Godot UI Basics - how to build beautiful interfaces that work everywhere (Beginners)

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hello Golden Ears making a user interface for a game can be quite challenging but every game needs one to give the player Vital Information and to make your game easy to use a user interface must also adapt to different screen sizes and resolutions so players with all kinds of different Hardware can play your game thankfully Godot has a quite powerful UI system built in so we are going to have a look into what godose UI system can do and how you can use it effectively there's a lot of ground to cover so this video is quite long feel free to take a break every now and then and come back later when you are refreshed this is a beginner level tutorial we are going to do everything with the editor so you can even follow along if you don't have any knowledge of GD script so we are in guitar and I have created a small scene which we will use to explore godot's UI system as an example we are going to use a city Builder or strategy game where your units will collect resources and then build something of course we're not going to build the whole game here so what I have done is I've just created a little backdrop which simulates the game running below our user interface and I have also added a camera to D so we can move the camera and see what is happening in a game like this your units usually collect resources and what we want to do is we want to show the player which resources currently have been collected so the player can use them I have prepared a few icons for these resources so we have a little flash icon which can maybe be energy maybe we move it here I have also a barrel which could indicate food or maybe oil because these are robots and they probably don't need food and we have of course a cogwheel icon which is maybe spare parts right these robots need to repair themselves so okay so we zoom in and you can see this boundary here which shows us how big the screen will be when we play our game so let us quickly push the button and play it and you see uh what we get in our window is exactly this boundary okay so now we can use this to set up our little dashboard if you will so here and maybe also make this a bit smaller move it here make this a bit smaller and move it here and we may be also adding some labels so let's add a label also a label can help us to display text and maybe give it a number maybe we have 100 of this energy so labels up here everything you add is up here so now we can duplicate it Ctrl D or command D is duplicating it moving down duplicate again okay so now the text is pretty hard to read so we can maybe add a little background there's another note for this which is a panel and again you notes appear in the upper left so maybe resize this a bit and then over here the panel is now above everything which is not what we want when it's on the bottom of the tree it renders above everything else and if I move it up it renders below now we have a UI isn't that great have a look great it works so are we done yet well not really this only works for a little example if I choose a different resolution or Go full screen you can see how this completely falls apart it's no longer in the upper right corner it is way too small to read in full screen it's just not good so how can we make a UI that works for all resolutions and all aspect ratios Godot approaches this problem with a thing called a reference resolution so what Godot does is it allows you to design everything in one resolution that you think most players will have and then good though will scale it up and down According to some rules so where can we set up this reference resolution we can do this in the project settings so we go to project project settings window and there you have it if you put width viewport height so this is the reference resolution which one should we pick or we can't use any resolution that we want but it's a good idea to use a resolution that most players will likely have because then what you design is what most players will immediately get without having to care about scaling so which resolutions do most players currently have well we can have a look at the steam Hardware survey that is the survey that steam does every quarter and they collect information from all of their players what kind of Hardware are they using and they're also having information about the resolutions that they are using so if we are looking at the screen resolution in the hardware survey you can see that the most popular resolution right now is 1920 by 1080. so let's go back into Godot and we start with 1920 by 10A then we close and you can see that our screen rectangle has not updated oh now it has if it doesn't update for you sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't you can go to Project reload current project save and reload and now we're back great now we can just move everything over to the new right and play again and great we are done no we're not done because what I have just shown you is the worst way in which you can build a UI the first problem that we have is that this does not work very well with cameras if I take my camera and if I move it a bit maybe here and I play the game again you can see that our UI moves off screen and the reason for this is that our UI lives in the same space as our game so if I move the camera the game moves and the UI also moves how can we fix that we can fix that with a canvas layer node so we go to add node search for canvas layer add this node and we put it in here below our game because we want to render our UI above the game and we saw earlier that when you move stuff up in the tree it renders below and when you move it down in the tree it renders above we take all of this and we move it inside of this canvas link camera is still Offset you can see it here and you see that now our UI is in a completely separate layer which is not affected by camera movement and that is much better okay let's have a look at our little dashboard up here it looks pretty rack because all the icons are not really aligned and the text is also not really aligned so it looks pretty bad and we can of course try to fix this by moving it around with the mouse until it looks right but this is not very efficient there's a much better way of doing this which is using containers Godot has some very useful nodes built in which automatically align components According to some rules if we look at this it looks a bit like a grid we have a column and the second column and we have three rows and there is a built-in container inkido which can layout components in a grid and this is called a grid container so we add this look for grid container and again new components always end up here so we moved is over here and you can see it's not really visible and that is because containers just lay out their child components and do not display anything by themselves so we move the container maybe up here and remove all of these things as child nodes and you can see something very interesting happening it looks like it aligned our labels but it did not align our icons and the reason for this is that containers only work on UI components they do not work on Sprites or anything else all UI components have this greenish color here and our icons do not so we cannot use Sprites for this we need to use something else and what would we use for this well we have a look into our UI components all UI components derive from control so we can look here at control and we can look okay what component could work we have a color rect we have a lot of other stuff and there's a thing down here called texture rack control that displays a texture which is exactly what we need so we take a texture rect and then we add our flash icon here to the texture at a few more of these again Ctrl or command D is duplicating and then we just change the textures of these the second one gets the barrel and the third one gets the wheel now we have that and if we have a look at the grid container you can see that it's rendering them all at one column when we want two columns and we can set this up here right now columns is one so we say we want two columns that still doesn't look right and that is because the container renders its children in the order in which you have given them so what we want is we want an icon a label an icon a label so we put icon maybe we also give this a name so we say this is The Flash icon and energy label and then we put here the barrel icon and the food label and finally we have the Cog wheel icon and the spare parts label now we have icon label I can label I can label but the icons are way too big how can we fix that let's have a look at the settings of the texture rack and you can see there's a setting called export mode and currently it's keep size so it will try to keep the size of this texture this texture is pretty big so what we can do is we change this exponent mode to something else maybe ignore size that is at least a bit better let's try what happens if we make this for the other two as well ignore size now it has completely disappeared to understand why this has disappeared we need to learn a bit more about how containers do their work what containers do is they ask each of their child nodes how big do you want to be so they asked this icon how big do you want to be they ask this label how big do you want to be and once they have asked all their chart components they then calculate where each component goes so they have asked this label how big do you want to be and the label looks okay I need to display this 100 so I need to be three characters wide and I need to be as high as my font so if I add another number here you see that the label automatically gets bigger because it reports okay I need more space I have more text what I have said here is ignore size and ignore size if we look at the documentation the size of the texture won't be considered for minimum size calculation so what this node will now do it will say okay I don't need any space thank you very much so maybe let's try a different mode maybe let's try fit with that looks a lot better and fit width says the height of the texture will be ignored the minimum width will be equal to the current height useful for horizontal layouts and this is actually what we have we have a horizontal layout icon label the other ones automatically got bigger why is that they are still on ignore size now the reason for this is that the first icon now has some size and this is a grid container so it gives all the icons in this column the same with no matter how they are set up what if I let's say hide this icon then we have the same problem again because this icon now says I don't need any more space and the other icons they are still saying oh I don't need any more space so it's best if we set all of these icons to the same thing fit with now we can have a look at our labels and the labels they're pretty tiny so maybe we can change their font size and we can change the font size if we go to theme overwrite font sizes and then we can say maybe we do a 32 here that is a lot better now you can see the next problem the good thing is is that our icon automatically has grown because now we have more height and the export mode fit with uses the height to determine the width however if we look at our Barrel here you can see that it's not looking right and we can fix this with the stretch mode setting right now it's set to scale so it will just scale according to whatever width and hide the container assigns to it but we don't want this to distort itself so we use keep aspect and we also use this for the barrel and the wheel so we say keep aspect and now this looks a bit better but you can see it is moving to the left we don't want this we want to have it centered so what we can do is we say keep aspect centered and now it's centered okay so now we can move this grid container up here so we can read it a bit better and now we have another problem and that is that our panel has a fixed size so when I say I have a lot of energy like really really a lot it will go over our panel we can fix this with another container which is called a panel container so we add a panel container this is the same as a panel but it has some extra functionality we can delete this and we move the panel container over here and now we put our grid container in our panel container and you see what happens the panel container it again asks its chart node which is the grid container how big do you want to be and the grid container says okay I have all these components so I need to be this big and the panel container then makes itself as big as is needed for the grid container so if I change the label you can see that it automatically resizes so it looks quite nice but still not great we have a little problem here on the right side where there's not really a border it looks very ugly how can we say I want some extra space here there's another container for this which is the margin container so we add the chart node you add a margin container and now what we do is we put the margin container in the panel container and we put the grid container in the matching container so what will now happen is that the margin container is asking the grid container how big do you want to be and then we can set up in the team overrides constant of a margin so maybe we say we want to have 20 pixels to the right or maybe 15 pixels to the right so the marching container will add a bit of margin and then tell the panel container okay I need to be as big as the grid container plus this margin and the panel container will automatically resize itself to fit all this and it shows why it's important to use containers for layout and not doing it manually because containers automatically compensate when the text in your interface changes it's also important if you want to do localization work where the length of a text can vary quite a bit between different languages okay so this is quite a bit better than before but it still doesn't really look nice if you look at the UI and you look at our game they don't really fit together very well that is because our UI currently uses the Godot default look that comes with Godot and while this is serviceable it's not really fitting the theme of our game so how can we change this well we can change this with a theme there is a thing called themes in Godot and we can create one with create new resource and then we look for theme and recreate a theme and we call this maybe our theme and now you can see we have a new section down here where we can change how things look inkedo so the first thing we want to do is we want to change how these labels look we can change it by using this little eyedropper icon here click on it and then click on the label and now we have a new type here in our theme label so we can now say the label should look different and there's a lot of settings that we can change for label we can change its colors we can change some constants for the label but we want to change the font so we go to font and we click this plus icon which allows us to change the font and then we can select a new font do a quick load and I have added a font which looks a bit more like writing on a Blackboard it's still a bit tiny so we also change the default font size and we say this is 32. so now you can see here how the label has a different look now but it still doesn't show in our game why is that well we need to tell our component that it should use this new theme there's three ways in which we can do this the first way is we just take this label and we go to theme and we drag our team in here and you can see it now uses this theme but this is very cumbersome because we would now need to change all the labels so we don't do it this way let's revert this and revert this what we can also do is we can set the theme at the root of our UI tree so I put it in here and you can see that all the labels now change and that is because if you set a theme Here then all the components that are below this node will also use the theme unless they have their own team but it's still something that we need to set up for each node and that we can forget there's a third way in which we can do this and this is in the project settings so we go to project project settings and we need to enable advanced settings for this and then we can go down here and find GUI theme and there we have a setting custom in which we can load our theme this needs a restart of the editor so we press save and restart and now you can see that our labels use the new theme so now our labels fit the game a bit better but still I don't like this panel container so how about we add a wooden border around this we can do this also in the theme but if we look down here there's not really a panel container visible in this case we can add a new type using this plus button here so we click on there we type panel container because that is the one we want to change and if you look at the panel container there's really only one setting that we can change which is the panel we click the plus button here and then we can say how the panel should be rendered and we have a few options here we have a style box empty a Starbucks texture a Starbucks flat and a Starbucks slide so empty is what it says it's just rendering nothing which is not what we want we have the Starbucks flat which renders a flat color similar to how it's done right now because right now it's using a Starbucks flat and we have Starbucks line which renders the line which we don't need here it's more a thing if you have separators so what we want to use is Starbucks texture and then we can click on it and now we can see a preview of here how it would look like so first thing is we need a texture I have created a few textures here so we take this Frame small thing and we put it in here and now we have a preview I will see it's a wooden frame but it renders kind of strangely here on the sides and that is because it just takes this texture and it stretches it but what I want is to keep the borders unstretched and just stretch this inner part and we can do this by setting the text from Origins here so if I set the texture margin here to 24 pixels on each side you can see how it now only stretches the inner part so we leave a margin of 24 pixels on all sides which are not stretched and only the inner part gets stretched we have updated our theme but our container does not update and the reason is that UI components don't actively monitor if the theme changes you need to reload them so what we can do is we go to scene reload saved scene then you can see it has updated and now that looks a lot nicer okay let's say we want to show the player some kind of mission dialogue where they can see a mission and then they can accept it or decline it how would we do that well we can create a second panel container and set it up there so let's add another panel container and move it somewhere here and then we add some label for the text so label so maybe we call this title and Mission and we duplicate it and we make this text so this should be the text and for the text I will just use some dummy text and maybe we set this to rep because right now it's putting all of the text in one line and we want to automatically wrap it so there's an order wrap setting here and we want to wrap on every word so we use that but it still looks not right because they seem to render on top of each other which is not what we want we want to stack them we want to have the title up here and then we want to have the text below and we can also do this with the container there's a thing called a vbox container a vertical box vbox a container that arranges its shot controls vertically which is exactly what we want so we take a vbox container we put it into panel container and then we put our labels inside of this vbox containers and now you can see the mission is up here and the text is up there and we can nicely resize this and you can see that the text is automatically flowing around here so it looks nice good however I would like to make a few changes first off I think this border should be bigger so how can I make that I have already set up how a panel container should look so if I change this border to make it bigger then this border would also get bigger and we don't want that and we can do this by adding a variant to our theme so we click on our theme and we click the plus button and we want to make a custom type or a custom variant for a panel container so we say maybe big panel container don't be confused that this is now empty you can still click add type and we have now made a custom type which currently is not based on any other component but if we go to this I can hear we can say which should be the base type and we say this should be some kind of panel container so we select the panel container here and now it knows it is a panel container now we can go here and we see we now have the panel setting we add the Starbucks texture click on the Skybox texture and we change the texture to frame big and again we want to set the margins so this time it's a bit bigger so we use 48 so now we need to tell this panel container that it should use our variant and we can do this by going to theme type variation big panel container and it uses the big border and this is how you can make variations of controls in your theme we want to make another variation for this Mission label I want this to be bigger than the rest of the text and we already know how to do this so we go to our theme and we add another variation and rename this maybe header and you can see godo has some variations for labels already which are called had a large had a medium head is small so we take this at a large and then we can change the font size for this header large maybe to 48. now we can say to this title In theme type variation header large and now we get a large header and we also want to have this centered so we go to horizontal alignment let me say this should be Center now we want to add two buttons which allow the user to accept the mission or to decline the mission so we add a button and we put it as an RV box container and maybe we call this okay and we make a second button close cancel button and the other one we call okay button and so so now we have these but you can see they are still using the default look and we don't want that we want to have nice looking buttons so we go back to our theme we already know how this works we can use this eyedropper here and there's a button you can also use the Plus on this side it works the same way but this is a bit quicker okay so the buttons they also have a font so we change this to our chalk font and we also change the font size to 32. and now we look at the style boxes and you can see buttons have quite a few of them for each state of the button it could be an enormous State like this button it could be in Harvard State when I move the Mars over it could be pressed when I click it and so on and we need to change the style boxes for each of them so let's start with the disabled again we click the Plus change it to Starbucks texture then I have already made a lot of buttons here we change the texture margins and we're done with this one and then we continue okay I have set up everything and again we need to reload our scene so it picks up the changes first we may want to save it so reload our scene and now you can see that we have the buttons with the new start this looks a lot nicer now we want to lay out the buttons in a horizontal way and just like there's a v box container there's also an edge box container which can do this for us so we use an edge box container container arranges its child controls horizontally which is exactly what we want we put it here and we put all our buttons into this hbox container let me make this a bit bigger so we have a bit of room to work with okay now I would like that these buttons have the same size okay so right now the OK button it has a lot smaller size than the cancel button and the reason for this is again this container asks its child nodes how big do you want to be and the okay button says you know I just have this okay in there I'm okay with this small size while the cancel button says you know I have this big cancel thing I need more size so how can we tell this OK button that it should use more size that it should not just take its minimum size we can do this in the layout settings and this is the part that confuses a lot of people because it's not really straightforward but we're going to take it extra slow and explain how it works so we're having the OK button selected we go to layout container sizing and then we can see some options and there's two options that we can check we can have this expand flag turn on and off and we can set some other Behavior which we will explain shortly with this expand flag you can change how much space the control requests from its parent container right now it is unchecked and the button will only request as much space as it needs to render its OK plus the little border around it if I turn it on the button says to The edgebox Container you know what I need only this okay thing but if you have more space then I would like to have it and if we look at the edge box container you can see this is all the space that the edgebox container right now has the OK button says I would like to have as much space as you can give me so what the edge box container now does is it's asking the cancel button how much space do you need and the cancel button says I need this little bit bit of space to randomly cancel and then it looks okay I have this much space to give I removed the space for the cancel button so I give the rest to the OK button and now the OK button gets bigger which is nice but we're still not having the same width so what happens if we tell the cancel button to also request a lot of space so we go to layout container sizing and we also say expon so now the edge box container has two children and they are telling him okay give me all the space that you can spare so what does the hbox container Now do well it looks at how much space it has and then it gives it evenly to all its child nodes and now the buttons have the same size but what if you want to have different sizes for each of these buttons so maybe this OK button should get a quarter of the size and the cancel button should get three quarters of the size we can do this with the stretch ratio setting that you can see down here and it works like this the container will look at all the controls that say I want to expand and then it will sum up all the stretch ratios of these controls so right now the OK button has a stretch ratio of 1. and the cancel button has also a stretch ratio of one so it will sum these up and you get two and then it will assign each control a fraction of the space which is their stretch ratio divided by the sum so okay button has a stretch ratio of 1 divided by the sum which is 2 so it gets one divided by two it gets half the space and the cancel also gets one divided by 2 which is half the space if we want to give this one quarter and this three quarters then the sum of these stretch ratios needs to be 4 because we want to give quarters right so divided by four so we set the stretch ratio here to three and we get the correct result again all the stretch ratios are added so okay button has one cancel button has three some of this is one plus three is four so we have four and now the OK button gets 1 divided by 4 which is one quarter and the cancel button gets three divided by four which is three quarters and we maybe make another example let's say the OK button should have two thirds and the cancel button has one third how do we do that well again we want thirds so the sum needs to be three so we give the cancel button one and we give the OK button two and now the OK button has 2 divided by the sum which is three so two thirds and the cancel button has one divided by three which is one third so now we know how this export flag works so what is this fill thing I'll just flipping it only works if you have this exponent to show it better I will temporarily hide this cancel button and we only work with the OK button so right now it is set to fill and fill means make me as big as all the space that I have requested and say you want to have this button in the middle oh you can change it to shrink Center so the button will still request all the space because what it requests is decided by this expand flag so if expand is off it will only request the minimum size if it's on it will request all the size it can get and this Flag controls how the button uses the size it has gotten right so the container says okay fine you can have all of this space and now the button says okay I take all of the space but what do I do with it do I fill it out or do I shrink myself and go to the center or do I shrink myself and go to the beginning or do I shrink myself and go to the end but if you don't have this expand Flex set then the container will only give this button as much space as it needs so it says okay I only need as much space as this this is this is all the space we have and now I can set whatever I want here because I only have this tiny bit of space it doesn't really matter what I said here because everything will look the same and this is what confuses people because it says fill here but if you just do fill it will not fill this space right so again this expand Flex says how much space do I want and this other flag says what do I do with the space that I got okay so let's add the cancel button again what I want now is that this button and the cancel button they have the same size we already know how to do that so we set both to expand and we give them the same stretch ratio so now everyone has one but I want them to be centered how can I do that there's a few ways in which I could try this so there is for example a center container Center so we move it up here and maybe we put the hbox container inside of the center container so see this Center container and now this is the hbox container another the buttons so they're now centered but they don't have the same size anymore so why is that well the reason for this is that the center container only gives its child nodes as much space as they need so you see while this Edge box container is inside of the center container I don't even have an option to export the center container does not supported so the Xbox container only gets as much size as its short notes need so there's no space to export because the center container will not give the edge box container enough space so this is not working let's move it up here and delete the center container because that is not working there's another trick which we can use to make this work and this is a spacer control and this basic control is really just an empty control so you use the control node will render nothing and now we set this control to export layout container sizing export and now you can see that it gets one third of the space because it's X part and it has a splash ratio of one and we have three components so one plus one plus one is three and it gets one third if we duplicate this and add another control down here it gets a fourth of the space and this effectively centers our two other buttons this is a nice trick which we can also use to move these buttons down here because the label is nice with the mission but I would like to have these buttons at the bottom we can again add a control and put it here above the edge box container and now we want to set this layout to expand there's also a second place where you can set this which is up here so we want to vertically expand it so if you don't want to click here you can also set it up here so now this expands and it takes all the space it can get all the other controls take the space that they need and this spacer control which we can also maybe name spacer it's always a good idea to rename your nodes so you know what they do so space two and this basic control will grow and Shrink depending on how much space is available so if I make this really small there's no more space so it will be really small but if I make it bigger it will automatically grow and push the buttons down so we have now made our UI much better by using containers to automatically layout our controls but there's still a problem if I run this and if I change the size of my window the UI does not what I would like the first problem is that this thing should always be in the upper right corner no matter how I change this window size and also I would like this to always be in the center no matter how I change my window size and we can do this with anchors if you look at this panel container up here which I have selected you can see there's these little pins up here and these pins tell where this container is anchored to so right now it is anchored to the upper left corner of the screen so when I move it the position is always relative to the upper left corner of the screen so what we want to do is we want to Anchor it to the top right corner of the screen and we can do this up here by choosing an anchor preset and you see there's a lot of presets already there we want to choose top right and now these pins are in the upper right corner and now it's anchored to the upper right so if I now move this and I run the scene you can see that it's now moving with the upper right corner of the screen automatically and the same way we can anchor this panel container here so we can say we want to Anchor this to this enter so if we run the game then the mission container is nicely centered no matter how we resize the window we're almost done but there's still one problem to solve and we can see the problem when we make the window smaller if a player only has a small resolution then everything gets squished together or cut off and that is not what we want when we want this that this scales with the resolution of the plane and we can set this up in the project settings so we go to project project settings window and we may be disable these advanced settings because we don't need them anymore and the interesting part is the stretch mode this controls how the game is scaling right now it's set to disabled which produces what we just saw so let's try something different we have a few options here we have disabled we have canvas items and we have viewport and we hover over this mode we get a little explanation so disabled we already know it doesn't work so we don't look at this anymore so we have canvas items or viewport and for canvas items it says the base size specified in width and height in the project settings is stretched to cover the whole screen which sounds a lot like what we want we want this space size to be stretched to cover the whole screen okay so let's use that and now let's make it smaller that is that is a lot better you see that it just scales the game up and down and it does not push our components together so maybe we make it big and you see if you have a huge resolution like this 4K here then you get to use this resolution everything is crisp and automatically scale up the right way however you can see that we have a bit of black bars if we go to widescreen we get pillar boxes on the left and the right and if we scale down the other way we get letterboxes on the top and the bottom which we don't want so we're not fully done yet so let's go into the project approach settings and we have a look at this other setting here which is called aspect right now it's set to keep I don't want to keep this aspect I just want it to adapt to the aspect so let's try ignore let's see what that does okay that is not good now it looks like jelly so yeah it ignores the aspect so we actually want to keep the aspect but we want to grow we want to use the extra space that we have it should just show more of the game world so let's look again at the project settings let's try the next one keep with let's see what that is doing to the right we still seem to have black boys what happens if we move to the other way okay that looks more like it so you see vertically it already uses more space here if we have more space so the UI stays the same but we show more of the game world but horizontally we still get the black bars okay so we have keep height which will probably work the other way around so let's try X part yeah that looks more like it so if we have more space horizontally it will grow horizontally you see the dialog stays in the middle we just get more room left and right and this also stays in the top right corner the way it should be so that is great and if we go the other direction yeah it also works the same you know our backdrop ends here but doesn't really matter so this is what we want in this video we have learned how we can make a game user interface with Godot we learned that we can use controls to represent UI elements and we use containers to arrange these controls for us automatically we learned that we can use the canvas layer to separate our UI from the game world so it does not move when we move the camera we learned that we can use a theme to change how our components look we also learned that there can be different variants of a component inside of a theme so we can for example make headlines and normal labels we learned that containers ask their children for their size and that children by default request their minimum size we also learned that if we set the expand flag then children will request more size than they need children then use the various ring and fill settings to use the extra space that they have been given we learned that we can use the stretch ratio setting to divide extra space among the children and we learned that we can use spacer controls to push other controls around finally we had a look at anchoring to pin our controls to a certain location of the screen and we looked at scaling settings to make our game render correctly at different aspect ratios and resolutions this has only been an overview on the basics of godot's UI system that should give you the fundamentals to build your own UI there's a lot more to learn that this video didn't cover nevertheless I hope this has been helpful if you have questions or would like to suggest topics for a new video please post them in the comments if you like this video please give it a thumbs up and maybe consider subscribing to the channel so you get notified when new videos are posted thank you very much and happy Golden Earring
Channel: Godotneers
Views: 161,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Godot, Godot engine, UI, anchors, aspect ratios, containers, controls, customization, gamedev, multiple resolutions, scaling, skins, themes, theming, user interfaces
Id: 1_OFJLyqlXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 53sec (2873 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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