Bethel Stony Hill Sunday Morning Worship | 1st Service | Feb 20, 2022 | Bishop Devon C. Brown

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i will sing how great it is [Music] [Applause] i will sing [Applause] [Music] name [Music] he honored him this morning with shout of acclamation shouts of glory because he is the king of all kings the lord of all lords our savior our redeemer our sustainer we have scrapped him on glory and honor this morning clap your hands and say hallelujah we go to our mission statement and pledge in jesus name let us repeat this together thank you jesus glory to god we begin we endeavor to love obey and serve our lord and savior jesus christ striving always to fulfill our purpose in making disciples of all men for the advanced kingdom of god on earth on the direction and empowered the holy ghost with an empowered people will foster unity a love and fellowship within the apostolic community in carrying out our mission we pledge to build god's kingdom through the miserable apostle prophet evangelist a pastor and teacher as we seek to rescue our fellow men from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light teach believers the word necessary for maturity growth and a mission and prepare believers for the glorious appearing of jesus christ praise the name of our god put a smile on your face and say hallelujah god bless you as we proceed this morning in our first service your mother it will be mission so john headman as we welcome her in jesus name god be praise hallelujah shall we praise the lord shall we praise the lord everybody hallelujah can we just give the lord a praise this morning hallelujah i'm happy to be in the house of the lord one more time to greet you all in the powerful name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah the lord is good hallelujah this morning i would also like to greet bishop brown and lady brown and all the associate pastors and their families in the name of jesus to you my brothers and sisters if you're visiting with us for the very first time or joining us greetings this morning in the name of jesus hallelujah this morning we're here to give the lord praise amen hallelujah we're going to continue by singing him number 122. from our pentecostal hymnal victory hallelujah hallelujah victory hallelujah what a thought jesus full salvation broad [Music] victory victory [Music] victory victory yes victory glory hallelujah i am free jesus gives me victory [Music] i am trusting in the lord i'm standing on his word i am trusting in the lord i am standing on his word [Music] victory [Music] i am peace and joy within my life since my life is free from city victory victory [Music] victory yes victoria hallelujah [Music] [Music] victory victory victory victories [Music] yes victory hallelujah [Music] we will sing it on that shore we will sing it on that trap victories [Music] hallelujah i am free jesus gives me victory [Music] [Applause] jesus gives me victory glory [Music] [Music] yes victory hallelujah i am free jesus gives me victory [Music] [Music] this morning we give the lord praise for victorying jesus hallelujah this morning a particular reading will be done by sister amelia and this will be taken from isaiah chapter 54 verse 2 and joel chapter 2 verse 25 to 29. sister amelia dickson will do the reading for us this morning in jesus name fire 54 verse 2 and joel chapter 2 from verse 25 to 29. and we'll begin with isaiah 54 verse verse 2 and he squeezed enlarge the place of thy tent and let them stretch for the curtains of then in her habitations spear not lengthen their cords and strengthen their stakes and we will now go to joelle chapter two and i'll begin first or 25 and i will restore to you the years that the locals had eaten the counterworm and the caterpillar and the palmer worm my great army which i send among you and he shall eat in plenty and be satisfied and praise the name of the lord your god that had dwelt wondrously with you and my people shall never be ashamed and he shall know that i am in the midst of israel and that i am the lord your god and none else and my people shall never be ashamed and it shall come to pass afterwards that i will pour hope my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your old men shall dream dreams your young men chelsea patrons 29th and last and also upon the servants and upon the animes in those days where i pour up my spirits there is a portion of god's holy words amen bless the name of jesus hallelujah thank you jesus this morning we're going to go down in prayer with missionary susan dunbar and we will be singing from our pentecostal hymnal hymn number 252 hallelujah he hideth my soul hallelujah this morning we want to remember sister joan campbell and their family this morning and miss stacy and claudius in the name of jesus we also want to remember our leaders our shooting you want to remember mother brown who is still in the hospital and all our elderly brethren beloved we want to put them before the lord this morning because we know that our god is still able hallelujah there's nothing that is impossible to him or for him to do hallelujah so this morning when we pray we pray in faith believing hallelujah that he will touch those who needs to be touched this morning hallelujah a wonderful savior is jesus my lord hallelujah hallelujah you may be seated beloved and stand at the last verse he may be seated [Music] a wonderful savior is jesus a wonderful he hide that my soul [Music] [Music] of pleasure i of the [Music] my [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] my life in the depths of his is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] blessings each moment [Music] [Music] i sing in my rapture glory oh glory to god [Music] do you believe in this morning [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] his perfect salvation is wonderful love he is perfect salvation is wonderful [Music] my [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] with his hands oh [Music] i [Music] there's [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah can we just lift our hands hallelujah and just thank the lord for his love hallelujah hallelujah missionary dunbar will be taking us to the throne of grace in jesus name hallelujah let us pray hallelujah almighty god the great god the i am that i am the eldest jedi the ancient of day hallelujah the lily of the valley hallelujah the god who sit i look slow the infinite god you're endless hallelujah the omnipresent god present everywhere omniscient all-knowing omnipotent all-powerful hallelujah almighty god as we come before you this morning god we give you praise honor and glory because god you alone is worthy to be praised from the rising of the son unto the going down of the same mighty god your name is worthy to be praised god we are nothing without you this morning god but lord with you all things are possible and so we make you welcome in bethel this morning god welcome spirit of the living god lord god almighty jesus take full control in this house this morning oh god let no self glorify in your presence mighty god but we are asking you god almighty to lift up a standard in this house this morning and glorify yourself mighty god i pray god that you will wash us in your blood because we have all sinned and come short of your glory and so we are asking for a washing and for a cleansing this morning creating us a clean heart oh god and renew our right spirit within us the bible said we are sin abound grace much more abound and so we thank you this morning for your grace and your mercies jesus lord we are asking you this morning god to sit upon the moderator she can't do it without you god sit upon the lead singers this morning god in the mighty name of jesus sit upon the musicians as they play oh god the media team they need you as well lord i'm praying also for bishop brown first lady brown for the officers lord i pray that you will breathe upon them this morning lord i'm asking you this morning to remember the members that are sitting here this morning those who are viewing online mighty god i pray in the name of jesus that you will breathe upon your people lord you know exactly what we are facing lord you're aware of what we are going through lord and so we are in the house this morning god to hear from you jesus i pray god that you let us never leave the same where we came this morning but saying a word to deliver somebody this morning oh god almighty i pray this morning for somebody who is depressed oh god almighty we buy that spirit of depression and we command you to leave the people of god go back to the peter fella in the name of jesus depression you are not welcome in the name of jesus spirit of oppression you are not welcome as well and so we bind you in the name of jesus spirit of happiness that will sit upon god's people we command you to go back to the pit of hell we call for free worship in this house this morning god that we will lift our hands freely to worship you god oh god almighty i pray for somebody in this audience of god that is crying on the inside oh god i pray god that you will touch that person right now jesus oh god almighty i pray to their god sit upon the us at the door anoint them a fresh god let no demon from hell pass them and come in this place will pray the blood of jesus against satan and his plans we can't leave your assignment on every diabolic plot of the adversary by sire this morning in the mighty name of jesus bless those who are viewing our line lord god we need a revival oh god almighty to break up jesus lord our young people our children need a revival god oh god almighty in the name of jesus let the holy ghost move move in this place jesus oh god almighty i pray right now god that you cover all your people right now under your blood jesus lord i pray for those who are sick god oh god the prayer request is before you god only you alone can heal and so god as you said to the woman though i made allah all that we speak to somebody this morning and we said woman though i made allah from thine infirmities oh god almighty bring forth healing god and testimony is god because you must get the glory all glory belongs to you jesus oh god almighty heart send a revival to jamaica jamaica needs spiritual awareness jamaica needs spiritual intervention oh god almighty jesus we are crying out to you this morning oh god almighty send help from your son to every holy ghost all that set the answer on fire oh god fill somebody with the holy ghost today oh god remember the one that will bring the world we need to hear directly from you god oh god speak to our heart today mighty god in the name of jesus oh god almighty we give you praise we give you honor this morning and we give you glory i lift you up god and i thank you for hearing this morning thank you for hearing us god oh god help us god right now to be on one accord oh god let our mind be in the sanctuary let our mind be on you one accord in bethel this morning in the name of jesus and so i give you all the praise and all the honor and all the glory in jesus name i pray let the people of god say amen hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah can we say hallelujah beloved hallelujah as we agree with the prayer this morning hallelujah can we say let it be done lord hallelujah let it be done lord hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus at this time our praise and worship minister will be taking us into some songs in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah can we wave our hands and say hallelujah can we shout hallelujah this morning hallelujah there's so many things happening this morning i want to remind that jesus christ is coming back again he's coming soon there are so many things happening that can drive fear in the hearts of men but i want to remind us this morning that he is coming back again this morning i was in montgomery last week working and my colleague says sir i cannot come in this morning they literally abducted my cousin last night he is now in the hospital in critical condition and his and his girlfriend they are 24 years old she has been raped and we can't find her then they call her comfort an hour after saying hear what she's in the hospital as well we found her maybe some miles away that was about on tuesday on thursday i'm in montego bay still and our staff in kingston county sir they're literally my my my tutor's brother they're coming home from work and they start them at the gate took them from the car drove away with them in the car and we just don't know what's happening about two hours after he called because sir they found him dead he's 27 years old when i heard these two things happening one with my heart i'm telling you it gripped me for fear and i'm saying lord you did not create me to fear and to worry this morning but it is a reminder that jesus christ is coming again and the sooner we are getting to his coming there are so many things happening it can drive fear in our hearts but i want to remind us this morning troublesome times they are here this morning and they are filling man's heart with fear but we are trusting god nonetheless this morning because he's able this morning but i want to remind our heart this morning that he's coming soon hallelujah hallelujah sometimes are here filling men's hearts with fear hallelujah freedom will all over [Music] freedom is is [Music] [Music] [Music] rising [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] when i hear the trumpet [Music] [Music] [Applause] jesus foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] is hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah for i know i have salvation i feel it in my soul i am determined this morning hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i am determined i am determined comes one may i am determined this morning to hold out to the can we give the lord a wave offering this morning a glory hallelujah can we just pause and give the lord a wave offering this morning hallelujah i am determined hallelujah come high waters come fire whatever it takes this morning i'm going to hold out to the end hallelujah god bless you this morning hallelujah [Music] i am determined hallelujah i've made up my mind hallelujah i have made up my mind comes with me i'm going to go god's way for the rest of my life hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah this morning we just want to welcome the holy presence of god in our midst hallelujah hallelujah this morning we know that he's here hallelujah hallelujah because the scripture says that is before all things hallelujah and in him all things consist hallelujah we would not be here this morning if it was not for the presence of the lord and so we just want to worship him in a sanctuary this morning hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah this morning we confess a sovereignty hallelujah we know he's in control this morning hallelujah terrible things are happening around us hallelujah but where i was reminded this morning that god is wise hallelujah and everything that he does it is well done this morning hallelujah and so when i stand there this morning and greet you in the powerful name of jesus i stand in the assurance hallelujah that god has everything under his control this morning we want to greet our bishop and pastor bishop devon brown and his wife lady janet brown hallelujah can we put your hands together for the servants of the lord hallelujah amen we also want to greet our associate pastors and their families and all the ministers and officers of the bethel united church of jesus christ stony hill god bless you this morning greetings to our saints hallelujah my brothers and sisters in christ and i see some visitors among us this morning if you're coming here for the very first time i'm going to invite you to stand right now or if you have been coming time and time again you're not yet a member i'm inviting you to stand so that we can welcome you hallelujah amen can we put our hands together welcome ma'am welcome sir to bethel welcome to the lady at the back god bless you this morning thank you for being a part of our worship service we pray this morning that before you leave you will be richly blessed of the lord can we put your hands together for them amen god bless you you may be seated god bless you and for those who are joining us online we also want to say welcome to bethel if it's your first time put it in the chat somebody from our online community will welcome you this morning hallelujah thank you jesus we're going to we're going to stand and sing the welcome song we're going to stand and sing stand everybody i know you can't shake your neighbor's hand but you can't nod your head you can't wave to them you can't give them a thumbs up we're gonna make each other feel welcome hallelujah [Music] amen [Music] it's so good to see your [Music] face and we're really glad you [Music] one more time it's so good to see your face it's so good to see your face [Music] [Music] you will never be the same [Music] welcome to amen hallelujah hallelujah bless the name of jesus i didn't i did not specially mention our children this morning but i'm very excited every time i see the children in the house right adenik so children please stand and shout to hallelujah all of you stand up and shelter hallelujah amen one more time hallelujah beloved we need to remind them how to shout you're here i know i know they were in the mass but the show sounds very dainty hallelujah we need to remind them so i'm very happy when i see the children i'm also seeing my sister at the back hi sister can we put your hands together and welcome amanda and their daughters to the house this morning god bless you i'm very happy to see you amen it's offering time we're going to stand and repeat our offering repeater give us greed i'm sorry i'm going to invite minister evangelist faulconer to bless our offering for us in jesus name so we're gonna repeat her give us greed first and then we will pray and then i will remind you of the giving options this morning our give us creed after two 2 we affirm tithes not for the work of god we will not rob god of his tenth we shall stand on the promised blessings we affirm that he which soweth sparingly shall also sparingly and he which soweth bountifully shall also reap bountifully every man according as he purposes it in his heart so let us give not gradually not of necessity for god loveth a ch forgiver amen evangelist faulkner hallelujah shall we boards please great god of chloe we thank you for your manifested power you love your anointing you're serving in all your ways you're the king of king and the lord of lords you're the conquering lion of the tribe of judah which break every chain as we are about to call it the days offering lord god we pray god at your blessed those who have to give and bless those who have not lord god as you prosper oh wait is here let every devil be destroyed in our finances lord god have your own divine wife bless us real good press down shaking together and running over have you owned the anointing in this house let your kadesh of god move in this sanctuary like never before have your way feel healed and set free by your power pray in jesus name amen amen god bless you just to remind you of our giving options this morning of course we will be lifting up an offering inside of the sanctuary if you are online and you live in the area and would like to drop off your offering to our church offer office we ask that you place it in a sealed envelope and our office is open from i know i should remember this from tuesdays to to fridays 10 a.m to 4 p.m um we also accept bank transfers so if it should be on your screen by now locally we have a us dollar and a jamaican dollar account with the bank of nova scotia there are also other given options we have zell paypal cash app and venmo so you are not restricted in the in your way to give to the house of the lord this morning and we encourage you to do so because to preach the gospel to support the poor to to to bless our community and serve our community it takes money as you may know so we encourage you this morning to give to the house of the lord in jesus name the praise team was saying as we collect our offering amen [Music] while traveling through this world of sorrows [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i want to know more oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i mean [Music] [Music] he set me [Music] [Applause] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] the lord is [Music] [Music] oh somehow [Music] [Music] i want to go [Music] yes [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you may be seated beloved hallelujah i want to know more oh my jesus i want to know more about my lord hallelujah hallelujah bless the name of jesus before our bishop and pastor comes this morning the praise ministry will be ministering again but before they come as well i did not do our birthday greetings so this morning or this week sister javon clark brown she celebrates her birthday on the as well as sister victoria borrows oh that today is the 20th oh happy birthday sister javon i don't see her she's there sister jeff wave for those who don't know she's one of our ushers happy birthday god bless you today hallelujah hallelujah what a great way to spend your day in the house of the lord hallelujah sister victoria she's not here yet but she will be here i'm sure for the second service tomorrow mother merle gordon will be celebrating her birthday that's on the 21st and on the 23rd sister emilia will be celebrating her birthday wave your hand sister emilia happy birthday when it comes and sister marv tyrell happy birthday when it comes auntie marvel beloved we're gonna call them we're gonna message them i know we have an active birthday group because it's it's more like a birthday group now in the ladies group we have an active birthday group so i know you will send your birthday greetings let them feel your love you know send them gifts people still accept gifts i'm sure don't be don't be too tight on the gifts send them gifts and money and all of that we're just gonna bless them and let them feel loved amen amen god bless you amen i i i feel a little lonely when i say amen don't have to answer about myself and say amen amen amen all right so at this time we're going to have our praise and worship ministry and the voice after that you will hear will be our very own bishop devon charles brown god bless you as we sit in worship in jesus name [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] it's just the beginning there's so much more god has in store just the beginning it's not the end this is just the overture just a beginning i know you're blessed but you still haven't seen god's best not yet i already know god's been good to you i already know god's been faithful to you i already know he's done some incredible things but i declare and i decree [Music] [Applause] you haven't seen your best days yet you haven't seen your greatest victory yet you haven't seen your greatest victory this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] do you receive the prophecy [Music] just the beginning in your hearts you know what god has promised you just the beginning never compromise or settle for less than you do just the beginning i know you're blessed but you still haven't seen god's best [Music] [Music] is [Music] all of the good things that my god there's so much more [Music] [Music] i already [Music] me [Music] authority you haven't seen your best yet [Music] yet you haven't seen your greatest victory yet this is [Music] receive the prophecy yes yes [Music] he's planning just [Music] my god [Applause] my god [Music] [Music] [Music] you have not seen your best [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yes lord [Music] thank you jesus i declare [Music] i prophesy to you you have seen your best days yet throw your hands in the ear and say hallelujah amen god bless you worship ministry has stick on message praise god almighty that's the message that a song amen for this church for 2022 a constant reminder amen is just a beginning you have a seed that will sing it into your hearts send faith into you ah you have got to believe the words of this song you have not seen your best days yet can i see five persons just walk from their seats and so my best days are in front of me my best days are in front of me [Music] my best days in front of me you're not behind me there in front of me thank you jesus you have not seen your best days yet hinder me not jesus name praise god delighted to be back in god's house amen today praise god to be a part of this worship service it's always a blessing to be in god's house amen i think not coming to god's house for granted him as a blessing to be in god's house and i cherish the moments i cherish at times even the day when i look forward to coming to god's house to worship with the people of god hey hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i feel god in this house today so under the lord today i magnify his wonderful name i honor him and exalt the name of jesus for there is no other god like our god his name is exalted his name is exalted and we lift up the name of jesus we shall back the name of jesus glory to god amen his name is exalted hallelujah his name is above every every other name at the name of jesus every knee shall bow every tongue shall confess at the name of jesus so he'll be right now lift up the name of jesus he is lord he is lord he is lord of heaven lord of earth is king of kings aba thank you jesus hallelujah amen to my dear wife email minister janet brown i agree to you lady brown in jesus name we are so thankful for you and for the role you have played in my life and in that of my family and the church come and clap your hands for her today in jesus name to our associate pastors and their wives to amend minister marin scott amen over there there's probably greet you well ladies god and we acknowledge your contribution and your constant purse even for the church and the support we give god thanks for you you are faithful in all your ways and we greet you well today in jesus name clap clapping hands for her in jesus name to all our officers all our officers and to all our members to all the children to our visitors today in the house amen we greet you and we acknowledge you in a very special way especially our visitors today we clapper hands and we thank you amen for coming out today to the house of god praise the lord to those with us online amen facebook youtube and twitter we acknowledge you also you're not just viewing we'll acknowledge you as worshipers today we thank god for you we know that you are blessed already and you're free in the power of god even where you are with us amen where you're from even across the caribbean or the u.s canada or europe or africa praise god we acknowledge you and we thank god for what is due in your life god bless you today in jesus name praise god thank you for your prayers last week we had assignment in florida and we thank you for praying for us we went and we fulfill our assignment and god has brought us back safely and we thank you amen for your prayers amen praise the lord we thank god for his goodness also to us he was with us amen and to god breathe the glory i bring greetings from the saints in in florida in from the uk amen praise god every greetings on their behalf canada also god bless you as we're going to to work together and to live together as one praise the name of jesus praise god please remember the free forces to well mother brown mother beryl brown she has been hospital over a week now and we thank governor your prayers amen to her amen and we want to continue to trust god for her speedy amen recovery and also they meant to be discharged from the hospital praise the lord i will be going to see her in between services amen because the kophik represent time is just 11 to 12 11 to 12. they made one visit per day so i intend to be there before midday and meant to see her and to be back for the second part of the second service praise god praise god all right so please go into a praying for her that god will sustain and strengthen her pray for he men sister well janet claudius uh the daughter of sister and brother claudius is in the hospital we want to pray for her that god will deliver her and touch her in jesus name for also for even our sister mitchell shepherds she is under attack from different directions but we are praying for her come on amen we are praying for her that god will he may strengthen her and uphold her and sustain her in the name of jesus christ because we believe we are winners amen we are awareness and the gates of hell cannot will not shall not prevail against the church the church the church the church is unstoppable couple say that with me today the church the church is unstoppable the church will not be stopped will not be hindered the church is already victorious praise the lord hallelujah amen please pray we are giving god thanks what does that mean in the country the relaxation of the of the measures amen and the servant notice that all things being equal we intend to be in the house of god for youth convention am i talking here amen come up comes up in the two two or so weeks we intend to be in god's house for youth convention amen praise the lord amen so please get the teams together amen do your rotation amen those of you are corps members we have been out of the house for these meetings for almost well two years now amen and we want to amend phase ourselves back him and the curfew is now 11 p.m eleven eight pm to five a.m so you can do what you've got to do preach to baptize and feel god's field person get home before 11. look am i talking here amen so please let us come together him and we can't get too comfortable on zoom on youtube well we will be streaming on youtube and facebook amen during the youth convention praise god but we have got to be in the house of god but this is the house of god amen praise the lord and this is happening across jamaica i see other churches doing this amen and and across the world and we will not be left behind am i talking here amen praise the lord thank you jesus so get your team members together and amen so we do in the roster so we are in at the house different team members you know yourselves amen god bless you in jesus name praise god i had not intended to to to come to you today with the message because the truth is for the last six weeks or so have been going a man non-stop from from west prospect to a left but the stone hills all over the place i mean amen and i i just come back from florida of the intense weekend i intended to just be a worshiper today amen praise god but after i got home from fasting service on wednesday they met mr falconer i i and was preparing to even for the for the bible study the lord began to deal with me and he started to say to me amen amen praise god praise the lord spiritually enlargement spiritual enlargement he got my attention i had to stop what i was doing listen to what he was saying amen and for about uh 15 minutes or so he was dealing with me about spiritual enlargement and hallelujah although i was a bit wary and even having come back in tuesday even amen in the house for fasting wednesday had to stop and listen to what god was saying so as a consequence i'm before you today to speak to you for the next 35 minutes or so whatever's not finished today we'll pick it up next week am i talking here amen praise the lord amen so today i would like to like to speak to you amen on the subject of the topic spiritual [Music] enlargement say enlargement enlargement type that in the chat if you're on facebook or youtube type spiritual enlargement take a moment somebody to send this to somebody in your contact amen spiritual enlargement i will restore until the ears i will restore unto you the ears even spiritual enlargement i will restore unto you the ears i will restore unto you the years i will restore unto the years it's a season of spiritual enlargement thank you jesus and we have to get this in our minds get this in our spirit we will not be how am i talking somebody will not be enough of stagnation enough of stagnation it's time to to grow it's time to advance it's time to develop hope it your mother said great just a greater secret god to see you later dicks got just good to see you my sister amen come on say greater greater is coming my way greater is coming my beloved i i really want to deal with the mind of god and bring to you the mind of god for this jesus amen i want to deal i want to get into god's mind and bring it to you the mind of god in this season we have got to stick to the message stay on a message we have to stay on message say message say message praise the lord amen so the bible says we should seek first seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness amen amen if we place amen our prayer heart is in the right place in the right in the right amen whatever he praise god if they're in the right place god will do his part amen seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness amen and then addition will come your way addition will come your way addition is coming my way amen addition is coming my way touch yourself and say addition additions is coming my way because seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and his righteousness and all other things will be heard dead say hearted heart dead unto you if we see god's kingdom first amen and fix the spiritual part of things everything else will come to us i'm saying to you something to you today so today i would like to just call you to the text we read earlier isaiah 54 and verse 213 enlarge the place of thy tent and let and let them stretch forth the curtains of their habitations spear not lengthen thy cords and strength break forth on the right end and on the left hand and thy seed shall inherit the gentiles and make the desolate cities to be inhabited praise god joel chapter 2 and 1 verse verse 25 high and high they hear is that the locusts have eaten the conquer worm and the caterpillar and the palmer worm my great army which i sent among you praise god almighty so spiritual enlargement now it is coming my way i've got to speak this word i've got to believe this word amen that spiritual enlargement is coming my way i've got to believe this word amen thank you jesus i want to say to you today we have got to take the limits of god take the limits of god hallelujah say to yourself take the limits come on touch us take the limits take the limits of god god should not be limited because god is a limitless god amen praise god god cannot be amen praise god maxed out amen god cannot be maxed out there's always room in god room in god for growth roman god amen for development so it is important beloved for us to stay on message stay on the message because the lord has spoken the lord told us that this is the year of fulfillment amen things that were pronounced in our lives declared in our lives praise god almighty promised to us if we believe god amen enough amen this here will be the year of fulfillment and and things will come to pass things that were injured held back for for for years for months will come to pass in this year if you believe what i'm saying say hallelujah say hallelujah amen pray hi amen so we have to amen take the limits of god and don't limit god and stick to the message amen once we have received the word from god we cannot deviate we have god to believe the word day in day out let nothing cast a doubt over your mind to doubt the spoken word god has spoken the church say amen and the church and the church let the church say amen for god has a spoken praise god i cannot believe for you you have got to believe for yourself and can i take my time today and just just speak to somebody at this part of the message you have got to amen believe the word for yourself hallelujah even god his word will not return to your voice but it shall accomplish amen that to which they were sent and god sent the word to the house of bethel hallelujah oh glory to god we have got to believe this word live the word amen sleep the word work the word and amen see the word even come to pass in our lives amen this here praise god amen amen i'll restore unto you amen in this season praise god this is the season of growth and development this is the season of growth and development oh lord god you have been held back for a long time amen you have been aspiring to be the better you the better version of yourself and you see as if as it were things going away from you and when you see your dreams going away your aspirations your vision even being robbed and you are just sick and tired of you because you know you you ought to be the better you you want to be the better version of yourself hallelujah and you keep stumbling just keep amen falling down you keep being held back but this here i say to you this is your year of growth and development come on oh i want to speak in your spirits today amen i don't don't just shout what i'm saying yet amen or never but speak in your spirit this is my year of growth and development i'm tired of stagnation oh praise god i'm just stuck not going right nor left not going up but i'm just going down just talk up but this here god told me to tell you you're getting from where you are because greater greater greater is coming your way greater is coming your way oh hallelujah this is the season come on aim and type in the chat i want to be engaging today those on youtube facebook in the house you have me get your phone out amen and type it send it to your to to your contacts this is the season of growth and development oh praise god hallelujah amen for too long for too long i am just a man be the lesser of who god want me to be amen so it's time to move into greater greater greater greater i've got to pursue amen the vision pursue my god the tree pursue my ambitions pursue amen that which amen god has placed within my spirit haha you have got to be radical about it also because they are indirect spirits amen will try to enter your progress but in the name of jesus i shall not be hindered in this here oh praise god hallelujah oh my shanda i've been waiting for a long time and the water is troubled the water is troubled it's time to step into the water because the water is troubled my god you have been there for a long time and waiting for your season but god told me to tell you that in this season amen is a season of fulfillment oh the water is troubled can you stand up on your feet in the step let's step forward right now don't step forward step in the water is trouble you don't have a seat but believe it you don't have a seat but just just believe it step into the water it is troubled glory glory to god healing is coming your way a breakthrough is coming your way my your shadows come back today oh praise god the water is troubled you have got to know when there is a certain season okay you can't miss your season there is a certain season when is your season and this certain season is now for you will my shadow get above your seat of your bed stop complaining and step forward step forward into amend your your miraculous amen experience hallelujah hallelujah a certain season can i talk to you today this is your certain season ha kosha this is your season you've got to believe your season take the limits of god i'm stepping forward into my certain seasons my season of healing of deliverance breakthrough into me not the lord has prospered my way this is my season of growth and development oh glory to god send your foundation deeper who must shutter who could sat up because they're going higher if i go higher i've got to go deeper first before i go higher deeper first you've got to go deeper first before you go higher oh my you just don't build this building from the surface you've got a big foundation and go deeper for your building come on oh god is saying is your season of enlargement you've got to dig deep first to go higher glory glory glory open your mouth and shut glory glory i'm walking in enlargement for too long i have been restricted but now is my season of enlargement great is coming your way i want disabilities today who come on to my season my season my season of growth my season of enlargement my seats of development i've got to move from where i am i've been here for too long i've got to move take a move make a move take a move get up and make a move get up and make a move oh lord by by march by as godzilla by march and listening for some testimonies i'm listening for testimonies come march who cassandra because you are now in your season not december oh god shout about in your season it's now it's now it's happening now it's happening now it's happening now it's happening now it's happening now take the limits of god move the lives it's happening now not next year but now they could shut up be prepared to come with your testimonies and you're shocked because god about to do something miraculous in your life come on oh help me holy ghost i have 20 minutes to go monday hallelujah hallelujah oh god yes enlargement i speak over your enlargement my god is not just an elaborate spiritual enlargement sit down let me just go back to my my what god gave me i've got to feed you today oh god oh go to the left or to the right come on enlarge your attention now now in this season of growth development and enlargement is bishop in the book is bishop in touch with a god is bishop amen connected to god let me share with you that it is god's will for you to grow god's will for you to grow and is will for you to develop anything else is contrary to god's will is god's will for you to grow and develop i said slowly it's god's will for you to grow and develop so if you are experiencing that nation in your life is not god's will if you are experiencing that nation in your life is not god's will and if it's not god's will to fight against it if the war against it come on you have to war against anything that is not god's will you can't oak it up and be comfortable with it glory you can't be comfortable you can't hook it up you've got to fight against it fight against it i must be in god's will so if i run me stagnation it cannot be god's will okay bishop prove to me it is the will of god for us to grow and develop and attained our full potential both naturally and spiritually through stuff get this let it soak in your spirit oh god shut up when this is soul in your spirit your dance more you shout more i repeat it is the will of god for us to grow and develop and attain our full potential full potential both naturally and spiritually full stop that's the will of god we've got to work towards realizing our full potential in god hallelujah you are more than what me the high oh god can i say it one more time you are more about me behind more is in you growth is in you greatness in you greatness in you great that isn't you shake shake it off shake it off you have not seen your best place yet you have not seen your best days yet [Music] your best days are ahead of you ahead of you we should grow and develop in god ephesians hebrews chapter 6 and verse 1. therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of christ let us go on on to perfection growth development that laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith towards god that's growth god's will is for you you you and you and you the clown leave some things behind that cassette and go forward first corinthians chapter 13 11. paul when i was a child i spake as a child i'm a student a child i fought at a child but when i become a man i put away childish things it's gross time development time god almighty i wonder if you are ready for this spiritual enlargement say with me spiritual enlargement one time two times spiritual enlargement the third time spiritual enlargement who could shatter speak it until you get in your spirit spiritual enlargement oh my shatter god told me to deal with the spiritual firsts am i talking here amen if we get the spiritual right everything will fall in place am i saying something to somebody today amen you can't want god to bless you bless you bless you and your spiritual life sort of alignment no seek e first seek e first the the kingdom of god is righteousness and everything will be added to you it's about amen spiritual enlargement everything will come there after we have got to focus amen on the spiritual things oh glory to god hallelujah so therefore if it is god's will for us to grow it must be the devil's will to block us to into us if it is god's will for us to grow it must be the will of the devil to hinder our growth and development it follows if it is god's will for me to grow that i'm not growing it must be the devil's will to block me just taught me how kashanda i've got to discern discern what is happening to me i've got to discern that the things that comes to restrict my development is of the devil and understand that the devil is trying to endure my growth but today i wanted to open him up into me not into me not into me not enter me not into me not open your mouth as an injured me not get get get get out of my way in the mean not get out of my way shut up into me not the lord has prospered my way oh get out of my way stay with me get out of my way oh praise the lord get out of my way i submit you today beloved the bible said the devil came to steal glory of mercy he came to steal kill and destroy oh praise god so maybe so we know from scripture that the devil's will is what steal kill and destroy oh god almighty so now you see the devil's mission what is his mission is to what still come with me kill and destroy say with me his mission is to steal kill and destroy and he wants us to drop me kill me and destroy me rob you of your vision kill your dreams and destroy you oh my shonda you have god doesn't know the devil no devil no death no devil i will not be injured in the name of jesus i hear a shot coming up are you a shout come on get in your holy ghost holy ghost spirit i'll say no devil no devil no devil none of it you've held me back for a long time ah but i'm now in my oh winning season i'm now in my whole year of fulfillment oh god oh god the baby said the devil came to steal kill and destroy allah will shut up steal kill him destroy my god i heard john sim roll to the nap of the world the earth when the devil has come down in great reward my god my savior but today i'm going higher i'm going higher can you go higher today can you go higher those who can stand in a chair on a bench on the left go higher my god come on stand up somebody and say i'm going to hire in the name god jesus enough is enough the devil came to steal to but i see you devil now the bible tells me it could be for me stay up here stay up here it could be for me who can be against me i submit you today god is on your side he will lift you up he's on your side no devil no demons of enlargement is [Applause] it's five to eleven i'm sleeping in the junction lord lord have i passed my introduction yet come on somebody run around this place that's enlargement the a large enlargement oh god you held me down a very long time i wanted to go let me go but now i'm free come run after me you can't catch me again i get the vision ah the word enlargement has come to my house i'm breaking out today i'm breaking up this week i'm breaking out this year here of fulfillment in the name of jesus it shall come to pass it shall come it shall the past it's coming to pass it's coming to pass [Applause] i will not be injured [Applause] you know what i want to go to the book [Music] but i'm still at the introduction phase of the i've got to know bishop you can't do this today come on watch me now watch new year not this as a restoration restoration has come to my family come to my house restoration enlargement oh god monday shutter lord god almighty no lord oh god no no no no god i can't do this in five ten minutes i can't oh jesus if god is on your side i see myself in the future i see the future it's bright i am moving from abraham today hallelujah great has come i see a great level of anointing anointing see anointed the devil came to steal steal my joy still my peace but god said i have restored them to you all those years god said i have position you i push you in the future and nothing can block you you are blessed and the devil cannot reverse it your pleasure you are blessed and the devil cannot will not reverse it i am blessed it cannot be reversed [Applause] god's willing next sunday the conclusion ah castrati next sunday i go to the book of jeremiah uma cassata glory to jesus [Music] so [Applause] jesus jesus come on somebody are you ready for this you're going to be ready open your mouth get me heads rocky shut up i'm going in i'm going back i'm going back i'm going back give me back my troy give me back my peace give me about my lord i give about my anointing give me back my peace give me my rejoicing give it back to me i wrote it back today in the name of jesus take it take it take it go for it yes yes yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] oh [Music] every yoke break every stronghold break every spirit of stagnation in the mighty mighty mighty mighty name of jesus great great great great great great great great great break in the name of jesus prayer [Music] there is a sound in bethel and there's someone who needs to just step out on the word this morning you cannot see your way oh my shoulder but i step out on the word hama dolobo i step out on the word it's just a word that i'm stepping out on sister georgia i see nothing else so bishop is talking about enlargement i cannot see it in my my eyes right now but i step out on just the word [Music] it's just the word it's just the word that's gonna take me over if you're that person and you know you're that person step out right now come on i hear your bishop i've heard what you have said i have nothing else to go on but this morning i step out solely on the word [Music] step out on the word on the word on the word step out on the word it's just the word need no one else for the world i need no other option but that which the world gives i need to move i've been in this place for too long and i need to move if you are that person on the balcony i to you too i stepped out of the world i have been in the same place for so long and nothing is changing but this morning my ears are working yes lord so much so that i've heard the word but in this moment i am allowing the word that i've heard to seep into my spirit [Music] there was something spoken over me so many years ago but i don't see it just yet but nothing can take that seed and so this morning for all those persons with a word that was spoken over them that they had not seen the fulfillment of just yet i call you too as well come come come you remember the day you remember the time it was spoken but you can't see it yet i'm inviting you to come all hell is breaking loose which is in opposition to the world awaken yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord [Music] yes lord i'm free [Music] praise the lord i'm free [Music] i'm no longer bound no more chains holding me my soul is resting and it's just a blessing [Music] [Music] and it's just [Music] just one more time [Music] praise the lord oh [Music] yes [Music] [Music] i'm [Music] my son [Music] and it's just [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] praise the lord [Music] [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus is there one for salvation today is there someone who would like to say yes to the lord true freedom true freedom comes through salvation is there one today who would like to say yes to the lord we're going to be closing but [Music] there's freedom in jesus when bishop spoke he spoke about getting that weight [Music] it's getting that weight [Music] off of your shoulder that way it's been lifted and today there's someone still carrying a load you know the lord has promised this spiritual enlargement [Music] but we are living beneath our means [Music] what it is that the lord has promised to us and i will not leave out of bethel that way today i'm not going to live beneath my means i'm not going to leave beneath what it is that the lord has promised when the scripture was read from isaiah 54 it's the the two words that stood out for me was spear knot spear knot spear not when i'm going to stretch out i'm going to offer no limitations to all that i will do in my stretching [Music] the lord has spared nothing for what he wants to give to us [Music] in this atmosphere hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's just [Music] is the idp hey every year i eat [Music] bless me now my savior [Applause] [Music] i'm gonna ask that we put up the number four at this time i need [Music] i need this [Applause] oh bless me now my savior [Music] is um [Music] we thank you lord for the way in which you have moved in our midst [Music] we thank you for the word [Music] so powerfully delivered by your man's servant [Music] so appropriate for the time of the season we declare this morning that this is my season and that my season is nowhere this season this my season my immediate season no weapon formed against me shall prosper and every talk that rise will be condemned we know lord that we rest not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers rulers of deaths of this world spiritual wickedness in high places so lord our father will you not send your angels the truth or situations you know our names lord you know our addresses lord you know the day we were brought into this world and you know that which confronts us but allow us lord to surrender these situations to you for our season is now and this is our season of growth and development we thank you lord that we have been told in order to go higher we must go deeper holy shabama and so take your people deeper in the name of jesus as though the winds are sail take us deeper though the tempest rage take us deeper that no wind can blow our sails down we thank you one more time for bishop pearl we thank you for how you have spoken to him continue to deliver your words to him in season and out of caesar and as he goes to and through be with him even now as he traverses the roadways cover his family under your blood and as he serves your people you will protect his family messiah in the name of jesus and for bethel lord will you not cover us those online cover us also all that concerns us and all our affairs cover but lord we believe to see the goodness of you in the land of the living your goodness and so we wait upon you for the fulfillment in this year for thine is a kingdom the power and the glory forever and ever amen [Music] praise the lord jesus even as we close this service to commence the other we want to give the lord thanks for what he has done and i'm going to be inviting elder minister admon just to pronounce god's blessing on us before we go in jesus name praise the lord everyone let's stand in the house raise your hands for the blessing now unto him that is able to keep us from falling and to present us for less before his throne to the only wise god be glorified dominion majesty and power both now and forevermore let the waiting church say amen god bless you all
Channel: Bethel United Church of Jesus Christ Stony Hill
Views: 862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FzhbjIiO8w0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 28sec (7948 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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