Godot 4 / Blender - Third Person Character From Scratch

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in this tutorial I'm going to show you how to model rig and animate an idle and run animation just like this for a low poly character in blender and then I'm going to also show you how to implement that character into a simple third person controller with smooth animation transitions just like you're seeing here in Godot 4. I do not recommend this tutorial for people that have zero experience with blender orgado but if you have at least a slight introduction to either of them I think you should be able to get through this and hopefully learn something so if you want to get started the only thing you're going to need is a turnaround reference so I Googled human turnaround for this and I'm going to be using just the first result right here as a reference for modeling the character so go ahead and get yourself one of those and then you can get started okay let's get started by setting up our reference images I'm going to press a X and delete everything then let's drag in the turnaround reference I'll click it alt R and ALT G to reset the rotation and location to the origin and then r x 90 enter shift d to duplicate it r z ninety and this will be the front view this will be the side view so now let's position those so if I press numpad 1 I'll go to the front view I'll click it GX and then let's position this so that it's centered you can hold shift to be a bit more precise with your positioning that's pretty good numpad 3 to go to the side view let's do the same thing with the side view now g y and shift and that's pretty good now we also want to bring it so that the feet are at the level of the origin so I'll just drag across to get both of these g z shift that's pretty good and then we just want to move them away from the origins that we actually have room to make the model so I'll click the front facing one g y I'll hold Ctrl and drag it four units away and with the side view GX one two three four all right that's pretty good shift a go to mesh Cube back to the front view gz drag it up here this cube is two meters tall and we are going to want this human to be a little bit shorter than two meters so I'm going to click this and then shift click this one go up here and click 3D cursor and then I'll go back to the front view alt Z to go to x-ray mode so you can see through the cube and then let's scale both of these down so it's a little bit shorter than the cube all right so our reference is set up and now we can start the actual model let's model the Torso first so click the cube press tab to go into edit mode numpad 1 for front view control R for a loop cut left click right click to keep it centered box select these vertices on the left press X and delete the vertices now we're going to add a mirror modifier so click the wrench add modifier mirror and then select clipping to be true with clipping true it just makes it so that the middle stays connected if clipping weren't you could separate like that so we want to keep clipping on and let's try to start this torso here so I'll drag it in like this scale Z oh change this from 3 to cursor back to medium point scale C okay GC side view oh s y okay and then I'm going to add some Loop Cuts here so Ctrl r right here and then Mouse up twice left click right click and then I am just going to go through box selecting these vertices trying to position them according to this character okay that's pretty good for the front view I'm going to press numpad 3 to go to the side view now and I'm going to try to do the same thing now just box select and try to move it to this outline [Music] um [Music] okay so I pressed alt Z just to come on x-ray mode and take a look this is looking pretty good so far but I'm gonna make just some minor adjustments to make it look a little bit better okay all I did was just move some of these vertices back a little bit and and this one back as well uh in the the y-axis just to make it look a little bit more rounded uh but I am pretty happy with this overall so we're going to leave it there and we will move on to the limbs make sure you're still in edit mode uh I'm going to go to the front view turn X-ray back on with alt Z shift a Cube and I'll scale this down quite a bit and I'll move it up here actually I'm going to turn clipping off first because these need to be separated and I'm going to select the top vertices scale it down take these bottom ones move it up a little bit scale that down a little bit press e to extrude bring this down a ways scale that down okay now I'll click anywhere just to deselect all of that now I'll go Mouse over one of these vertices and press L to select all the linked geometry and then shift d this will be our like bicep area this will be our forearm and then shift d again this can be used for the the leg as well so we're gonna focus on the arm first so I am going to just grab this and try rotating it and just kind of positioning it again Loosely based on on this outline okay that looks all right for the front view I'm actually going to grab these shoulder vertices and drag them out just a little bit farther I want them to be covered a little bit more but I think I'll move this up a little bit gz yeah I think I like that more okay now I'm going to do the same thing with this one okay you can see I just kind of stuck it inside the other one that's one thing with low poly models that you'll see a lot you'll just have shapes just kind of sticking into the other ones they don't need to necessarily be linked together so I'm gonna go to the side view now and for this turnaround you can see the arms over here so I'm going to select both of these and drag them over here for a moment so I have everything deselected l l just make sure that you're next to one of the vertices for that geometry g y and then I'll line up that shoulder so we just need to rotate this bottom piece a little bit so L For That rotate why okay I'm gonna adjust this just a little bit and I'm going to take a look at this gz uh we don't want any of these edges to overlap like this so I'm going to press G left click on this edge here to select this Loop and scale it down a little bit and that looks a little bit better to be able to go back to X-ray and I'm just going to um press two to go to Edge mode select all these and scale that in a little bit too just to make sure that that edge thing doesn't happen anymore and I'll select this Edge and then gz just bring it up a little bit and I I think we should be fine actually just just to be safe move it up just a little bit higher yeah okay all right but enough of that moving on to the hand press three to go to face select I'm going to go back to the front view I'll extrude this with e to about there and then two for Edge select take that outer edge scale it up good amount like that inner Edge I'll scale it up not quite as much not quite as much okay I'll move this out this out the other way with GX and this down a little bit and I want it to kind of be like inward a little bit not not so parallel with it so I'll select all those bottom edges EX then I gotta bring this guy down a little bit and I'm just gonna I'm just gonna move them up a little okay that's pretty good so I'm going to go back to side view box select all of this g y drag that back into place okay and those are our arms okay now we're going to move on to the legs so let's do the same thing I'll use this one and try to position it Loosely with this upper leg okay and while we're in the front I'm just going to do the same thing with the lower leg thank you [Music] okay I can't can't very easily match uh the curvature here but that's fine you know it's a low poly model let's go to the side view and Line This lower leg up a bit better I'm going to make this calf pop just a little bit more by putting in a loop cut right here so left click right click that's Ctrl R to make a loop cut and I'll do gz just to make it line up with this kind of this point here this farthest point out of the calf box select this vertex g y just drag that out and that looks just a bit more interesting and then we're just going to do the feet so go to face select with three select this bottom face go to side view e to extrude bring that down to the floor select the front face back to side view e to extrude right there one to go to vertex select gz bring this down it's got a front view let's drag GX these guys out here and uh one thing that I I really like to do is I'll take this top vertex and then shift-click this bottom one here on the outer corner of the foot then press m at last and merging those together makes a a nice looking foot in my opinion so okay that is the limbs there we go okay to finish the modeling we are just going to need to make the head and the neck so make sure you're still in edit mode Let's go to front view shift a Cube scale it way down control R let's put a vertical Loop cut left click right click box select the vertices on the left X delete the vertices and let's turn clipping back on so let's select all of these and GZ drag it up here okay then I'll drag these in a little bit there okay nice and I'm going to put two Loop Cuts in here so Ctrl r I'm going to put a vertical one in right here left click right click and control R horizontal as well left click right click back to front view and I'm just going to try to position things again like we've been doing this entire time okay that's a good start let's go to the side view and do the same thing all right uh so with the head it's a little bit more complicated and I'm definitely gonna have to make some changes here but uh first one thing that I want to do is in order to make things a little bit more circular I'm going to do so click to deselect everything I'll just select all of this linked geometry shift s cursor just selected press n Go to view turn the 3D cursor X location to zero and then I'm going to turn this pivot to the 3D cursor again and now I'm going to select some of these vertices that I want to pull into the 3D cursor and I'm going to do this one this one this one this one and this one and then I'm gonna press s and drag in and already I feel like that's starting to look a lot better okay uh I don't love how pointy this chin is so I'm going to drag that up a little bit and bring this down a little bit as well really doesn't have to be perfect I'm going to leave x-ray mode just to get a better look at this yeah I mean that could be just fine tab uh I do want to make it a little bit bigger so s x s c hmm I want to just mess with it a little bit more I think actually no I'm gonna call it there for the head I'm gonna say that's fine so front view side view just going to rotate it just a touch position it right like that okay and now I promise I'm actually done okay now just the neck and then we are complete leave finished so Cube uh scale it way down well first I'm going to put a loop cut in again let's click right click get rid of those vertices okay uh L to select the link to Geometry I've got a front view scale it down again G to move okay that's pretty good and just position it like we've been positioning everything like this I like to have the neck kind of shrink in size a little bit as it goes to the top I feel like that makes it look a little bit better but let's take a look at what we got so we need x-ray mode oh this is gonna have to go up a little bit gz I'm going to want to bring that in so right to x-ray mode let's just uh select all these I'm just gonna shift to select all of these vertices uh go back to median point scale that down a little bit and then GC bring that up and that looks pretty good okay so I'm gonna call it there for the model uh hopefully yours looks something like this and next we can move on to rigging it before rigging this model I'm just going to take our one thing here and that is I'm going to set this object origin to the world origin here so make sure that you're in object mode press shift s curse it a world origin then click the model then right click set origin origin to 3D cursor and the origin should be down here then and this is going to be helpful for when we import the model to Godot then I'm just going to go ahead and hide these references by clicking these eyes and now we can start rigging okay for rigging make sure that you're in object mode press shift a then go to Armature and I'm going to go into front mode I'm going to click this little green guide tab down here go to viewport display then click in front just so you'll always be able to see these bones press gz with the entire bone selected and I'll move this up so that that's at the pelvis area and then I'm going to go into edit mode make sure this top part is selected gz and then I'll move that down to where the neck connects and then for a bone for the head I'm going to press e to extrude put 0 out to the Z axis and drag it up to the top of the head now let's make a bone for this left arm click the whole thing drag it up there make sure it matches up with the shoulder and we want it to be right about where this crease would be I'll move this up a little bit to match better with the shoulder all right click this end part here the elbow e to extrude bring that down to about the wrist area I'm not going to make a bone for the hand uh and now let's do the leg shift a again position that at the top of the leg whoops G to move that down okay this up just a little bit that looks pretty good e to extrude again down to the ankle and I will make a foot bone so you need to extrude that down as well okay that's pretty good now let's just go to the side view numpad 3 and position these a little bit better so g y I'll move this head bone forward a little bit to you why I'll move this neck connection area back a little bit I want to move this shoulder back this elbow back a little bit make sure that it's just that that's selected all right and this wrist area here I'm going to move forward a bit as well just so it's right in the middle okay and for the legs this top part of the leg looks pretty good for the knee that's pretty good for the knee actually for the ankle I'll move this back and for the foot I'll move it forward like that and I am just going to move the top of this leg back oops right there uh just a little bit because later when we're setting up inverse kinematics it's good to start with a little bit of a Bend like this the leg okay so uh let's set up uh these two bones to be Children of the root bone so that when the body rotates the arm and the legs will rotate with it and be affected by that so click this upper arm bone shift left click this bone and then press Ctrl P make parent keep offset do the same thing for the upper leg bone keep offset all right perfect now we just want to go through and name the bones so we can click them one at a time F2 I'll call this one head F2 I'll call this one body I'll call this one upper arm and we're going to mirror these bones over to the right side so it's important that for these you do dot l upperarm.l owerarm.l upper leg dot l lower leg dot l and foot dot l okay and that is a good start to the rigging of this character if I go to this menu in the top left and then select pose mode I can click any of these bones press r move my mouse around and then right click just so that it resets and I could start noticing these child parent relationships with the bone rotations and if you click this body bone and press G you can see all the other bones move with it but if I press g z on it move it down it would be nice if these feet stayed planted that would make animating things a lot easier so we can do that by setting up something called inverse kinematics on the legs which we're going to set up now so I'm going to go back to edit mode numpad 3 to go to the side view click this knee joint eui to extrude this forward and then I'll click this bone alt P clear parent uh and I'll move it forward this bone for the inverse kinematics is going to dictate which way the knee is facing so I'll show that a little bit later I'm going to name it F2 iklegpole dot L make sure you don't forget the dot l and back into side view this heel ey elid this back and again alt P clear parent and I'll call this one I K leg Target dot l okay so let's go back into pose mode and let's click this lower leg here and you should see this blue bone menu here and we're going to add a bone constraint to the lower leg so go ahead add bone constraint inverse kinematics Target Armature bone is going to be iklegtarget.l pull Target select Armature again ik leg pull dot L and don't freak out chain length set this to two and pull angle set this to 90 degrees and oh one last thing for both of these bones go to that green bone menu and uncheck deform for both of them so now if I grab this body bone press G and move it around the heel is staying put but you can still see that the foot is bending forward through the floor so we're going to set up one more bone constraint that is going to be on this foot first click the green bone menu and go to relations and then uncheck inherit rotation then let's actually add the constraints so add bone constraint copy rotation Target Armature bone ik leg Target dot L Target an owner set both of these to local space and we want this bone this foot bone to inherit the rotation of this ik leg Target so if I try it on the different axes that looks pretty good an x r y though it seems to be kind of the opposite direction and it's the same thing with r z so clicking that foot bone here I'm going to invert Y and Z and then everything seems to seems to rotate properly okay so now if I move this down and I can move this pole around this is going to make things a lot a lot easier for animating things uh I'm gonna select everything alt G alt R just to make sure that everything's back to normal and the last thing that we're going to do is create the bones for the right side and if you followed that dot L convention properly this is actually pretty easy so I'll open the edit mode press a to select all of the bones and then I'll right click on the Armature and then click symmetrize and there we go if I go back to pose mode you can see all of these work perfectly all right awesome the last thing that we need to do in order to finish rigging is make it so that the mesh actually deforms along with the skeleton bones so let's do that first in pose mode I'm just going to press a to select all the bones alt R and ALT G just to make sure everything is back to its starting position then let's go back to object mode up in this top left menu click the mesh and then shift-click the Armature press Ctrl p and then select Armature deform with empty groups and then select just the mesh press tab to go into edit mode and ALT Z to go into x-ray mode and now we just need to assign these vertices to its corresponding vertex Group which there is one per bone so for example these body vertices I'm going to go near one of these vertices press L to select all the linked geometry and then I go down to this object data menu here and then there is a body vertex group so I'll assign all of these to the body vertex Group by clicking assign and in order to check what is assigned to what group just deselect everything have what group you want to check selected here and then click select and it'll show you what vertex is in what group you want to make sure that you don't assign any of these to the wrong group because your animations are going to start looking really weird if that happens so let's move on to the head so I'll go near one of the head vertices L one of the neck vertices as well and press l sign both of those to head for upper arm dot L we'll select that and then assigned to upperarm.l do the same thing with lower arm.l and the same thing with upper leg dot l whoops like that L sign and for lower a lower leg dot L I don't want to assign these bottom vertices I want that to be for the foot so I'm just going to shift left click to deselect all of those vertices I'll assign the rest to lower leg.l and then I will just box select all of those and assign them to foot.l uh so I'll leave x-ray mode with alt Z and then go back to object mode with tab select the Armature go back into pose mode and now the mesh should be deforming properly all right now we can move on to animation now that the character is rigged go ahead and click animation up at the top I'm going to zoom in on both of these displays click this dope sheet drop down over here and then select action editor click new and let's call this default click this Shield icon this just makes it as far as I'm aware so that blender doesn't delete any data about the animation even if it's not being used or something like that everybody always clicks The Shield so I just click it too press a up in this window make sure that you're in pose mode here then press I and click location rotation and scale so now we just have a default pose for the skeleton that will ship along with the other animations once we export it click new action here and let's make an idle animation I'll call it idle underscore Loop the underscore Loop in this animation name makes it so that when we import this character into Godot it will automatically recognize this as a looping animation if we didn't add this to the end of the name we would just have to set it to Loop by hand so this is a pretty good starting pose for the idle animation I am going to select auto keying down here and auto king just makes it so that when I rotate and position these bones blender will automatically assign them as keyframes this way I don't have to press I and insert keyframes by hand every time so for this first frame I'm just going to bring these arms in a little bit so our y kind of straighten them out like that okay then I'll go to frame 20 and I'm going to bring this body down a little bit so I'll click the body bone gz just bring it down a little bit like that and then I'll bring the arms back out our y just like that okay pretty good I'll press a to select all the bones again then down in the animation timeline I'll press a twice to deselect everything I'll click this top dot here on summary just to select everything in this Frame then press shift d and then drop everything here on frame 40. go down to the bottom right and change the end frame to 39 you want it to be one frame before frame 40 this is just how you set up looping animations in blender and let's press spacebar to see how it looks I don't really like how the knees are kind of pointed inward so we can fix that by dragging these uh inverse kinematic leg poles out a little bit so let's do that I'll press spacebar to stop the animation and I'll just select these poles and then down here press a to select all of these frames X and I'll delete all of these keyframes go back to frame one and then for each of these I'll just click this one GX I'll drag it out a little bit and then for this one GX drag that out in the opposite direction all right then let's press spacebar again yeah now those knees are facing a little bit more outward that looks nicer to me okay so now we have our idle animation uh we can move on to the Run animation now before moving on to the next animation let's make sure that this Shield has been clicked and that check mark is there and then we can go ahead and start the new one so let's click new action and we'll call this one run underscore Loop uh press a to select all the bones so this actually duplicated the previous animation so I'm gonna box select everything that's away from the first frame press X I'm going to delete all of those keyframes and for this run animation I'm going to be basing it off of this Run Cycle key poses image here you can Google Run Cycle and and use this one as well if you'd like or you can just follow along with what I'm going to try to do here so uh numpad 3 to go to side view and then numpad 9 to go to the right side so let's start with the legs so I'll grab that ik Target g r just try to rotate and position it kind of similar to that graphic I'm not going to exaggerate it quite as much I'm gonna try to keep it a little bit more contained I'm going to rotate this body bone forward a little bit just like that and then this right arm can come forward grab that left arm bone okay we will get the forearms later let's just focus on side view for now okay that's pretty good for frame one so now let's move to frame three all right so now uh let's move the body down a little bit so gz just down a tad and this left foot kind of comes to the floor like that all right and then his right foot comes in a little bit more maybe rotate it forward a little yeah okay so we can rotate these a little bit closer to the center I think the body comes a little bit farther forward and let's rotate the head forward to just a little bit okay that looks good so now let's move to frame five so now [Music] the right foot is going to be forward like this the body bone actually is going to go up a little bit again too back to kind of where it was initially and now this left foot that toe is going to be kind of touching back like that now this right arm is going to be starting to go to the back and then the left arm will be coming forward like that and then I'll keep these rotations on these the same for now okay and then we'll go to frame eight so now this is a little bit farther forward kind of rotate that heel out a little more okay and then this foot is off the ground now too we'll rotate that back and we can rotate These Arms out a little bit more and I'll rotate this body and head back a little bit as well I'm actually going to move the body up a little bit too cheesy move that up okay so now we are going to make it so that if you press AC all this we're going to Loop this but on the opposite direction so it'll start at frame 12. so press a to select all of these keyframes that we've made already press Ctrl C to copy them and then press Ctrl shift V to paste them but with the rotations flipped so you can see that it's now a complete Run Cycle we just have to press double A to deselect everything and then press this dot up here to select this Frame we're going to go four frames past this so one two three four so 23 and shift d put this here and then to make this Loop properly we'll go one frame before this last one here so set the end to 22 like that one last thing press a shift e and make cyclic that's just going to make it a little bit smoother all right then let's press space and see what we got okay and it's not bad now we just want to add in the forearm rotations so let's do that so real quick I'm going to click both of these uh if it's not the first frame I'm going to delete it right now and then we'll go to frame one and let's start setting these so for this front arm I'm gonna do r if I press R and Z it rotates it in the global z-axis but if I press r z and Z it rotates it in its local z-axis kind of takes into account this upper arm rotation as well so all of these forearm rotations that I'm going to do I'm going to do with r z z so just R and then press z twice so r as you can see let's bring that form in a little bit and for its back one rzz let's bring that one in two okay and then to frame three now we want to bring them back out a little bit so they don't collide with the legs yep as you see okay frame five uh actually those look pretty good so I'm just going to keep it the same for five and then eight we can start bringing them in a little bit more again all right so again I'll bring this to 12. and then I'll just box select all of oh wait no I want both of these selected so I'll box select all that control C and then Ctrl shift V and then again we have to uh select this first frame and put it back at the end so I'll just shift d and then put that over on frame 23 okay so now let's see how that looks all right I'm pretty happy with that so let's go ahead and click this Shield icon and that is our run animation with our animations made now we can start thinking about exporting this model to Godot and we're just going to do a couple small things before we actually export it here and the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to take our looping animations and we're going to shift them over to the left one frame so that they all start at frame zero because if it starts at frame one when we import it to Godot it's going to stutter a little bit so we just want to do that with our looping animations so I'll press a up here to select all the bones then a down here to select all the frames G and drag it to the left one so that it starts at frame zero and I'll do the same thing with the idle Loop press a g drag it to the left one all right perfect now we can go back over to the layout tab earlier in this video we set the object origin of the mesh here to the world origin and we're going to want to do the same thing with the Armature here so press shift s cursor to world origin just to make sure that the 3D cursor is down there and then in object mode go ahead and left click the Armature then right click set origin origin to 3D cursor okay and then the last thing that we're going to do before we actually export is we're going to assign a a color to this mesh if I press Z material preview this is the default color of the material that we're going to be exporting the mesh with but we want to give it a color when we import a ticket though so I'm going to click the mesh click this red ball icon down here click new click base color and then I'm going to drag it to this red color right here so this is the color that it'll have now when we export it to Godot and now we can actually export it so make sure that these references are hidden here like like I have them press a to select the Armature and the mesh file go to export down here gltf 2.0 and there's a couple settings to select here limit to selected objects make sure that plus y up is selected there geometry mesh select apply modifiers and then an animation skinning select export deformation bones only that's just going to make it so that our ik Target and ik pole bones don't appear in the engine because it's not necessary for them to appear they would just get in the way so go ahead and Export it and then we can hop over to Godot I've got a new Godot 4 project opened here so let's do a couple things to set this up before we import the character go up to project project settings input map I'm going to add a couple actions here forward back left right and quit forward I am going to make the W key back I'll make s left I'll make a and then right I'll make d quit I'm going to assign the Escape key okay go ahead make the root node a normal node I'll call it World add a mesh instance 3D I'll call it ground and then I'm going to make it a plane mesh and I'll make it 20 by 20 and then go ahead and click this mesh menu up at the top of the viewport and click create try mesh static body so that the player can collide with it and then I'm gonna add the world environment and directional light that are in this uh preview scene here by clicking these dots up here and clicking add sun to scene and add environment to scene okay and with that I'll go ahead and save it we can start importing our character go ahead and locate that dot glb file that we exported from the end of the blender section and click and drag it into your Godot project over here right click the import click new inherited scene and let's make sure the animation is imported properly go to idle we can see that because we named them underscore Loop they are looping properly in Godot everything looks good okay I'm going to change the root node here to a character body 3D and then I'll give that node a collision shape 3D I'll make it a capsule shape Ctrl drag that up one unit give it a radius of point five okay that looks good and then I'm gonna give it a camera but first I'll give it this node 3D and Call it spring arm pivot that'll be used for rotating the camera I'll give that a spring arm 3D and I'll give that a camera 3D okay and so we could see that the camera by default is facing the negative Z Direction and so I'm going to go to the skeleton 3D transform and rotate that 180 degrees and then for the spring arm 3D let's give it an arm length of three and we don't want it on the floor we're going to want it more shoulder level so I'll drag the spring arm up to about there okay and then I'll save this scene and let's give it a script and I am going to use the template that comes with the character body 3D so I'll create that I'm not going to use any of the jump stuff here so I'll get rid of that jump velocity and these lines about handling jumping uh for input and moving I'm going to change these right here to the forward back left and right inputs that we assigned right when we started the project so change that to left right that can be forward and that'll be back and then I'm going to make it so that when I press Escape it'll just close the window that's it's really nice to set that up for when you're testing stuff so Funk uh unhandled input if input is action just pressed quit get tree quit okay now I'll go to the world scene and Ctrl shift a I'll add lowepolymand.tscn and I'll click play select current and okay we have movement now we want to make it so that the mouse is captured and that we can rotate the camera so I'll go back to the low poly man script and I'll add a ready function up here funk ready and then input that set Mouse mode Let's do input.mouse mode captured and then in the unhandled input function we'll actually handle that rotation but first we need to actually get access to some of these nodes here so at onready far spring arm pivot equals spring arm pivot at on ready bar spring arm equals spring arm 3D so if event is input event Mouse motion uh let's see so if we're moving the mouse left and right so the mouse Motion in the X direction we're going to rotate along the y-axis on the spring arm pivot so spring arm pivot dot rotate y negative event dot X or event dot relative dot X small number because this is in radians and then in the Y Mouse motion we will rotate on the x-axis for the spring arm 3D so spring arm dot rotate X negative event relative y and then we don't want to be able to infinitely rotate on the spring arm because then we can kind of like rotate uh infinitely and kind of disorient the players so I'll just clamp that quick so spring arm dot rotation dot x equals clamp spring under rotation.x and then I'll do negative pi over four pi over 4. okay let's see what that looks like okay so now we can move the camera but the player's movement isn't lined up with the direction that the camera is facing so let's add that and we can add that just by going to this direction Vector here and then we just need to adjust that along with the uh we need we need to rotate that with the spring arm pivot y rotation so Direction equals Direction dot rotated axis would be Vector 3 dot up so the y-axis and then the angle will be the spring arm pivot dot rotation dot y okay let's see that okay and now whatever way I'm facing that's forward yep movement seems to be going just fine so we've got all the movement set up now now we just need to make the player animate properly with this movement so that will be the final order of business the first thing that we're going to do in order to get the animation working smoothly is we're going to make it so that when we are moving the player is going to rotate in the direction of that movement so we'll do that by rotating the Armature node so let's get access to that on ready VAR Armature equals Armature and for a lot of this animation stuff we're going to be interpolating so I'm going to add a const alert file here and give it a value of 0.15 we are going to rotate the player when the direction is not zero so here I'll set that rotation so Armature dot rotation dot y equals lerp angle armature.rotation dot y uh and then here we need to we need to get the angle in the X Z plane of the Velocity Vector so we can do that with this A10 2 function and we will use uh negative velocity dot X and negative velocity dot Z to do that and then here we just use that lerp vowel so let's make sure that this rotates properly now so it's always LARPing smoothly forward left right back okay perfect now we just have to actually put the animations in there so we'll do that with an animation tree so add an animation tree right here I'll make the tree root a animation node blend tree and then assign the animation player to it all right I'll make this a little bit bigger right click in here and then let's add a blend space 1D open the editor click this icon here I'm going to change this from negative 1 to 0. and what we're going to do is right click right here add animation idle over here add animation run and we will set based on the player's velocity length the length of the Velocity Vector we're going to set this to a value between 0 and 1 based on max speed so it will interpolate smoothly between the idle and run animation so make sure that this is set to zero and one and then you've got them on the ends here so we'll go back to root and connect this and make sure that that animation tree is also set to active okay so now we just need to make it so that this value is set based on velocity and we can do that by first well there's one problem right now and that is the velocity doesn't actually interpolate the velocity is either just on at Max Speed or set to zero so we'll first have to make the velocity interpolate and we can do that by changing so velocity at X we can change this to lerp uh so alert from velocity.x to the direction dot x times speed and then we'll use alert value again and then I'm going to copy this paste it down here and just change this to Z all three of those okay and then I am going to copy it twice down here again and then here instead of Direction times speed I'll just change it to 0.0 for both of these and change these to Z and now you might not be able to tell but there is some more interpolation going on here it's not just setting on and off but you will be able to tell once we set that value in the animation tree so let's get access to that animation tree on ready bar anim tree equals animation tree and then we will adjust every physics process frame set that so anim tree dot set and then so here we just have to put the property path and here we will put the value so the value is going to be velocity dot length divided by speed okay and then the property path we can actually click the animation tree go to parameters this is that blend space that we added and then this is that parameter so we can right click this and then click copy property path and then go in here and paste there it is and there we go we've got a smooth low poly character controller pretty cool thanks for watching this video if you made it this far uh I'm impressed and I'd also appreciate it if you could like this video And subscribe to my channel please feel free to let me know if you'd like any more of these tutorials and if there's any improvements you think I could make I'd really like to make more of them thanks
Channel: DevLogLogan
Views: 103,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 57min 33sec (3453 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2022
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