Building a $3400 Showcase Fractal Torrent Compact PC + Giveaways (Ryzen 7700/ White Strix 4080)

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guys let's go and see if we get a hype train though because that always helps it in terms of unlocking we've already got fogger and shiny teeth you've dropped it all we need is like a couple people to drop 100 bits and then hype train is Off to the Races there we go shiny teeth Well it can't be shiny teeth shiny teeth it has to be four different people shiny teeth trying to make things happen but it needs to be four different people to make it uh to actually have it unlock so we have to have four different people but shiny teeth is ready at the go and ready and willing to go and guys by the way we do have uh we have Andy in the studio again she has been a part of all of the streams so I really appreciate uh you guys have seen her she's become a regular channel we got some great content coming up don't we Andy yes we do we got some beautiful builds we've got some P we got some cars with dead bodies being thrown into the back of them I mean we got all of the we got all the content uh coming up so hey and then yeah silent gamer so we it's it's nice I'm learning what it's like to be a Robotech fan on the east coast and how sometimes you know starting at eight o'clock you know we try very hard to be close to done here around midnight um but how's people's weekends been so far you guys had a good weekend thus far Frederick Barth you got to go check out the the Twitter post and then it'll make more sense it was actually just we we did actually put uh Andy's husband into contractor body bags uh for the sake of content and it and you know what her neighbors were out at the same time so all in all we're not really sure if uh if she's still gonna be living here by the time I come back uh later on the year snowing here again oh tired of shoveling yeah that sounds brutal man sus for sure it was sus but we're we're all good to go beemoc what's going on buddy I'm really excited about today's stream as well for a couple reasons one hey okay we got one more Justin Jam got us to 80 we got El cuche cache dropping 100 bits we have one one person drop it and we hit we hit hype train but today guys we're gonna be checking out a new a new a new CPU we'll be checking out the new ryzen 7 700 not the 7700x the 7700 and we're going to be air cooling it today just to see how this thing does these are their new like low wattage great for like small form factor in this case we're going to put it into like a torrent of air but very very excited about uh what this is actually going to do and to see how this actually performs okay guys uh Juniper Juniper oh Sarah dropping A Gifted sub and taking us up to we are five away from unlocking the 25 new gift card remember we also give away a 25 new gift card for getting 250 likes so we're very very close to the hype train one and we're we're 33 of the way towards the first tier of the giveaways guys so let's get this going in there the Robotech mats are awesome uh yes I I am a huge fan of them as well shiny dropping another 10 gifted subs and that is taking it up to 43 we're almost halfway there and we're almost a quarter of the way towards unlocking that 3090 airjack gamer thank you for the follow so we got a lot going on James Bond is 007 Roby Roby is 7700 kirasaki I like that yeah I'm really excited about Frederick I'm actually excited to see how it is and don't worry guys not only will we build the PC but we got all the benchmarking as well so you not only do get to see it look good but you get to see it perform just as awesome so Fargo dropping 20 more gifted Subs taking us to 63. guys we're almost to the 100 newly gift card and we haven't even gotten that far yet and then we got juggling biohazards that is not a Let Me Andy I don't know if about you but I would not recommend juggling biohazards not a thing I would do you know what I'm saying So yeah thank you very much guys level seven could we potentially make the new hype train record here on the East Coast could we could we break the height train record here on the East Coast that that is possible that is possible we have an epic prize sitting back there we'll check in with Abby Abby it was oh nope she's wow that was fast she transitioned to sleep there quickly wow she is out like a light she is like I am now full in guard mode there it is right back there that white Rog strix 3090 sitting back there and just waiting for somebody but man she transitioned to sleep like there was no tomorrow man I wish I could do that too Fargo so anyway guys uh yes that is the goal we could could we drive and get to the goal of the highest hype train while at the same time unlocking that epic giveaway today so I'll volunteer he's gonna volunteer to sleep okay uh Bernie Sanders let me know when you're asleep and then let us know when you wake up I could buy one with my gift card now oh that's right there you go he just he just he just won the big gift card over on the uh she he just won the gift card over on Amazon laughs six more until 69 DJ techno thank you for keeping it real buddy Douglas I I am actually really excited for this build as well um we um uh Andy and I have been planning um Andy and I have been planning uh the content that she works on when she's here and so we're hoping to turn this into a let's build but we're we're we're we're curious how it's going to turn out first we think so you guys are going to vote at the very end of the stream and let us know if you think we should turn this into a let's build when it's done um and I'd love to see what you guys think so yes she's got doggy doggy narcolepsy no she does not have that she does not have narcos sleepy yeah she's just it's just late yeah that's all there is to it I'm not on Twitch to see what's going in yeah we gotta we got about we're starting to come up on the uh two uh climbing up towards that 200 200 person Mark now right now never get notified of you on Amazon that's weird fogger yeah um okay guys uh we got two minutes and 30 seconds left are we gonna keep it going we're all we're so close to 100 can we at least get to the hundred dollar new a gift card I'd love to start that and hype train with that we're only some math amount that my head is not working towards right now uh 30 no 27 yeah 27 no because that would be at 27 okay so I think we're 37 away no because yeah 37 away okay my math my math was correct 37 away and then we unlocked the hundred dollars and then we're moving on towards the thing let's see if we can end it with that we have two minutes left and then we'll get started talking through build parts uh thoughts on the ryzen 5 5600x and 3070 TI I have no issue with that that's a great combination uh those will that'll that'll actually last you for a while especially if you're playing at 1440p I'm planning on buying the 5800 xdd but I can't find any cooling that fits in my old in our n200p that is not an option for you is it in 200 I don't know what the n200 is I gotta go look at that um I know the NR 200 but I don't know what the n200 is what's a good GPU for a 13600k oh The Cooler Master nr200 you can fit a 280 millimeter AIO in uh and yeah so the nr200p you can I unless I I gotta go look unless there's something wrong uh 13 600k you could do a 40 70 TI uh you could do a 30 uh you could do a 30 60 ti so any but 30 70 TI is a great combination you can even do a 4080 uh 40 70 TI heck you could do a 40 90 if you're gonna do 1440p uh you would see some limitations there a 4K you would be great what 50 seconds guys oh yeah that's a good point that's a good point or yeah 50 seconds can we keep the hype train going can we make the record happen when we're here yeah 30 60 or 30 60 TI or higher for 1440 feet oh I don't yeah as I don't know Fargo dropping five more taking it he wants to drag it a little further oh did he didn't quite get it we're at 99. we're at 99 we're not going to get 100. he thought he was he thought he had it perfect but it's actually 15 seconds we just need like 100 bits and it would go over ten nine is it gonna it's gonna oh it ended fart oh Fargo almost had it oh man that's stupid it's it's all good guys we are at 73 and it was uh oh man it was so close okay guys so we're at 73 we are only 27 away um from uh unlocking that uh first first tier and going for there but Fargo coming in clutch and he uh he almost did it he stopped the train but it's all good okay so let's talk about the parts that we're putting in today's build remember guys at 400 uh 400 Subs we're giving away a white strix 3090. okay so what are we gonna put this beautiful inside of this beautiful build well first and foremost we're going to be putting it in probably one of the cleanest looking motherboards ever this is the NZXT b650e of course this is a 3 400 showcase build so there is our motherboard love these motherboards they have three three bees actually on the board themselves we've got uh opportunity options for three m.2s um the other thing the only thing is just to be aware of with the b650s from uh or any of the NZXT boards is just the the uh RGB control so if you're going to use Ram or anything like that you're definitely going to want to make sure that you're using um Ram that has its own RGB controller software because the cam stuff is super limited uh comparatively to a lot of other software so that is our motherboard um for our fans unfortunately I don't know why NZXT does this but NZXT does not have RGB fans for their fractal torrent um so their white fractal torrent so we're going to be replacing the front fan front fan because we we have to remove one uh to the Prisma al-18 pwm so we can get that beautiful pink giant turbine fan right there at the front um to go with our other fans just to keep things uh to keep things cool and happening we're going to be using NZXT to cool our GPU and for our exhaust fans we're going to be using the f-120 duo and then the f-140 duo just to fill out the rest of our case the main reason being is that the b650 the B5 b650 from NZXT actually has four of their custom RGB headers makes it a lot easier to control the RGB and those will all register individually so you can change the colors and stuff of the fans uh when you get this squared away um for our for our for our storage um we actually already have them in there but we've got a one terabyte uh nvme from the Renegade uh we got a two terabyte game drive and a one terabyte uh all from Kingston so Kingston's been a supporter for here for us here on the East Coast um so we've got a one terabyte and two terabyte from there uh We've also got our Ram we're going to be using our Ram did I bring it over here I have another kit right here so that's fine oh here it is Kingston Fury RGB at 6000 Mega transfer again this is AMD Expo and it's also Intel XMP so we're going to be using that I like this because it's still got those silver accents and looks very very nice we've got our beautiful pink and white uh cable extensions to make sure that we get like that nice Sakura theme right there they're not okay there we go and then uh we also have our easy Edy 16 pin white extension just to make sure that also looks nice and clean with our uh White strix for power supply we're actually changing things up a little bit uh so showing a different power supply we use the Asus RG strix uh White uh 850 Watts for the um sky build but for this one we're going to use the thousand watt phanteks amp this is their smaller kind of form factor power supply really excited about these they they look really really nice and I think this will also continue to look nice we use this it doesn't have those sleeve cables like the uh one from Asus but the other thing too is it also is not near as expensive as well and then lastly to cool our 7700 and this is just to show you how much power we get for so little heat we're going to be using the NZXT t120 RGB just a single fan with the RGB on it that's all we're going to basically be using just to make sure to show you that hey you can actually get quite a bit of Power with not a lot of cooling and then lastly of course we have to make sure that we have an absolutely stunning looking GPU or it's not going to be a really good Sakura build and to go along with our White um our White 40 30 90 giveaway we're going to have that white Rog strix RTX 4080 to just kind of showcase where things are going uh with the 3090 and then lastly of course we've got our brand of our beautiful but also smaller uh fractal torrent compact so there's our case so this is our build for that we're going to be building in today and this is how all of our the pieces are so what do you guys think looking through to see what we got here yeah I think it looks really good right thoughts you guys feel like you you got a good build here Fargo says send it here when done okay people are good it's it's actually Sakura theme we actually all do a valentine theme later I guess we could put this right here so that's gonna cool that and then we'll I can go back there I guess looks a little bit more even that way no what's up Tech with me Larry Tech Larry I think it has potential okay people are thinking I'm feeling pretty good about it so yeah that is the build for today let's go ahead and get it ready and start putting it together because that feels like the best way to move forward is uh to actually move forward that's that was really that was really prophetic Ruby which you just said here foreign that's how we do it here in robitech time to start getting making some room here and we do have another fan if we end up having a problem we have an f-120p if the cooling isn't enough with a single fan but I think it's going to be fine so we'll need this we'll need these we don't actually need these because these are already in the motherboard but I'll show you where to install them no problem Ram will need okay so uh we do have it's not gonna work though let's not bother with it because I know it won't work so the first thing we're going to do is let's go and do our prediction for the ram clicks we can get that going let's go with 94. let's go with 94 today Blondie decibels there we go okay see what we got here okay I feel like we've got everything in a good location to start the process of building here bring our restream back up here Pig we did use your new intro today predictions up guys two minutes um we do sell some of them but for the most part they just get taken apart and then the parts get used for another build if usually if I'm going to do a PC that I'm going to sell it's better to just do a commission because a lot of the times we need parts for us to continue to be able to do and build more PCS foreign would be great for gaming and streaming absolutely Okay so we've got our boxes here [Applause] so far my day is going well it's been a busy day but a good day which I can't complain about okay here we go clean off the top table and let's get our top camera going which you guys always love okay so here it is top camera beautiful Rog wow it's split oh yeah I must have to flip it again it's like every time it's a guess is it gonna is it gonna work or not okay here we go [Music] I know it's upside down guys we'll figure it we'll fix it oh it didn't win yeah it reset it okay there we go okay love the sound of an anti-static bag honestly that's who who doesn't okay zoom in a little bit here getting me getting it in on the on the old foreign there we go right there okay look at that guys you get a full View it looks so good you can't see me though that's terrible don't forget guys 250 likes on YouTube and we get a uh we give away a uh 25 new gift card so make sure you go hit that smash smash that like button it is not an Intel board it's actually a b650 it's an AMD board what's up Mr pigeon it's a beautiful board is anybody going to help us unlock that first hundred dollar gift card so we can get to it more towards that 30 90 giveaway let's make it happen uh DMZ at this point in time it's actually six or one of those in the other they're both great they're they're both awesome so you don't really have to pick it's not like you had to back in the day so all of these are all viable builds just really comes down to your choice I wish this would pop but it doesn't really pop all that well yeah it's it's a it's a little bit of a it's like a it's like a semi-good pop but what you guys are here for is the thermal paste application that's what brings the joy to the people uh Godfather we actually have it tested it a ton because I just got the 7700 so it's on our list to test I don't have good comparisons or do you have any ideas in terms of how this compares to the uh 70 the 55 000 series I'm not gonna lick lick the lick it for good luck Yes actually I don't think I've ever tasted a seat oh I have tasted a CPU um it tastes like it just tastes like metal it's not oh I left some spit on there I better get that let's get the uh let's get the spit off of there uh yeah we got a little uh clean we got that yeah it's good [Laughter] oh man okay let's get some thermal paste on there you know honestly thermal paste with my saliva best coolant ever but you only get it if you use my saliva okay here we go we're going to cover that completely there we go wow two dollars from buzzify he's probably like just in case you get sick I want to cover your medical costs okay there we go clean up the edges here we go okay now look at I'm not doing that it'll make you sick and I I want to make it home thanks for trying to kill me though what's up TK there we go nice clean thermal paste application and we're good to go there let's not spill the uh and no this is not a crack bottle that was somebody thought last time what's who what's up with the crack bottle it's not it's a vial of isopropyl alcohol but thanks for caring okay so there is our thermal paste is completely ready let's pop it over here zoom out a little bit and Let's do let's see how our volume steps okay so there's our volume set 94 get those clicks ready okay let's make sure you guys can see that okay you guys can see that 52. um Ram over here thanks for thanks for stream my wife's boyfriend says it's time for bed later I don't even know how to take it huh that doesn't make any sense I [Laughter] think I don't I don't I don't know how to take that I don't know I don't I don't know how to take that good night though this wow I don't okay that's a moment okay here we go uh let's pop that down there getting our getting our Ram clicks ready okay let's get this in there 95 right that's what we said what did we say 94.95 94 Riddick dropping five gifted Subs okay so now guys we're at 78. guys we're 22 Subs away from the hundred dollars and now we are only 322 away from unlocking that 30 90 white strict so okay here we go ready three two one 97. holy moly 97 guys okay here we go ready boom wow that was crazy three two one 94. okay so no matter what it it cleared it it got it got it it got it it got it nailed okay so there we go guys 95 nailed and we're good and now our thing is ready guys we get to go to the we gotta go to the um we get to go to the cooler now somebody's asking hey Roby hey Roby question for you questions yes he said Roby how how were you able to get the white 4080 strix it's not even available in the United States it's because we are in Sheboygan Nicaragua and that is I was able to just go down to the local store here in Sheboygan Nicaragua and just pick it up so if you want to come to Nicaragua they have them they're just everywhere they're just on the street available for you to pick up I'm just kidding uh AMD sent me a couple I mean sorry ASU sent me a couple uh so I I have I have two of them and we have a white we don't have the 30 90 40 90 yet but we do have the white 48s so if you go to Sheboygan Nicaragua they have them just on the street if you want them there that that is that part is true you just have to find it it's like uh it's like it's like the uh the the city the Golden City just white gpus everywhere good luck El Dorado that's what I say it's like the El Dorado it's it's Nick like uh Sheboygan Nicaragua is like the El Dorado of tech it's just stricts and gpus everywhere they're just growing they're just growing on the trees GPU trees you you you'd be excited to see them has anybody ever seen a GPU tree wait Fargo did you do that just to get uh it's so funny did you do that just to get ahead of Riddick or was that just was that on purpose or was an accident you saw GP Grapevine I Heard it Through the Grapevine Jet Plane cause I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane A J jet plane's gonna be back again there we go and we are good guys just getting out our Mark H in new North Carolina says today's my birthday first one ever that I got a zero birthday cards at all your first birthday is today dude for being one you are really good at typing and all sorts of things man we guys we have a miracle child here um who is uh who who can oh what you said is your first birthday I didn't know how to take that I was about to like see if maybe you'd be down to join the circus or you know you needed a manager I got it okay okay Andy says because you didn't get any cards I gotta sing you happy birthday okay you guys ready okay me me me me me Andy you gonna help okay we're gonna do okay we're gonna sing This is Gonna Andy's gonna sing Happy Birthday ready okay here we go here we go okay happy birthday okay ready happy birthday to you you happy birthday to you you happy birthday dear one-year-old happy birthday to you there we go there you go how's that did we make did we make your birthday better just by doing that stuff is that even better oh there we go so you got a dog birthday and everything thank you oh I'm glad dude if we made your day that's even better I appreciate that's good everybody should have a good day on their birthday if we can make it many day much birth yeah I I I actually uh was an All-State singer um so yeah I used to sing and do all that sort of stuff but so when I try I can actually carry a tune and I appreciate the kind words you guys are very kind Riddick how you doing today man I I was meaning to ask you I was thinking about you the other day because I I still haven't opened I haven't so Riddick scent and we do have new Corsair um stuff to show it off but Redick actually sent me some face plates for our Corsair aios which you guys are going to see in here uh later on but I was just curious man how is the the Deadpool PC treating you like you know you used to send me these texts and I know you're waiting and I know we're still waiting for 49 but how is the uh the Dead the Deadpool piece here you still happy everything's going well who let the dog out Andy did who's that on your TV in the middle screen that is Andy the lab um we have been doing a ton of collaborations um and it has been absolutely fantastic we like doing stuff together so she is originally an automotive um influencer who also builds incredible PCS I mean uh the actual if you look back here we're gonna go to dog cam but back there in the back behind the white strix is a PC that she built that is completely blocked and she built that entire racing rig back there but very very talented PC Builder um so we have decided um to kind of team up a ton and so I'm here doing some content with her you're going to start seeing her a lot more on the channel you're seeing me in her social media so it's a whole thing so it's going to be really really awesome and then her husband Joe is like pretty much like a uh he's an amazing huggable teddy bear who you can also put inside of a body bag and throw in the back of a car so and believe it or not that's actually a thing she's back there laughing because she knows it's true yeah I accidentally dropped him not on his head though but on his head [Laughter] I'm not ion Master you have little faith you have little faith my friend you don't worry man it'll happen I have faith that we will hit yeah so you saw her in the collab tutorial oh Riddick was saying something sorry and I got distracted because talking about body bags Riddick said I just haven't wanted to bug you okay good well that's very kind of you but I do want to hear I do want to hear from time to time because it was like one of the most collaborative and cool uh ones that we've ever done so I appreciate you not wanting to do that but I do care my friend so the Paul shoe uh we actually have a couple okay oh so I should remind people we have a couple competitions going on well we have one competition but it's I'm actually really excited about it and people have been really uh really uh engaged um so we are doing a Valentine's Day competition uh you can head over to Roby Tech and you can submit your design and your parts list for a um robitech Valentine's Day build so you have until the February 1st and then our text will be choosing the top three and then I'll get to choose the one that we do and then we're gonna try and build it and actually give it away on Valentine's Day which will also be paired with the uh a let's build video that will also be coming out uh that is Valentine's Day themed from uh Andy as well so we actually have quite a bit of Valentine's Day content so even if this isn't the Valentine's Day build you were promised it is coming and in progress so Roby can people enter an AMD and Intel both you can do both you can you you if it's uh the texts are the ones who got the hard job there they're the ones you got to choose but yes they can I don't think I had a limit on the number of entries but if the techs are like yeah you've entered enough I'm completely okay with that you know what else would help luckily I didn't get a lot of it on there is um oh it's still good okay I gotta wipe this off because I put these brackets on backwards because I was too distracted with the awesome where's my crack bile there it is limited to one of each okay there you go Blondie made a Command Decision Iron master don't fear I believe in our community can somebody from the community just get us above 80. let's get to 80 and start getting towards that 49 30 90 giveaway you guys don't forget you can use your Amazon Prime sub they're free and they can help you unlock and they get you extra entries towards that PC giveaway so yeah let's do it guys yeah she makes executive decisions all the time uh on Discord I sent you a clip of me eating thermal paste two years ago I'm writing you from the grave whoa whoa drop in so okay Riddick dropping 50. okay so there we go we're on our way to the next one guys okay I said I Riddick I said ten I didn't say fit okay wow Riddick well well no it helps the community but thank you um okay so we're on the next tier guys so we're at 1 30. so the next tier is unlocked so we we have officially the 100 new Aid gift card is unlocked that is what has just happened and Ruby needs to learn to use his PC okay there it is okay so now let's go to our widgets sub goal there it is okay so we're at 130 so now we're on our way to our two terabyte sabrant rocket nvme Drive the goal for that one is uh 250 we're at 130. and we have till okay so now if we get to 250 then it'll become a Sabbat rocket nvme Drive which is a freaking ridiculous nvme drive and then if we get to 400 then it becomes the uh beautiful and ever awesome white strix 3090 so see you have nothing to worry about my man told you I am it's gonna happen and remember Subs on Twitch you will get extra entries towards that giveaway there are specs for the PCS uh they they uh they get dropped in chat all the time there's the specs right there okay guys let's keep it going we're on our way now it's the next goal is the uh separate rocket and after that we're driving towards that 30 90. okay let's do this right now because I was dumb okay go to top down put the NZXT correct foreign that's amazing I'm glad we could do it we had we have guys wait till this oh I'm telling you wait till this let's build that's coming out next week on Tuesday of the sky one oh it's it's it's gonna make you drool guys when you take when you take uh Andy's b-roll and you uh you time it to um country uh country hip hop uh bluegrass music like what she's got which you didn't even know was a thing but it is you guys are gonna be blown away we're building a new genre cyber potato thanks for the sub has anybody listened to Country Bluegrass hip-hop I just want to get a raise of hands if that's your favorite genre I'd suggest they mean everything mean anything I think oxide water would be great for cooling nobody's raised their hand Andy okay there we go everything is in here we're gonna do guys we're gonna just do a single fan just to show you what you yes 250 yes I did 250 sorry bloody S250 for the next one and then 400 for the last one my bad okay guys grabbing this one you bad thank you very much Blondie but not as bad as my new album coming out Kurosaki we're gonna make it guys Miss Mayhem dropping a a tier one sub taking it to 133 guys we're all we're over we're gonna make it it's gonna happen okay so we actually oh you know what I'm going to be using all white I don't think I'm ever going to get invited back uh from Andy the lab because I've used almost all of her zip ties I have enough white way I have clear ones we'll use clear ones today the white ones is there ever enough zip ties ask yourself that really dead I mean Andy is there really Ever Enough zip ties my new album is uh hip hop bluegrass country it's called I lost my dog in the swamp I lost my dog in the swamp and I'm now in part of a I'm now part of a gang that's my I know that's the only way I can merge him groundhog days okay so now guys we got we're using different colored zip ties today look you can't even see him there's zip ties they're clear zip ties so to go with the Sakura themed okay so we're gonna use this little secret thing Miss Mayhem drop in more gifted Subs we gotta hydrate in a stretch DJ techno taking care of you by the way DJ techno I really do appreciate all of your questions during the amas I know I don't get to them all but dude I wanted to say thank you for taking the time to ask all those questions it really is kind of cool to have I mean a lot of people ask a lot of questions during the Fri and by the way if you ever want to know Friday amas on Instagram I try to answer as many questions as I can but yeah I just want to let you know I appreciate those yeah they're the Wonder Woman plain zip ties they're invisible thank you Miss Mayhem you're amazing okay so we got those in now let's zip tie this up hide it in here foreign [Music] room for one in there I guess okay okay there's wallgate uh do we want to go and get the zip tie prediction up uh zip time in zip tie man guess the count of them if you can evens ours who can know make your Wagers on every show hey now Ruby's the zip type okay guys get your wages in for zip ties was it gonna be odd or even get your vote in because that is happening right now and then win some Channel points which you can use towards unlocking that that build mat uh giveaway um that we do all the time so or VIP status or you can be one of the I'm going to write a song you can be in my first my first inspiration for my first Bluegrass hip-hop country song who doesn't want that okay here we go guys it is built the whole PC built just kidding it's only the it's only the I could you know I could for symmetry purposes put the other one on you don't have to what do you guys okay let's do a vote guys let's put a vote up I don't know if we can do a vote and a prediction at the same time can we do a vote and a prediction at the same time Blondie I don't know the answer to that question Kurt the CP U uh okay so let's put a predict a vote do we add a second fan just to have symmetry or do we not so second fan or no two fans or one fan do the vote you guys get to choose and to think that you guys this is probably the hardest Choice you've ever made today what will we do and we got a dad Jack we got a dad Jack okay so let's do the first one here we go hydrate hydrate okay so I'm gonna hydrate right now guys here we go and then we gotta stretch stretch okay and last one now another Roby tank bad joke okay so we gotta get a dad joke in the house let's get over here let's see what we got here Dad joke today see we got okay guys I accidentally took my cat's meds last night don't ask meow my niece calls me ankle I call her my knees okay my wife told me I ruined her birthday but I didn't even know it was her birthday [Laughter] okay why do all witches wear black Andy white wall witches wear black so you can't tell which witch is which that's good no okay two two two fans it is guys two fans it is well because she's in this she's in the she's in the studio so it makes it it makes it easier when you can you when I ask you but you guys take too long to respond [Music] okay we're adding the second fan per the vote now to be super clear you do not need the second fan it is purely for aesthetic purposes but you know we are I'm an aesthetic Builder so that's not surprising you guys okay here's the deal let's see if we can get a couple more subs okay here's the deal for 20 Subs 20 more subs to see if we get 20 Subs we'll let we'll let uh we'll have uh Andy give a little love to uh to uh well she already gives up but 20 Subs if we get 20 subs and we'll have Andy do a little of a little love Boop for um Andy Abby I don't know what I'm doing so if we get 20 more subs we can give we we'll do a little we'll let we'll let out we'll do some dog cam stuff that's right Kurosaki more stuff in the PC makes it more awesome yeah tummy rub for Andy and I don't know why I said the name wrong that's I've been here all week and I still am dumb so you guys want to unlock some Todd cam stuff there you go nobody wants to give Annie some tubby some tummy rubs wow it's Andy uh sorry AB oh my gosh it's Abby Andy is the other lab but Andy is upstairs there are two of them I've lost all coherence that is true foreign four dimms of ddr5 is not good uh especially on AMD so that's why you always do two dimms theater five you lose yeah they're not most of them are not compatible with four dims uh it's because of the memory controllers for the ddr5 the actual memory controllers on the CPUs um they're they just they struggle with it right now it it ddr4 actually had the same problem believe it or not um it just it over time and you've actually seen that a little bit with AMD with Intel Intel's already gotten to the point where you can actually run ddr4 ddr5 with four dimms on seven a z790 uh but AMD this is their first ddr5 so it hasn't it hasn't quite caught up yet I expect to buy the next one or it could be but the memory controllers just can't handle it right now eight dims would be worse and it also gets worse obviously the higher the size too so you're like 128 gigs all those like it starts to get worse even as it goes up too but like at CES um like Kingston um a bunch of them actually had four dimms which was like a which to them was a big deal they had four dimms of ddr5 running at six thousand on z790 boards so the new the new bios have made a big difference at least on the Intel side all right there we go okay so that's there we go we got both our there we go both of our both of our uh fans in just for your guys's request and we're good you know what would help is if I actually put the fans right because that's completely not useful guys I was literally gonna nobody caught me put the fan in backwards that would not have worked at all that'll work now I gotta undo that now it's better put it done a good job of cooling nothing just you guys know uh Andy is snoring she's like super chill right now she's like in the most chill of chill modes right now Abby sorry dang it [Laughter] yeah just you know Andy is snowing right now she just fell asleep next to stream it's really weird I mean you'd think that you know this is not this obnoxious dude just sitting here building a PC she couldn't sleep through it but proof be told she's just asleep like crazy foreign okay we're just getting this under control here thank you there we go okay okay board looks good ad coming up for those people who are not who are not actually uh who are not currently subscribed but that may change before the end of the Stream uh wolf no we haven't that's not till the end of the Stream okay guys motherboard is ready uh just so you guys know you might be like hey where are the m.2s they're actually already installed so they're right here they're magnets on this board so very easy to just get to so there's our one terabyte and two terabyte nvme drives already installed um so we're good to go there just basically pop them in and boom there you go there it is okay so all of our drives are ready pop this down oh okay so now we have our fractal torrent compact ready to go let's get it stripped and ready for the rest of the build or pop that out we got our extra pieces right here so we're good to go there the front glass is already off let's pull the front off it's very easy boom there we go then we just got our side that we got to do and there we go okay so our torrent is ready and that is good to go so why don't we put it down top down let's put down the there you go top down okay that looks so clean oh my gosh it looks so good guys with the black it actually with all the angles it actually looks really good in there holy moly it's like I knew what I was doing foreign it's about the same size as the 4000d thank you for making a beater build so enjoyable to watch you inspire a lot of people with relaxed you are and how many tips and tricks you share with every show much love to you and your community for all you do thank you very much bigger radio that means a lot to me man super appreciate it and I appreciate all you guys for tuning in this would be really boring if I was if I just did this by myself luckily Abby would stay with me because she's asleep I'm glad you guys like it okay here we go let's get our let's get our motherboard in here get it screwed in now the the sad thing is guys I I'm gonna have to might work there we go it did work okay when you're putting in the screws for your motherboard just don't do them too tight you don't want to cross thread so you just want to kind of start it slow and then kind of put it in because if you do it too tight it can it can cross thread they get harder to get it out like what well how did that happen that was magical screws actually upside down yeah guys do not forget to go we hit that YouTube like over on YouTube robitec live guys okay putting it in oh the z7 oh the z790 yeah that board's nice right zero cool I like your name too because that's from hackers zero cool crashed 1585 systems in one day I remember the exact number but yeah it's almost the exact same side there is the torrent the regular fractal torrent which is bigger Lord Nikon hack the planet oh my gosh late on LaserDisc oh man that is I had Apollo 13 on LaserDisc and Demolition Man oh my gosh it's got a 56.6 BPS modem remember that with her laptop this is where I should have brought my other screwdriver no it was BPS you gotta go watch it again or chaos it was a 56.6 yeah it was a 5600 56.6 100 uh bot a bod modem they keep saying they're gonna send me one and then they I guess I haven't asked for it either I know but they that's not what he said in those in the show when they were hacking the Gibson [Music] wait is a screwdriver really two hundred dollars I didn't know that wow that's expensive it's still a lot for a screwdriver I get the Wow stick and it's only 39 dollars okay so that is done get this out of the way man that's all that's expensive for a screwdriver I'm glad you guys are liking the build thus far we are currently working through it okay let's go ahead and add our front panel connectors and then we'll take out our front fans and get the RGB well two of them we're only gonna have one fan in which is fine for a 7700 then we're gonna install our other fans luckily we've got RGB headers here for the two 140s at the bach the bottom and then we have a 120 going right here which we have a header an RGB header for right there as well so we're just going to run our spare our spare stuff and get it hooked up we can do the exhaust and then we'll have the other one come up here because we don't have another place to drop it down so we'll try and make sure that looks really pretty uh okay it comes to the front pull this out there we go that okay let's go and grab our front cables there's actually they're all up here which is the interesting part we're gonna get rid of this there we go foreign cables now the cool thing about the NZXT board is that the USB 3.2 is on the side so that's going to look actually very nice we're gonna have we should have some really clean runs here that's a lot of cables this feels like more than usual okay that's our fans which we could run all our fans there but a little well this actually isn't useful right now okay power for it okay so let's put this on its back now the beginning of dealing with the chaos guys there we go okay okay there's that that actually these are for the why are these not plugged into the front that's weird that it just as a fan air but it didn't plug into the front these I don't need I'm gonna be taking that one out okay so we have our let's let's worry about running the bottom ones right now so there's this front panel headers and then this is our that's for our fan header okay so we'll run this down there too worry about tightening this up here in a minute you don't have a ton of room here for Tiding okay so I think we have to run them all out of here okay and then this is gonna go we'll figure that out here in a minute so let's turn this over and start there foreign header cable which we have a bunch of system fan headers which is nice and we'll zip tie all these together once we get them all hooked up regular RGB which is for our top strip so that's going to go right here and I'll zoom in and show you guys this stuff I know my right now my my bid Noggin is blocking you guys but that is I'm just hooking up the cables right now takes a little action here well they have they have another one way over there yeah one of them I don't think that's actually a 5 volt I think it I don't think that's a five volt it says uart it looks like it is getting a lot of work to get this plugged in gentlemen ladies this is gonna work it's going to be two hours of Roby trying to plug this in wow holy moly foreign s before with these headers and it's like where you have to plug it into yeah I might have to I might have to take the board out to get this plugged in but then it comes loose it's going to kill me I'm just not aiming I'm just not hitting it right okay it is I I like how I verified 35 million times that it's actually the right direction [Music] I'm going to use an extra light to see it from the side which is actually going to help there we go that helps well we I was just making sure somebody didn't say it's not the right header I'm going to just see if I'm just going to plug this in down here and just see if it plugs onto this one yeah it feels like it's right up against it says you no no no no no that's pretty typical I'm just curious if that's not actually in RGB plug yeah it's a RGB because I have another way I could run this let me try this but I have I might have to run this one behind the motherboard it's too short thank you foreign cable sorry guys you guys can't see it but this is like the most trouble I've ever had plugging in an RGB cable oh you know what this actually is perfect because it's an extension that actually be great okay this is a she just handed me something even more epic because now I can just daisy chain it which is I can now run it over to the other spot okay that one's in okay okay now I'm going to do this and run it across because it's I'm just going to keep it in the actual RGB spot I'm going to do that there we go and then we're going to take this which is too short and connect this into this and now we're good okay cool and you do Andy to the rescue while she was snoring I mean that's it okay so now we're going to take our reset switch there we go and there are power switch and power plus and minus and then we have all we have left is the all I've left after this is just the HD audio sorry guys that was very complicated and this is one of the drawbacks of this particular combination of motherboard and case because the case is actually Compact and you don't get as much room to navigate around the uh chassis in the build so [Music] there you go okay okay Power switches are in okay last one you need to grab our HD audio and that goes way over here okay cool now let's go to side making this actually look good okay this is okay okay then you need this to come through okay now we actually have all the cables through okay so there's all the cable strip okay so we actually have everything hooked up now and then like I said we'll actually tighten these all together here in a minute I can tighten these at least because these the other the other fan cables are nice gonna run back that far these to be as tight there you go unfortunately can't do more than that now because I have some fan cables from the bottom that are going to come in here actually I don't think they will because they'll be I don't think I can okay I'm gonna go and throw a couple more zip ties in here there you go okay cool there that looks way better there we go and there we go okay so there is two more zip ties down to the cleaner looking front panel now cool there's how it looks like that now the back looks like an absolute travesty that's okay we'll fix all that later okay now what we can do probably clean it up and the best thing about this is the bet when you think about how to Cable manage this particular case what you want to think about is actually having the cables jump up to the top and up like up like this so that'll it's the best way to just kind of manage it and then you do you want to make sure there's enough Slack power we definitely need that to go up with this here and what you can do here hide the zip tie these cables are super unmanageable let's try now okay cool I just don't want to I just want to make sure that I'm not pulling there you go not pulling stuff down okay okay so these are going to be separate cable bundles because we get the cool thing about this case is you've separate cable bundles oh cool and then now looks way cleaner this way there we go let's make sure I haven't of this to come up too high okay so it looks good from the side and then what we can do here top [Music] okay now what we do is we just do this [Music] and there you go now you've got a much cleaner looking cable and what we started with then we'll have a nice Cable bundle up at the top stored by the PSU there you go okay cool and this will for now we can just hold this with this thank you [Music] okay [Music] you have to admit guys that looks way better what do you guys think much better much cleaner [Music] now that looks way better doesn't it what we were doing with before okay so let's get our USBC and USB 3.2 installed guys we're 137. let's remember if we get to 400 we're giving away a white strix 3090. if you look over here Abby is guarding it with her life and I mean Andy is Abby I did have it right Abby is guarding it with her life look nothing is getting past her right now I mean you could you like not nothing she is alert and ready to go and uh but there it is right there that white 30 uh White 3090 she's in guard dog mode um so she's ready to go so if you guys want we gotta unlock it though right now first thing is we're trying to get to the 250 to unlock that Sabbat rocket 2 terabyte nvme SSD so let's see if we can do that guys so again Amazon Prime Subs they're free um and remember that gets you extra entries towards winning that giveaway as well so we can do it yeah it's a ruse she's trying to lure you in to thinking you're safe until she bites bites your fingernails off she's uh she's a she's a she's a killer fingernail eater all right here we go now we're gonna run what we're gonna do now is we're gonna grab and I'm gonna I'm gonna be careful because I do not want to I do not want to bend pins here you wanna be late this is not as fast there we go no no no no not stay okay so USB 3.2 is in now the last one we need is USBC this is going to go right here [Music] we go okay so there is that last bits of cable management here we might actually be able to do these there as well yeah that looks like it's gonna work and then the key thing here is just making sure there's enough slack on the top down there's enough slack here that you're not causing weird bends on the actual cables you want to make sure that when you run these into a channel like this channel right here that it's got enough of the slack and these can run up here too foreign those both look great or top up here I'm going to do the same thing I did with the other ones foreign guys let's keep getting those likes going and also let's see can we get some folks getting some hype get some sub stuff going because I really want to unlock this giveaway guys it's so close I mean I mean it's not close but we're over we're almost halfway oh okay Abby's doing something let's take a look oh no Abby's camera stopped it's so funny it It's like Abby's mentally blocked the camera there it is oh my gosh well that is a comfy dog yeah somebody wanted a belly rub there we go that is asking for a belly rubbing like the best way oh my gosh not changing she's like I am happy leave me alone okay guys so now in terms of cable management in the build there you go that is in it looks really good oh my gosh that's some really good dog food okay so how does that look guys looks pretty good right nice clean Cable Management all the way up and we have a nice clean look to it okay now let's go ahead and remove our front fans get ready for the new ones then we're going to put in our bottom fans too um where's my wastic oh there it is I'm like blind hey OG Gamers dropping five gifted Subs guys it's starting can we get up there because remember I'll tell you what if we get to I'll tell you what if we get to 250 we get two if we get to 250 by 7 15 if we get to 250 by 7 15 I'll drop the requirement for the 3090 by 50 Subs if we get to 250 by 715 we'll drop the requirement for the 4 30 90 by 50 Subs it's currently 654 that's 20 minutes okay there's our big fan we're just saying it's a big fan I'm a big fan it's like the size of my pack guys where are we looking looking right here okay cool put it right here wow that is a really like it's thick Ness thick no anybody can win it's open to everybody Subs just get extra entries no it's open for everybody to town Scott dropping a tier one sub guys he's trying to get it going we can make it happen Fargo and Riddick got it close guys make it happen anybody can win use your Frey Prime sub you get a free twitch sub with Amazon Prime so you can head on over Amazon Prime just leaky or Amazon account get your free sub you guys can make it happen Santiago wobblegum B mock dropping Subs here we go guys it's starting we got it we gotta we got a little bit of a train going man this is a you know Andy this does actually have radiator screws for these 180 millimeter fans I'd like to find 180 millimeter radiator that's your cooling right there that can almost cool to 3900 KS baba ganoush dropping A Gifted sub you can make this happen almost a 150. we only got to get a hundred we only got to get 100 Subs 30 90 up for grabs you could be the community hero you could be my hero baby you could bring us all the joy this is a big fan they are quite large yes they are we got got you dropping A Gifted sub come on guys keep it going let's get to 150 get into 250. they're 180 millimeter we can do it guys I Believe in Us well this one also requires an RGB three three oh they're Daisy chainable at least but they'll feel that other RGB slot oh wait what am I doing this goes right here okay here we go we're just bringing the fan in okay we're only putting in one fan because it will not fit with a well that fit with a 4080 otherwise but it's really just a cool GP we're going to use the 140 millimeters for the gpus and the good thing is the 4080 does not have a heating problem at all uh the streams are usually till uh a little after until a 9 pm Pacific time so but thank you for your service man and I I went to Norwich so I know what PT is like okay cool white fan now in look at it it's so fancy okay we are going to let's go ahead and go ahead and get this cable managed very simply put a top down if I'm running this off of this beautiful right here [Music] oh I forgot they have this [Music] foreign okay cut that go give it a thumb up over on YouTube as well that unlocks another giveaway okay this is gonna be interesting because it hopefully it'll reach [Music] like this I wish this came with an RGB Hub like the other one did but it does not it's not really another good place to do it so we'll have to see how this looks oh that's only for [Music] oh I guess no I guess what I could do never mind I can leave this up here it's realized just need to find the adapter and rub this into that gear there it is right there let's make this simple and then I don't have to use the other RGB okay we're going to run this right now foreign oh sorry you guys can't you can't see guys 12 minutes you guys can do it I have faith foreign we have a lot of people who tried to help here foreign we're getting the uh getting this up and going here can do is just remove this and never be afraid guys the one thing I always say is when you are Cable Management never be afraid to redo your zip ties which is what I like about zip ties because they're not expensive nothing that you have to you know it's it's easy to get new zip ties you can run this underneath okay foreign this to the bottom make sure these are tight but not also hidden trying to make sure this stays and continues to look clean there you go now we can just do this it'll hide the rest of it okay so now our RGB is hooked up external ten dollars from Clayton thank you very much man I appreciate the ten dollars this one off foreign there we go okay now that fan is integrated our fan is integrated there let's take care of our other two fans then once the fans are done guys then we're kind of at the end in terms of then we just got GPU and then it just kind of goes it kind of goes starts going pretty quick from there thank you for the 10 silent professional resubscribe with tier one 21 months guys 21 months from Silent professional uh guys we got we're at 148 we need 102 Subs we can do it we can do it I feel it I want to give away that 39. for the community okay there we go let's go to side camera next series now these are white 140 Duos that we're going to be using here and the hope is is that these will just be hidden the the cables for this should be able to just hide at the bottom 34 in 23 drop in a gift uh one month at tier one guys trying people are trying to make it happen we can make it happen feel it I feel it in my fingers I feel it in my toes feel it in my toes it's time to get some subs in here and make it happen go you sounded pretty good it was way better than I thought it was [Laughter] okay here we go time to get these in there uh we got fire TT man dropping this uh we got people trying guys we're now at 150 we're essentially 100 away okay now what I'm gonna do I'm gonna make sure we got good air flow to our GPU that's what these 140s are for dang it uh cheap Crazy Horse that would be assuming that that's what your cut is I don't get that again giveaways are incentivization to help us and with our payments and all that other stuff dude it's not it's not a if we lost money on them that wouldn't be good it's kind of that's that's not how it works dude okay there we go okay I do have these are in okay they are no okay these are in take care oh man it's not quite it doesn't quite Lane line up here I guess I have to go a little bit more this direction okay gotta get these 140s in yeah I was making sure I pointed these the fans the right way okay there you go fans are going the right way guys they're Duos our giveaways our giveaways can be worldwide as long as you're willing to pay for the uh taxes and duties as well as the uh shipping internationally that's our rule us we have to send tax information all that sort of stuff so it's a 1099 all that stuff but yeah foreign okay guys I feel like actually did it we're in our other four our 140s are in yeah it is a biddings busy one today oh man okay so should have plucked now he took now that I did this should have plugged these in before these are big fans it's almost like I wanna okay I'm I can get the fans in it's the question I should be able to get all this in okay luckily I should be able to get all this in just gotta then get them cable managed these are gonna be tough okay I'm just working on getting the fans plugged in [Music] there we go wow okay I think uh I think uh Abby has something to say let's go and see what she wants to say she has some stuff to say what do you guys say to the world Abby and Abby has some stuff that she wants to share what is it abs you like the build that's what she says she says I like the world oh she's happy okay we're getting some Abby cam while roby's over here trying to wrestle with cables okay I'm gonna have to remove these to these fans to the kitchen just one fan I just need to remove one fan to get to the cable place there's a little Happy Dog time blueberries hi Abby like more blueberries please foreign yes like dmat if we like if somebody wins the Envy me yes you're right but if there's if it's like if somebody wins the GPU obviously that's over 5.99 so yes you do have to report that to the IRS we have all the legal team to do all that stuff that's not my famous Ruby dog that is that is Andy the lab's famous Abby one of two beautiful Labs that she has her world they have Abby and then they have Andy which is where Andy the lap comes from okay so we're just taking a look at the dogos right now well Ruby tries to solve world hunger over here leaves a lot with these fans okay here's a GPU up for grabs today guys showing off the GPU foreign there it is right there guys we're trying to give it away right now there's a hundred dollar new a gift card oh my gosh got one in there we go okay cool okay now we can work on Cable Management you guys are paying attention to the dog thank you very much Abby you're making it easy for me to do the work I need to do people are distracted by the puppies uh the dog is three but in dog years that's uh wise no you know it's like that's Wise It's very wise and she loves shoes those blueberries and she likes to she likes to come up and and tell you that she's my dog Emily she's like hey I'm playing Emily she's been she's been helping me missing Emily who's my dog my hound dog back at the house so she's been filling in for me which has been very kind of her he's like whatever gets me crackers okay guys what we're working on here is just getting the while we're waiting what you guys are not seeing is I am just working on cable management here you get she right now she thinks mom is crazy his mom's dancing there she are she's giving you guys some views sending you guys some Vibes trying to unlock those giveaways okay we're gonna we're gonna do something to celebrate Abby so we're just gonna do this make it simple here we go there we go bringing him down there you go can we get that we get that we'll bring it down by another 50. come on guys trying to make it easy for you guys foreign Sarah dropping it in here we go feel like it's we have we unlocked it here we go guys trying to get to that one if we can just knock out those last 50 we'll drop it by another 50. thank you Juniper okay okay so now oh we got Miss Mayhem dropping Five Guys it is happening oh sorry I'm so hold on one sec you guys one sec Colin we're at there we go that's right there we go oh wait no no no she did yeah sorry it's 160 yeah there we go oh yeah that's better okay going back to this you guys can see what we've actually accomplished oh you guys I figured doggo over watching me cable managed I mean some people are like I'd rather see the cable management no I don't think anybody said that actually it's actually part of their features the eyebrows is a feature for these particular kinds of dogs it gives them personality guys it's also just because Andy puts eyeliner on him every day oh it's a town Scott coming in with the drop in the the lab knowledge it's English lab oh we have a stretch and a dad joke oh I didn't even notice that okay let me get this last fan in we're almost there and then I'll do the the dad joke and the stretch okay more there is okay one more screw we'll officially have all of our our 140s are installed [Music] okay guys there is the build thus far we got our 140s in all the cable management you can't see the uh other fan cables which looks good they're all hooked up here's the rear Cable Management which also looks pretty fantastic as well so I think we're looking pretty good now let's go and put in our one rear fan but before we do that let's get a stretch in stretch ah there we go and we got a dad joke oh hey Dad joke for today [Music] um here we go [Music] um okay here we go the salesman at the furniture store told me this sofa will seat five people without any problems and I said where the heck am I going to find five people without any problems what okay okay uh this one's for this one's frandy what do you call a french guy being mauled by a lion what do you call a french guy being mauled by a lion Claude [Laughter] she laughed at that one uh [Laughter] okay on Monday we start diarrhea Awareness Week it runs until Friday oh man [Laughter] nope Bonnie says Nope hey there you go another Robotech dad joke 40 away guys and then we're on to the GPU 40 away and then we're on to the GPU we can do it build looks good let's throw in our last rear fan and then it's GPU time oh yeah we got those like I got those marked the 10 Subs we just got here we go last little bit here guys we're at the end of the build okay what's up Miss Tilly how are you oopsie this build is so far it's looking actually very very good [Music] the Peaks come in the Pink's coming don't worry walk away I wanna like that you're genuinely concerned about it [Music] will a new 4000 series card fit on an Asus tough z690 D4 isn't that a motherboard yeah it will uh yeah that it'll fit on that no problem oh we just hit the YouTube likes what's up to one Slayer how are you doing and JP cheese dropping the gift uh Prime sub we're 161 guys almost to that goal and we're gonna give away the third if we get it [Music] oh we didn't hit oh Oh I thought we did okay she's like no we didn't what are we at sure [Music] hmm that belongs to this that's not the right size [Music] 39 to go guys and we if we get it okay 39 we're at 237 remember guys if we get to 300 subs tonight we'll give away a white 30 90 of which we are over 50 percent if you guys can get these last 39 Subs in the next 15 minutes remember I cut it down you guys just got to get these subs and then we're trying to I'm really I'm really working hard to make sure you guys can get this yep we're we're just about to hit 500 now oh sternum dropping it there we go there we go quick shaft dropping it there's my people Jedi Spidey dropping five gifted Subs Sakura train that's right we're getting the sack of a train now let's go this way this must be dumb there we go okay whoa Riddick dropping 25 and there it is 200 okay guys it's the last bit it's the last bit 202 Subs there we go last bit and hype train has started can we just knock it out in right now fogger dropping 20 gifted Subs taking it up there everybody's trying to get this to unlock now I'd love to see can we if we do this we will essentially beat our record our we'll we'll beat our our hype train record guys I'd like to see that happen we got Levain Dragon dropping at Fargo dropping 20 gifted Subs we got more tin 2 12 10. drop in 10 gifted Subs 30 90 up for grabs YouTube goal reached the hype is real we got Johnny Johnny Be Good 14-14 sternum 1999 1999 we got Abby look at look at how energetic Gap Abby's not there okay she's over on the edge she's so energetic she's out of her bed she's so excited guys the Sakura train is blue is blooming guys let's get it done oh we got Digi destined 86 dropping 10 gifted Subs we got Jay smooth to you I like that name Jay smooth to you dropping some subs I need this to be down here just to make sure that this foreign guys it is uh level eight level nine we still have 50 Subs still left to go and it is cranking but I'd love to see can we break a goal just gotta make sure it stays in the right place okay cha chop dropping three gifted Subs taking it to 260. because he didn't like the an uneven number he's like nope that's not a thing I wonder if I could chops we got it 15 minutes two minutes and 30 seconds guys we can finish this out you guys there's so many people guys the hype train is active we've got we're getting really close to giving that away you can make this happen Abby's out of her skin right now logic snow dropping 10 gifted Subs taking us to 270 it's not let the hype train in let's let the hype train begin that makes no sense I'm really good at this the the sayings [Music] Where We Belong I'm still hanging on but something brings me back to you okay that's where I want that because the the 24 pin will cover that okay guys that's how the build looks right now I know you're seeing one dangling cable but for the most part oh Juniper dropping five more gifted Subs foreign let's go to our let's start getting our all of our fans are in now it's time to get our cable extensions in what did I do with them stuck them somewhere oh did there stuck them somewhere right in front of my face okay guys time to start adding the cherry blossom bits train oh it just ended I thought we had that I thought we had more time well regardless 275 Subs guys foreign there we go okay first cable foreign cable coming in foreign foreign making sure that our cable is in the right place we go is all about the just the prettiness of making it look pretty okay a little bit more manipulation out here now we have a straight cable there I think the white and Peak actually is looking pretty good now to fill in that bottom slot here which is going to take some which will which will help it's probably like what is he going to put in that bottom side well it's the GPU guys the GPU Abby I know Abby was worried too okay so that takes care of that all of our cable extensions are in right through foreign guys we're super close to that that the very end [Music] okay let's take a quick look at it and then get it back into its foreign ER taking it to 295. we are at the end guys Fargo basically making it just letting somebody else bring it across the finish line foreign okay there is our build and Riddick dropping five we have unlocked we have unlocked the 30 90. and I even made it easy now anything above this is you guys just helping me out is it we we uh we went we went we brought it down so you guys can always give me some love but you know you are officially unlocked it what do you guys think though build looks good okay now it's time for the GPU foreign okay let's go ahead and go to top down because even about like what do you guys think of the back right okay store our kit let's throw our store our GPU in [Music] ow never mind that didn't hurt I thought it was gonna hurt I ran into something and I was like oh yeah foreign there we go look at that Focus okay one last bit yes they are very quiet because of their size they don't need to spin very fast it's one of the things that the benefit of fans of this size all right by the way Abby Abby we're unlocked the giveaway what do you think of that Abby what do you think Abby yeah Abby is stoked look at that Abby stoked you don't have to guard it anymore you can leave yay Abby approves there it is good job Abby good job Abby Abby good job good job Abby yay happy dog okay uh you were asking uh do they need uh Combs the cable Combs are on there they're just clear there's actually cable comes on they're shiny teeth QT thank you very much man now you guys are helping us so I appreciate that shiny teeth QT appreciate the 10 Subs you need it those I think those are Abby support Subs just some vet resubscribing 12 months man oh thank you I appreciate it Abby appreciates it okay next up guys this beautiful white strix here we go there it is what do you think good night Riddick wow top Subs this week we're gonna have to write these down because we have some new people shiny teeth has never been on the board so uh Blondie can you make sure that we write these down uh get these captured so I can get these on to the build mat back at the studio our top our top uh our top sub givers uh shiny you are new to the mat C Swan thank you for the resub tier one 27 months remember guys Subs get extra entries towards that giveaway when we do the GPU giveaway so now uh the what became 100 new gift card became a all the way upgraded to a white 30 90. she's new to the mat new to the mat build mat it's something we write all of our top streamer our top uh sub gifters every week uh so she'll be her she'll be new to the map oh there we go okay guys after this we just gotta drop a pin you know a single cable and that's it and then the power supply but the power supply is All Cape uh managed up at the top okay here we go as you can see this is why we're removed the front fan look at that takes up all the room in this case but there it is but we we're feeding the air from the 140s at the bottom so it will be getting plenty of air org yeah like a glove but it does look good guys okay next up he's gonna run our 116 pin gotta run our 16 pin here I got the perfect 16 pin for this by the way guys perfect 16 pen for this you guys are gonna really like this let me get it out here real quick all right we actually have I do have an anti-sack bracket if we need it it comes with one we'll see we'll see if it sags if it does we got I'll take it out just now I'll take it out just in case but guys wait till you see this this uh 16 Pin cable I got for it okay oh man I did not know this guys did you know this Andy this uh this comes with one of the Rings yes I think so yes guys there we go top down there it is in case oh yeah you will get one of these oh they're they are different oh it is bigger oh my gosh guys there it is the uh there is the there is all the Rings all the white 30 90 and 3080 rings and then that one is the four the white 40 40 series look at that it's bigger okay I'm gonna hit the button so you guys can see it hold on oh it oh it did it worked here we go there it is [Laughter] I just I just everybody's like started like don't snap wow this actually comes with a ring I did not know that we're gonna huh I just didn't realize in that one thing I was trying to get the extension out the the extension there we go I got it I got the Rings okay here hold on let me get the okay yeah oh finally I found the cape and you're gonna be so impressed with this cable guys this is gonna look so good you guys ready here we go oh look at it it's perfect what do you guys think bend it down like that yeah it's gonna look so good I mean that's that's that's what you want right I think that's I mean like it's just it's it's so nice [Laughter] what are you talking about that is why somebody hate on this it's like literally it literally just it flows so beautifully it says nothing says premium premium RTX like that okay fine I'll put a more ghetto cable on it you guys really wanted to do something nice for this build nobody lets me do what I want I do you everybody knows better than Roby fine we'll use this one is that better now you guys are happy nothing's good enough for you guys Gotta Have Your Way okay this might be better foreign view here foreign [Music] there you guys go that seems like more like your style sometimes for the way okay I might want to run this they run the power cables the way I need them to okay so there we go now we are at the very end the build from the front is essentially done there we go I'm hitting the fan there okay [Music] okay cool now let's uh throw our PSU in here and call it a day what do you guys think but build looks good right okay next up foreign okay let us throw our PSU in here last bit of this whole thing so this is just going to go right up here like so this will just sit right here so which is easy just sits at the top which is nice so it's a top mounted power supply so you can see up here at the top that it's actually there um actually the fan in the back can't be bigger because it's 100 the max you can do is 120. I actually have one SATA so I gotta run here we go on this side we need power supply and a lot of GPU okay GPU GPU CPU and GPU okay so there's all of our bundle of cables there okay so first let's get all these plugged in foreign okay so now we're gonna hook up our first one there we go now we start with the gpus CPU GPU and of course lastly our power supply and there we go guys there's all of our cables pop this down now you do want to make sure that the fan is pointed down because there is no airflow at the top so you do want to make sure the fans pointed down I know that's counterintuitive to what you're used to but yes you're blowing hot air into the case but the fans never spin anyway so not that big of a deal okay let's get this in last four screws of the build okay build screws are in now we just got a run our little bit of cables it actually isn't that bad okay we'll probably go ahead take this out here as long as you're here [Music] we go okay now okay let's start with our this one right here so we're gonna go top down we're gonna run as much of this stuff up at the top as humanly possible [Music] main reason we're doing that is because we do that we'll be able to um cable manage it all into the top and then it's nice and clean foreign there we go so you guys can see there [Music] there we go okay there's that one next up let's grab our PSU I mean our CPU these are all going to go over here [Music] okay CPU is going to go right here 's our CPU plug right there for our 20R 12 pin or eps there we go you're seeing a theme here and that theme is to try and get it all right here because we have this really long really long cable right here you go that works okay now we're going to do is we're gonna take our really long this is our PSU luckily you go down here to the side it's leading just right here just like that see what we got here from the light standpoint okay okay last group of cables this one's gonna be the toughest to run because I gotta figure out I want I want I wonder if I might need to move these over just because I don't think they're gonna fit I think I'm gonna have to run these on this side all right let's see what we can do here foreign okay now it's time to do a little bit of robitec magic here the whole thing is to hide as much of this cave these cables if you can you don't have the most you don't have a ton of room here to um you don't have a ton of room here to go to pop up there's not a lot of length the cable manage you know what I mean in terms of hype and stuff like that but um there's enough that we can make it look s good foreign there you go and again you wanted to see the best thing to do when you do stuff like this is just to make it feel intentional I guess this meant more here we go thank you uh uh uh Tamil for the sub [Music] [Music] there you go that still looks pretty clean right like just given the kind of the way the cable the things match it still looks nice and clean it's still clean at the top and then we just gotta get our last little bit in here [Music] if I can make this fit too and then we'll [Music] go there we go and there's the top now what I can do just to make it look better [Music] [Music] and there you go super clean build [Music] [Music] so there you go you've got [Music] there is your front of your build which I think looks really great [Music] nice and clean from the front I'd still say even nice and clean from the back in what we've got right like it's either for what we did very very intentional in terms of how the back looks and then the top even looks good okay so now let's put our covers on [Music] I think I'm gonna have to use the screw it's like a lot of okay I'm going to use this screw that they give you which is why they give you the screws for the case a lot of RGB here together I'm still here everywhere foreign if you slowly train it it will slowly compress the cables and then it'll it'll fix itself the back of these are not let me see if let me see if there's something I can do to make it trying to see where the it's right there okay it's this right here it's actually only one section that's causing issue this right here that's right if that does it's definitely holding almost all in its own foreign I could well it's close enough now that if I do this it's fine that's the one thing I do have an issue with this case is how much is just the lack of depth for cable management so if you're going to do stuff like what I'm doing cable extensions always make it a little bit harder there you go that's holding cool hey so it's holding now let's get the top on there you go top is on throw the front on come on oh that's why okay this goes like oh shoot I forgot one thing all that foreign there we go okay guys build is done I gotta fix the fix the sag bracket there we go okay let's put all this stuff away and then we'll do our turn on and all that stuff I'm glad people are digging it just run into the build rubs okay foreign get our workspace cleaned up okay um one more okay there we go space is clean foreign there we go there's our build okay how many cable ties is the question it's always one of the questions for the big day it's you guys have put in your votes um okay let's go to top down and remember guys zip time man zip time in zip time man guess the count of them if you can evens ours who can know make your Wagers on every show hey now Ruby's the zip tie man okay there we go that is what's happening right now you guys made a prediction we got one two three four five one two three four five one two three four five there's fifteen one two three four five there's twenty one two three four five twenty five one two three four five thirty two five ten fifteen twenty twenty five thirty two it is even today 32 is the number 32 is the number even today congratulations to those who chose even you guys are the winners IR winners quick run at the casino exactly you're like you're lucky it's your lucky day you guys are ready to win okay so what we're gonna do real quick is we're just gonna run through our sponsor and do our deals and then we'll get it turned on do a little benchmarking and then call it a night guys now the prediction that's about to come up while we're doing deals will it post is the question will it post is the question so uh we're gonna get that prediction up while we run through our deals and talk about our sponsor so if you guys want to run those things in there Blondie's getting that started win some Channel points let's get our static cam grab our PC here will it post is the question you guys are voting on that here we go that looks really good okay let's open up our laptop and get everything ready for that I'm glad people love the build it we're not there yet guys we still got to go through our space well you guys will see you here in a minute while the boat goes in there okay so you get finished with your build actually hold on one sec what's that what's it well not quite there okay now we're ready now we're ready guys so you get finished with a build like this you're like okay Roby now I want to go and add Microsoft Windows to this because you want you want to be able to do your activations you want to be able to run your wallpaper engine all that sort of stuff so you know we're gonna install Windows 11 because Windows 10 is about to not be sold anymore and at the end of this month so Windows 11 is regularly 216 dollars and 94 cents if you're gonna buy that at some place like Best Buy or or uh over at the Microsoft store or whatever it was but here at you can get it for 31.37 but I've been hit buy now and then I use code rbck at checkout just like this and hit apply what was 31.37 actually is uh goes for sale as 21.96 you're like oh that's awesome Roby well what if I needed a copy of Microsoft 365 or what's formerly office because you know I'm getting into school now it's the new year uh here it is office 2021 you can pick up office 2021 uh for what was used to be 70 uh used to be uh 205.75 you can get for 75.52 cents but if you hit buy now same deal use rbck at checkout hit apply what was 74.52 you can actually pick up for 52.16 so again we've had thousands of people here within the chat who've used this a ton of people who basically give access um to it they have great customer service they are validated uh Windows keys so if you guys want to check them out and you can pick up a copy of windows at your earliest convenience so that is um if you were checking out the other thing too I want to tell you guys about as well is as you know if you're here new to the channel you're trying to check this stuff out you're like hey you know Roby you've inspired me to build a PC well there's a couple things you should totally follow the first one you should follow is not follow me in uh me and uh Andy because you might end up like this uh which is that's actually your husband Joe who's been taped into a body bag uh so we can get the quality content so just know if you want to sit there and threaten me this may happen to you and we might uh sorry Robotech deals on Twitter uh it's run by Tom who's uh part of our staff uh you can see here they have literally tens of thousands of people follow it and he is finding deals all the time on all sorts of incredible stuff like for instance this USB wall charger so if you're looking for monitors games uh monitors games storage Etc following this is a great place and a great way to find uh deals as you're searching or building your first PC so and if yes you can always uh reach out to him over at robytech if you want to put together a build Etc um he's absolutely fantastic and find you great deals and then of course we all it also helps to support us as we get a little bit of affiliate money Etc last thing is people have been talking about things like our build mats uh if you want this build and you're like man I'd love to copy this build if you head over to the left hand side you can see this thing where it says build click on that and then there are the parts for all the builds that we built today so here's the Sakura build that we just got finished doing along with links to purchase them at the lowest price as of the Stream So if you're like oh I'd love to replicate and copy this build head on over there then you can just follow along with the stream and build the PC yourself lastly we got deals so let's talk about the deals let's see what Tom has found us today what are the deals of the day the deals of the stream for this stream and then of course deals okay so first and foremost team t-force Vulcan Z 32 gigs this is like the um everybody loves this Ram it's inexpensive it runs really fast it's cl16 if you're looking for ddr4 and one of the things that just a lot of people really enjoy about it it's in almost every budget build on the planet right now it's 69.99 for ddr4 this is for 32 gigs for 70 bucks so if you want to build like a 13 600 or a 12 600k system and use ddr4 or 5800x 3D system uh really good Ram 32 gigs for 70 dollars uh TCL 50 50 inch class 4 series LED UHD Smart TV with Google TV uh dude 50 inches for a 4K TV for 239.99 over at Best Buy holy moly Let's uh let's just take a look at this so usually the best thing about these TVs and a lot of well TCL is Best Buy's uh individual brand it does have Google TV um so that which means good software update uh you know all in all like again this isn't going to be something that has like uh 240 120 hertz or anything like that um and usually the picture isn't as nice as say for instance a qled but if you're looking for a 50 inch for 200 bucks it still has all of the software and that's one of the things I really enjoy about it so if you want a central location for YouTube TV peacock Disney plus HBO Max all that sort of stuff really really great deal and you still get 4k Etc and that's a that's a heck of a deal for a 40 inch TV um last one ID cooling Dash flow 240 bit 240 Basic Black CPU water cooler LGA 1700 compatible uh 69.99 over at Amazon if you want to do a blackout AIO build or you've got it in our 200p or something like that uh this is an absolutely great deal uh for 240 millimeter great for up to a 13 700k or a 12 700k maybe yeah 12 700k on the Intel side 58 sorry 7700x on the AMD side you could run a 7 900 uh sorry 7700x on the AMD side you could run a 79 or 79.50 but you would get degraded performance even though the temperature would be maxed uh here we go PlayStation 5 God of War in stock five ninety five fifty nine ninety nine I know PlayStation 5 is much easier to get you can also get a Microsoft Xbox series X along with Game Pass you get one month of Game Pass ultimate uh for 499.99 and then finally a sn850x two terabyte nvme SSD uh this is perfect for a PlayStation 5 uh available for 199.99 over on NewEgg so anyway guys that is the deals everybody good job Tom these are good deals for that yeah 70 bucks for a 240 millimeter AIO all black so if you want to do a blacked out build which is actually really hard just to find an AIO that doesn't have uh RGB well then that's a really good option for you so good job Tom Tom does Tom does good with the deal so oh yeah that's right Insignia I thought you're right insemias I thought TLC was it's Insignia but it's another budget build brand of um a budget Bill brand of uh of uh Graphics uh sorry TVs use your words Roby like real words okay guys time to prep for turning on the TV now what everybody's been looking forward to I mean turning on the PC turn on the TV what are you talking about okay there we go the question is will it post and we're going to put this to the center how's that look looks good let's grab our power cable it goes up here at the top now the cool thing about the fractals is that fractal actually comes with cable management so if you wanted to like run your cables into this and store them along the side you can absolutely do that given that we're we're not you know permanent here we're not going to do anything like that let's grab our network cable okay guys Moment of Truth here we go oh it's already there and oh it turned on oh it was just really quiet wow there it is all white already look at that man that looks really good yeah these fans look so good and then we're just waiting to see if it posts so let's pop into our capture does it post is the question we're waiting you can't take the wall for that first post still waiting if the if the if the RGB goes pink then we know it's posted to fix that one thing oh there it is it is posted there it is guys we are posted wow and there's the pink it does look really good [Music] there it is guys the build looks so good our Sakura build is done [Music] we'll go to a side camera so you guys get a really good view of the build there so there is the build we're going to change now one thing we are going to do is we are going to load the software make this pink um and then we have the pink Ram of course as well you guys can't really see it even though I've got it turned down but the RAM is pink we're going to make this pink and then the other two is you do still get that really good even view from the front I know it's yeah see now you get that little bit of squares you are getting that RGB still uh it looks like the fan didn't quite oh I gotta turn on the RGB I just realized the NZXT turned off the RGB for the header so we'll get that fixed real quick but that is what we'll fix now because we have software and everything on here so let's go and do that we're going to show you some benchmarking uh and then uh see so not only will you know that this build is pretty but it also performs awesome as well so that's the that's the whole Focus here guys so we're gonna grab that I I'm always happy to be wrong in this I'm glad I was wrong on this one so yeah foreign ful cables to go with it the only thing too is when you lock when you watch the let's build that'll be coming from Andy I think you guys would agree so vote you're going to put a vote up um if you don't know what a let's build is it's a very nice cinematic build experience love to get your vote should we do a let's build cinematic video dedicated to this build uh go ahead and do a vote for that and then let us know uh right now and then we also I also did set up it'll see yeah there it is we actually have a matching theme for the uh you can't really see it but it's doing pink and white and stuff like that on the keyboard [Music] yeah sorry guys it is there I'll see if I can yeah it's hard because the let's see if I can get it to show up the the stuff is really bright right now it is there let's get the top down I'll show it let's see if that you guys can see it that way now it's there I promise uh Cam's all white right now uh we have the the we do have the um the ram is the pink this is why a lot of times we'll do cinematic versions of these builds because they end up looking a whole lot better that way [Music] there we go okay let's fix this real quick oh hold on just you guys know uh Abby is snoring in so she's off guard Duty and extend there we go okay so there we go we are extended now let's go to lighting everything's White the RGB for the how do you get the RGB for the oh we've actually gone through the whole stream hold on for one sec guys let's restart the music what did the vote say need Abby Mike yeah here we go type of product life strip okay here we go did that turn on nope let's just turn on Okay it was on so let's see what happens here okay five volt is plugged in and it's down there it was on when we turned it on so let's see we have to do hold on if you do light strip see just trying to figure out this is this is always this is always a part that's always interesting it says it's enabled strip save maybe I have to do oh there it goes okay we officially have lights now okay there we go and then now you can see from the front there see that you still get that really nice fan oh let's go to side camera here so you still got that nice fan and then you'll have the you'll also have the pink from the uh we'll have the pink from the GPU so let's grab Armory crate real quick okay so there we go we're just gonna put it back on its side here so you guys can see that but then you've also got the pink from the got the pink from the top I think for this though I think what we want to do choose this and let's go to this one choose pink there we go nice little more pinkish color there you've got a little bit of pink at the front too which I like okay nice okay so we got pink there let's do this okay so now we're just installing Armory crate now everything else is set up Space Jam thank you very much for the sub there we go what did the vote say Blondie I didn't I didn't see what the vote said oh it said yes okay cool there you go Andy the people we got to give the people what they want right Annie like yep whatever Roby just don't try and kill my husband again oh that'd be kind of cool yeah I think they have them actually okay here we go I understand we're just gonna wait for the rest of this and then we'll turn this pink and then we can do some uh we can do some benchmarking guys just to see how this little bad boy how this bad boy runs let's go ahead and grab this you guys need to see the peel and that pink looks really good once we get the colors in we'll do the peel make sure there's not one in the back okay there's one in the back boom okay that's ready for the peel there we go glass we can do appropriate testing actually we won't do the peel because we need that for the Cinematic part this one's a shorter build so got to give you all the content just waiting for the Armory crate to finish and then we'll do the install but oh why we're doing that why don't we just do this we can let's look at Thermals while we're waiting Hardware info monitor why is our stuff not working okay okay here we go there we go Hardware info monitor okay so there is our CPU right there is our voltage and then our temperature sitting right now in the 40s which is always nice you know that's that's not going to be a problem at all let's go ahead and uh give it a give it a give it a gander though throw up some cinebench see how this bad boy runs so the number that you're looking for is right here package temperature we're gonna run it for 10 minutes while we're waiting and then give that a go while you guys are doing that it's now running there we go so package temp sitting at 66 getting up to 67 67.3 but like I said no problem whatsoever with this thing keeping keeping this cool uh and I don't even I'm not even using the main fan like you could set up the ramp on this main fan and just make it like blast if we really wanted to it's up to 71 degrees guys yeah so no issues with thermals whatsoever there you see it right there ryzen 7700 again no problem thermals are creeping up a little bit but we could actually improve this let's do this well let's just let's just for the sake of it the bonkers not camera that's not going to give me anything let's go to Cooling okay so let's change these let's just put these all AIO pump CPU fan okay let's just put our CPU on performance and put all these on performance based on CPU temperature okay so now it's now it's going to ramp up even at 60. I'm even gonna put this one in Performance Based on CPU attempt right now is in the 30s let's put it back on and see what happens okay fan noise getting in there I definitely feel a crap ton of air blowing up in this thing [Laughter] yeah I doubt it'll ever get to 70. oh nope there goes 70. keeping it yeah see what I mean it's just I'm also doing this while using Armory crate yeah that's what I wanted we're still at 70.8 see it though I mean it's keeping it temp wise no problem and then you can just hit stop and then just take it right back down okay let's make it Pink hit okay there we go nice even pink there and now we're all matching with colors and everything oh no oh it did this okay hold on uh I forgot how it did this okay oh if I do this what was that oh I forgot how I did this like now once I put that in it's like I got to our recreate's trying to control my my Ram oh here it is okay there you go yeah I should be able to do this we did a pink and purple foreign I think if we if we do the if we reboot it'll it should go back okay we'll reboot and that should go back okay okay so there is that we're gonna reboot real quick and then let it restart the rounding the colors and then we're going to run our benchmarking and then show you guys a little bit of how it does in games color wise looks really good the pinks match little pink bar matches it's very very it's like in theme no forms tonight what does that mean there it goes now it's all pinky the right color perfect oh no it just did the oh I know how to fix that that's just that's just it being weird but I can do this there we go there we go okay colors are back okay now let's take a look at we can put this pack on silent we don't need to be and we are back to normal stuff you don't need to do that or anything like that okay so let's take a look here we've got a 4080 with a 7700x uh where uh let's see you know so temps are great no problem with temps whatsoever uh it looks pretty let's take a look at how it actually performs so we're gonna jump up here let's pop into steam real quick let's take a look at Old Faithful there we go so let's let's load up some Call of Duty take a look at this let's see how this runs so we'll run 1440p we'll go ahead and set uh everything to low and then see how uh see how this basically runs this game oh that's right we're at it let's run MSI Center okay so loading up Infinity Ward I mean loading up Call of Duty 317 Subs can we get three more guys we can end up with 320 so just a nice even number Space Jam thank you very much for the sub I think I think I said that already you there we go you can see right there RTX 4080 our ryzen 7 700 currently sitting at 73 degrees wind gaming there we go set except acknowledge we're gonna have to reboot okay hey chaos angel thank you very much for the three and that takes us to three wow a yawning salmon did it man never mind guys thank you for trying okay loading up our assets okay we're waiting for our Shader optimizations to finish as well because we want to make sure we get a good good overall read okay we're gonna skip that let's go to settings we're gonna go to graphics let's go to Quality we're going to set it at basic and then we're going to change our dlss to uh balance everything there is good apply settings display yep why we're going to make sure that our not that that matters vsync is off and then we're into full screen exclusive there's no way to change this otherwise yeah it's pretty much it will it'll run above that should as long as vsync is off [Music] there we go okay now our frame rate's good okay here we go so let's go ahead and go to games multiplayer let's run our benchmark I don't know what's done let me run the benchmark hello let me run the benchmark oh okay let's try it one more time that was weird it's acting like there's a network issue there he goes okay now we'll do giveaways after the benchmarking Blondie there we go okay so let's take a look at the uh stuff from here so it seems like nice temps under load we're looking at 55 on the ryzen 7. 4080 sitting at a cool very cool 45 degrees it seems higher than basic um it must it was it was right oh I guess we'll find out here in a minute but this is in game yep and there we go right there 268 frames per second not bad that is with uh that's basically with uh Eisen 7 700 uh gpus and Nvidia 48 4080 and then again you can see here 56 our GPU temp was 44 degrees and CPU temp was sitting in the 50s so yeah no problem there whatsoever okay so there is Call of Duty let's take a look cyberpunk 2077 same deal give this a go so you guys can see what this looks like this is 1440p uh uh what does he say ion Master says what everything appears to be within acceptable or not so again this is what I'm kind of showing you is not only can you make a build that looks incredibly pretty but and with a you know basically a CPU that doesn't have the 7700x which you don't necessarily need for gaming anyway with a 7700 you're not having you don't have to work as much on heating it and then you're still getting incredible performance out of the system so so you can do a beautiful air cooled system like this and not have to worry about anything crazy thank you it would be in Jedi would have no problem with gaming and streaming together or um or uh recording and gaming together these are this is a you know it's still a ryzen still eight core still has the high clock speed it's just not doesn't have the runaway from that regard so yeah you don't have anything to worry about from that performance you could absolutely game and stream on this with no problem whatsoever I mean this is still a 3 400 PC um in terms of just for you know with the 4080 and everything else like that so you still get invec and everything uh included okay so let's go here go to Graphics we're running Ray tracing on Ultra we're gonna set dlss to balance which is the one for 1440p uh let's check our video here where it vsync's off we're gonna go to full screen so we make sure we can run away with temp with uh and then we're gonna go to Graphics we're good there and then run Benchmark so this is 1440p 1440p Ray tracing an ultra dlss set to balance and I can show you guys raw as well if you guys want to see that as well uh Mac MOG no way dude nothing can play Pac-Man that's just it's unbelievably how powerful Pac-Man is can't run Vine sweeper either it's two minesweeper's too powerful okay so this is where you're more than likely going to see your CPU temperatures uh given how much more this uses for the CPU you're sitting at 60 degrees 59 degrees just so you guys know uh the blue build which was very similar to this let's go and bring up our so how much you're like hey how does a ryzen 7700 compare to something like an Intel an Intel 13700k so we have the exact same benches here at 1440p Etc so I'll tell you what we got on Call of Duty and all that stuff with Intel so we're just waiting for Outlook to finish its stuff there okay so cyberpunk uh we got on Call of Duty 1440p we had 282 versus 286. on this one we got 104.94 uh with the 13 700 can cyberpunk 2077 we got 124 so about a 20 frame difference uh between this uh and cyberpunk 2077 uh with a 13 700k again you are going to see uh performance increases at 1440p with a more powerful CPU but if you guys just want to know the difference uh there you go it's about 20 frames between this and a 13-7 but again temperature and heat wise you're gonna have to do a lot more to make sure you cool to 13-7 so I can give you direct comparisons uh if you guys want to see that do you are you guys interested in seeing raw performance without dlss is that something you're interested in okay let's turn it on and we'll run it without with just it raw so we're going to settings let's change D we're gonna go Ray tracing an ultra we're going to turn dlss off hit apply run the benchmark uh the minimum frame rate is 24 but the less than one is the more important number sitting there and saying something like 24. that's yeah the thing is game stutter that's I don't necessarily care as much about that when the average frame rate is in the hundreds I can do no dlss no Ray tracing so this is just raw performance right now this is no dlss sitting at 55 56 frames per second some people just like to know the raw performance power of a PC I don't know flip I would use dlss but I I like to give the people what they want and again fan curve is currently set to silent so if you wanted to improve thermals not that you would need to during gaming but you could what is gay what is gas on Amazon live what do you mean wizo42 okay so let's turn it off no Ray tracing and then that'll be the last one that will show you one more one more one or two more games and then we'll we'll start the giveaways okay so we're gonna turn Ray tracing off this will just be real Ultra performance no Ray tracing I haven't had any problems with giveaways on Amazon if you do get yeah I've never had that problem I can ask but I don't know why they would okay so here's Ultra performance no Ray tracing Ray tracing is off just making sure Ray tracing's off FSR is also off I just want to make sure nothing is on even though it's on yeah Ray tracing's off okay so this is no no Ray tracing no dlss just raw game yeah for sure we'll ask I mean honestly all we do is give away an Amazon gift card hey Chaz Kramer thank you for the resub tier one appreciate you my friend okay so this is just no Ray tracing just playing the game as it's meant to be played Without Ray tracing which actually looks different honestly this game looks better with Ray tracing it's because they did a good implementation of it thank you so mihai that's the clip the t120 actually comes with two uh the two sets of clips yeah it does it looks way better with Ray tracing this game is meant to play okay so without Ray tracing 104 what by I don't know we'll see 126.98 frames per second uh without Ray tracing okay so now let's just take a look at one more game just showing stuff off so another crazy one let's go and bring up this one where is it Microsoft flight simulator uh wobbly we were playing that yesterday I could show that I mean I know what the frame rate is going to be on that it's like 200 and something bajillion frames but I'll put that at the very end that's fine we'll do that we'll run that while we're running giveaways how's Abby doing let's let's give a look let's how's Abby doing Abby is out like a light I think I think Andy wishes she was out like a light right now doggo is sleep she's protecting that 39 that 30 90 we're gonna be giving away in just a few we've got Andy's socks in there never mind she moved him so we're just going to set the set oh no don't do that let's go to options okay we're going to General options okay here we go guys jumping into the capture just to make sure we set Graphics mode we're gonna do full screen changes we're going to change 25 anti-aliasing we're gonna go to dlss DSS super resolution we're going to set it on balanced we're not going to turn on frame generation uh we're gonna run DX well I I could run dx12 but I'll leave it on DX and then everything else is on Ultra so we have everything set 11. okay we're gonna restart is your logo on a race car wobbly Rick looking now with the uh with the capture there uh you know you are uh let's see where it's at here oh yeah there oh there's there's Annie the lab if we get the right view here right there on the spoiler there it is Roby Tech you man I can't believe you caught that yeah Abby's very sleepy yeah we're getting we're getting done guys we're getting done I promise just gotta make sure we get it all get all the get all the get all the goodness and then we'll be we'll be done okay here we go so we got everything is set we're good to go let's go and run into our activities we did um we actually did uh Everest last time so let's go ahead and try let's go and fly around New York City and give that a go since you guys uh since we did uh before I feel like I'm stuck at 60. I think I didn't turn something off somebody's like yeah uh I'm gonna do this hold on sorry we something's not right here okay we're PC display one full screen balanced vsync is off music is on there we go I was like wait what okay that's better we do want to turn that on okay there we go we're at Ultra with there that that seems better okay you know let's jump into New York [Music] I don't even know where Billionaire's row is okay here we go ready to fly okay let's go into this oh no no no oh there we go oh we'll stay at external sorry here we go we're over Central Park right now look at the rainbows guys oh gosh oh no well okay that was terrible but there you go 50 45 50 frames per second definitely a very demanding level right there but you can see definitely uh pushing it there uh I did not I did not do a good job with that okay well let's start our giveaways I think I've given you guys a good smattering of how the how the system performs and all that sort of stuff let's go and start with our uh our two GPR sorry two in two new a gift cards so we're gonna give away two new egg 25 gift cards so uh exclamation point New Egg now exclamation point New Egg now starting that right now drawing two winners and while you were doing that let's go and load up some Dead Space let you guys enjoy a little bit of that so you guys can see a little bit about how dead space works what's the third we only did two Blondie two to one for only one height we only said for the one hype train so okay let's pause our music real quick let's change our oops let's do here we go there you go you guys should be able to hear audio now and then we'll unmute yeah only one only I only did it for the first one I didn't say there would be one for the second one so we're only drawing two 25 seconds left guys oh this is gonna load there he goes six seconds okay congratulations to camshaft gaming and John Paul Beacon both YouTube wow that almost never happens congratulations to YouTubers on that one congratulations camshaft gaming and John Paul bacon you guys are the winners of the okay so let's go to display and Graphics video options we got full screen monitor we're gonna change it to we can the most you can do we'll do this vertical sync is off hit apply okay uh back I don't know if there's anything else uh uh DLS is on balance Graphics calling let's put it on whoa no no did I mess it up okay Ultra and there you go okay we're an Ultra with dlss set to balance we can we we have with DLS let's just turn off oh actually we can put it on we'll put it on whoa put on quality yeah that's it okay okay there we go okay now let's do there you go 193 frames per second oh my gosh that looks so good Okay so we've unlocked this one foreign let's go and start our giveaway for the 49 30 90. [Music] well I thought somebody was attacking me okay here we go uh going back this is for our white strix 3090 guys White uh the uh Nvidia sorry Asus RG strix white RTX 3090 there it is guys okay you guys ready and remember uh subscribers you get extra entries for this we're gonna run it for two minutes we're gonna do exclamation point sakuda exclamation point Sakura for this um getting ready here we go starting the giveaway two minutes we're gonna go ahead and show you guys it right there we got we got Abby doing the last of her guard Duty there it is the last of her guard Duty wow good job look at that pose right there the last of her guard Duty right now she's sleepy with Mom too Mom CP all of us are CP there it is right there guys Sakura two minute one minute and 30 seconds left oh the chat is up oh gosh who's gonna be the winner we still got two minutes 46 seconds left guys extra entries 40 seconds left Neo Satori dropping a resub 326 subscribers today Abby seems really bummed that she's uh losing the card Abby's like I don't I'm just so sad I really wanted the card I was gonna use it to sleep right Abby Abby what do you think you ready go happy girl happy girl sorry I'm making her I'm making her okay so we're about to draw the winner Abby we're about to draw the winner congratulations to Jedi Spidey Jedi Spidey definitely jump in some of those subs in there congratulations Jedi Spidey you were the winner of the uh of the of the RG white strix RTX 3090 congratulations man that's huge it's cool to see somebody who actually subscribed who actually gave cards towards that actually pulled it off congratulations man that's huge big congrats well guys the Sakura build is completed it looks I think it looks fantastic here I'll take the thing off real quick just so you guys can see it this way I think it looks it came out fantastic uh it looks really good with that pink and everything else the pink and white uh oh you know across the board just uh just with everything a huge shout out to everybody uh for uh tuning in uh to uh our you know obviously Blondie Tom uh and then our entire mod team and our Tech Specialists who sit there and make it so I can just build and have a great time also amazing shout out can we get some hype in the chat let's do some hashtag team Andy because they set up this entire Studio allowed me to stay in their home uh uh basically put their husband in a body bag I mean come on we we have used and abused them and they were so kind so huge shout out to them uh for uh for letting us be here let's do a hashtag team Annie for them because we could not have done this without them and we have some great content because of them uh coming out very very soon and then lastly a huge shout out to our incredible week Riddick Fargo and shiny teeth HQ uh QT shiny tqt for uh 231 subs from uh Riddick 191 subs from Fargo and 105 subs from shiny not to mention all the other ones who donated and made this such a sorry who subscribed and made this such an awesome week uh here in uh beautiful Sheboygan uh Nicaragua um and uh all that sort of stuff so thank you very much look at all those team Andy's there's a lot of Team Andy's all spelled in different ways so but it all works from there so thank you very much you guys appreciate you having absolutely amazing rest of your weekend and we will see you back from the Seattle Studio starting on Tuesday have a great night guys and we will talk to you guys later bye guys
Channel: Robeytech Live
Views: 9,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: robeytech, pc build, how to build a PC, gaming pc, pc building, tech, custom PC, PC, building PC, robytech, how to build a computer for beginners, how to build a gaming pc, how to build a pc step by step, how to build a pc step by step amd, how to build a pc step by step for beginners, how to build a pc 2023, fractal torrent compact, fractal torrent case, fractal torrent white, fractal torrent white build, white strix 4080, 4080 7700 build, Ryzen 7700, ryzen 7700 benchmark
Id: gT0EJsJknME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 254min 23sec (15263 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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