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[Music] have you guys had korean bbq before never had korean food okay well hopefully this will be a good first experience we're going to give you an experience of probably the most popular type of korean barbecue there is and that is samyopsan boy there we go we've got your normal san gabriel significantly thicker cut than bacon and then we have pipis amigos this is basically just a thinner cut i hear that sizzle it's just fully fat what are you thinking when you see that much fat i'm thinking unhealthy i'm thinking flavor all right guys wow this is done first bit of tip piss i'm guppy good [Music] that is so nice it's not bacon yeah yeah it's got the texture of bacon yeah but it's nice different to bacon different to bacon it tastes more like belly meat it's not as fatty as i thought it would be with bacon i feel like in england we often take off the fat whereas this this just disappeared yeah there's like a few bites in this gun yeah exactly i dip it in this hanging jack this is nice [Music] that's good yeah it changed the whole taste yeah i don't know what that tastes like but it's so good the sauce is good that's so so good i'm going for more let's try let's try the tomato [Music] it's actually not tomato sauce it's called samjhang [Music] that's really good it was sweet but then after a while it went spicy yeah back to sweet might even be better than mayonnaise no and that's my favorite harry loves me mayonnaise never seen anything like this just cooking right in front of me yeah yeah would you cook your own food in the restaurant sometimes you cook growing foods yeah so sometimes you'll get someone to come over and cook it for you depending on the budget you have for the restaurant we actually were craving korean barbecue in lockdown so bad we built this barbecue table to look exactly like it does in a korean restaurant is there ever a night on the table no you don't need i've never seen anyone cut my food with scissors before no that's all ready for you i think with that it's going to be amazing that makes anything better [Music] normally with bacon i'm not so keen on the fat but with this it's good and with the sauce it's like that sauce i'm obsessed with that have you ever had i've never had kimchi if there's one food in korean kimchi so this is fish and chips no it's a side yeah it's the chips to your fish there you go it's mushy peas it's mushy peas it's actually fermented spicy [Music] about cabbage to make it easier on you guys we're going to put some kimchi yeah a little bit of pork a little bit of kimchi together okay three two one oh oh my gosh you know the um the crunch of it yeah oh and i'm tasting a bit [Music] i don't know i'm just tearing up for no reason that is really good what else cream food does to you yeah exactly crunchy chewy spicy i like the kimchi it's good for your health as well no it is probiotics we're going to move on to the next course and so you've tried the normal samgyeopsal you've tried the pepe you've had your kimchi but in korea what you always have after meat is either noodles or rice rice on a bbq that's strange oh that looks good man i love myself some rice i love rice now you might cry again [Music] well you've got to level up korean fried rice a little bit of cheese oh yeah nor have i ever put rice on a barbecue while we wait for that cheese to melt we're gonna try a sam sam what are you thinking when you look at these leaves garnish garnish something to look at not deep leaf isn't it no no it's actually just a tree up there [Music] i don't think we really have those here no clue so i will double up get a couple bits of meat like this dip it in a samjang oh now we're really talking a little bit of cooked kimchi why not man and then what you want to do is wrap it up and then it goes all in or all the way all in one all in one comment you can do it what you're gonna shove all of that in yeah i got a big mouth cheers come on max he's got it oh bro you should have folded it man go for it all in one just pretend like his first bite yeah easy there you go that is the best beautiful really you like that combination the leaves are really light but then with the meat and all it tastes really good first it was just a bit too much leaf but once you get to the sauce and all the food that's banging it's like opening a present like opening a present it combines so well and it's healthy as well so balanced diet yeah and bbq that's something oh wow he's getting emotional yeah emotional okay boy it's all right let it out all right so the cheese has melted a bit and then final touch we're going to put on a bit of crispy kimble kim seaweed korean for dry seaweed we got some meat so we'll put that back on top i want so excited get as much as you want on a spoon just good be careful it's going to be hot yeah oh yeah there's your thumbnail that's good that's it [Music] you did so well with the cheesecake i'm so embarrassed i'm doing it together again we're doing it together [Music] you guys are having a private moment here right really that is so nice that is amazing honestly that is honestly amazing you like it he likes it he likes that it's good oh yeah the crispy rice at the bottom yeah i think also the rice has absorbed the meat yeah some of the meat fat it really brings out the flavors right that is so good that's the best barbecue i've had get another spoon hang on to it for a second what we'll do oh add a little bit of yourself to it you want a bit of sand as well yes yes yes [Music] guys sublime that's good that is amazing that is nice one of the nicest um rices i've ever had at home i mean it's got the flavour of the shangyook side you get that first taste of the rice and then you get that chewiness of the meat you know that's beautiful i can eat this all the time to be honest yeah it's quite quick and easy as well to just get a bit rice basically exactly really good you know what i'm thinking wait wait what if we get that right with the right thing and right if you want to mate you can let's get back you know what else koreans is so classic to make different food combinations you guys went straight there we're getting the culture exactly how would you say this rate's compared to a british barbecue definitely more fun than ours yeah you're lucky lucky very very lucky listen korean people you are so lucky i hope you know that we're stuck here with fish and chips and everything you've got stuff out there we've got fishing tips and they're living their best life yeah i really love your culture i love your food i just like the fact that in korea they're not scared to put other things no they're not scared they're not afraid to experiment yeah rice again you know cabbage thank you that's blowing my mind oh guys thanks so much you know how we end our videos three two one onward thank you so much you guys want us to load you up so you can take it away yes please okay we're gonna get the sauce on the side of course who wants cooking i'll take some food yeah okay okay thank you so much guys thank you very much thanks for having us honestly my mom died after is [Music] you
Channel: 영국남자 Korean Englishman
Views: 8,468,587
Rating: 4.9587135 out of 5
Keywords: Korean, 영국남자, 영국, 조쉬, 올리, Josh, Ollie, KoreanEnglish, English, Man, englishman, food, 음식, 외국인, 반응, 영상, 웃긴, 남자, 외국, 도전, 매운, 조니, 조엘, 신부님, 크리스, 올리아빠, 해물, 치킨, 삼겹살, korean, BBQ, fried, chicken, 라면, 불닭볶음면, 미친남자
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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