out there too oh that's nice so cool uh what's our pressure yeah pressure is at four we're losing a bit of pressure but that's fine because my temperature is quite low as you can see here we get up a little bit i'm not too worried about our pressure at the moment because we're just shunting but once we actually start moving we need to keep an eye on that i'm just dropping my regulated speed down ever so slightly brakes are at zero that's perfect pressure is absolutely perfect now i'm happy with that you can see our temperature is also dropping so we could probably get more temperature on that if we wanted to keep an eye on our coal coal's actually a three so that is a problem we have to do quite a few things at the same time here so we're gonna get some more coal and get that loaded in don't want to run out of any coal here uh we should be going quite nice and slowly so i'll get a regulator off and then oh yeah we actually got plenty of space still so let's go back some more and start loading some more coal not a fun job i can't be i guess but um i need to do it at some point oh i fell down let's get some more coal in there get our seats i think our coal is full now okay let's go back to our seat we are coming back into reverse pressure is still good connected to our first hopper let's keep on going backwards we'll connect all the different hoppers that we have don't want to go too quick don't wanna but we do need to make sure that we get connected to everything properly there we go okay so that one is connected and i'm hoping the last one is two we're gonna get the brakes off we're going to sorry brakes on regulator off then your reverser off we're going to go forwards a bit get the regulator up start moving forward so our first hopper is loaded we need to do our second third and fourth hopper so we're just going to slowly go forwards here it looks like it's the last hopper connected it is okay so all of our hoppers are properly connected which is great we're just going to move forwards a bit here not too much speed because obviously we don't i always shoot the line here we've done our first one let's get a little more speed on this pressure is still really low so we're not going to get the best speed out of our train at the moment but that i think it's probably good so slowing ourselves down but this is actually perfect just for what we're doing right now just moving things into place okay so we're nearly there and i think while we're while we're waiting and we while we actually load the last upper we can actually maybe put some more fluid or some more water into our tender at the back that could be a cool little thing to do let's go forwards ever so slightly again make sure we hit that last one perfectly fine almost almost there let's get the brakes on brakes will take a little bit of time to react so that's cool i didn't have a remote controller with me today so i can't remote do this but that could be a cool way of doing this okay so that one's not loading which is perfect we're going to wait for that one to load look at that i told you you could do this like a year ago in stormwix i wouldn't think this would be possible this is really cool i mean all these creations are just running spectacularly absolutely amazing i haven't had any issues i think the locomotive is a little bit of a learning curve but once you get used to it totally fine cool the only thing i would like to see is i don't know if the crater has enough but some way of reading how much coal we have inside here you can see it is going up so it's almost full now i think how much cool does this one have let's go and check what i'm doing by the way do this just page up okay so this has got 602 which is almost which of our fill so you can do that maybe there's a dial something around here that tells us i didn't see one that's the only thing i would like to see and there's these handles here which you can actually drop you can actually drop the coal through the shoots so if you press that you can see the call shoots out there which is pretty cool let me pick up some of this gold but i don't see any dials or anything to see how much call we have inside but that's fine maybe it's uh done via the composites okay so how are we i think we're still filling up let's check should be about 600 oh i ain't got 200. still got a while to go i think let's check on this side maybe it's got more oh yeah this one's got 500 okay so it must be split in the yeah i said split into two different sections you got this hopper here and this hopper over here so we're filling up this one more which is okay we're not going to fill them up 100 in any case uh cool let's get that off let's go and move forward a bit actually how about pressure still all right i didn't check that oh release release that was that was very good timing very very good timing let's actually release a little bit more pressure i think i don't know how that i had that good timing let's go forwards a bit start using some of this pressure cool so we'll just start sneaking forwards here pressure is going down which is fine blue looks like it's good to open our regulator a little bit more regulator off that's almost fine pressure is still dropping let's keep our heat control down low brakes on jump out again and let's do the next one okay so that looks like it's lined up nice and easy cool that is now going and loading great let's go back to our locomotive keep an eye on our pressure again okay so it is dropping which is fine now what we could do considering we are right next to the water tower we could actually light up some more fluid but i think we're full so we're actually full so i don't need to worry about that too much everything's good power is good steam we haven't got any steam going through at the moment everything's good we're obviously dropping pressure because we're dropping temperature so that's just something to keep in mind cool how are we let's go and check on this one we still got one more so guys i'm gonna finish loading up these two more uh hoppers here and i'll meet you guys back once that's done all right so we're just finishing uploading the last hopper i'm actually going to turn all of this off now and we can stop loading the hoppers because they are more or less filled and ready to go and check on our locomotive see if we need to um refuel our water i think we're actually fine to be honest yeah we've got 175 so what we're going to do now is we're going to get some pressure in our system so we're going to heat all the way up get the boiler temp up get some pressure going uh see how much more fluid there is and then once we have enough pressure we'll actually start moving forwards because that way we'll see how much food we're going to use to get our pressure back up to where it should be so you can see the temperature is going up really quickly which is great once it gets to 100 obviously we'll then start producing some steam which will produce more pressure in our system now we do want to keep an eye on our heat control so we're going to drop this down to about 0.5 okay let's maybe get a little more i don't want to go too low okay oh it's good pressure is building perfect let's get this down a bit it's good pressure is building let's actually start going forward a bit it looks like we've got more than enough fluid in our system which is great so we're going to get the regulator completely off or on at one precious building we should start moving forwards in a few minutes once i get the brakes off put the brakes off and we're away now pressure is building quite a bit so we can keep an eye on that maybe release a little bit looks good we don't want to go over nine remember there release some that looks good order is still good more release there we go yeah temperature down maybe release more pretty small really small we are going nicely though that's removing very cool a little more release off that fantastic okay temperature is still good everything's still good fluid volume are still good that looks more controllable now which is great regulators are full brakes are off and we are moving forwards fully loaded cold hauling with steam locomotive that looks absolutely incredible all right so we're just coming up to the islands now you can see we've just gone past one of the water tanks uh there's actually a reservoir here and also another one over there so if you do need to get more fluid along the way i think it's really useful i'd like to see something maybe halfway on the trip up to the arctic just in case you are low on your fluid just keeping on my pressure also and everything else it's just been a balancing game just to get make sure our pressure and everything else stays right but we've managed to maintain our our volume of order everything else seems fine we haven't exploded which is the big thing uh one thing i did notice is that i think this creator is using a clutch somewhere in this system obviously for this and it seems to work the best obviously at 0.7 as i've left at 0.7 i'm getting about 20 power out of the engine i think it's just because we aren't able to get up to good enough speed that's why we can't get any more power out of this engine but if we had less things that we were carrying i think we could get much much higher speed out of the locomotive but man this is so cool doing this so you can see we're just coming up past the lighthouse and then we're going to come up into the terminal all right so we are just coming up to the terminal right over here and the locomotive is just chugging away i just really missed the chugging noise but uh yeah we're getting really close to it and hopefully we can start dropping our actual coal everything looks good in terms of pressure what i'm actually going to do is i'm going to get our regulator down a little bit uh you can hear that means the generator's starting to power up a little bit more we're losing a little bit of power on our engine uh keep on our pressure and everything else i need to keep an eye on where those grates are okay so the grates are there at the moment the signal is taking us that direction so we're going to get our regulator done completely get our brakes on because i need to go and switch our tracks i think we are more or less stopped yes we are cool so i'm just going to go switch to tracks as i said i wish i had a remote with me i could have just changed this but i don't as there's a manual change but that's fine there we go that's maybe one thing i'd like to see added to this train is some way to switch the tracks while you're in it uh if there is no radio controller remote controller in here uh cool okay so pressure is good let's get our regulator breaks off regulator will get up quite a bit should be good yeah we're moving along nice and easily there uh so we're going to come in there and then we should be able to just offload a coal just over those grates there so we're actually going to probably get our regulator off now and then these are breaks to start ourselves down i think you know temperature control number two okay so that looks almost perfect and start slowing down in a few seconds here cool breaks on now i think you need to keep an eye on where okay so we're actually dropping off from that side but that's perfect temperature is good let's go out now go along here and if i'm correct we just press this button hey there we go let's do the other one look at that we're offloading coal oh that's so cool of course if we're in career mode we'll be getting money for this um so we would be actually earning stuff to do this but that's really nice i just want to keep an eye on our pressure and things on our yeah that looks good pressure's going down a bit but that's okay for what we're doing right now and there we go we're actually offloading all of our coal let's just go and check see how much we got in here oh we got tons you can actually see oh that looks so cool we just need more of these grates going like all the way along here so we could offload all of these hoppers at the same time that is really cool really nice cool well guys i think that's probably a great place to end this video off with i've really enjoyed it i've loved playing with anything to do with these missions and coal and environmental mods and things like that and all these creations have worked absolutely amazingly uh and look gorgeous absolutely do so guys uh yeah we're gonna end over there hopefully you have enjoyed it if you have smash that like button if you're not missing my future content make sure you have subscribed to the channel and of course if you want to get notified as soon as the videos get released make sure you click the little bell icon uh and for the next video guys let me know in the comments what you think and what we should be doing in the next mission and the next video here in game but until then we will see you in the next one [Music] [Music]
Channel: MrNJersey
Views: 16,818
Rating: 4.956284 out of 5
Keywords: Stormworks, update, news, major, next, island, map, area, snow, mountain, land, friday, improvements, thumbnail, screens, monitors, radio, camera, lua, code, script, laser, distance, shark, megalodon, attack, bug, electric, battery, winch, cable, fuel, space, space engineers, seats, car, racing, pipes, rails, sonar, radar, new, audio, link, BASE, spawn, new game, game, wedges, slope, winches, connector, rope, logic, node, version 1, first look, exclusive, final, full, release, beta
Id: LUmT29txIWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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