ONE PIECE - The Best Show of 2023!

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[Music] Dear Mr Oda thank you for creating one piece and making so many people around the world Happy playing Luffy is a dream come true and I will always do my best to bring him to live action Luffy is a friend for the world who teaches us about courage dreams and family I am beyond honored to be a part of this story and me and the entire live action team admire you so much thank you for one piece and thank you for Luffy I feel like this role was meant to be and I would to play Luffy for a very long time I'm Monkey D Luffy and I'm going to be king of the Pirates this is a world like no other one brimming with mystery and teaming with [Music] Danger [Music] this is a world of pirates after sailing the low Seas of soulless corporate remakes horrible adaptations character assassinations and beloved IP vandalization we have found our treasure Y and believe it or not it comes from the same streamer that just released the Abomination known as The Witcher season 3 all within the worst era of writing in Hollywood's history and it's produced by the same Studio that made Cowboy bbop for Netflix a show I dipped out on after the first 15 minutes what the f look at my so it's a bit of a shocker we are going to discuss a Netflix adaptation of a manga/anime produced by the same Studio that made Cowboy bbop that I loved ladies and Gentlemen let's talk about one piece [Music] now I know many of you come to this channel for my well-informed Manga and Anime takes which are second only to my skill at gaming yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm a gamer ow get out of the fire can you read what's on the SK it says drop yes [Music] in other words I come at this as a complete Norm me I have read a couple of the later volumes out of order that were sent to me by a viewer thank you more on that later I haven't watched a second of the anime and the only reason I watched this at all is because of a recommendation from yellow Flash and Jeremy from Geeks and Gamers and I had a little Spare Time on vacation and I'm glad I did because rarely in the best of times do we get something this special as it stands hands it's the best first season of Television I've seen in quite some time it has some of the best character work I've seen since Buffy Angel Farscape and battl Star Galactica it has some of the best world building I've seen since the good days of Game of Thrones yet I think we should all stay a little grounded because Netflix doesn't exactly have the best record with following up a good season 1 just off the top of my head alter carbon Umbrella Academy The Witcher and stranger things but to be fair they did rally with season 4 yet there is a ray of Hope a sign of encouragement from Tomorrow Studios who did admittedly produce cowboy bbop and one piece it seems the producers learned some lessons tomorrow Studios has set itself up for one of the biggest challenges they could have ever faced not only did they try to tackle the critical darling Cowboy bbop but they also set their eyes on one piece the former however did not quite end up winning fans over at the time that's a nice way of putting it which had many nervous about the biggest selling manga's adaptation uh what were your initial reactions when you knew that uh one piece was going to get a life action adaptation luckily executive producer Marty adelstein highlighted that they took a lot of lessons from their work on Cowboy bbop they realized that and I quote fans are expecting you to be true to the source material which isn't too surprising giving how invested fans are to the projects they enjoyed for many years did somebody switch on CERN did I get sucked into another dimension did I just read a quote from a Hollywood producer acknowledging his mistakes and confessing that they're going to correct them by honoring the source material I'm sorry what I better check this quote for context what we learned is the fans are expecting you to be true to the source material as we read the comments it's always well they didn't do this with the character the same way as this and that it really taught us a lot of what we needed to do with this one there's even another one from Tomorrow Studios president Becky Clemens it became everyone's goal to make sure that when you looked at the show you thought it was another live-action version of the manga that felt like another feather in the legacy of Oda one piece's Creator the people just get to see another genre but still have the same reaction and feelings towards the narrative and it probably has something to do with the series Creator being heavily involved one piece Creator talks Netflix's liveaction series if I wasn't satisfied this wouldn't see the light of day and that series Creator is Ichiro Oda and I probably mispronounced that ichir who happens to be one of the best selling authors of all time selling 500 million copies of one piece out selling things like Batman and the anime has over a thousand episodes and yes I had to look that up cuz I'm an Nory we brought the very first episode that OD s Drew 1997 I'm 19 this is older than me why do a live action of One [Music] Piece mayumi Tanaka herself the legend is gonna be voicing Luffy in the one piece live action adaptation from Netflix are you mean it's an [Music] honor I oh man they that gave me gooseb yo get out of here man I love the manga I love the anime and I know you will love the live action too I am super excited about this project we put our heart and soul into it you know I hope that you are entertained but beyond that I hope that if you see our show you decide to also go chase your dreams and that strategy seems to have worked the fandom overall seems to be pretty happy even the ones who know the source material unlike Yours Truly One Piece onece One onece it shattered Netflix records set by shows like Wednesday and stranger things and the neelen ratings have come out and one piece is at number two overall on streaming and the number one streaming original absolutely destroying shows like The Wheel of Time season 2 and Ahsoka Ahsoka de's nuts got him there really is no way I should like this show on the surface one piece is ridiculous The League character Luffy is a skinny hyperactive kid who wears a straw hat and randomly screams almost everyone at has bright colored hair it's a pirate world with themed Pirates but it also has people who wear suits and Converse shoes yet people still use flint lock pistols and swords to fight yeah huh animal themed ships messenger seagull who wear hats there's fishmen who look like they're from Huntington Beach there's Marines who have Marine written on their hat and everyone communicates through snails weird weird yet it all works within the first 5 minutes partially through Ian mcshan's introduction we learn this is mostly an ocean planet scattered with Islands filled with pirates danger and mystery and 22 years prior to our story beginning the pirate king gold Roger during his execution ignites the new pirate era you want to know where my treasure is I'll tell you free yourselves take to the Seas my treasure is it's yours to find gold Rogers final words empty a city and seemed to set half a world and the crew that were going to follow the straw hat pirates in pursuit of his treasure the one piece then we cut to our main character Monkey D Luffy who tells us exactly what he wants through a conversation with a bird I'm setting out to follow my dream and become king of the virus admittedly at first I Thought Monkey D Luffy was going to be completely annoying but as with the characters in this show he definitely grows on you it's infectious his motivations are very clear because they're repeated quite a bit through this series he wants to be a pirate he wants to go to the Grand line and find the one piece to become the pirate king and at the end of The Journey going to find the ultimate treasure the one piece and become king of the Pirates he's seen as a bit of a simple tin but he's not being a pirate to lose Luffy is very different from how the Pirates act in this world to him it's not about pillaging murdering or the other thing I'm a different kind of pirate to him being a pirate is about Adventure and more importantly Freedom some will say Luffy also believes in himself well I think it goes beyond that I think there's a confidence there there's self-esteem without arrogance now Luffy's confidence partially comes from his powers that he gained from the devil fruit no two are alike and what Luffy at was the gumgum fruit which gave him stretchy Powers what kind of a monster are you the stretchy kind and I just want to point out that there's a show one piece and a movie The Incredibles that have done stretchy Powers much better than Marvel with Mr Fantastic in a show filled with compelling complex and fun characters Luffy is the heart and soul of a show that has a lot of heart theyve always wanted to be Marine if that's what you want I think you should do it I'll help you out she don't even know me we sh a meal Kobe and if being a marine is your dream that's good enough for me Luffy and one piece are about freedom and authenticity now this might be old hat for all the Manga and Anime fans out there but this is something that's been missing from popular Western entertainment for a long time it's anti- nihilism Hollywood seems to have for gotten the best TV shows are character-driven and again one piece has some of the best character work I've seen in years and a lot of this has to do with the flashbacks according to Oda it's all about the characters in one piece when it comes to the changes the flashbacks are a very very important part of giving back stories to our Straw Hat characters so that the readers can really understand where these people come from and fall in love with them and so we were very very deliberate and making sure that part of their characters and their backstories were depicted fully in the adaptation and we had had a lot of conversations to make it right but as a result I think we ended up with very very strong backstories to fill out these characters one piece also has something that's been missing from Hollywood for quite some time aside from good directing good writing great dialogue great editing great camera work great production design we also got positive male mentors what inconceivable and we don't get just one one could argue that we get three but we'll start with Shanks I'm ready to join your crew the see isn't the child's G it's dangerous I can do it Shanks I swear you're not ready Luffy is a bit impulsive as children will be but he wants to be part of shank's crew so bad that he stabs himself in the eye to get a scar let me get this little gem of dialogue scars don't make them out lify it's a lesson behind the scar and you didn't known this one look I've been practicing what my face going to look like on my wanted poster no doubt your mug will been a wanted poster one day you're not ready Luffy gets mad at Shanks for not fighting back against the guy who spills a drink on him and Shanks goes so far as to clean up the mess now at this point it does make Shanks look a little soft but he's not and this is where Luffy eventually learns a very powerful lesson again one that is completely lost on Modern entertainment modern media the news Society restraint choosing your battles not acting impulsively on every emotion now Luffy does learn through Shanks when there is a time to fight but eventually Luffy comes to terms with the fact that he is not ready to be a pirate or join shank's crew after Shanks loses an arm saving his life it's my fault it's not my fault it's only an arm I'm just glad that you're okay I'm and all of these flashbacks are beautifully woven in and out of the story and we'll have more on Luffy later this brings us to ROR no RoR RoR NOA Zoro I'm just going to call him Zoro from now on I'm Ro nooro the pirate Hunter I made a promise to someone a long time ago to become the world's greatest swordsman within the first couple of minutes of his introduction we learned that he lost someone close to him and that he's a pretty formidable fighter especially spending half of his first fight not using any of his three [Music] swords you make it look effortless it's really annoying again through the flashbacks we get some of the best character moments and some of the best dialogue in a show that's filled with it we learned that there was a girl named quina who Zoro trained with and couldn't beat now in today's modern Hollywood that has a slavish adherence to the message you would think this is great opportunity for a girl boss moment but it wasn't on the contrary while I was watching this episode while on vacation in the UK with shad Adam Crigler Mark the Cyborg and x-ray girl we almost fell out of our seats when Kaa says this and you'll only get better you'll surpass me in size strength and speed eventually you'll surpass me in everything that's dumb no that's nature I'm small now and fast but soon all the boys will get taller and stronger their arms will be longer than mine who cares about that kind of stuff don't you get it girls can beat boys but no woman can beat a man after being Rivals Zoro and Ken then make a promise to each other to train until one of them is the best swords man or woman in the world and in that flashback we learn more about Zoro and Kaa than we do about any character in Ahsoka and to kick more dirt in the face of shows like secret evasion or rings of power this Zoro flashback which adds a major element to his character happens all within a two-part episode introducing Usopp who apparently is based on Pinocchio but acts more like a boy who cried wolf pirates pirates he's got a reputation of telling tall tales and straight up lying technically I'm not a salesman do you even work here of course I do I'm Chief technician in charge of incrustation removal and Avery wayte eradication he scrubs Barnacles and cleans bird but we later find out it's a coping mechanism for his dad abandoning him and losing his mother at an early age it also introduces usopp's only friend Ka a sickly girl who just lost her parents and stands to inherit a shipyard oh but it doesn't end there because it turns out Ka is sick because she's being slowly poisoned by her staff on the orders of a butler who just so happen to be Pirates have we met before you look familiar Hy doubtful so funky bar mirror ball Island and not just any Pirates it's Kuro of the Thousand plans captain of the cat Pirates Who is a Speedster who has blades coming out of his hands and Luffy is sidelined in this episode because he got poisoned and I'm only scratching the surface and again this all happens within two episodes shot like a horror film it's just Fu [Music] cool little Prat my and quite frankly It embarrasses the hell out of anything produced by D+ and it makes the rings of power look sadder than it is now I like all the characters in this show but but I think my favorite might be Sanji being the manga expert that I am I'd say he straight up looks like an anime character yes this was my yes are you kidding me yes wow so good you the FL was fully he's a kickboxing Chef whose dream is to find the cooks Paradise the all blue and sanji's Brilliant character develop Vel m is directly related to the other positive male Mentor in this zeep the former captain of the cook Pirates and now the head chef at the bartier a restaurant that looks like a fish ship in the middle of the ocean let's eat that fish better have a bar young sonji and Zep meet for the first time when Zep who was known as red shoes at the time meaning he had both legs which is important raids the passenger ship young Sanji was working on this was all happening during a storm the ship was eventually lost and zeff and Sanji are the only only survivors stranded on a sea stack zff gives young Sanji a bag of food and tells him to go to the other side of the sea stack and not bother him unless he sees a ship why do you get the bigger one cuz I'm three times your size that's boy and they're both stranded there for 85 days and this leads to one of the most emotionally impactful scenes in the entire Series so how did they survive well when Sanji eventually runs out of food and confronts zeff this is what we find out there's no food how are you still alive your leg what happened you ate your own leg that's right an emotionally impactful scene about a guy eating his own leg to save a kid who wants to achieve his dream finding the all blue which just so happened to be zep's dream which he is now abandoned so I'm going to need you to live on and I'm going to need you to fulfill that dream Sanji and zeep are constantly fighting and when they first introduce zeff he comes off as a total dick but again at the end of essentially a two episode Arc Zep becomes one of the best characters in the show and describing it doesn't do it justice but I don't know how anybody couldn't be hitting the feels in that goodbye scene between Sanji and Ze especially to those of us who have lost our Pops hey Sanji you keep your feet dry you know all these years living under your city roof cooking at your City restaurant I owe you my life thank you for putting up with my all these years old man I'll never forget you [Music] zeth is he open it no and can you please give me some quiet and some space and now it's time to talk about Nami in this era of girl bosses that's what I thought she would be but thankfully I was [Music] wrong like all of our main characters Nami did have a dream but she was forc to abandon it at a very early age all of our main characters backstories were somewhat messed up but Nami is the worst pretty early on they showed us that she was eventually going to betray the straw hat crew we just didn't know what was behind it it's revealed that Nami was working for what would end up being the big bad of this series arlong The Fish Man after arlong murderous young nami's mother right in front of her and her sister she decides to cut a deal with him essentially enslaving herself and drawing maps for our long Ong with the opportunity to buy the freedom for herself and her town for 100 million Barry and that's what they call money in the world of one piece so after being betrayed by arlong after spending most of her life in enslavement Nami breaks down and starts stabbing herself repeatedly in the arm where arlong branded her with a swordfish tattoo and this is hands down the best scene of the year and it leads directly to Luffy finally becoming a real Captain and the straw hat Pirates finally becoming a real crew [Music] see of course I will of course I will let's go right there's a third positive male Mentor in one piece and some people might not agree with me on this one GARP who also happens to be Luffy's Grandpa Grandpa Grandpa by order of the Marines lower your sales and submit to my authority while he might not have been the best male mentor to Luffy he was to Kobe who was introduced earlier on in the series and he wants to be a good Marine despite recognizing that the Marines are largely a corrupt organization something GARP is fully aware of and still trying to fight against the world is not a simple place the same set of laws do not apply to everyone but that's not fair no it's not but you have to decide if you can live with that I could have been Fleet Admiral by now but I always turned down the promotion do you know why because I'd have to do things their way I'd lose my freedom do you understand yes sir the world is not fair but the Marines are all that are standing between order and Anarchy and there's a pretty interesting lesson there that I'm not even sure the writers intended just because life isn't fair doesn't mean you black pill so yes GARP does end up being a positive male Mentor for Kobe and Captain Morgan spoiled son Helo and watching GARP jump from being pissed off at the pirate Luffy as a marine and full of Pride as the grandpa of Luffy was great and as far as villains go they just keep getting better as the series progresses there's helo's Dad Captain axan Mor and why is he called ax hand ax hand who just ends up being a corrupt arrogant fraud there's buggy the clown who again was a character I thought would be annoying as hell but ended up brilliant you shots have no idea what you're doing oh the once was a girl with tendering hair stole my M let me Str it somewhere truly a crafty and crooked young l c she had is spectacular right on my nose buggy also ate some devil fruit he ate the chop chop fruit he was also a former friend T Shanks who seems a bit broken he wanted to keep me out of the spotlight he wanted to keep my star from shining too brightly you're not that guy pal trust me you're not that guy okay then there was my personal favorite villain Kuro of the Thousand plans again the Speedster with knives coming out of his fingers playing the long game to steal all a Kaya's money but we found out why because he was tired of being a pirate he tried to talk Luffy out of being a pirate by telling the truth you're not really free with a bounty on your head because obviously you're living a life looking over your shoulder other Pirates want to kill you the Marines want to kill you and fellow crew mates want to kill you which sounds like a little foreshadowing to me now the time has come to restore the natural order of this [Applause] world and there's the true big bad of this season of One Piece arlong the fish man who feels his people have been oppressed in this world and he will do anything to write that wrong including enslave little girls eat people all to put the human race where they belong beneath him God Ra haven't you done enough I'm just getting started darling a fish man supremacist who became what he hates a racist then there's a couple of characters who don't have a lot of screen time but they make the most of [Music] it [Music] there's dracul mihawk who's everyone's favorite looks a little bit like Dave Navaro he has a big ass sword that can chop an entire ship in half from a beach he can kill an entire crew while he's on a snail call all for waking him up from his nap then there's the duel between mihawk and Zoro where we get one of the best lines in the show when mihawk essentially pulls a letter opener on him to fight what the hell is that I'm here for a sword fight I don't hunt rabbits with the cannon of course mihawk hands Zoro his ass but he doesn't kill him because Zoro earns his respect along with Luffy Roan NOA Zoro it's too soon for you to die grow strong and come find me I'll be waiting then there's Shanks who lost his arm but still managed to tell a giant sea Beast to piss off get lost and all of this displays that there is a much bigger batter world out there that they have been talking about especially on the grand line it also defines the power levels as invulnerable as Luffy seems and as badass as Zoro is and Sanji they are still vastly overmatched and Luffy does have a weakness when you eat the devil fruit the sea turns its back on you in other words if he gets wet with seawat he loses his power and he can't swim which is a bit of a problem when you're in a world that's mostly covered in seawater and that's just a couple of examples of those little details that make this so good that I'm sure have a lot to do with them having to adapt multiple volumes of manga multiple episodes of anime and condense them down into an eight episode season again I wouldn't know because I'm a complete Normie when it comes to one piece that this is how it's done but you tell me it's a shame this much care wasn't put into things like The Witcher here on Netflix or rings of power on Amazon or even Star Wars over at Disney another rare thing this isn't an 8 episode streaming series with filler not a second is wasted and most importantly it's fun the action scenes are great the camera work is brilliant and the first thing my kid noticed when we watched it together was there's no shaky cam it also has a banger of a soundtrack with damn near perfect casting all with a group of journeyman creators have all managed to capture lightning in a bottle and do the impossible made a liveaction manga/anime adaptation that wasn't just watchable or good it was brilliant I'm guessing I've already seen the best show of the year and it's one piece it did its job I'm a new fan now that I'm done with my review I'm going to go read the Manga and watch the anime if you like what you heard please like share and subscribe if you didn't like what you heard but thank you for listening this long I will see you in the next video [Music] [Music] one y ho ho ho y ho ho yo ho ho ho y ho yo ho ho ho yo ho ho yo ho ho oh
Channel: Nerdrotic
Views: 417,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: One Piece, Eiichiro Oda, Netflix, Tomorrow Studios, Steven Maeda, Matt Owens, Monkey D Luffy Inaki Godoy, Nami Emily Russ, Roronoa Zoro Mackenyu, Garp Vincent Regan, Usopp Jacob Romero, Sanji Taz Skylar, Chef Zeff Craig Fairbass, Rings of Power, Star Wars, Ahsoka, Shanks Peter Gadiot, Mihawk Steven John Ward, Game of Thrones, Henry Cavill The Witcher, Stranger Things, East Blue, Ax Hand, Alvida, Ian McShane, Buggy The Clown, Anime, Manga, Cowboy Bebop, Straw Hats, Pirate
Id: ERRCv1I6iY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 2sec (1802 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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