Bethel Stony Hill Sunday Morning Worship | 2nd Service | Feb 6, 2022 | Speaker - Bishop D. C. Brown

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foreign [Music] there is [Music] in the atmosphere [Music] god is here [Music] with our hands lifted the resistance [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he foreign here he is here [Music] to break the oath to break the [Music] is [Music] come and lay down [Music] god is here [Music] holy spirit sing sweet holy spirit sweet heavenly dumb swing [Music] [Applause] [Music] and fill us with [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] without a doubt without a doubt [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy spirit [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ask [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] let's do that just one more time with our hands lifted says [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] stay right here lord we're asking you to fill us this morning fill us this morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] when we [Applause] [Music] without a doubt without a doubt [Music] shall leave this place [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let the church say hallelujah let the church say hallelujah without a doubt we know that we have been [Music] sweet there's a sweet sensation in this place [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] know [Music] increase your worship can you increase your worship can you say hallelujah let us say hallelujah it's the highest praise to god increase your worship in bethel today let us just increase our worship in the sanctuary praise god in the sanctuary praise him in the firmament of his power praise him for his wonderful works let everything that has breath praise [Music] hallelujah the name of the lord is great and worthy to be praised i i i invite you to make wherever you are a place of worship we're gonna magnify the lord our messiah wherever extol his wonderful name because he's worthy don't let anybody have to push you don't let anybody have to pump you but if we can just give jesus free access then a mighty thing will happen in the house of bethel today i greet you all in the wonderful name of jesus hallelujah i can feel the lord's presence in this place hallelujah i can feel the shekinah glory of the lord in bethel and i came here to give him praise i came here to give him worship i came here to adore him i came here to just magnify him hallelujah oh that man would praise the lord hallelujah we are gonna turn to the hymn number 256 hallelujah we're gonna sing when we all get to heaven i can't wait to get to that place hallelujah what a day of rejoicing it's gonna be when we all see jesus we're gonna sing and shout the victory today is one day missions convention we didn't leave or seen houses to look on our neighbors yes we we came to look on our friends and preach our brethren but we came with an important reason and that is commanded by the name of jesus hallelujah will help this morning hallelujah him number 256 in jesus name hallelujah [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] please is [Music] [Applause] [Music] rejoicing that oh [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] the toys [Applause] [Music] [Music] the prize [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] will be [Music] [Music] will be [Music] what a glorious state's gonna be what a glorious day it's gonna be when we all get to heaven hallelujah we're gonna sing and shout victory hallelujah we're gonna be going down in pearl this morning with sister christine hallelujah and we are going to pray that a mighty revival will hit the house of bethel we're gonna pray that somebody will be baptized somebody will receive the holy ghost somebody will be healed somebody will be made set free i guarantee you if we agree together then something good is gonna happen in jesus name go ahead and pray woman of god hallelujah almighty god lord you are the great i am jesus thank you mighty god you are the everlasting father jesus lord you are the prince of peace mighty god father without you jesus we are nothing mighty god you sit i and you look low almighty god you are the bomb in gilead mighty god you are the great i am jesus you are the everlasting father mighty god lord you are the strength or strength in times of weakness mighty god you are our problem solver jesus and there is none like you mighty god father we come to you one more time in your present jesus no other help but you king jesus mighty god you said whatever we asked in your name mighty god it shall be done jesus mighty god sit upon us sit upon us mighty god help us lord to be unite help us to be on one accord this morning mighty god lord saturate mighty god displace jesus with your 19 and with your holy spirit and fire jesus mighty god he said with all the holy spirit we are none of you jesus he said they that worship you mighty god must worship you in spirit and in truth mighty god so feel this atmosphere almighty god will worship mighty god sit upon us mighty god lie never before in this place mighty god lord that self be slain in the mighty name of jesus mighty god i come against every strong almighty god and i render them powerless in the mighty name of jesus lord live the standard in this place today jesus and let your name be glorified jesus sit upon each and every one of us in this place mighty god spirit of destruction mighty god iran died powerless in the mighty name of jesus lord speak to us jesus use us mighty god for your glory and for your honor jesus you said greater works we shall do mighty god and your word cannot go unto your viking jesus mighty god sit upon the musician jesus sit upon the choir almighty god sit upon the moderator jesus sit up and speak our bishop mighty god lord strengthening mighty god and camp round about almighty god as he go from dead today jesus mighty god be offense around him in the mighty name of jesus mighty god those who are unlike jesus mighty god touch their ears mighty god let their listen mighty god and let them be obedient to your voice king jesus and spirit of destruction mighty god a reindeer powerless in the mighty name of jesus mighty god those who are sick lord are called forth healing in the mighty name of jesus those who are weak mighty god i call forth strength mighty god those who are frustrated mighty god sit upon your people mighty god lord you know what needs mighty god you know what the desire for heart mighty god he said you shall supply our needs mighty god according to your riches in glory mighty god have your way in this place jesus let souls be saved mighty god let souls be delivered let someone cry almighty god that they need your mighty god let backslider run back to you mighty god let there be uncomfortable mighty god in their situation they are going through mighty god let there be uncomfortable mighty god and let there run back to you in the mighty name of jesus lord arise in this place jesus and let the enemy be scattered in the mighty name of jesus lord of your way today jesus let your will be done mighty god let your name be glorified mighty god as we give you thanks mighty god we give you the glory mighty god and we give you the honor we give you the praise as we tell you thanks in jesus name hallelujah we seal that prayer in the name of jesus we seal the purr in the name of jesus it will not return unto the lord void but it will accomplish that winch it was set forth to do in the name of jesus we are together again just praising the lord we are together again and one accord something good is about to happen something is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] together again [Music] again is [Music] praising the lord we act together again oh [Music] i stay no longer by the way [Music] [Music] the rest of life [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] will you is your long eternity [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah long eternity you see this gospel that they say has been preaching from i was mine would say they were a boy and i would say i was a girl but one day one day god is gonna burst the eastern sky and we're gonna be holding with our eyes and for those who have refused to turn you're gonna have to answer to jesus why won't you turn why won't you turn god is calling you to make a decision this morning long eternity is drawing near at hand we're gonna have our scripture reading this morning it's gonna come to us from the book of genesis chapter 24 reading from verses 50 to 60 and matthew chapter 6 verse 10 that genesis chapter 24 50-60 and matthew 6 verse 10 i'm going to ask missionaries to john to do the reading from for us in jesus name can i invite you all to stand as we pay reverence to the honor of the lord's word amen hallelujah amen hallelujah genesis chapter 24 praise the lord everybody and i'll be reading from verse 50 to verse 60 and i'll begin then laban and bethel answered and said the thing proceeded from the lord we cannot speak unto thee bad or good behold rebecca is before thee take her and go and let her be thy master's son's wife as the lord had spoken and it came to pass that when abraham's servant heard their words he worshipped the lord bowing himself to the earth and the servant brought forth drills of silver and drills of gold and rayment and gave them to rebecca he also he gave also to her brother and to her mother precious things and they did eat and drink he and the men that were with him and tarried all night and they rose up in the morning and he said send me away unto my master and her brother and her mother said let the damsel abide with us a few days at the least ten after that she shall go and he said unto them hinder me not seeing the lord had prospered my ways send me a way that i may go to my master and they said we will call the damsel and inquire at her mouth and they called rebecca and said on to her will thou go with this man and she said i will go and they send away rebecca their sister and her nurse and abraham's servants and his men verse 60 and they blessed rebecca and said unto her thou art our sister be thou the mother of thousands of millions and let thy sea possess the gate of those which hate them saint matthew chapter 6 and verse 10 thy kingdom come thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven these are the words of the lord hallelujah thanks be to the name of jesus thank you missionary sir john i'm gonna say goodbye i'm gonna say goodbye when my life on earth isn't it i'm gonna say goodbye i'm gonna say goodbye [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] on earth [Applause] [Music] i'm gonna say [Music] [Applause] [Music] on earth [Music] i'm gonna say goodbye is [Music] [Music] [Music] on earth is [Music] i am [Music] [Music] i am [Music] [Music] keeping me alive [Music] i am [Music] i am [Music] i say the preaching of the gospel soon be over soon [Music] all over the world [Music] [Applause] all over the world i say the preaching of the [Music] the preaching [Music] it's gonna be over [Music] i said all over the [Music] over the world i said the bleaching of the gospel of the gospel [Music] all over the world [Music] hallelujah hallelujah all over the world the preaching of the gospel easy god is setting this stage because the preaching of the gospel of soon be over all over the world he's coming back again [Music] he's coming back again to pay every man according as his work shall be the preaching of the gospel my brother mandesha i kundorian 10 o'clock is striking the hour and jesus will sue this end you may be seated in the house of the lord today hallelujah accept greetings from the house of bethel hallelujah you are watching from the house of bethel united church of jesus christ apostolic in stony hill hallelujah under the leadership of or island bishop for jamaica and the west indies bishop devon charles brown can you make him welcome and give god glory for our shepherd or angel the king that god has assigned to this house today and his beautiful wife and children we give god thanks for them the praise team our lovely brothers and sisters in christ you're physically in the house today we greet you well we greet all our brothers sisters that are watching from social media land all the backsliders all the unsaved if you're watching we greet you well you are the reason why we came you are our number one mandate hallelujah and we greet you well put your hands together for the saints that are watching online in jesus name we also want to greet i am seeing a couple visitors that i invited we invited we went out on friday and a couple persons well you've accepted stand if you were given an invitation sister sasha brother malik on the balcony hallelujah we are seeing you today and we are so happy that you have chosen bethel to be your place of worship today amen we also want to welcome back sister kim moan hallelujah look what the lord has done jesus if you know one of these days i'm sure sir will give her the opportunity to testify about how god brought her from death door back to life and today we magnify the name of jesus for our sister she was in the hospital for weeks but the church prayed and got moved miraculously in her life and we give god thanks for her today in jesus time in jesus name hallelujah time is going and the man of god has a word today and we don't want to stand in the way of god's word so it's offering time without any further delay let us stand hallelujah as we repeat or give our screed and bless the day's offering hallelujah and the praise team will be ministering for this segment in jesus name hallelujah thank you jesus amen i know persons celebrated birthdays uh last week it's a new week and we don't want to hallelujah not call these lovely names and send them all the birthday greetings sorry for having you stand immaturely but keep standing for a birthday this week we have evangelist alma brown who will be celebrating on the seventh we have sister nivea chambers on the seventh sister sonia tyrell or songbird on the eighth sister georgia brown takers on the 10th my god up your lovely people born in february a lot of a lot of them we're all lovely people sister jean lindsay on the 10th sister deandra wilson on the 10th oh my god please do not forget to call send them a message to make their day great for our anniversary we have mr and mrs maurice miller on the 8th and on the 12th sister kizzy hallelujah on the 8th and mr and mrs damian wright on the 12th amen let us extend our love towards our brethren as we celebrate birthdays and anniversary here on this week amen hallelujah we're gonna repeat the givers greet stand with me if you can amen hallelujah we affirm that the tithe belongs to god for the work of god we will not rob god of his tenth we shall stand on the promised blessings we affirm that he which sowed sparingly shall also reap sparingly and he which so and bountifully shall also reap bountifully every man according as he purposes it in his heart so let us give not grudgingly nor of necessity for god love it a cheerful giver i like the part that says he that sowed sparingly you're gonna reap sparingly but you see if you give to the lord bountifully you're gonna reap the harvest so give your best to the lord today and watch him work wondrously in your life my sister at the back hallelujah you were invited by sister geneva uh just say hallelujah let us see you hallelujah put your hands together for her to date amen my brother kevin's son hallelujah say hallelujah you're looking so handsome down there let me hear your voice under the mask or yes pull it down and shout for jesus hallelujah we pray that the lord will convict his heart today and he will be saved we have a lot of giving options today hallelujah i think you you know them very well cash up zell um venmo yes and your offering that you can drop off basically at the church office amen if you can't do it in the house of the lord today please play your part and ensure that you give to the work of the lord in jesus name i'm gonna invite brother javon to just put the mic to his mouth and bless the day's offering from where he is in jesus name father in the name of jesus we come before you this morning god we tell you thank you lord jesus for your many blessings for that which you have blessed us with god as we give the first fruit god almighty of our earnings we pray that you will bless our god and expand lord jesus christ bless those who have to give those who do not have that they will have to give at another time anoint god be glorified in our proceedings in jesus name do [Music] i'll rejoice in night and day as i walk a narrow way for the hand of god in all my life i see at the reason of my bliss yes the secret call is this [Music] [Music] once my heart was full of sin once i had no peace within till i heard how jesus died upon a tree then i fell down at my feet and there came a piece so sweet now the comforter abides with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] with me [Music] see [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] there's [Music] [Music] today [Music] with me [Applause] [Music] with me [Music] [Applause] with [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] this song just dropped in my spirit i said i wish somebody saw would i catch a fire catch a fire catch a fire i wish somebody saw it would i catch a fire [Music] one day [Music] you're not ready for the sun today so i'm not going to trouble you but my soul is on fire for jesus hallelujah thank you jesus we want to just bless the lord for what he has done thus far amen i am going to decrease hallelujah and invite the praise team to do the ceremonic rendition and then the next voice you are going to hear is that of our bishop and pastor hallelujah we are looking for that uh part two hallelujah thank you jesus let the church say hallelujah are you excited about the word that god is about to bring to his people i just want to also greet the members of the missions department today i thank god for the work that he continues to do through you and the passion that you have for ministry may the lord continue to bless keep you hallelujah as you execute god's work in jesus name hallelujah over to the priest [Music] hallelujah [Music] thank you jesus hallelujah tell me where hallelujah would i be hallelujah [Music] on my side tell me where would i be [Music] is [Music] me where would i be where would i be [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] where would i be [Music] he answers i [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] tell me when would i be [Music] [Applause] [Music] where would i be [Music] [Music] tell me where would i be [Music] yes open your mouth and say thank you jesus just say thank you jesus [Music] thank god for being by your side to protect to guide to cover you to lead you to watch over you where would i be i did not be for the lord on my side amen god bless you may be seated today in his presence we certainly praise god almighty honor the lord jesus christ our lord and savior we thank him for his goodness and his mercies praise god to us god has been good to us and even because of his goodness we are left with no other option amen but to choose the right one and that is to serve him and to worship his great name just turn to the person beside you this point and say amen something good is about to happen to you just say stay listen to stay in the worship position stay in the praise position for god inhabits our praises he live in worship so stay in the worship position and god will come by you bless you bounty fully today he may let nothing mute you let nothing mute your voice mute your expressions of worship you have a right to worship and to magnify our god so i'm delighted to be back in the house the second time today amen to honor and to worship and to glorify our lord and the savior jesus christ praise god he is my lord he is my savior he is my sustainer the lord is my keeper the shade upon my right hand shall not smite me by day or the moon by night thou shalt protect my going out and my coming head open your mouth and say something open your mouth and say something lord shall protect my going out and my coming hand oh thank you jesus what an assurance what an assurance what an assurance glory to god so we honor the lord today and magnify his greatest marvelous his loving name amen to lady brown and greet her again in jesus name praise god to to our associate pastors and their absence and greet them to their families clapping hands for them in jesus name to our moderator even the leader of our missions ministry in dangerous latoya's single god bless you today jesus then told our officers to all our brethren to our visitors to the children those who are worshipping with us in person and those who are online i extend greetings to everyone today in jesus name welcome to bethel welcome to the house of the lord to those who are online we welcome and we agree to you well we know you have options galore these days but you have chosen to stick with bethel and story and we thank god for those of you in europe and the us in the canada the caribbean as far away as zambia in africa amen libya in africa amen and also praise god those in china we give god thanks for you and of course those across the caribbean coming clappy hands for our online worshipers i don't call them viewers they are worshippers amen and we greet them well jesus name to our senior members are at home today we salute and give thanks for them god bless you all our seniors and our shouting please remember to pray for i know you've been praying for for the mothers almost every day well every day remember to pray for my mother uh mother beryl brown she is in our 89th here and she is not strong as in other times she has gotten weak in the last few weaker the last few days i saw her yesterday and really it was very difficult to see a mother not in pain but just not eating she ought to eat and sleeping a lot for a week we want to pray for her but god knows best amen we prayed for her and we're leaving or in the hands of jesus praise the lord she has lived a good life 89 years faithful faithful cause of christ so please pray it's not easy for us as a family but we crave your prayers and i'm sure the other families of our mothers mother nooks and mother gordon will also create a grave our prayers these are star wars in the faith amen but god promised to be with them even when they are old and created promise not to leave them amen be able to guide them safely to the other side amen praise the lord so please pray for mother brown in jesus name praise god almighty so good to see you brother michael sister stephanie in the house today with your little girl amen kobe baby praise the lord god bless both of you even good to have them today in jesus name god bless you so good to see you in god's house this is the camone gibson i rejoice when i saw you come with him earlier i rejoice for you he made went all the way to intensive care been unconscious for many days but god brought her back god brought her back wow give god the praise so give god a praise give god our praise glory praise god and god bless you mr music good to have you again in bethel god bless you amen god bless those who are staying on for the second service god bless you god bless you god bless you amen in jesus name praise the lord please um uh remember to pray for uh sister kathy and their family as they prepare to put their mother away which will be this friday uh in garden hill out of town of course we all cannot go because of the restrictions for the funerals but it will be this friday and we want to pray for her and the family i'm sure we will get the uh zoom information during the week so from our homes from our offices we can uh play our part in supporting her via zoom aiming on friday so please pray for her and the family jesus name also sister joan i think also this week this friday also should be putting away our uncles your uncle amen and freddie also out of town right out of town said mary so we are going to pray for the drone also and her family as they put away their loved one on friday uh in saint mary we are praying for our loved ones amen pray for the breath in jesus name god to say sister hanley oh lopez looking so good oh praise the lord i tell you hey man god bless you and lee lopez good to have you today looking good amen look good praise the lord i like the look praise to the lord in jesus name praise god almighty thank you jesus also please pray for minister well sister jasmine hall and the family she lost her brother-in-law yesterday suddenly he was an inspector of police and he just collapsed and died on the job yesterday uh so please professor jasmine all and the family as they increase the loss or sister's husband so please you know it must be very difficult but pray for the family in jesus name saint jesus name say in jesus name hallelujah god is well able to undergird them and to strengthen them in this time of loss praise the lord well we thank god for his goodness his goodness to us we started we gave part one of the word that god gave me for the church which should have been preached on the first sunday in january but i was injured i was injured so for the second time in 31 years i wasn't able to preach on the first sunday in stony hill in the sec on the second time in 31 years i was in the company of somebody throughout the week who tested uh positive on the saturday uh before the first sunday amen for the covet uh 19 virus and because i put i was with this person all day thursday uh up and down with me i i all the abundance of caution decided to stay home on on on sunday a lot of wisdom and caution amen as but thank god amen i wasn't uh i didn't contract the disease or the virus praise the lord amen but i thank god for his goodness so i know you have been waiting for the word and i those of you who are listening this moment i've heard the word amen the part one of the word amen for this year beloved i have a responsibility to seek god for this house amen for this house i can't speak for another house amen i have two responsibilities more than two but uh i i see god forward for this church this immediate church that i pastor amen and then i have a seat god also for a direction for the organization for a new here praise god almighty so i am always trying to hear from god for a word not only for bethesda but also the organization but we now move in we're moving now into convocation and uh we have to have a word from the lord to guide us into 20 22 23 amen so please pray for me please pray for the nmc that god will just visit us and speak because this is my duty to provide leadership as the president to the nmc and to the organization so i need your prayers in jesus name amen so i i take my duties very seriously to the extent that each year when it comes around september october i slowly move myself away from a lot of things and uh seek to be at the feet of jesus for it's just not a one-day thing it's not the hurricane thing where he just horribly the word for the people you you you position yourself amen before god i said god i need you to speak to me a word for your people for they are your people not my people amen so it starts around september each year and it runs down to december before first sunday sometimes the words come swiftly quickly other time it is punishing organizing when you see it's coming towards the symbol you don't hear from god as yet there's a god what is happening you'll become nervous and agitated but god always come through amen always come true with uh with the word so i take my duties very seriously because uh your souls are very important to god amen and direction is important amen as we navigate these difficult times so praise the lord so i know you have been waiting amen for the word and those of you who were on this morning you'd have listed a uh the word the the focus for the here praise god almighty so we read two scriptures um from genesis 24 50 through 60. amen in matthew chapter 6 and verse 10 and i'm gonna insert insert for the second service another scripture third john verse two third john verse two john has on the third john has one chapter so just third john and verse two praise god almighty since the kisha is back amen for the second service praise the lord amen praise the lord uh verse 58 of saint of genesis 24 tells us that and he said this was abraham's servant trusted servant speaking now to the brothers and the mother of the virgin the damsel rebecca amen they had requested of him god sent well god spoke to abraham in his old age and abraham sent his trusted servant now isaac abraham's son uh was of age of age amen ready to be married and uh abraham called remember now that god had sent abram away from his kindred his country from among his people leave your kings read and i'll give you a land i mean a promise an abraham a paid card and went from his land his country and dwelling in a strange land but now abraham son isaac was of agent to be exposed to a wife and uh abraham fought and decided that his wife my son's wife should be of my old kindred not a strange wife for it it dealt it dwelt among strangers amen so abraham called his chief servant and uh he made and hold and abram said go into onto my people and find for me a virgin a damsel for my son what a task what a task and um the servant said to abraham how will i know that this girl this lady is the chosen wife for your son and abraham said don't worry the lord will go before you hallelujah and he will select that person and this is the sign you should look for when they get to my land praise god so true to the word when the servant got to abraham's country and the first place is top would have been by the well because they were tired exhausted needed to refresh themselves and as he stopped by the well sister kisha amen to refresh himself and the sign was for that this bride this little girl would come and the one that offered them water amen simple as that water would be the chosen person the one who showed kindness to them would be the chosen person chosen bride for his son because god would go ahead of them so having obeyed abraham and god when they got to the well and sat down to to refresh himself they saw a caravan of camels coming amen and a fear damsel a fear virgin a fear lady was among them glory to god when they got to the well amen abraham's servant even required of her of them amen water from the well and she was so studious she was so loving she although these were strangers she reached for her or bucket or a container pulled water fed abram's serpent even fed amen the other servants even the camels got water and got right away right there and then cemented the sign praise god that his servant abram's servant was looking for hallelujah god is a god who can be trusted come on say something say something so when that played out and uh and abram's servant revealed to them his purpose and uh the dam was the damsel turned out to be rebecca praise god marriage she she she said yes yes she would go amen to abraham to be married to a man shall never met a man she doesn't know praise the lord and uh but rebecca's mother and her brothers wanted to delay the return journey to stop to slow them down so here we find now in verse 3 56 their reply to their request because now they had said to abram's servant delay stay with us a few more days in fact they said stay ten more days with us and here we have abraham's serpent uttering a powerful word verse 56 and he said unto them he said unto them endure me not seeing the lord hath prospered my way send me away that i may go to my master verse 56 of genesis 24. the new king james version rendered like this and he said to them do not hinder me since the lord has prospered my way the new living translation put it this way but he said delay don't delay me the lord hath made my mission successful the lord has made my mission successful say matthew 6 and verse 10 thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven third john in verse 2 beloved i wished above all things that thou must prosper and be in health even has thy soul prosperity so the theme the focus for this church the theme for this year is i want you to listen to me those who may have not have heard already via youtube even on facebook in their me not it's the year of fulfillment in their mean knot is to hear of fulfillment open your mouth and say this release is written heavily releasing the atmosphere enter me not is the year of fulfillment come on release this word in the atmosphere come on in there me not is the year of fulfillment i can't hear it too often or too much in there me not is the year of fulfillment don't delay me don't slow me down it is the year of fulfillment even take a minute and place that on your statuses even type it in the chat on youtube send it to even friends and neighbors wide and far in their mean not it's the year of fulfillment and the sub topic i want to work today is it shall come to pass in 22. it shall come to pass in 22 say with me it shall come to pass in 22 come on it shall come to pass in 22. it shall come to pass in 2022 come on clap your hands and say hallelujah it shall come to pass in 2022 is the year of fulfillment hallelujah praise the lord now as i said to the first the first service i want you to make some declaration for yourself in this service amen the first one i want you to repeat after me it will come together in 22. it will come together in 22. i don't know what your it is aya shata i don't know what your it is but whatever your it is it will come together in 22 glory to god come on say something somebody say something amen i may even go further and say they will for it may be more than one thing amen so say they will come together oh god that you don't hear me they will come together in 22 whatever they are they shall come together in 22 praise god almighty number two say with me injure me not in 22 the lord has prospered my way the lord has prospered my way my journey is prosperous i am not yet in march or april or june may june or july or august but listen my journey through this year is prosperous come on come on come on i am walking in july yeah i'm walking in orcas come walk with me coming walk with me i'm walking in september i'm walking in october i'm walking in november i'm walking in my december the lord has prospered my way come on say hallelujah hallelujah the lord has prospered my way clap your head and say hallelujah number three number three say with me amen speak it speak it activate it because life and death is the power of the tongue open your mouth and speak it hey say hallelujah life and death and the power of the tongue glory to god i feel god i feel god i feel god today let me speak the word today let me just quickly summarize some things i said earlier and you remember before i get to the continuation of the word i was able to finish part one in the first service so you're getting brought you're getting broader today brought in the second service oh praise the lord to hinder is to be stopped to be injured is to be stopped you know stopped block amen to be injured it'll be stopped to be impeded to be obstructed or to be restrained say with me this year i will not be stopped i will not be impeded i will not be obstructed i will not be restrained because the lord has prospered my way the lord has prospered my way in 22. so this year beloved you've got to open your mouth and speak the word and speak the word don't rock your head don't bow it open your mouth hinder me not hinder me not when the devil tried to block your path at work with the boss kill tower shutter would you supervise up your car work up just open your mouth in your spirit head of me not the lord has prospered my way you have got to use your voice this year never shatter glory i feel the power moving me to that you've got to use your voice this year come on open your mouth hallelujah i feel the power today hallelujah i will not be stopped i can't speak for you so you better open your mouth and speak for yourself glory to god mandarable shutter let me say this quickly quickly quickly get this if you feel the follow-up instructions in the service today and you sit back in your rocking chair with your mod shut up and don't do what i'm telling you to do when you see others were in obedience because they move forward burn the choice of them don't begrudge them because you chose to keep your mouth shut your chosen you chose to don't believe the word but today i believe this word today it's a year of fulfillment all my blessings that were delayed oh god no bishop don't go there yet don't touch the leg blessings oh my shutter when i release to release release in the name of jesus said jesus said jesus said jesus open your mouth and say jesus christ in jesus name and release my blessings voice activation [Music] oh god in the first service i request the present worship minister to sing my god it's just a beginning it's just the beginning you have not seen your best days yet are they clear i prophesy to you you have not seen your best days yet i need some bold people today to step out bullies to step out and say it's the beginning i'm stepping in my blessings the lord has prospered my way my way is prosperous our door is open it's just the beginning i declare i prophesy to you you have not seen your best place yet open your mouth i say yes no devil no dream come blocking this here for this you are anointed for 22 is a year of fulfillment my god what a word what a word without your what the word blocked for a long time me mama in there for a long time but today open your mouth and say into me not come on open your mouth and say in demeanor talk to the lord has prospered my way i heard babies said the lord is my shepherd high higher high higher can you see today green pastures he maketh me to lie down the green pastures let me resize the waters yes so i walk through the valley shadow of death i fear no evil how come because thou art the me in the presence of my enemies enemies enemies god shall spread you your attainment in the presence of your enemies say something that's the year what fulfillment [Applause] is to hear of fulfillment say fulfillment come on i can never preach the same message the same way can always tweak it you're getting more than the first service today come on say something god said behold i prepare for you a table come on draw your chair today mr cameron mr camera work with me work with me monday draw your table around the table draw your chair and sit down around the table in the presence of the enemies come on i said come on draw your cheer lead to me not the table is prayer the family's prayer and the presence of your enemies into me not [Applause] [Music] i shall not be stopped say stop i shall not be stopped in 22 the terrorist prayer the lord has prospered my way [Applause] it's here of fulfillment [Music] fulfillment it shall be fulfilled it shall be realized it shall come to pass [Music] it will happen it shall happen god why is the second service pushing me so much don't you know i've not eaten from morning i've been eating for money i've not drink tea no water from morning i'm up from earlier all night last that was there praying all the sleep okay glory to god hallelujah i will not be stopped or injured or impeded or shot in 2022 praise the lord sit down don't push me yet the body is tired glory to god now i want to point out something to you lord of god abraham's servant said the lord has prospered my way so it follows therefore that for my way to be prosperous it must be in alignment with the will of god say we love god it must be in alignment with the will of god those of you who drives knows when the car or the vehicle needs alignment it's all is you're driving on a smooth straight road and the vehicle is taking your left taking the right just serving because it needs alignment since you go to the shop and balance your tires i'll check your front end and align the front end bring back your vehicle in alignment i say that to say this for your way to be prosperous your life must be in alignment with the word of god say with me my life must be in alignment come on say with me with the word of god thank you jesus so don't let that escape you it's good to shout and dance and skip but for this world to be fulfilled this year our lives must be in alignment with the word of god thank you jesus thank you jesus let me just let me just uh go down amen i'm gonna skip some stuff here because i'm almost finished praise the lord thank you jesus now this morning i spoke and brought clarity to what it is to be hindered to be stopped to be impeded to be obstructed to be restrained amen and then the lord further drove me to research and as i prayed last year september to december i saw spirits release in the heavenlies in the year i saw spirits and these spirits were given assignments kusha talabu and the assignment i couldn't understand what was going on and the lord drove me to research what are enduring spirits because they are in their spirits around come on you don't believe this say something say something they are spirits that injures block people stop people full but you're going forward and pull your back we have got to educate ourselves and know that we are in a war of fear it's war churches war is open war is open war it's not time to be passive or be speak boy sweet girl with a war fear you've got to use your voice open your mouth and speak the word reverse some stuff hey maka shout out oh my god oh shanda you can't be just easy easy a nice christian and watch the devil destroy your family destroy your health destroy your community and this boy i can't be bothered it's not my business come on it's your business you are unknown for this say i am anointed for this i am unknown for this so what are in different spirits an evil spirit a individual spirit is an evil spirit evil spirit sent on a mission by the enemy for the purpose of hindering your given assignment let that soak in let that soak in that he have got to know what you're up against i shall repeat that an enduring spirit is the evil spirit the evil sent on a mission god almighty by the enemy the devil for the purpose of entering your god-given assignment god gave you an assignment and this spirit is tasked at blocking you stopping you that is the definition of an individual spirit you have got to have the high of discernment he could shatter and address swords or something things are happening in the soul is a spirit behind it's a spirit behind the attack in your home marker on your health on your finances come on now man on your finances at your workplace it's a spirit sent on assignment oh to stop your god-given assignment and a mission to stop your god-given assignment by by creating one distractions distractions beloved these days we are so easily distracted it's difficult to stay focused i don't know if you have experienced this there there are always invasions things invade in your space invading your space to distract you to take your mind to take our minds off god so that purpose will not be fulfilled but today god sent me to bethel to stir the saints to open their eyes and understand that there is a spirit ignorant spirit called destruction whose shonda umami santa is down to block the spirit of destruction you cannot concentrate for five minutes on the bible and god until you're there's an invasion of your space your space who shata is war say war say war church come on i don't hear you i want you to be with me man it's war you have got to bring your mind into subjection come on you must shun let this mind be in you also in christ jesus my mind must stay on jesus oh my up there are many scenes around you scenes at work scenes at home it's like you know grand play a play a performance and there are different scenes market [Music] and for the entire days like you are distracted from what is the right thing but today i want to open your eyes today and be able to discern the spirit of destruction and say with me destruction i come against you i come against you in the name of jesus i shall no longer be destructed i know your demon i know your demon you you ignorant spirit destruction higher all glory greater greater greater in me in the world spirit indirect spirit of destruction number two enduring spirit of strange trials strange trials these are not usual trials these are on these are days of unprecedented trials but beloved say with me if god be for me beloved is a voice activation today i don't know mute spirit in this house your voice is not muted on zoom and zoom the host has a feature the option of muting everybody on the zoom platform but today i come against the spiritual zoom host who want to put the people of god unknown i shall not be muted i shall open my mouth open your mouth open your mouth don't shake your head don't rock it open your mouth use your voice use your voice strange trials from ours i've never seen these things strange struggles number three abnormal obstacles and frustration these are the assignment of the individual spirits praise god almighty now allow me to go to the aspect of this message i want to say today people of god what are acts what is god's will for your life thy will be done on earth has is in heaven is it god's will for your life to end in suicide talk to me talk to me is it god's will for your life to end in suicide talk to me talk to me talk to me he cash chaturbo sata it's a demon of indirin pushing people to commit suicide but my life will not hand in suicide is it god's will for your life to end in defeat come on talk to me so what i'm trying to do now i am trying to establish the will of god the will of god for my life for your life is it the will of god for your life to end in defeat for your life to end with you be miserable talk to me for your life the head with your being a backslider is it for your life to end with your being a unrepentant sinner no it's not god's will for any man to perish say perish so can we establish right away is not god's will for any man to perish so if it's not god's will it must be the devil's glory to god glory to god so we have to establish what is the will of god for my life it's not god's will to go to hell hell was not made for man hell was not made for man but for the devil and his angels so it's not god's will for a man to go to hell is because of disobedience say disobedience disobedience who shut up so we i'm trying now to navigate and to unearth the will of god for your life for my life for the human race glory to god thank you jesus so we we should understand therefore that is god's will for us to live victoriously amen victoriously but guess what we have now a situation where because of indian spirits your blessings have been delayed and because of this delay it brings frustration and anxiety come on say something because of the delayed blessings god prophesied over life 15 years ago 20 years ago declare that you are going to achieve this achieve that and rise to serve me in this office in the church but from that day it's like you have been delayed stopped restrained amen tripled over always falling over but today i'm saying to you those delayed blessings glory to god they are released in 2022. oh you don't believe this you don't believe this let me prophesy to you today let me declare to you today those delayed blessings i release my imprint or two because god has prospered your way come on somebody come on somebody come on somebody take a walk take a stroll take a press break take a press break come on take hallelujah god told me to tell bethel those delayed blessings i release osha the lord has prospered my way come on praise to the lord i say today hear me well those delayed blessings that release him this year oh shut up open your mouth and speak to those spirits speak to every force of darkness hinder me not the lord has prospered my way can i touch daniella for a while the bible said that daniel was praying about the matter and from the very first day the first day god sent the answer but guess what beloved the bible said some demons of i wonder today through the spirit today the bible said god sent the answer for daniella for the demons of pressure oh glory to god block the angel block god's spirit god angel from the very first day your blessings have been blocked but today i say to you those that praying those are fasting worth of worshipping the weapons oh yes lord the weapons of our warfare that corner the mighty almighty say mighty say almighty through god the pulling down of struggles is today it's time this is here to pull down struggles come on warriors stand with me warriors pull them down pull them down pull them down pull them down pull them down [Music] i said pull them down i said pull them down be radical be bold open your mouth and pull them down the weapons for our fear the corner for mighty almighty almighty true god pull them down pull them down every place must come down every right place every place okay shut up every place must come down they must crumble they must scramble come on march around march around your jericho march around your jericho until the wars come crumbling down march around your jericho every right place favorite place must come down easter here of fulfillment the year of fulfillment ever i place say it must come down must come down at your home must come down the blessing is released prince of persia is blocking your blessing but today [Music] god is about to sin michael gabriel [Applause] help is on its way help to help so help help help it's on its way i lift my eyes to the hills from whence cometh my help my help come from the lord the maker of heavens and the earth it's a release say release so release is a year of release and fulfillment who shut up or release all those delayed blessings have been released all those blocked opportunities have been cleared oh god [Applause] in 22 in the mean christians christians christians believers the lord has made your mission in 22 successful the lord has prospered my way i am bold i am defiant i am defiant my mission shall not be aborted my destiny shall not be aborted [Music] my dreams shall not die my destiny shall not be aborted is to hear despite obstructions despite been impeded my the lord has prospered my way thy kingdom come thy will [Music] be done on earth you know let me just stop i have so much more to give let me stop here who shot her it's not god's will for you to die and go to hell not god's will the hell was it made for the difference in jesus i want to pray for someone today comes to latoya come it's the same but come i want to pray for somebody today you're not safe walk up here those who feel as if those christians will feel as if they're held back please make some way make some way you for years you have been held back obstructed stopped you're frustrated i break it i break it i break it in jesus name i stand upon it in jesus name oh is here of fulfillment all the promises that god gave me will be fulfilled this year all my missed opportunities shall be reclaim this here [Music] oh yeah all my missed opportunities i reclaim them this year mark i speak this word 2022 activate the word into me not into me not delay me not the lord has prospered my way the year of fulfillment that baptized the pool is ready the pool is ready you've got to come in alignment with god's will but slider is your day to come in alignment with the godsville come on somebody stand with me somebody stand with me i am higher than you all it's my second message for the day you just came to the service stand with me man it's time give me some energy come on send some positive vibes up inside praise god you should clap your hands say yes [Music] injure me not the lord has prospered my way here when those delayed blessings delayed blessings because of persia the prince of persia they are released this year it's a release this year god told me tell this church use your voice use your voice this year don't be afraid to use your voice don't be shy or timid just look at the devils and demons and persons who are led by different evil spirit into me not the lord don't be afraid to look at the loans officer processing a loan for the mortgage in the mean not us glory to god the lord has prospered my way it shall come to pass in 22 god bless you [Music] all to jesus i surrender all to him i free freely [Music] and trust him in his breath [Music] [Music] [Applause] come to jesus [Music] [Music] i surrendered [Music] [Music] surrendered to him [Music] we have some broken hearts today i surrender holy let me feel thy bore truly know that thou art with me let me do you want to to him [Music] we have over 10 people at this altar crying to jesus you've had some hindering spirits blocking your path by the man of god came to remind us today that god has already prospered your way i don't care what the hindering spirit is right now there's a release in the atmosphere there's a release in the atmosphere there's a release in the atmosphere a shot there's a release in the atmosphere [Music] [Music] be released in the name of jesus these are released in the name of jesus these are released in the name of jesus church church our church god be thou released in the name of jesus [Music] that person that birth is feeling the holy ghost on the block that person is feeling the power of the balcony hero kosher five more minutes get up and praise jesus get up and agree the spirit that your brother will be released that your sister will be released yeah shut up god has prospered away [Music] we shamosa all to you today jesus holy ghost [Music] surrender grab a hold of your fulfillment grab a hold of your victory you don't have to be the same again you don't need to return because god has already blocked those doors and has released your spirit to accept the fulfillment this year if you came here feeling blocked god that sends release has already done so stand with me church hallelujah god sent a rhema word from the throne room of god today and my heart is richly blessed i've been reminded one more time not to be distracted by these hindering spirits hallelujah young woman as god is speaking to you even right now will you elevate those hands hallelujah god is releasing you right now he's releasing you right now he's releasing you right now there's a fresh release over your life i said there's a fresh release over your life there's a fresh release over your life take it take it in the name of jesus you're the fresh releaser you're the fresh releaser persons are being released today [Music] hallelujah hey hey i surrendered [Music] all [Music] surrender stand with me church hallelujah is there one on the altar today that would say give me jesus is there one that would go down in the watery grave because you came here feeling blocked but the spirit of god has released you and you're ready to give your life over to jesus young man from you came in this service today i saw god all over you he's speaking to you right now he's speaking to you even right now a release has been sent to your spirit and god is pricking you don't lead the same way you came reunite with god and watch him work in your life wondrously one dressly hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus we're gonna dismiss this service hallelujah but i just want to bless god today for our bishop and pastor hallelujah let's just elevate jesus who sent the word through the man of god two services he preached his heart out to feed the body of christ and wherever you are today you've been reminded you've been told that god is going to fulfill that which he has promised you he's going to prosper your way hallelujah put your hands together for jesus put your hands together for jesus hallelujah i thank you all who came to the altar for purr we pray that the faith that we extend for your soul will find you and you will cry out for jesus hallelujah soon and very soon hallelujah we have a baby to be blessed hallelujah we're gonna do it before we leave hallelujah and this is baby diana rhea thomas amen hallelujah mother stephanie vanessa thomas and father michael thomas stan as we prepare this lovely baby hallelujah to be blessed amen hallelujah we will you could just walk up hallelujah due to kovid we will allow you to keep the baby hallelujah i'm going to hand over this part to bishop in jesus name hallelujah praise the lord hallelujah come brother thomas okay sister christian is going to be taking photographs today amen praise the lord please stand this will be quick amen yes bless
Channel: Bethel United Church of Jesus Christ Stony Hill
Views: 726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C38O1d1Qavo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 3sec (8223 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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