Getting Lost in the Arizona Backcountry

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this is the start of what should be a pretty crazy adventure I am in Las Vegas Nevada with my good friend Marco and Josh and Josh has his brand new Bronco Raptor and we're here at Patriot headquarters so he can pick up his new trailer hook it up and then all three of us are going to go spend the next several days out on the trail this is going to be a pretty good Adventure it's been a while since the three of us have been together and I am super excited for this we had left San Diego at 5am this morning to make the five-hour drive to Vegas so we could make it here for Josh's scheduled appointment to pick up his new trailer he is beaming with excitement as he gets a tour of all the ins and outs and features and capabilities of his new Patriot campers X3 and once the orientation was over they rolled out the white trailer that he is going to be buying today and man this is going to look good rolling behind that white Bronco also while we were here I had the guys at a 120 watt red Arc solar panel to the top of my trailer and while I don't need this on this trip because we'll be moving from day to day having it when Regina and I are base camping is going to be a great asset in the future all right we just left the Patriot campers headquarters Josh has his new trailer and is super excited I can't wait for him to get out and use that on the trail now we are leaving Las Vegas Nevada we want to hightail it out here it is 98 degrees and we're gonna head for the hills somewhere a little cooler that's our plan for the next several days so we've got about 110 miles to go to get to Kingman Arizona where we will grab some last minute supplies Fuel and then we're off on our adventure excited to find out where this all takes us but tonight we're just going to try to see if we can find Camp a little early and I know we're gonna pick up some good stuff [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] well after a very long day of driving we have finally reached Kingman Arizona and we are now climbing in elevation in fact we're about 4 600 feet and it's starting to Green up there's some Granite top mountains out in front of us a cloud cover the temperature is dropping we are heading in the right direction now it is already pretty late in the afternoon so the goal is to just tread down the trail just a little bit find camp and get set up his fingers crossed we can find a nice Camp spot because it is a Saturday so there might be some other some other folks up here but maybe we'll get one [Music] thank you [Music] and finally we've reached the dirt pine trees there's a creek running over here the temperature has dropped significantly and now we're gonna head up this mountain and hopefully find a beautiful campsite I can't imagine that there's an ugly campsite up here we're gonna try to find a camp spot pretty quick because it's already pretty late it's been a very very long day so we're gonna get to Camp relax break out some chow and then over the next couple days we're really going to get after it and explore a lot of terrain tonight we just want to go chill so we're going to air down and see how quickly we can go find a good camp spot we are hitting the dirt on the flag Mine Road Trail which is a 19 and a half mile trail that winds its way through the Hualapai mountains the three of us have been to this area before but not this Trail specifically we actually ran the nearby Moss Trail which is a fun but very difficult Trail and we're not really looking to get into any trouble today so we're just staying on the easy track and keeping our eyes open for camp Trail is very easy and Incredibly scenic but it is slightly narrow on along a shelf Road in some parts but nothing sketchy here the Civilian Conservation Court began building Trails out here in the 1930s and it is a very extensive network of trails that you can come out here and explore and if you keep your eyes open you will come across some old cabins and mines which will be on the hunt for tomorrow it is Saturday so we did come across a few folks on the trail but honestly not as many as we expected for a weekend this place doesn't seem like it sees a whole lot of traffic we saw a handful of campsites that were pretty empty but not quite big enough for the three of us but after about an hour on the trail we finally found I think what we're looking for all right guys uh we've been hunting for campsites we found a couple that not really the greatest but this one seems to have a little bit of potential so we're just walking back here check it out [Applause] I like this guys I mean we're big three vehicles three trailers we need a little room yeah I think this will work [Music] all right everyone we've got Camp all set up and this is a gorgeous spot we've got the mountains off in the distance here the sun is just now starting to set behind that mountain I think we're probably gonna have a beautiful beautiful sunset this weather is incredible right now considering we were in almost 100 degree weather all day long made it here and everything worked out surprise that there's nobody here on a Saturday Josh is getting all acquainted with his new trailer and Marco Marco is messing with something new over here first of all buddy it's been a minute since it's been a minute man I'm glad we're out of camp today we're having a blast I'm so excited it's going to be an awesome couple days it's been a great day so far this is new I've never seen this before what are you doing over here I'm super excited about this um this is a keg from sport keg uh it's got like 16 bottles of beer in there what yeah there's no bottles in in the fridge you didn't say we were gonna party this trip well I used a beer for marinating my carne asada but uh we might use some of it for just drinking I'm gonna make my friends happy today yeah yes we brought a keg to camp this is pretty cool that's awesome dude what's uh what's on the dinner menu tonight calamari tacos oh yeah like the ones are made I made and then at Casey yeah so guys if you don't know we did a uh cook-off at Overland Expo and the secret ingredient was calamari everybody's calamari was excellent yours was especially excellent thank you well we're having that tonight but tonight it's gonna be tacos tacos yeah beer beer calamari Josh you good with that I'm great with that one thing I've always come to expect from Marco is he's gonna have some new Gizmo or Gadget in his kitchen he has such a passion for cooking and using all the great tools is something he loves and in this case serving beer to his buddies brings a smile to his face thank you for bringing a beer keg that fits in his fridge his next level after a nice cold beverage Marco began preparing for dinner he first started by making from scratch a fresh sauce that will be going into the tacos [Music] foreign next he finally chopped up some cabbage put it in a bowl seasoned it up and added some kick these tacos are gonna have some good old Mexican heat to them okay now I know calamari is not one of those things that many folks care for and just to be honest it's not something that I would typically order in a restaurant but when Marco made calamari a few weeks ago at Overland Expo I was taken back by how tender and flavorful it was so I'm going into tonight's meal with great anticipation [Music] thank you [Music] so Josh she gave you a little sample here and it's got the tentacles on it how you feeling about that you know do you uh just gotta try another Marco wants to give you very good it's not chewy good flavor lemon makes it even better [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's been a while since I've had a taco at Camp made by Marco and calamari's first time Calamar first time dude so good you nailed it with this this is so good I'm gonna let you like it buddy that sauce a little kick so nice yes awesome it's good to be back yeah what an incredible way to end the day the spicy calamari taco an ice cold beer Marco you did it right tonight dude this is awesome what a great night guys we're gonna hang out enjoy this beautiful evening we're gonna make our plans for where we're gonna go tomorrow we've got a lot of miles to put in a lot of places to explore the rest of this adventure is going to be a lot of fun we're just getting started and what a way to get started foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] well good morning it is a beautiful morning up here in the mountains and about two cups of coffee in I've already had some breakfast sandwiches this morning and no rush to leave of course why would you want to leave here quickly so we're going to take our time roll out of here and start heading east and hopefully end up in the mountains on the other side of Flagstaff that's kind of the plan but we really don't have a big agenda and I was just I wanted to share something with you I was just having a cup of coffee just watching the sunrise come up this morning and I was just thinking you know there's a lot of work that goes into coming out on these Adventures it doesn't have to be as intense as we make it but you know there's a lot of planning and prep and gear checks and making sure you got the right food and we know our route but when you get up here in the morning and you know the birds are chirping you've got a hot cup of coffee the sun's coming up it just makes it all pay off and it's so worth it guys so look if you are you're kind of on the fence on uh maybe I'll go out on an adventure or maybe I won't I promise you the work you put in the time you put in to come out here to places like this and have a hot cup of coffee in the morning absolutely be worth it buddy hey buddy good morning good morning sleep good good yeah absolutely man look it's been a minute since we've been out and last night I was walking around and you've got quite a few new things that I haven't seen I want to talk about one this is the new James barood tent this is the new Odyssey yeah I had a James brood on my trailer for years and I loved it what's different about this one the fabric it's a Four Season fabric you can see that it's the tri-flies it's thicker okay it's no longer fiberglass it's plastic oh yeah so it's got a whole new roof yeah he's got racks to mount stuff up there okay the mattress is really really nice the most important thing right I I commended uh James brood when I had mine because I think it was the best mattress in the in the industry well this even this is even better that's awesome that's awesome now the other thing I noticed is uh it was a little chilly it wasn't super cold but it was a little chilly you know me I know you gotta you like to be uh be warm you've got a diesel heater and it's got this pretty cool case what is this this is made by xventures okay in California yeah it's it works really really good it's got a remote control it's got an app that you can uh yeah and how long can you run this on a tank of gas and that'll last me like four or five days probably okay yeah I should say diesel diesel but yeah yeah okay uh the next thing I want to talk about is your Gold Wing doors on your Jeep dude what is going on with them I'm loving that upgrade it's the windows that they were there you don't use them at all yeah right at least like this company Yoda Tech from California okay they came out with their Expo gear gold wings for the Jeeps yeah they make them for Toyota's but now they're making it for Jeeps it's just a great opportunity yeah I like it it makes that that space that's pretty much empty a little more functional so I might be taking a hard look at those but uh dude uh I'm ready to uh start packing up hitting the trail you ready to go let's let's do this good morning buddy hey everybody good night yeah it was a good night yeah look I was just talking to Marco about some of the new gear he's got and dude you you don't have new gear you've got a whole new setup new vehicle new trailer talk about the Bronco Raptor how are you liking it I love it so far obviously on road it's it's completely different it's incredible yeah this is the first time having it on a Long Trail I've run it a little bit in the desert you're here and there but so far so good I like everything about it yeah he let me drive it on the road and uh I know I broke some hearts selling my Bronco I'm not planning on getting a Bronco Raptor but I will say it's it's fun to drive it's a little peppy it's not as fast as a 392 but it is fun to drive uh and you're towing with the Bronco yeah um so you've got the Patriot campers x3 yeah how was Towing uh with that uh so far it doesn't even really know it's there some of these passes up and down we've been going through does just fine I haven't had any issues yet okay and then you're adapting to Trailer Life yeah slowly you were I mean you're kind of just getting really familiar with it last night how was the first night in it uh first night was you know sleeping bag and a pillow and uh no camping gear no nothing so I've been bumming off of you guys but you know we had to start somewhere and I love it so far it's it's completely different yeah I I mean it definitely is you have to get used to Towing off-road and I think that's something you'll adapt to but it's nice to be able to just unhook and like you were saying last night I can just go take off on the Raptor if I want to yeah so absolutely you can leave this here and go down the road yeah so uh speaking of going down the road we need to pack up yeah we do thank you foreign [Applause] [Music] all right guys we've stopped just for a moment we were coming down the trail here and we saw what looked like a tin roof on a cabin or a mine or something and there's this little Trail which goes down there and we're like you know let's go stretch our legs go check it out and explore so that's we're gonna do we're gonna see what's down here oh it's right next to the water too [Applause] huh maybe something here once upon a time but now it's just ruined you found it definitely is oh it's a black site yeah that's a very valuable historical landmark right there guys yeah you know what that is I don't even tell you thank you okay just about a half mile down from where we just stopped to check out that old broken down Shack there's some tailings here from some mining work and on Gaia it says that that's the Democratic mine not sure if we can get up there but it looks like a couple Trails it might be a little steep but we're gonna see we're gonna see what we see Gold Silver and uranium were all mined from the Democratic mine but there's not a lot of information about when this mine was active but there's evidence everywhere that this was a pretty good operation so you can see back here is probably where the Mind once was but now it's just all caved in and then we take care of all their diggings from their mine and put them here and that's where they build this big tailing of just dirt and rocks now when I got home I did do a little research and saw that there was one gentleman that was able to find an entrance to the mine and explore it we weren't able to find the entrance but that's okay it was nice to get out stretch our legs and just enjoy a little bit of sun however now it's time we probably need to start thinking about making our way East [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so we're just now leaving that old Democratic mine which there wasn't much to see up there but the thing is if you don't go explore it you don't know what you'll find there could have been a really cool mine up there and we found many over the years and so at least going up there and see what was there was worth it although it was a steep climb as we were coming down Josh said something very true he's like you know the last time we were out in this area we said we needed to come back and it's so rare that we come back and just slow down and explore things and that's exactly what we're getting to do right now and so we really need to start doing more of this just slowing down and not being on such a time crunch being able to just go check out things like you know Old Mines that you know aren't really old mines anymore all right [Music] foreign [Music] we've spent about the last hour working our way down this mountain and it has just been beautiful just incredible view after incredible view after every turn it's not hard it's been very easy and Mild but it's been a nice little drive this morning now we are almost to the end so we need to air up our tires hit the pavement and then we've got a couple hours to make our way East [Music] airing down your tires is arguably one of the best things you can do to increase performance off-road and while this Trail was extremely easy and really not necessary it still makes for a more comfortable ride increases your traction and helps reduce Tire punctures now because Josh's Bronco is so new he hasn't yet installed an air compressor so we're going to be helping him out on this trip but I know he's already got a long list of upgrades coming for his Raptor we began our Long Haul Eastward and encountered a little weather along the way but hopefully it doesn't follow us to where we are going before we hit the dirt again we opted to make one small pit stop for lunch hey guys we've been on the road for about an hour and a half we decided to do a quick lunch stop so we're here in Williams Arizona we got some authentic Mexican food we brought it here we're having lunch at KC highlights the place is closed but they've got a nice little picnic area so we're gonna eat some chow and we're only about 40 minutes from the trailhead but check out what we got for lunch this is some good stuff here oh yeah that's authentic Mexican food right there yeah see and here you all thought we only ate fresh organic Camp gourmet meals nope sometimes you just gotta grab a quick bite I love a good Mexican pizza about 40 minutes down the road we made it to the trailhead where we will be spending the next several days all right we have made it back to the dirt and we are airing down our tires and we have technically 109 miles of section four of the back country Discovery route here in Arizona to do now will we do the whole thing will we continue on further we really don't have any idea we'll just see how this goes I don't know what our pace is going to be like we probably need to start looking for Camp here in maybe the next hour or two so we'll see how far we get down it's a little windy we've had a little rain already but who cares we're here for the adventure and that's what this is all about so as soon as we narrow down our tires we're just gonna get going guys and we will see where we end up I love this kind of stuff the Arizona Back Country Discovery route is a 750 mile track that extends from the northern Arizona border all the way to the southern border the majority of the route is off pavement but there are some sections where you have to connect some small Back Country paved roads to pick up to the next Trail this is section four and should keep us on the dirt the whole way but later today we opted to do a slight detour off the main route which ended up being both a blessing and a curse [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so we've been on the trail for a couple hours and the first I don't know seven or eight miles we were bombing through it because it was pretty easy to rain but then we hit this Pole Line Road and boy this is slowed us down it is Rocky and bumpy and rutted and has not seen a whole lot of traffic it doesn't look like and we have a camp spot that looks like it's on a lake that Marco picked out and so we're gonna go check it out hopefully this is all worth it it's just I think this last mile two miles maybe is gonna be gonna be pretty slow going but I mean this is what the adventure is all about it's beautiful nobody's mad this is gorgeous loving this [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] guys this is what Adventure is all about we were a little skeptical coming up that power line Trail because it got pretty Rocky made it up no problem got to the top and we're like all right there's a couple Lakes let's go check them out and look what we found guys this beautiful flat open Camp spot right on this beautiful Lake there is nobody out here for as far as we can see come on loving today I'm loving it sometimes when you take a risk and slightly alter your route it can pay off and this time it sure did this lake is beautiful and this spot was perfect it was flat plenty of room for all three of us it was just one slight problem so a slight change of plans you could probably hear the wind is kicked up and we had no protection from the wind over there so we have moved into these trees right behind these granite rocks it's a little tight but we had to spread out just a little bit to make it all work but it's still a nice spot and we got a little protection up there from the wind so we're gonna go cook some dinner and watch what should be an incredible sunset [Music] [Applause] [Music] so just a little quick walk around Camp here so we're all set up on this little spot took a little bit to get level rocks and had to deflate one airbag and inflate the other one but we're able to get level Josh squeezed up nice and tight up here in the trees and right against this beautiful granite wall here and it's got this really cool Moss on there with all these oranges and yellows and greens beautiful and then Marco it's got this spot over here it's got the sunset has a backdrop and he's already started working on dinner going buddy buddy what a day what an awesome Trail dude I mean I think you know we spent more than half the day on just some easy dirt roads and we're like okay this is all right it's nice and Scenic yeah we spent a half a day in Easy roads the other like a quarter of a day a Taco Bell yeah and then we went up that Pole Line Road and man totally worth it that was super fun and then we found dude this is a pretty nice campsite we're a little tight in here it works but it works well it's beautiful man we you know we make it work with trailers it's it's doable 100 so I see you got the keg out got the kick out so we're gonna have some beer what's for dinner uh Vista Ranchero in guajillo sauce of course as Marco Was preparing all his ingredients for dinner off on the other side of the lake something very magical was taking place [Music] oh foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] the aroma from this oh it's incredible so good A little avocado so tender oh yeah the Omnia dude and it makes yeah right on dude great tacos guys once again Marco made some incredible Camp tacos and we all ate way too many totally worth it though we stayed up pretty late catching up and reminiscing about our day around the campfire this was one we won't forget anytime soon [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] guys what a beautiful morning to wake up to and I gotta tell you I slept like a rock last night my head hit the pillow and I didn't wake up until about 5 15 this morning and man it's just beautiful and I've been sitting here drinking coffee and staring off in the lake and just thinking you know we spent a lot of time in Southern California we've explored just about every area out there there's a few places I still want to go but it is hard to find wild places like this in Southern California and that's why I love coming to Arizona because finding Lakes out in Off the Grid locations like this where there's nobody around that you can still camp on that there's not million dollar homes built all around pretty hard to find here in Arizona these are easy to find and it's so beautiful out here I've come to Arizona a couple times in the last two years and you know I'm not done I'm going to keep coming back here and exploring more and more because uh I love this place it's gorgeous all right I think Josh is cooking breakfast this morning and we've told ourselves we are in no rush to leave this morning because why would we be and we're going to spend uh I'm going to spend a good amount of time on the trail today I don't know how far we're going to get we actually came off of the bdr to come up here and so we'll see if we can work our way back on to the bdr but I don't anticipate we're going to do the full 109 miles of this section I think if we end up finding another spot like this along the way we will probably just stop and call it but uh no rush this has been a great trip so far I'm excited to see what happens today When Brad was talking about coming to Arizona I was thinking about what we've done out here before and you get the desert you get the Heat and you kind of forget the mountains that are here and when we started going to the mountains I figured it'd be just elevation and coolness but we stumbled across Lakes trees and as amazing as California is when we go out in California you see a lot of sand a lot of desert a lot of mountains but you don't see a ton of the trees where we're at so it's really nice to get out here we've camped among trees I think the last two nights and it's just incredible to hear the birds you just get different wildlife and Arizona's way more than you expect every time you come [Music] what I love about Arizona is that there's so much diversity in nature you think of Arizona of a desert dry desert hot and cactuses it's there's more than that we've got this beautiful mountains with pine trees beautiful lakes you know cold nights it's just a beautiful country it has so much to offer you can go from one side to the other and find amazing new stuff thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well this has been an incredible camping spot but it's time to hit the trail and let the adventure continue and see what else we find today but before we head out I want to invite you guys to check us out over at we've got all kinds of gear to outfit your vehicle and your camping situation for your next adventure plus we've got all kinds of Trail Recon swag over there so go check us out over at all right time to hit the trail foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] road we didn't realize just how slow going it was going to be as we continued further north today on the Pole Line Road it's going to be more of the same however we took a close look at some of the connecting trails in the area and it looks like there's a lake we can catch another Trail and help us bypass many miles of this rough road and get us back on the bdr well that's at least what we were hoping for all right so a quick update we have left the Pole Line Road because it was just so slow going and so rough and honestly to do that for another several hours is gonna kill everybody's fuel economy so we found a lake just off of that Pole Line Road and it's smoothed out we've got we're on some smoother road but we found a track that looks like it goes all the way around and then connects up a couple miles down but we've already checked out one of them and it was a blank and so we've turned around and we've gone all the way around the other side of the lake and fingers crossed this reconnects and should smooth us out and help us pick up the pace a little bit we've been off the bdr ever since you know yesterday we turned off the backcountry Discovery Ride because we want to go check out that Lake but we need to get back on the bdr so we can get back to a normal pace and save some fuel economy so fingers crossed when we got to the lake there were several designated camping places with big RVs so there is obviously an easier route in here but we aren't interested in getting on the pavement if we don't have to so after making our way around the entire Lake Crossing a little stream and thinking our plan was going to work we came across this sign so guys we've been taking this alternate route to kind of speed up our Pace a little bit and we made it past that big lake and we found this single track and we were like man we're good to go and then we came up to this sign right here and unfortunately we are in the period of time when this is closed so while we could be going that way and enjoying some smoother easier single track to get back to that Pole Line Road way out there we're actually gonna have to turn around and backtrack all the way back around so be it so after a lot of looking at our maps and debating about it we had two options one we could head back the way we came and continue on the slow bumpy route on the Pole Line Road for many slow miles until we can reconnect with the bdr or take the easy paved Road out and reconnect with the bdr several miles down the highway well we didn't come here to do the easy thing so back to the Pole Line Road it was [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] road we were finally able to turn off it hit some smooth wide open Trail and make our way back to the original route we were on and while we were finally enjoying a faster Pace it didn't last long oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I was just taking a look at our mileage counter and it's hard to believe we've only put in 40 miles since we left the gas station yesterday it's slow going for sure there's only been a couple sections where we were able to pick it up but they didn't last but a few miles now it's uh it's still early afternoon but there is a group of looks like four or five lakes about four miles ahead and there are all kinds of trails in and around those lakes and I think what we're gonna do is kind of explore that area and see see if there's a spot to camp tonight and we may just Camp there because it would be cool to camp on another lake tonight so we might be uh we might have a little bit of a shorter day on the trail and I don't think uh I don't think anybody would be mad about that I feel a little bit like a bobble head after the last couple hours on this trip foreign [Music] [Music] yeah just reset it and Josh you didn't get any errors or anything nothing okay well something to keep an eye I gotta love Electronics don't we gotta love it foreign a few miles further down the trail and we reached the network of lakes we were looking for there were several primitive campsites scattered all around the area and we found this nice flat one on the lake and it would be great for a large group but the wind was coming straight at us right off the lake so not ideal however we did spot a few elk grazing just on the other side so we opted to keep looking for another potential Camp spot and we found this cool building along the way that building looks cool hey you guys want to stop check it out yeah yeah just came across this Old Ranch House and it's not too far from the lake over here so we thought we'd just check it out it looks like there's an old Fire Ring here so somebody used to Camp here I don't know if I would Camp here now but let me check out this uh this Old Ranch House definitely would not want to camp in this one there is no information I could find on this old cabin but this is some Prime real estate just off the lake we know there are some walleye in these Lakes so I imagine whoever lived here enjoyed plenty of fresh fish and probably some elk tenderloin from time to time if they were a good Hunter not a bad place to live and work all right guys that's cattle guard let's take a right and head up into Soldier Lake and see we spent a good hour or so scouring this region for tonight's campsite and if you're like me and you leave your windows down you can expect a few hitchhikers to climb aboard in this area I think I had three of these guys before the day was over finally we found what we think is going to be the perfect campsite this was a nice flat area with a bit of shade and plenty of room for the three of us but before setting up a snack was in order and while we could have just had some plain olives that's not how Marco rolls he doctored up these things and man you want to talk about a fresh snack this hit the spot I could have eaten an entire Bowl all to myself and let's not forget the watermelon with the chili lime seasoning oh yeah if you haven't tried this it's something you have to try it's so good Hugo monkey in salsa City in Limon I don't like our list you don't know well today on the trail was a lot of fun we didn't really have a big route plan and we didn't expect to have to make so many detours and then the slow pace of that lumpy and bumpy track but we made it here we made it to camp and we've been all set up and just hanging out for a while just talking and catching up and eating way too much food and enjoying the scenery and this is a beautiful spot the Lake's a little brown that would be nice to be next to a nice Blue Lake but this is still a beautiful area get a little bit of wind coming in but like last night hopefully that wind will die down and we'll just enjoy a nice evening I have dinner Duty nothing fancy but I am cooking dinner tonight [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you it's not cold mosquitoes are killing me [Music] Cheers Cheers [Music] thank you really good [Music] well dinner was great we all have full bellies the sun is starting to set off into the distance and if you can hear them crickets are already sort of chirp might be a little noisy tonight with the with the Symphony of crickets now what's the plan for tomorrow well we actually need to start working our way home a little faster and so we're going to kind of take the shortest way off the trail and hit the freeway because we have about an eight hour drive and we all have to be back by tomorrow night so I'm going to call it here guys because tomorrow morning we're going to get up early and roll out of here so I hope you have enjoyed hanging out with us on this adventure it's been so much fun having Josh and Marco out here and I look forward to our next adventure with just the three of us thanks for watching guys
Channel: TrailRecon
Views: 491,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trailrecon, jeep, wrangler, overlanding, 4x4, adventure, trail, review, light, lift, tires, led, overland, rock, crawling, desert, forest, rubicon, socal, California, product, jk, tj, yj, cherokee, toyota, fj, cruiser, overlander, truck, bronco, four wheel drive, offroad, off-roading, off-road, overland vehicle, news
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 3sec (3363 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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