한국 급식을 처음 먹어본 영국 중학생들의 반응!?

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👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/mrsgordon 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

Thank you so much for the gold, kind anonymous redditor!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/kleeinny 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

Thank you, this brought me a lot of joy to watch. I love that videos like this come out now and can bridge and educate and expand people's ideas of food and personal tastes. It's awesome.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Choice-Second-5587 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

"fOr ThE fIRsT TiMe!!!!"

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/ChocoRamyeon 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

That was so funny, thanks for sharing it & take my award 😄

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Neko_09 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

I watched this the other day and loved it! I was so pleasantly surprised at how popular the “leaves” were hahaha

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/pinkpurin 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] today we're going to be trying korean school dinners have you had korean food before never i don't know if i have yes i love korean food fantastic it's very nice what is this hey this is what we're going to be trying classic korean school lunch option my only concern right now is how do i hold these chopsticks the tin tray isn't that like the tin trees are looking nice i recognize anything here little fish is that a stinging nettle i'm getting the impression this isn't standard for you guys no no no you should see what we had for lunch today we've been outclassed let's start with the side dishes shall we okay all right the fish are called merci bokkeum [Music] just all in yeah however you want [Music] fishy fish it's interesting not how i expected it to taste how does it taste salty yeah crispy it's quite nice as someone who doesn't particularly eat fish a lot this is actually very very good you okay with that i don't like the whole idea of the eyes [Music] it's not very nice well this one usually comes out with the peanuts you can try it with a peanut maybe oh yes actually quite a nice flavor combination the sort of smoothness of the peanut yeah in comparison with the sort of obviously the tartness and the umami of the fish wow professional gordon ramsay has come to something i mean if we speak to mr ebenezer hopefully he can allow us to have some of this as well oh you're fans i like it yeah yeah so the next thing we're going to try i'm not going to attempt to pronounce that bit like jelly is it like beef stock i think we're just gonna feed you gelatinous beef stuff [Music] [Laughter] there wasn't much of a taste i taste nothing that's actually very nice yeah it's nice it's good oh yeah what do you think that's made of it's not burdock is it that's actually made from acorn acorn yeah equal yeah acorn yeah really yeah that's actually amazing how do they get it not hard that's a good question have you ever tried kimchi before no okay first time just heard the name [Music] that was very nice there's a bit of spice to it it's got a bit of a kick very nice it's like the right amount of crunchy wow you guys are getting stuck in no yeah this one is very nice i do i really like this one my favorite on that one okay your favorite side dish all right well let's move on to the main it's called it is korean pork usually has a little bit of a kick how are you with spicy food i'm fine we'll see how the boys respond to that one though yeah there'll be some who really like it some love it and some will say the rice is spicy [Music] yeah i'm gonna finish that [Laughter] it's quite supposed to kill about yourself i'm fine malachi are you struggling no i'm fine [Music] there's a spice get worse over time are you worried there you go there you go yeah i actually quite like that [Laughter] you guys never had korean food before no problem you could have fooled me you guys are getting stuck in i really do like the flavor yeah but it's really hot yeah this is unprecedented i don't know what that means wow keaton you've polished that off very hungry it's also very delicious it does have a nice kick to it though nice pick it's like being kicked in the mouth [Laughter] my favorite way to eat it is actually in a sam which is when you get one of those leaves we're supposed to eat those leaves put some meat in put some rice in one just wrap it up we'll just go through and then all in one all in one yeah go for it go for it it's really good get it all in one go i mean that's a lot you sure are going to be sure that's me 100 all right you can fit in yeah i love this to be on the school menu 100 at home i might have to introduce my parents to this because wow this is just delicious it's not i don't think that belief adds to it though okay you just left with leaf on you okay it's a kind of aniseed though it kind of cleanses the palette it does something it's got a really good aftertaste that's for sure it does it's got a distinct flavor to it right the leaf yeah the leaf yeah yeah what what type of leaf is it that's like a sesame pinellas it's actually they call it pick up some leaves when i go home [Laughter] heat of that is kind of offset by the cool of the stinging nettle i don't know what i can't remember what it's called it's like the elements yeah yeah he's using the fancy words coming yes like romeo and juliet okay what we've learned is that for shakespeare one side and whatever [Laughter] wow you guys well played well played you're polishing this off i walk home so i'm going to burn this off that's not the only thing that's going to be burning right well oh you want to go for a little bit of soup this is called ten jungle so this i've forgotten the word now friends uncle neder there we go yeah you okay with that it's a good base vegetable flavor it doesn't taste like someone's got a blow torch in your mouth so i can actually eat it and enjoy it [Laughter] yeah i've liked everything so far i don't think this is [Laughter] i'm not sure what that is okay that's interesting i'm not a fan of tofu you see oh okay okay so the revelation oh but uh oh it's it the the soup is lovely favorite thing so far i like the pork and i really like the iron jelly as well might be the best thing actually wow i've always been a fan of acorns okay okay you've never eaten them before never let's move on to the dessert ultimately in korean schools you just get one of these one of these this is not a special apple it's just an apple that's actually not apple it's a korean pear oh it looks like an apple it's really good it tastes very similar to a regular pear but more juicy juicy [Music] really refreshing it's kind of like the best bits of an apple with the best bits of a pear it's got that crunchiness but with the flavour it comes together it's amazing i need whatever soil they have there over here i'll take a crate room honestly really a crate of korean pears do you have a fixed beer [Laughter] hmm that is nice whoa oh that's good yeah that's really good i will like this oh you you've already decided yes okay it's an ice cream yeah it is an ice cream shaped like a fish like what is there not to like an ice cream straight like a fish obviously you're not gonna get an ice cream every day at korean school but every now and again on a special occasion you might get an ice cream as well so i've prepared an ice cream for you guys i thought might as well give you a good experience it's getting more common i think to have special little items okay like an ice cream at the end of the desert i mean some schools i saw even do like a whole king crab for them wow that's quite at school i want to go and work there yeah sorry dave i have to admit i've never seen a fish shaped ice cream before okay this is a new thing for me i'm gonna bite it right on the lips give it a kiss okay i'm trying to figure out why i could buy this because [Laughter] i i really need this he's gone very serious this is whoa you like it why don't they have this in the uk i don't understand this is so much better than school food [Music] i'd say i probably prefer it to the other fish okay right you haven't got to the red bean yet keep going when the red bean yeah chocolate as well i'm sorry it's actually a red bean paste what is that i mean red bean paste there's beans in here tastes good yeah beans they're quite sweet yes there's a sweet red bean they're beans i thought it was chocolate yeah it's not chocolate yeah i've had the red bean things before okay yeah i like it good okay yeah what is a red bean paste it's quite a syrupy texture to the sauce which i think is undercut quite nicely by the the richness and the creaminess of the ice cream i think the pastry or the sort of shell it reminds me of um traditional ice cream cone i think it's it's really nice yeah i'm i'm a big fan i'm a big fan i like i like fish [Laughter] this is called that's what i thought it was called not trying to pronounce any of this stuff i feel like it also goes to korean school and i'll wipe the entire plate in such a vast amount of time it's ridiculous this experience yes at the bare possible minimum is better than the full boy school lunches i know the chef from the school is appearing in the video and he's definitely gonna oh he's gonna give you no this is all fake sorry he's sorry he's you nothing this is good all right this is good food i'm sorry where is your favorite item korean school lunch the leaf the leaf was very nice let's have a bit more of that meat before we even i'm gonna steal some of this okay [Music] this is actually amazing you can take that with you yeah [Music] that was beautiful [Music] you
Channel: 영국남자 Korean Englishman
Views: 9,555,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Korean, 영국남자, 영국, 조쉬, 올리, Josh, Ollie, KoreanEnglish, English, Man, englishman, food, 음식, 외국인, 반응, 영상, 웃긴, 남자, 외국, 도전, 매운, 조니, 조엘, 신부님, 크리스, 올리아빠, 해물, 치킨, 삼겹살, korean, BBQ, fried, chicken, 라면, 불닭볶음면, 미친남자
Id: nxrgOqNzBcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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