How to add humanoid animations in Godot 4

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foreign [Music] so in the case that you want to add humanoid characters with animations and Godot here's my general workflow take your character model in my case I'm using the Senti dummy model and go to miximo is a website that has a ton of free mo capped animations for you to use click upload character and go through the steps they list in order to Auto rig your mesh it should only take a few clicks once your character is rigged and imported into miximo search for t-pos and click the t-pose animation click download and just set the format to fbx Binary and with skin once you have that converted file go find the animations you want to apply to your character in this instance I'm grabbing some 8-way directional run animations when saving set format to fbx Binary and you can set skin to without skin since we'll just be retargeting the animations to the first mesh once all your files are downloaded go into blender and import your converted character mesh now there are two ways you can go about this you can either export this mesh with just the rig and no animations that you can retarget later or you can add the animations right now you can always add more animations later here's how you can add the animations right now with the character imported import the other animations you want as well go into the hierarchy and select all the additional armatures that were added make sure not to select the one that the mesh is parented to delete all the additional armatures the animations are now transferred over to the remaining one go into the animations Tab and click action editor you can see all the animations are there go ahead and rename them once that's done click the little button that says push down this will apply the animations to the mesh for when we export do this for all the animation clips once that's done go back into the layout tab and select your mesh and Armature then go into file export as gltf I'm just saving it directly into my Godot project folder but you can download it wherever you want now I'm going to show you how to add animations to an existing rig mesh in Godot take the character file that we just created that contains all the animations and click the import tab on the top left change the import as setting to animation library and click re-import this will ask to save the scene and restart the project once we load back in the file will be an animation library that you can add into any existing rig mesh assuming you created a plain rig version of the character mesh earlier and imported that we can apply the animations to it drag the character into your scene and click the open in editor button this will ask to create a new inherited scene click new inherited in this new scene we'll see that the character has an animation player node click that and we can see the current list of animations assigned to this character which at the moment is just a t-pose click the animation button select manage animations at the top of the window click load Library find the file that contains your animations that we made in my case it's the rifle run.glb file select it and click open the animations are now added to your character and you can preview them using the drop down one additional note you may run into is if you're trying to add animation events on animation like calling a function at a specific time you may notice that there's no way to do so with these imported animations at the moment they're basically just read only so in order to create a version we can modify it go back into your file holding the animations in this example I'm grabbing a walk and shoot animation from another file double-click it to open up the advanced import settings window click the animation you want and on the right side under save to file turn on enabled and keep custom track then in the path click the folder button and save the animation this will make an editable copy follow the same steps as before to add the new animation clip to your animation player if you run into this issue of not being able to add it since it's equipped and not an animation Library click the save icon next to the topmost list of animations click make unique and now you can add individual files click the folder icon and select the animation clip that you want to add now when you preview it you can see an add track button click that to select with additional track you want to add like a call method track for calling functions you can scroll down to see the new track and right click to add the function calls so that's pretty much my workflow for adding humanoid animations and characters in Godot 4.
Channel: JungaBoon
Views: 10,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jungaplays, jungaboon, jungadraws, gameplay, playthroughs, walkthroughs, steam, funny, video games, let's play, godot 4, godot, gamedev, how to
Id: qRfv5ZcZ6Gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 21sec (261 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2023
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