Bringing Vtec Vicky back to Life! (Single Day Built Integra)

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Olyin got indirectly called out for making stupid"does x work as engine oil?" videos.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 20 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Frumious_Snatch ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 20 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

That pull at 5:15 was sketchy

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/quiccrelease ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 20 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
come on Viki hey paparazzi found me dude there you go yeah we should get some food though yeah start having in yet today we're actually here an hour earlier for one yeah all right we don't have to like run with no shoes on the act like last time how are we the first ones on the plane VIP bro we're usually the last one barely making it we came prepared today [Music] that Frontier Airlines welcome to Tampa Ricky what's up what up what up Michael all my slicker back there man that was a flight good yeah got some free drinks at least someone paid for our tip and then legally they can't take it so what you do is you drink you don't tell them all this sorry I can't take it'll give it back to their come they want by their slide you swing drinks some white tips with Ricky yeah that's like flight trips 101 and got the whole front end repaid you never looked so good the exhaust now oh it's up the bottles right now actually it was always like that yeah that's an around the beach cruise I haven't went past the block you always have the most random oh yeah damn there's lower control arms though and I don't think up the rear sway bar are you that's the rear suspension on that you yeah which is a lot better the carbon fiber try oh shoot [Music] miss this thing in a while better warm up he's been sitting for too long wait too long sleeves and cars is the bracket fixed on the transmission today afternoon fellow housing for it yeah I got the new house before I went and it all synchro tech scene grows just redid everything in the end make sure it's good so later oh yeah taking the cruise she's so clean now can't get over it she feels so good - did you hear the pool he left third gear eat it feels so good yeah yes I have the mismatching fenders [Music] whoa she still gets down [Music] she just blew the line to the blow fell dude she was eaten making too much boost but we got a tie on there now so forth you're started to break up it definitely popped off right there oh yeah she was mean and then it but now I'm actually really gonna is gonna eat again it's been too long she's probably happy too Oh oh my I was trapped around through the speedo as pay oh look who it is oh no way don't tell me Larry you knew we were coming oh he knows he's happier than him but soft Larry bro he came to see us so excited right now he was just here waiting for us yeah well you're not our no Larry to hang out for the weekend it's gonna be on a journey this weekend it he's chillin dude blew them are you so excited I can barely hold him I don't really I bite you he's trying to be kisses oh man good old Larry well guys we made it to Florida just been hanging out tonight did some rips and the blue hatch oh my god be though it's crazy he had fourth year Barry we were moving out did I miss this thing do you know that was a fun night even though we didn't do much it was so fun sick so yeah we're gonna go to bed and tomorrow we're gonna try to pick up VTech Vikki hopefully get her up and going and that's the plan so we'll see you guys tomorrow now she is she Mickey Mickey it's been so long bro it's been so long Vicky signature coffee dude he's been neglected so good to finally see you again I'm so excited right now he got the timing belt back on already that's actual pensioners backward here we're supposed to be you know you guys remember we had all the weird tensioners that we just built to make it across the track yeah cuz when we were on the way to the track three those of you who saw the video the timing belt tensioner snapped and lost the belt messed up the motor but looks like she's all back and ready to go oh yeah so yeah Vicky's just been sitting in a field for the last however many months so got her picked up from where she was sitting she was exposed to the elements she was getting rained on a lot a lot of this stuff is rusted up quite a bit we got some pictures before we came over so we knew a little bit about the condition of it and yeah so we have some work to do before we get her back up and running right now we don't have the Hahn data yet Ricky's working on that for us so hopefully he'll have that over here later we'll see if we can get her fired back up but we still need to do some other things we need to go through the oil get an oil change get the valve cover back on we'll show some other things here in a sec but she's back as we just got to get her up and going bring her back from the dead son Mike good to see you man thanks for taking care of Vicky for us so Mike went and picked her up from where she was sitting and got her all fixed up he got some video of what they were doing to her got the timing tensioner all fixed up so I'll play the clips he got from his iPhone he did a really good job of explaining how they fixed her up so really appreciate it man can't wait to get her up and going again [Music] alright guys so back again had an issue drilling through the bolt and the extractor that broke so during the process of grinding everything to hold that too big for a hill equal so we decided to go ahead and go with an aluminum nut that we're gonna weld in the hole by the way we have threads just like a ghillie coil we got Chris with Jukka fab doing it and in there clean it all up make it flush [Music] guys we got it we throw a nut welded in their attention we're gonna go on here and then lined up perfect run for attention we'll be good to go no timing setups the timing belt backbone should be ready to fire up mike has his own shop over here in Tampa called MTM automotive hooked it up so we're giving him a shout-out gonna rock a couple stickers on Vicky from now on because without him she would not be almost ready to run Mike the mechanic Mike the man but does stand firm Mike the mechanic the monster so since Vicky has been sitting outside for so long as you guys just saw there was a whole bunch of water in the motor and the tops of the cans were completely rusted as well he also went through and kind of clean those up with a wire brush trying to get as much rust out of there as we can we need to completely go through this motor as best as we can at least we're gonna drain all the oil obviously I'm sure there's water in the oil and then to go and put new spark plugs in it and give it fresh oil change once we get the hon data and everything else buttoned up we're gonna try to start it and hopefully all is good and she fires right up and we'll be on our way but if there's any issues we are gonna try to fix her tonight because we're gonna try to bring her over to the event that we're going to which is tonight I only have like four or five hours to get it up and going but I think she should be alright the time doll looks pretty legit and once we get some oil in there and brick heat comes over with the hon data I think she'll be ready to rock bring her back to life I don't know yet I mean if she feels good yeah oh yeah also another thing is since we don't have Brent with us in his laptop we also don't have the tune that he originally saved for this thing so we might have to do a little yeah I might have to do a little bit of a retune on her I just can't stop looking at it though I missed her so much you know the skull bottle opener I need some root beers dude got a new oil filter for man that up pipe is rusty collectors all rusty even the bolts to the oil feed right there look at that you got a lot of water on her so we're gonna go ahead and get her lift it up drain the old oil out hopefully it's not too bad and then we also need to get the crank pulley back on the alternator back on and this motor mount right here because when we redid the timing belt at the track last time we were with Vicky we took that motor mount off and we used one of the bolt holes from the motor mounts and we were using a bolt in there to tension the belt so we need to get that motor mount back on since we don't need that anymore since the timing belts fixed and yeah so we're gonna go ahead and get her up in there Hayden yeah I had to been in grow all them different drugs oh look at that yeah you get a lot of water it's not like chunks of stuff and then you can see it look at the stream today that's pretty bad I think it's so much hotter than that's great that's a lot of water I see how much it fills this thing up they're still pretty oily I'm just hoping that look at those little chunks and I'm just hoping you like the bearings I like arrested and they're somehow you know yeah I would suck I mean we're just gonna have to Runner and pray for the best and I think we'll know right away if he's messed up with let it fully warm up in IO for a while yeah it is and it's not like filling up this thing - yeah it's not like I'd be worried if it was like holding a normal amount yeah she's been sitting yeah and I really hope she's alright there's a lot of water interesting now we're just gonna have to fill her up with some WD see if she'll run off of that how they're doing those videos and Mike did turn it over as well I said it was kinda hard to get it to turn over but then it started to turn so broke and she's alright inside of there gotta get this mount on and then the feed bracket you had to take all these mounts off so they could lower the side of the motor down so they could work on it in there well that new nut in there the tensioner so this guy works on everything [Music] yeah we're so rusty fifteen of we're gonna have to burn all that off gotta get it everywhere so you got all the mounts on except for this one if you're still waiting on Ricky to bring over at the best over at his house about the alternator back on I got results on printful he's on the oil in it he's try the new bucket and as much as he could hopefully the Rings and bearings inside hard to batter cake and we're gonna go ahead and try to turn it over right now it's not gonna start it on pewter yet even so it's gonna turn it over make sure it sounds all right make sure it spins okay and then let me get a computer and that other mouth they could be able to try to fire it up yeah we're gonna happen we're gonna probably want to get a book yeah don't over that way well I think that we used it for like one of the more important ones we're kind of in a rush not really in a rush but we didn't have much to work with up a track we made it work with what we have oh for sure dude yeah that's starting to take the rest right off yeah that ain't nothing all brand-new Duke like we get it right oh we're cleaning up nice well it's good as any of that honestly we should probably run it and then someone quit oil came for that really fill the oil with brushed yeah yeah just the oil is gonna turn brown really fast look they clean right off given those plugs the gap yeah take it over the Gabonese wrong hole dude gotta break her free and she's already broke free well we're getting ready to go get some food so while we're gone we're gonna pour some oil in the cylinders we're gonna turn it over real quick and hopefully this new buff the rings and stuff in case there's any surface rust that built up in there right that's my theory at least I saw how good it worked this right there on the cams right when some oil custom just kind of cleaned it right off so we're gonna do that let it sit while we're gone and then once we get that on data before knocking fires up bro he's just been chilling in Florida the whole time catching them tan he's going out I got VTEC Vicky got our boy Larry good weekend so he just went got some food Ricky came over and he brought us the hon data that his friend is letting us borrow to run VTEC Nikki for the weekend I need to stop calling her VTech Vickie actually because she's technically non-vtec Vickie right now because she has the non-vtec head so she's just Vicky for right now but if I keep saying VTech Vickie it's just because it's really catchy and I like the name yeah she just she's Miss Vicky for right now so we're gonna be using this hon data we're getting ready to plug that in and right now we're also going to put the valve cover on we got some new spark plugs thrown in there as well have those pre gapped also just got this motor mount on that was over at Ricky's house in a box of parts that we had from this car but yeah she's about ready to go so once we get the valve cover on and the hond out it plugged in we just have to load a quick tune onto the Honda just plug in the injectors and stuff like that and hopefully she fires right up and when was the oil cap Road that's just weight reduction dude she's a dirty girl she's been around washer you tell turn it up she's been out with Mike and the boys Vicki just had herself a midlife crisis her guidance and here I got you recessive yeah [Applause] got the again I guess you'll know when you hook it up huh to their computer no I mean you see if the little dinghy welded into the board on turn it over computer my computer you got everything yeah you always come prepared dude you live with that computer she got in their book the goodies boys are gonna break this is the Florida breath he drew out his beard area where did you find him at dude someone thought it was just a water Otto right now sorry Larry so you have to go through that I want to go to the pet store give him like a little pink crickets for him chill with us at the track you can have his own little dumb little spot constantly grub to eat already behind a de hot oil motor mounts nervous I hope she's all right trying to think making sure we're not forgetting ready to go brooch isn't let her rip what happens turn her over you can do it Vicki come on Vicki you see all those watch that those are a bunch of bottle caps in there this he's alive bro Vicki's alive do a little puff of smoke [Music] yeah they put your pain on again come on baby [Applause] come on she's alive there's some of the bottle caps that I picked up from the ground came out of there how do you feel over oh it's been a minute I know dude she'sa Thomas that your to train right now though she's Novi Vicki right now but she's alive yes the most important smoke it sounds really good a good thing the smoke doesn't make any noise [Laughter] she's running guys we've been letting her idle for a good like 10 minutes now we got some coolant in there and the smoke pretty much cleared all the way up pretty sure that was just from all the oil we poured in the cylinders we did pour quite a bit in there we're gonna try to take her around the block real quick the mob unfortunate with no back seats now here you purge that's how he says that you just purge out you're out of your pores do the toxin every hole something's coming out oh she's 192 I think you're pretty good hey you want to roll that window down bro yes appreciate that man don't touch mine [Music] still got power windows when I went down oh she wants to get it juiced I'll send it off of us it was like 10 boars and it went to nines at one point [Music] it's hard to spin the tires she still has a 9 psi it was a it was out like 10 I saw the girl Idol yeah I thought you know under 9 I saw hit nines too [Music] on the Shire 12 yeah 12 pounds well in the quarter oh yeah 12 all right so he just went and drove Vicky around the block and she felt really good she's running great but unfortunately when we got back we were trying to add some more coolant in case some blood off after we drove it because we didn't really bleed it at all and when we took the cap off there's a lot of pressure in the system and when you have the car just idling the coolant is just gushing out like crazy so she definitely has a bad head gasket but this is the head gasket that came original with this motor the only reason we used this one is because we had to use this when we swapped the head last time we had the car because that's the only head gasket we had so it is a factory OEM head gasket not really super surprised that that blew out so what we're gonna do is we're gonna try to change it out tomorrow and tonight we're gonna go to the track and watch Ricky's car run that's what we're mainly out here for and then we can focus on this thing tomorrow we don't want to try to send it out there and break down on the way if our radiator explodes so we're going to work on this tomorrow and right now we're just gonna head over and root for Ricky maybe you can get the hatch into the nines to try to run a nine a day let's see see how she does but at least Vickie is alive either way so pretty excited
Channel: BoostedBoiz
Views: 372,346
Rating: 4.9012775 out of 5
Keywords: vtec, vicky, boostedboiz, b18, turbo
Id: 3HuoPI49FQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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