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foreign [Music] something which you might not think of when you think Korean food and that is Fried Chicken all you guys experience of Fried Chicken KFC mostly but I've never seen anything especially like the one on the right my mouth is salvating right now right it's so wet I would start with your plain Fried Chicken first [Music] I'll tell you what yeah compared to KFC this just blows it out of the park I mean yeah much better I know like Gordon Ramsay but this is this is that dunks all over KFC what is KFC after you exactly I don't think I've ever had fried chicken before actually that tastes premium I mean even if she's a bit spicy is it yeah okay it's got some spices a bit of pepper I can see her all day can we just call training off next up yanyon I'm ready a little bit of crushed peanuts okay oh you have allergies I just can't eat it don't worry about smelling it it's fine is it just me then this one yeah sorry mate sorry [Music] all right oh my dad is that sauce most of the sauce called yum yum sauce this is more like my street this one it's got the sauce on it it's sticky it's yeah no no this is a different level to your normal chicken shop in the UK yeah wow because this is really you're not missing anything mate this is so good it's actually so good right I think I have an EpiPen in my bag I can't either just the crispy fried was sweet but this one that's nuts is that recipe for this definitely you can find one online so my mum's a chef you know what Mom you're slacking because what they did over in Korea got a couple levels behind right now wow and when you have fried chicken is there anything you'd normally pair it with chips for oven chicken and chips chips yeah it's chicken and chips yes well in Korea every single Fried Chicken shop is gonna sell mechu mechu mechu it's Korean for beer thank you is this going to be our first beer together it could well be our last yeah although I anticipate that definitely be in the case so if you go to a football gaming career don't tell me that's my chicken and everyone is eating fried chicken and beer right what's in the game what do you want me to do I don't care what the score is this training session is canceled for me now I'm getting paid [Music] you say come back come back come back over oh that feels good as well and it's cold yeah that is lovely it's a nice beer it's not got like a really distinct Dairy flavor but it's quite nice as a palette cleanser that's it I'm loving the beer Cloud you like with that I might start over here and just get on it you want to Branch out into the UK Market I've got ideas when you go through payment clouds okay try it with a bit of the chicken does it beard pair with something yeah I don't know it's a nice beer I'm just saying now I can see pairing wine with food but beer yeah what it is it's the cold beer that sort of washes down the grease see if you can get on board with the chemek combination [Music] I was gonna try and think of a diplomatic way to say no I just don't get it but as I tasted that yeah that does actually work I love it this paired with this dish we ain't moving why I swear the UK is the last to find out about all the decent like food combinations what are we doing we're not lost we don't know anything I'm not you that's the truth I'll be in Korea literally just saying I'm gonna head to see the sights I'm gonna see anything else take me to the best chicken soup dip the sauce in your mouth and then eat one oh my days and then have the beer after all right I'm telling you now I don't know I've gone clear well these are your most basic flavors you're saying that's basic that one yeah in Korea is yeah we have some other oh my God oh my God are you looking at this presentation oh my God we can't eat that it's too beautiful we have honey garlic garlic mayo and volcano I start here I reckon start here yeah honey garlic let's try this okay [Music] no Bob no that's a lot you enjoying that all right I think I've just died and wanted Fried Chicken heavy I want to swear I'll keep it PG friendly but that is beautiful whack the beer with it yeah honestly that that goes with everything I guarantee it the beer I'm loving the beerus love it yeah wash it down with a bit of beer next up Garlic Mayo garlic Mayo that looks like glazed donuts I mean yeah I'll tell you what it does not look appetizing but I'm not gonna make any judgments yet okay this is this is how you do it bro this is how you do it oh come on that's the best one I think so far yeah that's a strong ten yeah that's my one that's my one right there that is good yeah I absolutely love that right on your screen now I don't know there's no heat in there I'm not even gonna bite back that's so good yeah that's so good you look disagree there's nothing like what a pulled up is going to taste like how close though not no I like that it's got a nice aftertaste I mean yeah but I'm gonna eat it going on a date it's real garlic that's a lot Ramen Curry and I'm going to the date we're eating everything that's good garlic I only know garlic Mayo is a dip on my side order with Domino's we have garlic sauce it's something else that's that's my I think that's my favorite one like a good distance I still think I like the the honey one better they said I'm back with honey garlic wow all right I can't believe I'm sitting down washing it down with a beer sitting here as well there's another accompaniment to Korean chicken a bit of moo these look like these are melon I'm gonna say like sugar ice cubes that thing yeah yeah I like that yeah yeah refreshing yeah it takes the stickiness away and stuff goes well with the chicken nice banging combination I love that it's actually radish well it's like a pickled radish yeah which I don't even usually like radish this whole video needs to be like retitled to exposing the UK 100 what do we eat fried chicken with blue cheese sauce and that's about it that's the most exotic why am I not eating radishes with my fried chicken so cleanse is the palette okay in Korea if you're really craving some spice this is a sort of level yeah last one you sir I wanted to send it so oh that's a big bit worried about how old you don't think wow wow you guys like spicy food yes fantastic big time let's do it [Music] is it an instant kick nope put Groves on you oh it's Stampy how do you put this whole thing in your mouth [Music] so what kind of like level heat is this then we've got some milk if you want milk Mom this is the one wow this is how I prefer my food wow that's a lot of heat I feel it around my eyes now you don't need the milk so they don't ask me if I need to move yeah yeah because you're built different number yeah that's you [Music] [Laughter] excuse me oh my God I thought I could handle that and without drinking the beer I thought I'd be good with now for a lot of dragging about a brief fire in a minute I'm normally a medium at Nando's okay that's my limit okay but you struggling mate that is roasting that's not it is spicy I'm gonna eat it all I'm gonna have some of that radish yeah go for the move the chicken move no I'm fine I'm sure I've had my little freak out I'm good sure good still looking a bit red turn the cameras off please he's like yeah yeah I'm fine what's that yeah I'm coming yeah it actually tastes really nice no really nice I don't tend to like spice flavor or heat but [Music] this milk is this is my favorite food at the moment wow that is I like that yeah yeah it's like your favorite yeah yeah wow that could be my favorite out of him that one because I do like the spices yeah why when I win a chicken dinner that's how big [Music] thank you for that I said yeah half black garlic mode the rest are all right spicy if you like your spicy food that is yeah that's the one yeah wow it should have been a clue like the first one was spicy I guess I mean even this is a bit spicy isn't it is it yeah yes final message for Koreans watching this video oh mate just stay in Korea the food's better there absolutely thank you for sending your food over so I can keep eating it it's delicious but you guys are amazing that is unbelievable and this whatever you're doing with the chicken do not stop you're gonna see me soon might it be this year but when you do see me don't be surprised where's the cloud yeah yeah of course yeah you don't want the spices [Music] [Music]
Channel: 영국남자 Korean Englishman
Views: 19,445,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Korean, 영국남자, 영국, 조쉬, 올리, Josh, Ollie, KoreanEnglish, English, Man, englishman, food, 음식, 외국인, 반응, 영상, 웃긴, 남자, 외국, 도전, 매운, 조니, 조엘, 신부님, 크리스, 올리아빠, 해물, 치킨, 삼겹살, korean, BBQ, fried, chicken, 라면, 불닭볶음면, 미친남자
Id: CKlXdPx26SY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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