How it Happened... THE FIREFLY INCIDENT! (Garry's Mod)

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and then i said that's not my cousin that's a dead body that's a dead hooker anyways i got a phone call i'm gonna go step out here for my phone call trying to figure this phone out what do you mean it's just a regular phone oh god oh gee okay do you see what's happening here yeah you're figuring it out you're getting there hold on okay hello there's someone there's some there's someone in this phone brock yeah they're on the other end ledger just hold on okay yeah you kick it up oh ledger they're saying that there's a problem at the lab oh it's the oh is it the scientists in there yeah it's our colleagues at the lab dude i'll never understand technology that's crazy they sure are something else ever since you hit me on the head with that baseball bat earlier i've just not been thinking straight can you hit me again maybe that'll make it oh sure okay oh yeah okay what's this phone oh yeah there you go okay we're back hey ledger how you doing i don't really remember our circumstances of getting in here why are we in a big gmod cafe inside of some other big container i could tell you but it would take a really long time and a lot of exposition that people probably don't want to sit through so what do you say we just get over there to the lab huh okay yeah let's go see the scientists let's just open this up oh my god oh wow oh it's beautiful out here where are we we're in russia it's russia why why are we here because we work here we're scientists in russia and we're working on a highly explosive experiment and not explosive in the sense of actual explosion explosive in the sense of like wow this could be big you know okay i see all right so let's get over to the lab right it's a bit of a walk do you still have your portal gun oh of course i do hold on oh good i'm glad you remembered that yeah i don't know how phones work but i got a portal gun if you want to use it that's that's the lab right yeah okay yeah that's it yeah just put shoot a oh nice shot dude thank you oh nicely done yeah hop in yeah easy dude just like that look at how far we've traveled in just that short amount of time yeah oh oh oh dude the alarm's going off we got to get in there oh god so okay i wonder what's wrong is it the explosiveness of the experiment no i shouldn't have used explosive there it just implies that it's going to explode but it doesn't oh oh god what is that there's a brock there's a troll in here no no i know that's our experiment ledger it looks like it's we're losing containment oh god oh he's trying to break out what is he doing this isn't good dude i haven't seen this before uh i'm getting to the computers let's run the numbers why is there a tree in here why is there why is there a tree in here what's going on i'm doing some calculations i think something's wrong run the numbers [Music] he's mutated in the firefly troll oh he's huge ledger what is that it's shaking around do you feel that he's blown out of the facility he's on top we got to get out of here okay how do we get out of here how do we get you're the one who planned the escape plan do you still have the escape plan maybe it's in this guy's rectum here quickly give me your latex gloves you got any i'm gonna send a guy in to get it out for me okay it didn't work hold on let me just shake it maybe he got it oh he got it he grabbed it he got it out of there yeah i knew he would be able to do it let's read this thing down it says downstairs oh oh oh oh oh the uh the the shoot the shoot downstairs ledger oh the elevator going to the elevator downstairs yeah i see okay let me just say my last words to this guy hey i know we had a real good thing going don't look don't look at him don't look at him look at me we had a good thing going but i've gotta move on all right i know it's sad it's sad for me too here i want you to have this to replace my love all right there you go legend of the world is actively dying okay come on sorry sorry i just had to i had to tidy things up man i don't like any loose ends i get it that's exactly like me in my last relationship yeah now i need to hold on i need a new um lover and now it's going to be this bird very cool i'm not going to judge you i'm going to keep this bird with me hold on it's it's kind of hard to bring this bird around places come on bird oh yeah call the tram oh yeah you can see it's got a little ui it's coming with us here it's going really good don't step on bird by the way yeah i'll try my best not to can't you just like put her up on your shoulder or something just so i would but she doesn't i don't want her to poop on me man so you're okay having the bird but poop is where you draw the line our relationship is purely platonic your platonic lover yeah i don't even really know what that word means hey thank god this is here so now we can stop talking about that let's hop in this was my part of the escape plan so don't worry i have set us up some really fantastic weapons at the other end of this wouldn't it be nice if there was some way to fast forward this process i'm just gonna look down that way and maybe something will happen whoa wow it worked it really worked dude it went fast it just goes to show if you believe things hard enough they'll it'll happen they brought the birds dead sorry were you gonna say something oh god dude i'm so sorry i know that that bird meant a lot to you yeah it really did man we had like a whole like minute together it'd be nice if you could say some things sure [Music] what are you saying what is i just i just said some things oh it's just random words i just want to take a look at oh my god look over there there it is no i know dude i know it's the fire like guy that's the that's we brought that into the world we did that that was what happened i really didn't expect that to happen geez man why are we here why are we involved in this it's terrifying we've got to we got to put an end to it let's get it done you just grab one from the gun cabinet dude what do you just get anything is it yeah just reach your hand in yeah just reach your hand you'll start grabbing stuff okay there we go i got the electro cannon you've got an elec wow okay hold on okay i i have some sort of coin i think i try it out wow that's really cool okay cool i like this i don't even remember putting that in there uh yeah man hold on let me get one more thing is that bad to double dip no double dip dude go ahead okay i got something it's some kind of let me see um oh it just makes you collapse it's just a hold on okay i'm better okay so it's some kind of ragdoll gun we're gonna need that i can see how this is coming yeah you get one get one of those all right i got it i got it okay okay so i've got my coin you've got your rocket launcher and we both have the ability to fold over like a lawn chair so this is gonna be really good so there's a guy that works over the hill and uh he's he's a joke ledger he's this wizard guy he believes in all these like mythical properties of he's like wizardy he believes in wizard stuff oh it's like wizards versus the scientists yeah yeah and he's just full of it but at this point ledger with that dude that ten-legged fella um we we're probably gonna need his help so we're going to the wizard now we are yeah and uh i'm realizing now i only put a one seater down are you comfortable yeah no it's fine man i like to get it yeah my sinuses have been acting up so when i lay like this i get some good drainage yeah this is actually a really weird angle for me um where are we going really slippery we're going to the wizard man we're going to the wizard okay you know where he lives look we're just going to need to move quickly all right let's just get past this guy maybe look at him oh god he's like the cloverfield monster if we want to get to the bridge to cross the gulch to get to the wizard's house we have to go past the monster i don't think that we live dude that's the only bridge oh yeah we gotta go to the bridge that's his house right there across the way you see it that's the wizard's house oh there's another car down there the red ledger yeah i know i'm thinking what you're thinking the ragdoll weapon the ragdoll weapon here we hold on one second ready oh god the experiments he's he's he's getting impatient dude he's freaking out he's about to start attacking oh god he is dude look at him oh he's he's looking at us okay get the rag dog gun out get it you got it are you yeah you go first and i'll make sure you live before i go okay i'm going here i go yeah did you did you laugh hold on let me check yeah okay yeah i lived all right here i come wow it looks like night time now oh yeah i gotta wait what i see two of you this is really weird it was like you riding you you just snowboarded down on yourself you just you rode yourself down like a sled that was really yeah cool no i i while we were driving i customized mine the ragdoll weapon to to work like that oh that's crazy okay we need a new chair because we need to get in here now what you don't have another chair no i don't have another chair and honestly i i don't know if we're gonna be able to get there in time dude he's freaking out the whole world is shaking also those guys oh jesus oh my god that's a really good goal first yeah first ask questions later yeah get him brock i'm not this is a good guy wow you're just zapping them man geez dude this is bad i think more are coming could you like put together a rocket or something while i fight these guys off okay so i've got the next best thing right here brock this is a fridge hold on now if we time it right you're still killing god there's more these ones don't even have guns you're still just killing them yeah i think they have bad thoughts though okay oh that one has a gun no you're right they do have guns if we get in this it might it might launch us up it there's there's a chance i want to say like five percent chance we live okay i'll take those odds okay hold on let me get another fridge i'm gonna lean you up against this okay there we go there we go that's probably better than what i was doing here okay i'm gonna launch just now i can't see anything just so yeah wow look we made it it's the wizard's house right next to it of all the places we could have landed oh my god look at him over there dude he's still terrifying god he is actually he's a looming threat it's very real he's over there he's glowing green now dude he's onto like a new phase yes i think he's just trying to get past the trees and once he does then we're really done for man dude honestly i think the world is shaking this hard because we're we're flying through space man i think that he's launching the world into space whoa maybe the wizard knows something about it yeah yeah we gotta get the wizard to stop the world from flying through space dude the stakes just got higher i hate this dude uh i hate you're gonna see what i mean he's just kind of sorry to talk he leaves his front doors open who does that keep it concise this guy's just such a pain to talk to okay all right i'm really interested to me hey whiz how are you doing man it's it's it's good to see you again is that frankenstein i'm so sorry he's new to the he's new to the company dude don't call him that he he takes a lot of offense to that okay but it is we're both in recognition that that's it that's frankenstein it is the monster of frankenstein okay he's a wizard now yeah do you see why i'm reluctant to have this conversation we are out of luck um the the mom i'm sure you noticed uh out your window here you got a great view of the monster he's transformed have you found anything in your research that we can maybe use here i know we've been at odds but like we could really use some help yeah oh my god that no that's amazing wow congrats that's quite a discovery um he discovered superpowers ledger did like like actual like superpowers like will like superheroes yeah he creates real superpowers in regular people well let me just put this cactus down yeah set that down wow dude that's really amazing you know we should really work together more no okay got it well if we could borrow those superpowers in the corner okay thank you what do you do do you just like hot while you're into it do i plug my into this oh my oh wow did you just pull that watermelon out of there oh god yeah sorry um it watermelons was actually the it was the trick it was the key the whole time people just totally overlooking watermelons here grab a slice okay just grab it slice it yeah oh i just ate it i just ate it it's gone you ate it oh do you feel anything i feel uh slightly less hungry now that i've eaten that watermelon but that's about it wait wait yeah well now i'm seeing myself from the third person so that's new that means you're super dude that's how superheroes see themselves wow so they can see all angles thank you so much let me shake your hand i killed him oh yeah no we do have all the notes to his research so his death is unimportant oh cool thank god hey i feel better i need to power myself up one second yeah get yourself a watermelon really crack into it man i feel really good right now i feel really strong like better than i've ever felt i feel like i could fly i literally can fly oh okay i cracked it okay yeah slurp that up what's going on with your with your muscles hold on rocky you're oh god it hurts oh it hurts oh my god what what's wrong what happened man you're like you're like kermit the hulk i need a mirror look at yourself in the toilet water okay dude i'm hideous no dude you're beautiful you're beautiful come on out let's go kill this thing man we're superheroes now yeah let's kill this guy oh my god you're so fast i'm sorry my super speed is just really doing a number zooming around ledger oh my god you're so fast i'm quick that's my thing i'm gonna go fight him i'll meet you on the bridge make it slow motion so that we look cool when we kill him okay do you want to walk over there in slow motion yeah let's walk over in slow motion are you ready for this let's get it done [Music] i'm gonna go in first and soften them up you follow up okay okay yeah yeah i'll say oh my god oh you're in there you're in okay i'm gonna oh yeah oh he's he's doing some stuff man i'm getting in there i'm gonna punch him i'm punching him in his big ugly face yeah there we go take that i'm really getting them man hold on i'm flying through the air look at how graceful i am oh my goodness god i'm so hot i'm jumping on his back i'm riding him like a like a hog monkey i'm riding them oh oh whoa did we just kill it oh my god we did it did we save the city we saved the entire world we're back to our regular atmosphere yeah look oh yeah the stars are gone oh i'm back at the lab dude and uh to be honest kind of excited for the colleagues to see how ripped i got yeah dude i told you man i told you this is gonna pay off they're gonna love you oh yeah let's go see him out hey everybody oh wait oh yeah no that makes sense they're all dead they're all dead
Channel: Mr.Gibbs
Views: 502,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How it Happened... THE FIREFLY INCIDENT! (Garry's Mod)
Id: UsbGg7BX1gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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