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just [Music] trolis TR TR yes guys how you doing welcome to Josh Sash and welcome to another special episode because your boy survived a near-death experience he did he did I don't know why anyone's laughing I thought no one's laughing because it's not a good story it is a good story honestly I don't know why I thought that you could just let it go now no no no I can't listen I'm just turning a corner that's all I'm doing I'm going from one road and I'm just turning a corner that's all I'm doing I turn this corner here and you think oh you there's no one there or there might be like you know just a person walking that's it right when I tell you which is this dog ran at me like it was Forest Gump but instead of Forest Gump it was the great d without a leash running towards your boy and next to your boy there's a lake that was iced I Canal a canal that was iced I thought Jesus take the will I will jump in his like if this dog barks at me I the dog was like this yeah just having a lovely time I wasn't there but sure it didn't come charging at you out of anger no it but how am I supposed to know say no to you no she was on the phone she was like ash this is this is where you go right so I was like yeah Hannah whatever right I was talking on the phone you know when you go when someone scares you like you go like this right but no one scared me it was just this dog and I just went like this and the owner saw you you must have just gone yeah and cuz I didn't you just went silent for ages and I was like are you what Ash and you like yeah oh my God baby I just nearly died and I was like this dog was a Great Dane okay it looks like the Undertaker but without a leash I'm telling you right it was the SK and there was three guys behind it one of them had one leg right with all all there's three guys behind this dog by the way this this dog is a boss this dog is walking in front of this owners which is not allowed I learned that from Caesar the the dog trainer yeah but he's not no you shouldn't listen Okay but anyway listen what I'm trying to say is the owners behind him one of them had no leg one leg sorry the other one was limping like he was shot the one behind him just had tattoos all over his face oh guess what all in free hoodies so I thought I'm actually thist done this is where I'm done this is where I'm I'm not lying to you I don't understand how they're all in hoodies but you know that the Geer far away has got in tto because that's because yeah that's all you see and he was in tattoos like that but across here yeah yeah yeah he had someone in his neck you could see it but if he's wearing a hoodie just and he had a smile on his face he had a smile on his face when I walked by because he saw me going like this you can't listen a Great Dane it is a very scary dog that's all I have to say apparently they're lovely dogs welcome to another reaction with the queen herself guys we are here because Jesse Clarkson all the way from patreon thank you so much for recommending this movie we're here to watch Stand By Me guys make sure you head down to our patreon check out the full length reaction also head down to your girls channel for your gamer phones and stranger things make sure you like share subscribe we love you guys let's get into I'll see you not if I see you first I was living in a small town in Oregon called Castle Rock all day sing wow look at these kids to have a tree wasn't that always the dream as a kid my dad would never do it ra and you hide all your porn magazines up there he's having a smoke Teddy duchant was the craziest guy we hung around with he looks like the dad from Back to the Future doesn't he oh my gosh his Dad held his ear to the stove oh I just missed his ear oh my God what is it man you guys want to go see a dead body I bet you anything that if we find them we'll get our pictures in the paper yeah yeah we can even be on TV sure we'll be heroes yeah would you rather your kids play with iPads at home Call of Duty or go play around with dead bodies if you had to choose in April my older brother Dennis had been killed in a jeep accident oh my gosh oh my four months had passed but my parents still hadn't been able to put the pieces back together again obviously it's only four month four months had passed but my parents still haven't moved oned I don't understand he's The Invisible Child though like his brother died as well oh look he was the oh this room is just showcasing what a great guy this kid was isn't it why can't you have friends like Denny's dad they're okay sure they are a thief and two fees Chris isn't a thief he stole the milk money at school it's a thief in my book God that's it now for life you're being compared to your big brother yeah but the dad is so sad is it it was almost noon as we set out to find the body of a dead kid named Ray Brower you want to see something sure what how mad is it jeans and Converses have never gone out of fashion never and it's one of my favorite things to wear it's so this guy this boy who's coming off as like a bit of a wronger no okay I was about to say he's so sweet I was about he's so sweet because he's asked him me are you okay Christ get this HED it from my old man's Bureau it's 45 I can see that safety's on are there any bullets in that is it loaded hell no what do you think I am wow oh oh my God you would see a pist stain map on my jeans literally hey girls where you going hey come on man my brother gave me that you real [ __ ] you know that get the gun out get the gun out because his brother gave him that I know he didn't mean to insult me that's why I'm going to give him the opportunity of taking it back absolutely not I'm going to get the gun out oh [ __ ] take it back this is Draco malf for in the 50s no no take it back take take it back take it back oh my God okay okay I take it back I take it back here's what I would do I would slap them as just as hard as I can and I'll just run he's got your brother's hat I gained the respect of the neighborhood by doing that I stood up to the 50s Draco mouth boy but when a cigarette is being held here hat and your before that before that what and then I'll run you so wooden I brought a comb what do we need a comb for well if we get on TV we want to look good don't we oh not a thinking ver thanks two for flinching this movie is so relatable do you know what this movie makes me miss like being a kid and it's done that within 10 minutes what do you doing on Teddy Teddy no uhuh I'm going to DOD I'm going to do no this ain't like my childhood I'll tell you that for now we were petrified of the train track Tedd he rather get hit by the train and go back to his dad just like the beach W going to say come on man what the that would piss me off so much you got a problem Teddy mate punch in the face now you want to kill yourself is that what you want godamn it you're trying to kill yourself I don't need no babysitter well you need something love because that that wasn't good behavior you won't be getting that sticker on the wall Tonight hun could have dodged it I could have dodged it listen to you can dodge it on the way back man a see this guy I like gu this one he keeps them together he's like the team captain yeah but everyone's saying that he's dodgy I know he did PL out a gun and I know I know that's not you know quite the behavior that we expect but yeah he's a nice good loyal friend yeah these kids AR bad they're just trying to act cool like they trying to look at their circumstances one has had his ear held over a stove by his dad the other one his dad gets drunk every night and so he's nicked his gun and the other one his brother's passed out this is unbelievable basball and you lot of complaining about taking kids iPads away look your post boox would have been gone in the 50s how you going to you know your Nan's your Nan's got cancer how you going to know about that what you know you're not she's not going to write to you because the mailbox gone what yeah this guy takes your mailbox away how you going to know about your NS phones ashon stand back man this guy's in like 1945 no trespassing was enforced by Milo prman the junkman And His Dog Chopper Legend had it that Milo had trained Chopper not just to sick but to six specific parts of the human anatomy Oh my days what does that mean chopper sick balls go balls so it knows what body part to go for and the owner goes balls sick balls and he goes for your balls it looks like the chance has got him got Chambers but what's this Chambers is making it move the chance is spe on it chamers at the tap the Crowd Goes Wild they're so adorable though this is a really beautiful friendship why do I feel like you know what I miss being a kid doing this with my friend like just grabbing him by by the neck like that me and the girls though we just used to link arms and we'd walk in a line it like no one could break that link this is really a good time most a blast everything was there and around us we knew exactly who we were and exactly where we were going it was Grand what's good about this is that they're all going through something mhm right and they're standing by together cuz you all know that you've got your own issues and you just you don't have to talk about it all the time but just do fun [ __ ] ain't you dannyel chance his brother yes sir shame what happened to him quarter back he played boy could he throw this poor kid this man's like making his brother Miss even more I know Dennis when you're out there tomorrow pop did you read the story that Gordy wrote Gordy wrote a story it was really good oh he was always a dick this Dad I like he's talking about his brother's story isn't that Lov talk isn't that lovely W he had his brother's back that allows him to never get jealous because his brother always has his back he doesn't make him resent his brother what do you doing I don't know yeah well your brother dny sh could play football see when he moves away from his friends his little happy place yeah he's then goes back into the real world where someone's like you should be like your brother and then as soon as he goes back to his friends look they're going to make him smile they're not there there's oh [ __ ] oh my god oh [ __ ] oh he's going to say sick balls come over here yo you back now he said sick boy but what I heard was chopper sick balls oh my God he did the right thing that's that's itow Man became Jackie Chan when he saw that dog stop teasing that dog you hear me stop teasing him you little tin weasel Peckerwood Looney son oh oh [ __ ] you call me your dad's a looney shut up you budget popey he's crazier than a [ __ ] house rat no wonder you're red in the way you are with a looney for a father Oh my days a bite my f you sir this is the problem though and all your fathers are going to get a call from me except for the Looney up in togus come it's mad that the boy is so like defensive of his dad even though his dad did do that to him do you know what I mean I'm sorry if I'm spoiling everybody's good time oh okay I'm not sure it should be a good time but going to see a dead kid maybe it shouldn't be a party oh God finally we got B of sense here do you think I'm weird definitely nor man seriously yeah but so what everybody's weird oh that's nice what a answer great answer no yes am I weird true weirdest k a meit wow at least he worded it nicely you ready for school you're going to meet a lot of new guys Smart Guys he just hasn't got high hopes for his own future you know not going in with a lot of [ __ ] forget it well then you're an [ __ ] what's [ __ ] about wanting to be with your friends it's [ __ ] if your friends drag you down oh my you hang with us you just be another wise guy with [ __ ] for brains he wants him to go and like succeed this man should be he is doing inspirational videos for me yeah but he doesn't do that for himself he believes that he's a parit yeah he reminds that is honestly the saddest thing I've ever seen he reminds of Ben Affleck's character Goodwill Hunting with Matt D yes yes me you could be a real riter someday Gordy writing I don't want to be a riter it's stupid it's a stupid waste of time that's your dad talking [ __ ] full true he just wants his friend to thrive wish the hell I was your dad kids lose everything unless there's someone there to look out for them and if your parents are too up to do it then maybe I should this kid I'm going to get a tattoo of him on my for I actually am I'm I'm with you I swear to God he can start a c and I'll be part of it oh my gosh be wear jeans whatever he wants me beautiful guy like what a lovely Soul it's like he's he's had to grow up before Lear life like he's like of course he understand life he's had to grow up before he should have even thought about growing up we go across here we can get to the same place in 10 minutes yeah but if if a train comes there no where to go got jump isn't just jump this guy's living in an action movie yeah he wants to that's for sure now we know there's a train going to come don't we just Sprint across that's what I'd do which one of these kids do you think I was like when I was a kid this one dodging trains I'm ver and I that wants him that's me that is actually me I know I wouldn't be able to walk across that I know looking at his ass crack the fact that they're not judging him on it I just love it they accept each other you can see the smoke is well you should Oh my days Oh's going to Oh's going to die's going to 400 train tracks oh my gosh that is actually me I would just cry I would jump I would have jumped by now though straight away as soon as they shut a train I'm jumping [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] that's so relatable look at his face oh my God what why are you laughing two children just oh thank they landed on these rocks they got concussion I wasn't that scared no really I wasn't sincerely sin really isn't it true as well kids get one word that they CL cling on to and they stick to it hey Gordo why don't you tell us a story I don't want to hear no horror stories I'm not up for that man that is you well this Kitty's our age but he's fat real fat well all the kids instead of calling him Davey they call him lardas and they rank him out and beat him up whenever they get a chance this is horrible so one day he gets an idea he's a Storyteller he's setting a scene for us greatest Revenge idea my God it's a Tarantino story this this guy is Tarantino [ __ ] [ __ ] boy are you fat you're at a pie eating competition morons oh my God people are even the old people look at this they are V go come on he has to win look look at him man's not even breathing he's like an anaconda he's not even chewing it he's swallowing it I just don't like how it's up his nose do you know what I mean l wasn't really interested in winning what he wanted was Revenge what this story wait what C or what that he's put that in oh he's more C oh he's drinking organ like he's drinking oil that c me right off an [Music] [Applause] egg I'm not watching it oh my D what's going to happen please don't I'm not doing anything oh my God he's going to go sound started to build in stomach a strange and scary sound like a log truck coming at you sounds like a dragon this [ __ ] it's Godzilla oh it's Godzilla what's he doing his mouth and before Bill Travis knew it he was covered with five pies with abew it's okay it's not that bad it's not that disgusting it's just blueberry juice girlfriends barfed on boyfriends kids barfed on their parents a fat lady bared in her purse the Donell twins bared on each other and the women's auxiliary bared I'm so glad it just blueberry if it was like sick looking I don't know if I could handle that maybe you could go into the college courses is with me that'll be the day no why not you're smart enough yes motivate him that's what you mean they w't let me it's the way the people think of my family in this town it's the way they think of me maybe I was sorry and I tried to give it back tried to give it back let's just say that I stole the milk money but old lady Simon stole it back from me anyway she saw her chance and she took it that [ __ ] lady Simons screw her Jesus Christ scared me she shouldn't even be around children she shouldn't even be allowed to be around oh my gosh he's crying just wish that I could go some place where nobody knows me oh my God that's such great acting I guess I'm just a [ __ ] H absolutely oh look at this they got each other they bet w wow Jesus Christ they have to stay friends forever and ever ever and you see what I love about them they don't interrupt they listen to each other they care about each other and they're there for each other when it's amazing no one's got like no one's problem is worse than the others yeah Gentlemen The Royal we cut across this field right here we'll be there in an hour do you know what the Dead body symbolizes a distraction they actually don't care about the dead body they care about getting away together and going on this journey yeah and an adventure oh my God you don't want to go there crocodiles and [ __ ] in there we'll use you as a WRA that's a swamp is it well [ __ ] that I've seen the cramp twins many times and I know you shouldn't be going through a swamp they got leeches oh oh that's actually one of my fears oh my gosh everywhere me how you going to take I felt like I had one on and I actually just farted as well at some time wow oh no you got to check check one of them Speedos and it's just gone through the the hole or something oh no oh [ __ ] man oh be careful bro it's not even F this should be part of your story this should be part of your story this is amazing look at the amount it's been sucking this leech was wild hang on a second the back didn't bleed that much this this one he's passed out man are you okay this leit was why was it so like why did it suck so much blood from there but the black the back and stuff is like fine maybe we should take Cy back oh great Chambers now you're turning [ __ ] too what's your problem D champ you had a Le hang it from his balls he fainted I'm not going oh he wants to see that that dead body yeah you've come this far to be honest if everyone in that shop in that town sorry not shop in that town reminds you of your brother and like how they want you to be like your brother you'd rather touch dead body even if no one had followed me I would have gone on alone there he is I see him look oh [ __ ] look over there EXO dead body somewhere under those bushes was the rest of Ray Brower oh my God that was easy find one it know you wearing blue jeans like that you'd be found immediately look how blue it is the kid wasn't sick her kid wasn't sleeping the kid was dead this is going to scar the [ __ ] out of them why did you have to die what's the matter with Gordy what do you think should have been me don't say that my dad said it I'm no good he doesn't know you he it's me my hat me oh my God this fil is like punching me so hard in chest it's like on my heart do you know what you mean the cries are so real like I genuinely feel him they both just need to let like let it out to each other don't they you're going to be a great Rider someday gy Jesus Christ these two man I'm really worried something bad's going to happen to one of them this is good for him now he finally let it out he needs to let it out yeah what the do you know about this oh sh some [ __ ] my little brother there's four of us ey allall you just make your move wow oh oh my God here's the the gang feel like they're going to just bust up in the dance you either leave quietly we take the body or you stay you beat the [ __ ] out of you what do you say kid why don't you go home and your mother some more oh [ __ ] wow that was big that was beat it I think he's going to kill him beat it you're going to have to kill me Ace don't kill him please Ace no oh he's got the gun the gun the gun the gun the gun the gun the gun the gun the gun the gun is he going to shoot someone yes nobody's taking him yes K just give me the gun before you take your foot off come [ __ ] shoot you and kill you I swear to God do you don't know what this mate means to me [ __ ] he's family Vin Diesel oh my God he knows and suck my fat one you cheat what I don't even know what that means I don't even know what that means what does I even mean they so good what are you going to do shoot us all no just you just you this guy like in the cleanwood movie we're going to get you for this oh my God maybe you will and maybe you won't oh my D you oh my honestly if he came a little bit closer I know he would shoot him because of how much they bonded together this is Big Time baby something really awful is going to happen though after this isn't it you see the difference between him when he took the knife here he went here but he wasn't going to like cut his throat he was just going to like maybe just cut a little bit right no this guy was crazy he wasn't going to cut no but he he he had the look on his face like this mate means more to me right whereas the other guy his mate didn't mean much to him yeah ride or die man I just can't believe that that just happened I that was epic I cannot believe it what happened to you with your dog tag listen leave them alone we're supposed to be heroes not this way in the end we decided that an anonymous phone call was the best thing to do we headed home and although many thoughts raced through our minds we barely spoke they're so sad they're going back to real world oh this it's honestly like this film is just so simplistic and beautifully done but so raw and deep in it we'd only been gone 2 days but somehow the town seemed different smaller I swear to God if they play Stand by me I would actually cry like that will oh my God it's so sad man it's like your favorite band like breaking up up yeah as time went on we saw less and less of Teddy and Vern oh my God it happens sometimes my God friends come in and out of your life like bus boys in a restaurant so true that's so true I'm never going to get out of this town am my gory you can do anything you want man please say you stayed in contact give me some skin oh my God this is actually so sad I know I don't know why I feel so emotional oh my God Chris did get out he enrolled in the college courses with me he went on to college and eventually became a lawyer wow last week he entered a fast food restaurant two men got into an argument one of them pulled a knife Chris who had always made the best piece tried to break it up he was stabbed in the throat he died almost instantly oh come on you don't have to fade him out like that like that stabbing wasn't enough I haven't seen him in more than 10 years I know he would do anything to get that time back but he hadn't seen him in in more than 10 years and even now he still like got that love for him you know he's the reason why he's become a writer no one gave him that confidence by his M I never had any friends later on just anyone wow I genuinely genuinely believe friendships are the best thing to happen to humans like I am obsessed with my friends cuz they're like your people aren't they and the land is dark oh that was sad such a lovely film though I kept my glasses throughout the whole thing I love this film so much oh oh man that was that was a good film I really liked that oh my God this how good this movie was I forgot to take off my glasses these were really good actors as well weren't they oh my God and I love this song so much and you know oh I love this song so much that was but I it's a really weird one because I expected I expected him to die right but I expected it to be a case of he never got out of that town and he do you know what I mean I expected it but he done it so it's sad it is so sad but in the same breath I'm so proud of him yeah yeah like but I'm so so proud of him oh my God that he done it for me when they when he like tapped the computer and the music played it was almost like I was leaving him you know what I mean like I felt like I was part of the friendship and like when the movie ended you're like oh you know it's like movies now year they're like 2 hours and 45 minutes right that was is the movie where I I would be like it's not enough like give me more these simple story lines yeah without all the like manness going on are my favorite kind they're the best like Christopher Nola makes like 3our movies M CU like it's so like some of those M shouldn't be 3 hours no they shouldn't movie should be if if this movie made me feel like I just just wanted to be with this characters for like honestly give me a Netflix series whatever it was really well done and that and I'm not taking away from any of the other films that have it all going on that's not what I meant I mean this it's just nice to watch something so simple and actually the outcome of it was really really sad but it's bitter sweet yeah he got his life like that he actually deserved that boy that boy was amazing I know but but yeah I know I know it's a real bit of sweet one what a great like this is going to be one of my favorites was really really good this movie was so I've never watched a movie with my glasses on like I told you I was just going to keep it in just so you could guys could change the thing this movie was so good I forgot to take my glasses off it was really so for that it's a 10 for me yeah now no joke this Stephen King this is better than most of it okay this is up there for me top oh this is so good really really good that was a very good recommendation especially for us like I honestly there's something about friendships in films that it just hits me real real deep and it was just but it was a bit of sweet because he did get what like he got the good life you know I expected them boys to kill him or something I think what he also showed as well like having those moments as a kid is so important having that friend that actually Spurs you on to do it is so good yeah yeah yeah yeah anyway manam I love you guys hopefully me wearing my glasses didn't affect you at all okay you still have a nice time um I love you guys Jesse mate again a banging reaction I trust you I love you hope you guys enjoyed this take care
Views: 77,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stand by me, stand by me reaction, first time watching, stand by me ben e king, stand by me movie, river phoenix, stephen king, movie reaction, stand by me movie reaction, movie commentary, stand by me first time watching, movie review, stand by me 1986, first time watching stand by me, just trust ash, FIRST TIME WATCHING * Stand by Me (1986) * MOVIE REACTION!!, first time movie reaction, reaction, stephen king misery, stephen king audiobook, popcorn in bed
Id: lb37eA8Fsh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 3sec (2163 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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