Grandpa?!? | ONE PIECE | Live Action Reaction 1X4

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why are we like this I don't [Music] know the Pirates are coming the Pirates are coming there's no water down there yeah it sounded like he just just I know I thought so too but how do you survive this maybe it's not that tall or there's like soft plants down there it looks like or he landed on the sheep guy Mary poor Mary that's so sad I'm sorry I can't help [Music] myself I don't know what it is three swords so it's about him oh that's time his name is Captain Kuro now I know you're lying my father axan Morgan killed him years ago wrong wrong we're no closer to finding Straw Hat than we were hours ago Straw Hat you mean Luffy you know Luffy yeah my other other best friend he's in trouble my we're here to help isn't that right oh yes I all means lead the way I I can't take him serious no never his hair just looking at him like ridiculous yeah cuz he drank all that soup what is he doing here is he okay little guy couldn't get enough of my latest recipe just wish I could have asked him how it tasted tasted like poison idiot but well on to cook mhm this is all have I know death right we've heard reports of pirates in the area what what are you talking about he is a pirate the entire Village has tried their utmost to help how convenient right boy has been this way ever since he was a child but I know what I saw all right that's enough we're looking for a fugitive goes by the name of Luffy Luffy why yes I do know that name I have one of the members keeping an eye on it now but what is with this snail phones the Marines are here shell phones snail phones I don't know Luffy is a pirate sure but not like Kuro he's different yeah you don't have any proof there's nothing I can do what's wrong with him too much food too much liquor for a pirate nothing is ever enough yes yeah what was that old houses it kind of sounds I shall stick to my expertise he's so suspicious yeah come on help please pirate don't can't reason with Madness a so sad he's not crazy 7 years [Music] ago oh ouch is see the one losing I'm going to guess so A gun yeah H it's a girl you're dropping your elbow I'm the best fighter here other than you and one day I'm going to surpass you then I'm going to be the world's greatest swordsman let's find if real blade to su's best you better be ready to kill me dang he's not ready for that is up yeah hurry up hurry up come on there's pirates in the house I know you invited them no not those pirates the other Pirates how about I ring for clor we can have some no don't he's the one trying to hurt you he killed Mary come on you've got to get some like creepy vibes from the guy yeah why would he want to hurt me hurt Mary maybe he wants your money I believed your stories because they were fun this one isn't this isn't a story it's the truth you got to listen to me oh please just go no good done running good be the hero I'm not leaving your side a he's got a big heart too mhm I do feel bad that No One Believes him but like that's consequences of lying all the time [Music] mhm it's midnight oh no k is of age we can finally put this fast to bed no more hiding who we are lock the house down yes Kappa e what they're all [Music] creepy what look at this security system oh that's pretty cool to me H yeah thank God you're still alive oh they have the tunnels they can get out M mhm oh my gosh oh I love that all these Pirates have like a different theme right they like dress up it's great I gave you that tea think about it Ka when did you start getting sick was it around the time Coro started working here Ka go they have to leave it's just you and me Miss SK I'm very freaked out right now so [Music] creepy he you got a good catwalk though where are we going oh no there you are Miss it's time to stop oh my gosh uh-uh e is you look oh thank [Music] goodness it's her white sword oh my gosh he's not going to kill her here right two swords not enough maybe you should have brought more she's so good yeah oh no I don't deserve to wield the sword don't be an idiot you've always had raw skill and you'll only get better you'll surpass me in everything that's dumb no that's nature yeah mhm all the boys will get taller and stronger their arms will be longer than mine girls can beat boys but no woman can beat a man dang wow don't make excuses you're my goal let's fight every day we'll keep getting better and stronger until one of us becomes the greatest a oh this is so sweet I Rowan ooro about to fight train and kick your butt every single day one of us will become the world's greatest swordsman or woman or woman mhm that was cute yeah what happened to her mhm I know that uup guy might be full of it that Butler gives me the creeps yeah Kobe trust your instincts the only reason you're here is cuz you're friends with that straw hat gar doesn't believe in you he's using you no he's not I think he is I think that guy's right me what me you got something to say oh my goodness how did I not see it how did I not see him not your fault he took advantage of you now I need you to be strong so we can get out of here I hope she joins the crew mhm me too her and use up e surely he knows where that is right maybe come on get up Sensei I was just waiting for Kina Ka is what happened there was an accident an accident she's gone maybe that's why he hates Pirates or was it something to do with pirates she can't be we made a [Music] promise no she's going to pop back up there's no body so I don't believe it we made a promise just one's saying she'll come back [Music] getting weird vibes from that guy yeah are you little bit please give me the honor of allowing me to carry queen of Sword why don't get your munie a rare blade why should I allow you to carry it cuz queen and I made a promise that one of us become the world's greatest swordsman to ever live then it's up to you to fulfill that promise I maybe not for you and for her cool that's touching [Music] mhm was that a panda head in the back what or a rock shaped like what it is it's got to be a statue oh okay or like the bush a bush I got to go back the butler the butler I think he's going to go after my crew you said you wanted to help innocent people K is innocent you know what screw this G gave us strict orders he gave gave you strict orders oh he's like dang it this guy s hey here yes his face is so punchable hold her right there by order of the Marines I'm placing you under arrest no I know you've got a job to do but I'm going to go back and help my friends so don't try to stop me h serious mhm sounds like we have a bigger rap problem than I thought we need a cat in the house I'm out there's no point in hiding who we are anymore what have you done with your life nothing you made her sick I know little brat consider this payback for all those years spent listen to your incessant this man chose to play the long con and he's complaining about it mhm GL I miss my mommy and my daddy when all life wanted to do was rip your tongue out oh my gosh he's so evil why is he crying don't do it stronger than you think get him oh shoot I forgot oh yeah iot he does that that was a mistake oh he's too fast he's so fast this guy I love his cape before we took out the trash no way this guy even stands a chance M Dam why does she have a broom goodbye M SK yes mhm these are my friends you wanted to mess with them did you really think you could get the best of me so you think you want to be a pirate I am a Pirate I was a captain for years and what did I get in return life of worry and a Target on my back as wide as the East blue is that what you want a lifetime of always looking over your shoulder no he's going to be a good part yeah because someone's always waiting to Slit your throat why even your own crew not my crew until the day they don't I've killed more crew mates than I care to remember they're Expendable how did he cut him isn't he like rubbery I think he could still be here he has to yeah [Music] maybe uh-oh oh now he's mad now he's mad being a pirate is not about raiding Villages it's about Adventure and freedom there's no such thing with a bounty on your head I'm done talking now I'm listening come on he's like what you didn't plan for that [Music] [Music] [ __ ] mhm he's so cool he is I love him I love the music it's so like exciting and adventurous it's [Music] perfect this guy's breaking his sweat and Luffy is not even oh my God no yes you made him mad oh that's our captain yes I love it too bad we can't collect their Bounty no no the Marines already know where we are we have to get out of here where are we going to go we don't even have a ship oh yes you do you do yay he called it she's so mad she's so mad I love this like white pretty [ __ ] it's so like pure like he is you know yes that looks just like your lawyer friend mhm Mary ran the ship y off to my parents post it was their dear's colleague my oldest companion a then his memory will live on here by name this ship the go Mary a wait that is so good that's so cute it's perfect yeah we did it oh I am so happy A's he's going to come they're coming with us right real Adventures yes you tell real stories I'm going to need a great sharp shooter just like Yas oh that's exactly the kind of guy I need on my Cre what what about Kaaya she needs me to take care of her a I think I might do something different study to become a doctor she really wants to help people wow I'll see you again someday and when I do I expect to hear all about the real Adventures of Captain yourself she's so sweet so cute it's so cute and she just went along like believing all of his stories because she likes him how cool look at this going Mary that's amazing he needs to make another Jolly Roger [Music] yeah oh yeah she has that person right does she talk to Oh yay this is so exciting this is so cute [Music] oh where does he think he going to go he going to get eaten right now I hope so I failed to capture the target I didn't get Lucy uh oh you going to follow them you did exactly what you were supposed to do mhm you flushed them out son I shouldn't accomplished don't you dare hurt ship I made us a new Jolly Roger for the ship that's like him yeah oh my goodness with the slingshot and Jolly Roger supposed to reflect the captain I am captain in every sea they call me Captain in every [Laughter] sea a you see this is what it's on all about a it's all going to be smooth sailing uh-oh no no already don't no I'm so upset me too they're barely out of the harbor we're under attack it's supposed to be the fastest ship yeah go go go go go a he didn't mean to Grandpa Grand Grandpa [Music] Grandpa Grandpa what wait Grandpa wait are you kidding me that was out of that F that is not I was not expecting that okay Grandpa no that's sad okay so did we you know what happened to his parents no but he was he didn't really have any right at least when I think we've seen him as a kid yeah but he's clearly met his grandpa or maybe it's like maybe he just had like a picture of this old guy and just always thought it was his grandpa maybe maybe I don't know like oh my gosh okay we have to watch the next have to watch the next [Music] one [Music] up
Channel: Haylo & Kiss
Views: 106,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: One Piece, Reaction, Live Action, Episode 4
Id: u3R7n9BfzoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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