Bethel Stony Hill | Sunday Morning Service | 1st Service | March 6, 2022 | Bishop D. C. Brown

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[Music] [Music] on and i know [Music] all around [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] and i know that there are angels all around [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] [Applause] in god's presence [Music] [Applause] [Music] ground [Music] and i know that there are [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] presence [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is we're standing on the ground for the lord is here hallelujah and where he is is holy this is [Music] foreign [Music] we're standing on holy ground [Music] yes lord jesus hallelujah [Music] [Music] thank you jesus yes oh yes lift your hands joining the worship this morning [Music] whether you're the center or you're online join the worship this morning it's all about jesus hallelujah oh yes holy ground [Music] thank you jesus [Music] [Music] we're standing [Music] oh [Music] please remain standing as we now proceed to repeat our mission statement and pledge in jesus name please focus on the monitor let's do this together in jesus name we endeavor to love obey and serve our lord and savior jesus christ striving always to fulfill our purpose in making disciples of all men for the advance the kingdom of god and earth on the direction and power of the holy ghost with an empowered people will foster unity love and fellowship within the apostolic community in carrying out our mission we pledge to build god's kingdom through the ministries of apostle prophet evangelist pastor and teacher as we seek to rescue our fellow men from the kingdom of darkness the kingdom of light teach believers the word necessary for maturity growth and mission and prepare believers for the glorious appearing of jesus christ clap your hands holy people god bless you welcome to amen our first service for the first sunday in march come on god has been good to us give god a praise praise god amen today we thank god this is the first of two services we look forward to the lord amen being there mr bless us and do us goodness may delight to present to the moderator receive minister carlton stewart as we continue in worship in jesus name [Music] hallelujah can we bless the lord this morning everyone can we bless the lord this morning everyone hallelujah tell me who can stand before us when we go in jesus name jesus jesus wish us jesus we have the [Music] in victory name jesus jesus jesus [Music] hallelujah this morning i want to encourage your heart this morning that you already have the victory hallelujah so open your mouth this morning give god some praise hallelujah because you are already a victor we are going to be singing hymn number 153 from our pentecostal hymnal glory to god hallelujah we are never never wearing of the grand old song glory to god hallelujah we can sing in lord as ever with our faith the more strong glory to god hallelujah guess what the children of the lord they have a right to shout and sing hallelujah [Music] this morning hallelujah because the victory is already one hallelujah we are never never we were [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus our morning's lesson will be read by missionary karen brown be taken from the book of joel chapter 2 reading from verse 25 to verse 29 that's joel chapter 2 from verse 25 to verse 29 and then we'll jump over to the book of isaiah chapter 54 verses 1 to 4. so joel chapter 2 verses 25 to 29. that's the name of jesus or a scripture our morning lesson comes to us from george 2 verses 25 to 29. bless the name of jesus i'll read and i will restore to you the year that the locals have eaten the cankerworm and the caterpillar and the palmer worm my great army which i sent among you and he shall eat in plenty and be satisfied and praise the name of the lord your god that are dealt wondrously with you and my people shall never be ashamed and he shall know that i am in the midst of israel and that i am the lord your god and the non-hells and my people shall never be ashamed and ephesia and it shall come to pass afterward that i will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your old men shall dream dreams your young men shall see visions and also upon the servant and upon the inmates in those days i will pour out my spirit isaiah 54 verses 1 to 4. that's the name of jesus same old baron that thou ha sin o byron though that did not bear break forth into singing and cry aloud thou that he does not travail with child for more are the children of the desolate that the children of the married wife say the lord and a place of my tent and let them stretch forth the curtains of the habitation spear not lengthen thy cords and strengthen thy stakes for those shall break forth on the right hand and on the left and they and thy seeds shall and thy seed shall inherit the gentiles and make desolate cities too inhabited for and last fear not for thou shalt not be ashamed neither be thou confounded for thou shalt not be put to shame for thou shalt forget for those shall forget the shame of thy youth and shall not remember the reproach of the widowed with a hood anymore this is a portion of god's old word he promised to arrest richard's blessings there until amen god bless you hallelujah we say hallelujah in agreement to the word of the lord this morning hallelujah this morning we will be going down in pearl with brother burroughs what before which we're going to be singing him number 133 i see a crimson stream of lord you may be seated at the last verse you will be asked to stand but as we sing i want to encourage us it is a congregational him so as the words are projected on this screen i know that you have things on the altar this morning i know there are several things that we are praying about and as we sing i'm encouraging you as well to sing and to lift your faith this morning as you open your mouth and just give god everything this morning hallelujah thank you jesus on calvary's hill of sorrow [Music] [Music] hey hallelujah [Music] oh thank you lord [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] today no condemnation [Applause] [Music] them [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i know [Music] [Applause] [Music] and he tells me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] us [Music] let's all stand this morning and when we reach [Music] [Music] grand finale [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] thank you thank you [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] is [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] sing confusion some stream of blood yes as you lift your hands respond everyone all over this building yes yes yes just lift your if you are hearing my voice just lift your hands this morning yes and you see hallelujah [Music] god we thank you this morning for your blood yes [Music] is [Music] this morning we have proquest this morning for missionary janet reid for sister kimon gibson this morning hallelujah but i see a crimson stream hallelujah sister janet claudius this morning we are putting them before the lord and if you are in agreement just clap your hands this morning just clap your hands this morning by faith sister my battery look before the lord this morning miss geneves caught this morning but i see a crimson stream this morning hallelujah hallelujah we have missionary lillian watson who was requesting prayer this morning with a special purpose again this morning for miss carol admon but this morning it waves it reaches the throne of god this i see it i see it this morning hallelujah and because he's a healer hey hallelujah we are putting before the lord and if there's anyone else in our midst this morning and you are not well and you need her this morning feel free to lift your faith and if an act of faith you want to step to this altar this morning just move from where you are and step at these specific areas that we have marked on the alter but we are going to god by faith this morning hallelujah fully knowing that he's able to do it and for those persons who are streaming online if you request special prayer please feel free to send us a message hallelujah so we can lift you up before god this morning motherboard was just lift your faith this morning in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah ah great god of heaven mighty warrior great in battle jesus today we come before your presence god we exalt you we acknowledge you jesus and we lift you high today lord jesus we repent even now of every sin every secret fault and every carnal weakness we ask almighty god that you will let your virtue flow throughout our bodies even now i pray god that you will search deep within the recessives of our hearts and god you will remove that which is defiling that which is unclean god we repent collectively and individually god almighty because god we do not want anything to hinder our worship and our praise today god our truth your presence is already in this midst you are already in this place and we invite you to take pre-eminence god lord jesus as we gather together we place or seek before you god you know them by name and by nature god almighty your word says with your stripes we are healed so god we are not asking we're not begging for healing because healing is the children's bread so god almighty we pray in the name of jesus for every sick that is among us virtually and physically lord god we pray even now god that your spirit will take charge that you will touch them from the crown of their heads to the very souls of their feet i pray god that no sickness and no hail man god will hold them bound lord god we lose every man and every woman from their infirmity even now god almighty remember the women of god are the men of god that are sick lord god remember sister kimono sister janet god almighty sister marvel tyrell and all those men those women of zion god those that are stricken in age god almighty every person that's here that's representing a family member a friend god that is not well we command healing even now we speak healing in the atmosphere we command virtue our god to flow and touch our every tissue every cell in the name of jesus thou god that created the body oh god we pray that every ailment will be subjected even now we bind that spirit of infirmity that spirit of sickness we bind them in the name of jesus god almighty as we gather to worship you today we pray that the spirit of worship will take charge of our minds and our hearts if we have come god with any other motive any other intent god that is not of you we pray god that it will shift even now we speak in the heavenly realms and we command this atmosphere oh god to be under siege by your spirit and your spirit only we drive out every principality every force of darkness every diabolic plot and every spirit that has been unleashed to block the progress and to block the worship god we plead the blood of jesus over this spot of ground we speak god almighty into our live stream and we command the internet to be sturdy in the name of jesus uh we pray god for every person that is gonna take part in today's service bless our singers the musicians god almighty bless every person that is going to do something today bless o god the person that is gonna bring forth the word i pray god almighty that you will anoint such a one that they will speak thus said the lord let our hearts god be prepared and ready to receive from you god we pray god that souls will be saved today let lives not only be touched but let there be a transformation trouble the water god let man cry out i yield i yield i pray for that but slider that jesus they will come home to you god bless the saints that are looking for a word today give strength to our spirit man that we will go for this week and conquer and be victorious let today be a blessing god we sanctify the service today and we declare your presence and your kingdom come in this sanctuary god we will give you glory and we will give you honor in jesus name in jesus name we clap our hands and we say in jesus name we are clapper hands and we say in jesus name we clapper hang and we say in jesus name we are green this morning in jesus name hallelujah i'm not sure how many persons came in this morning and they have a particular thing that you're praying about this morning if you have something you're praying about just raise your hands do you understand what it is there's something that you are praying about and you're staying loyal i need you to show up i need you to answer me i need you god and this morning as i got up and i prayed the lord said praise me to it the lord said praise me through it because so many of us will be walking with the birds in our hearts and think that if we think about it that will solve the problem but the lord is saying praise me through the problem hallelujah open your mouth and praise me through the problem hallelujah open your mouth and praise me through the problem hallelujah so right through your arm just lift up your hands and just start saying hallelujah you don't need the music to say hallelujah or thank you jesus or god you're worthy or hallelujah or hallelujah or hallelujah or hallelujah because god i'm gonna praise you to the problem i'm gonna praise you hallelujah i'm gonna praise you i'm gonna praise you i'm gonna praise you lord comes with me i'm gonna praise you i'm gonna praise you hallelujah because he is worthy hallelujah let's arrive and shine this morning let's arise and shine and bring god's power down this morning hallelujah we'll be singing let us arise and shine for the light has come i'm gonna invite you those who are in the building physically you're gonna clap your hands you're gonna open your mouth and give god prayers those who are streaming online hallelujah in your home and work wherever [Music] put hey together church hallelujah we're gonna praise god this morning praise him to the problem praise him [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh hey [Music] oh [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] uh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus what are you singing hallelujah a day of shouting hey on that happy morning ah hallelujah and before you just wave your hands one more time and just show the hallelujah just so the hallelujah just so the hallelujah hey thank you jesus you may be seated in the praise of the lord hallelujah hallelujah i lift my hands to you this morning oh god i lift my hands to you this morning and i know there's someone here who just want to praise god through it as you lift your hand in your seat this morning just praise him through it yes yes just praise him to it just praise him through it just praise him through it hallelujah just praise him through it hey hallelujah for i thought to praise you to the good and the god i vote to praise you hallelujah about to praise you about to praise you hey hallelujah because praise is what i do hallelujah for i vote to praise you yes god i praise you i praise you i praise you hallelujah to the good and the bad hallelujah yes yes yes the praise on the heart of somebody this morning there's a prayer on the lip of someone this morning hallelujah hey hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hey glory just take that course one time for me praise what i do just sit where you are and sing it yes we don't want to sing that song this morning just one time christian help me yes and where you are yes we're going to sing it just in your seat praise is what i do [Music] yes [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] though my circumstances [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] thank you jesus just clap your hands in his presence this morning yes thank you thank you jesus here oh god that anointed makes a difference yes thank you jesus thank you thank you holy spirit accept holy and precious greetings this morning in the name of jesus we welcome the holy spirit we welcome god's presence we welcome we welcome welcome welcome holy spirit hallelujah welcome thank you jesus greetings to our bishop and pastor and later brown greetings cern ma'am this morning greetings to associate pastors ella mark and lady karen brown this morning and all our officers all our members hallelujah hey hallelujah [Music] thank you jesus but most importantly our visitors who are here this morning accept holy greetings in the name of jesus this morning if you are coming to bethel stonehill in the building for the very first time i'm going to ask you to stand this morning if you our first time visitor in the house wonderful can you put our hands together this morning everyone wonderful we greet you this morning and we just want to ask the lord to touch you very specially that before you leave here this morning you will feel god's presence this morning we have other visitors here this morning you are not the first time visitor you're not attending stolen for the very first time we're going to member of bethesda can you please stand stand up my misses do that all members wonder more members come on just nudge them if you can indicate wonderful [Music] so this morning we have karen smith karine smith just waving and caring wonderful miss smith is here with us this morning we have roxanne dundee roxanne vivian wonderful we have mar margiela williams margie lee mark even though in the latest offering sometime marjorie william will be and marshally wonderful we have khan dear samuels graham mrs graham wonderful with your hand and the children from the easter west children's can you put him together for them everyone wonderful we are happy to have you in the house children and caregivers and workers from the village mr bronica of the village man wonderful our next load next god bless you and we are glad that you are here this morning you may be seated in god's presence do we have any other visitors in the house this morning no other visitors but god bless you nonetheless if you are shy to stand up this morning you want to greet those persons who are viewing online as well you chose to come to bethel estonia online and you have a lot of options but you chose the testosterone you can make a brand for them this morning [Applause] couple hands for them this morning we're happy that you chose tony hill and we trust and hope that you will experience god's love his presence and his favor today in your life want to sing the welcome song this morning and welcome wait for somebody beside you smile to somebody beside you you know across the room from you upstairs with somebody and just let them feel welcome [Music] this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] so good to see your face [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in your face [Applause] [Music] welcome [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen hallelujah we are glad that you are here welcome how are you doing all right god bless mr billy god bless you god bless you we have birthday greetings this week we have missionary audrey admon celebrating a birthday on the 9th of march so you're looking like yesterday am i ready now come on happy birthday when it comes mr audrey god bless you we also have brother michael thomas on the 10th he brought thomas in the house no but when his birthday is here please call to wish him happy birthday and brother anthony thomas as well on the 12th of march so i want to extend birthday greetings to our members when's their birthday sometime this weekend everyone so please feel free to reach out to our members and to acknowledge them in the name of the lord jesus christ it's offering time with the house and it's time to give back to the ministry we're going to stand and we're going to be repeating or give us creed this morning and when we're through with the people's group when he grabbed the we in white to bless our days offering for us in jesus name after two we affirm one two we are firm that the tithe belongs to god for the work of god we will not rob god of his stand we shall stand on the promised blessing we affirm that he would sow it sparingly shall also reap and he would sow it bountifully shall also reap every man according as he purposes in his heart so let us give not grudgingly not of necessity for a god beloved a cheerful giver after prayer i'll give the giving options in jesus name shall we bless the lord everyone can we bow our heads please the most righteous eternal god we want to thank you for your many blessings i want to thank you for your love i want to thank you for your guidance and your protection lord as we're here this morning to worship your holy name oh god it's no time for to give back a portion of what you have blessed us with lord lord as we stretch our hands to give right now god bless who have and bless who don't have so that they can give to you in jesus name amen amen god bless you god bless you this morning we have several given options i want to encourage us all this morning to bless the ministry through our monetary gifts and for those persons who are physically here you are able to give your offerings this morning for those persons who are also viewing online you can visit our church offices or church office that's during this week between 10 and the 3 pm 10 and 4 they're about and to work with their physical gifts for those persons who are unable to physically come you can transfer online we have our band's account they are protected on the screen our bank of nova scotia both in jmd and usd so please feel free to just transfer and for those persons who are overseas and want to use other mediums of giving we have zell paypal keshap and venue so please feel free to give to the ministry and the work of the lord as the praise team sing this morning in jesus name [Music] [Music] and his grace in the mansion bright and blessed he'll prepare for us [Music] what a day of rejoicing that will be [Music] [Music] days are over oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] trusted service [Music] with the toys [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] the victory will be [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah god bless you all this morning god bless you i'm seeing sister monica grant it's like i've not seen you know what sister monica just be able to hand in the sword hallelujah we're so glad to see you i'm glad to see you just shout hallelujah one more time yes sister still have your praise around there man wonderful god bless you god bless you we're gonna let the browns are standing around us just just keep up i saw a greeting rest their voice for two seconds before they go back in and yes amen praise the lord i just want to greet you on the precious name of jesus today i will bless the lord at all times and his prayer shall continue to be in my mouth it's just a privilege to be the host of the lord and is the best place to be today and if you're here today and you haven't accepted jesus as their lord and savior i give you jesus today amen wonderful wonderful the first team will be ministering before our bishop and pastor come god bless namaste minister in jesus name um um [Music] do [Music] faithful faithful faithful is our god faithful faithful faithful is our god faithful faithful faithful is our god faithful faithful faithful is our god faithful faithful faithful is our god i'm breathing the harvest god promise me take back what the devil stole from me and i rejoice today for i shall recover it all yes i rejoice today for i shall it all jesus jesus jesus is our heart jesus jesus jesus is our god jesus jesus jesus is our god jesus jesus jesus is our god i'm reaping the horrors but promise me take back what the devil stole from me and i rejoice today [Music] [Music] holy is [Music] is [Music] [Music] promise me take back what the devil stole from me [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] from me [Music] promise me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] promise me [Music] promise me [Music] [Applause] [Applause] from me [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jesus yes yes [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] the harvest god promise me take back what the devil stole from me i'm reaping the harvest but promise me take back what the devil stole from me i'm [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i'm rejoicing we're at this time we welcome our bishop and our pastor as we come this morning in jesus name yes yes [Music] yes [Applause] hallelujah i'm reaping the harvest reaping the harvest god promise me get back what the devils told from me i'm a choice entertained for i shall i shall open your mouth and say i shall recover it all i shall recover it all said total recovery total recovery come on clapping right now clapping and stronger clap them louder god bless you you may be seated in jesus precious name god bless today the bethel singers the bethel singers the better singers the bethel singers i told them last week that although we can't have a choir it doesn't mean we can't have a conductor amen praise the lord we can have a conductor with a praise ministry amen come on praise the lord say something say something say something say something god is good today amen god bless you let me hurriedly extend the welcome and greetings because time is sensitive these days we have two services and we pray for that day to come we'll come back to one service amen praise god almighty but clappy hands for your commitment for your faithful meant for your faithfulness over this pandemic praise god in working in two services on a sunday god bless you in jesus name so let me welcome and greet you all today in jesus name on the lord and magnify our god our god is great and we shall back him we glorify his marvelous name thank you jesus amen to my wife amen minister janet brown clappy hands for her amen god has been good to us and she's looking so well even after so many years even god bless you amen thank you jesus and i think this here is our 39th evening anniversary come on say something say something 39 years god has been good praise the lord to jason we bless god for our son 40 years oh lord i'm in trouble now amen we should never forget amen but you know amen we have our senior moments amen amen we have our senior moments and that was just one of my senior moments praise the lord so this year's 40 years come on 40 years amen and we thank god for his goodness to jason are sending the house clapping hands for him also to our associate pastors and their wives and also minister marin scott online they're over in the diaspora amen god bless you minister marin scott to all our officers uh to all our members to all our visitors welcome to bethel i greet you well in jesus name to those who are of join us online we greet you also in jesus name we thank god for you from london from the bell from the uk praise god almighty across the u.s canada the caribbean africa china amen we give god thanks for you and we greet you well today in jesus precious name god has been good to us in a very special way let me welcome my men our family and friends those from the sos children's village in stoney hill we welcome you again and we greet you in jesus name delighted to have you with us today for this public worship service god bless you sister missionary janine bailey good to see you amen back in the house after that surgery but god has been good to you we thank god that you are back in the house amen good to see you uh brother and sister amen amen smith in the house god bless you amen good to see you all today in jesus precious name hallelujah before i proceed let me remind you that we are in a week of consecration fast and fur begins today and go through until friday amen and you'll have received by now the the guide for this week with a daily focus and the prayer points and please observe amen in jesus name and next week we'll be having our youth convention that will be held in house praise of the lord as of next week amen monday praise god the 14th even until friday so we look forward to seeing you having in god's house along with the visitors of the backsliders as we lift up and swell the name of jesus praise the lord amen god bless you uh well this church amen we have been serving this community for 69 years 69 years come on clappy hands that are our doors they have remained open for six to nine years a man serving the community of stones and violence and we thank god for the impact we have made in fact the community referred to this church as in their church they call us the community church we marry them we bless their babies we we bury their deads praise the lord and we have special service for them so they recognize our church as the community church and we thank god we have been serving this church not only preaching not only singing but also even via via our social ministry because we believe in catering for the torah taller man praise god since this pandemic we have really increased our service to the community amen we have been spending now we have been spending since a pandemic upward of sixty thousand dollars and to provide food packages for the people of our community on a monthly monthly monthly basis praise god we used to spend like fifty thousand dollars for the last few weeks because of the hiking prices the bill went up to like sixty thousand dollars but we are still committed amen to serve the people of our community and this is done because of your continued giving your generosity amen you're giving up your tithe and your offering come and clap yourself clap yourselves in jesus name another way of being serving our community is for instance pandemic we have been for the giving tablets to amen the children in our community the church has been doing this along with donors from amen local and abroad and we thank god for them recently we gave some tablets out and a faithful member in the desperate so what was doing and she committed to give a tablet to another child and thank god we have a tablet today he meant to be given amen to a child from the community so today we are happy to have the rights family even in our maids praise god they got baptized here i am marry them here praise god but but the cause of proximity they currently worship said bethel temple hall put the hands together for them for the hand to gather for them praise god sister wright and their husband and their two children praise the lord so today to be the recipient of this tablet even from a member who shall remain nameless even from new york i want to invite nico nicomar nikamar wright to calm down i mean i like all these parents you know these parents have a way of even putting names together to reflect mommy and daddy praise the lord amen so come on up here even nicomar wright frisbee he currently attends the golden spring primary school and he men still amen all right amen praise the lord i like i like him and i like him i like his spirit yes i go get him watch him you see him he come for his thing praise the lord amen so praise the lord sir come over here so they all can see you amen yeah so they can see you amen amen whoever place you present this tablet to you nikomar on behalf of a member from the diaspora amen in new york and we know that it has been challenging for you and all the students units pandemic but we are glad that tomorrow you will be going back for full face to face come on clap your hands for them so here you are son and we see this tablet and i'm sure you will continue to excel as you really can continue to apply yourself to school and to you the word of the word you have been taught god bless you in jesus name come on yes god bless you god bless you [Applause] [Music] amen yes praise the name of jesus praise god god's been good to us recently received amen received three barrels from out west a man over in colorado uh i'm in a barrels with with with books with with knapsack even with folders and then recently we also we got two more barrels on under high seas now with with groceries come on amen praise god because there are people who see what we're doing in stonehill and they are giving back so we can come to serve amen our community because a barrel amen late last year from all the way from the uk all from uk with clothes and all these things come on amen so we want to thank god that we are really committed to serve and then our fellow men praise god well time is really gone now and i'm in trouble now praise the lord amen three weeks ago after fasting service on a wednesday i i went home and i suppose the effect of the fasting service was really on me and the anointing and i heard the voice of god in my spirit saying to me with clarity spiritual enlargement spiritual enlargement enlargement enlargement and the more i thought about it and think about the lord really impressed on my heart that this is the time of spiritual enlargement so in obedience to god i came a sunday and i opened and i preached the word praise god almighty the word could not have finished on that sunday so i came back last week and tried to complete the message it could not because of so much amen to come out of this topic and so today i aim to conclude this series on the spiritual enlargement praise the name of god uh we came to you from the text that we read earlier in joel chapter 2 and verse 25 and i restore to you the years that the locusts have eaten the the cankle worm and the caterpillar and the palm over my great army which i sent among you praise god so we dealt with that chapter praise the lord and today we want to conclude from the book of isaiah chapter 50 and four and we want to look at verses one two three i trust that the law will help me to finish this in the next 35 minutes in jesus precious name hallelujah sing o barren thou that does not bear break forth into singing and cry aloud thou that does not travail with child for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife saith the lord enlarge the the place of thy tent and let them stretch forth the curtains of that habitation spear not lengthen thy cords and strengthen thy stakes for thou shall break forth on the right and on the left and thy siege shall inherit the gentiles and make desolate cities to be inhabited praise the name of our god so in the last two weeks i spoke of the fact that uh it is god's will for us to be blessed amen and i i'm not speaking necessarily now about uh uh your car on your house not speaking now of your wealth although that is also in the plan of god i'm referring now specifically to praise god your spiritual enlargement your spiritual development praise god the bible said seek eve first say with me seek e first the kingdom of god and his righteousness whole lot of things will be added on to you so first things first god first say stay with me god first say with me god first the things i've got first and everything else will be added on to us praise the name of jesus praise god almighty we also spoke last week about the fact that uh before there can be restoration there ought to be repentance say repentance there will be no full haya makote there will be no full restoration even without repentance praise god of the master god told joel to tell the people praise god to sanctify a fast and to gather around the halter even to repent because it was because of their actions why the locus amen the palmer worm the caterpillar had a devastated the land of of israel so after amen their repentance the lord said to them i will i will say i will say i will say i will i will restore unto you the ears god is a god of detail amen nothing escapes god amen whatever is for you is for you god will not change you praise god amen amen say total say total restoration is coming my way um i have been robbed yes of a of many things i mean i i ought to be further along in this at this time but i've been held back i have been in refuse but god is saying to you today even to tell them restoration is coming to your way amen the days of stagnation they are over yes yes yes hallelujah the days of low self-esteem they are over in the last days of fame and not having confidence in your ability is over praise god almighty i want to say to someone today god wants you to fulfill amen your full potential hallelujah you have not seen your best days yet your best days are ahead of you amen praise god almighty amen praise god the best version is ahead of you the the best version of yourself and what you see of yourself today is still under construction god is still even working on you don't write yourself off don't put yourself down yes you make mistakes yes you stumble yes even you fall but don't write yourself off you're still in god's aim and dressing room you're still aiming the potential say something say something say something say something say something praise god you are still amen in the potter's house so because we are still under construction and we fail at times even we stumble at times we we we cause ourselves to be mad with yourself amen am i talking to somebody have you ever been mad with yourself have you ever been mad with yourself have you said have you ever been have you ever said oh come again again i i thought i passed this woman five years ago and it came back to into me again i remember don't matter with yourself you are still under construction hallelujah hey hallelujah god has not given up on you hallelujah is god's will for you amen to live and to excel but because of amen the adversary who intends to into us praise god to pull us down aiming to frustrate us but in this hour even god is saying to me to tell you it is a time of spiritual enlargement amen look at yourself and say here amen enough is enough amen i'm developing in god i'm greeting god in this hour praise the name of god let me move on praise the name of our god thank you jesus so god said i will restore to you the years that the locust hath eterna praise god yes in the count the caterpillar and the and the caterpillar present the conquer worm and the palmer worm and i'm going to restore to you amen those here so can i announce today to somebody the people of god are blessed [Applause] the people of god are blessed and not cursed that is powerful i want you to really embrace this you are blessed and you are not cursed you have got to open your mouth and echo this let every demon heal you never never heal you i am blessed and i'm not cursed in spite of my failures i am blessed and of course stand up bless people and give god a shout our praise [Applause] sit down sit down the people of god are blessed hallelujah hallelujah jesus came to give us life and to give us abundant life so amen no let no devil whisper in your hair to block your night and pray and tell you you are failure you are cursed you are blessed you are blessed and the devil cannot reverse jesus in spite of your pain you are blessed in spite of your needs your bless square your shoulder square your shoulders open your eyes and sit down i am blessed i am blessed you have to speak it until it connects with your spirit for too long you've been here negativity if you're here him and you are failure you are you are nobody you are no good you will not succeed from where you are because of where you live the school you went to but today i came to tell you you are blessed so open your mouth and say i am blessed and blessed so i'm blessed and blessed come on talk yourself i am blessed and blessed i'm blessed i'm blessed i'm blessed i'm pleased i'm blessed i'm blessed i'm blessed i'm blessing the city i'm blessing the feels i'm blessed i'm going up i'm blessed i'm blessed i'm blessed i'm blessed i'm blessed look at me i'm blessed [Applause] it's not so much about the clothes i wear the shoes i wear i am blessed because i am a child of god [Applause] i am here and draw them with god i am blessed as lorry as i come on bishop take your time as many as i led by the spirit of god they are the sons of god i am a son of god you are a son of god speak it until you receive it burst every negative wall in your life i am blessed there's a matter where i live i am blessed i have not seen my best i'm blessed i'm coming from the one room i'm blessed i'm coming from that year i am blessed i am blessed i am blessed come on i am blessed say i am blessed [Music] i am blessed i can't tell you to do this but get up and point don't touch them but there's a point or three person point and say you're blessed you're blessed you're blessed walk from where you're standing and go and point to something and so you are blessed reinforce your wrinkles reinforce it god bless walk from your standing and go tell somebody you are blessed you are blessed you are blessed you are blessed you are decreed reverse it recruit reverse it reverse it reverse the order a shift a shift is taking place today in this house [Applause] must hear this heavenly man mercedes i am blessed who as many as all led by the spirit of god they are sons of god whom god bless no man curse whom god bless norman curse if god be for you if god if god be for you who tell me who can be against you if god be for you you've got to say what i'm saying open the world if god be for me if god be for me who can be against me i am blessed [Applause] sit down let me try to wrap this up today you have got to be bold about it you cannot be timid about this beloved the time must come where you you should not be defined by your neighbor defined by your co-worker defined by your supervisor you must know god for yourself they are those who intentionally wants to hold you down and hold your back hold your down and pull your back but in the season of of enlargement i will not be reduced i will not be reduced amen praise god almighty amen i am soaring say i am sorry you have got to be bold about this don't don't worry about people people will all the people if you fail there they will criticize you if you are blessed they will criticize you if you live in squabble they will talk against you if god bless you they will talk again so don't worry about people hallelujah david said the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he make me to lie down in green pastures he restored my soul he leadeth me in the path of righteousness i'm trying to get to the point where the permanently said thou be presented before me in the presence of my enemies god is about to bless you in the presence of your enemies oh lord of mercy your enemies shall see it and crushed your head my god because your season your season has come your season has come so this is a direct word as i close the series today i'm giving you a direct word from the throne of god a word of instruction it is an instructional word to you today i have preached the last two but today is a day of impartation i am giving you the word today as a word of impartation amen listen to this now believe and embrace it to your benefit believe an adversity or benefit amen or doubt and reject it to your peril you either will believe and embrace it to your benefit or doubt it and reject it to your peril i am a spokesman for god i speak what god tells me to speak about so today i close the series with this from isaiah chapter 4 sing o barren thou that is not beer lord follow this description now break forth into singing praise god almighty now and now and now lord jesus amen your season of no growth is over [Applause] i tell you i am touching today and i'm going today your season of no growth is over for a long time you have been stifled suffocated you try to emerge but you come up someone knock you down but today your season of no growth is over praise the name of jesus lord come on said no growth is over amen say say with me my season of no growth is over i want to say that until you believe that my season of no growth is over it means therefore i am growing i am growing i am growing i am saying come on say i am growing i am growing i am growing him i am growing praise god i am growing praise god sing those of you have not given birth to anything since you have been saved and from the holy ghost since you have been saved you have not given birth to anything amen you have not god's called you to be productive to be fruitful but you have not given birth amen to anything since you amen have been filled but today it is time to sing praise god sing to those of you who have been injured you have been injured and seemingly left behind you have been left behind i say to you today sing o praise god my amen is over say it's over say it's over says over it says over amen it's over the days the years of my spiritual barrenness they are over oh praise the lord are you able shut up the years and the days of my spiritual barrenness are over amen says over says over he says over so it's over says over so it's over o praise the lord get a song in your spirit it's time to sing oh lord get a song in your spirit and sing thank you jesus let nothing seal your mouth let nothing sit down on here god told me to tell you it's time to sing don't ask me what you must sing out why you must say just sing hallelujah oh god don't ask me what you must sing or why you muslim but just sing you've got to believe this word i thought things look the same around you just sing hallelujah amen the bible said we ought to amen speak to ourselves in psalms and in hymns and in spiritual songs singing and making melody in our hearts amen to god it's time to get a song in your spirit lord jesus amen you have been negative with yourself amen too long but god has sent me to tell you get a song in your spirit amen is tired to sing open your mouth and sing amen you've got to hear me today you've got to change your approach to your life change your approach enough is enough are you mad with yourself hey how you change your approach change your mindset hallelujah change your approach and change your mindset amen are shifting in taking place right now in your life hallelujah change your mind you have got to say enough is enough i am i am blessed i am blessed and because i'm blessed i've got to sing being blessed sing amen and be joyful about it the bible says make a joyful noise unto the lord holy lands sin sing sing make a joyful lord on the lord on your land amen sing o praise the lord sing hallelujah sing sing you've got to open your mouth and sing sing unto the lord a new song get a new song i will bless the lord all times come on with me i will bless the lord all times of this praise of amen shall change your language hallelujah change your mindset change your approach get a song in your dark days your midnight hour get a song hallelujah the bible says amen why with paul and salvation in prison in jail their backs were bleeding for the bible that midnight at midnight look at me let us sing hallelujah and the bible said paul began to sing and self began to sing at this song the bible said something happened i tell you today if you sing there'll be something happening in your space if you're singing in your home sing at work open your mouth and start to sing the bible has amen because you're going to shake some of your life right now there have been they are shaking in your life amen want your singing open your mouth as a glory say glory to glory to glory to glory open your mouth i say hallelujah hallelujah sin at midnight sing with palestine open your mouth and sing hallelujah the bible says midnight they song praises unto god and there was a shaken there was an earthquake okay shut up those stalks on your feet those chains in your hands are about to be broken up open your mouth and sing if you bless me you worship me i will come by you and break every stronghold our singer and bless your name lord hallelujah shake yourself up and sing us today is your second hallelujah hallelujah i heard davidson i bless the lord all that his praise shall be in my mouth open your mouth and shame why should i sing pastor because god has changed my circumstance that changed the forecast the forecast was gloomy feasible god saw your forecast but like jesus let's say this [Music] james was born in a curse was born reduced they told him traders you will down to nothing but james said no no no i refuse to accept this hakasha i refuse the secret for this i will not allow what you're saying to reduce me tell me i am nothing i am going to i'm going to succeed and jb said all that all that god bless me indeed i i wonder today there's somebody in the house who feel as if grabbing hair back who's shanda unlike jesus who open your mouth as a lord oh that lord bless me indeed hallelujah not my neighbor not my neighbor but bless me indeed lord for a long time i've been in a circle of god bless me indeed lord that will enlarge my territory lord hallelujah i shape you today the larger men has come to your house enlarge your territory look at me today you have not seen the best of me yet i'm about to soar okay shut up enlarge my territory open your mouth as enlarge my territory lord keep your hands upon me hallelujah as his peace my territory is being large hallelujah for god's sake to tell you you shall break forth lord you shall break food it's time to enlarge your territory enlarge the place of your tent [Applause] my passion will do it enlarge [Music] the place of your tent stretch fraud your curtains spear not lengthen their cords strengthen vice press lord jesus spirit lenten vance thanks this is a direct from god enlarge [Music] the place of thy tent i prophesy to you today i'm saying get to work get to work shake yourself from negativeness spiritual enlargement has come to you all those prophecies concerning you are being fulfilled in this season all those prophecies concerning you have been fulfilled in this season make room for what is about to happen make room for what is about to happen hallelujah get out of your corner get out of your corner hallelujah why for thou shall break forth on the right hand and on the left and can you see yourself breaking forth there comes a time and a season when your time come your time come when your time come is your time when your time come just shake it off shake it off is your season to break fort break speaks to efforts speaks to exerting something you cannot just sit down and say well i'm waiting for it to happen you've got to get up rise up and take it by force hallelujah they better rise up and take it by force oh glory to god god shall i praise you shall i praise you god amen david saw amen his wife and his children even robbed and they were taken and david went to the to the house of god said god shall i pursue when i recover and god said that david get up and pursue i say to you today get up get up and do something about it hallelujah don't just wait until somebody come and tell you that it is okay you've got to stand up and say well enough is enough i am going back for my stuff hallelujah i'm going back for that which the devil stole from me thou shall break forth on the right and on the left hallelujah can you receive this today he is time for breaking forth it's time for breaking forth hallelujah thank you jesus thou shalt break through to the right and to the left is time to occupy it's time to occupy it's time to occupy more spiritual territories hallelujah oh praise the lord hallelujah it's now worth taking over season come on bishop say this one more time this now you're taking over season so i'm taking over right now hallelujah i'm going back devil give me back my choice give me back my peace give me back my happiness give me about me i know it is my it's my taking over season end of me not the lord has prospered my way it's mine say with me it's my taking over say taking over season it's a season of recovery hallelujah it's your shifting season it's your shifting season glory to god stand with me stand with me let me just close this off it is my shifting season it's a reversal reversal has taken place god has re-positioned my life god has re-positioned my life for growth and development say growth and development i am growing again hallelujah my failure is not behind me i am growing again thank you jesus enlarge [Applause] the place of your territory holy ghost is my season spiritual enlargement i'm going back for discernment i'm going back for that which i had before the power of the anointing i refuse to give up now it's time for restoration god says sing you know why a shift has taken place in the heavenlies your season has been shifted into a season of productivity and growth and development sing is my singing season they say with me it's my singing season and nothing will stop me from achieving my full potential in god i'm stepping into fullness he can't allah i'm stepping into fullness praise god almighty hallelujah right where you are i want you to go into a moment of introspection where you are today as where you ought to have then lord jesus you know what you have been stripped of rubbed off but today the lord is saying sin in spite of your current situation get [Music] a voice and sing change the narrative change the narrative change the narrative is not your final chapter the chapter you're in is not your final chapter there's more to your book there's more to your book there's more to your book there's more to your book you will not end in failure in despair you shall end in triumph in victory hallelujah hallelujah you shall hand in triumphant victoriously praise god almighty thank you jesus now as i bring this seriously close i i want to help somebody for i wouldn't believe that god would have me to come for threes these past three weeks just to talk talk to you and that's it god is up to something god wants to do something in the life of his people so i want you to say with me now spiritual enlargement come on say it spiritual enlargement i receive it i receive it in the name of jesus oh god i receive it in the name of jesus hallelujah i receive it in the name of jesus praise god almighty i want to pray for somebody to pray for somebody as i bring this seriousness closer and i pray for somebody yes you feel mad with yourself man with what you have achieving god because you have not fulfilled purpose can i pray with you today can you just walk from a year you are standing let me pray with you today in the name of the name of jesus in the name of jesus this altar call is not for those who just want to occupy space god sent this word for the last three weeks for a reason for a reason he has spoken to the church hallelujah i want to pray for you today hallelujah ah oh jesus oh jesus oh jesus oh jesus oh jesus those online you're left out today this word is for you too it's a word for you also hallelujah hey glory to god right where you are right where you are just say yes lord say yes to lord just write where you are say yes lord yes lord come into my room jesus come into my room jesus hallelujah oh say break it jesus said break it say break it so break it break it break it let me go back to tell you what i said earlier amen amen praise god let me believe and embrace this word to your benefit or doubt [Music] and reject it to your peril to your parent to your parent to your parent to your peril let me see the believers of this world today of the series today of this series hallelujah hallelujah you've got to internalize this word and follow the instructions hallelujah break forth into singing son i want to pray for you mother i want to pray for you hallelujah hallelujah our god and our father in the holy name of jesus lord we thank you today we honor you today this is your doing this is marvelous in your sight lord it was you who led over the past three weeks wasn't planned oh god but you led us oh god to deal with spiritual enlargement from the books of joel and isaiah so lord we thank you for the direction we thank you for the directive you gave oh god of which we obeyed now god we thank you for the spoken word lord god you're about to to do something for this church oh god you have said to this church it's a time for spiritual enlargement oh god to take us higher to take us wider to take us deeper oh god to glorify yourself in and by and through us in the name of jesus oh god so we thank you today we receive this word today you told us god that you will restore and we thank you for the restoration we thank you for all that which we had oh god lost oh god almighty they are being restored and we clap our hands and we open your mouth up and we say yes lord we thank you oh we say thank you we say thank you lord god oh god we thank you for the room you have made for us you have made a room for us god almighty and we thank you father we will wait until our eyes sees it well god we are already a shot back in your spirit because we believe this word my god you told us that we should oh god i'm missing and today we will be leaving this series with a song in our hearts hallelujah oh god that in all on our lips my god my savior we shall sing through my god through our difficulties oh god sing true oh god all the stopping blocks which are saying oh god bye my god the injuries because you have said it at you and i believe it it is our season of spiritual enlargement father thank you for enlarging our territory thank you for enlarging your space oh god thank you what you have dreaming god my savior thank you oh god today we thank you for shifting in zion in stonehill let me thank you today for what you have done in our lives father keep your hands upon us in the name of jesus christ oh god we bless you today we give you thanks and we honor your great name oh god keep your hands upon yourself and touch us and touch your people hallelujah establish without all god almighty are going in the name of jesus christ removed down from our hearts organs kills from our eyes help us god to walk from this house today transformed in our thinking transformed in our thoughts oh god transformed in our action in the name of jesus christ because your word oh god oh god declare that we are living in a season of spiritual enlargement thank you today your father it shall not be ended shall not reduce we thank you today bless those of you all to look look at layers upon them today our brother and our sister oh god those in the pews oh god breathe upon them today and shine oh god your light upon them today great god my savior oh god we thank you we give you praise today hallelujah oh yes we should back your name today oh god we hail you today all el king jesus all our conquering king thank you as we go today look at glory for us give us a victorious speaker oh god bring the paths that which are spoken dear father let somebody come forth with that testimony all that comfort with a song in the name of jesus we give you praise now and give your honor in jesus name and for jesus sake and for jesus oh yes say hallelujah say hallelujah amen clapping shout hallelujah [Applause] praise the name of god god bless you beloved i can't even start to say how much i've been blessed by the series amen i have been blessed amen and messed about this series and i thank god today for what he has done enlargement enlargement spiritual enlargement amen god bless before we go let's remind you that we come back at five o'clock this afternoon for sunday school on the zoom platform amen please join us at five o'clock and zoom for sunday school and at 7 30 we'll be meeting for amen our organization prayer meeting on our churches in jamaica and the curry building meeting at 7 30 for a prayer meeting on the zoo platform praise god we come back on tuesday for amen for prayer meeting praise god and wednesday fasting wednesday bible evening bible study thursday will be fast it will be a prayer meeting again because this week is a week of prayer so this week we have been prayer meeting tuesday and thursday and friday that will be praise god youth empowerment service and then come next week monday we start our youth convention god bless you amen please pray please pray 12 noon or 6 pm i mean at least three times together but you are free to pray right around the clock the different prayer watches but we pray as an organization at praise god at 6am 12 noon and 6 p.m god bless you lift your hands with a blessing please thank you jesus stand up for the blessing lord [Music] you
Channel: Bethel United Church of Jesus Christ Stony Hill
Views: 575
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Id: i5fB2B1i6Q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 6sec (8106 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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