Building the dream: Intro and layout

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The similarity between Piffle and RR is that they both have lots of tools.

The difference between the two is that one of them needs them to operate a business, and the other doesn't really know how to operate them.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Peas-and-potatoes 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

But do they take you on a journey?

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/gdl_nonsense 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

Watched some of his builds, real thorough in explaining everything. Nice guy, a real professional, everything doughboy is not.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Alias4reddit 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

Where's his video of building a bird house and Ebola tub. You know the type of "projects" that make you more "comfortable" with tools and equipment. And why doesn't he tell everyone how tired he is.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Bad--Sauce 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

One of my faves. I have built pole barns and metal bldgs and I still learn little tricks from him. Very knowledgeable and experienced. Good attitude.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/sloweb 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

Posts like this are always welcome here. Compare and contrast.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Patrick_Spens 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

He's one of my favs. Soooo meticulous.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/glenjamindle 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2018 🗫︎ replies
what's up everybody and you're watching the first video in a new series by RR buildings for those of you that have been around for a while you know what's gonna happen but for those of you that just found the channel make sure you hit that subscribe button because there's a lot more content to come and you don't want to miss out this series we're gonna be building what I'm calling the dream shop stick around so you can find out exactly where that name comes from so the job behind us is gonna be a 72 by 80 fully insulated and finished shop and we're doing this all on a concrete frost wall for foot and then there's also going to be a 20 by 20 office on the front corner as well as a 20 foot lean-to down both sides and that's a nice place for this customer he's an excavator he does a lot of our excavating actually and a good place to put all of his extra bucket spare you know machines that he's not using keep them out of the weather it's gonna be an interesting job site he's literally sand everywhere working amongst some trees again but customer is our excavator and he definitely does a good job giving us a nice site to work with there's gonna be the 20-foot lean-to here 80 foot deep shop 72 foot wide and then we're gonna have another lean-to over here on the other side it's gonna be a good one 18 foot tall this whole area here in the foundation wall section is all gonna be finished insulated it'd be really nice to really see from this angle here so this is a 20 by 20 office it's going to be off the corner and then the 20 foot dimension is going to continue down to this corner so this will all be storage under roof and then the shop and then the lead to over there how big of a boom is on this you said 116 foot very cool I've actually never experienced a pump truck on-site typically we're going to use Ready Mix trucks right at each hole fill up our piers I don't get involved a lot in the concrete process I showed up here this morning to just verify all of our knock out locations for doors walk doors overhead doors and they're gonna be pouring the walls here any minute just waiting for the first concrete truck to show up pretty cool typically in my area you're not gonna see a pump truck unless you're on a large commercial site where they're trying to pour a ton at once and that was actually the case on this site because just the nature of what we were trying to do there was no way we were gonna get a full ready-mixed truck to drive around this site the sand was way too soft and we haven't had rain in a while what's that made it even worse now we could have put gravel around the whole building but that's a cost that we thought would be better served just having the pump truck come in and do their thing the only problem with that is that might be a decision that later on comes back to haunt us when we try to move our machinery around the site cuz I would love to hang around and watch them pour concrete from that pump truck because that is that is definitely pretty cool I've got to go and finish up the job I'm currently on so in a couple days I can get here and start building this awesome shop what is up everybody and welcome back to the newest build series this is going to be a 72 by 80 shop and it's gonna have right behind me a 20-foot lean-to on this side and over here there's gonna be a 20 by 20 office space with a 20-foot lean-to continuing down that side wall so in total it's gonna be a hundred and twelve foot wide and 80 foot long the side walls they're gonna be 18 foot tall in the main building and we're going to finish the interior as well so it'll be a fully finished building fully finished shop and it's gonna be a good one so the unique thing about this shop is that it is all gonna be on a foundation wall so just like a home we've got a 4-foot footing wall on or a four foot wall on a footing and there will be a concrete pad on the inside so it'll be you know completely enveloped from the elements you won't be able to have any rodents burrowing underneath I mean this is the ultimate way to do a building but most people don't want to spend the extra cost typically there's about 45 bucks a foot on that wall versus us doing our concrete piers we got a bunch of stuff I brought in some lumber this morning just to get going I got a big lumber load coming tomorrow got the scissor lift dropped off we've got our trusses poster back there behind the scissor lift and I brought in a different telehandler we're gonna give this girl a try this is a JLG g9 I like my jl jeez I like my orange but what I really wanted was to get a cab and I might buy this I don't know we'll see I'm gonna give it a try see what kind of shape it's in looks like it's got a rotating fork which might be handy oscillating axles that is a must and this is a 9000 pounder interesting I think it's got a 43-foot boom so I'd appreciate it if you guys stuck around hit that subscribe button and follow this series I think it's going to be a lot of fun there's a lot to it there's a lot I'll be showing and even though this is probably overkill for a lot of people a lot of people don't need a 72 by 80 shop but I do know a lot of people want a 72 by 80 shop so stick around if nothing else just to see how massive this is and how cool this comes together I'm excited I've actually been working on this project for about three to four years and what I mean is I have been working with this customer I'm doing this project they've been back and forth back and forth we're finally gonna do it so I'm excited for that if nothing else but I hope you guys are excited to watch it all come together one of the first things we got to do on this footing wall is there's you know always thinking about the next trade in line right clean off your work prep it for the next guy but we're gonna go around Gregg's running the blower we're gonna get it all cleaned off so we can start marking our brackets this type of job right here is where the stabile layout station really comes into play this is the LA one ATL and this is going to give us perfect square so even though the concrete guys probably did a really good job making a square building what we're gonna have to do is we're gonna come in off these corners and we're gonna make we're gonna make our marks inch and a half in so that is where our actual corner posts are gonna be and then we'll set this laser down just like so and it's gonna shoot us a perfectly square line from this end all the way down to that end and then once we have those two points determined where we measure over on this wall it's gonna be seventy nine nine and this wall seventy one nine down we then will transfer this machine to that point Square back to this line and it will give us a perfectly square line over there so I'll show you guys exactly how we do that so what we've done is we've taken the layout station we've came in an inch and a half on both of these corners and you can see we've got our laser right on that corner so now you know in theory it's gonna shoot right through Greg to the other corner and then it's got another laser that shoots a ninety to that corner so what we're gonna do is I'm gonna take this receiver this receiver when I turn it on and I tell it well whatever this button is telling it it tells it to move this laser you can see here on the backside it can go actually we should probably make sure this is about in the middle and that gives it as much potential swing one way or the other we're still good here but what it's gonna do is it's gonna move this laser left to right until it finds my late my receiver on the other end right where I want it so I'm gonna go down here I'm gonna put an inch and a half mark on that wall find this receiver with the laser and it should in theory give me a laser lying on that end at inch and a half off the wall if the concrete guy did his job so obviously these are all theories I didn't do the concrete work I didn't layout the building so we're gonna see exactly how it works but the good thing is I know with the stabile a laser it's going to be perfect so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to turn it on and then you want to be a little bit away from your wall so that it doesn't pick up the signal but I'm gonna hold this button down oops not long enough so now that it's blinking it's looking the laser has started to move so we go ahead and we put this right on our mark and we just wait we wait for that laser to find the receiver and I don't know which way it's panning it could be panning left where I want it to go right to find me but you'll see eventually it'll find the receiver see there it is it's finding it it's finding it so once that crosshair disappears then it's locked on we're still moving it's moving very minutely this is accurate within I do believe it's three thirty-seconds up to 200 foot so we're only going 92 feet so it's still getting there you know with this distance it's got to move just a hair to get on wait for it boom now it is locked on so now that this is locked on that laser is not going to move Gregg should be able to go back there find exactly where the 90-degree lasers hitting and see if we need to adjust it so now we come back to this wall back here we've got our layout station up here in this corner we just basically lined it up with the front wall now we're going to come back here is our inch and a half mark and Wow that's really close not bad concrete guy I gotta give them a shout-out that is really good so what that means now is we're gonna pull a tape measure from this point to this point seventy nine foot nine inches we'll put another mark right here and then we'll bring that layout station set it right here and we'll use the receiver to line it up with this corner since we know this line in that liner ninety and it will shoot us a ninety to that corner so now I got Gregg down there holding the tape measure and I come down here and I'm gonna measure this 280 foot 9 inches so now this crosshair right here is perfectly square to the front wall at the dimension I want so now I can set the layout station on this point use this receiver to get it lined up with that point and it will give me a square point over here lots of points but the point is it's gonna be hopefully perfect and once we get that point designated we'll take our tape measure and we'll measure this distance to determine if it's right if it's the exact same dimension that we want we know we're good but I'll still probably double-check this with a cross X measurement I'll probably get a diagonal measurement just because I like to double-check so now that that's locked down we're going to take the receiver down okay so if you're still with me we started in this corner we got a square line to that corner I don't know we got a square line off of this corner all the way back to there so we made sure that this wall was square with this wall we then got a dimension off at this point to this point of 71 nine that's where my outside corner of my first bracket is we then move the layout station you can see it way over there we moved it over there and we we got squared up with this wall here to determine the point over there where Greg is we now are going to measure back from him to me and if we are 70 or sorry 79 nine or in this case 80 foot nine inches because we're burning a foot then this layout station is amazing okay so he's burning a foot I'm going 480 foot 9 inches that my friends is called efficiency and perfection so right there this is where I wanted to be and you can tell all this was was a reference line we laid down with the receiver when we had the layout station in that corner so this mark here is what we measured from that corner at 17 1:9 so it goes right through the line that we already laid I'd call that perfect all right moment of truth I just put in my rise of 79 9 my run of 71 9 it gave me a diagonal of 107 three and five sixteenths so Greg is going to be pulling me one foot past our mark so makes it easier to be efficient or actually correct so I'm actually going to be looking for 108 three and five sixteenths are you good Gregg 108 three five 16s here's what you can notice right now I'm pulling the tape measure it kind of moves around clearly we're spot-on but if we were just be doing this manually and not using the layout station to get the exact marks how would I know exactly where to put that measurement so needless to say the layout station is about 1,500 bucks but if you want to be accurate and efficient you want to you know strive to be as perfect as possible it's money well spent because I mean this is only our second building ever using it and it was that easy to lay down four corners and they're perfect I mean I don't know what else to say it's perfect so you spend the money to make money right have some lines and drop some dimes Gregg the how it goes what do you say yeah snap some lines and trust me on live and drop and die they just said intermittent rain in the Levin 30 total stays away let's go say yeah I got rained on would be sweat from working hard nasty we just have a rain storm moved through so we had to blow the wall off there's a lot of water which is never any good when you're gonna pull out your snap line but we got it blown off it's dried up pretty good so we're going around now and we're snapping some chalk lines in between whoo how's my hair we're snapping some chalk lines in between all of the marks we made so we made our four corner marks but then we also went about every 20 foot on the wall just to confirm that when we snap our lines we're where we want to be good now that we've laid our snap lines across the wall intersecting with all the points we laid down with the layout station we're good to basically pull out a tape and we'll mark all of our bracket locations and then we'll be good to actually install those so up until this point it's all been prepped but now if we did our job right this is easy should put them right where we want and yes it would be really nice if this was all backfilled customer is actually an excavator and he realized once he started back filling this that he wanted to put plumbing in for some pressure washers stuff like that so I told him no big deal we'll work around it whenever we pull any measurements we always burn a foot on the tape measure so when you hear me say burn a foot that means instead of holding it at the very end we're actually holding the tape measure at one foot and what that does is it allows us to be a little bit more accurate versus the end of the tape measure sometimes can be bent or whatever so always thinking accuracy so what that means now I'm gonna laid out this wall 8 foot on center so I'm burning a foot I'm not gonna go to 8 I'm gonna go to 9 now also the start of my wall where he's holding down there is one and a half inches in from the outside dimension so my first post Center is going to be 7 10 and a half or in this case 8 10 and a half since I'm burning a foot so we're just gonna go down the wall every bracket after that is going to be 8 foot on center so 8 foot 10 now we're 16 ten and a half twenty-four ten and a half thirty two ten and a half forty foot ten and a half now the important thing also is as soon as we snap these lines we've got to get everything marked and drilled because if we could uh look at any sort of rain this line will be gone and then we got to start all over so we always try to use a permanent marker for any final measurement marks anything that's final which these bracket locations are final fifty six ten and a half sixty four ten and a half seventy two puts our wall at 80 foot nine inches inch and a half on both sides would make it eighty one burning a foot 80 foot exactly that's our wall dimension now that we got our marks down on the concrete we take our old Midwest per McCallum brackets these are sturdy wall / McCallum brackets 883 OTS so these are the eight inch three ply laminated brackets for Ohio timberlands which is what we use for our posts these are going to get a couple red head anchor bolts and then we're gonna put some Simpson tighten HD 5/8 by six inch anchor bolts in the big hole so it's amazing how strong these are I know a lot of guys don't like it when we do wet set but honestly I do like what sets just a pain to do when the concrete guys are laying out their walls we just had this front push through I don't know if you can really see it but holy cow we needed it I think we got Sun back here behind it but it just drops some cool air and that feels amazing cuz it's been hot out here we're gonna start drilling some anchor bolts in that way we can get our brackets all in and mounted and then we can bring out the lazer the rotary laser to determine height so we can get our get our story post made up and start cutting post gotta love the days we're super hot then a storm bust through and you get rain then the Sun comes back out it's super hot and it's humid and then it rains and you're like constantly picking up tools just waiting for it to stop raining again and then we'll be back out there could go out and work in the rain I don't melt but tools they cost a lot of money ready to drill some holes so I'm gonna go through and put some of these tapcon quarter by two and three quarters in and those go here in the smaller holes and then what we're gonna do is go through and greg is drilling down there behind me I don't know where he's going now but for the Simpson Titan HD these are 5/8 anchor bolts and these suckers grab it's amazing how strong these walls are I don't have the numbers I'm exactly but maybe if I remember I'll put the specs down in the comments below I see you guys have seen the process before but real quick we're we're gonna go ahead and shoot all the grade measurements to these brackets and what I've done is out on the front of the building where the garage doors are the customer wanted the floor finished floor to be about six inches down from the top of the wall so I made a mark I found right where the laser you know ding-ding-ding-ding-ding I found right where the laser was at that measurement that was twenty seven and a quarter so now I'm going around and wherever this bracket this is 20 and 9/16 now for all of you metric people I'm sorry I don't know what that is clearly there's a lot of you that would wish I would do this in metric 20 and 9/16 I think that's what it was yep that's about six and eleven sixteenths smaller than my twenty seven and a quarter so that means let me stop that that means that this bracket the top of this bracket where the post is gonna sit is six and eleven sixteenths taller than the finished floor height so when we go and make up our columns we're going to make sure that we do 18-foot walls - six and eleven sixteenths on this bracket only every bracket has its own measurement based off of the laser so if you guys are a little bit confused I'll go ahead and CAG the video where I went over this and a little bit more depth yes these are all negative marks so we got all of our brackets down we're ready to build that's the important thing kind of nice not having to dig holes I can make sure everything is perfect right where we want it so you can see the tighten anchor bolts I'm telling you this thing this is sturdy like always if you have any questions about the methods we use if you are curious about why we're doing something that's what the comments are for feel free to drop a question below hit me up on a message a direct message if you want but I really hope you guys are enjoying this I hope that you stick around and watch the build I think you will enjoy it I know I enjoyed it and I know that the customer enjoyed it so that is in the end what's most important but we'll see you guys back here in a couple days for the next video where we start building the walls so hit that subscribe button hit that thumbs up and feel free to leave me feedback thank you
Channel: RR Buildings
Views: 589,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: layout, station, build, how to, dream shop, diresta, rrbuildings, rural renovators, garage, shop, mancave, diy, professional grade
Id: igMYInV9pvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 17sec (1637 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 11 2018
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