BUC Stony Hill | Fasting and Deliverance Service | Feb 16, 2022

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[Music] and say hallelujah bless the name of jesus i must first greet the holy spirit with evidence in our midst today hallelujah we agree the presence of the almighty god because without him we can do nothing and so we make him welcome today in our past in service bless the name of jesus hallelujah we greet our bishop and pastor and the first lady brown in the name of jesus hallelujah and to those who are in the sanctuary bless the name of jesus welcome to our fasting service and we greet alleluia those who are viewing online bless the name of jesus welcome to our fasting service bless the name of jesus hallelujah we hope you'll receive a blessing today in the mighty name of jesus because we know that this god that we serve is present everywhere is in finite bless the name of jesus hallelujah is everywhere is our everything is our all in all hallelujah bless the name of jesus our god is omnipresent bless the name of jesus he is omniscient that is omnipotent and so hallelujah we welcome you online wherever you are viewing from today hallelujah feel free to worship this god that we serve because in the presence of the lord there is fullness of joy and that is right and they are pledges forevermore at this time we'll continue by singing 284 from our pentecostal imnal peace the blessed o of prayer bless the name of jesus hallelujah it is the blessed door open when a heart slowly bend and we gather to jesus or savior and friend if we come to him in faith it's protection to share what about for the week [Music] to be there blessed or [Music] [Music] [Music] to be there taste the blessed [Music] on is children to hear when he tells us we make us at his feet [Music] oh [Music] blessed are [Music] oh sweet to be there hallelujah taste the blessed [Music] when the tempted and tried to the savior who loved them their sorrow confined he removes every care what [Music] oh how sweet to be [Music] [Music] r [Music] to be there somebody say hallelujah come on open up a mountain shout out hallelujah come on say hallelujah blessed hour of prayer blessed are of prayer what a bomb for the weary oh oh sweet to be there bless the name of jesus let me hear you call the king by his name come on call the king by his name today bless the name of our lord and savior jesus christ hallelujah surely the presence of the lord is in this house today hallelujah i said god is here and he's here to bless us and to do us god bless the name of jesus are you happy to be alive are you happy to be in church today bless the name of jesus at this time our scripture reading will be coming to us from say mark chapter 11 reading from verses 20 through to 24 and sister christine will be reading to us in jesus name hallelujah come on somebody say hallelujah glory to god that's the name of jesus a scripture lesson will be taken from say mark chapter 11 reading from verse 20 to 24 and i'll read in your hearing in the morning as they passed by they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots and peter called into remembrance say it unto him master behold the fig tree which thou curseth is withered away and jesus answering said unto them have faith in god for verily i say unto you that whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he said shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he said 24 and ended therefore i say unto you what things so ever he desire when he pray believe that he received them and he shall have them earns a portion of god's holy word thanks be to god hallelujah come on let's say thanks be to god for the word of god today bless the name of jesus hallelujah somebody say hallelujah hallelujah our theme for today is have faith in god bless the name of jesus because without faith it is impossible to please god so if we have no faith then we cannot please god amen the word of god said it is what impossible to please god bless the name of jesus and so we need to have faith in god bless the name of jesus at this time we'll be going down into our prayer blessed midday prayer hallelujah in agreement with second chronicles 7 verse 14 if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will i hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land bless the name of jesus and we'll be praying for jamaica for a spiritual awakening across the highland bless the name of jesus our highland need jesus amen and so at this time we're going to pray because we know that we serve a god who hears an answers prayer bless the name of jesus is no god is not far away he's right here and so at this time we'll all be going down in purr in the name of our lord and savior jesus christ hallelujah bless the name of jesus hallelujah what a mighty god we serve angels bow before him heaven and earth adoring what a mighty god we serve eternal father jesus our god hallelujah our king our shepherd hallelujah our savior the i am that i am the iron lifted of god the el shaddai the ancient of day the lily of the valley the bright and morning star the fearless of ten thousand to my soul the eternal god the infinite god hallelujah the omniscient god the omnipotent god hallelujah the all-powerful god the self-existing god lord we greet you this afternoon we salute you mighty god lord we welcome your presence in this place today lord jesus christ elaborate shandai hallelujah mighty god i pray that you'd wash us in your blood your blood that never loses power oh god almighty jesus wash us and cleanse us from our sins from all impurities mighty god creating us a clean heart oh god and renew our right spirit within us cast us not away from thy presence dear lord and take not thine holy spirit away from us lord jesus because we acknowledge our transgressions and our sins they are always before us mighty god but we know that we serve a god that said oh god in his words we are sin abound grace much more abound and so god almighty we come to you lord god crying abba father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread hallelujah hallelujah mighty god hallelujah lord god almighty the church is before you today mighty god lord jesus cleanse us today lord god oh god almighty jesus purge us with this up today and we shall be clean wash us and we shall be whiter than satan jesus christ of nazareth lord god almighty i place the church before your god lord your people which are called by your name mighty god your people are everywhere your church is everywhere mighty god lord jesus christ of nazareth lord we are asking you today god to cover each and every one of your people under your precious blood lord guide and protect us from every evil powers of darkness lord god almighty there is our enemy after our soul almighty god oh god the bible said the thief commit not but for to kill to steal and destroy but jesus you came and they shall die that we might have life and a bit more abundantly god and so lord god almighty our prayer right now jesus the church is dependent on you the church is looking up to you almighty god lord god almighty cover your people right now lord wherever your people are today i pray that you pay them a visit right now a holy ghost visit the ashan in the name of jesus lord i pray right now god almighty that you will increase our faith mighty god that we will have faith in you god almighty in the name of jesus christ of nazareth god almighty jesus you said without faith we cannot please you hallelujah help us to have pray almighty god in the name of jesus christ of ashunda oh god almighty increase our faith lord that when we pray god we will believe god that it is done in the name of jesus lord we are the world by faith and not by sight lord it's not about what our natural high see but oh god is what faith tell us we can do lord jesus keep your hands upon us mighty god oh god almighty i pray for the leaders right now in the name of jesus the pastors and the bishops lord i place them before you today god i pray that you just keep them lord god give them vision lord without vision the people perish speak to them continually god to lead your people in the right way mighty god in the name of jesus christ of nazareth cover our island bishop under your blood mighty god oh god almighty i pray that you will bless him in a mighty way oh god give him direction lord as you leave the apostles rabba as you lead the apostles god lead him jesus lord he's depending on you god he's totally dependent on you he cannot do it without you lord and so we are asking you god to touch our bishop today touch first lady brown oh god jason and devon lord we place them before you today lord god lord i pray in the mighty name of jesus christ of nazareth oh god almighty cover our children under your blood oh god many of them are at school right now oh god we are depending on you for the protection of our children mighty god be with them lord god almighty lead and direct them lord god almighty lord jesus christ we pray god that you remember our young people lord we place them before you as well that you will cover them under your blood they are young but god almighty jesus oh god i know that they can do it god allah our young people oh god there are so many things up in our world so many distractions out there god to distract your mind god from you but in the name of jesus hold your young people in your hands jesus uh let no demon from hell god deceive them god but i'm asking you to keep your hands upon them lord lord i'm praying right now jesus christ of nazareth that you will bless the marriages right now bless every married cop lord in the name of jesus bless the husbands and the wife god because we know that your words and marriage is honorable god and the bed on the fire lord and honorable shut up cover the husbands and the wise right now in the mighty name of jesus oh god almighty i pray for our island jamaica right now oh god i pray for a spiritual awakening across the high almighty god in the name of jesus christ elaboration lord jamaica need you know more than ever god oh god almighty there are so many things happening in jamaica but god we are asking you right now for a spiritual awakening lord god oh god in the name of jesus many are sleeping god but we are asking you god in the name of jesus to open up the eyes of the leaders of jamaica in the name of jesus said that only god's revival jesus oh god almighty lift up a standard and glorify yourself jesus because you are in total control mighty god i pray god for the prime minister of jamaica right now jesus you said we have to pray for those in authority god i put him before you right now touch him jesus lead him god oh god almighty jesus i pray for a revival i pray for a spiritual awakening oh jesus christ a mercy upon your people god oh god sent forth angels right now in the name of jesus christ bring deliverance god oh god almighty hell mankind to acknowledge you as lord and savior as mankind to run to you god to turn to the true and living god oh god almighty jesus we bind up every false altar every single altar in jamaica right now god almighty every spirit of operation that is not of you god we by those spirits right now rebel josiah in the name of jesus your name must be glorified your name must be glorified and headed up as shattered because you are lord you are god and you are in total control mighty god oh god almighty sinner holy ghost revival jesus oh god almighty jesus you are aware of everything that your people are going through god before we even oh tied out of our mouth god you know because you are god but i am asking you right now god one more time jesus we know that you are here you are not far away god so we have to be calling on you god as if you are far away you are right to your god because you're present everywhere rebels shut up and so god as we put the request before your god we are asking you god to hear and answer our prayer today god we place the prayer points before you right now everyone that will stand to pray today god we pray that you'd anoint your people right now to pray that our prayer will come up to you god as a sweet spelling server lord we need you now we need you jesus show up and show off your glory osha oh god cut down our past in service today bless your people today heal and deliver god heal and deliver in this place oh god touch somebody online right now in the mighty name of jesus somebody who is reaching out to you now oh god almighty have your way right now lord we give you all the praise and all the honor and other glory in jesus name i pray and let the people of god say amen hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah bless the name of jesus hallelujah think about islam think about his goodness think about his grace that brought us through [Music] for as high as the heavens above so great is a measure of our fathers love great is a measure of our father's love oh let's think about his love think about his goodness [Music] oh let's think about his grace [Music] that brought us through [Music] so great is a measure of our fathers love great is a measure of our father's love oh let's think about his love think about his goodness think about his good goodness let's think about his grace that brought us through oh yes lord for as i as the events above so great is the measure of forefathers love [Music] great is the measure of our father's love oh let's think about islam think about his goodness i think about his grace that brought us through for [Music] our forefathers love is a measure of our father's love come on somebody say hallelujah come on say hallelujah hallelujah great is the measure of our father's love hallelujah think about his love think about his goodness think about his grace hallelujah that brought us through power as high as the heavens above so great is the measure of our father's love hallelujah unconditional love bless the name of jesus come on somebody say hallelujah come on call the king by his name come on say jesus come on one more time say jesus what almighty god we serve angels bound before him heaven and earth adore him what a mighty god we serve bless the name of jesus we are grateful for life today we are really thankful to god for spearing our life to see one more day hallelujah bless the name of jesus hallelujah from our grateful hearts we say thank you jesus at this time we have four poor points bless the name of jesus the first one will be done by pastor ill and she will be coming to pray for faith to deal with the challenging challenges of our current situation hallelujah overcoming faith that's the name of jesus so at this time pastor he will be coming to pray in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah amen father in the name of jesus we come before you this noon time lord we thank you for this day another day lord where he can come into your presence lord jesus to worship and adore you to lift you up mighty god and to give your praise for indeed mighty god all the praise and the glory and the honor belong to you and so god has your word declared that your glory you will not share with another we give them to you today father we come before you lord broken spirits broken hearts broken minds but lord we trust you because we know god that you can mend them mighty god and we pray today mighty god that as we come before you whatever situation mighty god might face us lord jesus you will give us mighty god the mind to know lord god that there's nothing impossible with you and lord god you said oh god that we should rest our cares upon you mighty god you said we should take your burden because your yoke is easy and your burdens light so help us god to cast our cares upon you and your burdens lord god today mighty god as you see everything my god that was that is happening oh god in our world the entire world almighty god is in oh god upstate almighty god where we get up and we think every day but because you are god you are our god hallelujah mighty god we know god that if we cry out unto you then mighty god you are able to do that which we think is impossible and so lord god we come to you today mighty god you see all and everything that is happening but lord we pray today god that you will help us lord jesus to put your faith in you mighty god help us today god that our faith will not waver hallelujah god help us to ask my god in faith believing because your words declare whatever we ask god in the name of jesus christ of nazareth in faith believing then it shall be done so god we know whatever we ask in your powerful name today the name of jesus then it shall be done mighty god you see the situations you see the circumstances mighty god you see the trials you see the temptations but lord god your words declare mighty god that faith mighty god is evidence of things hoped for and today mighty god whatever we ask for whatever we hope for almighty god we know that our faith oh god if we lift them mighty god without wavering then it shall be done it was to ask mighty god and not ask a miss because god your words declare that we ask and we get not because we ask amiss help us lord god to ask god for your purpose on our lives and when we ask mighty god help us not to waver mighty god will look to you today by faith and we ask lord jesus that we lift our faith mighty god you lord jesus will help us to be strong give us overcoming faith today the faith that will tell us mighty god that we are able to overcome all the trials mighty god oh god even when they persecute us mighty god help us to put your faith in you mighty god that we will look to you oh god and believe mighty god that nothing is impossible with you mighty god today mighty god you see everything mighty god all the different variants mighty god mighty god will know god that you are able mighty god to put them into subjection we pray god that you help us even as we walk daily lord that i will walk in faith believing we walk in faith knowing mighty god that we serve a god who is able ah a god who will stand up mighty god and fight your battles because the battles of god they are not ours god and your promise that you will fight them mighty god hannah through faith mighty god conceived mighty god give us faith like anna give us faith like job almighty god that we will believe that all things are possible through you we will believe mighty god that whatever we are going through before the foundation of the earth god you knew that there would be happening today and so lord god only ask god is for you to help us to lift your faith to overcome mighty god we pray today lord that as we stand before you as we kneel before you as we sit before you god you will show us how to believe you teach us how to believe you today god teach us lord to know god that if we believe that you are able to do everything then it shall be done mighty god will put this sequence before you today and we ask god that through faith mighty god they will be healed mighty god will know almighty god they are still in the healing business but god help us to lift our faith help us god that when we ask mighty god we do not think i wonder if but we said we know it is done in the name of jesus help us not to wonder help us not to ponder mighty god but to believe you because your words declare so and lord god we declare them to right now in the name of jesus christ of nazareth mighty god will come against doubt we come against fear we come against anything mighty god that will not want that will want us not to believe your words not to believe that whatever we ask mighty god you are able to do we come against them today in the mighty name of jesus mighty god will render them powerless doubt and fear in the mighty name of jesus and we push forward faith in the name of jesus bless your people today mighty god we pray today god that you will bless the furtherance of this service help us god that our hearts will rejoice when we leave here mighty god through faith when the words go forth we will believe mighty god have your way today cover us under your blood and we'll be careful to honor you in jesus name amen come on let me at the church of jesus christ say in jesus name come on open up him out and say in jesus name come on let's say in jesus name hallelujah bless the name of jesus bless the lord o my soul oh my soul worship is oly name hallelujah sing like never before [Music] bless the my soul o my soul worship his own name [Music] name [Music] is [Applause] [Music] sing like never before oh my soul i'll worship [Music] [Music] sing like never before oh my soul [Music] my soul worship is only sing like never sing like never before [Music] bless the lord oh my soul [Music] like never [Music] [Music] come on somebody say hallelujah come on open up about and give god our praise come and shout hallelujah somebody online open up a mountain shout hallelujah come on open up your mouth and say jesus come and call that saving name call that delivery name somebody cry jesus somebody said jesus hallelujah hallelujah bless the lord o my soul o my soul worship his holy name hallelujah bless the name of jesus at this time we're going down our second prayer put down my sister michelle and sister mitchell will be coming to pray for faith to believe god for his promises to be fulfilled in accordance with this spoken word for 2022 and should be praying for persistent faith amen bless the name of jesus god bless her as she comes bless the lord everybody bless the lord everybody lift up the name of jesus everybody hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah right mighty god you are worthy jesus hallelujah hallelujah shall we lift up the name of jesus hallelujah glory and honor belongs to you lord hallelujah mighty god father in the name of jesus as we come before you one more time mighty god nothing good have we done mighty jesus no one we are mighty god hallelujah just all about your grace and your mercies mighty jesus we thank you lord for yet another day another day almighty god that we can let our life be right with you and man mighty jesus another day god almighty that we can repent and say lord forgive us our god of all our trespasses forgive us mighty god hallelujah of the false secret fault the carnal weakness is mighty god that may take over a time forgive us mighty god hallelujah for not trusting you hallelujah and leading on our own understanding forgive us mighty god hallelujah then you said lord god almighty that you will never leave us nor forsake us but we take it for granted forgive us mighty god wash us over again lord god almighty hallelujah mighty jesus set us mighty god in order instead mighty god of your words in the mighty name of jesus christ of nazareth and so lord god almighty we thank you lord for your promise we thank you lord for your grace towards us mighty god we thank you god almighty for the spoken words hallelujah oh god almighty your word to be still and know the salvation of you lord god your word that said that you'll never leave us nor forsake us your word mighty god almighty that this is the here mighty god hallelujah of manifestation this is a here mighty god that you have made and you'll make it right mighty god not here almighty god we are out of line at times but you almighty god will make it right again lord god almighty hallelujah jesus christ of nazareth hallelujah almighty god give us say almighty god to all the almighty jesus give us faith god almighty to trust your word more lord god almighty give us faith lord god hallelujah hallelujah almighty god because lord god almighty at this time all faith are so wavering in this time mighty god all faith seems so weak in this time like jesus when your word almighty god declares now we must be still we are still wavering at times mighty jesus but forgive us mighty god give us the spirit of boldness lord give up the spirit of love lord god almighty give us the spirit of soul mind hallelujah now we can be conscious to trust your word lord that we can be conscious to live by your word mighty jesus that we can be more conscious hallelujah to obey your more mighty god you're a god that never lies oh god almighty well lord you never fail oh god almighty you never come short of your promises lord and so god we ask the lord just to help us to be obedient on today mighty god just help us lord god almighty to put it on the forefront mighty god of our daily journey with you lord god almighty help us lord not to look to the left help us lord not to look to the light right mighty god but look to the hears from whence coming to our almighty jesus oh god i make you say this still and see your salvation and so god we are believing that promise today god we are believing you this morning this afternoon almighty god that you will never leave us not forsake us daddy jesus we are believing you lord god almighty we are lifting our faith mighty god and believe in your promises mighty jesus because your promises are true oh god admit your what your words are yeah and amen mighty god but for us lord god almighty it is for us to believe it lord even for us mighty god father god you have given the word the first of the year almighty jesus and we are listened by it because your word never lie your word always turned your words are strength oh god almighty your word and light mighty god just help us to live by almighty jesus just help us to understand that you will never leave us you'll never forsake us hallelujah you'll never give us more than we can bear strengthen us god almighty as we go to strengthen us upon this journey almighty jesus we need your strength mighty god we have tried so many strengths and it hasn't worked we need your strength that is jesus strengthen us mighty god strengthen our bishop more god almighty give us giving more revelation mighty god father you of ordaining for a time like this to take us to almighty god this pilgrim journey this journey that seems like nothing is going on but god almighty ought to strengthen him that he may never get rewarded in well doing mighty jesus that he will never mighty god get weary strength anymore from the almighty god let not what is i see the term in what you have in store for almighty god and the word mighty jesus that you have sent him to almighty god father god we know god that he is hearing from you that is a man of god for a time like this you only need your strength you have to need more grace hallelujah mighty jesus be with almighty god as you have been there with joseph be with him as your opinion with abraham be with him mighty god because you are the same god yesterday you are the same god today and you will be the same god forevermore so be with our bishop continue to lead him continue to direct almighty jesus continue to give him words of encouragement for the body of christ hallelujah almighty jesus that we can know that you will never leave us nor forsake us have mercy mighty god have mercy jesus as we give her the glory as we give you the honor as we give it a praise and we say thanks in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah come on let somebody say in jesus name come on let us say in jesus name hallelujah my soul says yes says yes [Music] [Music] says yes my soul says yes says [Music] says yes says yes to your will my soul says yes says yes [Music] says yes to [Music] yes lord yes lord from the bottom of my hearts to the depths of my soul yes come on somebody say yes to jesus completely yes [Music] oh yes lord come on somebody say yes lord yes hallelujah from the bottom of my hearts to the depths of my soul yes lord come on say yes to jesus completely [Music] [Applause] lord yes lord yes somebody open up the mouth and say yes lord to the depths of my soul yes lord completely yes my soul says yes yes lord somebody say yes lord yes hallelujah my soul i said my soul said yes hallelujah hallelujah onto the depths of my [Applause] yes my soul says yes somebody say hallelujah come on out of your spirit worship him come on somebody say hallelujah come you're worshiping a true god today you are worshiping a god who is alive and well today you are worshiping a god who is everywhere today you are worshipping our god who is all knowing now you are you are worshiping a god who is real today hallelujah so open up your mouth right now and give praise to the almighty god hallelujah if you are viewing online it doesn't matter who you are it doesn't matter where you are let everything that our breath praise the lord somebody open up your mouth right now and give the almighty god a praise right now god we praise you god we honor you jesus lord we worship you lord we give you praise lord we thank you you're a good god you're an awesome god oh god we bless your name today jesus you alone is worthy we'll lift your name on eye king jesus king jesus king jesus king jesus we worship you we magnify you in bethel today almighty god we adore you because you are king your god and your savior and so we place you at the highest place today because you are the great high priest you are the great high priest hallelujah you are eternal hallelujah hallelujah you are all powerful and our shutter all-powerful god we lift your name on i understand god sovereign god we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship we worship you jesus oh god we worship you we bow before you god we bow down before we bow before you king jesus god we worship you we worship you today god oh god almighty we worship you o lord you are worthy to be praised we give you all the glory we give you all the praise we worship you o lord you are worthy to be praised hallelujah hallelujah holy spirit of god spirit of the living god fall afresh in this house today fall afresh online today spirit of the living god fall afresh today send an anointing to destroy your oath today god said that anointing not to break you but to destroy yours today hallelujah thank you jesus i can feel your presence in this house our third prayer be done by minister bryan all hallelujah [Music] about sata you'll be coming to pray against the forces assigned to in the unblock our path from coming into divine alignment with the will of god he'll be praying for radical faith in this time in jesus name ash hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord father lord god in the name that is above every name we come before you lord god mighty god we give you the glory the honor and the praise that is due to your holy name lord god we submit ourselves to your will today great god and savior we acknowledge lord god that we by ourselves are weak but lord god you are strong you are mighty you are all powerful and god there is nothing that you cannot do great god and savior today we are honored to be called your children we are blessed lord god to oh god to be having this mind and this conviction god that we can decide that we will seek after you today great god and savior our souls thirst for god for the living god almighty god we are so hungering and thirsting after righteousness oh god come and feel us lord god with your glory mighty god today as we have set our hearts oh god to seek after you lord god we are so grateful that you are our god you are strong you are mighty oh god and there is no searching of your understanding you giveth power to the faint and to those that have no might you increase its strength lord god almighty we have been called by you to the kingdom for such a time as this lord god where evil men and seduces our walks worse and worse and god the kingdoms of darkness oh god have made a a trust against the kingdom of light but lord god we have read the back of the book and we know the ultimate outcome great god and save it today we ask that you increase our faith lord god that you get us to the another level of faith where we will move from no faith and to little faith and from a little faith uh to more faith and even to great faith mighty god these days demand of us lord god that we know you at another level for your word they tell us that the people that know their god shall be strong and do exploits and great god and savior our faith have to be at another level lord god we are oh god aware of your word that without faith it is impossible to please god and lord god it is our desire today to please you it is our desire lord god to walk according to your will mighty god and to be everything that you have called us to be but god our faith needs to increase almighty god and so today we are asking you god get our faith in that level lord god where we stop walking by sight oh god stop walking by what we desire to see and start walking by what we hear because lord god faith cometh by hearing and hearing by your words i pray god almighty that you would continue o god to speak to us that our faith may increase oh god almighty savior divine lord god the enemy has launched an all-out attack and many persons are losing their faith but jesus christ i remember you speaking to simon peter in scripture and you declare the enemy desire to have you that he might sift you as wheat but i've prayed for you that your faith feel not hallelujah to god and today god am praying for the members of bethel united church of jesus christ apostolic lord god that he would cause us to walk in faith and not to lose faith god but rather that our faith may increase oh god almighty as paul admonished timothy said continue thou are god almighty and may we continue in faith lord god moving from glory to glory as our faith increases oh god almighty today god we have faith in you and in your words and that's why we're here praying that's why we're here fast and that's why we're here lord god oh god just lifting up your great and holy name for your word declare if my people were called by my name would humble themselves and seek my face o god and turn from their wicked ways mighty god and we're doing all that because we need you to hear from heaven we need you to forgive our sins oh great god we need you to heal our land we need you to heal our bodies we need you to heal our finances we need you lord god to show up in our lives great god and savior jesus christ we need a move of god we need to see souls being added to the kingdom mighty god and so we pray today by faith o god that you o god will give us a revival in the midst of years oh god almighty we thank you for everything that has been happening oh god almighty even for the curfew rolling back oh god so we have more time to evangelize we can now go into night services oh god almighty and i pray god that we would understand and use these opportunities that have been given to us god mighty god because it is our intention under you god condemned the kingdom of darkness lord god to depopulate hell hallelujah almighty god we are looking to you by faith we are counting on you by faith god for vain is the help of man and so today god as the kingdom of darkness tries o god to weaken the church of the living god we walk on your word that says that the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church of the living god and so today god we take the kingdom we possess the kingdom our god almighty give us the kingdom let your kingdom come let your will be done on earth as it is done in heaven as we look to you continually by faith increase our faith we pray even right now lord god as we look to you continually in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah let somebody say in jesus name hallelujah open up your mouth and say in jesus name fill my cup lord i lift it up lord come and quench this thirsting of my soul bread of heaven feed me till i want no more [Music] [Music] lord hallelujah i lift it up lord come and quit [Music] [Music] feed me [Music] fill it up and make [Music] just lift up your hands to jesus right now come and praise and thirsty jesus [Music] my soul i said someone is [Music] [Music] come on let's do that one more time fill [Music] jesus christ [Music] lord my soul is thirsting for you jesus right of heaven [Music] [Music] fill it up and make me all bread of heaven feed me till i walk lord i need you to fill my cup today fill it up and make [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me hallelujah hallelujah bread of heaven bread of heaven feed me till i want no more fill my cup feel it lord and make me whole come and quench the thirsting of my soul jesus hallelujah are you thirsty today are you thirsty today are you thirsty today feel my cup lord fill it up and make me whole he's here somebody easier to fill your cup today just turn up turn your cup up just turn it up today because he's here to fill your cup hallelujah in jesus name just turn your cup up today hallelujah turn it up and let the lord fill it up hallelujah our fourth and final purpose will be done by missionary janet reed and she will be coming to pray for those who are sick hallelujah that the healing power of our lord jesus christ will rest upon them hallelujah and she's gonna pray a prayer of faith for the people of god that will increase our faith and believing that when she pray we are healed in jesus name hallelujah glory [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hollande as we honor you today we magnify you today jesus hallelujah we glorify you today god hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you lord thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah glory father hallelujah we come to you one more time lord because you are our creator you are a god you are a healer you are a deliverer tonight jesus as we come wake up withholding nothing lord we come jesus because we are laying our all on the altar of sacrifice today and so god your holy word said if there is any sick among us let us call for the elders of the church and they pray over them anointing their heads with oil in the name of jesus christ and the prayer of faith will heal them and raise them up this morning and so today god i come on behalf of those who are sick and afflicted today in the name of jesus christ of nazareth jesus hallelujah jesus i come and i'm asking you today jesus to heal those among us oh god who may be in the building today who is not feeling well we are not in the best of health we are feeling sick god there are times we have this low feeling in our body we cannot describe the feeling oh lord but god we know that something is not right and so today god we are calling on you the great physician to move among us today and to touch our body one more time to heal us jesus in the name of jesus christ of nazareth this morning lord i put the mothers before you oh god i put mother brown before you god shall serve you oh god diligently to her life oh god no she's open edge oh god and she's not well lord she's admitted in the hospital but that you know where she is and so i'm asking you right now god to visit her in that hospital room oh god you know the bed that she is i know god god i know that she's a woman who worship you she's a woman who prays and even in our state right now god i pray that she will sing out your praises oh god that she'll praise you oh god that you will visit her in that room and that the others will hear her praising you jesus and that you will move to that place and just heal her god touch our body heal our body and heal the other sick people who are in that room right now in the name of jesus christ of nazareth god i know that they can still talk oh god and they can't call on your name so i pray that you will visit visit them today god and that you will touch them oh god touch their body oh god that they'll feel your hands oh god god you be the doctor oh god if they need to perform surgery you will be the surgeon this morning in that room in the name of jesus christ of nazareth remember mother god also open edge yoga mother nukes oh god there are times oh god when they are in pain oh god they are in pain oh god lord jesus i know that you are still in the healing business and i pray that you will visit them oh god visit them and heal by your spirit in the name of jesus christ of nazareth god remember melissa scott nelson today oh god she's struggling she's suffering with that illness oh god we know that illness is not of you and i know that healing is a children's bread and so today god i call down your healing power right now jesus and i pray that you will just move to those rooms wherever they are and that you will just touch their bodies god you are all creator and you know everything about us oh god you know our different intestines oh god you know oh god our functions are jesus and you know when we are out of alignment the different parts of our bodies are out of alignment and so today jesus i pray in the name of jesus christ of nazareth that you will move among your people in the name of jesus and that you will touch their bodies right now god i call your healing virtue got a woman with the issue of blood oh god she know that if she just pressed god she know that healings come from you and that she said if i could just press through this crowd and i could just touch the helm of your garment i know i will be made whole god some are frustrated and tired they have been sick for a long time oh god prayers have been prayed oh god they have prayed prayers of god not for them oh god but they are still ailing so today god i pray that you will lose them from the spirit of infirmity right now in the name of jesus christ of nazareth move amongst your people today god god when they are sick they cannot go out in the by way and the edges to minister to to to arm evangelize to the sinners oh god and many are dying out there so god when we are not in good health we cannot work in your kingdom and so i call for good health today in the name of jesus christ of nazareth touch your people today god god we need a fresh touch from you god in the name of jesus christ of nazareth god those who are hearing my voice right now those who are viewing online god maybe not well but god i pray that you will visit them wherever they are right now oh jesus i come against god today i pray that you'll lose them god loose your people from cancer today from brain tumor oh jesus christ of nazareth lose your people today jesus even the unsaved who are all dear god may be walking past and hearing this prayer right now i'm not well god i pray that you will touch that person that you will lose her from our sickness so she should run into your house and testify of your healing power in the name of jesus christ of nazareth god remember oh god those who get the report no one they have to do surgery god remember sister beverly elliot right now was she come up before me oh god i pray that you will visit her over there in montego bay and that you will just touch our body one more time oh god and that you will heal our god you know the ailments i don't know the ailments gaba you know and so today god i pray that you will just live for faith just live our faith oh god and that you will just heal our body and that you will raise our up today strength your people to stand straighten your people today god let them not feel defeated because they are not well god let them not feel defeated and give up jesus but let their greed show to you still let whisper your name because you are the one who give the healing those who are not saved today god i pray that you will save them the backsliders today god they are out here struggling god but i pray that you will lose them from that bondage of sickness lose them from the bondage of sin right now jesus have your way among us jesus touch your people god god i pray for lady brown god i pray for lady brown oh god it has been a long time oh god she's struggling with that pain oh god without the outright is pain oh god about today i call back seniors oh god into our bones and into our joints oh god god i pray that you will remove the pain jesus oh god whatever is out of alignment right now oh god i pray that you will touch our knee especially today jesus coach i need jesus even thou o god in the name of jesus christ of nazareth i comfort your healing touch and i call for your healing power in the name of jesus christ god i pray that you will touch our knee right now oh god massage i need right now jesus massage i need right now in the name of jesus christ of nazareth have your way of god touch our body one more time touch our body and straighten her to stand straighten her to march oh god in your kingdom straighten our oh god he put the strength in our feet oh god jesus so she can come and trump tremble the enemy god because she can step in his neck jesus have your way today god have your way to there move by your spirit god give us a testimony o lord give us a testimony have your way among us god and let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable before you today have your way jesus glory hallelujah hallelujah come on let somebody say in jesus name come on let somebody say in the mighty name of jesus hallelujah in the name of jesus we see that prayer in the name of jesus and we are giving god thanks for healing for somebody today in jesus name hallelujah before our bishop come to the world sister lisa will be coming to do a rendition in jesus name come on say hallelujah come on say hallelujah come on let's say jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah you're worthy o god you're worthy you're worthy o god you're worthy this morning we lift you up mighty god we adore you jesus we give you all the glory lord all the glory belongs to you jesus hallelujah lord take me back to the place where i found you [Music] it's been so hard trying to make it on my home [Music] i need your direction just to make [Applause] the right selection oh lord take my hand lift me up and let me stand [Music] his blood will carry you [Music] all the way his blood will carry you all the way when i survey the whole world get crossed how we redeem my soul that was lost his blood will carry me all the way i've tried [Music] so hard to make it all alone [Music] and i faltered yes i faltered by the way but when you thought me how to pray [Music] and your will to obey lord please lead me and i'll never i shall never go astray his blood will carry me hallelujah jesus oh the way his blood will carry you all the way when how we redeemed my soul that was love his blood will carry me all the way when i save the whole rocket cross how we redeemed my soul that was lost his blood will carry me all the way hallelujah [Applause] can we praise the lord again do you praise the lord clap your hands and praise the name of our god as you clap your hands open your mouth and say hallelujah say hallelujah say hallelujah even wave your hands before the lord and say hallelujah hey hallelujah it is worthy to be praised and we are so glad to be in his house another wednesday in fasting service not to be wasting time amen but to be seeking god even in fasting and prayer god bless you and be seated in jesus name praise the lord so delighted to be in the god's house today to extend greetings in jesus name we on the lord we know he's here with us god is in our midst indeed amen have you felt him can you feel him even is not mitch and us he's doing us good god be praised in jesus name praise god so we honor the lord today and we thank him we agree today those who are in the house him in a participant's worship service amen to our moderator evangelist done by williams and to amen all the officers mother watson praise god minister hall mr daniel faulkner all the saints praise god almighty amen we give your thanks for you and those who are online we honor the lord for those who've joined us via our social media platforms youtube and facebook we thank god for you also the lord is threatening us being good to us and we thank him for another opportunity praise god to be in his house praise the lord so i also greet my wife lady brown name in greater in jesus name god bless you today we thank god for you and for the work you have been doing in the kingdom praise the lord thank you jesus good to have us in it with us today elliott in our midst clubby hands for her she amen she is rejoicing in the holy ghost god be praised in jesus name praise the lord amen today we want to remember amen in our prayers as we enfast in pray to god there are a number of persons who requested prayers online we want to remember them that we understand that we are praying for them for god is a paramount amen we also want to pray for sister stacey claudius he may not will in her body that's a daughter of uh sister and brother claudius lawrence and janet claudius pray that god will touch her in jesus name and of course my mother mother brown and others ruined well today mother brothers the hospitalized so we want to continue to pray for her that god will just save and bring her through and bring her out in jesus name praise the lord say jesus say jesus say jesus who say jesus praise the lord amen we thank god also for the amen the relax of the new measures the coveted curfew matches come and see something amen amen and we have been praying for a few weeks now the numbers will come down and they are coming down say hallelujah praise god so we look forward to the new paradigm amen praise the lord amen we have our youth we coming up and we hope to be in the sanctuary for youth week am i saying something to you praise the lord amen i know that many of you have gotten comfortable at home with zoom and youtube and facebook but there's no place like the house of god amen praise the lord so we put in place plans to be in the house for her you with a week amen a few weeks from now glory to god amen glory to god glory to god glory to god well the time is really far spent is now 1 30 so i have a few minutes to just talk with you today amen praise god i thank god for joining mercies to us my wife and i we went to florida this past weekend for the convocation for lauderdale we had a glorious time in the lord the lord really showed up and bless us immensely amen we are delegates from from the uk across america of course from jamaica it was really international convocation amen and we thank god amen for his goodness we had to be tested before we leave here amen and we were negative and we before we came back we had to be tested even before we could we had to be tested at least uh three days before we traveled back here so we tested again we're negative amen so we are allowed to be out although we came back last evening amen praise the lord say something to god say something to god god is good in jesus name to god be the glory praise the lord so amen i am led today to really uh start a series in our fashion service because time would not allow me to to deal with i mean the topic that we are on today in a wholesome way in a wholesome way so we may have to do a part one part two and part three because we want to focus on faith overcoming faith persistent faith radical faith and the prayer of faith praise the lord these are different dimensions of faith and which kicks in given your particular situation amen amen there are times when we go through various situations and we have to know which one of the faith to to activate am i saying something to somebody amen praise god so today we want to that the topic is have a faith in god have this is simple but profound have faith in god have faith in god and we are coming to you from say mark chapter 11 and verse 20 amen praise god saying mark well we not well we read from verse 20 praise the lord amen thank you jesus hallelujah amen praise god so we want to amen look at verse 22 of saint mark 11 verse 22 that is our verse to compensate the topic amen and jesus answering said unto them have faith in god have faith in god simple but profound have faith in god not to have faith in the system not to have faith in the structures not to have faith praise god on in any man or any woman no employer employee no president amen no human being but have faith in god say god have faith in god praise the lord now even looking at this statement we have to examine our approach to god amen there he is a god that is undeniable there he is a god for in him we live in remove in him we have our being so without god we could be alive today so in him we live and then we move and then we live and have our being so there is a god there is a god and i say that without any doubt fear is our god praise god and um i like what genesis chapter one and verse one states even you either accept it or rejected to your peril in the beginning [Laughter] no long introduction has to who made god where god came from remember just a profound opening statement in the beginning and this you have to accept it as a statement of faith say faith you you you either embrace this verse and go to read the bible or you reject this verse and close the bible either either either you accept verse one of chapter one of genesis and if you accept that you continue to read the bible if you reject verse 1 chapter 1 of genesis then you will not read the bible amen believing is a god but in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth full stop amen let me say that those who believe that statement that verse say something say something say something say hallelujah in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth full stop so today am here you are here because we believe that there is a god and this god we serve has total control over humanity over the the the world and its systems praise the lord so today jesus said have faith in god and and we have to beloved amen in this day and time amen we have got to build our faith in god build our capacity amen to believe that there's a god because yes there are a lot of amen things amen around and they hear a lot of saiyans and a lot of teachers and preachers and philosophers women who are trying to to indicate and to convey the falsehood that there's no god but today i know that there is a god and he is alive and well glory to god thank you jesus so today we want to understand that amen faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god amen so we ought to be keen on listening to listening you may have got to listen to the preach word amen the teach word and of course when we read the scriptures we've got to listen to what god is saying to us because faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the by the word hearing by the word of god praise the name of our god and for us to survive in this day and age we have got to have a faith of faith in god now in chapter 11 of saint mark the bible said in verse 12 and on the morrow when they were come from bethany he was hungry jesus was hungry amen amen so it's nothing is wrong with being hungry uh food is important amen the lord was hungry for food i might talk in here praise god amen and the bible said when he was through with his father days fast and he was afterward at hungary he wanted food amen so food is important to sustain life so he came from bethany and the lord was hungry for his 12 of chapter 11 of saint mark and then in verse 13 said and seen a fig tree afar off having leaves he came if happily he might find anything thereon and when he came to it he found nothing but leaves for the time of figs was not yet it was a time for the fig to be ready but he found nothing on it and jesus oh lord if beloved this is very deep enough wish i had time to go to this today praise god because we have we have to be careful of leaves only we must be a fruit amen we have got to be a fruit amen we we can't just have leaves we have to bear fruit and if our time today i could go heavily into this praise all over time is against me from exploring this amen because uh it is more than leaves it's more than the shout it's more than the dance it's more than a dress it's more than even alleluia is more than even the preaching too the teaching to women is more than a singing to amen we have to bear fruit amen we have to the bible said they are what the fruits of the spirit we have to bear fruit so the lord came and the lord saw no figs and verse 14 and jesus answered and said unto hit no man eat fruit of thee now the lord now i want to let's get this the lord spoke directly to the tree huh the lord spoke the tree directly and and he said in verse 14 no man eat of fruit of the year after forever amen he said you victory no man will hit off you not just now but for ever no man the lord spoke to the tree the power of the spoken word he spoke to the tree did not talk to the the farmer amen are amid the honor amen he directly even address the tree no man eat of the year after forever the disciples heard it verse 14. now chapter verse 20 uh and in the morning so they were going and the lord spoke to the fig tree and then they and they were in the morning of the recurring background in the morning and the morning as they passed by they saw the fig tree dried up from the root verse 20. he spoke the night before and the morning as a returner they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots verse 21 and peter calling to remembrance said unto master you know in in amazement master behold the fig tree which thou cursed is weathered away verse 21 and jesus just answered simply verse 32 said unto them have faith in god for with god nothing [Music] is not by my words it's not by my ability but it is god with god all things are possible so have faith in god don't be amazed don't be alarmed just have faith in god beloved i sense that god is calling us amen to a a deeper amen call him aiming to walk by faith in him because there are some things we have got to do in this power that requires even faith say faith amen just not just not just faith but amen must started faith and verse 22 23 for verily now listen to this now for verily i say unto you that whosoever whosoever whosoever you you you and you whosoever shall say onto this mountain i want you to embrace this in the beloved to get this whosoever tell this mountain be thou removed be thou removed and thou be cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe those things which he shall said shall come to pass he have whatsoever he said so in other words if you believe in god and you say mountain be removed and because and the beloved the lord was speaking here to a physical mountain a physical mountain today we speak of different type of mountains what's overseeing mountain of hardship mountain of this mount of that those are good references but the lord was speaking to a physical mountain amen amen for with god nothing shall be impossible verse 24 therefore i say unto you what things so have your desire get this now when he pray believe that he received them we are desires today and i hope they are got a desires god of desires because it's one of a desire so nothing to make sure these desires are lined up with god's words your desire should not be contrary to the word of god should not be contrary to the will of god your desires must be consistent with the will of god you cannot and should not amen hold and cherish desires which are opposed to the will of god amen we have got to be in alignment glory to god with the will of god so therefore i say unto you whatsoever things you desire to god i wonder today if we are the place in god in as we fast today as we pray today the things we desire the bible says when he pray when he pray believe that he receive them when you pray believe that you receive them amen and each and he shall have them this is faith faith is the substance of things all thought there is nothing not seen there is faith love so we have god payment to approach god by faith even coming to god must believe that god is god is god is and he is a rewarder of vampire dearly gently seeking glory to god so is flute is futile to pray i don't believe if we come to god in prayer and have a death doubt we are we are fooling ourselves god will not answer us the bible says when you pray when you pray when we pray we ought to believe while praying that the things is already done while praying hakusho hey my sister when we pray for the job you see yourself walk in the office walking at work amen when you pray with god to believe that it is already done come on say hallelujah say hallelujah so today i want to look at amen you see the time is really gone for me amen praise the lord but overcoming faith say over come in faith there is a faith that overcome the world the faith that overcome the world in saint john in first john chapter five and verse four first john not this first john five and four to overcome is to succeed say succeed succeed amen in doing dealing with a problem to overcome is a succeed in dealing with a problem so first john 5 and verse 4 said amen your faith will cause you to overcome the world even by your faith i submit to you today nothing can stop a believer oh praise the lord amen no systems they mean nothing in the world can stop you once your faith is anchoring god your faith will cause you to be overcome and that's why the devil is knocking on faith trying to weaken our faith because he knows that a member who is who is our faith amen believing member nothing can stop that person god almighty oh glory to god oh glory to god so we have got to understand that our faith will cause us to overcome the world even our faith in god praise the name of jesus so one aiming our faith in god will teach us that amen there's nothing impossible for god our faith in god will tell us that even god has a capacity amen to do for us what we can do for ourselves so our faith in god will cause us to overcome the world and its system first john amen 5 and verse 4 even even your faith that overcomes the world now therefore now what is persistent faith persistent faith what is persistent faith amen amen a faith that even continues in spite of the difficulties a faith that continues to do something in spite of difficulties persistence even say persistence say persistence amen and what came to me when i saw this amen who was the woman of the lord god almighty amen she was her assistant oh praise the lord amen she would allow nothing to block her ha shabbat santa even nobody could block her the the crowd was fake but she had a persistent faith even she knew that if she could just touch a god should be healed amen suffer the crud of fit amen she was dying because even the life is in the blood when you begin to lose your blood you are weak you are you are struggling but jesus if i could just if i could just if i could just reach amen jesus if i could just even make my way amen through this crowd and just touch i don't have to hug him oh but just touch the helm of his garment i shall be made rolled i don't know who you are today but you are struggling with that the situation but today i'm saying to you just email by faith reach out right now and touch jesus perhaps you're seeker perhaps you're down but right now right where you are we shouldn't touch you because your faith amen cannot defeat the power of god in your life right where you are today you can be tortured it can be delivered in the name of jesus so jesus the woman said if i could just touch her faith was persistent she believed in spite of the difficulties oh praise god it's time for the show the world that our god is alive our god is alive even we can't we can't be like the women the the the worshipers of bill who call when we pray with god to believe that god hey god is in our midst jesus that means to bless us and do us and we can't just cry and wail and behave oh jesus oh oh jesus oh jesus where are you now he's right where we are we can't make him into a liar i may call us the woman said if i could just touch if i could just make my way make a move make a move today make a move today you have been waiting for a long time to make a move today if i could just touch the bible said she got up you have to get up get up in your mind get up by faith she got up the bible said she made her way and the battle center and then she pressed her away and she touched the hem of his garment and right away she was miraculously healed but jesus said something who touched me who now i want you to visualize this i'm sure persons were touching them all over they were in a crowd so i'm sure persons were touching him but some folks were touching him not for a reason that for a reason so the lord knew that this was a demand on my anointing glory to god i i demand on my healing oh shut up do you want god to do something to do for you today you've got to place a demand on it the bible said that he meant she placed a demand on the healing part jesus christ and she said if i could by faith if i could just if i could just if i could just if i if i could just reach close enough if i could just get close enough if i could just touch my god up the hem of his garment i know in spite of the crowd she pressed away in spite of the hagony she pressed away his body the weakness she pressed away and would you touch him who touched me [Music] master how could you be saying that horace are all around you he said somebody touch me provide you glory to god virtue is gone out of me healing has gone out of me virtue i i i i i felt when he didn't left my body to somebody who glory to god today oh god sent me to tell you you can touch him today oh jesus america has come to your house today to your office today with the church today america has come to your situation today whatever it is today whatever it is it is come and clap your hands right now open your mouth and say yes lord ooh mama whatever it is today who touched me who touched me virtue as i left my body the woman she heard him who touched me she now begun to shake she now began to to tremble hallelujah the lord went over saw her it's a daughter amen thy faith has made behold persistent faith glory to god since i've got i've got to push your way through amen at times you are living among doubters who are saying to you your cat god will not do it for you you are praying too long hallelujah but amen press your way to victory even press your way to victory persistent faith hallelujah will cause you to rejoice today i know i know i'm talking to somebody today who is at their wits hand somebody whose shoulders even are becoming weak glory to god who have spent all they have other doctors glory to god women are becoming frustrated and responding but today i want to amen try this word into your spirit amen persistent faith will do it for you who touch me touching jesus is all that really matters today is your day for a miracle today is your day for a miracle your day for america lord jesus hallelujah hallelujah oh praise the name of jesus praise the lord hallelujah amen amen trust in the lord with all that heart and lead not in your understanding in other ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path he will direct you what to do hey glory will direct you as to what to do trust the lord with all your heart praise god almighty now i want to just touch even on radical faith radical faith amen departing from the norm amen to the norm the party for the non-radical faith radical faith say lord give me a radical of faith praise god that faith departs from the tradition amen praise the lord amen there were even a a a a a a man who was sick amen and and that and jesus was in a room praise the lord it's a radical faith oh praise god he was in a room and somehow they couldn't get the man inside on a stretcher praise the lord in the room praise the lord you know what they did you know what they did oh glory oh my god who i feel the god in this house today you know what they did they took the roof off they took the roof off i don't know today but perhaps you don't you've got to have you dropped even a radical faith aiming to go beyond tradition go beyond the tradition and take the rule forth even for your miracle today oh chloe take the roof off for your miracle today take the roof off to death for your america no they said we will not leave without this america we are leaving today without a miracle whatever it takes we must get what we came for so there was no space to the door no space to the window oh glory to god now i am seeing something here folks are always by the door by the window even blocking blocking the path of seekers persons who really need something from god they have been blocked endured but say with me into me not who shataba in the mean knot now they they crawl the doors and the windows oh praise god but to clean the roof was too much for some people but beloved if you need god the roof is nothing to climb who shah taba if you need a miracle today the roof is nothing for you to climb your radical faith will cause you to do some wicked things some dangerous things the bible said damon they took the rule for they climb up and took the roof off and they they let the man down oh before jesus come on come on somebody come on somebody come on somebody but what you need requires a radical faith oh my shutter will close again you have got to move out of tradition tradition tell you've got to come in the line amen and hold your hand up oh my god and be prayed for but by faith amen you know that amen you can touch him by yourself oh glory to god you you can pull the walls down you can pull the roof off amen see him for yourself i don't know i'm talking today but i'm saying to you don't leave today i am not leaving for my blessing stay with me i won't leave without my blessing say with me i will not leave without my blessing you came for blessing today glory oh god you came from blessed by today you will not live without your blessing i will not leave without my blessing i will not come off facebook or youtube without my blessing i want i claim i need a blessing today and my faith is radical praise god to get my blessing on conventional means on conventional means the roof take the roof off today for your blessing what a mighty god we serve and god will honor god will honor honor your faith god will honor your faith take the roof off today radical radical faith radical faith glory to god even a faith that amen get god to respond to you who shall be a faith that stops god oh glory to god hallelujah of faith hey glory to god amen gets god's attention glory to god a faith that god will never turn us back on uma whatever you came for today whatever you need today even get amen into that position let god let us do it for you for god will do it again oh glory to god god will do it again with god there's nothing impossible a radical faith thank you jesus thank you jesus a radical faith which one do you need today for your blessing glory to god persistent faith radical faith overcoming faith praise god and i don't even touch the the prayer of faith you have the prayer of faith the prior faith shall save the sick the prayer of faith there is a prayer of faith even for save the sick amen the elders will anoint you in oil and the prayer of faith is so powerful that will heal you if you even commit sins your sin shall be removed that's the prayer of faith my god my savior stand with me today stand with me because i feel this that there's someone today online somebody out there oh struggling struggling in the moment struggling in their situation glory to god but god would have me today to focus amen and faith and faith and faith even because there's nothing the bible with the bible says when you pray you have got to believe that god amen is there to bless you and to do your good what say for things you pray about believe that god will grant it say granted to grant say granted so granted so granted beloved beloved beloved we cannot make god into a liar amen amen we must take him by his word take him by his word hallelujah saying john 14 14 if you ask anything in my name i will do it say john 14 14 if you ask anything in my name i will do it these are the days we've got to exercise our faith in god for god is bigger than that god is bigger than that what is that i don't know but whatever it is god is bigger than that come on say hallelujah oh god glory god is bigger than hit say no man god is bigger than hit whatever i'm going through god is bigger than that praise god almighty thank you jesus have faith in god have faith in god watch god turn that situation around for you today oh glory to god watch god deal with that matter for you today have faith in god this kind come not but by fast and purr have faith in god hallelujah have faith in god for with god all things all things are possible christians we have to live by the word today live by the word the word will not return to avoid the word will accomplish live by the word who praise god live by the word thank you jesus praise god almighty hallelujah amen and can i just close this before i pray for you is philippians chapter four amen and verse six be anxious do not be anxious about anything do not be come on about anything be anxious about nothing at all but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving so in prayer and supplication with thanksgiving it tells me therefore as we pray we must give thanks come on come on come on come on is there a worship in the house today online today who praise the lord amen but it is prayer and thanksgiving let your requests be made known to god what is your request today [Applause] put our praise on it for the praise on it put a praise on it it be anxious for nothing don't allow anxiety to heat you up eat you out and you becomes a nervous wreck and nervous beloved enemy wants to destroy yes or no so it brings about anxiety to attack our nerves am i saying something here to wreck your nerve to wreck your system so you're walking you're trembling and you you everything frighten you if a bird fly your race if somebody come close in your heart just race amen oh god almighty but today help me i find today anxiety who shatter i will not be a nervous wreck come on i will not be a nervous wrecker oh praise god but with prayer and thanksgiving oh let your requests be made known unto god and the peace of god oh praise god and the peace of god so replace peace replace anxiety peace replace anxiety peace and the peace of god we've got to live in peace same and peace in your mind sleep in peace eat in peace walk in peace oh my the peace of god which sir pass it all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in christ jesus peace of god peace of god peace of god peace of god i heard this morning on the news that inflation rate which for years was at five six percent last night they told us that the vision rate is now at almost 10 percent you know what i mean i i i can't go into a economic class now in my business class don't tell what i mean it means that because of the rising prices hiking prices your money is by less than what you used to buy last year this time amen we could go to the supermarket without ten thousand dollars and walk over three three packs of groceries amen no you can perhaps welcome it too am i talking inflation is eating your money hold amen praise god chicken gone up bread gone up am i talking here amen and these things will drive you crazy but today the peace of god come on hey this is a worldwide something amen the peace of god inflation is high but the peace of god even russia is about to russia as a mass army i run ukraine come on will i run ukraine beloved you know i i wonder if you're watching the news you saw you said the russian army even saw anxiety but the peace of god amen the peace of god which passes all the time shall keep your minds amen in and heart in peace with god praise god almighty amen god bless you even come and clap your hands to the peace of god clap your hands with the peace of god amen amen praise god god bless you today amen and strengthen you in jesus name come and lift the head and say hallelujah say hallelujah hallelujah have faith in god have faith in god pass me not o gentle savior hear my humble cry while and how does the lord call in do not pass me by oh praise the lord it's time to pray it's time to pray beloved it's time to pray about the right where you are we have some requests amen online amen we have to make us online and we want to pray for those persons pray for sister amen claudia's daughter stacy claudius amen want to pray for those who are bombarded even with doubts and unbelief amen struggling them amen we're going to pray for them today in jesus name oh praise god are you in there today i used top today are you in there today praise god almighty i i wonder if you're in line today and you feel as if boy you are endured even by doubt and fears have faith in god praise god almighty let us pray in jesus name god our father god our maker god our redeemer god our shield and our butler great god of glory we thank you today for another day time spent in your presence has been focused there god almighty on the importance of faith in these days you told the disciples to have a faith in god oh god because by faith they would overcome the world by faith they would experience oh god the power of the miraculous so father we come to you today we know their father the harvester is trying to block us oh god to into us but god you gave us a word for this here oh god hinder me not the lord has prospered my way and father we believe that this is a year of fulfillment it shall come to pass in 2022 so father today you are our faith oh god to accept the the promises oh god the blessings of god and we thank you today we thank you for the way mr god you have moved among us and now god almighty we want to please those who are sick before you oh god i place again our mothers yes lord mother brown oh god mother nooks mother gordon their father mother watching lord oh god the senior members of the church oh god sister hear me marvel tyrell oh god the mackenzie's oh god the harshman's dear father you know them oh god mother morgan oh great god mother watson father you know them lord look at mother brown in the hospital room father and they're not shorter oh god we are praying i believe in you oh god for the miraculous lay your hands upon our dear father oh god and touch her oh god from the crown of forehead my god they say there's a blood clutter oh god by god right now we ask you in the name of jesus oh god to touch oh god look at her blood further remove the clotting god and film oh god with clutch up in the name of jesus christ father who shall tolerable satan my god my savior keep your hands upon her god oh god let the healing virtue the power of your spirit oh god flow my god threw her up on her my god a shabba in the name of jesus christ oh god we pray today oh god stacy claudius oh god you know her condition you know your diagnosis but god your hands are not short organ or mother's a believer oh god her father is a believer oh then she also has grown in the church but god today she is not well oh god in the hospital but god i pray for her i travailed for her today oh god yours are not sure lay your hands upon space right now oh god she's listening to us brother just listen to us i touch you for her dear father we must shatter bring out your father and give her a testimony oh god that testimony oh god touch her today in the name of jesus christ lighten your darkness to your father and show yourself strong for her oh good marvel oh god you know her your daughter our sister oh god touch her one more time in the name of jesus christ oh god my savior oh god melissa scott nelson i touch you for her also oh god touch her touch your torture my god my savior oh god through them london requested prayer i pray their father you'll touch them today in the name of jesus christ look at those and requests on the prayer lamb oh god i pray to you touch their bodies in the name of jesus christ open the doors of heaven oh the witness of heaven be your father and pour out your blessings upon them lord my god my savior father we place up oh god here people here in your hands oh god touch up and stream from look at those weaker look at those refeeds and look at those courage i pray today oh god they will touch them in the name of jesus christ oh god cause your people to rejoice oh god to clap your hands i'll magnify your name oh oh god almighty we give you praise today oh god covered logan breathe upon my god your people lose today and deliver oh god we pray for the salvation of those in jamaica around the world not savor oh god the box libras i pray dear father you'll bring them back to the fold ah oh god oh god the box ladder oh god they healed themselves to you oh god to surrender my god to you father in the name of jesus christ father i pray today you will cover the father and strengthen the blood of christ oh god cover this is an antigua today who shot about oh god bless them evermore oh god in the u.s in canada in the uk my god my saving africa oh god bless to them my god your people and bring about will fight for oh god joy in the hearts of your people oh god give some money today a testament a testimony of your quickness a testimony of the trip in the name of jesus christ father we look to you today touch oh god my wife lily brown one more time oh god stretch your answer for her and touch her body my god catch her today touch me shall read today oh god stranger also and touch everybody my god my savior look at those where i believe today i pray for them dear father oh god sister oh god hell look at jasmine and family i cover them on your blood encourage them today and strengthen them their father today in the name of jesus christ august the missile chevrons and her family i cover them today under your blood on the curve and their father upon them today in the name and comfort of their hearts my god my savior in the name of jesus christ i pray god you'll strengthen them likewise my god my savior have your way today oh god be with us today build us up today and guide us today oh god my savior revive the church revive the worker revive oh god jamaica let there be revival east west north and south across the hell in jamaica my god my savior bless us now dear father we praise you we give you thanks and we honor you today we give you thanks the time we spend your presence bless those on youtube oh god facebook oh god come to bless them and strengthen under your father we give you a fangs oh god we bless you today for you are worthy you are holy you are mighty you are gracious and there is no god like you the first you are the last you are the beginning of the ending we give your thanks now in jesus name and for jesus sake oh praise god come and clap here and say hallelujah clap your hand and say hallelujah oh hallelujah say hallelujah say hallelujah hallelujah praise god almighty god bless you today we thank god for you amen may god strengthen you as we continue to believe god amen by faith amen please join us this evening at 7 30 for even bib study amen will be on zoom and facebook and youtube now praise god we are a powerful topic the eighth even watches even prayer watches praise god imagine so many persons have been blessed even since the last week i've been getting calls from all over amen the global mature blessed we held most of our amen a thousand views into that teaching already yeah the last episode we had about 900 views to the top to that teaching which means that he really hit him in the hearts of god's people so join us this evening as we continue with part two of amen the eighth prayer watches amen praise god i hope you have been praying in those watches hope you even pray that nine to twelve amen twelve to three amen three to six six to nine amen nine to twelve i hope you have been praying even in those watches even for half an hour printing those watches because god is moving by is
Channel: Bethel United Church of Jesus Christ Stony Hill
Views: 666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ckUH5kC1Knc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 23sec (9023 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2022
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