Buggy The Clown?! | ONE PIECE | Live Action Reaction 1X2

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[Music] [Music] you want trouble you just found it oh killer gum gum pistol Luffy can't you practice somewhere else you need to be careful with your new abilities I know it's exciting but there might be some people who be afraid of you now that you're different I like being different a what do you know about devil fruits no two are the same oh there's a reason they call devil fruits I was going to say it's because of the deal you make when you eat one mother ocean turns her back on you and the Sea can take away your strength what you have to let me join your crew I'm tougher than ever just because you're made of robber does not mean you're invincible so he's not Invincible mhm even though he seems like he is yeah are you going after the one bees as soon as we resupply when will you be back oh we're not coming back what oh what did you tell him the truth I told you I need absolute silence I know I know it's just it this is my first real so excited can you please give me some quiet and some space no oh it's not cool don't mess with my hat oh she get it is she going to tell him is that the only thing in there isn't there supposed to be gold inside a safe super valuable this is more valuable than gold it's knowledge this is a map to the Grand line where is it exactly you're going to the Grand line but you don't know where it is guess I need a navigator on my crew the Seas divided into four quadrant and this band across the middle is the grand line oh bigger cities bigger Pirates flush with riches and right for the picking uh that's cool a lot of pirates looking for that thing what is it like a big diamond or something what is it Roger treasure he h it somewhere in the grand line all in one piece [Music] oh uh-oh is that the Marines how did they find us uh-oh smoke smells weird oh no [Music] no no way well he can cuz he could stretch stop oh my goodness oh it's a pirate m the clown oh no wait is the clown wait no I don't I don't like the clown M Sor what they took my swords and my with all my navigation gear damn it we lost the map it's a safe place e they they are not Marines they've been captured by Pirates that's much better news no he's right Marines have training Pirates are easier to kill oh dang I can talk to them Pirates to Pirate you are just some stretchy guy in a tattered hat I'm a different kind of pirate there's only one kind oh yeah no nope mm-m what this is so creepy is this their ship I don't know there's sand I don't know if oh my gosh they're being forced to cheer this is horrifying I'm so scared no no stop clapping no stop it's all wrong hey I know you I saw your once at poster in Shell toown uh Binky right buggy buggy the clown he's so scary he's so scary I bet everyone in the East blue knows who you are why was that a bad thing just that everyone knows who you are oh cuz he said the e oh oh my were you making fun of my nose well I wasn't has for real uh-oh oh wait a minute is it real I think it is I'm not a nobody I'm Monkey D Luffy and I will be king of the [Laughter] Pirates I am destined to find the one piece I will be king I'm roron no aoro drop your weapons now oh shoot they know who he is uhhuh we have a celebrity in our midst now maybe we should skip right to the finale this is so chilling yeah I don't like it hey I suppose I'll have to offer them a pound of Flesh instead wait wait what if I have something else to offer you what if I give you a new freak oh no she's going to say him stretchy man hey oh she's so [Music] s dang though she just gave him up like that oh my God what what is this place are they not on a ship no h what did you do to their town you destroyed everything I'll let them keep their [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hands dude uh I know one of you has my map please make our guests uncomfortable in the green room I don't like this I have Goosebumps I'm so uncomfortable yeah I'm going to have a chat with my stretchy new pal I just don't like the clowns mm- Oh yay who's that don't you know anything oh for crying out loud he's a Cadet too The Vicious devil fruit eater in his crew storm the base killing innocent Marines know what happened no talking once they saw my axe they ran off inere was that before or after you let them steal a map to the Grand line nearly enlisted just this morning sir make no mistake sir what's that about I don't know hanging in my y he scares me what was that I don't know you suspicious of him already we were surrounded and unarmed you were picking a fight you couldn't win I know your type there's nothing to gain your out says the wandering Bounty Hunter you have a lockpick I have four lockpicks clowns only found three uhoh oh no no he's laughing does it hurt him to stretch I don't know truth he's smiling he truth I need from this exercise are they tickling him or something like don't circuses have cotton candy you wouldn't last five minutes in the grand line I already told you I'm going to be king of the PIR boring I you can stretch me all you want I can do this all day I don't think it hurts him right uhuh hey give me back my hat I used to know a pirate that wore a hat just like this oh redhaired Shanks we served together on a pirate crew when we were about your age oh my gosh I even thought we were friends until he betrayed me what doesn't sound sound like him he wanted to keep my star from shining too brightly jeez he he's so scary the acting so good it's so good I'm so scared of him did Shanks betray you too don't talk about him that way you've destroyed our town made us your prisoners isn't that enough well no this guy's going to get hurt or killed Hey kid you want to get tall fast boie I'm warning you it's bugy now that's a laugh I said that's a laugh this is a nightmare I was going to say can't you like stretch his hands and get out okay put in [Music] down shut up wait hi why is he did he eat a devil fruit too what is happening no Chop Chop fruit Chop Chop oh but always put myself back together again wow oh what okay that was nuts no Sho someone's coming I need more time keep on talking I don't talk I hit things okay I love this show remember me no wait I actually don't remember this guy have we seen him before no well he was yeah at the end of the last episode I think before that though no I don't think so but how you killed my brother oh I killed a lot of pirates my name is kabaji and a couple years ago you hunted us across the go Kingdom H never relenting like some kind of demon you cut off his head you stuffed it in a bag all for few Berry is that their currency I guessing let's see if you can keep your head oh my gosh Classic knife throwing uhhuh come in Cadet have a seat wait are you kidding me these snails are so weird I can't the fact that he has a matching J we both know you don't belong here huh being a marine it's all I've ever wanted how long you been working with a Pirates Who attack this base what no I'm not was s with one of them I was held captive by a pirate named alvido he was horrible then he saved me he Luffy the straw hat pirate you say his name is is Luffy yes sir and why didn't you tell anyone about this no no wor they wouldn't let me enlist he's going to get in trouble this uh Straw Hat pirate do you owe him any Allegiance he's a pirate Pirates should have faced Justice does he really believe that I don't think so and we'll find him together oh no he did say next time I see you we might be enemies yeah we never got our drinks we are still very very thirsty get out let me go pleas stop he's just a boy he's just a boy who needs to learn respect you can spill a drink on me and I'll let it slide don't you ever threaten my friends [Music] a no way he's eat oh he is a good pirate that's cool he a good captain [Music] that was sweet they're amazing I love this it was crazy so they're super good Fighters yeah so they weren't like scared of or avoiding the fight last time I mean he said violent the last what is this no a tank one of those Escape thingies oh my gosh like Escape artists use scary don't bother it's sea water hardly seems fair all those wonderful powers rendered useless from aus lashes oh that's what they meant okay what so they can't go in the ocean mm- wow you mean the ones that abandoned you just like Shanks did they will come back for me no one's coming for you never why not God you're an outcast just like the rest of us a freak m join me and you can serve the man who will become the king of the Pirates I will find one piece and they'll love me you can't make people love you just like you can't make them smile [Music] facts no you could have wish you were never born believe me I wish that already they don't care no one is going to miss you when you're dead stop it what the heck is this uh no thank you no I don't oh he can't swim [Music] a of course he does care mhm oh my gosh that's terrifying get lost H he has to he's eaten one too right right or is he some kind of like Master of the sea what the heck I don't know he lost an arm oh my gosh it's it's only an arm oh oh just glad that you're okay don't got my hat I couldn't hear you over all the drowning this is making me dizzy really don't fear death do you no just don't fear you ooh did he just release him got somewhere else to be didn't used to think so so but Luffy changed that D it don't tell me you actually believe I don't need to he believes in himself oh it's true stop don't turn around dang that guy is just too cool yeah I know I love him I say we beat the house out of every clown we see yeah he's so cute oh my [Music] gosh where my FRS they're not coming oh no oh shoot my no man he loves Shinx more than mhm wanting to be pirate king obviously mhm let's see what you got okay how do you how do you do this what it's so scary I don't like this how am I supposed to slice the guy who's already in pieces this is not part of the plan see water yeah he said only a couple splashes e wait this is just crazy what you can dump see water on me and I'll let it slide but don't you ever threaten my friends oh oh my goodness [Music] gracious so you want to die first uh-uh Chum Chum Canon he yells his moves too I love this oh not his hat now he's mad come on the [Music] crates lock all the pieces up [Music] I'm sad as that has holes in it me too got you down to size you're just a sad lonely little boy wearing another man's hat I know exactly who I am oh I'm monkey deffy smile I love you too who who whoaa whoa no no no no no wait wait wait wait oh oh my goodness you giving this to me you're the Navigator let's get out of this clown show still one more thing we have to do mhm let everyone go go were you are new captors what you're you're pirate aren't you I'm a different kind of pirate a oh my gosh I love this he's breaking the mold my fellow Marines the men and women of this base have not failed the Marines oh oh plat twist we can take their ships their weapons and even their lives but we cannot win if we do not take away their dreams I am personally leading a mission to hunt down the Pirates Who attack this base that there are consequences for their actions and we are that consequence [Music] oh Haley I feel so bad for him I know he to be a part of it he's going to be really conflicted oh a he's going to end up joining Luffy yeah I could already see it we don't have much but please take this aw you need more than we do he is so good he is such a good person well so actually maybe just a snack this is amazing I think I'll miss you most of all Luffy stop he's so nice I'm not readyy but when I am I'm going to be a pirate Captain with my own ship and the crew that will always have each other's backs we're going to be the greatest PIR the world has ever seen I'm going to find the one piece and become king of the Pirates greater than even us huh stop in that case this is the cutest thing ever so sweet this has the most precious thing I own means the world to me oh my gosh no wonder I want you to take it I can't no that'll be our promise be good luy be good Luffy he [Music] is a he's so [Music] cute oh almost finished oh is so nice cuz she thought it was just some stupid hat mhm is every day going to be this crazy with you Shanks always said that if the path to what Juan seems too easy then you're on the wrong path oh I love that this shank go sounds all right next up the grand line oh my gosh who smile I love it why is she being Weir I know what is she doing what does she up to what else is she doing what is a little phone is that a Bluetooth a little like a wait who's she working with stop Yahoo for you can tell them I have the map who tell who tell who stop it no I love this show these characters are great it's [Music] amazing what
Channel: Haylo & Kiss
Views: 145,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: One Piece, Live Action, Reaction, Buggy, Clown
Id: oSn30G2Vj4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 36sec (1656 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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