Build the Dream: Episode 10 - Installing a Metal Ceiling

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Today's job is going to be putting up the ceiling and Usually that's probably the most gratifying thing to do I don't know something about putting that steel up getting that nice white flat surface and Really just defining the interior space because up until now you look up there you're looking at the underside of the roof you've got all the trusses which are cool to look at but it doesn't give it that finished look so for me a Lot of hard work goes into the ceiling. It's all over your head But in the end, I think it's like one of the parts of the job. That is ultimately probably my favorite Well, look at that this weekend insulators came in I Forgot to move this pile of wood. So looks like I've got to install this no big deal once we get that wood moved I will install that insulation, but we've got our r19 fiberglass It's all tucked in there. Nice now This is where I always say post frame is more efficient than a stick frame because we've got post eight foot on center Versus 16 inches on center. That means that these insulation blankets are just solid eight foot bays And there's a lot less chance for thermal breaks in these walls versus a stick frame We're getting our top board here installed so we can run our ceiling and as soon as that's done We'll get our vapor barrier laid out. We've got an attic access to frame in back here on this wall and Here you can see this is going to be a raised lift door Which means this door will go all the way up before it turns which means we're gonna have some extra framing here Should be a couple good days here. This Oh Suns just peeking through even though I think it's gonna rain here so it's nice that we've got interior work But we're gonna go ahead even though we're missing this piece of steel just to kind of wrap up the exterior as much as possible me and Greg are gonna stand up these last couple sheets to the corner and try to get it closed in and then we're gonna get over on this lean-to and Hopefully start putting the roof on that to get it covered up and lock down and That'll keep keep some of the water off the inside so we can work under there also in the rain so the first thing that we've got to do on the ceiling is we've got to measure a distance from the sidewall and that's going to be our first constant line and Usually it's 38 and a quarter inches What that does is it lets us put the syphon rib the leg of the syphon rib on that line all the way down to ensure that the first row is as perfectly straight as we can make it and then what we do from there is and as I'm thinking about this Now that would be a lot of work we could use the laser to make a straight line But it probably wouldn't work once we've got that line snapped we've got a perfectly straight line that we can start the Ceiling panels with and then at once that first rows done Everything else is just by fit and what I mean by that is it's you put the piece up you feel it you know we've done this enough that our experience has told us how the roof or the ceiling should go the best way to know that we did our job properly is when the end of the ceiling is getting put in the last pieces and they're consistently You know within a quarter inch I mean across an 80-foot ceiling there could be a little bit here there quarter-inch And I'm okay with that because the efficiency side of putting up that ceiling without snapping lines. Every three foot is Is well worth that quarter-inch? If you're to look down the ceiling at ceiling level if you go up to the ceiling and look down at it it's pretty much straight as can be and But the eyes can be a little deceiving I know if it looks straight at this straight, but when you get to the very end And you put that last tape measure up to cut your last piece That's how you know if you did good because it's consistent with the rest of the last row Well this morning we spent a little bit of time putting the ceiling on the lean-to outside which I wanted to cover up this office get that done and then We came in and we got the first half of the ceiling Installed we got our vapor barrier. That's a six mil vapor barrier We've got our attic access panels that we still got to put in and I know I've talked about this But I still get some questions about it here you can see stagger joints That's the overlaps of the so these are 16 16 foot 2 inch, basically and that way I can flush them up on the end of a truss and then they'll die on the other side of the Second truss over so that's what we call a bay. And this is like one run of three panels so what we're doing is the lift which Another that's the main reason I bought this mega deck lift. Is that all the steel goes up in there and Like I showed you earlier and then when we're underneath this we can do one section at a time So three 16-foot sheets and it's nice and comfortable by doing these staggers It allows us to keep correcting ourselves. So if we just ran them all 16 foot and then 16 foot you've got a good chance of them those sheets growing or shrinking on you and what this Stagger does is if this little stagger that last sheet Let's say we're out of line by a quarter inch when we go to connect the next overlap sheet it's going to show us that little bit of an error there and It's going to allow us to correct it and it naturally will correct it actually so little tip I know I see it all the time Guys are running steel. They're running. They're steel all in one One set at a time and not only I don't think does it look very good But it also allows a lot of air and so when you come up and you look at these lines They're gonna be nice and straight because we're Auto correcting ourselves every 9 feet or every three sheets Another thing is we got that insulation up And so tomorrow our goal will be to finish this half of the ceiling that shouldn't take us too long Probably the morning and then we'll go ahead and drop vapor barrier down from the ceiling We get 20 foot rolls that way it's one continuous roll all the way around and then we'll go ahead and start running all of our wall Gertz on the inside and thankfully we had that story pole at the beginning when we made up these posts and that allowed us to mark all of our Interior Gertz before we put up the post So now when we come in here, all we got to do is just set the lumber on them and go to town We don't have to measure we don't have to level everything's already ready to go. And that's obviously the main goal So it was a big day. We got a lot done. We laid a lot of steel my shoulders are tired both swinging panels up on the roof and then Putting all those panels up over my head so time to go home get rested up for tomorrow because we got a lot of ceiling to lay out and Hopefully we get some framing on these interior walls done So this is how we stack our steel upside down it won't get damaged this way and then we have to lift it up We just literally lift it straight up and it'll go right into place I need a spicy dining those people or something. That was pretty nice bedroom. Look at this Ben, dude No one piece corner Bend Now honestly, I don't remember how much weight capacity the mega deck has the 3394 JLG says their lifts there that we're using but I do know that it's No problem putting half of the ceiling in at one time and Putting it all up and then putting the other half in I just think that is like the coolest thing ever and the biggest reason why I bought this scissor lift because at 20 foot long It is comfortable to put 16 foot sheets and work right above your head. We can do three at a time and That really allows us to do that three set Pattern and then alternate it every row that way We've got that nice stagger and I really cannot stress enough that the stagger is so important It may seem like it takes longer, but it doesn't it may seem like it doesn't make sense But it does I promise you it will make it so much easier and as we get to the end of the building We start kind of checking to see how we're doing so that we can get that nice crisp line down the end So, let's see how we did Oh Oh dad literally difference table right here hopes Now I'm assuming a lot of you want to know how did we do on our ceiling first off you can see down it so It does look good. But like I said earlier it comes down to the measurements. Did we have the same measurements? I think we had one Measurement that was you know, one way or the other 3/8 of an inch, so I would have liked to have been you know Perfect, but honestly, it looks really good. No one's gonna know but us, you know, like the whole YouTube world, but that comes down to we could snap every Panel out we could mark every location But efficiency is still a goal Production is still a goal. We're here to make money and be good. So it looks good But now the whole world knows we were about 3/8 off on one of the sheets from all the recipes So now that we've got the ceiling done we can go ahead and concentrate on getting this insulation finished Got everything cleaned up and out of the way. So we'll put this our 19 batts up It's a different color, but that's just because they ran out of the one brand of Insulation and gave us a different brand. That's really the only difference. It's still the same material and We're tacking that up with some long like 4 or 5 inch nails and they've got like a washer head on them something that you'd see people use in like a foam board insulation Application. So once we've got all that insulation up we can start with our vapor barrier. It's 20 foot wide hundred foot long So we can cover as much ground as possible with one piece and have as few gaps as possible. So it's kind of a gratifying step also because it's super easy if you guys don't remember you got to use a nice piece of Cardboard as a staple washer and that allows you to really hang some heavyweight plastic without it ripping through and falling down We're getting going on the framing on the interior walls, we've got our vapor barrier. This is a six mil Vapor barrier. It's a full 20 foot tall. So that way we can get one piece We do have a joint over here. We lap about three foot on No, we don't tape the seams. I don't know if I really need to I don't know Maybe someone can help me with that. These buildings are already probably tighter than they should be to be honest So we've got two four six feet the eight foot board here will be a two by six that's for our plywood and Boys are gonna be going on this cuz I'm gonna be heading out So it's all up to Greg put the weight of the world on his shoulders Hope he doesn't crumble I'm just joking. Greg is more than capable of doing this task and that's because I've really done a Concerted effort so I've really been diligent about over the last you know Three four or five years really zeroing in focusing on one thing I could do just about anything I mean I've done it I've done remodeling I've done new construction I've done commercial. We've done it all but what I've also done is Tried to find the one thing that I really love that we can really be good at that We can really be efficient at and make money because in the end I want to be happy I want to be successful. I want to make my guys happy and then also successful So by doing post frame, I feel like we found a great niche to you know, just do what we love make good money and With that we've created systems that are consistent and constant Every job and that really takes away the chance for air and it really makes it easy for me to walk away and know that Somebody can handle it and somebody else can do what needs to be done without me there Specifically every day the you know, the other side of it is though. I like to be there I love to be there and every time I leave it is always It's always a little bit You know sad I'd rather be there be the one putting up the ball now like always I appreciate you guys following along you Know as I go through these videos there's always going to be some stuff that I miss some stuff that I Repetitively touch on and that's what those comments are down below for you guys can make sure you hit me up Make sure you let me know the things that I'm still, you know, either missing what I need to share That's what this is all about So hopefully through these build series not only there's some entertainment not only there's some you know I don't know maybe someone's being inspired to do something themselves. But also hopefully there's some learning and some knowledge and Hopefully also you guys can see something maybe that I'm doing and throw me some feedback as well. I like constructive criticisms Thanks a lot Make sure you hit that subscribe button Make sure you leave those comments and if you like the content hit that thumbs up and we'll see in the next episode Okay, guys. Thanks a lot
Channel: RR Buildings
Views: 167,642
Rating: 4.9660206 out of 5
Keywords: post frame, ceiling, how to install a metal ceiling, how to finish a ceiling, how to, diy, metal ceiling, insulation, wall insulation, how to insulate a wall, framing a wall, building
Id: MQqNAppdVoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 13 2018
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