The Norfolk Coast Path - Part 3. Wells to Weybourne. Tarp and Bivi Camp on the Beach.

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[Music] [Music] morning folks and welcome back I'm finally back out here on the Norfolk coastal footpath this has been a long time coming I started this walk about a year ago and then due to several reasons I had an 8 knee injury and a few other few other reasons I haven't been able to get back out here until now I've got two days I've just left the port of Welles and I'm heading towards chroma in an easterly direction hopefully I'll find a nice spot on the beach to camp tonight and with any luck make it to chromatin you can probably just about see wells behind me and I'm just walking across the marshes out towards stiff key or Snooky which is the next village I come to a lot of this area of the Norfolk coast is salt marsh Lake you can see behind me here lots of little creeks tidal creeks loads of birdlife loads of wildlife and really flat and open huge sky is absolutely beautiful now although we're walking along the coastal footpath we're actually quite a long way from the sea here well over a mile away you might just build to see it out there on the horizon you can just see the sort of line of beach and then obviously between there and here is this salt marsh which is a bird reserve but it's also treacherous to try and walk across its criss-crossed with tidal creeks there's deep thick mud and it's just not advisable to try and walk across there except on designated paths the coastline all up the East of England is or was heavily fortified during the war there was a great fear that the German army would invade and East Anglia would be a point of access and as a result there were loads of fortifications built gun emplacements like this one concrete defences various structures built along beaches to stop tanks and landing craft and what-have-you this place was really heavily defended and the relics are still here to be seen today I'm just going past the turnoff to stiff key here or Snooky as it's known locally if you need refreshments there's a shop and Snooky and there's the main road so you can catch the border hopper bus if you're starting or ending here there are a couple of interesting facts about the village the author Henry Williamson used to live here who wrote talk of the author and it's also home to a chap called Harold Davidson now he was the priest here before World War one and just after World War one he got a bit of a reputation for himself because he used to disappear off down to Soho in London during the week to 1 save fallen women whatever that means I'm sure he could probably imagine but anyway there was an investigation and he was stripped of his priesthood he then went off and became involved in stage shows who came to a grisly end when he was mauled by a lion on stage live in front of an audience who thought it was part of the act [Music] I've just got to the village of Morstan where there's a visitor's centre and a place where you can get refreshments this is one of the places where you can go on guided boat tours out to see the seals on Blakeney points I don't know how well you'll make this out on camera but right out in the distance there there's a tiny little house or cottage I can see a chimney and a door and a window in it and on the map it's just called a watch house but how's that for the best spot to live in in England nearest neighbours right over there in Blakeney behind me is the popular and pretty village of Blakeney hard to imagine now but it was once a bustling port up until the early 20th century when the harbor silted up and I had a bit of a reputation for piracy back in the day it's now a popular holiday spot and famous for lately pointment is a reserve and sanctuary [Music] [Music] the stretch of path between Blakeney and kleiers much busier both are busy little hotspots really both have car parks and people tend to park it one end and walk to the other and back so you'll you'll find a lot what people on the path walking dogs and things I've just stop for a bit of lunch I've just taken a little path off the main path that led down to one of the creeks and there's a lovely little sandy beach which I thought was ideal so I'm just having some wraps I made up this morning before I left the house my knee is holding up pretty well I've had any problems with my knee but I've got a bit of pain on the top of my left foot oddly I don't know whether my boot was a bit tight or or whether I pulled something I don't know I've just loosened off my boot a little bit and hopefully that will and that will ease off this afternoon but that's quite tender joys of getting old [Music] this is the village of clay which once upon a time was one of the busiest ports in England before the harbor silted up there is still some evidence dotted about from those days of trade with the Low Countries there are some Dutch gabled buildings and what looks like perhaps an old Wharf or something tucked away in the back there the windmill really stands out amongst all the other buildings in clay and that used to be owned by the singer James Blunt and it's now run as a nonprofit making bed-and-breakfast well this is where the salt marshes end and the beach begins I'm a fly be CH and from here for the next several miles it's all shingle beach walking it's tiring walking on shingle because it moves under your foot I'm hoping that walking at low tide should be a bit easier because it's a bit of sand on the beach so I can at least walk along compacted sand which you'll be much better I'm sure but it's nice to be at the sea [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] some more wartime defenses here I'm assuming some sort of anti-tank defense should imagine there was barbed wire and all sorts strewn through there they look like big iron girders or dug vertically into the ground [Music] I've got to a point where I'm quite happy I've got a little bit further than I intended to today which is good I've got a good chunk of this beach walk done and out the way today so there's less to do tomorrow I'm not quite halfway on the beach but I'm nearly so I'm gonna just relax for a little bit I'm gonna take my boot off because my foots killing me loosening off the lace on that boot has helped but I think the damage had already been done my foot is really quite sore so I'm quite keen get this boot off I've just done a really stupid thing I was down by the water trying to get some film and a wave has splashed my camera a camera my DSLR it won't work it's an error message that comes up or anything just making a horrible noise so once they go broke a nightmare really still wise for this i've got i've got my GoPro which i've been using on and off today and I've got my phone using now the camera on the phone is really good but the audio isn't when it's windy I haven't got any sort of like wind deflector wind buffering so what it's got to pick up all that wind noise forward to me so I put apologies for that I can't do much about it but for my team phone I've got for my dears a lot of work plugged into my phone there is gonna be a deterioration I'm afraid in sound quality I'm sheltering it from the from the wind now behind my rucksack and I sure hope you get my shelter up before too much longer I didn't want to put it up all there are still people on the beach and the people walking around still walking dogs and whatnot and I didn't want to feed everybody the shelter up cause it looks a bit weird although there are people fishing and they don't do that but yeah I've got these fishing rods that looks a bit odd so yeah hopefully in an hour or so filter put my shelter up I'm just hunkering down behind my rucksack at the moment just try to keep the wind off and stable my warm insulated so on as well is helping yeah that's that wind although it's are subtly it's not as cold enough has been you know when you sit in it for a while you do structure but it's absolutely beautiful I've got amazing youth and all is well except my camera [Music] [Music] [Music] around the back edge there there's a bit of a defense against the wind but we'll just see how that goes yeah I've got some water on for dinner I've got a dehydrated Mountain House meal with me so when rehydrating [Music] it's got a nice texture hasn't got a lot of flavor it's one of their more bland ones but [Music] I have something they might just improve that little bit just wouldn't be camp without a little bit of hot sauce it's what is called the queen of peppers horrid I think that's what is this yeah horrid sound good I'm going in I'm not gonna go too crazy not like I did with my hot 10th video so I can breathe then [Music] that's gonna be pretty nice to wake up to in the morning [Music] so I thought you might like to see on the map where we've been today I started off here at the Harbor Inn wells next to sea and all the way along here past the marshes first stop was stiff key or spooky although we didn't actually got to the village we just went past but there's quite a few things in Snooky there's a card for the campsite just on the outside here from the outskirts near the near the path actually what we walked past and then we walked along next stop was Morstan and then we went on to Blakeney Franklin was one of the villages that used to have quite a sizable ports years ago before all the channels got silted up and large boats couldn't get people get down to the village anymore and then we walked all the way up over the top here that's what we've got quite close to the coast of the sea again and then we came back inland to cry and that's where the series port used to be one of the biggest in England and boats used to drive to get right the way up here to women and the church there although we didn't go there the church and ribbiting is quite interesting because the church wall at the back of the church has worn away sections in the wall where wrote Schuester used to hang over and we're away at the wall when large boats were tied up on the other side of the the other side of the church wall or you look over there from there now it's just a meadow with just grass but nothing there but the sea used to be there so yeah it's amazing how how much it is changed up here on the other side of the channel wait just like these little helpful rapper Hill well it's pushing 9 and I'm absolutely we read my book since eating just be really nice just waves crashing now I'm obviously captain on this Beach at the moment beaches are a bit of a funny one really you're not supposed to camp on because although be on a beach 24 hours a day it's all situation you know obviously people fish through the night on beaches they ever they have a bivy temperature protection and and they can be there you're not technically I don't have one of each and I just want to mention my last video on the coastal part my yep I camped in the salt marshes near Birnam Deepdale and likewise I don't have permission to do that either I don't advise anybody to I do from time to time but I'm very careful my advice to you would be an optic and then a really good campsite burning down the world so you know there's actually no need gonna do that that lady statements any caps like weekend [Music] to be nice this better meet me on the beach [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Simon, a bloke in the woods
Views: 40,717
Rating: 4.9622078 out of 5
Keywords: norfolk coast, norfolk coastline, north norfolk coast, salt marsh, beach, shingle beach, wells next the sea, stiffkey, brancaster, cley next the sea, anti aircraft gun, bunker, World War Two defences, backpacking, hiking, ultralight gear, bivi bag camp, tarp and bivi, bivvy bag, bivvi bag, bivy bag, wild camp, beach camp
Id: JrqCRcOe9bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 19sec (1939 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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