Rich Wilkerson Jr. Interviews Brooke Ligertwood / VOUS Conference 2018

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this is my friend Brooke and we probably a it's good to sad an official title that she is really over all of Hillsong worship which anyone anyone thankful for Hillsong Church and song and Brooke I just want to keep telling you how honored I am it's always been honest like one of our little bucket lists that you would come and be a part of it and so it's so super cool finally this year to have you out our ninth conference last time at the Fillmore so now when you come we'll be at the arena next time but it's cool for you to see the space what do you what are you feeling so far being here you enjoyed it well yeah I mean Scottie and I have loved and youth and DC for a long time now and always wanted to come and experience food conference infu Church and it has exceeded every single one of our expectations and can i brag on my friends for a second leaders don't reproduce what they teach as much as they reproduce who they are and I think that this conference and this team in this church are such a testimony to who you are the generosity and sincerity and humility and joy and DC zwip DC's joy is a weapon when the word says that the joy of the Lord is our strength that's not a flimsy thing that's going to cave under a lot of pressure joy is a weapon and I think DC's life exemplifies that more than anybody in your prophetic leadership your incisive wisdom your ability to unpack a scripture and to to paint it as a picture and help people spin step into the picture is masterful and anointed and we are so grateful to you just start because most people kind of know the public brooke and the worship leader Brooke and also the artist Brooke Frazier who has got some of the best music ever but can you maybe just take us back to meeting Jesus like when you lead and everything you do it's a if you do a such passion like where does all that come from that force that you bring into every moment that you step into it worship pastor at Hillsong Church for many years was darling chick who's such a gift to the body of Christ and Darlene always used to say something that has always stayed with me she said always remember your BC life right BC ad always remember your BC life your before Christ's life and I'm thankful to say that my BC life haunts me in a good way because I have never forgotten the metallic taste of the emptiness of life without Jesus and every time I open my mouth to worship Him it's with the memory of that metallic emptiness and the memory and the knowledge and the conviction that I am not there anymore that once I was dead and now I am Alive and that's why when it comes for you like like I'm just curious and I think other people are curious like songwriting like where does like the initial idea come from typically for you like some of my favorite songs hosanna like I don't know like that's I remember come on Hosanna it like that you know oh my like that still fires me up every serve and I just like I'm it's Hosanna you know so can you maybe just because I think there's people when you're like just maybe those initial ideas of like where that comes from I think this might be a bit press forgive me if you get offended if I could me in advance but songs are like poo so whatever you feed yourself is what is gonna come out it's so and so right well you could say life is like that so um so so Scripture is the answer to that you know so I I love to read and I love the Bible I have a messed up back because I carry far too many translations with me at all times and then the extra translations on this like why did I bring these I don't know just in case just in case I don't know if any of your swords yeah got my soul and Wow and that was more like I don't know what that was that was like knife-throwing that's where I was going like a like those ninja stars you know what was the question oh yeah sounds okay sorry yes so yeah books and scripture and meditation and chewing and I I think as well as songs are not only like poo but songs their songs are I almost like a ground that are fertilized by the manure of life and and I think and when it comes to worship I think that one of the one of the special things about the house that I'm planted in Hillsong Church is that every single one of our songwriters they're not these people who are disengaged from ordinary life all of our songwriters are people who are either serving a church it volunteers volunteers you know part of our core team or our own staff but they're not none of us are on staff to write songs or anything like that we are we're in the in the business of building church and being alongside people and I search is built around meals as much as it around meetings right and so so when we're having meals with people and walking through seasons with people and then walking through up with us there's there's that Scripture in the Old Testaments is where where there is no oxen the stall is clean in other words where there's life there's myths right you can have a clean stall but it means there's no life there because where there's life there's mess and that's the reality of humanity and and being in church and I think all of that manure for all its stench and warmth fertilizes fertile as a fertilizer for songs that's beautiful I think I've never written a song yeah well I'm gonna one day Yahoo um one of the things I think is always inspired me about your life I think for us as a church here at Miami now we've got so many people who conferences much more than just a few church but you know just even friend of centers what we just gave out I think the conviction of that message is that we want to be a church that engages culture we don't want to run from it I think that far too often the church is always like in retreat mode and it's it's always easier to kind of remove yourself it's always messier to engage and infiltrate and you're one of these kind of people that where I've been inspired by your life is you manage this tension in this beautiful way where you and I don't even like these words but it's the best way to describe right now it's like you have your secular music Brooke Fraser that's an artist that's been an artist for a very very long time but also always engaged in local church and for me like I think I people always like Richmond what's your mission what do you really want to do do you want to you know be a communicator and speak and write books and that's all cool but really what when you cut me open what I love is I love the local church I love community I think the local church is the hope of the world I can say that a lot you know I mean but that's kind of like what I've always done you have you vacillate between both of these worlds in such a beautiful way and I for me from the outside looking in after more time together such a conviction to stay planted connect it sometimes these words become cliche because we just all know them now but you stay here's big words I don't tell let's stay under authority can you can you wait into that for a lot of us that are in this place because we've got all sorts of people and I want us to see the capital C Church move forward but we need local churches we need people that are gonna go you know what like I don't Church hop I'm just I'm part of this house and I'm sowing into this house and I give here and I've got a pastor and you've done that so well and I don't know where the revelation came from just can you just speak on it a little bit I will try you know Jesus isn't coming back for parachurch ministries he's coming back for a bride and and some 19 she says those who are planted in the Lord will flourish and the courts of our God Psalm 84 says I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my god than dwell in the tents of the wicked and and I the church need every single one of us to be planted to be healthy too I guess I guess you know I Scotty and I have always had a conviction that the church will have us forever there'll be seasons of life where with the external may look different but the constant will be the church the constant will be asked being planted in the house of God because we're building something for I've always been inspired by the Hebrew midwives schewe and pure I don't know about it but I want to learn so it's like it's basically like these Hebrew midwives and they were called Shura and power which is so beautiful I should call my next child power we're not having another child um but um they were the they were the midwives in the time of Moses where there was the order to kill all the baby boys and it said these two midwives and they mentioned then and they never again but it said that they they basically would save these baby boys who were being born and would kind of had would cover their births and kind of basically why I loved them was because they had a commitment to the next generation that they understood that their calling was to cover and protect them to make a way for the next generation that God would rise up and ask been plant and the local church is how we do that that's how we Midwife the next generation into being the Church of Jesus Christ you know and honestly I also have to give honor here to our senior pastors Brian and Bobby I can honestly say that I know that in our church and our church family that they love me for who I am more than my gift and that's what the church has to do is where we have to love people more than for what they can do you know so there's been seasons when I've been able to be really involved and there's been seasons when I haven't been able to be as involved publicly still privately or not privately but still kind of off the platform plugged in keep out of everything and they have been completely gracious and that and their commitment to us in our marriage and our family and our lives going forward has remained unchanged so it's not so much what they've said is what they've shown us through the past 14 years now is that we are more valuable to to them into the church than any gifts or abilities we might bring yeah for you and Scotty how have you managed that - that attention of going I'm called the both yeah it's not an either/or to both and what is there is there any maybe practical handles that you guys have gone like that's when we know we need to put more time in over here like have you how have you figured out how to diversify maybe your efforts in different seasons I think you know I we haven't done it perfectly I haven't done it perfectly Scott he's pretty perfect actually um hey hey really actually kind of is it's crazy he's the good one well you know we've definitely done it clumsily and through they have been there's been many many errors that I have made but I think I guess Jesus someone asked me a few weeks ago like what would you say to you know young people who like want to want to follow their dreams I said don't follow your dreams follow Jesus you know so it's not so much that it's not so much that it's if uh now it's time to do this or now it's time to that every day the mission is the same follow Jesus every day the mission is the same go out into the world and make disciples baptizing them in my name like every day the mission is the same I've given you power to be witnesses unto the ends of the earth like every day the mission is the same and whatever is in our hand in those seasons we attempt by the grace of God to steward it with wisdom like I said we've made many mistakes but but it's very simple when you when you keep it simple when you keep up Jesus how how do I serve you today how do I serve the people around me today how do I follow your voice and be obedient to you today and it kind of it takes the need for kind of all this mental striving and strategizing out of it you still have there still must be planning a strategy and and wisdom and and prayerful attention to those things but um about we just try and follow Jesus I'm concerned maybe at times that no it's so good Brooke I love this because but I think you just said something that's like so profound and people sometimes what I'm learning is that we get accustomed to hearing things in church and it can become like white noise it's like yeah I know that like the fact that you just said don't follow your dreams follow Jesus that's so counterculture like that's that's so counterculture the Bible says in Romans we're studying we're getting ready as a church to study Romans and I'm reading and it says that God gave them over to their sinful desires as if to say one of the worst things that could ever happen to you is for you to get what you want and I don't know like I see you as such a leader in the church the global church for sure and I see you as such like a a warrior in the spirit are you concerned I don't want to go negative we're gonna keep it faithful but I mean are you concerned that there is a bit of a that we continue to domesticate sort of the radical call of Jesus like just even right there like that stuff can be said and then we don't consider what that means to die to my dreams and follow Jesus I actually believe following Jesus leads to your dreams above and beyond and exceedingly immeasurably more than you could ever think or ass but it's the paradox of this whole thing called the gospel right die and you find life serve and you lead give and you'll ultimately get it's it's this whole paradox thing what are some of the how have you seen that play out in your life and how do you do you feel like that's maybe something that this generation is missing do you think something that we're grasping and getting a hold of I have you been encouraged watching the church I'm just kind of curious about your observations when speaking around that subject whoa just like questions no it's great Genet me to tell you five things I can't tell that story I think it's coming funny Brooke and I were in London and God bless him we had the best time and I was like in an interview like this in this guy he asked me a question he's dead serious cuz rich give us five things to reach the Millennials today I was like five things and I'm like uh be passionate and when I say be passionate they put up one behind me passionate and I might be generous like I don't know what to say you know vision taking photos if there are you like this is what I'm gonna build my laughs I'm making this stuff up as we know he was amazing I was like oh my gosh it was bad okay wait sorry just Janet goin in the fact of what you're saying in terms of just even on the top of debt I guess my question is this do you feel like at times that people are maybe coming to church but not realizing the call or the cost of following Jesus it's probably good way of saying it certainly I think sometimes we we treat the presence of God like like a tourism thing like we live in LA and there's always TMZ vans like driving around with people like with binoculars like looking at people's houses like treating like I don't know it's like a zoo it's like so bizarre but sometimes I think that that's you know they pull up outside celebrity's house and try and see and sometimes I think that that's how Christians treat God like you know they they like pull up outside his house and like like try and get the binoculars and get a glimpse of him and he's like the doors open come in [Applause] and [Applause] it's like DC spoke so articulately and passionately this morning he he doesn't want to entertain us and he doesn't need us to entertain him he wants tests to look him in the eye I was talking to one of my friends he's from South Korea and I was just asking her about you know we all have these lenses with which we approach our relationship with garden and the kingdom right we all have that the way that we were raised the cultures that we were raised and I was raised in New Zealand which is actually a very different culture to Australia so the lens with which I approached it and things is different to even my husband the way that my family dynamic was affects the way that I communicate in my own marriage and we all have these lenses right but I think we all have these lenses but the the cross of Christ as the as the great equalizer so we must constantly place ourselves there and I was talking to my friend from South Korea and I was asking her like you know how does your cultural lens like affect the way that you approach God and she said to me she said one time I was praying and all of a sudden I saw a vision of myself like kneeling down and baking God for things she was like because in my culture you know you yeah there is absolute authority and you respect absolute authority and I saw myself kneeling in this vision she said I saw myself kneeling down and begging God for something and she said and then in the vision I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around and it was the Lord and he said Stan she said her name and then he said stand up and turn around and look me in the eye and I think that we we all must try it not-not-not dig into self-awareness so much that we become this like introspective like reflective person that never does anything but I think we also have to be aware of the lenses with which we approach God and ask him to bring correction and adjustment you know so that we can see clearly through all of these filters with which we say things and so I think the Holy Spirit is great how far in all of that sorry I took a long time to say that we can see things so blurred and sometimes just because the lens isn't focused yeah we focused through Jesus um III I do have to ask you and I don't know if you like this question but it's been in kind of a cool year for you guys and I'm kind of pumped about it um you wrote this song called beautiful name and it with been fielding with been fielding and it won a Grammy come on can we just go ahead and thank God and that's pretty cool you you went to the Grammys and and you won a Grammy and I know we don't like do things for man's accolades and man's approval and statues and awards but can I see your Grammy can you maybe just talk about the experience I think it's I know it's not what you do it but it's really cool what I like it arrived in the post a couple weeks ago but like I don't know what to do with it you know you're not traveling with it I would never let that thing out of my sight I'm kidding I'm kidding okay so yeah what was that what's what's what was that a was that moment like for you guys yes I think look there's two things there's the what something like that I think there's the external stewardship and the internal stewardship so externally it's an opportunity for the gospel and so I mean even you know in my Brooke Fraser world New Zealand is my homeland it's where my music career began and 100,000 years ago and and so there was a lot of coverage about it there but that meant that people were listening to that song that never would have listened to that song before so as an opportunity for the gospel we knew Ben and I knew that if we were if the song was to win and we were to stand up there that we had maybe 20 seconds with an audience of people to to express gratitude in a way that would honor the Lord and perhaps plant some seeds and so we were very prayerful as to how we should do that if we did it so there was the external stewardship of that and it was honestly it was so cool because afterwards we had all of these people coming up to us and speaking to us about their own except the song of the way that our remarks had affected them or whatever but there was a guy who came up to me and he was like my band is nominated in the middle category and and I am he's like an ambassador for one of the big symbol companies and he's like whenever I go around the world and do drum demonstrations I do a middle version of what a beautiful name metal yes a metal very good I might I don't that's good and then another another lady came up to us and she was nominated in the classical category she was this really sweet woman she her and her husband came up to us and she had had they they go to a little Roman Catholic Church outside of New York and that they lead their song like they lead that song that their little Roman Catholic Church like most weeks and so it was really sweet so that there's the external stewardship and then there's the internal stewardship and that's I think what a lot of this life with Jesus is about is about what no one will ever see but what you know you have to sort out on your own heart and so for me the internal stewardship of that was important as well because particularly with worship you know worship is a worship in terms of worship music obviously all our life under God is worship Romans 12 etc but when it comes to worship music I think that in the church and particularly honestly in this country and I can say that because I live in America I'm part of Hillsong LA I love this country and I'm here for good I got a green cards I got two American kids it's a whole thing that but you know we have to be careful because there is an industry around around worship that speaks the name of Jesus and and that's a dangerous thing and and those of us who are involved in that in any way must be very very careful to steward that with purity and with humility and and and because we were dealing with glory and when you're dealing with the glory of God I mean you see all through the Old Testament you know who's Istanbul carrying the Ark of the Covenant and he was dead de Dee did you know so and God is not let me say and let me say God is not less holy today than he was then he is not less holy today than he was then his presence is no less sacred than it was then and we only get to enter by the blood of Jesus by the highest price that was paid so we we enter boldly and confidently as the word says but we also into understanding that we are entering the presence of a holy God and that we only get that access by the blood of Jesus and so if you're a worship leader how I'm not trying to scare anybody but just don't forget that you're dealing with glory and we can never forget as worshipers that we were made to give glory never never to take it never never to hold it always to give it and can I say one more thing about that I've been reading this amazing book called 40 days of decreased by Alicia Brit chole who wrote the book anonymous I recommend that book to every single person it's called anonymous by Alicia / Talia anyway she wrote this book 40 days of decrease has taken me like a hundred and twenty days to read because it's like ridiculous but one of the things that she says so beautifully in one of the chapters is she talks about what to do with praise as a person and she says every time somebody gives you gives you a compliment she says don't don't deflect it with false humility but she's like take it and collect it like a little flower and tuck it in your pocket and then she said at the end of the day with that bouquet get on your knees and give the bouquet to God I know I love that so much because the glory of God is really it's like it's like Lord of the Rings you know like Widow but seriously if you if you if you put on the glory that is meant for God you will end up like Gollum on the inside is what I'm telling you you will end up in the pit like with no time and I know but you know we we were made to give glory never to take it and and only only you can know when that's happening there's an internal stewardship thing you can have you can go through life and people will think you're humble and amazing but inside you know that your ferreting some of that glory away from yourself and is slowly poisoning you so we must be a people of God who learn to give give give give the glory give all of it back otherwise it will destroy you there's the in sorry sorry come on that's beautiful right now and I I hate like leaving to blow the room by talking about vous Church but I'm just talking about our journey recently couple weeks ago we had a worship now to our first ever doing a worship night because obviously we put some songs together from art from our house but um I shared a message that night I just titled how to fight my battles I like that song this out right now but um I talked about for me and my personal journey that it's the Holy Spirit who helps me fight all my battles and I talked about my prayer life I talked about my worship time reading God's Word and I talked even about my prayer language that's something I haven't really shared publicly with our church all the way and not because I'm not proud of it or not because I'm not even bold about it but just because I want to bring people on the journey enough and I've seen it at time so misused and miss contorted in the church yet I felt very very impressed to to speak on it and to share on it and so I did and it was just a really beautiful night where I like the spirit really began to layer by layer do things inside of us and I really feel like there is it there was a wave coming to the Church of the power of the Holy Spirit I was talking to my friend Ryan good last and Ryan was here and him and I were chatting like I really think this generation is gonna see signs and wonders Don Cherie just said it so beautifully in this last session you know if why would his name be healer if if we didn't ever need healing and so that's who he is what I'm not trying to give you get list but tonight we are gonna worship I'm just trying to get people's hearts ready not cuz something weird or Crazy's gonna happen but just I really think the Holy Spirit wants to fill people I really like the Holy Spirit wants to move in people's life and well what do you feel like the spirits doing what he feel like we should be doing what when I just start talking about that what's staring up inside of you that you can just maybe share with us cuz I've been startup recently in the past month God's doing something new inside of me and so I really believe there's more to come now when you when you're talking the amen by the way and also I'm we are such fans of who worship and this so I think know it's so good and your team have done amazing how good is the EP right it's so good you guys are phenomenal about as you were as you were speaking I um made me think you know the hope the Holy Spirit's not for people who have it more together than you you know I have been studying Lazarus recently and I the other night I was like why don't I just ask God like what he thought about Lazarus so I was like holy spirit what tell me about Lazarus like what was he like like and this might sound super weird but I have felt at the voice of Lord come you know sometimes you forget that you can actually just ask the Lord anything you could be like Lord how many minutes should I bring my tea bag for if you want like why not um actually my friend Rita Springer she said that one of the ways she like she will like test not test but like practice like hearing the hot voice of the Holy Spirit we like Holy Spirit what will the weather be like tomorrow and they should just try and listen like 40 days which I just love anyway so I was like I was like holy spirit what was Lazarus like you know and straightaway I heard the voice of God come back and he said he was an ordinary guy and then I was like he was an ordinary guy he was an ordinary guy who was not America and then made me think about an X for when Peter and John have a miracle has happened and Peter and John is speaking so eloquently about the one who actually did the miracle who was Jesus through them and then it says that the teachers of the law looked on and they said they marveled at the way that these men spoke and it says then they realized that they were unskilled ordinary men who had been with Jesus and we are just ordinary people with an extraordinary friend and there's the Holy Spirit so tonight and now in this whole day you don't have to be more than you are just be your ordinary self and open your heart and your mind and your lips to your extraordinary friend and just just love on him because he has come to to love on you and let's see what he does yeah for all that she's sharing with us son I mean just oh yeah just an eager anticipation for more of God and I was telling our team that day we didn't we didn't come for performance or production we came to encounter his presence and you do this long enough you know you just going through the motions it's just not worth it we've got a lot of love next year see no one else is coming like I want to live every day I want to prepare myself be ready and the reality of it is is that Kingdom work is gonna require kingdom power and so I can't do it on my own we need his spirit I'm just gonna ask that Brook would just pray for us as we as we close the session we got so much more in store for today and I sense him already at work here I love different moments with God I like being quiet with God I like being loud with God God you know he up in a whisper so often he whispers because he's close that's who he is and so Brooke would you would you pray for us and let's pray for a desire you know even even when comes they gets the spear I just love the fact that it's like desire the gifts if you love Jesus now you just gotta ask and desire that's like the only qualification you know like love Jesus and desire and so I just want throughout the day that we come in with eager expectation that God has more for us Heavenly Father we thank you so much for you and for the Trinity of you we thank you for the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit we thank you for the way that you reveal yourself to ordinary people like us we thank you Lord for the way that you fill us the way that you continue to fill us the way that you heal us the way that you expose us Lord not to shame us but to heal us we thank you Lord for the way that you teach us for the way that you remind us of who Jesus is and the things that he has said for the way that you help us and inspire us and give us courage to apprehend every single promise in your word lord I thank you for the people in this room I thank you that you have gathered this unique gathering Lord for today for such a time in history that you would fill us and speak to us in such a way that we would not be able to leave here the same way that we walked in but that we would leave with a new revelation a new glimpse of who you are and a new glimpse of who we are in you Lord we thank you for your kindness we thank you for your grace we thank you for the power of the Holy Spirit that would fill and overflow our lives that we wouldn't be swamped guard that keep your promise in your goodness to ourselves but that we would just be vessels Lord that your power and your goodness flow through and to our churches our communities our workplaces our families our marriages in this world we pray for the church we pray Lord that you would fill your church that you would purify your church that you would activate and enable your church to do all the things that Jesus you have asked us to do and be in your hands and feet and we pray that you would be glorified that is the name of Jesus has lifted high in our cities and in this nation the sinners would come to repentance that the blind would come to Siot and that just the disciples of Jesus Christ would go out into all the world preaching the gospel so the fulfillment of your Redemption plan and the glory of your beautiful name bless these people here Lord Jesus draw them closer to you help them glimpse you afresh and deeper and further and fuller open our eyes open our hearts open our hands more of you more of you less of us more of you we bless you Lord and we welcome you and everything you want to do in Jesus mighty name amen come on can we stand to our feet and can we thank Brooke legit wood for being with us today we love you so much Brooke
Channel: VOUS Church
Views: 224,311
Rating: 4.9324951 out of 5
Keywords: rich wilkerson jr, brooke ligertwood, brooke fraser, vous church, vous conference, 2018, hillsong
Id: 34ZC1ci1T3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 15sec (2055 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2018
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