Who Is THIS Guy? | ONE PIECE | Live Action Reaction 1X5

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Grandpa [Music] Grandpa that might explain why he's taking such an interest in finding Luffy oh you know what I mean but also what if he just found a picture of an old guy when he was younger and just assume that it was his grandpa I really couldn't see that being I know actually eat at barati ber no idea all right 3 2 1 go oh my gosh go faster yeah how do you make it go faster ship is ready to sail here's the C grandpa is it actually his grandpa yes I'm a pirate no your training begins today this is after yeah Shanks left so they must have sent him off to be with his grandpa yeah no not the ship his new ship they're not going to fire back what's up fire back down maybe that like yeah that I don't know you know to load a Canon right yeah of course I loaded thousands of them this must be a different model than I'm used to oh no oh my gosh I love them please please this is so chaotic I love it we are so unprepared for thisiss to fire no kill shots a that's why he wants them alive pirate vessel by order of the Marines law sales and submit to my authority I can't I wonder if he hates Pirates cuz something happened to his parents like maybe uh but remember oh my good stop that'll work that was amazing remember in the first episode grandpa had like some kind of deal with the pirate or he said like I warned you this man or something like that yeah so there's more obviously to the story [Music] yeah maybe that was Luffy's dad or something not bad Bo maybe wait no we're stupid I'm stupid no he was like proud of him just now for doing that yeah [Music] yeah get a that on it oh he is proud he's like okay what the heck what is that where are we going eat better be good food I am having so much fun watching this me too what did Luffy say he hasn't said anything since we High tailed it well somebody needs to talk to him about this and that other thing the vice admiral of the Marines is my grandfather thing I don't really know the guy that well doesn't seem a big deal doesn't seem like a big [Music] deal this is going to be so awkward I know about the Battle you want to talk about it nope okay good talk perfect you guys smell that food smells like butter and meat he has the best smile but I smell food which means that there's someone somewhere cooking I love him 5° starboard oh my gosh no 3° back to Port is that land can't be there aren't any Islands anywhere near here is it a boat is it yeah so like a restaurant like a floating restaurant what's up bar is that how you say it barer look at him on his little Ram oh my gosh that's amazing cool they bow it's beautiful I love it I think this place is a restaurant then I know what we're going to do next how cool eat let's eat yeah that fish better have a bar do you have a reservation sir do we need one I could put you on the waiting list it's 3 weeks out no check your book again you wouldn't want to turn away the future king of the Pirates now would you Monkey D Luffy he call him Captain a you'll have to excuse them they're idiots of course she knows how it works like this way man see yeah I love them they're perfect for each other I'd be happy to check your swords for you sir no no no no just it's on the the other side your waiter will be with you shortly M I don't have a good feeling that looks so good I'm hungry me too oh that looks so good get a move on it you're slowing on the line better to wait for the source to call I didn't see this on tonight's menu you want to take this outside yeah you asking me to dance cuz I've kind of had my ey on that blunder table eight B man ain't going to like it order up elephant tuna SE asparagus in a sweet soy reduction is that something yeah well I call it crap if I got to sling one more primary of medium world I am going to drop dead on yeah I get that you don't like cooking am menu fine cuz I'll be more than delighted to give you some other work elsewhere now get out there and wait tables now now gentlemen you know the rules here we don't waste food and there is no figh in AB bradia after he apologizes for his Bad Manners Over My Dead Body ooh okay this is a man of many talents uh yeah good fighter oh my gosh are they going to recruit him he's going he's going to be yes I laugh that we're just like going along crew every episode my name is Sanji what can I get for you one of everything please apologies man if I didn't see you there would you care for an aair of teeth to start you know something sweet for someone sweet something wrong with your eye just blinded by your beauty two beers I usually have three but and the milk and a milk I love him he's too precious regular water in a regular glass thanks right away oh oh no okay can't face did you see it yeah got a [Laughter] boyfriend I love them [Music] mhm a he's like this is just what I so the 77th greine branch is running training exercises nearby they could be here in a few hours no yeah he doesn't want to bring in real people mhm no SOS calls they'll handle this problem on our own H yeah he like wants him but wants to protect him at the same time yeah yeah mihawk did I catch you in the middle of something okay he's cool what this look at his sword wait a minute I love him who's the Quarry oh a young upstart named Luffy could you be any cooler no he is the coolest person one moment oh there's explosion what you lie what that's enough oh wow Don C why are you after me you woke me from my [Music] nap oh what is that oh okay who is this guy um can we recruit him or is he the final boss jeez is he single BR him Alive by any means necessary so he's like working with an that guy's an ex pirate yeah or they at least canceled his Bounty mhm we should do a toast come on grab your glasses to the best Cru saing on the sea and to our Victory this milk no I'm sorry what victory exactly against the Marines I don't know any Naval battles you guys have been a part of two doesn't at least but two dozen at least you didn't think to mention that your grandfather was a marine and not just any Marine a vice admiral she needs to shut up people are going to hear Billa what he just signed it does he have this kind of money no he just signed it he didn't pay for anything he just signed the bill cuz he doesn't know what he's doing he probably signed it and now they're like oh like there's a monkey doy yeah here you can add it to my treasure Tab and what treasure is that but you're talking with the future king of the Pirates I'm going to come back here pay this billing full and with interest I love his confidence he's amazing you're going to pay off your debt washing dishes wait you got to remember something the meal you had was going to do it so fast one year's worth of dishes holy cow o watch your fing you're doing come on oh man enough's enough I'll never be a waiter well that's fine by me because you sure was there were never going to be a cook in my restaurant mhm you seriously don't think what Luffy did is messed up you should have told us but in case you didn't notice we've been making enemies everywhere we go I can't get caught not when I'm so close close to what close to what honey if I wanted to secure passage to the Konomi Islands who would I talk to need room for your friends too no just me don't do it be ready to sail at DOR this is sad cuz you can tell that she is like enjoying being a part of the crew yeah a I know I'm going to regret this but what's wrong that was nice of you yeah what you said back at syrup Village G I'm starting to think you might be right about him what is it my birthday of course I'm right are we going to start to like this guy I know are we you ever he of anyone called me Hulk best swordsman in the world one of the seven Warlords of the Seas years ago there were these seven incredibly powerful Pirates they ruled the Seas the world government could have gone after them but that would have meant an allout War it' be more useful to keep them close ah okay got it in exchange the Warlords were given free reign do their Dirty Work yep corruption you may know how to tie a knot but you don't know about how the world Works poor KOB is just so innocent I know hey your boy how's that dish P coming along bet you regret giving him the IOU I don't really do regret no point in looking back lucky you so you love to cook you just don't want to cook here there's um this place you can find ingredients from more for Seas if they call it the or blue nobody knows where it is but there's fish there that have never been seen it's a Cooks Paradise that sounds amazing I'm going to find it one day that's my dream is it in the grand line MHM stand up to him tell him what you want it's more complicated than that he called him old man earlier I wonder if it's his dad mhm help uh-oh please what is this I don't know I'm so hungry is mihawk already catching up to them a barer everyone eats and who's going to pay for that if a man is hungry I feed him a m your funeral mhm yeah that looks amazing you're not only a good cook you're a good guy yeah you should join my crew and we're going to need a great cook if we're going to find the one piece the one piece I was part of a mighty pirate Armada mhm oh shoot yeah you see his signal or symbol the same as the boat that split in half I was the only Survivor dang forget you ever heard of the one piece my goodness what are you carrying around that's so heavy you have no idea I bet I do I bet I know more about you than you do about me I get something about you you drink you get something about me I drink I bet you grew up in a big city hanging out in Swanky bars like this one I grew up in a small village I'll bet you didn't have any friends as a kid I had friends swords don't count you had a friend mhm I had one friend mhm hell one more than I had a nice steak sounds so good right now it seems there are different rules for different Pirates and the ocean is blue maybe I'm not meant to be a mine I give him a simple ideals but I had to adapt because the world is not a simple place the same set of laws do not apply to everyone but that's not fair no it's not life's not fair mm-m but I always turn down the promotion do you know why I lose my freedom he values Freedom like Luffy does yep a uniform starting to fit you after all a I had a feeling he was going to say something like that and then they aim their biggest baddest cannons at us oh gosh here we go I wasn't scared wait he's telling a real story though yeah so I fired at him and again and wait is this real this is what happened oh my goodness the Great Captain uhoh you're the captain I did distract him so that Luffy he's like the official Captain I should very much like to meet this Luffy he's so handsome I love his character yes guys you be my new best friend which one of you is Monkey D Luffy does he Reon mihawk oh shoot I've been following your career since I was a child I roron nooro challenge you to a duel cuz he's the greatest swordsman yeah I don't I don't know if he's ready for this I don't think he's ready my life long for him Mr the best you in single combat and become the greatest swordsman in the world tomorrow at dawn and when I'm done with you pirate Hunter I'll take your captain he is so intimidating he's so scary that giant sword on his back it's huge he literally split a ship in half and destroyed an entire fleet and he cut a bullet in half can Zoro win no there's no way tell your first mate he's going to get himself K tell your navigator to butt out when you met me tied up on that cross what did I say what makes you think I want to play pirates with you no the other thing I kill your kind for a living no now you made a promise to someone a long time ago to be the world's greatest swordsman H I intend to do just that even if you die in the process it's Kem Namy a I can't get in the way of somebody's dreaming if you fight him tomorrow you're going to lose why do you even get yeah she really cares you said it yourself you don't have any friends that was low Zoro that was mean now she's going to leave she's taking the map did she coming aboard don't do it turn around he's so cool I'm D Luffy I'm surprised the Marines would require my services for such a small package oh I do like your hair enough is that like the first pirate to say that to him I don't know what I don't hunt rabbits with a cannon oh my gosh wow what the heck it's so [Music] small wow got you want to run up hardly how is he so good but fighting isn't all about strength stop talking and fight what is happening [Music] I mean it's not enough to kill him so it'll be fine I think I knew she would show up why don't you Retreat I can't or my dream will be lost forever you can challenge him again down the road you're brave I'll give you that so I'll do you the honor of killing you with yoru I'm sorry that is the coolest thing in the whole world he's so cool oh my gosh he's so cool I'm fangirling over him right now I just I how is he supposed to win [Music] this did somebody's break yeah shoot wounds on the back our swordsman's greatest shape it's not going to happen obviously wait what no no what's your goal I'm going to become the king of the Pirates this world could use a few more wild cards Roo aora grow strong and come find me I'll be waiting okay and he's not taking Luffy Soro can you hear me that's going to make one nasty scar yeah if I failed to become the world's greatest swordsman you'll be disappointed right never fail [Music] me I'll never lose again I believe him me too Sor he's fine go to a doctor yeah oh my gosh that gu end was so cool it's incredible so he's going to be like the big bad I think but he said to find the one piece is like more treacherous than even him yeah that's crazy yeah I still can't get over that first scene that he was in he's so cool he's so cool and what's going to happen next I don't know but he did just let Luffy go yeah he was like excited at the prospect of him being an actual pirate yeah fan [Music] girl St
Channel: Haylo & Kiss
Views: 111,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: One Piece, Live Action, Reaction, First Time Watching, Mihawk
Id: 92Xz2qeVoCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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