Building a 3D Scene in Godot 4 - Post Processing & World Environment

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hello and welcome to a new video it has been quite some time and it's always a lot of work making videos what happened since the last video I changed my job almost two years I was working at some engineering on the product called risotto I was also working on that using the Godot engine and you probably saw me posting videos somewhere I played in the background so now I'm working at bipin bits you may have heard of it they recently released domekeeper and am now a part of the core team it has been a really awesome first month super exciting job I am working there also working in gudo it's a ton of fun a great team I also recently released the demo for godo4 called desert light I was working on it for yeah quite some time about the most of the time was spent waiting now for music and finishing up the assets optimizing everything a little bit the first iteration that I was showing on social media yeah was very high poly and yeah not very well optimized but you can get it now I put a link in the description and you can check it out if you like and what I want to do in this video so much talking just for the intro but let's get to the video what I want to do today is to build a scene and go to four using the assets of desert light so we're going to build a 3D scene and I'm going over some settings of the world environment I'm going to give some tips on composition of your scene and yeah I'm just starting building it usually I have a very strong concept for a video but this time I will just start out and we'll see where it takes us and we'll play around with some settings and yeah hopefully in the end everything will look cool and if I encounter something that I want to talk about a bit more in depth while I work I will just stop working godo and explain those Concepts and so it will be a very open format video I hope you will enjoy it and let's Jump Right In I opened the original demo scene to start out and then let's create a new scene let's call it demo 2 how very creative and first I want to start out by blocking out the scene so to get an idea of what we will be building um to do that I get a mesh instance let's put a box mesh on it let's make it 10 by 10 meters like this yeah and now the blank canvas syndrome maybe we can build something so I duplicate those and then just move them around and like this I will quickly block out the main scene maybe we can do something like a cool Canyon or something the like so by pressing t or pressing this button here you can use local space space which is pretty cool to move stuff around and I like to switch between using local space and World space quite often so yeah it's let's do a canyon but without a roof Maybe and then something in the center to make it more interesting if I want to change the shape of the mesh I will just go in here a grid like this but you can also just change the scale of the object and then some kind of bridge by using middle Mouse you can move the camera by holding shift and using middle Mouse you can Pan the camera so let's find the main perspective it should be something like this for the scene I think I want this side to be higher just to make it a bit more asymmetric asymmetrical and make it more interesting maybe we can also make it like this let's give some interesting shape and if we combine it with something over here could look really interesting then we could make some kind of entrance here for a cave or an old ruin all right so let's also add a new node 3D let's call this lights let's add a directional light I think I want this to come in here let's enable shadows and have a look how it works so right now I'm looking in how I want the light to look in the scene in a general sense like of course we are going to move the light around but the first step I want to get an impression how the light could be interacting with those different geometries in the map for example you see this part here will look pretty interesting and I want stuff to like this to happen like objects that catch a little bit of the light for example if I use this and bring it up I can create a very interesting shape here for a shadow and also create a more interesting shape up here where the light is catching this little edge of what will eventually later be a stone or something like that so let's scale this a bit like this and also this over here this and the ground plane and now we're starting to see some interesting shapes by the way with this button here we can disable the environment sometimes it's good to get a more clear view and to have everything else disabled but we can keep it off for now okay so now I have this and maybe I want some more rocks to come down from the front and have some kind of Canyon opening so again composition if I move this here I'm losing this interesting shape this interesting contrast here with this Stone so I don't want this I can of course tilt it a bit and now again I'm getting this interesting shape to stick out from the floor get it to look much more interesting and I can do the same thing here I can just tilt this bring it down a bit and then I will have a much more interesting line leading up here So eventually I won't be doing this too crazily but I can just leave it in for now and maybe look later how it looks how it works out but yeah we can also do something like this this looks cool I like this maybe a bit less okay so I think for the main geometry this looks interesting enough let's pull this down a bit more and here in the back I will do some kind of opening and maybe cave or you can also use Stones something like that I want to tilt this a bit more to point in this direction a bit more and now we could do two things we can do this and if you follow this line and this line it will point over here or we can do this and then the lines will point a bit more toward this corner here so if we put something here that looks interesting it should work out um ideally we want everything to point to the cave entrance so we can try rotating this like this and this like this let's check out we give this a more neutral Edge this I mean we could do it like this but I don't like it too much let's go back I like this much more even if it points up to the sky but um the overall shapes look more interesting but also a bit conflicting I'm a bit torn let's put it like this so now we have this line here pointing towards the entrance we have this line here pointing towards the engines we have this line here pointing towards the entrance a lot of lines that point towards the entrance this makes it a bit more Dynamic I think this will be fine you can of course also tilt those so they point a bit more towards the entrance of the the thing angle is like this so now everything is almost everything this one not but I like it so much so I will leave it in all right now we have this um eventually we should put something more to the top why because if we are going to add some volumetric fog and we have this directional light from the top right the directional light from the top right then everything will be flooded with fog so we have a couple of options here um I usually just like to put more stuff on top of the scene if you want to work with volumetric volumetric fog but I want to for this video and we put it here and I pull it a bit to the front like this it could look interesting so now we have more stuff that casts a shadow here and stuff that cuts the shadow is good because then we will have more interesting volumetric later I miss however seeing a bit of this guy maybe we can fix that by turning it a bit I like this and now we have a little bit of Sky peeking through here and here and like does the scene looks interesting enough let's put in a camera so we kind of save this viewing angle and we can come back to it so I try to align this camera with our view and if we click this button we get this perspective and I think it matches up pretty good all right let's jump out of this now I don't need this anymore and let's look at this mess from the outside it looks very crazy so what I want to do right now to fix this as a first step we take all of this and now we look for some good angle to set up our scene let's look from the top because if I start like this everything will be turned it makes no sense so let's just let's just take this and rotate it so we have at least some kind of alignment with the world space let's put it in the center like this and now it makes a bit more sense all right and it looks the same we moved everything we moved to light we move the camera so everything will be fine let's um lock the light for now and lock the camera so we don't accidentally move it and then we're going to replace what we just built with some assets and I have some assets here from the demo scene I have some meshes that we imported for example those those torches or those big rocks those ones but I already prepared scenes with them and this is something I would advise to do so you just have a couple of scenes um Bass scenes like for example the rocks I have this big rock it also already has a Collider so if you want to move around as the player later it will be much easier to do so and this is the version with the normal map I'm not sure if I will keep this somehow it doesn't look too great so anyway let's put in some rocks and now you can see um the rock is way too big but I know that The Rock has more or less the right scale so let's do one thing let's jump over to the main scene let's grab our player and let's put the player in the scene and then let's have a look on how big he is I scale the player that is probably super dumb yeah I think I want to make everything a little bit bigger the best way to do this is to add a new node let's throw everything in there first we need to unlock those two and then let's throw everything in here and now we can scale this so maybe something like this where's our player yeah maybe even bigger I want it to be a bit more Epic maybe like this yeah all right let's hop into the camera you see it didn't really change which is a good thing we should move the camera down more towards the eye level of the player to get a better impression of how everything will look and let's keep it there but move it down like this and now everything looks a bit bigger but it also changed the the whole composition so now we have to get back in and maybe change a thing or two I mean I like it but um it's not what I originally had in mind whoops but yeah I think it's fine if you look up it looks pretty epic and cool and that's what we want so but this angle here is maybe a bit too weak this one here well I guess this looks interesting enough it looks a bit too big but maybe we can break it up with some smaller shapes and I also want to scale down this rock a little bit but yeah let's build the scene so I have the rock here let's start putting rocks where those other things are I will make it a little bit smaller and now let's replace those blocks with proper assets and as this is not Unreal Engine we can't use qixel or stuff like that and I also want to go for a more um stylized look and with this um using those assets here makes much more sense let's also get the ground in I'm using the same ground sand that used for the other scene eventually I'm going to replace it but for now it's going to be fine like I said this doesn't have to be perfect I'm probably going in later and just fix everything up but I want to get the basic block out done rather quickly all right we finished with blocking out the scene so if we look in the camera it looks pretty much like what we have blocked out it's not so straight this one is a bit wobbly and this one too but this will be fine um let's see if we can put everything we build into another node and then we will compare it how it looks it doesn't have to be a perfect match we are not bound by law to make it look exactly like what we had played our planned out and laid out in the beginning but it's interesting to see if there are any major differences so now let's hide it let's go into the camera and let's see how it compares it's a bit different it's more organic um so what do I like what do I don't like let's let me do this and let's open it up in here and let's make a quick analysis of what we see it doesn't have to be perfect or anything I just want to go over some things that I like and maybe don't like so what I don't like is that this is a bit round to round for my tastes I would like it more if it's straight the same here I don't like it it looks like an arc and the same here like the slide angle is something I don't really like because this is the only place where it's where it's looking so organic apart from the ground but in the back here it looks very straight lines are connected very straight and something else I don't like it's this part here this little window it breaks up the shape too much maybe we can fix it by closing this triangle here and right now it has a bit of an off balance I mean in the end if we move the camera around if we walk around as the player of course we're not having this fixed perspective that we have right now but at the moment this side here looks much heavier than this side over here it's also caused by the light of course but um if we would have a rendering or a fixed scene I would take away some volume from this side so let's go back and godo and let's fix those problems um so first these here these are pretty easy to fix we just try to get into the right perspective and now maybe you can rotate it to get a straighter Edge or maybe I just need to rotate it a bit like this and move it upwards and now we have a much more straight line we still have the surrounding thing here which is probably caused by how the mesh is shaped maybe like this and this also gives us like a little nice opening here and here on the second one we kind of have the same issue but maybe we can get away with just moving this down a bit more and maybe we can even open it up eventually it would look interesting or it will look interesting let's jump into the camera I think I even like it more like this gives it a much more interesting shape against the sky and now all that's left is this corner up on the top here um what is this thing doing here better much better okay just triangle here I think I like it with the new opening you can leave it now in there we have like one small thing over here where the meshes interact in a not so nice way let's pull this forward a little bit okay now we've done this part let's do let's add some more details so now we have the big shapes out of the way we can start focusing a bit more on detail let's add some ground detail let's add the opening in the back here and then we can work with light a bit more okay to add detail of course you need small things I have a couple of rocks prepared that are smaller I call it debris you see this is some Temple debris but I think I also have some smaller no we don't want to write some smaller rocks that we can use for okay um we're just gonna use this debris here and probably just change the material override I think this looks neutral enough so we can use it let's grab this material from here move over here and let's just make it local maybe this is not the best way to do it but um this is the way that we are going to do it right now we don't want stuff like this to be floating so I rather check it two or three times and it's going to be like a little wasteful using those big pieces and then just letting them stick out of the ground a little bit but for this demo it should be fine so what I want is this small rocks or smaller rocks that stick out of the ground a bit I fast forwarded this part where I'm just putting down more detail and more of the temple assets from the other scene and then I start building up the entrance to this tunnel like thing also using the assets from the other scene and yeah wanting to add more details and made it integrated better to the environment and then just building this little tunnel and of course this is not the way that I would build something for like a proper game I would create assets that are really specialized for that use case but for that demonstration here it should be fine and I'm also placing two lights on the left and to the right just to make it look more interesting and then I decided to add some stairs leading up to some Giant mountain that should be visible on the horizon and yeah I was experimenting with how to play steps if I can play some steps that are visible in the back but I failed and gave up on that idea so I just placed some pillars on the Rock in the background and that should be fine for this demo to give some background to give some context by the players okay I think um this is it from modeling perspective we could say of course we could add more detail I could create more assets etc etc but for now I think it's good we should start looking into yeah pulling getting some nice lighting and creating some atmosphere like I said we could continue on this forever but [Music] that's not what this video should be about so let's do one quick check how the light looks I think it looks pretty cool we can get some really nice mood on the back Rock there with the sun going down and maybe we could add one more thing here imagine if the sun goes down and it's already at this angle I think it would look really cool if we add one Rock here and the background basically that is not necessarily to be seen But if we put it at the right position then we could eventually get a nice shadow on here now you can see the shadow range is not enough we need to go into the light and in the shadow here we can see the maximum distance if we turn this up we also get a shadow here in the back let's put this to 400 and then let's do this so we get a nice interesting Shadow shape going on when basically the Sun is going down like this and hopefully as a player we won't see this we're down here in this Ellie more or less and if the sun goes down we will get this nice shadow eventually we will get also some artifacts but this is fine alright so far so good I think it looks pretty cool of course it's not perfect like we will have some bleeding going on here at this at the stairs this is far from perfect maybe we can just quickly add some blocker here I already created this thing here and we can just copy it and move it over to the stairs and do something like this to just block the light and also at the moments that are annoying but anyway like kind of like this it should work out to block most of the problems let's hop into the camera and let's start working with an environment so we add a world environment node and you can already see instantly that the mood of the scene changes so the first thing I want to do is add a new environment set the background to Sky now go into Sky create new Sky we create a procedural sky and now we have a sky we can set we can set the sky colors and this also influences how the scene looks okay now for the ambient light we can take it from the background and what ambient light does is it will add a light to the overall scene so if we turn down the energy here you can see that we will have much harder harder Shadows and if we turn off the directional light here why is it scaled huh all right if you turn off the light here you can already see that it changes the view of this overall scene or how it looks quite dramatically I don't know why some of the materials are still lit eventually it's it's because of the materials let's check this out real quickly Boop we can do it from the camera the material should be named Temple eventually it has some backlight going on no ah it's probably the reflection of the sky yeah okay all right that's not a big problem all right um so back into the world environment the sky contribution basically tests are seen how much the sky material that we just created here is influencing the overall light situation in this scene so if we turn this up to one and we go back into the sky and for example we change the energy here that will also influence how our scene looks and if we change the color here it will also change how our scene looks so this is quite important to create a first overall look of your scene if you don't have a sky material of course this will look completely different if you have an indoor scene or a dungeon where there's no Sky you will probably have no ambient light and you have to work more with placing light scenes that is also perfectly fine and we can later change the sky material so it's more like a night scene and then we can talk a bit about the differences there so for now let's put it in some bluish shoe here and yeah let's get back into the ambient light um I don't want too much Sky contribution I want it to be more like this yeah we can also disable it of course by the way all right so what else do we have reflected light in this case it's the background we can also disable it now you can see the influence that we just um played around with from the specular from the specularity it's gone now and maybe I even put it on disabled so we have more control about the overall look of the scene tone map is a quite important setting here you can create and control how the exposure of the scene Works how it's how it looks basically if we switch those modes here at the moment it's not going to have a dramatic influence but if we set up everything and the light sources in there I will come back to this for now I set it to filmic that's what I usually use so this screen space Reflections let's leave it off for now um this is screen space ambient occlusion and we can enable it and have a look at it what it does so ambient occlusion is basically creating Shadows or a dark area where two objects or two surfaces are close to each other for example if we put another mesh here [Applause] okay so if we move this closer to the ground you can see this dark area that will appear and that is the ambient occlusion so two objects are close to each other and they create this dark area I really like the effect I usually play around with the value a bit I usually make it a bit more intense so you can see now like this you can control the intensity can control how it falls off so you can go really crazy with those values the detail value it doesn't seem to do too much Horizon so how it's fading out sharpness also doesn't seem to do a lot anyway let's turn this down a bit again let's increase the radius a little bit not too much otherwise it starts to look weird so I think like this it looks okay let's leave this in here now so we have a reference this is indirect light and if we turn this on it also adds yeah kind of those occlusions and also Reflections all right let's um turn our light on so we get an impression on how the scene looks and you can start it slowly you can see it slowly starts to look more interesting from the light aspect we can also just save this here and let's save it into resources and let's call it rougher environment two and like this we can quickly turn it off and turn it on again all right so you can see if we enable and disable it you can see here how the light hits the ground and the yellow light from the ground is reflected back onto the surface this is what screen space indirect lighter does you can also change the radius now you see how the influence is scattered more maybe we turn it down a little bit to get a more intense effect we can also control the intensity but then it starts to look really weird and the sharpens but again this doesn't do too much so let's keep it on the normal setting all right scientist and field Global illumination this is an interesting one especially for outdoor scenes you can see if we enable it it starts to make look everything weird but yeah maybe we can play around with it a bit and get some more interesting effects so we can enable and disable that it reads the sky which is pretty cool we can control the bounce feedback that will control how much the light bounces around or the intensity of the bonds this is the energy setting with this you can control how much influence it has on the scene how much energy the light has that is bounced back we can also put this on a negative value I don't know why but yeah you can see the effect this has a pretty dramatic impact I'm not always sure if I like it because sometimes you get these weird artifacts like over here so if you want to use it I would recommend you putting it on a lower energy and um also putting it on a rather low distance to be honest because otherwise you will get these really weird effects in a distance I'm not sure if I really like this effect um I mean I'm sure if you can if you spend the time with it you can make it look good but sometimes I have to feel it introduces too many artifacts at the moment glow is something I almost always add I like to go in on all levels it's set at the normalized additive or screen both are pretty good but I would usually not pull it on soft light the effect is very weak so let's put it on like this Bloom is something so it will influence all of the scene I don't want this on for now fog is also always good and focus also relatively cheap relatively and you can see what kind of effect it has on the background this is something I really want to have especially to create this kind of atmospheric effect so you can see how the light influences it and the sunscatter this is the effect of the sun coming in the fog Sky effect it's also pretty important so if I put this on it will darken the sky I don't necessarily want this because the way that I want to use this effect is more to create an atmospheric overcast effect on the background and not to affect the sky itself on head you can also create a I have to turn this on so here we can also create some ground fog effect see it like this it's pretty interesting and if you turned on the density a bit not so much just a bit then it can be really nice like this just a bit aerial perspective is only important if you are working in a non-first person game for example a top-down game then you have to use this setting for the fog and density of course controls the density of the Fog and I don't want it too dense I want it to be more in the background so let's create some and I also want it to be more yellowish like a Sandy look and I think I will remove the the height density again so like this I think it works a bit better I would love to have control about the way it falls off right now it already influences this thing here in the front and I would prefer if it doesn't but anyway let's keep it in for now to one of my most favorite effects and it's called volumetric fog it can add a lot of atmosphere to use scene with this fog that is influenced by light and yeah let's play around with that a bit so let's turn up the density let's turn down the sky effect so now let's play around with those sliders for a bit um this is a nice one um this happens sometimes but the only thing that helps is to close the scene close the viewports and open it back up again unfortunately I don't know what causes it but sometimes the light can go a bit crazy and then it gets stuck in this weird overdrive mode ah now we go okay probably our camera is in the direct sunlight um let's disable it for now and look what's the problem here you can see our camera is in direct sunlight and that will mean that this fog is really hitting the camera So to avoid this let's just take one of those rocks let's move it over here a bit let's rotate it let's put it down like this and with this we will have a bit more Shadow on our camera and what that will do is to make it much easier to control the effect and also make it look a bit better in the game so let's turn the light again enable the volumetric again and now you can see it hits right through here and if you play around with these sliders here you can also see how it changes the scene and with volumetric fog you can also see that it really darkens the scene so we have to do something about that first I also want it to be colored a bit like sand let's go in and turn it down maybe more like this and with those sliders you can control how the looks where it's the most the most intense effect basically so I think the default setting is pretty good here if you go into your project settings you will find more control about this effect here we already have changed settings from my project this is not the default settings if you want to look into those you can just download my project look into those settings it's not too different from the default ones but you can have a look here the volumetric fox size I turn it up and as you can see it changes the quality and the sharpness of it the more we add here the sharper and the more detailed it's going to be but it's also much more performance hungry let's put it on 265 and you can see everything looks a bit dull this is where we come back to tone map and we can play with the exposure so for example if we turn up the exposure it will get back more contrast if we put up the white point or change the white point you can also control how the scene looks how you put it on Asus which puts back more contrast so this is the default setting this is Asus you can already see it brings back a lot of contrast and what I also want to do is to enable adjustments here and to add a color correction texture or gradient and in here I usually come in and I put one here and one here and the one on the top I color a bit more towards the yellow side or warm side not too much just a tiny bit and the one in the shadows I put into some cold area like bluish or purple Hue and then also increase the saturation a bit and you can see how it changes the color on the left now it's a bit more dramatic if I put it up all the way then you can see how it influences the colors in the scene and what this does and what I use it for is to create a certain mood in this scene usually I want the Shadows to be cool from the color temperature aspect and the lights I want to be more warm so I just add some yellowish Hue here and you can now see if I enable and disable it it changes the overall look quite dramatic it's not too crazy but I always like to do this to color correct the scene let's hype the ball it's a bit irritating okay now we're slowly getting somewhere it's still um not perfect so let's play around with the volumetric a bit more and I think we need just more power in the directional light so let's go in there and let's change the energy here first we want more volumetric fog energy so it just looks more intense I also want more energy overall and we can put in some intense value because it's the Sun so it's going to be bright let's put it on 10. and maybe this one too and now if we go back into the word environment we go into the tone map and now we can play with the exposure and you can see now it has a really much more dramatic impact on the light and what we want now is some detail in the shadow and here indirect light usually comes in really handy if we enable the scientist and field Global illumination it will already change it quite dramatic so we can we can turn down the energy a bit like this what I don't like so much is that it turns everything so red that is something I'm not a fan of I would love to have more control here but all right that doesn't seem to do a lot I mean of course that makes sense if you think about these rocks being super red and light reflects back onto this then the rocks are going to be even more red makes sense but yeah it's a bit hard to control the effect like this so let's go back into the normal Fork and yeah what I noticed what is not so great about the volumetric focus that it influences the light maybe we can turn that down yeah but now it starts looking like really weird um let's play around with some sliders yeah we definitely want some Global illumination injection because if the light would hit the fog the fog would also spread the light so that makes a lot of sense maybe we don't overdo it but we can also play with the light later how strong it is okay I like this effect much more now maybe we should go into the sky and increase the energy there I think that makes a lot of sense because like this it looks like a night scene we want some energy in the sky maybe we can also make it a bit more blue would be cool to have some clouds but maybe we can look for material later I think I will disable the ambient light completely and I need to play around a bit more with the exposure not too happy with it and after that I still need to tune and find you in a bit the settings on the volumetric fog and we need to keep details spread up a bit otherwise it starts to introduce some artifacts all right maybe we should just give it a go I don't know what happens if we press play if we get into the first person camera or not let's see no we're just going to this camera here let's stay in this camera and just play around with the light a bit more so we could also color it a bit let's add some more blur to the directional light shadow and let's play around with how it looks I think that already works pretty well I'm not so sure about the fork the normal Fork let's go back to the word environment check out the fog a bit but yeah that's not a problem is doing a good job maybe I want a bit less light energy it's a lot less guns Sun scatters crazy I mean it's cool but the problem is that it's also happening here where I don't want it to be happening you know what we can play with the this maybe we can just make an kind of like an inversed yes this works so maybe we can just keep the a bit higher then we don't have it in the front here yeah I think that works much better bit of sunscutter still a bit too intense in the front but maybe we can turn down the density a bit more like this and now you can see what a big difference the sign distance feels Global illumination has like this looks completely different and I'm I'm still not a fan of the reflection where oh I enabled It Again by mistake okay still don't know what this does I have the feeling it does nothing okay maybe this is what we want no effect of the scan of the Sun and this directional light has no effect on the indirect light at the moment or very little if we turn this up a bit it may just be what we want we put it on one it's too much maybe you 0.5 this is starting to look cool and you can see if we turn this back on it's just way too intense all right slowly we're getting somewhere let's turn down the saturation a little bit and come back into the tone map and let's try out different looks this is too much contrast this is too boring I like filmic I always like filmic put the exposure on 0.2 and also if we change the color for example we go for more sunset-like atmosphere could look really nice and we need also to um to change this something like this could look really cool maybe we do something more abstract and in the back here we can see that there is this um whoops this tunnel with the blue light which will create a nice contrast but it also creates some problems because you can see that the fork already starts disappearing before we wanted to disappear so if we put on more distance this is the distance for the GI we don't need that but maybe here let's put it on 64. think that gives them much nicer fade in yes this is looking cool right I'm starting to like this um so so now it's time to add back the player controller and yeah to set it up in a way so we can walk around in the scene look at it from first person and as I already did that in the original demo I can just reuse most of the code and assets there and I got the setup done in a couple of seconds we could play around with the lighter bit to basically get the same behavior that we had before in in the demo scene so let's add an animation player this is like the quickest way to do things like this and then let's get the light that we had and I think I want to add one more light whoops in this tunnel thing one light two emphasize on this um this blue light here a bit more it's either on the light and now we can also see that it starts to work it's just fading so we need to disable well the distance fate is already disabled then why is it not working why is it fading hmm set of volumetric fork I mean if we increase this this year we also lose detail so maybe you see it um if we set it to a lower value we'll get more detail in the front we set it to 12 for example we will have perfect detail but then we won't have it in the back if we set it to 128 we'll lose some detail in the front I think I think 64. I mean this looks really nice maybe something in between okay I like this much more okay so let's animate the light what we initially wanted to do um let's grab the rotation oops I didn't want to reset it I wanted to make a new track [Applause] let's key the rotation and I don't need to do it 20 seconds or something like that let's just do five seconds and we put one key in the middle maybe it's like this now it just doesn't make sense but somehow it's still not doing what I want okay let's just use this differently um you know what we're going to kill this track and completely change how our light will work so let's reset this ah here's the problem so we have this thing here it's called lights and it's down here which is fine let's reset everything here too reset the scale reset the position so now we have our light here let's reset everything all right and now let's put it like this turn it like this and if we know animate rotation of this then we can change the sky and it makes more sense for my brain maybe for yours too and if we put it like this then we can just flip this and it will create one nice motion but what we actually want to do light source where are you so one thing that could be really helpful is to would be to just disable the environment like this and now we eventually see a bit better what we do where is my light there it is okay let's reset the rotation again there's my light source I want it to be over there like this and now we can do this and this should look like some kind of day cycle and then we can just animate this thing here instead of the light directly and hopefully it will make it a bit easier to control so let's key the rotation let's move it over one time like this this is hopefully giving me the effect that I like let's go back into our camera and let's see how it looks from there so we keep the rotation but what we didn't key is this rotation so we can still change this and this should help us to create a more interesting pattern basically I think I like this alright so now next step is to animate the light intensity and also animate the color so I want this to be the color in the morning and then for noon we go more to a neutral color and in the evening it's going to build a bit more orange doesn't look too bad and now we also need to change the energy and of course we could set this to cubic but eventually it will create some problems let's see and what we also must change is of course the color of the sky we can also come in here and just change this or we can just change the energy we don't need to change the color I think the color was cool so let's change the energy a super simple day and night cycle it's not physically accurate or anything but it will do its job what we also have to take care of is the fork right here it starts look awkward so let's animate this too just come in here and we can keyframe this hopefully why can't we keyframe it can we key frame this why now it works okay so probably we need to change light energy let's test it out really quick yes okay [Applause] you could also change the color probably looking good all right and at night we also want to see something so what could we do about this earlier I told you about [Music] um about ambient light and we can just use a color for that for example some bluish tone thing like this maybe and then we can add some ambient light and I don't know why it doesn't work ah now it slowly starts to work but why it is so black is it the fork no it's not a fog what's going on here what's going on here what is causing this uh-huh okay well I have no clue what is causing this distance so something weird is going on here I really don't know what it is so maybe we just turn it off at night I mean of course you could also add another directed light and make it a bit um like moon light or something like that we could also try that I'm not a fan of of playing around here with um with this too much somehow it feels wrong I don't care let's add another direct light oh can we handle this in a graceful way it annoys me a bit that we can work around this but um yeah that's the way it is I let's accept this maybe it even looks cooler I don't know I'm a bit annoyed anyway the fork is having a bit too much influence for my tastes and the night sky eventually could also use some energy what could really work would be adding stars but let's just keep it black for now okay I think this looks good um zero really does this even do anything that's what's interesting setting it to zero give super super soft Shadows why I don't know setting it to one doesn't seem to have this effect but zero gives a really cool effect maybe I would just keep it at zero I mean this looks really cool does this work why is this working all right I'll take it anyway let's keep it at zero I mean it looks cool okay um now let's just take this animation player let's call it day and night cycle let's put it on autoplay looping and it has a deep loop I never tested it but probably not ah it kind of loops maybe we just add seven seconds that's it put on seven and not all right all right um all that's left to do now is to add some effects luckily we already have some we can take the fireflies we can take the sand particles copy those over let's put them in here too the same particles are pretty cool they also get hit by the Light shafts let's turn them up a bit more to see them a bit better but yeah let's not do the fireflies let's just do the same particles I don't want to animate any more stuff and let's start the scene and let's have a look oh yeah this is some crazy day night cycle uh I want this to be slower so let's go in and let's set this tool 0.2 or something like this it's a little bit too fast this yeah I think this could work maybe that's a bit too much fork for the overcast day let's go in the animation player let's check it out here and maybe let's reduce the volumetric fog intensity at the middle of the day all right um so let's add some music and we're done let's just see where we placed um the wind should be here Second Wind can be here the music chimes in the tunnel at the normal music is everywhere so let's try it out I'm gonna shut up now and uh yeah we kind of look how it sounds and feels [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign but I have one last thing one idea that I want to try out so we still have the blocks here and we have the scene here and the entrance and the outside detail and all kind of the these things that we've started to put in but just for fun I want to see how this blocked out scene looks and if we landed somewhere remotely close so let's just play the animation and have a look and you can see how even with a completely different geometry the atmosphere that we created and the light and Shadow and the mood still holds up pretty well I think yeah we managed to put together a pretty nice setup and having a setup like this also allows you to go back and check if some settings still make sense if they really look good the simpler the geometry the easier it is to see how the light interacts and how the light works and if it really looks good or if it's just for example diffused or blurred by the textures you use or by the effects you use having simple geometry yeah just shows the floss very well like for example here you can see those those splotches and those are probably introduced from the global illumination if we turn the global illumination illumination down a bit those are a little less visible we can also play with the settings here yeah of course you can also always go into the project settings and play around there with the values um if we go here to environment we can also set things there change the quality levels here and of course also depending on your scene but this is not the only way to do stuff you can also for example add a voxler GI you could bake your light if you don't have a dynamic light going in there you could just bake the light which also gives a really high quality light yeah you want to consider different options and then just slide the sliders until stuff looks good that's it for today I hope you enjoyed the video even if the format was a lot more chaotic than usually and if you enjoyed it follow me here on YouTube hit the bell and all the stuff you know the drill and yeah I'm mostly posting on Twitter so if you find it interesting follow me there I'll also upload the scene into the desert light repository so if you want to have a look on your PC you can just clone the repository have a look hope you enjoyed it see you next time bye
Channel: Picster
Views: 54,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3EMG2jGKkdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 23sec (4703 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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