Bethel Stony Hill | Wednesday Fasting and Deliverance Service | March 2, 2022 - Pt 2

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with no semblance of order jesus said we should watch and pray we should watch and pray watch and pray to watch and pray so prayer is important in this hour but watchfulness is also important to watch to watch is simply to stay a week to watch is simply to stay awake jesus said to his disciples and to us by extension watch so we should not fall asleep in this hour now i'm not talking about your your physical sleep because you need sleep to rejuvenate your body amen and i was talking about you're going to go into your bed and get your six hours or 12 hours or eight hours whatever it is not saying that and i'm speaking now of your spiritual walk with god as relates to your christianity uh he said watch and pray so in this hour we ought to stay awake hallelujah stay awake in our journey with jesus stay awake we we cannot afford and should not amen allow ourselves to just fall off to sleep and go into a state of slumberness a a state of even weariness in a state where we are unable to to be watchful uh we are unable to be in alert or on alert because the time we're living in today the time is meant to really amen pull us down and and cause us to be weary and and make us praise god lose our steadfastness but jesus said watch and pray amen stay awake and pray hallelujah now pastor you need to go further and tell me more about what you're saying praise the lord uh the the the bible said there were ten virgins am i talking here and five were wise and five were foolish and while the bridegroom turret they all slumbered and they all slept yes they all went to sleep but at midnight a cry was made behold the bridegroom comet go out to meet him now the difference amen with the five wise versions against the five foolish virgins is that the wise virgins were the wise virgins praise god almighty were alerted they were ready they were not caught off god they were always even expecting the lord to come at any time praise the lord so although they were sleeping as it were when they were given the sound they were ready their oil was ready their lamp was ready they had it sufficient in reserve praise god almighty but the foolish aim of the world already so beloved we have got to understand in this time and age we have got to stay alert say alert stay focused say focus stay focused stay stay stay i will wake in the name of jesus because if you are not a man alert amen or a wake-up we will not be ready for the coming of jesus will not hear the sound of the trumpet we can't afford ourselves not to hear we have got to aim and stay awake amidst the turmoil still awake amidst aiming the confusion still awake we've got to stay awake in the name of jesus praise god stay awake in prayer amen stay awake in prayer hallelujah beloved i don't know about it but in this day of this hour we need to increase amen the frequency of our prayers am i talking here amen we have got to literally amen praise god watch and pray walk and pray sleep and pray work and pray heat and pray amen we can't amen because the bible is a prayer without season and in this then howard we have got to build up a prayerful relationship with our jesus because even prayer is what connects us with jesus prayer amen bring us close to jesus we we can't afford him and to sever our prayer life in the name of jesus christ now within heaven we need to cry out to jesus pray to him called him because him and he promised he meant to intervene to come in our midst and to bless us and to do what's good let nothing cut off your prayer life hallelujah find time to pray amen find time to pray don't get too busy hallelujah you have got to find time to talk amen to our god praise the lord amen jesus went in to get cinnamon and he brought peter james and john with him said come with me yonder let's go and pray the lord went to pray when he came back he saw peter james and john they were asleep beloved beloved beloved we have got to shake ourselves from slumber amen and find time praise god to pray and to seek the face of jesus christ don't allow amen the oh lord god the things around you to do to so controlled your thinking control your actions you have no appetite no desire praise god to pray i say to you today a man watch and pray lest you fall into temptation say something somebody say something today hallelujah watch and pray hey mr neighbor stay awake stay awake stay awake steal me come on touch yes somebody says devon still awake aim and stay awake in this season my god mercy because many a men are gone out of the sleep and they are not able to discern the time that we are living here but today i want to submit to you beloved amen we have got to watch and pray the signs haircut shut up the signs are pointing us to the coming of jesus christ stay awake and pray stay awake and pray don't allow yourself don't allow ourselves amen to go off in deep sleep or in slumber no you have got to stay awake and watch and pray now your paul pulses awake vow that sleepers awake the other sleepers so we should not be sleeping spiritually in this hour it is dangerous to be sleeping spiritually when one is asleep they are unconcerned unaware of what is going on around them amen praise god the bible said if the good man of the house are known in what watch the good man here is the homeowner the homeowner if he had known in what watch beloved the thief will not tell you what how up is coming what day is coming the thief will not give you the heads up and say well i'm coming for your car on monday at 3 pm no it will not do that but you know a faith is out there now thief is always waiting for the opportunity to come in hallelujah so beloved if the the goodman had known and what watch the people have come in that will watch and not serve us out to be broken and beloved we don't know the power in the lord is coming back we don't know he said is coming the angels don't know no one knows but the fact is he is coming he's coming what isai talk to me he's coming i say as a thief in the night unannounced is coming as a thief unannounced so we have to ensure we are awake sleeping naturally but awake spiritually oh come on satan again brother problem sleeping naturally but awake spiritually hallelujah so then awake without the sleepers and arise from the dead and christ shall give the light see them that you walk circumspectly not as fools but as wise why redeeming the time for the days of evil we're living in evil days beloved is not business neutral we are living in serious times so i've got to walk circumspectly walk carefully walk amen discreetly and to consider all the circumstances and the consequences walk circumspectly not as fools was wise redeeming the time for the days are the days i hear praise the name of our god so here we are beloved in an age when so many signs are being fulfilled as one pass another one come on the scene and uh it is sad because the world as it were is just doing the same thing no change of mindset just the same old same hole but beloved at the church as a church as a church we have to we may not allow ourselves to be caught up with what the opinion makers are saying we know what the bible is saying amen we know what the bible is saying amen when you see these things what look up for your retention joy nigh praise god so watch and pray praise god keep your spiritual eyes open stay awake and i see you watch and pray don't allow the devil to attack your prayer life amen he's trying to attack your prayer life aiming to shut your mouth amen to refuse you amen if your time spent with god but today i call upon the body of christ watch and pray in the name of jesus christ because beloved amen praise god we don't know the day now the hour but we know it's coming again when you see these things look up redemption at night and we cannot be left behind we cannot be left behind no hallelujah for the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout out hallelujah oh praise god and the voice of the archangel and the trump of god and then in christ shalt rise for us we need to be the rapture oh yes yes yes sir we need to be the rapture when the lord comes to the church we've got to be ready to go back with him and be here to hear welcome the good and faithful servant come on somebody we've got to wear copper shake yourself up wake up open your eyes can't you see can't hear where man the head is upon us we've got to open your eyes and watch and pray amen be vigilant because your adversary roll logan is walking about seeking who may be the follower oh but some comforter i am covered in the name of jesus christ protect protect your prayer life watch stay awake [Music] let nothing put you to sleep god almighty yes lord let nothing put you to sleep now more than ever our eyes needs to be opened and live in a state of readiness can't you see beloved can't you see what is going on around you can't you see what is happening around us watch and pray and as we watch and pray we have to work amen work while it is day the night cometh when no man can see to work hallelujah hebashanda beloved can i say this the devil is half to your soul is half to your soul relently relentlessly is pursuing your soul he wants to cut you off even from your inheritance oh glory to god he won't just stop you and block you but today i stand to say greater is it you that he that is in the world you have got to fight for it who must shout fight for your inheritance fight and protect your anointing monday shut up the devil is after your anointing amen to cut you to reduce you but to be i say to you as you watch and pray fight for your anointing defend your anointing about send war war for your anointing amen fight back for your anointing let no devil not demonstrate rob you of your inheritance jesus said if i go i'll come again and prepare let nothing rob you of your irritants it's mine says mine says mine says mine is mine if i go i come again i receive you unto myself we cannot allow ourselves to lose out no not after the struggles not after the pains not after the things you deny yourself off we cannot allow no devil no demon to rob us of our narrative come on say hallelujah say say hallelujah say hallelujah we can't allow it even many of us come to church sometimes wounded but we're still singing a man who hurt him but still worshiping amen back against the wall but still preaching come on because we are determined to hold out to the hand who sunder who glory to god hallelujah say with me no retreat so glory said no retreat come on sin nor retreat no surrender umaka make sure your mind is made up and you won't turn back by the grace of god i'm gonna get up and push my way through i can't give up now i've got to watch and pray hallelujah i've come too far from where i've started nobody told me the road would be easy but i don't believe he brought me this fire oh god to leave me praise god beloved jesus said watch and pray hallelujah because the thief aiming there to rob to steal and to kill and destroy we cannot and shouldn't allow amen the enemy to rob us now of our new returns after all we have been through after all i've gone through after all the self-denial after all the sacrifices after all the pains after all the abuse after all the mockery after all the laughter after heart oh praise god amen folks walking on you talking about you oh praise god we can't allow ourselves now praise god unless that is john sharp amen to give up and turn back know the devil is a liar the davis say with me my mind is made up say with me my mind is made up say my mind is made up and i won't turn back i want to see my jesus someday my mind is made up watch and pray beloved when you look at the fig tree and you see the blossom you know that summer is near so like wise when you see these things look up look up open your eyes and look up for your redemption your redemption nice stand with me stand with me stand up with me stay awake stay awake stay awake glory to god fight [Music] to stay awake glory to god sometimes you have things to do and sleep is coming over you and you have to literally fight to stay awake you have to do all manner tricks to stay awake whatever you need to do in this season do it but stay awake the still week i need to fast i need to pray i need to be connected to still awake wake me lord shake me lord don't let me sleep to work late i want to make it in due time come on say wake me lord wake me lord shake me lord i don't hear you today so wake me lord shake me lord don't let me sleep too late i want to make it in due time oh god stay awake if you don't remember nothing i said today remember stay awake to watch is to stay awake hallelujah walk awake talk awake live awake sleep awake yes sleep awake yes sleep awake worship awake hallelujah whatever you do stay awake because the thief is coming in a hour you think it not so the lord said my coming my coming will be like a thief i'm not the thief you know i'm not the thief but my coming will be has a thief now that is worthy of contemplation worthy of thinking about he said my coming will be like a thief a thief that means you don't know when you don't know which day which hour praise god before i close let me share this with you i can remember back in school about 40 plus years ago yes there was a story that our teacher taught us which have never left me speaks of mr spencer and bulldog in the end of my english class spencer and bulldog literature so in this town was a man named spencer badman in the stone bad man in this town and he was feared it happened that another bad man came to town called bulldog bulldog and the spencer had a banana shoot at the back of his house banana was ready his wife told him to cut it down and little ripe on inside he said no it's a bulldog came and asked him for a begin to curse no no no no okay bulldogs okay i'm coming to steal your banana between twelve midnight and six am on a petite day i'm calling for a banana between twelve midnight and six am so for example argument's sake monday night twelve midnight six a.m so mr spencer got his cheers sat at his backyard with a shotgun watching his banana from midnight and it went on no bulldog but all this time bulldog was watching him at about three ministers six he took his eyes off his banana and call his wife look at this man let me lose my night's sleep and the same i come from banana i know it's almost a don't come when bulldog looked back around when did spencer look around all you saw was a stain this thing dropping from the banana tree bulldog was watching him and he took his highs off the price and he lose his banana what are you saying pastor i'm saying after 30 years after 40 years after 10 years or five years every three weeks don't take your high of jesus basha keep your high on jesus because the faith [Applause] will not give you at least bulldog give my i've spent midnight to 6 a.m but jesus said we don't know the day not the hour but we know it's coming back praise god come down here still latoya come come come down here come down here praise god praise god almighty praise god almighty hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah stay with me stay awake it's still a week doesn't matter what it takes still a week stay awake somebody's here today you walk to this fashion service or you drove to this fighting service you came for a purpose you came for a reason you came with a request you came with something on the halter and you're determined that you will not leave without your blessing hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you were pushed praise god to come here today come said david come to would you come up to the david come to come come come latoya stand there stand not on your stand to my left so davis until my right praise god glory to god hallelujah god is in this house today god is in this house today and he wants to to do it for you to to bring it to pass to bring it to fulfillment hallelujah whatever you ask for whatever you prayed for nothing shall be denied said the lord hallelujah behold i do a a new thing in you kusha talabusanda but they've got to stay awake i want to pray for you today i want to pray for you today yes come i want to pray for you i want to pray for you come yes i want to pray for you sister monkey you came come here brother yes the same lady praise god they wonder yes come on clap your hands for a clap your hands forever clap your hands first lord jesus [Applause] is there somebody else in this house online you are determined that you you you walked into god's house today and you will not allow the devil to deny you i [Music] shall not be denied on this first day the second day of march i shall not be denied in the name of jesus come come come come walk out come step out and come come step out and come come one two three i know they are others i know they're hardest i know they're hadas there's a murk in the house america america in the house i feel this i feel this i feel this i feel this i feel this space yourself space yourself come appears america in the house stay there saying stay there stay there stay there stay there those online say jesus those online type jesus oh those are the lines say jesus type jesus those in the house say jesus glory to god say jesus we're the warriors we're the warriors we're the warriors they're the warriors mr music get to get to your station glory to god glory to god glory to god oh get your mic get your mics today get your mic come on come on give sister love to y'all mike there's one down here oh praise god there's one here praise god almighty who for a few minutes we're going to just worship and pray with these hello my mama [Applause] watch god watch god watch god watch god amen sister come here come here there come come amen there is american house for you there's a miracle in the house for you there is a mercury house for you today today is your day hilo basharta today is your day today is your day your day thank you jesus come on say something say something say something hallelujah beloved god is up to something today can i just agree with bishop on her name and sister donette can i just agree with bishop that as i sat up there and sister kimon gave her testimony ah talbasha i started to see in the spirit sister done it being healed i don't know what her conditions are but i sat up there and she was the only person that my eyes were fixated on i am a living testimony of what sister kimon went through this young lady she was in the hospital for four weeks on her back of the four weeks one week she was in the icu ward knowing nobody she did not know her name she did not know her number when i require from the doctor what was happening to sister kimon they told me that sister sister kimon is a sickler she has sickle cell what had happened was that she had multiple orgon failure her kidneys were at the stage of being critical they immediately called for sister kimon to go on the dialysis machine to save her kidneys they said that her kidneys would never come back to and that she would live on dialysis for the rest of her life she said that her kidneys were enlarged to the point of being 22 centimeter that was twice the size of what it should have been she also had water on her heart and i recall the church praying for days after days after days and look at what the lord has done when the doctors gave her over the church prayed [Music] [Music] it is the same god that is in battle today he is the resurrection iran the satire he is the life and if you pray today shall that what she's feeling from the movement of her belly coming up to her stomach is the healing function heart condition we speak to every artery we speak to every artery we speak to the chambers of the heart right now and we command that the chambers of the heart function chambers of the heart we call church let's agree right now let's agree right now let's agree right chambers of the heart function jesus name church say function church stay functioning you are healed listen we don't need to beat ourselves up let's just start giving the glory to almighty god when when when when sister kimon was in that ward was three or four times the size that you're seeing now when i saw her i said god only purr lord only purr will turn this around what i am convinced about is power you see prayer it changes not some things but it changes everything and if you have a situation today every pearl today is a seed for tomorrow you heard it every pearl today is a seed for tomorrow keep praying come sister david you're the singer but we're gonna agree for miracles to happen in bethel today we're gonna agree for transformation to happen today we're gonna agree that somebody's gonna leave here and come back with a testimony sister annette i want you to take the baby and come take her from your lap there's a miracle in the house for you too hallelujah if you are still in this building and you're not at the altar there is a miracle if you're watching online there is a miracle god is moving by spirits god is moving by his spirit god is moving by his spirits hallelujah hallelujah before i sing i just want to confirm the word that bishop brown spoke today elder adrian and i were coming up in the vehicle and while we were talking about what was happening i said to them there's a word that's in my spirit and the word is be anxious for nothing there's a word in my spirit and it's be anxious for nothing i said to him that i've heard this word from multiple persons not from me but for themselves that the lord said to them be anxious for nothing i saw myself standing in the podium to deliver this word when bishop asked me to preach one day but that was not what it was supposed to be i stand here now as i would have done in what i saw the day that i had to leave out of my house to deliver japanese on the side of the road i did not know that that was what was going to take place i was in labor going very quickly but once i touched the grill of the house i heard in my ears be anxious for nothing years later i am now understanding that the nothing is everything that i was going to experience and the lord is saying and said to me then whatever it is that you're going through not take it to heart no worry yourself about it there was someone i said to adrian that was falling down at work almost to the point of collapsing and i had to take her to the doctor when the doctors tested her nothing was wrong but anxiety and so i speak to the body of christ this afternoon um holy be anxious for nothing there is nothing too hard for god is there anything too hard for god and so for those who have come to the altar this afternoon we lift our hands in faith ah sean de la messiah and as we lift our hands in faith we let go of the anxiety brethren you're afraid talk truth brethren you're fearful talk truth but the holy spirit has come today to remind us that there is nothing that is too big for god to deal with and if we follow these circumstances we take our eyes off god and the man of god says be watchful and so even today i'm saying those on the altar and those in the church lift your hands with me right now come on we lift our hands and as i walked over i said i would say this just exhale come on let it go let it out let it go and let it hold in the mighty name of jesus i speak to every weight i speak to every burden i speak to every lord i speak to every yoke in the mighty name of jesus get out of god's people amma market in the name of jesus get off get off get off every impulse the enemy every million of the enemy get off of god's people in the name of jesus okay totally shonda jesus said my yoke is easy and my burden is light says the lord get off of god's paper yoke get off of god's people depression in the mighty exalted name of jesus [Music] let god cut her arise and let the enemies be scattered get off of god's people [Music] we see you and acknowledge your demon of darkness and we render your powers every attempt that you make to burden the body of christ we acknowledge you now in the mighty name of jesus shine your light shikkaitoma shine your light holy ghost shine your light shine your light shadow messiah shine your light shine your light hey mama there are some situations in the darkness that are coming into the light as the light of god's presence comes into this room comes into this sanctuary comes into this tabernacle shine your light for the enemy's darkness is nothing for the light of god shine your light holy ghost [Music] i have come for there is a request that i have on my heart i have come because there's something that i need from the lord i will say this that i know that there are others who should come and i'm going to make this call at this time [Music] i will tell you what i am seeing there are some dark images some dark creatures that are laying on the backs of people gnawing at them clawing at them [Music] whatever that is if it be sickness armor if it be depression yes if it be suicide i call you by your name i call you by hey makata by your name by your name these images these creatures on the back of god's people sitting down doing what they feel like feeling that is their place but we come together as a body today and we come against every warring spirit now in the mighty exalted name of jesus i say again if you are that person if you know that there's need for prayer today step from where you're at and we'll make a space for you on this altar the fact that we came on a day like today we made the sacrifice to be here don't leave without your breakthrough come come now come come come break break break break break break break break break break break break break break maya shatter i come against that whispering spirit now in the mighty name of jesus i come against whatever it is that holds you bound in your seat in the mighty name of jesus yes that thought that says don't go don't go another time i come against that thought yes that thought now in the name of jesus come on church yes we have come warfare we climb up into warfare now we climb up into warfare we see you and we acknowledge you but let god arise let god arise come brethren we have space at the front don't be afraid come yes come on wow come come come lord i believe [Music] lord i believe [Music] things are possible [Music] lord i believe [Music] lord i believe i believe all things [Music] lord i believe [Music] lord i believe things [Music] lord i am [Music] i believe [Music] all things [Music] oh [Music] all things are possible [Music] oh [Music] [Music] all things are possible um [Music] [Music] so [Music] break a breaker breaker breaker breaker breaker breaker holy ghost break break every yoke break every fatter break every chain open every prison door break holy ghost all things are possible there is someone who the lord has given an instruction to who is in this house i need you to be obedient and do what the lord says the lord has spoken to you [Music] he has given you an instruction be obedient it feels better when you're obedient than when you're disobedient to the voice of the lord it doesn't matter who you are or what you feel qualifies you to respond to the voice of the lord but the lord has spoken and given an instruction i'm going to ask you to follow that instruction at this time i speak to the persons who are online if there is a request that you also have we're asking to share that request even at this time we want to share the number for per so that persons can share their requests is there one for salvation today [Music] one who would say yes to jesus you too can use that number and let us know that there's need for salvation is there one in the building for salvation you just indicate because i feel it in my spirit that there's one for baptism today in the name of jesus all things are possible all things are possible oh things are possible oh lord i believe i'm gonna say it again the lord gave you an instruction he told you what to do you haven't done it yet brother may soon close the service be obedient to the voice of the lord and do what he has said all things are possible all things are possible [Music] all things shuttle are possible break up low [Music] yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord someone just want to lift your hands right now [Music] [Music] [Music] holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost all things are possible all things are possible [Music] [Music] [Music] my sister all things are possible to tell our messiah break break break [Music] me believe all things are possible oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] surely your presence is in this place lord we acknowledge your presence we acknowledge your presence lord brother brother naeem oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] holy spirit of god [Music] yes [Music] lord say something say yes lord [Music] the fire truck the fire fire is calling today the fire is holly today oh come on down jesus come down jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah break it jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah is walking this place he's walking this place he's walking he's walking yes yes yes jesus jesus jesus yes [Music] in the name of jesus you are worthy you are worthy you are worthy you are worthy you are worthy you are [Music] yes yes yes jesus yes jesus christ [Music] deliverance [Music] deliverance deliverance [Music] jesus one more touch one more touch one more touch [Music] yes holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost yes walker's trouble [Music] step in [Music] come on church come on church come on church come on come on church yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh-huh [Music] is your day today is your day to place your day to pleasure day because that is your day today is your day fill my cup lord kill my god fill my cup oh yes today is your day for deliverance come on saints wear your hands wave your hands travail today when zion trophy with zion travail with zion trophy with saiyan trophy i hear a sound [Music] i hear a song [Music] there came a southern heaven as sound as sound as sound about fear you'll be fearful of a don't be fearful you're well don't be anxious [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus come on clap your hands [Music] clap your hand say hallelujah god is moving online also facebook youtube right where you are i know god is be restricted will not be restricted he's right where you are today reach up and touch him yes on facebook cry out to him call out to jesus it's right where you are in the country you are oh glory to god wherever you are today is here to bless you and to do your good hallelujah god has reversed that situation in your life thank you jesus hallelujah it's a reversal say reversal reversal in the name of jesus christ hallelujah amen god bless you today say something say hallelujah say hallelujah hallelujah god be praised god be honored god be glorified hey baba shanda we thank god for today we thank you for the moving spirit we thank you for the testimonies the testimonies we thank you for those who have been blessed those who are shouting home those who are good on shouting those are revived all rejuvenated refreshed hallelujah well praise the lord thank you jesus thank you jesus hey praise god hallelujah say yesterday say yesterday say yes today being baptized right now in jesus name those letters are returning hallelujah god be praised god be glorified thank you jesus hallelujah so god be thank you we bless you we adore you today lord the honor we magnify you we thank you for the time spent in your presence time of prayer a time of testifying a time in supplication a time repentance a time in confession a time of restoration and time of the word lord we thank you for the way in which you have moved even this hour this minute oh god you're moving by your spirit a time of healing [Music] we thank you for melissa today we thank the minister today for touching her for delivering her for setting her free for breaking that struggle in your life will bless you from melissa today oh god we thank you joseph melissa today it is done oh glory to god we thank you for her today we bless you for melissa's kindness and today oh the work you've done in your life god we thank you today um for what oh god you've touched her also we thank you today for all those who have delivered today oh god those are restored today those who have set free today god will bless you today thank you for those who have said yes to you today we thank you oh god thank you for everything today we bless you for today when your people could have come out oh god in numbers oh god too fast to pray and to seek your face oh god we thank you for today thank you for your people we bless you those online lord we ask you god to bless them likewise strengthen them breathe upon them oh gonna come down with your blood my god yes lord oh praise god god just told me to tell you to put the praise on it put that praise on it put the praise on it put our praise on it put that praise on it put our praise on it put our praise on it put our praise on it put a hallelujah on it with that blessed god of it with a praise on it [Applause] thank you jesus thank you jesus put a praise on it [Music] put our praise and restoration our praise and healing our present miracles put our praise on it today you don't hear me put a praise on it [Applause] yes yes a yes a praise on it glory to god i hear i hear i hear testimonies coming out of this service today testimonies lord jesus [Music] i hear testimonies are your testimonies for god has done a marvelous work today come on say something say something um god are your testimonies are your testimonies get ready get ready get ready get ready to testify prepare your testimonies the shared testimonies are your testimony malicious catnessa i hear your testimony i see you testifying thank you jesus come on glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god say glory say glory to glory be anxious for nothing be careful for nothing stay awake stay awake the lord hallelujah thank you jesus god bless you all today thank you for showing up today thank you for coming out today to make the spartan service a tremendous blessing i'm going on bless i'm gonna bless praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord you know i came to church last week sunday the awful bout of us and reflux from saturday as it reflected i i thought i could preach on sunday and i've been backing it from all week and this one my wife asked me if i i'm gonna eat i said no i'm gonna fast in service on fasting come on praise the lord i defy the adversary come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on say something say something say something say something hallelujah so god bless you today lift your hands for the blessing hallelujah please remind that this evening we'll be meeting on zoom onto facebook youtube even for bible study 7 30 as we start a new two-part series on evangelism amen evangelism with our guest teacher bishop amen john emmanuel smith praise the lord amen 7 30 jonathan zoom or facebook or youtube for another study the word praise god and we meet on friday amen praise god for missions service amen and the speak will be minister so on was confirmed preaching friend night amen praise the lord and now and let me just give you an announcement amen come the 14th of march the 14th of march amen will be youth conventions youth convention and this for the first time in what two years two years will be held in the sanctuary come on come on come on come on come on come on come on the 14th of march monday been a sanctuary in the start of the week could be pastor seymour brown the fireman even from saint thomas praise the lord and uh can i say we're going to be the chosen night speaker although although i don't know yet i but i'm led to say bryan hall and bran hall will be speaking the tuesday night praise the lord am i talking here talking here amen june accusing great wednesday night praise the lord elder nicholas chambers thursday night praise the lord administer roman ruins wonderful night come on what a lineup what a land of god's people say something say something not to mention the psalmist even the musicians amend the youth chair wait for a powerful time is is midnight curfew amen so we can come to zion have a good time and get back to where we can before midnight come on say something say something saying something bring out the back sliders bring out the unsafe because it's about the unsafe and backsliders amen as we pray and fast for a mighty god from the 14th of march come on amnam was stepping to zion god bless leave your hands with a blessing now in jesus name the lord bless you and keep you the lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you a little light of his countenance upon you give his peace shalom peace be unto you i bless you all in jesus name
Channel: Bethel United Church of Jesus Christ Stony Hill
Views: 365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5f4pPqsgXJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 17sec (5237 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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